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OFFSHORE wind farms need to develop technologies that fulfill three main objectives:Efficiency, power density and reliability. The purpose of this thesisis to study an HVDC transmission system based on series connection of the turbineswhich theoretically meet these three objectives. A new topology of matrixconverter operated at high frequency is proposed. This converter is studied usingdifferent modulation algorithms. Simulation and experimental results demonstratedthat the converter can be operated as a current source converter with highefficiency. An optimal control based on a linear quadratic regulator is proposedto control the matrix converter as well as the converter placed on shore. Resultsdemonstrated the high performance of this type of control and its simplicity forimplementation. An stationary state study based on non-linear programming andMontecarlo simulation was carried out to determine the performance of the conceptfor long-term operation. Series connection is an efficient technology if and only ifthe differences in the effective wind velocity are small. This aspect limits the numberof wind turbines that can be connected in series, since a numerous number ofturbines will lead to high covariances in the distribution of the wind. A complementarystudy about active filter and reactive power compensation was carried outusing an optimization-based algorithm.
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Device Voltage Balancing from Device-level to Converter-level in High Power Density Medium Voltage Converter using 10 kV SiC MOSFETsLin, Xiang 25 January 2023 (has links)
The electric power system is undergoing a paradigm change on how electric energy is generated, transmitted, and delivered. Power electronics systems which can provide medium-voltage (MV) to high-voltage (HV) output (>13.8 kV ac, > 20 kV dc) with much faster dynamic response (> 10 kHz bandwidth) or high switching-frequency will enable new electronic energy network architectures, like MVDC power delivery, underground solid-state power substation (SSPS), and high-density power electronics building block (PEBB); help drive the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of renewable energy on par with conventional power generation; deliver precise and clean power to loads like high-speed electric motors; push the future power system toward 100% renewable energy and energy storage supplied.
In the MV to HV area, the power conversion solution is dominated by silicon devices, like SCR, IGCT, and IGBT, which are slow in nature, posing significant switching losses and bulky auxiliary components like turn-on snubbers. Devices in series are required to reach higher voltage. High-frequency HV converter in two-level or three-level bridges running 20 kHz or higher in many emerging applications, like MVDC networks with high-frequency transformers and energy storage integration is hard to be built by silicon solutions.
The emerging HV wide-bandgap (WBG) power semiconductors, e.g., 10 kV SiC MOSFETs offer higher blocking capability, faster and more efficient switching performances. This makes the high-frequency power conversion technology feasible for the MV area. To build a MV high-frequency power converter with high-power density, 10 kV SiC MOSFETs in series are required to reach >10 kV operation dc voltage as the single device rating is still limited by the semiconductor process and packaging capability. However, the knowledge of dynamic voltage sharing of high-speed HV SiC devices under high dv/dt rate and effective balancing methods are not fully explored. Both the voltage imbalance and the robust device voltage balancing control are not studied clearly in the existing literature.
This dissertation evaluates the voltage imbalance of series-connected 10 kV SiC MOSFETs thoroughly. The parasitic capacitors connected with device terminals are found to be a unique factor for the voltage imbalance of series-connected SiC MOSFETs, which have a significant impact on the dv/dt of different devices based on the detailed analysis. The unbalanced dv/dt and the gate signal mismatch together result in the voltage imbalance of series-connected SiC MOSFETs and a set of new voltage balancing control methods are proposed. Passive capacitor compensation and closed-loop short pulse gate signal control are proposed to solve the voltage imbalance caused by the unbalanced dv/dt. Closed-loop gate delay time control is proposed to solve the voltage imbalance caused by the gate signal mismatch. Two gate driver prototypes are designed and verified for the proposed voltage balancing control methods.
As the number of devices increases, the voltage balancing methods under the device-level will be complex and risky to coordinate. Therefore, the converter-level device voltage balancing methods are desired when over three devices are in stack. Therefore, this dissertation proposes to use the 3-level (3L) neutral-point-clamped (NPC) converter structure as a converter-level approach to simplify the voltage balancing control of series-connected SiC MOSFETs. A new modulation strategy is proposed to control the loss of clamping diodes, so compact MV SiC Schottky diodes can be selected to reduce the impact of extra components on the power density. Compared to the phase-leg with direct series-connected SiC MOSFETs, the phase-leg designed with the converter-level approach achieves similar power density, easier voltage balancing control, and better efficiency, which is attractive for both two and four devices in series connection.
Finally, this dissertation studies the impact of series-connected 10 kV SiC MOSFETs on MV phase-leg volume reduction with the example of multi-level flying capacitor (FC) converters. The relation between the capacitances of FCs and the device voltage is studied and a new design procedure for FCs is developed to achieve minimum FC energy and regulate the maximum device voltage. With the design procedure, the total FC volumes of a 22 kV 5-level FC converter and a 22 kV 3-level FC converter with series-connected 10 kV SiC MOSFETs are calculated and compared. Series-connected 10 kV SiC MOSFETs are found to help significantly reduce the total FC volume (> 85 %).
In summary, this dissertation demonstrates that the direct series connection of 10 kV SiC MOSFETs is a reliable solution for the MV converter design, and the converter-level approach is a better voltage balancing control method. This dissertation also presents a quantitative analysis of the volume reduction enabled by the series-connected 10 kV SiC MOSFETs in MV converter phase-leg design. / Doctor of Philosophy / Emerging industrial applications require medium voltage (MV) power converters. For existing MV converter solutions with Si IGBT, complex system structures are usually required, which affects the efficiency, power density, and cost of the system. For the design of MV converter, the recent 10 kV SiC MOSFET has the promising potential to improve efficiency and power density by adopting a simpler topology and fewer conversion stages. New design challenges also emerge with the new 10 kV SiC MOSFETs and one of them is the device voltage control during the operation. This dissertation mainly focuses on the voltage balancing control of series-connected 10 SiC MOSFETs, which is an attractive solution to build the MV converter phase-leg in a simple structure. Several voltage balance control methods are proposed and compared in this dissertation, which helps justify that the series-connected SiC MOSFET is a reliable approach for the MV converter design. In addition, this dissertation also analyzes the volume reduction enabled by the series-connected SiC MOSFETs with the example of a multi-level flying capacitor converter in dc-ac applications.
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PM2.5 Particle Sensing and Fit Factor Test of a Respirator with SAW-Based SensorDesai, Mitali Hardik 05 1900 (has links)
PM2.5 particle sensing has been done using surface acoustic wave based sensor for two different frequencies. Due to mass loading and elasticity loading on the sensor's surface, the center frequency of the sensor shifts. The particle concentration can be tracked based on that frequency shift. The fit factor test has been conducted using higher frequency SAW sensor. The consist results has been achieved for particle sensing and fit factor test with SAW based sensor.
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Energi och ventilation vid biomassaproduktion av larver : Optimering av ett ventilationssystem med hjälp av beräkningsmodell i Excel för containern i demoanläggningen, i Lilla NybyKubilay, Kevser, Kucska, Kelly January 2018 (has links)
Matavfall som kommer in till Eskilstuna Strängnäs Energi & Miljö (ESEM), har mestadels använts till biogasproduktion. Eftersom ESEMs rötningspanna är liten har inte allt matavfall gjorts om till biogas, utan gått till förbränning i Västerås istället. För att underöka eventuella utvecklingsmöjligheter och förbättringsmöjligheter har ESEM gått ihop med Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU). Där undersökning av matning med matavfall till afrikanska fluglarver pågick. Ifall detta projekt är praktiskt genomfört på företaget ESEM skulle två nya produkter i form av protein och jord, kunna säljas utöver biogas. I denna studie har det undersökts ifall det är möjligt att kunna mata fluglarverna med matavfall. Det ställs krav på rätt temperatur och luftflöde för utrymmet. Därmed har fokus till detta examensarbete varit att optimera en ventilationsmodell för systemet. För att utföra detta projekt krävdes data från tidigare studier, forskning och experiment, vilket skrevs in i behandlingsprogrammet Excel. Där ett idealt ventilationsflöde med verkningsgraden 50 %, till varje enskild behandlingslåda med fluglarver i olika levnadsstadier, på 1,56 m3/h (en låda) togs fram med hjälp av tidigare studier. Fluglarverna är planerade att bli placerade i brödlådor med tillhörande ställningar i en container och varje låda ska både ha fluglarver och matavfall. Undersökningen för detta examensarbete var att bestämma hur ställningarna med behandlingslådor ska placeras i containern. Genom att välja den kombination av behandlingslådorna, som är mest optimerad och praktiskt genomförbar. Det utfördes en simulering i Excel som redovisade andelen värme och förångning som varje behandlingslåda med stadie 1, 6 och 12 genererade. Simuleringar genomfördes för olika kombinationer och beräknade värmeutvecklingen från vardera behandlingslåda och kombination. Vilket resulterade i att det fanns två möjliga placeringar av behandlingslådorna i ställningarna, i containern. Den första placeringen i containern var planerad med att ställning 1 skulle ha behandlingslådor med larvstadiet/dag 1. Ställning 2 respektive 3 skulle ha behandlingslådor med larvstadiet/dag 6 respektive larvstadiet/dag 12. Det vill säga kombination 1 – 6 – 12. Vilket betyder att alla ställningarna i den kombinationen är seriekopplade med varandra. Medan varje enskild behandlingslåda i en ställning är parallellkopplade. Då denna kombination redovisar att ställning 3 med behandlingslådor av larvstadiet/dag 12, har högst andel förångning och värmegenerering. Denna placering ansågs rimlig att ställa lägst in i containern, närmast frånluftutloppet på container. Både av praktiska skäl och att undvika värmespridning som kan medföra kondens. Den andra placeringen i containern var tänkt att ställning 1 skulle ha behandlingslådor med larvstadiet/dag 12. Ställning 2 respektive 3 skulle ha behandlingslådor med larvstadiet/dag 6 respektive larvstadiet/dag 1. Det vill säga kombination 12 – 6 – 1. Vilket betyder att alla ställningarna i den kombinationen är seriekopplade med varandra. Medan varje enskild behandlingslåda i en ställning är parallellkopplade. Denna kombination redovisar minst temperaturdifferens mellan ställningarna (mellan behandlingslådorna) och visade även möjligheten att utnyttja värmen i behandlingslådorna från tidigare lådor. Genom att luften som förs vidare från larvstadiet/dag 12 till larvstadiet/dag 6, värmer då upp avfallsaktiviteten. Studien resulterade i att det optimala luftflödet med verkningsgraden 50 %, var 1,56 m3/h. Energibalanserna utfördes i beräkningsmodellen med hänsyn till luftflödet in och ut ur en behandlingslåda. Avfallstemperaturen som bestämdes vara ideal vid 30°C i detta examensarbete är en betydelsefull parameter för resultatet. Resultatet optimerades med hänsyn till att en avfallstemperatur på 30°C skulle bibehållas genom beräkningarna. Den optimala kombinationen bestämdes vara kombination av de tre behandlingslådorna 1 – 6 – 12, där medeltemperaturen på avfallet var 30,22°C. Denna kombination diskuterades även vara den mest praktiskt hanterbara, i containern hos ESEM. Vid hänsyn till kondensering som tidigare examensarbeten diskuterat är kombination 12 – 6 – 1 ett alternativ. De sex kombinationerna resulterar inte i stora temperaturdifferenser som kan orsaka kondensering. Ifall hänsyn tas till kondensering är alternativet 12 – 6 – 1 bäst. Då avfallstemperaturen är stabil jämfört med de fem andra kombinationerna. Ett helt slutet system med tre seriekopplade ställningar som innehåller tre parallellkopplade behandlingslådor erhålls resultat från två fall. Sommarfallet med en temperatur på 20°C resulterade i högre avfallstemperaturen jämfört med vinterfallet på 10°C. Däremot är avfallstemperaturen under den maximala gränsen, det vill säga är avfallstemperaturen på en behaglig nivå för larvproduktionen. Resultaten erhållna från detta examensarbete redovisar att det är teoretiskt och praktiskt möjligt att utföra en nedbrytningsprocess med hjälp av larver. Matavfallet bryts ner och bidrar med en ny produkt, näringsrik jord, samtidigt som den underlättar för ESEM nedbrytningsprocess. / This work is written as a degree project for the Energy engineering program, specialized in heating technology, in Mälardalens University, Västerås. The aim with this degree project is to optimize a theoretical model in Excel to study larvae of Black Soldier Fly. The main calculations are made for three series connected boxes, with different combinations of stages of development. The calculations are thereafter made for three stands (that are in series) with each stand contain three boxes (that are parallel), each stand holding uniform growth of larvae. The calculations are made with equations based from the energy balance, for the air flow in and out. With the support from formerly made degree projects and their specific data, a calculation model was made in Excel. An airflow of 1,56 m3/h is achieved, with an efficiency of 50%. These results are based of previously performed degree projects, with the airflow 8,4 m3/h and efficiency of 9,3%. The maximum waste temperature is 30-36°C, thus, the desired temperature in this degree project was 30°C. The most optimized combination of one box of each stage, that are series connected, resulted to be 1 – 6 – 12. Day 1, day 6 and day 12 coupled. This combination is also used as the reference case in this degree project and calculations. However, the most stabile waste temperature resulted to be for the combination 12 – 6 – 1. The air temperature through the boxes remained with a mean temperature of 23,9°C, when the outside air temperature is set as 10°C (winter case, the reference case). The conclusion is that the best combination for Lilla Nyby, in Eskilstuna, is 1 – 6 – 12, with an airflow of 1,56 m3/h. A whole system, containing the three stands and respectively boxes, is applicable. The waste temperature is within the range for temperatures for optimized growth process for larvae, for both winter and summer cases (10°C and 20°C).
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Contribution l'étude des convertisseurs multiniveaux destinés aux applications moteurs rapides / Contribution to the study of multilevel inverters for high speed motors applicationsGuennegues, Virginie 07 December 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse traite des convertisseurs multiniveaux destinés aux applications moteurs rapides, utilisés notamment dans le domaine de l'Oil \& Gas. L'objectif est l'étude d'une structure qui permette de réduire les pertes par commutation, en comparaison avec la topologie conventionnelle NPC (Neutral Point Clamped) 3 niveaux, actuellement utilisée. De plus, la structure de convertisseur doit permettre de fournir des grandeurs d'entrée au moteur ayant un faible taux de distorsion harmonique, de manière à ne pas créer des échauffements supplémentaires dans le moteur.Après avoir effectué une étude des différentes structures existantes, la structure NPP (Neutral Point Piloted) 3 niveaux est finalement retenue au vu de ses différentes qualités. En effet, grâce à la mise en série de composants semi-conducteurs, les pertes par commutation de ces derniers sont divisées par deux par rapport aux composants homologues de la topologie NPC. Après avoir comparé les topologies NPC et NPP en termes de forme d'onde et de répartition des pertes dans les composants, l'auteur s'intéresse à la validation expérimentale de cette structure. Les performances atteintes par le convertisseur NPP sont intéressantes puisqu'elles permettent de commuter à des fréquences deux fois plus élevées que la topologie NPC pour un courant donné ou de commuter un courant plus important pour une fréquence de commutation donnée.Les schémas de commutation des différents composants du bras NPP sont étudiés afin de comprendre le gain non négligeable obtenu sur cette structure.Malgré le fait que la structure NPP permette de commuter à des fréquences deux fois plus élevées que la structure NPC, on ne peut pas s'affranchir du filtre sinus en sortie de l'onduleur de manière à respecter les contraintes harmoniques au niveau du moteur. Ainsi, une topologie de filtre sinus à inductances couplées a été introduite / This PhD thesis deals with multilevel inverters dedicated to high speed motors applications, used in Oil \& Gas applications. The main objective is to study a topology which enables reducing switching losses, in comparison with the conventional 3-level NPC (Neutral Point Clamped) topology. Moreover, the inverter has to provide motor input signals with a low harmonic distortion level, not to create undesired additional heating in the motor. After a study of the existing topologies, the 3-level NPP (Neutral Point Piloted) topology is chosen regarding all its benefits. Indeed, thanks to series connection of semi-conductor components, switching losses can be divided by two compared to homologous components on the NPC topology. After having compared NPC and NPP topologies in terms of waveforms and losses distribution in components, the author interest is the experimental validation of this topology. The performances reached by the NPP inverter are interesting because it enables to switch two times faster than for a NPC topology for a given current or to switch a higher current for a given switching frequency. The switching schemes of the NPP leg are studied to understand the gain obtained on this topology. In spite of the fact that switching frequency can be doubled on the NPP topology, the sinus filter can not be avoided in order to respect harmonic specification on the motor. A sinus filter with coupled inductances is introduced so that to responds the different sizing criteria
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Steigerung der Effizienz und Leuchtdichtehomogenität von organischen Leuchtdioden mittels Druck- und LaserprozessenPhilipp, André 03 June 2019 (has links)
Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Entwicklung von Technologien und Prozessen, welche die Marktakzeptanz organischer Leuchtdioden (OLED) durch Steigerung der Effizienz und Leuchtdichtehomogenität erhöhen. Dazu werden die Fertigungskosten durch neuartige Herstellungsverfahren reduziert und die Realisierung von effizienten, großflächigen (> 300×300 mm2) und homogen leuchtenden OLED-Modulen in beliebiger Modulform ermöglicht. Um dies zu erreichen, wurden folgende drei Ansätze verfolgt:
1. Die Optimierung der Strukturierung dünner Schichten bei Substraten für die organische Elektronik unter Verwendung der Technologien Siebdruck und Laserablation. Es werden neuartige Druckpasten auf ihre Eigenschaften hin untersucht und deren Eignung für die Substratstrukturierung bei OLEDs mittels Testmodulen elektro-optisch charakterisiert. Weiterhin steht die Verringerung der parasitären Leckströme durch einen optimierten Laserablationsprozess zur Grundelektrodenstrukturierung und einer Variation der Dicke der Löchertransportschicht im Fokus.
2. Die Realisierung einer schattenmasken- und photolithografiefreien seriellen elektrischen Verschaltung von mehreren kleinen OLED-Segmenten zu einem großen Gesamtmodul. Dazu werden ein Verfahren für die Erzeugung einer elektrischen Verbindung zwischen Top- und Grundelektrode sowie zwei hochinnovative Verfahren zur Separation einer vollflächig abgeschiedenen Topelektrode entwickelt und auf ihre Eignung hin validiert.
3. Die Verbesserung der Lichtauskopplung aus OLED-Modulen mittels einer modulinternen Streuschicht. Es werden fünf unterschiedliche Streupartikelarten und zwei Matrixmaterialien untersucht und deren Auswirkungen auf die Lichtauskopplung anhand von OLED-Testmodulen charakterisiert.
Die entwickelten Verfahren und Prozessen basieren auf den Technologien Siebdruck und Laserablation, sind explizit für die Fertigung flexibler Module auf Basis von Trägermaterialien wie Dünnglas oder Polymerfolien sowie einem Rolle-zu-Rolle-Herstellungsverfahren geeignet und können direkt in eine großserientechnische Herstellung von OLED-Modulen überführt werden. / The focus of this work is upon the development of technologies and processes to increase the efficiency and brightness homogeneity of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) in order to improve their market acceptance. Additionally, manufacturing costs will be reduced by adopting the new processes and it will be shown that the production of efficient, large-area (up to 300 × 300 mm2) and uniformly bright
OLED modules of an arbitrary shape is possible. To achieve this, three approaches were followed:
1. The optimization of the structuring of thin layers on substrates for organic
electronics using screen printing and laser ablation. To achieve this, the properties of novel printing pastes were determined, and their suitability for structuring substrates was assessed using results from the electro-optical characterization of test modules. Furthermore, the parasitic leakage current was minimized by optimizing the laser ablation process used for the structuring of the bottom electrode, together with the thickness of the hole transport layer.
2. The electrical connection in series of several small OLED segments to make a larger module without the need for shadow masks or photolithographic processes was studied. This included the development of a technique to connect the top and bottom electrodes, as well as two highly innovative methods to produce a completely separated top electrode using structuring by laser ablation. The suitability of these methods for OLED production was confirmed.
3. A scattering layer within the modules was developed to improve the light outcoupling. Five types of scattering particle in two different matrix materials were examined, and the effects of the resulting scattering layer on the outcoupling from an OLED test module were characterized.
The newly developed processes make use of screen printing and laser ablation and are thus well suited to the production of flexible OLED modules using support materials such as thin glass or polymer foils with roll-to-roll processing. Accordingly, such technologies could readily be transferred to the large volume production of OLED modules.
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