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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automatické řízení a monitorování ústředního vytápění pro starší budovy / Automated Control and Monitoring of Central Heating for Older Buildings

Mužila, Matej January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is a design of an automated heating regulation system for an old building. The thesis consists of a system architecture design, an implementation of the system, including prototype manufacturing of the required devices, and testing of the whole system in practice, with focus on functionality and efficiency. Several hardware devices were designed and manufactured, for which appropriate controlling software was implemented. The implemented software architecture enables users to control the system using a graphical user interface, and allows for an easy extension of the system. The graphical user interface, which is accessible both locally through a touchscreen and remotely using a web application, enables users to easily configure connected devices and regulated zones, and to set temperature level in the defined zones variably depending on a week day and time. The user interface also provides statistics about the heating system. The implemented automated heating regulation system was successfully tested in real conditions of a flat in a historical building. The system can be extended both hardware-wise and software-wise.

Zařízení pro monitorování degradačních procesů u materiálů živočišného původu / Monitoring equipment of degradation processes for material of animal origin

Chmelař, Vít January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis introduces the reader to the problems of chemical sensors and the basics of degradation processes in materials of animal origin. It describes some types of sensors and their principles. Atmel ATmega328 microprocessor, its parameters and programming are described. In the next part of the thesis there is a proposal and production of equipment for monitoring of degradation processes in materials of animal origin. Sample sof chicken and milk were mesuared. From these measurements, the gas concentration values were determined, where samples can be considered suitable for consumation.

Miniaturní optovláknový senzor teploty pro magnetickou rezonanci / MRI compatible optic fiber thermometer

Stibůrek, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
The following work deals with basics of fiber optics, history of fiber optics, and methods of measuring physical quantities with the use of fiber optic sensors. The work includes facts about physics, chemistry and biology - these elements are necessary for a full understanding of the issue. In order to create an optical fiber temperature sensor based on Fabry Perot resonator principle, several methods of manufacturing the optical cavity are investigated. A practical part of paper consist in the manufacturing of the miniature fiber thermometer, its coating and testing.

Návrh zařízení pro měření střední teploty proudícího vzduchu v kanále libovolného průřezu / Design of device for determination of air mean temperature in the channel with various crossection

Tichý, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis was dealing with design of the device for measuring the mean temperature in a channel of any cross-section. First, the theory of heat, heat transfer and fluid flow was summarized. Theory was focused specially on the uneven temperature distribution in the flowing medium. Furthermore, a general overview of commercially used temperature sensors and developed sensors with applicability to the investigated problematics was elaborated. Then, a device for sensing mean temperature in a flow channel for several different diameters has been fully designed and developed. The device included the temperature sensor itself, the necessary measurement electronics and its programming, and a simple measurement data application.

Optimalizace a měření transportních experimentů na grafenových polem řízených tranzistorech / Optimalization and measurement of transport experiments on graphene field effect transistors

Urbiš, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the automation of transport experiments on graphene using the graphical programming language LabVIEW. Specifically, the experiments with graphene relative humidity sensors are based on: a two-point graphene structure, a two-point structure of SiO$_2$ and a four-point graphene structure in the form of a Hall bar. In all of these experiments, relative humidity, input electrical parameters, SPM measurements, and macroscopic transport properties are measured simultaneously. The program DeviceManager developed in framework of this thesis simplifies the implementation of these experiments.

Návrh robotického pracoviště pro automatickou montáž extruderů pro 3D tiskárny / Design of robotic workstation for automatic assembly of extruders for 3D printers

Pulicar, Roman January 2019 (has links)
Thesis is dealing with the creation of robotic worplace and its periphery. The paper is discrabing the robotic function and kinematics. The practical part of the paper shows several types of suggested robotic workplaces followed by solution processing of one selected type, where technical documentation and the calculation of production is made. The end of the paper shows economical and technological evaluation of the selected type of workplace including the price returns.

Měření velmi malých výchylek pomocí optovláknového interferometru / Measurement of very small displacements with fiber-optic interferometer

Vybíral, Dominik January 2020 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on optical methods of measurement of very small dynamic displacements. Principles of interfermeters with picometer resolution including Fabry-Pérot interferometer are discussed and an integration using this interferometer was designed. Parasitic influencers of Fabry-Pérot interferometer were described as well as signal processing methods for interferometer's output signal. An interferometric meter for measurement of dynamic displacement was designed with frequency range of several kHz. These parameters are achieved under condition of photonic crystal layer placed on measured sample.

Systém pro autonomní řízení modelu autíčka na závodní dráze / System for Autonomous Navigation of Toy Car on a Race Track

Steingart, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a self-driving model race car that is intended to attend an NXP Cup race. The work describes the selection of the platform, design process of algorithm, design process of printed circuit board for obstacle detection system, and various experiments with motion control.

Vývoj nanovláknového PVDF senzoru / Development of PVDF nanofibers sensor

Klásek, Matyáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the feasibility of using PVDF nanofibers as an active sensor layer generating electrical signal. PVDF and related electromechanical effects are described. A research study is conducted regarding existing PVDF nanofiber applications and based on it, an event sensor design utilizing triboelectric effect and electrostatic induction is proposed. The electrical response of the layers is experimentally investigated and a pulse detection algorithm is conceived and implemented. Finally, a way of integrating the sensor into a rail track is proposed.

Detekce nápravy v systému vážení za jízdy / Axle detection in the weighing vehicle system

Mičulka, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the Weight in Motion systems (WIM). The main goal is to create simulation software that detects dual tires assembly with respect to the angle with which the sensor is embedded into the road. Thesis also contains literature search of available solutions of weighing systems and the sensors which are used in these systems. Subsequently, the thesis contains software for recognizing simple assembly or dual tires assembly from real measured data. Software solutions were developed using programming language Python v3.7. All source codes were developed in PyCharm Community Edition 2020.

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