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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Realistic shear assessment and novel strengthening of existing concrete bridges

Valerio, Pierfrancesco January 2009 (has links)
The actual shear capacity of existing concrete structures is often unable to meet current standard requirements. This may be attributable to increased load requirements, inadequate shear provisions in the original design or increased demand in shear capacity owing to flexural strengthening. However, available methods of assessment are often conservative, and the actual strength may be sufficient to sustain the specified assessment load. Therefore, it is important that realistic assessment methods are employed. This research comprises an investigation into the shear capacity of prestressed concrete bridges and into the feasibility of a novel strengthening approach, both through comprehensive laboratory experimentation and theoretical analyses. The laboratory testing indicates that the shear capacity of prestressed concrete bridges, post-tensioned transversely to form a deck, can be significantly greater than suggested by the relevant standards. The strengthening method proposed, namely deep embedment of steel or fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars, is found to be feasible and very effective for reinforced concrete (RC) and prestressed concrete (PSC) beams of any size. Analytical models based on the upper-bound theorem of plasticity theory are successfully developed and applied, resulting in much more realistic predictions than those from current standards and codes when assessing shear capacity. For the strengthened beams, in addition to an upper-bound model, a strengthening design method based on a truss analogy is developed, which can be directly implemented into codes of practice. The analytical methods permit the assessment of existing longitudinally and laterally prestressed concrete bridges for shear capacity in a rational manner, and then to determine the capacity of a practical shear strengthening system if the bridge turns out to actually be understrength. Use of the proposed methodology will allow significant savings, as the costs associated with replacing or strengthening the structure can be avoided or minimised, encouraging a sustainable approach.

Shear Strengthening of RC Beams Using Externally Bonded and Anchored FRP U-wraps

D'Souza, Clinton January 2016 (has links)
Externally bonded FRP U-wraps are a common shear strengthening configuration for RC beams, however premature debonding of the wraps is a major problem, which limits the effectiveness and efficiency of the FRP strengthening. In this investigation a new π-shape carbon anchor was used to fasten the FRP U-wraps to the concrete in an attempt to prevent/delay debonding of the wraps and increase their effectiveness. Fourteen large scale rectangular beams with a 1900 mm span, 400 mm height, and 170 mm width were tested in three-point bending with various configurations of FRP shear strengthening. Shear pre-cracks were introduced in the beams at angles of 30 and 45 degrees in an attempt to control the inclination angle of the shear crack and determine its effect on the FRP shear resistance. The FRP shear strengthening configurations included un-anchored U-wraps, U-wraps with anchors, U-wraps with horizontal strips, and full wraps. The results showed that the use of a variable shear crack inclination angle in the CSA S806-12 (2012) standard led to overestimated shear resistance predictions for beams with a single shear crack, therefore a conservative 45 degree shear crack inclination is recommended for design. The use of the proposed carbon anchors resulted in a 74% increase in shear strength over the un-anchored U-wrapped beams, while only using half the amount of FRP. The use of the anchors also resulted in a 286% increase in the ultimate FRP strain over the un-anchored U-wraps, and allowed the FRP wraps to achieve 58% of their rupture strain. The use of horizontal strips provided similar results to the anchors and may be used as a less labour intensive alternative, but this issue needs further investigation. / Dissertation / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / Damaged or older reinforced concrete structures can be rehabilitated by using externally bonded fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets, which are bonded to the concrete surface using an epoxy adhesive. For the case of shear strengthening of beams, it is common for FRP sheets to be wrapped around the sides and bottom of the beam, resembling a U-shape. The problem with this configuration is that under high levels of load the FRP sheets tend to peel off the concrete surface (debonding). This limits the effectiveness of the rehabilitation and results in the inefficient use of the FRP. A new method for anchoring the FRP sheets to the concrete surface is investigated in this research study. The use of a new in-situ π-shape anchor shows promising results, as it delays debonding and provides a large increase in strength with less FRP needed.

Ενίσχυση φέρουσας τοιχοποιίας για εντός επιπέδου φόρτιση με σύνθετα υλικά ανόργανης μήτρας και με ράβδους σύνθετων υλικών σε εγκοπές

Κάρλος, Κυριάκος 14 May 2007 (has links)
Μια από τις πολλές δομικές εφαρμογές των συνθέτων υλικών, είτε αυτά έχουν την μορφή ινοπλισμένων πολυμερών είτε την μορφή ινοπλισμένων κονιαμάτων, είναι και η ενίσχυση τοιχοποιίας, φέρουσας ή μη. Τα σύνθετα υλικά είναι δυνατό να δώσουν λύση σε προβλήματα στατικής επάρκειας και αναβάθμιση στάθμης επιτελεστικότητας κτηρίων σύμφωνα με τους Ευρωκώδικες. Ο στόχος της συγκεκριμένης μεταπτυχιακής διατριβής είναι: i. Να μελετηθούν οι τρόποι με τους οποίους είναι δυνατόν να ενισχυθεί μια τοιχοποιία από οπτοπλινθοδομή και να πραγματοποιηθούν πειραματικές δοκιμές, (για να καταστεί με αυτό τον τρόπο δυνατή η σύγκριση των θεωρητικών με τα πειραματικά δεδομένα). ii. Η κατασκευή αντιπροσωπευτικών δοκιμίων που να εξετάζουν και να απεικονίζουν την πλειονότητα των δομημάτων και τελικά η πειραματική επεξεργασία τους. iii. Η επιλογή των κατάλληλων υλικών με τα οποία είναι δυνατή η αποτελεσματική και πρακτική η ενίσχυση της τοιχοποιίας. iv. Η μελέτη του τρόπου με τον οποίο αλληλεμπλέκονται τα σύνθετα υλικά με την τοιχοποιία και η τελική αστοχία της τελευταίας, με στόχο την απόκτηση μεγαλύτερης αντοχής και πλαστιμότητας. v. Η σύγκριση των τρόπων ενίσχυσης με ανόργανη (τσιμεντοκονίαμα) και οργανική (εποξειδική ρητίνη) μήτρα και ανθρακονήματα. vi. Η εφαρμογή και εκτίμηση της αποτελεσματικότητας της ενίσχυσης με ράβδους ινών άνθρακα σε βαθιά αρμολογημένο τοίχο με την βοήθεια εποξειδικού τσιμεντοκονιάματος. vii. Η εκτίμηση κατά πόσο με την βοήθεια ενίσχυσης φέρουσας οπτοπλινθοδομής με σύνθετα υλικά είναι δυνατή η κάλυψη των σύγχρονων αντισεισμικών απαιτήσεων. / One of the many uses of composite materials, either in the form of fiber reinforced plastics "FRP" either in the form of fiber reinforced mortars, is the structural reinforcement of masonry. The composite materials are capable to provide a structural upgrade to a building so that it meats the contemporary eurocode demands. The goal of this master thesis is: 1. to study the possible ways of brick masonry reinforcement and perform experimental studies (so that it become possible to compare the theoretical with the experimental data) 2. the construction of representative experimental specimens that examine end picture the majority of civil masonry constructions end finally the experimental elaboration of these specimens. 3. The selection of the suitable material with witch it is possible end practical the reinforcement of the masonry. 4. The study of the ways that composite materials collaborate with the brick masonry up to the point of destruction end finding a way that the reinforced specimens would have more strength end ductility than the unreinforced ones. 5. The comparison end effectiveness of the specimens reinforced with inorganic matrix (cement mortar) versus the ones reinforced with organic matrix (epoxy resin) end carbon fibers. 6. The application end estimation of the effectiveness of carbon fiber bar reinforcement that is applied near the surface in the bed joints of the masonry specimens with the help of epoxy resin cement mortar. 7. To estimate if it is possible with the help of composite materials to reinforce masonry so that it meats contemporary antiseismic construction demands.

Anchorage of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers to Reinforced Concrete in Shear Applications

Niemitz, Carl W 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Within the past few decades a new technology has emerged using Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) to rehabilitate and retrofit reinforced concrete (RC) structures. In FRP shear strengthening applications it is largely recognized that debonding is the prevailing failure mode. FRP debonding typically occurs prematurely as a brittle failure mode that limits the efficiency of the strengthening technique. No systematic tests have been conducted to investigate the capacity gained by anchoring FRP laminates to RC elements in shear applications. The objective of this research program was to study the effects of anchoring FRP laminates to RC members with FRP anchors thereby delaying or potentially eliminating debonding of FRP sheets from the concrete surface. FRP anchors used in this research were made from fibers used as part of FRP sheets that get bundled into a roll with a fanned upper end of the anchor allowing the fibers to be splayed over the FRP sheet. A single shear pull test experiment was developed to study the effects of anchoring FRP laminates using FRP anchors with varying anchor diameters, lengths, and patterning. The results of the experimental portion of this research project were used in combination with finite element analyses to develop models for anchored FRP sheets that can be used in design of shear strengthening applications.

Development of Anchorage System for Frp Strengthening Applications Using Integrated Frp Composite Anchors

Mcguirk, Geoffrey N 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Over the past three decades the use of externally bonded fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials for structural strengthening applications has become an accepted and widely used method. A primary concern of FRP structural strengthening systems is that the FRP often debonds from the concrete well before the load capacity of the FRP material is reached. In addition, debonding failures are often brittle and occur with little warning. Past research concluded that fastening FRP sheets with FRP anchors is an effective method for delaying or preventing debonding failures. However, there is a clear lack of research pertaining to fastening FRP sheets with FRP anchors, and a corresponding lack of design guidance. The primary objective of this research program was to better understand the behavior of bonded FRP sheets that are secured with FRP anchors to aid in future development of design recommendations of this anchorage system. This thesis deals with carbon fiber unidirectional sheets applied using the wet layup system. Design parameters that were investigated include: manufacturer of the FRP materials, unanchored and anchored sheets, number of anchor rows and spacing between rows, number of sheet plies (single or double), and length of bonded sheet behind the anchors. A total of sixteen specimens were tested. Experimental results show that FRP anchorage systems are very effective in increasing load capacity by delaying debonding. Finite element models were also developed of anchored and unanchored bonded FRP sheets.

Großversuche zur Prüfung der Vorhersagefähigkeit der im SFB 528 entwickelten Rechenmodelle

Brückner, Anett, Ortlepp, Regine, Schladitz, Frank, Curbach, Manfred 05 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ein Ziel des Sonderforschungsbereiches 528 war, das Verbundsystem auf allen Skalenebenen so präzise beschreiben zu können, dass eine hinreichende Genauigkeit bei der Berechnung des Tragverhaltens von Stahlbetonbauteilen mit Textilbetonverstärkung nicht nur bei der Nachrechnung, sondern auch bei der Prognose erreicht wird. Die Vorhersagequalität von Tragfähigkeiten für die Biege-, Querkraft- und Normalkraftverstärkung wurde mit Hilfe von Großversuchen nachgewiesen, deren Ergebnisse vor der Berechnung nicht bekannt waren. Anhand der bereitgestellten Materialparameter und Geometriedaten wurde in den numerischen Teilprojekten sowie in einem experimentell orientierten Teilprojekt das Tragverhalten prognostiziert. Danach wurden die Versuche durchgeführt. Die prognostizierten Traglasten wurden durch die Experimente bestätigt. Der vorliegende Beitrag fokussiert auf die Querkraftverstärkung, da eine detaillierte Beschreibung aller Versuche den Rahmen sprengen würde. / One aim of the developments in the SFB 528 was the description of the compound system as precisely as possible at all scale levels that an adequate precision is not achieved by reinforced concrete components at the calculation of the load carrying behaviour with TRC reinforcements only at the historical calculation but also at the forecast. The forecast quality of load-capacities for the bend, shear and normal force strengthenings was proved with the help of large-scale experiments whose results were not confessed before the calculation. With the provided material parameters and geometry data the load carrying behaviour was forecast in the numeric subprojects as well as in an experimentally oriented subproject. After that the tests were carried out. The forecast loads were confirmed by the experiments. The paper on hand focuses on the shear strengthening since a detailed description of all tests would go beyond the scope.

Ενίσχυση πλακοδοκών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος σε τέμνουσα με μανδύες ινοπλισμένων πολυμερών και αγκύρια ινών / Shear strengthening of T-shaped RC beams with FRP U-jackets and FRP anchors

Κούτας, Λάμπρος 28 September 2010 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή διερευνήθηκε πειραματικά, η συμπεριφορά διατάξεων ενίσχυσης πλακοδοκών Οπλισμένου Σκυροδέματος, σε τέμνουσα, που αποτελούνται από το συνδυασμό τρίπλευρων μανδυών από Ινοπλισμένα Πολυμερή και αγκυρίων ινών. Πρόκειται για διατάξεις ενίσχυσης που λόγω της παρουσίας των αγκυρίων, καλούνται να υπερκεράσουν τις αδυναμίες της τεχνικής των «ανοικτών» μανδυών, δηλαδή της συνήθους τεχνικής ενίσχυσης πλακοδοκών σε τέμνουσα. Οι αδυναμίες της εν λόγω τεχνικής, οφείλονται στην ανεπαρκή αγκύρωση των άκρων του μανδύα. Η πειραματική διερεύνηση της συμπεριφοράς τέτοιων διατάξεων ενίσχυσης, έγινε με εφαρμογή τους σε τέσσερα δοκίμια πλακοδοκών Οπλισμένου Σκυροδέματος, και συγκρίθηκε με τη συμπεριφορά ενός δοκιμίου αναφοράς που δεν έφερε καμία διάταξη ενίσχυσης, καθώς και με τη συμπεριφορά ενός δοκιμίου ενισχυμένου μόνο με τρίπλευρο «ανοικτό» μανδύα ΙΟΠ, απουσία αγκυρίων. Όλα τα δοκίμια, υποβλήθηκαν σε μονοτονική φόρτιση μέσω συγκεντρωμένου φορτίου με φορά ώστε να προκαλείται θλίψη στο άνω πέλμα της δοκού, δηλαδή στην πλάκα, και οι συνθήκες στήριξης ήταν τέτοιες που να προσομοιώνουν αμφιέρειστη δοκό. Τα πρώτα Κεφάλαια της διατριβής αποτελούνται από την εισαγωγή, τη βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση και την περιγραφή της πειραματικής διαδικασίας. Στα επόμενα Κεφάλαια, πέραν της παρουσίασης των πειραματικών αποτελεσμάτων, επιχειρείται ο προσδιορισμός της αποδοτικότητας με παράλληλη προσέγγιση της συμπεριφοράς των διατάξεων ενίσχυσης με έμφαση στον τρόπο με τον οποίον τα αγκύρια την επηρεάζουν. Στο τελευταίο Κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται ο κεντρικός άξονας της διατριβής περιλαμβάνοντας και τη σύνοψη των συμπερασμάτων. / In the present thesis, the effectiveness of shear strengthening schemes for T-Shaped RC beams, consisting of FRP U-Jackets and FRP anchors, was experimentally investigated. For this purpose, six full-scale of T-Shaped RC beams were produced. One specimen served as reference (unstrengthened) beam, whereas the remaining five received FRP U-jackets; out of the latter FRP anchors were used in four beams in order to enhance the effectiveness of the strengthening schemes, whereas no anchoring system was applied to the fifth beam. All specimens were tested under monotonic loading causing compression to the wide part of the section. The first chapter of this dissertation discusses the necessity of strengthening beams in shear and introduce the objective of the study. A relatively extended literature overview about shear strengthening with externally bonded reinforcement is included in the second chapter. The purpose of the third chapter is to describe the way the specimens were designed and constructed. The strengthening procedure, the experimental setup and the materials’ properties are also included in this chapter. The test results are presented and discussed in the fourth chapter. In the fifth chapter calculations regarding the effectiveness of the strengthening schemes are presented, along with an attempt to understand their general behavior while emphasizing on the way the FRP anchors affect it. The final chapter includes the general conclusions of the present study.

Renforcement au cisaillement des poutres béton armé par matériaux composites naturels (fibre de Lin) / Shear reinforcement of RC beams by natural composite materials (flax fiber)

Ngo, Minh Duc 23 September 2016 (has links)
Dans le domaine de la construction, le béton armé est un matériau le plus couramment utilisé pour construire des bâtiments, des ponts…Avec sa grande histoire, il y a un très grand nombre d'ouvrages qui se retrouve dégradé pour de multiples raisons tels que les accidents routiers, l'évolution de trafic, les modifications de chargement dans les bâtiments ou les actions climatiques… Pour résoudre ces problèmes, deux possibilités principales s'offrent aux maitres d'ouvrage : la reconstruction ou la réparation. La reconstruction est une solution intéressante mais coûte très cher et ne peut pas être appliquée pour tous les ouvrages (ouvrages historiques …) La deuxième solution est donc souvent utilisée pour maintenir les ouvrages dans un bon état de service. Une des méthodes de réparation couramment utilisée consiste à l'application de matériaux composites pour renforcer les structures béton armé. Les coûts relativement acceptables et la mise en oeuvre rapide en font une solution technique de plus en plus appréciée. La technique de renforcement par matériaux composites se traduit par l'encollage de tissu ou de plats réalisés à partir de fibres de carbone ou de verre sur un support en béton. Ces types de matériaux ne sont pas d'origine naturelle, leur production provoque de forts impacts sur l'environnement et de plus, ces matériaux ne sont pas dégradables à leur fin de vie. Donc pour répondre à la question du développement durable qui demande que tous les domaines respectent l'environnement, un nouveau matériau écologique pouvant remplacer ces matériaux dans le renforcement de structure béton armé est toujours demandé. La fibre de Lin est un matériau d'origine naturelle qui présente de bonnes propriétés mécaniques. A l'heure actuelle, la fibre de Lin est appliquée dans plusieurs domaines : l'automobile, le sport, … Dans le domaine génie civil, avec ses bonnes propriétés mécaniques, la fibre de lin peut être utilisée dans le domaine du renforcement des structures béton armé en substitution des fibres courantes (fibre de carbone, fibre de verre…) Le but de cette thèse est l'évaluation de la capacité d'utilisation des fibres de Lin dans le renforcement de poutres béton armé. L'étude se focalisera au cas de renforcement au cisaillement qui n'est pas bien documenté dans la littérature, sui sera comparé avec le renfort par des fibres de carbone. Le programme expérimental est réalisé sur des tests de flexion 3 points avec la charge approche de l'appui pour avoir un fort effort tranchant dans la zone intéressée sur des poutres rectangulaires et des poutres en T. Les poutres sont renforcées par des tissus de lin bidirectionnels et unidirectionnels et par différentes configurations de renforcement. Les normes de calcul ACI, FIB, CSA, CNR-DT… recommandées pour calculer des structures avec des renforts de carbone et de verre dans le renforcement au cisaillement sont appliquées afin de vérifier leur efficacité dans le cas d'un renforcement par fibres de lin. Enfin un modèle numérique est étudié par la méthode des éléments finis pour reproduire le comportement des poutres renforcées par fibre naturelle afin d'étudier les paramètres qui jouent un rôle important dans le renforcement au cisaillement des poutres béton armé par fibre de lin. Les résultats montrent que le renfort par fibre de Lin présente des effets significatifs dans le renforcement au cisaillement de poutres béton armé (augmentation de la résistance de cisaillement de 10% à 33%). Le renfort par fibres de Lin présente une capacité mécanique équivalence à celle de fibre de carbone dans le renforcement au cisaillement de poutres béton armé et un potentiel dans le renforcement de structure béton armé. Les résultats du modèle numérique par la méthode des éléments finis traduisent un comportement similaire à ceux enregistrés lors des essais expérimentaux / In the field of construction, concrete is the most common material used to construct buildings, bridges... With its great history, there are a large number of structures that is found degraded for many reasons such as road accidents, changes in traffic, load changes in buildings or climate action ...To resolve these issues, two main options available to project owners: the reconstruction or repair. Reconstruction is an interesting solution but is very expensive and cannot be applied to all structures (historical works ...). The second solution is often used to keep the structures under service conditions. A repair methods commonly used is the application of composite materials to strengthen reinforced concrete structures. The relatively acceptable cost and rapid implementation make this technical solution increasingly appreciated. The Flax fiber is a natural material which has good mechanical properties. At present, the flax fiber is applied in several areas: automotive, sports ... In the civil engineering field, with its good mechanical properties, flax fiber can be used in the field of building Reinforced Concrete structures substitution of regular fibers (carbon fiber, fiberglass ...) The aim of this thesis is the evaluation of the ability to use flax fibers in strengthening reinforced concrete beams. The study will focus on a case of shear reinforcement that is not well documented in the literature; it will be compared with the reinforcement with carbon fibers. The experimental program was carried out on 3-point bending tests with the support of load approach for a strong shear in the area concerned on rectangular beams and T-beams. The beams are reinforced by bidirectional flax fabrics and unidirectional reinforcement and different configurations. The calculation standards ACI, FIB, CSA, CNR-DT ... recommended to calculate structures with carbon reinforcements and glass in building for shear strengthening are applied to ensure their effectiveness in the case of a reinforcement flax fibers. Finally, a numerical model is being studied by the finite element method to reproduce the behavior of beams reinforced with natural fiber to study the parameters that play an important role in shear strengthening of concrete beams reinforced with flax fiber. The results show that the reinforcing flax fiber has significant effects in the shear reinforcement of reinforced concrete beams (increase in shear resistance of 10% to 33%). The reinforcement by flax fiber has a mechanical capacity equivalent to that of carbon fiber in the shear reinforcement of reinforced concrete beams and potential in strengthening reinforced concrete structure. The results of the numerical model by the finite element method reflect a behavior similar to those obtained during the experimental tests. The model also valid flax fiber capacity comparable to that of carbon fiber in the shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams

Großversuche zur Prüfung der Vorhersagefähigkeit der im SFB 528 entwickelten Rechenmodelle

Brückner, Anett, Ortlepp, Regine, Schladitz, Frank, Curbach, Manfred January 2011 (has links)
Ein Ziel des Sonderforschungsbereiches 528 war, das Verbundsystem auf allen Skalenebenen so präzise beschreiben zu können, dass eine hinreichende Genauigkeit bei der Berechnung des Tragverhaltens von Stahlbetonbauteilen mit Textilbetonverstärkung nicht nur bei der Nachrechnung, sondern auch bei der Prognose erreicht wird. Die Vorhersagequalität von Tragfähigkeiten für die Biege-, Querkraft- und Normalkraftverstärkung wurde mit Hilfe von Großversuchen nachgewiesen, deren Ergebnisse vor der Berechnung nicht bekannt waren. Anhand der bereitgestellten Materialparameter und Geometriedaten wurde in den numerischen Teilprojekten sowie in einem experimentell orientierten Teilprojekt das Tragverhalten prognostiziert. Danach wurden die Versuche durchgeführt. Die prognostizierten Traglasten wurden durch die Experimente bestätigt. Der vorliegende Beitrag fokussiert auf die Querkraftverstärkung, da eine detaillierte Beschreibung aller Versuche den Rahmen sprengen würde. / One aim of the developments in the SFB 528 was the description of the compound system as precisely as possible at all scale levels that an adequate precision is not achieved by reinforced concrete components at the calculation of the load carrying behaviour with TRC reinforcements only at the historical calculation but also at the forecast. The forecast quality of load-capacities for the bend, shear and normal force strengthenings was proved with the help of large-scale experiments whose results were not confessed before the calculation. With the provided material parameters and geometry data the load carrying behaviour was forecast in the numeric subprojects as well as in an experimentally oriented subproject. After that the tests were carried out. The forecast loads were confirmed by the experiments. The paper on hand focuses on the shear strengthening since a detailed description of all tests would go beyond the scope.

Querkraftverstärkung von Bauteilen mit textilbewehrtem Beton

Brückner, Anett 16 December 2011 (has links)
Die Querkrafttragfähigkeit eines Bauteils kann durch verschiedene Maßnahmen gesteigert werden. Zu den weltweit anerkannten Verfahren gehört das oberflächige Aufkleben von Bewehrungen aus Stahl oder Faserverbundkunststoffen. Der textilbewehrte Feinbeton hingegen ist eine noch weitgehend unbekannte Alternative. Es fehlen ebenso systematische Untersuchungen zum Tragverhalten einer solchen Querkraftverstärkung wie geeignete Bemessungsmodelle. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Möglichkeiten einer textilbewehrten Querkraftverstärkung zu analysieren. An Stahlbetonbalken unterschiedlicher Querschnittsgeometrie wurden experimentelle Untersuchungen durchgeführt, die Aufschluss über die Wirkung der Verstärkung sowie typische Versagenszustände geben. Die für die Querkrafttragfähigkeit entscheidenden Verformungen des Steges wurden durch photogrammetrische Messungen erfasst. Der Vergleich der verstärkten und unverstärkten Probekörper verdeutlicht signifikante Unterschiede. Bei den verstärkten Probekörpern ist die Stauchung des gemittelten Hauptdehnungszustandes steiler geneigt als bei den unverstärkten Probekörpern. Die steilere Neigung der Hauptstauchung, aufgrund der aufgebrachten Verstärkung, hat nach der rechnerischen Tragfähigkeit des Fachwerkmodells zur Folge, dass weniger Lasten über die Stahlbügelbewehrung abgetragen werden können. Die so fehlende Tragfähigkeit gegenüber dem unverstärkten Bauteil muss die Verstärkungsschicht zunächst ausgleichen, bevor eine Traglaststeigerung möglich ist. Als zweite wesentliche Wirkung begrenzt die textile Bewehrung die Breite der auftretenden Schubrisse wie anhand der gemessenen Rissbreiten nachgewiesen werden konnte. Die Verstärkung verzögert auftretende Schubrisse und begrenzt deren Breite und Ausdehnung. Ein Versagen der Biegedruckzone durch Schubdruckbruch tritt so erst bei deutlich höheren Lasten ein als es bei unverstärkten Stahlbetonbauteilen der Fall ist. Nach dem herkömmlichen Fachwerkmodell der Stahlbügelbewehrung sind die Stegbewehrungen eines Bauteils in der Biegedruckzone zu verankern. Externe Querkraftverstärkungen können aber nur selten oder mit hohem Aufwand bis zur Höhe der Biegedruckzone geführt werden. Meist behindern anschließende Querschnittsteile die Erreichbarkeit zur Druckzone. Für die experimentellen Untersuchungen wurden die Probekörper mit einer U-förmigen Verstärkung außerhalb der rechnerischen Biegedruckzone versehen. Die geprüften Tragfähigkeiten lagen dennoch deutlich über der Tragfähigkeit der unverstärkten Referenz. Eine Verankerung der Verstärkung am Steg des Bauteils scheint demnach möglich. Das Kräftegleichgewicht einer solchen Verankerung wurde mit einem neu entwickelten Stabwerkmodell nachgewiesen. Die Eignung des Modells zur Berechnung der Tragfähigkeit der Verstärkung wurde durch Nachrechnung der eigenen Versuche geprüft. Zusätzliche konstruktive Maßnahmen zur Verankerung der Verstärkung wurden an separaten Verbundprobekörpern untersucht. Es wurden verschiedene Verankerungsmittel geprüft, die durch Querdruck die Tragfähigkeit der Verbundfuge von Alt- und Feinbeton erhöhen. Die besten Ergebnisse erreichten Verankerungen mit vorgespannten Ankern. Die Steigerung der Verbundtragfähigkeit ist allerdings gering, da die notwendigen Bohrungen für die Anker die wirksame Fläche der textilen Bewehrung schwächen. / Shear resistance of structural members can be increased by different measures. So far only reinforcements from steel or fibre-reinforced plastic pasted on the surface have been acknowledged worldwide. Textile reinforced fine grained concrete, however, is still mostly an unknown option. Systematic research into the load bearing behaviour of this kind of shear strengthening as well as qualified design rules are missing. It is the aim of this thesis to analyse the possibilities of textile reinforced shear strengthening. Experimental investigations on RC beams with different cross sectional geometries provided information about the strengthening effect as well as common failure modes. The web deformations, which are crucial for the shear resistance, were recorded by photogrammetric measurements. A comparison of strengthened and unstrengthened specimen demonstrates significant differences. In case of the strengthened sample, the compressive strain of the averaged principle strain condition has a steeper inclination than in case of the unstrengthened specimen. This steeper inclination ensues from the applied strengthening. According to the calculated load-bearing capacity of the truss model, the steeper inclination results in less loads being removed by the steel stirrup reinforcement. Compared to the unstrengthened structural member, this lack in the load-bearing capacity has to be evened out by the strengthening layer before an increase in the load carrying capacity is possible. Secondly, the textile reinforcement limits the width of the occurring shear cracks. This could be proven by measuring the crack-width. The strengthening delays occurring shear cracks and restricts their widths and extension. Consequently, failure of the flexural compression zone induced by shear cracks only occurs under significantly higher loads than in unstrengthened RC members. In the traditional truss model of the steel stirrup reinforcement, the web reinforcements of a structural member have to be anchored in the flexural compression zone. However, external shear strengthening can be pulled up to the height of the flexural compression zone only rarely or with great effort. Often connected parts of the cross section prevent access to the compression zone. For the purpose of the experimental analysis, the specimens were fit with a U-shaped strengthening layer outside the calculated flexural compression zone. Nevertheless, the measured load-bearing capacities were distinctly higher than the load-bearing capacity of the unstrengthened reference beam. Consequently, anchoring the strengthening at the specimen’s web appears to be possible. The force balance of such an anchorage could be proved with the help of a newly developed strut-and-tie-model. The applicability of the model for calculating the load bearing capacity of the strengthening was checked by recalculating the corresponding test results. Additional structural measures for anchoring the strengthening were tested on separate bond specimens. Furthermore, various anchorage materials which increase the load carrying capacity of the interface between old and fine grained concrete through transverse pressure were tested. The best results could be achieved with pre-stressed anchorages. However, the resulting load-bearing capacity’s increase was only slight because the drill holes required for the anchors reduce the effective area of the textile reinforcement.

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