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MEMS termoelektrický generátor v letecké aplikaci / MEMS Thermoelectric Generator for Aerospace ApplicationsJanák, Luděk January 2014 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vývojem autonomního zdroje elektrické energie založeného na MEMS termoelektrickém generátoru. Uvažovaný generátor bude následně použit pro napájení autonomní senzorické jednotky pro letecké aplikace. Systémový pohled na autonomní senzorickou jednotku zahrnuje senzor se zpracováním a přenosem dat, energy harvester (termoelektrický generátor), power management, akumulační prvek a autodiagnostiku. Všechny výše uvedené komponenty jsou v práci podrobně popsány. V úvodu práce je provedena široká rešerše existujících termoelektrických generátorů pro letecké aplikace. Následně jsou popsány základní teoretické poznatky z oblasti DC/DC měničů pro energy harvesting. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována metodám MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking). Jako základ pro vývoj napájení autonomní senzorické jednotky bylo provedeno množství simulací za pomoci nástroje MATLAB/Simulink Simscape. Pro identifikaci prametrů modelu posloužilo měření na speciálním přípravku. Praktická implementace teoreticky popsaných problémů je provedena na k tomuto účelu navrženém technologickém demonstrátoru. Závěrem je zhodnocena reálná využitelnost navržené technologie pro finální aplikaci v leteckém průmyslu.
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Výzkum a vývoj moderních emisních senzorů typu MEMS / Research and Development of Modern Emission MEMS SensorsPekárek, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is focused on research and development of modern emission MEMS sensors. The emission sensor based on the field emission from nanostructured materials represents innovative approach to pressure sensing. The nanostructures serve as electron emitter in an electric field between the cathode and anode in the pressure sensor. This electric field is constant and the change in ambient pressure causes the change of distance between electrodes, thereby the electric field is increasing. This intensity is proportional to the emission from the cathode made of nanostructured material. Changing the distance between the electrodes is caused by the deflection of the deformation element - the membrane, which operates the measured pressure. In the current state of the art an extensive research is carried out to find new nanostructured materials with good emission properties. Four nanostructured materials have been chosen and then experimentally prepared and characterized inside the vacuum chamber. For the simulation of diaphragm bending, the chamber is equipped with linear nano-motion drive SmarAct that enables precise changes of the distance between two electrodes inside the vacuum chamber. The computer model to predict the deformation of diaphragm was prepared in the simulation program CoventorWare. The behavior of diaphragm in a wide range of dimensions of the membrane, its thickness and the applied pressure are possible to predict. The dependencies of the current density on the electric field are plotted from the measured emission characteristics of nanostructured materials and thus characterized nanostructured materials can be compared. The dependencies are further converted by Fowler-Nordheimovy theory on the curve (ln(J/E2) vs. 1/E), whose advantage is linear shape. Basic parameters describing the emission properties of characterized nanostructured materials are deducted. Two methods for vacuum packaging of the sensor electrodes are designed. Anodic bonding technology and encapsulating using glass frit bonding are tested. To evaluate the bonding strength, the bonded substrates are tested for tensile strength.
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Termodynamické senzory na principu bilanční rovnováhy / Thermodynamic Sensors Based on the Principle of Balance EquilibriumŘezníček, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This paper deals with the problem of monitoring the occurrence of the minority events in thermodynamic systems by using thermodynamic sensors based on the principle of balance equilibrium. The basis of this work is to find new sensor arrangement of thermodynamic sensors that allows work in a wide range of workloads of monitored system while maintaining the required sensitivity. Newly designed balance circuit for the sensor arrangement with four active sensors allows active setup of the default balance equilibrium and power matching of the sensor to its immediate surroundings in the system. By designing and optimization of balance circuit was achieved measuring the output response and its conversion to digital format. This enabled numerical analysis of output signal, algorithmic processing of the results and generate a feedback control signal to adjust the equilibrium conditions.
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Nekonvenční aplikace keramiky s nízkou teplotou výpalu / Non-Conventional Applications of Low-Temperature Co-Fired CeramicsKlíma, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The doctoral thesis is aimed at research of application possibilities of low-temperature co-fired ceramics, especially its non-conventional usage. It deals with particular topics ensue from electronic chips package design. The thesis also touches optoelectronic sensor application of this ceramics.
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Komunikace v ZigBee sítích / Communication in ZigBee NetworksMajer, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
Now days, we are more often meet sensors and sensor networks, which are used mainly in industrial fields. In this master thesis my target is sensor network Zigbee and usage of it. Internal structure of communication frames of APS application layer is presented here in details as well, which is used for control of sensors inside of sensor network. Main purpose of this master thesis is to design and implement application gateway between Internet and sensor network ZigBee. I present possible solution of communication protocol for transport over the Internet and processing of it by ZigBee coordinator. Thesis is written in style suitable for practical solution and results of solution are presented on model situations, which include discussion about possible improvements.
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Návrh adaptivního systému na rekonfigurovatelné platformě s využitím vestavěného analogově číslicového převodníku / Adaptive System Design in a Reconfigurable Platform Using the Embedded Analog-to-Digital ConverterZamba, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis has its main subject pointed on possibilities of exploiting reconfigurable digital systems on FPGA basis in mixed signal applications. Description of reconfigurable and adaptive systems in general and summary of known architectures is presented in first part of this work. Next, possibilities of exploiting configurability of FPGAs in conjunction with XADC digital to analog converter are examined. These converters are provided in 7-series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 systems from Xilinx. Concept of exploiting XADC for inductance measurements is presented as alternative to existing solution - LDC1000 integrated circuit provided by Texas Instruments. Such system utilizing FPGA and XADC would come with a lot of benefits: better system integration, better signal processing options, possibility of constructing adaptive system with numerous sensory elements and last but not least, lower system cost. Advantages and disadvantages of such approach are analyzed in the very final part of this work and possible options for extension of this work are presented.
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Detekce živosti prstu pomocí osvětlení různé vlnové délky / Liveness Finger Detection by LEDs with Different WavelengthsMalý, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to study biometrics and focus on liveness detection. Design liveness detection for existing sensor with LEDs using different wavelength.
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Řízení robota Trilobot zařízením FITKit / Robot Trilobot Control Using FITKitRůžek, Michal January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this master's thesis is to design a robot Trilobot controller using a FITkit platform. It describes sensors and actuators widely used in mobile robotics. Part of the thesis is aimed to analyze in detail current Trilobot's peripherals, their conections and ways of communication. A circuit diagram of designed electronics is completed by the PCB design and description of small changes of the current Trilobot. The thesis also contains implementation of utility HW in the FPGA and a software library for a microcontroller. The finished control unit is tested by sort of demonstration applications.
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Inteligentní vyzvánění pro Symbian S60 / Intelligent Ringtones in Symbian S60Kadlas, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Symbian OS is one of the most popular operating system for smartphones. The most favorite version of Symbian OS is the S60 platform, which is the aim of this thesis. Part of this thesis is focused on theoretical overview of Symbian OS, and a description of integraded sensors in smartphones. The second part is devoted to the implementation of sample application for inteligent ringtones. This application allows smartphone to customize phone ringing according to information obtained from sensors. Application was implemented in C++ language with Symbian-specific modifications. The development environment used was Carbide.c++ with SDK S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1.
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Studium vlastností membránového napěťového senzoru ASAP1 exprimovaného v buněčné linii HEK 293 / Study of properties of voltage membrane sensor ASAP1 expressed in HEK293 cell lineSanetrníková, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
In the beginning of this thesis is a short introduction into plasmid DNA which is in the form of a vector used in molecular biology. Plasmids can be used in the form of fluorescent probes to measure changes in membrane potential. Into their structure is added a dye called fluorophore. As an important representative of this thesis is a fluorescent probe ASAP1 which contains green fluorescent protein whose response to the membrane potential change is the decrease in the intensity of emitted light. The aim of this thesis was to make chemical transfection of this plasmid into the HEK293 cell line and carry out its characterization. In the work is also described the design of a method for the analysis of the time course of changes in fluorescence depending on the cell membrane depolarisation. In the end of this thesis is also desribed realized experiment including the discussion of aquired results.
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