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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Virus retentive filter paper for processing of plasma-derived proteins

Wu, Lulu January 2020 (has links)
The studies in the present thesis explored the feasibility of using nanocellulose-based filters in virus removal filtration of plasma-derived proteins.   In Paper I, two-step nanofiltration of commercially available human serum albumin (HSA) product, which was diluted to 10 g L-1 by phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and adjusted pH to 7.4, was performed to remove soluble protein aggregates and reduce filter fouling. The two-step filtration of HSA employed nanocellulose-based filters of varying thickness, i.e. 11 μm and 22 μm filters.  The removal of HSA aggregates during filtration through 11 μm pre-filters dramatically improves the flow properties of the 22 μm filter, enabling high protein throughput and high virus clearance. A distribution of pore sizes between 50 nm and 80 nm, which is present in the 11 μm filter and is absent in the 22 μm filter, plays a crucial part in removing the HSA aggregates. With respect to virus filtration, 1 bar constant trans-membrane pressure filtration shows poor removal ability of ΦX174 bacteriophage (28 nm), i.e., log10 reduction value (LRV) ≤ 3.75, while that at 3 bar and 5 bar achieves LRV[MOU1] [LW2]  > 5 model virus clearance and overall rapid filtration. Removal of protein aggregates during bioprocessing of HSA products is key to improving the filtration flux, which makes it possible to apply virus removal filtration for HSA to ensure its virus safety.   In Paper II, nanofiltration of human plasma-derived intravenous immuno-globulin (IVIG) intermediate (11.26 g L-1, pH 4.9) was carried out to demonstrate high product recovery and high model virus clearance. Virus removal filtration of industrial-grade human IVIG was achieved using 33μm filters at both low (60 Lm-2) and high (288 Lm-2) volumetric load. No changes in IVIG structure were detected and high product recovery was recorded. High virus clearance (LRV ≥ 5-6) was achieved for the small-size model viruses (ΦX174 and MS2 bacteriophages) during the load volume of 60 Lm-2. Side-by-side comparisons with commercial virus removal filters suggest that the nanocellulose-based filter paper presents great potential for industrial bioprocessing of plasma-derived IVIG.   In Paper III, process analytical technology (PAT) approach was employed to identify the critical filter parameters, e.g. thickness, basis weight, pore size, and flux, affecting model virus removal efficiency using filters produced by different hot presses.  The quality parameters were analyzed with ANOVA and Shewhart charts. Compared with other studied parameters, the hydraulic flux appears as the most relevant final product quality attribute of the nanocellulose-based filter paper to reflect the virus removal efficiency. In particular, a 15% higher flux may be associated with a 0.5-1.0 log10 reduced virus clearance (p=0.007). The results are highlight the importance of continued systematic studies in quality assurance using statistical process control tools  [MOU1]Define LRV  [LW2]Defined in the line above

Identifizierung von geeigneten equinen Seren zur Zellkultivierung durch massenspektrometrische Bestimmung von Lipid-Biomarkern

Ditz, Timo 11 February 2022 (has links)
Bei der Zellkultivierung wird dem artifiziell hergestellten Grundmedium meist tierisches Serum hinzugefügt, um ein adäquates Wachstum der Zellen zu gewährleisten. So liefert das Serum zusätzliche Nährstoffe, essenzielle Wachstumsfaktoren und eine Vielzahl weiterer Moleküle. Die Seren werden kommerziell aus tierischem Vollblut hergestellt und normalerweise vor ihrer Auslieferung auf bestimmte Parameter, wie zum Beispiel Aminosäure-Gehalt und Albumin-Konzentration, getestet. Trotz dieser Testung seitens der vertreibenden Unternehmen bestehen große Qualitätsunterschiede bei den Zellkulturanwendungen. Somit sind Forschungslabore häufig gezwungen Probeseren anzufordern und diese in eigenen zeitaufwendigen und kostenintensiven Zellkulturversuchen zu testen, bevor ein Serum ausgewählt und in den eigentlichen Versuchen eingesetzt werden kann. Auch die serumvertreibenden Unternehmen müssen demzufolge alle Serumchargen bis zum Abschluss der Testversuche in ausreichenden Mengen bereithalten, was einen bedeutenden Mehraufwand darstellt. Aus diesen Gründen wäre es eine entscheidende Vereinfachung, wenn ein geeigneter Biomarker zur Testung der Serumtauglichkeit gefunden werden könnte, der diese aufwendigen Vorversuche ersetzt. Ein potenzieller Biomarker könnte das Glycerophospholipid Lysophosphatidylcholin (LPC) sein. Seine stressbedingte Bildung, vorrangig aus Phosphatidylcholin (PC), im Rahmen von Entzündungen, oxidativem Stress oder ungünstigen Lagerungsbedingungen könnte als Indikator für qualitätsmindernde Prozesse im Serum dienen. Des Weiteren könnte das vermehrte LPC selbst einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf das Wachstum von Zellen haben und somit die Qualität der Seren widerspiegeln. Die Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight Massenspektrometrie (MALDI-TOF MS) eignet sich aufgrund ihrer Robustheit gegenüber Verunreinigungen und der hohen Messgeschwindigkeit für die Detektion beider Moleküle in biologischen Materialen. Zur weiteren Vereinfachung der Bestimmung der LPC-Konzentration mittels MALDI-TOF MS wird oft auf den Zusatz eines internen Standards verzichtet, um zusätzliche Fehlerquellen zu vermeiden. Hierbei wird LPC ausschließlich relativ zur PC-Konzentration ermittelt (PC/LPC-Verhältnis). Da es sich bei Serum um eine komplexe, biologische Probe handelt, könnten Molekülinteraktionen wie beispielsweise Protein-Lipid-Interaktionen Grund für unterschiedliche PC/LPC-Verhältnisse sein. Albumin als ubiquitär im Serum vorhandenes Protein kann eine Vielzahl von Molekülen binden, darunter auch bestimmte Lysophospholipide. Somit ist es wichtig zu klären, inwieweit Albumin eine adäquate Detektion von Lysophosphatidylcholin verhindern beziehungsweise beeinflussen kann. Die hier publizierte Arbeit konnte zeigen, dass Albumin-Zusatz (von Pferd und Rind) zu einem Anstieg des detektierten PC/LPC-Verhältnisses im „intakten“ Serum führt. Umgekehrt sinkt das PC/LPC-Verhältnis beim enzymatischen Verdau des Albumins wieder, weil nun mehr LPC detektiert werden kann. Der Einfluss von Pepsin und Trypsin, die durch den enzymatischen Verdau des Albumins zu einer verbesserten LPC-Detektion führen, wurde unter verschiedenen Bedingungen (Konzentration, Inkubationszeit, Temperatur) verglichen. Abschließend wurde ein verbessertes Protokoll für die MALDI-TOF MS-Messungen des PC/LPC-Verhältnisses im „intakten“ Serum durch einen vorausgehenden Pepsin-Verdau vorgeschlagen. Dabei muss vor allem darauf geachtet werden, möglichst niedrige Temperaturen zu verwenden, um die temperaturbedingte Konversion von PC zu LPC zu minimieren. Sowohl das ursprüngliche als auch das erweiterte Messprotokoll fand im zweiten Teil der Arbeit Anwendung. Hier wurde die aufwendige konventionelle Qualitätstestung von Pferdeseren mittels Zellkultur mit der massenspektrometrischen Messung von LPC als Biomarker verglichen, um eine etwaige Vereinfachung der Serumselektion zu evaluieren. Die verwendeten FDCPmix-Zellen sind murine hämatopoetische Vorläuferzellen, die beispielsweise zur Untersuchung der hämatopoetischen Stammzellnische verwendet werden. Ähnlich wie die hämatopoetischen Stammzellen selbst, stellen die FDCPmix-Zellen hohe Anforderungen an die Zellkulturbedingungen. Wird inadäquates Medium bzw. Serum verwendet, können Wachstum und Differenzierungspotential negativ beeinflusst werden, wodurch die Zellen nicht mehr für weitere Versuche geeignet sind. Folglich ist die achtsame Auswahl des Pferdeserums essenziell. Acht Pferdeseren von verschiedenen Anbietern wurden zur Kultivierung nach derzeitigem Goldstandard eingesetzt. Als Evaluationsparameter für die Qualität des jeweiligen Serums wurden Zellwachstum, Differenzierungspotenzial nach Kultivierung und die Fähigkeit Zellkolonien im semifesten Medium (colony forming units - CFUs) zu bilden, verwendet. Hierbei zeigten sich deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Seren. Insbesondere in der Fähigkeit CFUs auszubilden und im Wachstum waren die größten Unterschiede zu erkennen. Diese Zellkultur-Ergebnisse wurden mit MALDI-TOF MS-Messungen des PC/LPC-Verhältnisses vor und nach Pepsinverdau im „intakten“ Serum verglichen. Jedoch korrelierte das PC/LPC-Verhältnis nicht mit den Ergebnissen der Zellkulturexperimente. Dies ist mit den Unterschieden in der PC-Konzentration zwischen den verschiedenen Seren zu erklären. Enthält ein Serum generell viel PC, so kann trotz eines hohen PC/LPC-Verhältnisses die LPC-Konzentration im Serum zu hoch sein und die Zellkultivierung negativ beeinflussen. Deshalb wurde LPC mit Hilfe eines internen Standards quantifiziert. Bei den für die Kultivierung ungeeigneten Seren lag, sowohl vor als auch nach Proteinverdau, eine hohe LPC-Konzentration vor. Umgekehrt konnten die Pferdeseren mit geringen LPC-Konzentrationen mit günstigen Zellkultur-Ergebnissen assoziiert werden. Dieser negative Einfluss einer hohen LPC-Konzentration konnte durch die artifizielle Zugabe von LPC zur Zellkultur weiter bestätigt werden. Im Gegensatz zum nicht manipulierten Kontrollmedium zeigten die Proben mit artifiziell erhöhter LPC-Konzentration vor allem eine deutlich geringere Fähigkeit CFUs auszubilden, welches ein Kernkriterium für die Verwendbarkeit des Serums ist. Insgesamt konnte folglich der negative Einfluss von LPC auf die Zellkultur gezeigt werden, was seine Eignung als Indikator für die Serumqualität bestätigt. Zusätzlich zur LPC-Konzentration wurden weitere Mediator- und Signalmoleküle untersucht, die im Zuge des PC/LPC-Stoffwechsels entstehen können und unter anderem Entzündungsprozesse beeinflussen. Bei der Konversion von PC zu LPC durch die Phospholipase A2 oder durch oxidativen Stress wird die Fettsäure (z.B. Arachidonsäure oder Linolsäure) an der sn-2-Position vom Glycerolrückgrat freigesetzt und steht zur weiteren Metabolisierung durch beispielsweise Cyclooxygenasen oder Lipoxygenasen zur Verfügung. Hierbei können Eikosanoide wie Thromboxane, Prostaglandine oder Leukotriene entstehen. Daher wurden die Pferdeseren weiterhin auf Eikosanoide mittels Flüssigchromatographie (LC)-MS/MS getestet. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass erhöhte Thromboxan B1-, Thromboxan B2- und 12-S-Hydroxy-Heptadecatriensäure-Konzentrationen ebenfalls auf eine ungünstige Serumqualität hinweisen. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Seren mit hohen LPC-Konzentrationen und daher schlechten Zellkultur-Ergebnissen ebenfalls hohe Konzentrationen an Linolsäure aufweisen. Diese Fettsäure wird typischerweise bei der Konversion von im Pferdeserum vorkommenden PC zu LPC aus der sn-2-Position freigesetzt. Somit scheint neben der LPC-Konzentration auch das Eikosanoidprofil qualitative Aussagen über das jeweilige Pferdeserum zu erlauben. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass sowohl niedrige absolute LPC- als auch niedrige entzündungsfördernde Eikosanoid-Level mit einer günstigen Serumqualität korrelieren. Jedoch benötigt die Bestimmung des Eikosanoidprofils im Gegensatz zur LPC-Bestimmung anspruchsvollere Messmethoden wie LC-MS/MS. Die LPC-Konzentration kann mittels MALDI-TOF MS zuverlässig ermittelt werden. Diese robuste, schnelle und preiswerte Methode ermöglicht die direkte Messung im „intakten“ Serum. Dabei ist die Zugabe eines internen Standards zur Bestimmung der absoluten LPC-Konzentration notwendig, da sich das PC/LPC-Verhältnis als ungeeignet für die Qualitätsevaluation von Zellkulturseren erwiesen hat.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis 1 Einführung 1.1 Allgemeine Einleitung 1.2 Factor dependent cells Paterson mixed potential (FDCPmix-Zelllinie) 1.3 Phosphatidylcholin und Lysophosphatidylcholin 1.4 Eikosanoide 1.5 Massenspektrometrie 1.5.1 MALDI-TOF Massenspektrometrie 1.5.2 ESI-IT Massenspektrometrie 1.6 Ziele der Dissertation 2 Publikationsmanuskripte 2.1 Determination of the Phosphatidylcholine/Lysophosphatidylcholine Ratio in Intact Serum by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry with Prior Enzymatic Albumin Digestion 2.2 Phospholipase A2 products predict the hematopoietic support capacity of horse serum 3 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 4 Literaturverzeichnis 5 Nachweis über Anteile der Co-Autoren 6 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 7 Lebenslauf 8 Publikationen 9 Danksagung

Interaction of green tea or black tea polyphenols with protein in the presence or absence of other small ligands

Sun, Xiaowei 29 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding molecular aspects of catfish-pathogen interactions

Dumpala, Pradeepkumar Reddy 07 August 2010 (has links)
The catfish industry suffers losses primarily due to enteric septicemia of catfish and columnaris disease caused by Edwardsiella ictaluri and Flavobacterium columnare, respectively. Understanding the host-pathogen interactions is vital for prevention and eradication of these diseases. Hence, the overall objective of this study was to analyze whole cell proteomes of these two bacteria, and to determine the changes in E. ictaluri protein expression against in vitro iron-restriction and host serum treatment. High-throughput proteomic analysis of these bacteria was conducted using two-dimensional liquid chromatography followed by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (2-D LC ESI MS/MS) and two-dimentional gel electrophoresis coupled with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-oflight mass spectrometry (2-DE MALDI TOF/TOF). Identified proteins were clustered into functional groups using clusters of orthologous groups, and subcellular locations as well as possible functional relationships were determined. A total of 788 unique E. ictaluri and 621 unique F. columnare proteins were identified, which represented 12 and 28 pathways, respectively. Vertebrate hosts tend to chelate free iron of their body and make the environment hostile for bacteria. Hence, reduced availability of iron may cause significant stress for pathogens and is considered a signal that leads to alteration in virulent gene expression. Similarly, E. ictaluri might use the catfish blood stream effectively for quick systemic invasion. Hence, exposure to catfish serum components might reveal the ability of E. ictaluri to protect against host defense mechanisms. Using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis, responses of E. ictaluri due to in vitro iron-restriction and host serum treatment were determined. A total of 50 and 19 proteins were identified to be differentially expressed due to in vitro iron-restriction and catfish serum treatment, respectively. Among the differentially expressed proteins, several putative virulent determinants, immunogenic proteins, chaperones, and housekeeping genes were noted. To initiate functional studies, four differentially expressed E. ictaluri genes (lamB, glyS, malE, and sdhA) were mutated by inrame deletion. Results from this study provided experimental evidence for many predicted proteins. In addition, identification of differentially expressed proteins provided targets for further functional analysis, which could help elucidate pathogenic mechanisms of E. ictaluri.

Novel electrochemical aptamer-based sensing mechanism inspired by selection strategies

Lyalina, Tatiana 01 1900 (has links)
Des millions de patients souffrant d’insuffisance cardiaque bénéficieraient d’analyses sanguines hebdomadaires pour surveiller l’évolution de leur état de santé comme c’est le cas avec les personnes atteintes du diabète. Cependant, il n’existe pas de technologies d’analyses sanguines rapides et efficaces pour détecter des marqueurs d’insuffisance cardiaque, telle que la créatinine, la NT-proBNP et la troponine I par exemple. La possibilité pour les patients de surveiller leurs taux de créatinine régulièrement, du confort de chez soi, améliorerait largement leur qualité de vie ainsi que leur taux de survie. En suivant leur taux de créatinine, le patient pourrait prédire des signes d’insuffisance cardiaque, et ainsi faire ajuster leur plan de traitement en conséquence. Pour y arriver, les biocapteurs électrochimiques, dont un exemple est le glucomètre, représentent une classe prometteuse de dispositifs d’analyse sanguine puisqu’ils sont faciles à utiliser, rapides, peu coûteux, sensibles, stables et potentiellement universels. Les biocapteurs électrochimiques à base d’ADN pourraient potentiellement être adaptés en biocapteur de créatinine, par l’entremise d’aptamères. Le but de cette recherche est de développer un nouveau mécanisme de détection universel et efficace pouvant être adapté directement à partir des stratégies de sélection des aptamères. Pour ce faire, nous avons identifié et caractérisé un élément de bioreconnaissance sélectif pour la créatinine. Ensuite, nous avons conçu une nouvelle stratégie de détection et nous avons validé cette nouvelle stratégie par spectroscopie de fluorescence avant de l’adapter pour une détection électrochimique. Par la suite, nous avons optimisé les performances du biocapteur en modulant des paramètres analytiques tels que sa gamme linéaire et son gain de signal, tout en validant ses performances dans une matrice complexe comme le sérum. Les résultats de cette recherche suggèrent que la stratégie de conception du nouveau biocapteur électrochimique à base d’aptamère est prometteuse pour la détection efficace de biomarqueurs sanguins. Ce type de mécanisme pourrait être facilement adapté pour détecter d'autres molécules cliniquement pertinentes en modifiant simplement la stratégie de sélection de l'aptamère. / Millions of patients suffering from heart failure would greatly benefit from weekly blood analysis to help them manage their disease state like patients suffering from diabetes. However, no simple blood monitoring technologies detecting heart failure biomarkers, such as creatinine, NT-proBNP, and troponin I, are available. The ability to determine and regularly monitor the creatinine level in the home setting would greatly improve the patient’s quality of life and survival rate. Knowing the concentration of creatinine help to predict heart failure and to revise the treatment plan if the concentration of creatinine is abnormal. To achieve this, electrochemical sensors, like a glucometer, represent a promising class of blood analysis devices due to their ease of use, fast response, low cost, inherent sensitivity and stability, and potential universality. More specifically, DNA-based electrochemical biosensors could potentially be adapted into a creatinine sensor by using aptamers specific to a biomarker. To achieve this goal, we identified a selective biorecognition element for creatinine detection and characterized it. We also designed a novel sensing aptamer-based strategy and validated this strategy by fluorescent spectroscopy before transposing it into the electrochemical format. We then optimized the performance of the sensor by tuning its signal gain and characterizing the dynamic range while also validating its performance in serum. The results of this work suggest that the electrochemical aptamer-based strategy represents a promising sensing mechanism. We believe this mechanism could be easily adapted to detect other clinically relevant molecules by simply relying on the aptamer’s selection strategy.

Association Between Vitamin D Status and Health Deterioration Among First Generation Immigrants

Abdelrazeq, Said Yousef 19 May 2023 (has links)
The increased number of international immigrants and associated global problems of health deterioration and vitamin D (vitD) deficiency/insufficiency may lead to significant burdens for host countries. This thesis investigated immigrants’ health deterioration and vitD status through a comprehensive analysis of Canadian national vitD data, systematic evaluation of the quality/content of clinical practice guidelines, and global systematic review of vitD status and determinants among first-generation immigrants. Immigrants had lower serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (S-25(OH)D) and higher melanin levels than non-immigrants. S-25(OH)D levels improved over time, with ethnicity the main factor explaining variations. The longer immigrants lived in Canada, the higher the prevalence of chronic diseases (CDs), potentially reflecting health deterioration. Low levels of accumulated S-25(OH)D may impact CD-related biomarkers, partially explaining immigrants’ health deterioration over time. Local and international guidance regarding immigrants’ vitD deficiency/insufficiency was lacking. Improving immigrants’ vitD status requires prevention and intervention programs (e.g., vitD supplementation/screening), relevant national/international guidelines, and longitudinal research clarifying the complex bidirectional association between S-25(OH)D and CDs.

Stability of BDNF in Human Samples Stored Up to 6 Months and Correlations of Serum and EDTA-Plasma Concentrations

Polyakova, Maryna, Schlögl, Haiko, Sacher, Julia, Schmidt-Kassow, Maren, Kaiser, Jochen, Stumvoll, Michael, Kratzsch, Jürgen, Schröter, Matthias L. 07 February 2024 (has links)
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), an important neural growth factor, has gained growing interest in neuroscience, but many influencing physiological and analytical aspects still remain unclear. In this study we assessed the impact of storage time at room temperature, repeated freeze/thaw cycles, and storage at 80 C up to 6 months on serum and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-plasma BDNF. Furthermore, we assessed correlations of serum and plasma BDNF concentrations in two independent sets of samples. Coefficients of variations (CVs) for serum BDNF concentrations were significantly lower than CVs of plasma concentrations (n = 245, p = 0.006). Mean serum and plasma concentrations at all analyzed time points remained within the acceptable change limit of the inter-assay precision as declared by the manufacturer. Serum and plasma BDNF concentrations correlated positively in both sets of samples and at all analyzed time points of the stability assessment (r = 0.455 to rs = 0.596; p < 0.004). In summary, when considering the acceptable change limit, BDNF was stable in serum and in EDTA-plasma up to 6 months. Due to a higher reliability, we suggest favoring serum over EDTA-plasma for future experiments assessing peripheral BDNF concentrations.

The effect of clearance upon friction and lubrication of large diameter hip resurfacing prosthesis using blood and combinations of bovine serum with aqueous solutions of CMC and hyaluronic acid as lubricants.

Afshinjavid, Saeed January 2010 (has links)
In real life, immediately after joint replacement, the artificial joint is actually bathed in blood (and clotted blood) instead of synovial fluid. Blood contains large molecules and cells of size ~ 5 to 20 2m suspended in plasma and considered to be a non-Newtonian (pseudoplastic) fluid with density of 1060 Kg/m3 and viscosity ~ 0.01 Pas at shear rates of 3000 s-1 (as obtained in this work). The effect of these properties on friction and lubrication is not fully understood and, so far to our knowledge, hardly any studies have been carried out regarding friction of metal-on-metal bearings with various clearances in the presence of lubricants such as blood or a fluid containing macromolecules such as hyaluronic acid (HA) which is a major component of synovial fluid increasing its viscosity and lubricating properties. In this work, therefore, we have investigated the frictional behaviour of a group of Smith and Nephew Birmingham Hip Resurfacing implants with a nominal diameter of 50mm and diametral clearances in the range ~ 80 2m to 300 2m, in the presence of blood (clotted and whole blood), a combination of bovine serum (BS) with hyaluronic acid (HA) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC, as gelling agent) adjusted to a range of viscosities (~0.001-0.2 Pas), and bovine serum with CMC adjusted to a similar range of viscosities. These results suggested that reduced clearance bearings have the potential to generate high friction especially in the presence of blood which is indeed the in vivo lubricant in the early weeks after implantation. Friction factors in higher clearance bearings were found to be lower than those of the lower clearance bearings using blood as the lubricant. Similar trends, i.e. increase in friction factor with reduction in diametral clearance, were found to be also the case using a combination of BS+CMC or BS+HA+CMC as lubricants having viscosities in the range 0.1-0.2 and 0.03-0.14 Pas, respectively. On the other hand, all the lubricants with lower viscosities in the range 0.001-0.0013 and 0.001-0.013 Pas for both BS+CMC and BS+HA+CMC, respectively, showed the opposite effect, i.e. caused an increase in friction factor with increase in diametral clearance. Another six large diameter (50mm nominal) BHR deflected prostheses with various clearances (~ 50-2802m after cup deflection) were friction tested in vitro in the presence of blood and clotted blood to study the effect of cup deflection on friction. It was found that the biological lubricants caused higher friction factors at the lower diametral clearances for blood and clotted blood as clearance decreased from 2802m to 502m (after deflection). The result of this investigation has suggested strongly that the optimum clearance for the 50 mm diameter MOM BHR implants to be ¿1502m and <2352m when blood lubricant used, so as to avoid high frictions (i.e. avoid friction factors >0.2) and be able to accommodate a mixed lubrication mode and hence lower the risk of micro- or even macro-motion specially immediately after hip implantation. These suggested optimum clearances will also allow for low friction (i.e. friction factors of <0.2-0.07) and reasonable lubrication (dominantly mixed regime) for the likely cup deflection occurring as a result of press-fit fixation. / Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics Ltd.

Friction and lubrication behaviour of metal-on-metal and ZTA ceramic-on-CFR PEEK hip prostheses. Friction and lubrication behaviour of metal-on-metal hip resurfacing and ZTA ceramic heads versus CFR PEEK cups wiith various diameters and clearances using serum-based lubricants with various viscosities.

Said, Assma Musbah January 2012 (has links)
The natural hip joint in healthy people has a very low friction with very little (or no) wear. It works as a dynamically loaded bearing and is subjected to about 1-2 million cycles of loading per year. The applied load is the body weight which is tripled when walking and even higher during other activities such as running and jumping. Unfortunately these joints are not always healthy due to various causes such as fractures or disease leading to severe pain which necessitates joint replacement. Currently, the orthopaedic industries are working towards developing an ideal artificial hip joint with low wear, low friction, good lubrication, better fixation/stability and biocompatibility. Many different designs and materials have been investigated with some promising new implants which can be used depending on patients¿ individual need (large or small joint), activity and age. In this work, two types of artificial hip joints were tested for friction and lubrication studies: Metal-on-Metal (MoM) Biomet hip resurfacing ReCaps with large diameters (>35-60 mm) and different diametral clearances (~ 60-350 µm), and Zirconia Toughened Alumina (ZTA) heads against carbon-fibre-reinforced poly-ether-ether ketone (CFR PEEK) cups with different diameters (>35-60 mm) and diametral clearances (60-1860 µm). Seven serum-based lubricants with different viscosities were used with and without carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) additions as gelling agent to increase viscosity depending on the CMC content. The maximum load applied was 2000 N for the stance phase with a minimum load of 100 N for the swing phase. A Pro-Sim friction hip simulator was used to investigate the frictional torque generated between the articulating surfaces so as the friction factor can be calculated. Stribeck analysis was then employed to assess the mode of lubrication. For the metal-on-metal hip resurfacing joints, the friction factors were in the range 0.03-0.151 and those for the ZTA ceramic heads versus CFR PEEK cups were in the range 0.006-0.32. Stribeck analyses showed mainly mixed lubrication for both MoM and ZTA ceramic-on-CFR PEEK joints. The experimental results were in agreement with most of the theoretical calculations suggesting mixed lubricating regimes at low viscosities and moving on to fluid film lubrication at higher viscosities. Joints with larger-diameters, lower clearances and lower surface roughness exhibited a higher lambda ratio suggesting improved lubrication. Viscosity flow curves for the serum-based lubricants having viscosity ¿ 0.00524 Pas showed non-linear relationship between viscosity and shear rate indicating non-Newtonian flow with pseudoplastic or shear-thinning characteristic, i.e. viscosity decreased as shear rate increased up to shear rates of ~ 1000 s-1. However, at shear rates greater than 1000 s-1 Newtonian flow became dominant with almost constant viscosity, i.e. a linear relationship between shear stress and shear rate. On the other hand, viscosity flow curves for the lubricants with viscosity ¿ 0.0128 Pas showed non-Newtonian behaviour up to a shear rate of 3000 s-1 with shear-thinning characteristic. / Ministry of Higher Education, Libya

Production and Evaluation of a Bombesin Analogue Conjugated to the Albumin-Binding Domain and DOTA for Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy / Produktion och utvärdering av en bombesinanalog konjugerad till en albuminbindande domän och DOTA för radioterapi i prostatacancer

Landmark, Fredrika January 2021 (has links)
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide and claims hundreds of thousands of lives annually. Currently the most common treatment for prostate cancer is external beam radiotherapy, however, this treatment comes with serious side effects since it lacks selectivity for the cancer cells. Therefore, less harmful treatments are needed and sought for, such as targeted treatments that are intended to only affect cancer cells and thereby reduce the side effects. Targeted treatments require a target that differentiates the cancer cells from healthy cells. A promising target candidate that has gained attention in recent years is gastrin releasing peptide receptor (GRPR), a protein commonly overexpressed in prostate cancer cells. Furthermore, a targeting molecule intended to bind to the target is also required. For this purpose, the bombesin analogue RM26, a high affinity GRPR binder, shows promise. Previous studies have led to the development of RM26-conjugates for the purpose of targeted prostate cancer radiotherapy. In these conjugates RM26 has been linked to a DOTA-chelator for radiolabeling, and an albumin binding domain (ABD) to prolong the conjugate’s half-life in vivo by binding to human serum albumin (HSA). The idea is that the RM26-conjugate will bind to both HSA in the blood and to GRPR on the prostate cancer cells and eliminate the cancer cells with the radiation from the radionuclide attached to the DOTA-chelator. Although these earlier studied conjugates have been very promising some improvements of certain aspects need to be achieved, mainly to improve the biodistribution with retained GRPR binding affinity. Therefor the purpose of this project was to produce three new versions of previous RM26- conjugates and evaluate if they are suitable for further prostate cancer therapy studies. The three RM26-conjugates were developed with primarily recombinant expression in E. coli cells and solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS). The characterization phase in this project was carried out with mainly five different methods: matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time- of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS), electrospray ionization- mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), circular dichroism (CD), surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and flow cytometry. The results showed that all three new RM26-conjugates were possible to produce and yielded final products corresponding to the expected molecular weights. Furthermore, the results indicate that all three RM26-conjuagtes are stable and maintain their structural properties under in vivo- temperatures and that they have high binding affinity for HSA. Further studies need to be conducted before drawing any certain conclusions regarding GRPR binding affinity. / Prostatacancer är en av de mest vanligt förekommande cancertyperna världen över och skördar hundratusentals liv årligen. I nuläget är extern strålbehandling det vanligaste terapialternativet mot prostatacancer, men denna behandling kommer med allvarliga biverkningar på grund av att den saknar selektivitet för cancerceller. Därför finns ett stort behov av mindre skadliga behandlingsformer, såsom riktade behandlingar som endast är avsedda att påverka cancerceller och därigenom minska biverkningarna. Riktade behandlingar kräver ett mål som skiljer cancercellerna från friska celler. En lovande målkandidat som har uppmärksammats de senaste åren är gastrinfrisättande peptidreceptor (GRPR), ett protein som vanligtvis överuttrycks i prostatacancerceller. I tillägg så krävs också en målsökande molekyl avsedd att binda till målet. För detta ändamål visar bombesinanalogen RM26, en GRPR-bindare med hög affinitet, sig vara lovande. Tidigare studier har utvecklat RM26-konjugat för målinriktad strålbehandling av prostatacancer. Dessa konjugat består av en RM26-peptid bunden till en DOTA-kelator för radioinmärkning och en albuminbindande domän (ABD) för att förlänga konjugatens halveringstid in vivo genom att binda till humant serumalbumin (HSA). Syftet med RM26- konjugaten är att de ska binda till både HSA i blodet och GRPR på prostatacancercellerna, och därmed eliminera cancercellerna med strålning från den radioinmärkta DOTA-kelatorn. Även om de tidigare RM26-konjugaten har varit mycket lovande krävs det att vissa förbättringar av några aspekter uppnås, främst affiniteten för GRPR. Syftet med detta projekt var därför att producera tre nya versioner av tidigare RM26-konjugat och utvärdera ifall de uppvisar tillfredsställande egenskaper. De tre RM26-konjugaten utvecklades primärt rekombinant i E. coli-celler och fastfas- peptidsyntes (SPPS). Karaktäriseringsfasen i detta projekt genomfördes med huvudsakligen fem olika metoder: MALDI-TOF-MS, elektrosprejjonisering-masspektrometri (ESI-MS), cirkulär dikroism (CD), ytplasmonresonans (SPR) och flödescytometri. Resultaten visade att alla tre nya RM26-konjugat var möjliga att producera och gav slutprodukter motsvarande de förväntade molekylvikterna. Vidare indikerar resultaten att alla tre RM26-konjugat är stabila och bibehåller sina strukturella egenskaper under in vivo-temperaturer och att de har hög affinitet för HSA. Ytterligare studier bör utföras innan säkrare slutsatser kan dras angående GRPR-bindningsaffinitet.

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