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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um sistema servidor web distribuído com provisão de QoS absoluta e relativa / Distributed Web server system with provision of absolute QoS

Edwin Luis Choquehuanca Mamani 08 December 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta um protótipo de servidor Web distribuído com diferenciação de serviços baseado em QoS relativa e absoluta. São implementados e comparados diferentes algoritmos de escalonamento. Um dos algoritmos avaliados é o EBS. O objetivo é transpor a teoria da política para o mundo real, e comparar o seu comportamento com os resultados das simulações, utilizando o tempo de resposta como medida de desempenho. Além do EBS, outros algoritmos são avaliados, tais como, Round-Roubin e Weighted Round Robin / This work presents a prototype of a distributed Web server with service differentiation based on relative and absolute QoS. Are compared different schedule algorithms. One of the policies to be evaluated is the EBS. The goal is to implement the policy theory to the real world, comparing their behavior with the simulation results, using the response time as a performance measure. In addition to the EBS, others policies are evaluated, such as Round-Roubin and Weight Round Robin

Information security in the client/server environment

Botha, Reinhardt A 23 August 2012 (has links)
M.Sc. (Computer Science) / Client/Server computing is currently one of the buzzwords in the computer industry. The client/server environment can be defined as an open systems environment. This openness of the client/server environment makes it a very popular environment to operate in. As information are exceedingly accessed in a client/server manner certain security issues arise. In order to address this definite need for a secure client/server environment it is necessary to firstly define the client/server environment. This is accomplished through defining three possible ways to partition programs within the client/server environment. Security, or secure systems, have a different meaning for different people. This dissertation defines six attributes of information that should be maintained in order to have secure information. For certain environments some of these attributes may be unnecessary or of lesser importance. Different security techniques and measures are discussed and classified in terms of the client/server partitions and the security attributes that are maintained by them. This is presented in the form of a matrix and provides an easy reference to decide on security measures in the client/server environment in order to protect a specific aspect of the information. The importance of a security policy and more specifically the influence of the client/server environment on such a policy are discussed and it is demonstrated that the framework can assist in drawing up a security policy for a client/server environment. This dissertation furthermore defines an electronic document .management system as a case study. It is shown that the client/server environment is a suitable environment for such a system. The security needs and problems are identified and classified in terms of the security attributes. Solutions to the problems are discussed in order to provide a reasonably secure electronic document management system environment.

Införande av ett dokumenthanteringssystem på SMHI / Implementation of a document handling system at SMHI

Andersson, Lina January 2002 (has links)
Den ostrukturerade dokumenthantering, som idag förekommer på avdelningen Ida på företaget SMHI, gav upphov till detta examensarbete. Ett dokumenthanteringssystem har införskaffats till avdelningen. Dokumenthanteringssystemet är en produkt från Microsoft med namnet SharePoint Portal Server (SPS), vilken levererats av WM-data. SPS är relativt ny på marknaden, vilket gör att erfarenheter saknas kring produkten. Syftet med dokumenthanteringssystemet är att samla alla dokument på samma plats, vilket gör dem lätt tillgängliga för alla berörda. Förhoppningsvis kommer införandet av ett dokumenthanteringssystem också att innebära att belastningen på övriga filtjänster minskar. Examensarbetet bestod i att göra ett förslag till både dokumentstruktur och metadata, som senare skulle implementeras i SPS. Dokumentstrukturen skapades med hänsyn till SMHI:s systemförvaltningsmodell. För att vara säker på att strukturen och metadatan skulle fungera i verkligheten, och inte bara på papperet, genomfördes två pilotsystem. Med hjälp av dessa gjordes några förändringar i både struktur och metadata. Dokumenthanteringssystemets alla funktioner har under examensarbetets gång utforskats med hjälp av manualer.Vilka dessa funktioner är och hur de fungerar beskrivs i denna rapport. Vid användandet av SPS har en hel del brister upptäckts i programvaran. Bristerna är av större eller mindre betydelse för SMHI:s behov. Dessa har dock anmälts till Microsoft, och man hoppas därmed att de blir åtgärdade till nästa version av SPS. Examensarbetet har resulterat i ett förslag till dokumentstruktur och ett förslag till metadata. Förslagen implementerades också i dokumenthanteringssystemet, eftersom tiden medgav detta.

Peer-to-peer som företagslösning / Peer-to-peer as an enterprise solution

Waller, Michael, Salleke, Emelie January 2002 (has links)
Problemområde: Idag är användandet av peer-to-peer (P2P) - applikationer såsom KaZaa, ICQ och Seti@home utbrett bland privatpersoner. Användningen inom företag är dock ännu i sin linda. Vi kommer därför i den här uppsatsen utreda om ett eventuellt införande av P2P- teknik i ett företagsnätverk ger några fördelar jämfört med en klassisk Client/Server-lösning. Hypotes: Arbetet bygger på hypotesen: ?En P2P-lösning ger fördelar för företaget jämfört med en Client/Server-lösning? Genomförande: För jämförelsen mellan P2P och Client/Server definierades och jämfördes fem områden: Säkerhet, Användbarhet, Tillgänglighet, Bandbredd samt Utrustningskrav. Slutsats: Inom områdena Användbarhet och Tillgänglighet ger en P2P-lösning klara fördelar, däremot inom områdena Säkerhet och Bandbredd visar Client/Server- lösningen istället klara fördelar. Området Utrustningskrav är oavgjort då det inte finns någon märkbar skillnad på lösningarna. Säkerhetsproblemen är P2P-teknologins akilleshäl och det problem som är mest troligt att stoppa stora investeringar i framtiden om det inte löses. Slutsatsen av vår jämförelse blir sålunda: För ett företag som redan har ett existerande Client/Server-nätverk är det inte någon idé att helt byta system, däremot kan det vara av intresse att introducera en applikation som möjliggör skapandet av så kallade Virtuella Nätverk. För ett helt nytt företag kan skapandet av ett P2P-nätverk vara ett väl så intressant alternativ till Client/Server. Detta förutsätter dock att säkerheten inte är så viktig för företaget eller att säkerhetsproblemen lösts.

HTTP/1.1 performance from an embedded perspective

Persson, Hannes, Toft, Christian January 2004 (has links)
This paper is an all-embracing introduction to HTTP performance, which encompasses all areas of importance concerning application layer performance. We highlight seven areas to consider before implementing HTTP/1.1 in an embedded web server, these were identified by a careful survey of previous research. The highlighted topics are the new request methods, persistent connections, chunked encoding, byte- range operations, content negotiation, digest authentication and caching, all new or improved features in HTTP/1.1. We explore why the old design rationale of HTTP/1.1 has become obsolete in an embedded setting. We also suggest new guidelines which are more suitable for an embedded web server. / Hannes Persson, hannes.persson@mac.com Christian Toft, mda00cto@student.bth.se

Evaluation of Video-on-Demand Streaming Servers / Utvärdering av Video-on-Demand Streaming servers.

Westin, Georg January 2003 (has links)
This thesis evaluates and presents streaming server solutions in terms of price and performance with focus on delivering high quality video movies over broadband. The general results that have been found are that Darwin Streaming Server for Linux is recommended for a distributed solution with many nodes in the network where large distribution cost per movie is acceptable, Darwin Streaming Server for Windows is not recommended and Windows Media 9 Series is recommended in distributions where few servers can be used in the streaming network and low cost per delivered object is highly desirable. / Rapporten presenterar en utvärdering av streaming server lösningar med avseende på pris och prestanda. Fokus ligger på att utvärdera möjligheterna att streama hög kvalitets video över bredband. De generella resultaten är att Darwin Streaming Server för Linux är rekommenderad för en distribuerad lösning som kräver många noder i nätverket och höga distributionskostnader är acceptabla. Darwin Streaming Server för Windows är inte rekommenderad och Windows Media 9 Series rekommenderas när få streaming servrar kan användas och där låga distributionskostnader är viktiga. / georg.westin@home.se

Grafiska ioFTPD-verktyg / Graphical ioFTPD Tools

Landälv, Martin January 2006 (has links)
Jag har under en period motsvarande 10 veckor på heltid utvecklat ett grafiskt konfigurations-verktyg för konfiguration av ftp-servern ioFTPD [4]. ioFTPD är en relativt ny ftp-server för Windows som är resurssnål och högpresterande [4]. ioFTPD utvecklas av iniCom Networks [4] som även utvecklar den kända ftp-klienten FlashFXP [4]. Idén till att utveckla ett grafiskt konfigurationsprogram kom till eftersom det inte fanns några grafiska verktyg för vare sig konfiguration eller övervakning av servern. Eftersom det inte fanns något användarvänligt grafiskt konfigurationsverktyg var användaren tvungen att editera ioFTPD:s konfigurationsfil manuellt. Manuell editering av en så stor fil gör det lätt att införa fel. Mina delmål var att skapa tre grafiska applikationer för att hjälpa till att konfigurera och övervaka ioFTPD-servern. • Ett grafiskt konfigurationsverktyg • Ett övervakningsprogram • En vfs-editor för skapande och redigering av det virtuella filsystemet Huvudmålet var att implementera det grafiska konfigurationsverktyget, vilket jag gjorde. Jag är nöjd med slutprodukten även om det finns detaljer som kan förbättras. Under projektets gång har jag bland annat förbättrat mina kunskaper i C++ och Win32-programmering, samt att jag insett vikten av att göra en genomtänkt design innan man påbörjar implementationen. / I have, during a period of ten weeks, full time, developed a configuration utility, featuring a graphical user interface for the configuration of the ftp server ioFTPD [4]. ioFTPD is a relatively new high performance and resource efficient ftp daemon [4] for Windows. ioFTPD is developed by iniCom Networks [4], who also develop the popular ftp client FlashFXP. [4] Because ioFTPD lacks graphical applications for the configuration and monitoring, the idea to develop a graphical configuration utility arose. Since there was no user friendly graphical configuration utility, the user manually had to edit ioFPTD's configuration file. Manually editing such a big file could easily result in error introduction. My goals were to develop three graphical applications to aid in the configuration and monitoring of the ioFTDP server. • A graphical configuration utility • A monitoring application • A vfs-editor to aid in the creation and editing of the virtual file system The main goal was to implement the graphical configuration utility, which I did. I'm satisfied with the result even though there are details that could be improved. During the project I have improved my knowledge with C++ and programming with the Windows API. I've also realized the importance of doing a thoroughly thought through design before one starts the implementation.

BlindCanSeeQL: Improved Blind SQL Injection For DB Schema Discovery Using A Predictive Dictionary From Web Scraped Word Based Lists

Wheeler, Ryan 27 October 2015 (has links)
SQL Injections are still a prominent threat on the web. Using a custom built tool, BlindCanSeeQL (BCSQL), we will explore how to automate Blind SQL attacks to discover database schema using fewer requests than the standard methods, thus helping avoid detection from overloading a server with hits. This tool uses a web crawler to discover keywords that assist with autocompleting schema object names, along with improvements in ASCII bisection to lower the number of requests sent to the server. Along with this tool, we will discuss ways to prevent and protect against such attacks.

Comparative Study of Web Application Development with SQL Server and Db4o

Danturthi, Sreedhar January 2011 (has links)
This thesis work is a comparative study of technical features between three distinctivemethods for database access. A web store which offers software components to download,for registered users has been built with three different database access methods to drawcomparisons. 1. SQL Server 2005 with stored procedures 2. LINQ to SQL 3. Db4o Working in Visual Studio with three different methods for database access was not difficult.SQL Server with Stored procedures is efficient in performance and offers maintainability ofthe database access logic. LINQ to SQL makes queries to database as first-class languageconstruct providing type-safety and Intellisense. LINQ to SQL has relatively lowperformance compared to Stored procedures because of the translation of LINQ queries toSQL Queries to communicate with the database. Db4o solves the problem of impedancemismatch and making the development of Database model much simpler and similar to theapplication domain model. Although Db4o has its own drawbacks with database size andconcurrency. Db4o can be considered as an alternative to Relational Database ManagementSystems. Db4o works particularly well with applications which have a small data footprint.

Capacity Planning And Server Design For A Web Service

Retamales, Felipe January 2016 (has links)
Devo IT and its subsidiary SoftRobot AB are planning to offer a new service to its clients to further enhance growth of the company. This new service is a website that allows clients to upload documents that are converted into machine-editable text. The website and its underlying database are developed by SoftRobot's developer, but they lack the hardware. Using Cisco's PPDIOO network life cycle model, the three first stages of the project are identified. The "prepare" stage is already done by Devo IT where the project's justifications are discussed. In the subsequent "planning" stage, the needs of the project, are identified and a gap analysis is made of what is needed. The "design" phase elaborates which specific hardware and software is needed for the project. Three servers are needed, one for the main web server, a second for the database, and a third as a cache server for relieving the load on the database. These are planned as virtual machines, so that they can be located on the same physical machine and easily moved if necessary. The disk space required for the database is calculated with test documents since the average document size, the number of clients and how much they upload is known. Disks with adequate size can therefore be chosen. Different ways of improving performance and lowering failure rate of the disks are discussed with the means of RAID levels. These levels improve both disks reliability and performance in different ways.RAID 10 is designated for the database and RAID 1 for the web server and the caching server since those levels are the most suited for these applications. CPU and memory requirements are chosen based on availability and cost. Network bandwidth is analyzed and confirmed as sufficient with the help of the test database and since the bottleneck would be the CPU converting the uploaded documents. Software for backup and administration of the virtual machines are chosen comparing their functionality and the requirements for the project and their cost. After the hardware needs are identified, an cost analysis is made between hosting in Devo IT's server room or outsourcing it to an external company. It was revealed, as Devo IT suspected, that outsourcing costs more. The results of this thesis enables Devo IT to create a service with good quality, which will meet the clients expectations and also make Devo IT grow as a company with new clients and increased revenue.

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