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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Exploration Of Masculinity, Femininity, Sexual Fantasy, And Masturbation As Predictors Of Marital Satisfaction

Soyer, Asli 01 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The major problems that this study addressed were the identification of group differences on masculinity, femininity, monthly frequency of sexual fantasy, monthly frequency of masturbation, and marital satisfaction, as well as the investigation of which predictor variables account for a significant proportion of the criterion variables monthly frequency of sexual fantasy, monthly frequency of masturbation, and marital satisfaction. BEM Sex Roles Inventory-Short Form (BSRI-SF), Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS), , and Demographic Information Form were administered 200 married individuals. To test the hypotheses of the study, ANOVA and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analyses were conducted. Results revealed that, gender differentiated the groups on masculinity, femininity, monthly frequency of sexual fantasy, and monthly frequency of masturbation. However, no difference was found for marital satisfaction. Apart from that, gender, frequency of sexual intercourse, and age found to be the predictors of monthly frequency of sexual fantasy. Another finding was that, gender, the belief that masturbation is not socially accepted, marital satisfaction, and femininity significantly predicted monthly frequency of masturbation. Lastly, results revealed that monthly frequency of sexual intercourse and monthly frequency of masturbation contributed to the prediction of marital satisfaction. The findings were discussed in the light of the relevant literature.

Psychological and social aspects of tubal infertility : a longitudinal study of infertile women and their men

Lalos, Ann January 1985 (has links)
All thirty women who were to undergo microsurgical treatment for tubal infertility in 1981 and their men were investigated. Over a period of 2 years four interviews were performed with the women and two with their men. A questionnaire, semistructured interviews, symptom checklist and the Eysenck Personality Inventory were used. During this longitudinal study the couples' background, current situation and emotional and social impact of the infertility problem were investigated. The psychological and social effects of the medical investigation and treatment have been described. Expectations and hopes about the future after unsuccessful surgical treatment and the need of professional psychosocial counselling have been noted. Furthermore, the extent of psychological reactions compatible with a crisis pattern has been identified and classified. Finally, overt motives for having a child have been studied. The infertile couples generally did not differ with respect to psychosocial background, current life situation, psychiatric anamnesis or personality characteristics when compared with apparently normal reference groups. Several deleterious emotional and social effects of the infertility were found both before and 2 years after the surgical treatment. The women admitted to suffering such effects more frequently than the men. The partners' feeling for each other were getting worse 2 years after the operation. There was also a tendency to a deterioration in opinions about marital relationships. Most of the mental symptoms recorded could be classified in terms of depression, guilt and isolation, which all are parts of the reactive phase of the common crisis pattern. The crisis of infertility, however, differs from the common traumatic crisis; it is more prolonged and there are often repeated crisis reactions. Negative effects on the couples' sexual life were reported by all individuals. The medical investigation and surgical treatment of infertility influenced the couples' mutual relationship and sexual life negatively. Intrapsychic and interpersonal motives of childwish were dominant among both women and men. A central motive was that a child is an ultimate expression of love between a man and a woman. The motives of the infertile couples generally did not differ from those of the reference groups. Most of the couples had difficulty in working their way through and finding a solution to their infertility problem by their own means. Relatives and friends failed to fulfil a supportive function. The importance of having the possibility of professional psychosocial counselling and support parallel with the investigation and treatment were stressed by all participants. / digitalisering@umu

Klaipėdos universiteto studenčių pasitenkinimo seksualiniu gyvenimu ir savivertės ryšio vertinimas / Evaluation of association between satisfaction of sexual life and self-esteem of female students in Klaipeda university

Arnašiūtė, Renata 04 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti Klaipėdos universiteto studenčių pasitenkinimą seksualiniu gyvenimu ir ryšį su saviverte. Tyrimo metodika. Vienmomentiniame tyrime dalyvavo 379 Klaipėdos universiteto 1-4 kurso nuolatinių studijų studentės. Rezultatai. Trys ketvirtadaliai studenčių yra turėjusios lytinius santykius. Daugiau negu trečdalis respondenčių (37,8 proc.) lytinio akto metu visada naudoja apsisaugojimo priemones, o 6,6 proc. merginų visiškai nenaudoja jokių apsisaugojimo priemonių. Dažniausiai naudojama kontraceptinė priemonė – prezervatyvai (81,2 proc.). Dauguma merginų (63,0 proc.) yra patenkintos arba visiškai patenkintos savo seksualiniu gyvenimu. Didžioji dauguma respondenčių nors kartą gyvenime yra patyrusios orgazmą vaginalinio sekso metu. Pasitenkinimą seksualiniu gyvenimu reikšmingai didino antrosios pusės turėjimas, dažnesnis orgazmo patyrimas lytinių santykių metu, gera sveikata bei savęs gerbimas. Beveik visos merginos (94,7 proc.) turėjo vidutinę arba aukštą savivertę. Merginos, turinčios vidutinę ir aukštą savivertę, reikšmingai dažniau nurodė, jog yra patenkintos/visiškai patenkintos seksualiniu gyvenimu. Koreliacinių ryšių tarp pasitenkinimo seksualiniu gyvenimu ir savivertės nerasta. Nustatyti teigiami koreliaciniai ryšiai tarp įvairių seksualinių veiksmų dažnumo ir pasitenkinimo seksualiniu gyvenimu bei tarp savivertės ir įvairių seksualinių veiksmų. / The aim of the study: to evaluate female students‘ satisfaction of sexual life and connection with self-esteem in Klaipeda University. Methods. In epidemiological study involved 379 first-fourth year full-time female students of Klaipeda University. Results. Three quarters of the female students had sexual intercourse. More than a third of respondents (37.8 percent) during sexual intercourse always use contraception, and 6.6 per cent. females do not use any contraception. The most commonly used contraceptive method - condoms (81.2 percent). Most of the females with sexual experience (63.0 percent.) are satisfied or completely satisfied with their sexual life. The vast majority of respondents have experienced vaginal orgasm during sex for at least once in their life. The possession of the „second half“, more frequent orgasm during intercourse, good health and self-respect have significantly increased satisfaction with sexual life. Almost all women (94.7 percent) had medium to high self-esteem. Females with medium and high self-esteem, significantly more often indicated that they were satisfied / completely satisfied with sexual life. Correlations between satisfaction with sexual life and self-esteem were not found. The positive correlation was established between frequencies of different sexual activities and satisfaction with sex life and also between different sexual activities and self-esteem.

An Exploration Of Marital Satisfaction, Locus Of Control, And Self-esteem As Predictors Of Sexual Satisfaction

Basat, Cagla 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The major problems that this study adressed were, the identification of which predictor variables account for a significant proportion of the variance in the criterion variable sexual satisfaction, as well as the group differences on the sexual satisfaction, marital satisfaction, locus of control, and self-esteem. In the current study, a sample which was composed of 200 married persons was investigated. Results revealed that, gender, education level, and interaction of these variables differentiated the groups on both the sexual satisfaction and marital satisfaction. However, only the main effect of education level differentiated the groups on the locus of control. Additionally, gender and education level differentiated the groups on the self-esteem. Marital satisfaction, locus of control, self-esteem, length of marriage, intercourse frequency and orgasm frequency significantly predicted the sexual satisfaction. Findings of the present study were discussed in the light of the relevant literature.

Kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med bröstcancer / Women's experiences of living with breast cancer

Wennberg, Hanna, Khamis, Zaitun January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland kvinnor över hela världen. Att få ett bröstcancerbesked och att genomgå behandlingar skapar psykiska och fysiska påfrestningar vilket leder till traumatiska reaktioner. Sjuksköterskan har en betydande roll att stödja och stärka patienternas kunskaper och egna resurser för att hantera livet med bröstcancer. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa kvinnors erfarenheter av att leva med bröstcancer.   Metod: Åtta empiriska artiklar med kvalitativ metod ingick i litteraturstudien.  De valda artiklarna analyserades utifrån Fribergs analysmetod.  Databassökningarna genomfördes på databaserna CINAHL, PubMed samt via manuellsökning. Resultat: Studien resulterade i tre kategorier och åtta subkategorier. Kategorierna som bildades var: Från frisk till sjuk, Tankar i vardagen samt Stöd och information.   Konklusion: De slutsatser som kan dras av litteraturstudien är att forskning om kvinnors erfarenheter av bröstcancer ständigt behöver uppdateras för att omvårdnaden ska möta kvinnors behov. / Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women worldwide. Getting a breast cancer diagnosis and going through t treatment creates physical and psychological reactions which affect women’s self-image and their everyday life. Registered nurses have a significant role in supporting and strengthening patients’ knowledge and resources to manage living with breast cancer. Aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate women’s experiences of living with breast cancer.  Methods: A total of eight empirical articles with a qualitative method were included. The articles were analyzed based on Friberg’s method of analysis. The databases used in the searches of the articles were CINAHL, PubMed and manual search. Results: The analysis in this study resulted in three categories and eight subcategories. The categories that were formed were: From health to sickness, Thoughts about everyday life and Support and information.  Conclusion: The conclusions that can be drawn from the literature study is that research on women's experiences of breast cancer needs to be constantly updated to meet women’s needs.

Female urinary incontinence : impact on sexual life and psychosocial wellbeing in patients and partners, and patient-reported outcome after surgery

Nilsson, Margareta January 2012 (has links)
Background: Urinary incontinence (UI) and urgency are common conditions and can have a profound influence on many aspects of life. Approximately one in four women has UI and one in ten has daily symptoms. Knowledge is lacking, however, on the impact of UI and urgency on the lives of affected women and their partners and on the situation of women with urinary leakage one year postoperatively. Aims: To study the consequences of female UI and urgency for patients and their partners on quality of life (QoL), the partner relationship, and their sexual lives. Also to evaluate the success rates of three operation methods: tension-free vaginal tape (TVT), tension-free vaginal tape-obturator (TVT-O), and transobturator tape (TOT) for stress urinary incontinence (SUI), with a particular focus on women who still have urinary leakage one year after surgery. Methods: Women seeking healthcare for UI and/or urgency and their partners were invited to answer questionnaires. The women completed disease-specific questionnaires and both the women (n = 206) and their partners (n = 109) answered questions about their psychosocial situation, partner relationship, and sexual life. Patient-reported outcomes one year after surgery with TVT, TVT-O, or TOT (n = 3334) were derived from the Swedish National Quality Register for Gynaecological Surgery. Results: Most of the women reported that their urinary problems negatively affected their physical activities, and almost half reported negative consequences for their social life. Women aged 25–49 years were less satisfied with their psychological health, sexual life, and leisure than women aged 50–74 years. One third of both the women and their partners (all the partners were men) experienced a negative impact on their relationship, and sexual life was negatively affected in almost half of the women and one in five of their men. Coital incontinence was reported in one third of the women. Most of their men did not consider this a problem, but the majority of the affected women did. Satisfaction with outcome of the operation did not differ between TVT, TVT-O, and TOT, but TVT showed a higher success rate for SUI than TOT did. Higher age, higher body mass index, a diagnosis of mixed urinary incontinence, and a history of urinary leakage in combination with urgency each constitute a risk for a lower operation success rate. After one year, 29% of the women still had some form of UI, but half of these were satisfied with the outcome and most reported fewer negative impacts on family, social, working, and sexual life than before the operation. Conclusions: Female UI and/or urgency impaired QoL, particularly in young women, and had negative effects on partner relationships and on some partners’ lives. Sexual life was also affected, more often in women with UI and/or urgency than in their partners. At one-year follow-up after surgery, about one third of the women still had some form of UI, but the negative impact on their lives was reduced. A challenge for health care professionals is to initiate a dialogue with women with urinary symptoms about sexual function and what surgery can realistically be expected to accomplish.

Att balansera mellan individuella och relationella behov - en kvalitativ studie om partners perspektiv på sexuallivet vid förvärvad hjärnskada

Ek, Ann-Sofie January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning har visat att parrelationer och sexualliv påverkats efter att den ena i förhållandet förvärvat en hjärnskada. Det kan finnas en diskrepans mellan parets olika syn på vad som är problematiskt i förhållandet. Ofta har hjärnskadan medfört att partnern fått ett ökat ansvar och därmed även en rollförändring.Syfte och metod: Syftet med studien är att belysa hur partners till personer som förvärvat en hjärnskada upplever parrelationen med särskilt fokus på det gemensamma sexuallivet. Studien bygger på åtta individuella intervjuer med partners till personer som i vuxen ålder förvärvat en hjärnskada. Resultat: De övergripande resultaten visar att den förvärvade hjärnskadan påverkat parets dagliga liv. De flesta uppgav att även sexuallivet påverkats, både det gemensamma och partnerns egen sexualitet. Detta har hanterats på olika sätt. En balansgång framträdde mellan att se till det bästa för relationen, och att se till individuella behov. Två olika inställningar till sexuallivet framkom. Å ena sidan ansågs sexuella aktiviteter vara något som skulle komma spontant, och å andra sidan att sexuallivet liksom andra aktiviteter behövde planeras. / Background: Earlier research has shown that relations and sexual life has been affected after one of the partners has acquired a brain injury. There might be a discrepancy between the partners as to what is problematic in the relationship. Often the brain injury has caused the partner to take greater responsibility, therefore also a change in roles. Purpose and method: The purpose of the study is to show how partners to people with brain injury experience their relationship, with focus on the sexual life. The study is based on eight individual’s interviews with partners to people who have acquired a brain injury in their adult life. Results: The overall results show that the brain injury has affected the couple’s daily life. Most said that their sexual life had also been affected, both the mutual and the partners own sexuality. There are different ways to cope with this. A balancing act was shown between a person’s individual needs and the needs of the partner. Two different points of view were expressed about the sexual life. On the one hand sexual activities were seen as something spontaneous, on the other hand, like so many other things, it needed planning.

Vliv syndromu vyhoření na sexualitu všeobecných sester na pracovištích neodkladné péče ve fakultních nemocnicích / The influence of the burnout syndrome on the sexuality of general nurses in intensive care in university hospital

Bohuslavová, Monika January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Burnout syndrome is a topical issue in the world and in the Czech Republic, not only in the healt sector. The diploma thesis is focused on finding the conection between burnout syndrome and sexuality of general nurses in emergency care. I chose the topic for my diploma thesis because it is close to me and I work in emergency care myself. In addition, the topic is not very well explored, and the research data will contribute to an international study examining the imapct od burnout syndrome on human health. This study in the Czech Republic is under the guidance of PhDr. Šárky Dynákové, Ph.D. and doc. PhDr. Jana Kožnara, CSc. Methodology: Data collection for research was conducted using two anonymous questionnaires. The first questionnaire focused on burnout syndrome using the Czech version of the Shirom-Melamed scale (Shirom, Melamed, 2006 In Ptáček, 2013). The second questionnaire examined the sexual function of a woman according to Mellan in Kratochvíl, S. (1999). The research sample consisted of general nurses working in emergency care at a teaching hospital. Results: The impact of burnout syndrome has been demonstrated by research in sexual desire (H1), self-assessment as a sexual partner (H2), and mood before sexual intercourse (H4). The results show that the area that achieved...

Vliv syndromu vyhoření na sexualitu u zdravotnických záchranářů / The influence of the burnout syndrome on the sexuality of paramedics

Kunešová, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
Introduction to the issue: This paper examines the impact of burnout syndrome, which is common among caring professionals, on the sexuality of male paramedics. The term "burnout" was coined in the US 25 years ago. Burnout is defined as a mental state resulting from constant and long-term exposure to stress, especially in relation to psychosocial work factors (Melamed and Shirom, 2006). The effect of burnout syndrome on sexuality is a topic that has received very little attention. That is why I decided to cooperate with PhDr. Šárka Dynáková, Ph.D. and doc. PhDr. Jan Kožnar, CSc, who are working on an international study in the Czech Republic on the effects of burnout syndrome on human health. Methodology: For the theoretical part of this diploma thesis, use was made of monographs and databases. For the practical part, quantitative data was collected using standardized questionnaires distributed among male paramedics. The first questionnaire focused on burnout syndrome using a validated questionnaire for the Czech Republic, one that applies the Shirom-Melamed scale from 2006 (Ptáček, 2013). An extended Kroměříž version of the Sexual Functions of Men questionnaire was used for collecting the data on sexuality (Kratochvíl, 1999). After establishing five working hypotheses (H), the relationship between...

Znalosti mladistvých o prevenci rizikového sexuálniho chování v Klatovech / Teenagers´ knowledge about prevention of the risk sexual behaviour in Klatovy

JIŘÍKOVÁ, Petra January 2007 (has links)
The diploma work deals with problems of the risk sexual behaviour of teenagers. The aim was to compare knowledge of teenagers about prevention of the risk sexual behaviour at the Secondary medical school and at the secondary schools without medical orientation. Quantitative research was put into practice for the purpose of the fulfilment of this aim. The method of the technique of interviewing and the standardized questionnaire were adopted and the data collection was realized with respondents from 4th classes of the selected secondary schools in Klatovy in 2007. It follows from the general evaluation that although respondents from the Secondary medical school have more knowledge about prevention of the risk sexual behaviour, at the present time negative characterizations of the sexual behaviour were found out. One of the problems is an area of the preventive impact in families and schools. The sex education of respondents from the secondary schools without medical orientation is completely insufficient. They are interested in it more at Secondary medical school but also here prevention is based only on giving information. We should lead teenagers to the restriction of the risk sexual behaviour not only by the influence of the area of knowledge but also of the area of their attitudes and skills. Next important role in prevention is played especially by the family and the school, which must work together, then out-of-school activities and doctors. Young people, who have clear aims in life, fixed individual values, communicate with their parents and are led in these important questions, have bigger strength to brave the pressure of people of the same age, advertisements and mass medias, which encourage them to the premature sexual life.

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