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Short-circuit currents in wind-turbine generator networksHoward, Dustin F. 13 January 2014 (has links)
Protection of both the wind plant and the interconnecting transmission system during short-circuit faults is imperative for maintaining system structural integrity and reliability. The circuit breakers and protective relays used to protect the power system during such events are designed based upon calculations of the current that will flow in the circuit during the fault. Sequence-network models of various power-system components, such as synchronous generators, transformers, transmission lines, etc., are often used to perform these calculations. However, there are no such models widely accepted for certain types of wind-turbine generators used in modern wind plants.
The problem with developing sequence-network models of wind plants is that several different wind-turbine generator designs exist; yet, each exhibit very different short-circuit behavior. Therefore, a “one size fits all” approach is not appropriate for modeling wind plants, as has been the case for conventional power plants based on synchronous-generator technology. Further, many of the newer wind-turbine designs contain proprietary controls that affect the short-circuit behavior, and wind-turbine manufacturers are often not willing to disclose these controls. Thus, protection engineers do not have a standard or other well-established model for calculating short-circuit currents in power systems with wind plants. Therefore, the research described in this dissertation involves the development of such models for calculating short-circuit currents from wind-turbine generators.
The focus of this dissertation is on the four existing wind-turbine generator designs (identified as Types 1 – 4). Only AC-transmission-interconnected wind-turbine generators are considered in this dissertation. The primary objective of this research is the development of sequence-network models, which are frequency-domain analysis tools, for each wind-turbine generator design. The time-domain behavior of each wind-turbine generator is thoroughly analyzed through transient simulations, experimental tests on scaled wind-turbine generator test beds, and solutions to the system dynamic equations. These time-domain analyses are used to support the development of the sequence-network models.
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Uma abordagem paramétrica do impacto da geração distribuída sobre as correntes de curto-circuito e na proteção de redes de distribuição. / A parametric approach to the impacts of distributed generation on the short-circuit currents and the protection of distribution networks.Salgado, Danilo Augusto 11 December 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por propósito analisar os impactos da geração distribuída sobre as correntes de curto-circuito e sobre a proteção das redes de média tensão das concessionárias de distribuição de energia elétrica usando uma abordagem paramétrica. A principal motivação deste trabalho são os recentes incentivos regulatórios que estão fomentando a geração distribuída no Brasil. Contudo, as redes de distribuição convencionais foram projetadas para serem passivas e a introdução da geração poderá causar problemas de ordem técnica que ainda precisam ser resolvidos. Tais problemas foram pesquisados e aqueles relacionados com os impactos sobre as correntes de curto-circuito foram enfatizados. As normas técnicas das concessionárias também foram investigadas porque seus requisitos, como a ligação dos transformadores de acoplamento, influem nas correntes de curto-circuito. Para se calcular as correntes de curto-circuito, desenvolveu-se uma planilha eletrônica cujos resultados foram validados com programas comerciais de análise de redes elétricas. Esta ferramenta foi utilizada para demonstrar, através de exemplos, o impacto causado pela geração distribuída sobre as correntes de curto-circuito e, posteriormente, para realizar as análises paramétricas nas quais a influência de cada variável foi avaliada. A aplicação do método paramétrico permitiu o estudo de possíveis limites para a potência de um gerador distribuído em função dos impactos admissíveis, de seu ponto de conexão, de seus parâmetros elétricos e dos parâmetros elétricos da rede. / The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the impacts of distributed generation on short-circuit currents and protection of the distribution utilities medium voltage networks using a parametric approach. The new regulations that are promoting the distributed generation in Brazil are the main motivation for this work. However, the conventional distribution networks were designed to be passive; therefore the integration of generation may cause some technical problems yet to be solved. Such problems were researched and those related to the impacts on short-circuit currents were emphasized. The utilities technical standards were also explored as their requirements affect the short-circuit currents (e.g. the transformers connections). A spreadsheet was developed in order to calculated the short-circuit currents and it was validated comparing its results to those of a commercial network analysis software. This tool was used to expose the impacts of distributed generation on short-circuit currents through examples and also to carry out parametric analysis in which the influence of every variable was evaluated. The application of a parametric method made it possible to define the maximum installed capacity of a distributed generator as a function of the allowed limits to the impacts on the short-circuit currents, its point of coupling, its electrical parameters and the electrical parameters of the network.
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Uma abordagem paramétrica do impacto da geração distribuída sobre as correntes de curto-circuito e na proteção de redes de distribuição. / A parametric approach to the impacts of distributed generation on the short-circuit currents and the protection of distribution networks.Danilo Augusto Salgado 11 December 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por propósito analisar os impactos da geração distribuída sobre as correntes de curto-circuito e sobre a proteção das redes de média tensão das concessionárias de distribuição de energia elétrica usando uma abordagem paramétrica. A principal motivação deste trabalho são os recentes incentivos regulatórios que estão fomentando a geração distribuída no Brasil. Contudo, as redes de distribuição convencionais foram projetadas para serem passivas e a introdução da geração poderá causar problemas de ordem técnica que ainda precisam ser resolvidos. Tais problemas foram pesquisados e aqueles relacionados com os impactos sobre as correntes de curto-circuito foram enfatizados. As normas técnicas das concessionárias também foram investigadas porque seus requisitos, como a ligação dos transformadores de acoplamento, influem nas correntes de curto-circuito. Para se calcular as correntes de curto-circuito, desenvolveu-se uma planilha eletrônica cujos resultados foram validados com programas comerciais de análise de redes elétricas. Esta ferramenta foi utilizada para demonstrar, através de exemplos, o impacto causado pela geração distribuída sobre as correntes de curto-circuito e, posteriormente, para realizar as análises paramétricas nas quais a influência de cada variável foi avaliada. A aplicação do método paramétrico permitiu o estudo de possíveis limites para a potência de um gerador distribuído em função dos impactos admissíveis, de seu ponto de conexão, de seus parâmetros elétricos e dos parâmetros elétricos da rede. / The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the impacts of distributed generation on short-circuit currents and protection of the distribution utilities medium voltage networks using a parametric approach. The new regulations that are promoting the distributed generation in Brazil are the main motivation for this work. However, the conventional distribution networks were designed to be passive; therefore the integration of generation may cause some technical problems yet to be solved. Such problems were researched and those related to the impacts on short-circuit currents were emphasized. The utilities technical standards were also explored as their requirements affect the short-circuit currents (e.g. the transformers connections). A spreadsheet was developed in order to calculated the short-circuit currents and it was validated comparing its results to those of a commercial network analysis software. This tool was used to expose the impacts of distributed generation on short-circuit currents through examples and also to carry out parametric analysis in which the influence of every variable was evaluated. The application of a parametric method made it possible to define the maximum installed capacity of a distributed generator as a function of the allowed limits to the impacts on the short-circuit currents, its point of coupling, its electrical parameters and the electrical parameters of the network.
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Obecný program pro energetické výpočty napájení tratí DPMB / Universal computer program for energy calculations of power supply of DPMB tracksMai, Jaroslav January 2009 (has links)
This thesis dwells on program creating in program environment Excel, in accordance with submission from submitter. Program is going to be able solve all required values. This thesis has four parts. First part is oriented on problems of urban mass transportation a methods of specific energy consumption. Second part contains program flowchart and program description. Third part contains theoretical solution of specific energy consumption and theoretical comparison of computing methods. Last part contains numerical substitution in an equations and calculating of their values.
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Υπολογισμός ηλεκτρομαγνητικών μεγεθών και πρόβλεψη συμπεριφοράς μιας σύγχρονης μηχανής με έκτυπους πόλους σε περιπτώσεις σφαλμάτων με τη χρήση της μεθόδου των πεπερασμένων στοιχείων / Electromagnetic magnitudes calculation and prediction of the behavior of a salient pole synchronous generetor during faults using the finite element methodΔάλλας, Στέφανος 31 August 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή πραγματεύεται τη λειτουργική συμπεριφορά μιας σύγχρονης μηχανής με έκτυπους πόλους κατά τη διάρκεια δύο ειδών σφαλμάτων, τα οποία παρουσιάζονται παρακάτω, για τις δύο συνθήκες σύνδεσης μίας σύγχρονης γεννήτριας με το δίκτυο. Ειδικότερα, μελετήθηκε η περίπτωση βραχυκυκλώματος στην τροφοδοσία του τυλίγματος διέγερσης της σύγχρονης μηχανής όταν είναι συνδεδεμένη σε ισχυρό δίκτυο και είτε ο αριθμός στροφών αυτής διατηρείται απόλυτα σταθερός, είτε ένας ελεγκτής τη συγκρατεί στο σύγχρονο αριθμό στροφών. Ακόμη διερευνήθηκε η περίπτωση εσωτερικού σφάλματος στο τύλιγμα του στάτη για τις δύο προαναφερθείσες περιπτώσεις. Υπολογίστηκαν και μελετήθηκαν η ηλεκτρομαγνητική ροπή και η μαγνητική επαγωγή κατά τη διάρκεια κάθε φαινομένου, καθώς επίσης τα ρεύματα σε δρομέα και στάτη συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ρευμάτων στον κλωβό απόσβεσης και του ρεύματος βραχυκύκλωσης σε τμήματα του τυλίγματος του στάτη.
Αρχικά, περιγράφεται αναλυτικά ο τρόπος με τον οποίο μοντελοποιήθηκε η σύγχρονη γεννήτρια με έκτυπους πόλους, ενώ παράλληλα αναλύεται η μέθοδος με την οποία μοντελοποιήθηκαν τα σφάλματα σε στάτη και δρομέα και ο τρόπος με τον οποίο προσομοιώθηκε στο πρόγραμμα πεπερασμένων στοιχείων ο παραλληλισμός της μηχανής στο δίκτυο παροχής ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας.
Στη συνέχεια, γίνεται αναφορά στον τρόπο με τον οποίο ορίζονται οι περιοχές του μοντέλου, οι εξισώσεις που επιλύει το πρόγραμμα πεπερασμένων στοιχείων για την εξαγωγή των αποτελεσμάτων, ο ορισμός των οριακών συνθηκών και τέλος περιγράφεται η εφαρμογή της μεθόδου πεπερασμένου στοιχείων που εφαρμόσθηκε στο συγκεκριμένο μοντέλο.
Έπειτα προσομοιώθηκε η περίπτωση βραχυκυκλώματος στην τροφοδοσία του τυλίγματος διέγερσης, καθώς ο στάτης της σύγχρονης μηχανής είναι συνδεδεμένος σε ισχυρό δίκτυο με το δρομέα να στρέφεται με σταθερό αριθμό στροφών. Κατά τη διάρκεια του σφάλματος πραγματοποιείται λεπτομερής καταγραφή της μαγνητικής επαγωγής και της ηλεκτρομαγνητικής ροπής, καθώς και όλων των ρευμάτων στο τύλιγμα στάτη και δρομέα. Προκύπτουν χρήσιμα συμπεράσματα για τη συμπεριφορά της μηχανής σε όλη τη διάρκεια του σφάλματος και καταγράφονται τα ηλεκτρομαγνητικά μεγέθη και γίνεται αξιολόγηση της συμπεριφοράς της κατά τη διάρκεια αυτού του μεταβατικού φαινομένου. Ακόμη, εξετάζεται η ίδια περίπτωση σφάλματος στο τύλιγμα διέγερσης, αλλά ο αριθμός στροφών του δρομέα διατηρείται σταθερός μέσω ενός ελεγκτή στροφών. Παρατηρείται ότι η συμπεριφορά της μηχανής αλλά και όλα τα ηλεκτρομαγνητικά μεγέθη αυτής είναι τελείως διαφορετικά συγκρινόμενα με την προηγούμενη περίπτωση.
Στη συνέχεια αυτής της διδακτορικής διατριβής εξετάζεται η συμπεριφορά της σύγχρονης μηχανής στην περίπτωση εσωτερικού βραχυκυκλώματος στο τύλιγμα του στάτη, καθώς είναι συνδεδεμένη σε ισχυρό δίκτυο με το δρομέα να στρέφεται με σταθερό αριθμό στροφών. Αναλυτικότερα, μελετώνται τα ρεύματα στο τύλιγμα του δρομέα καθώς και στο τύλιγμα του στάτη για βραχυκύκλωμα μεταξύ σπειρών που ανήκουν σε ίδια ή διαφορετική φάση. Υπολογίζεται το ρεύμα βραχυκύκλωσης και μελετάται ο τρόπος που επηρεάζει τα φασικά ρεύματα του στάτη τόσο ποσοτικά όσο και ποιοτικά. Επίσης, αναλύονται τα ρεύματα στον κλωβό απόσβεσης και μελετάται η συμπεριφορά τους κατά τη διάρκεια του βραχυκυκλώματος. Η εισαγωγή ελέγχου στροφών μεταβάλει τη συμπεριφορά της σύγχρονης γεννήτριας και υπολογίζονται αναλυτικά τα ηλεκτρομαγνητικά μεγέθη της σύγχρονης μηχανής προκύπτοντας συμπεράσματα για τον τρόπο με τον οποίο το βραχυκυκλωμένο τύλιγμα επηρεάζει τα μεγέθη αυτά, ενώ παράλληλα καθορίζεται ο ρόλος που έχουν οι φάσεις που συμμετέχουν στο βραχυκύκλωμα.
Τέλος, γίνεται μια σύντομη σύγκριση για το πόσο επηρεάζει ο αριθμός σπειρών τη συμπεριφορά της σύγχρονης μηχανής στην περίπτωση σφάλματος στο στάτη κατά την περίπτωση κατά την οποία η μηχανή είναι συνδεδεμένη σε ισχυρό δίκτυο με σταθερό τον αριθμό στροφών του δρομέα. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, αναλύονται τα ρεύματα σε στάτη και δρομέα καθώς και η ηλεκτρομαγνητική ροπή, για τις περιπτώσεις που οι βραχυκυκλωμένες σπείρες ανήκουν στην ίδια και διαφορετική φάση αλλά με διαφορετικό αριθμό βραχυκυκλωμένων σπειρών για κάθε περίπτωση. Προκύπτει το συμπέρασμα ότι καθοριστικό ρόλο στη διαμόρφωση των ηλεκτρομαγνητικών μεγεθών κατά τη διάρκεια του σφάλματος έχει ο αριθμός των βραχυκυκλωμένων σπειρών, ανεξάρτητα από τον αριθμό των φάσεων που συμμετέχουν στο βραχυκύκλωμα. / This thesis deals with the functional behavior of a salient pole synchronous generator during two kinds of short-circuits. In particular, we studied the case of short circuit in the supply of the excitation winding of the synchronous machine when it is connected to an infinite bus and either the rotor speed was absolutely constant, or a simple PI- Controller maintained the synchronous speed equal to the synchronous. Additionally, the case of an internal fault in the stator winding for the two cases mentioned above was investigated. The electromagnetic torque and the magnetic flux density in each case were calculated and studied, as well as the stator and rotor currents, including the damper cage, and the short-circuit current in the faulty loop of the stator winding.
Firstly, it is described in detail the way in which the salient pole synchronous generator was modeled and it is analyzed the method by which the faults are modeled in both stator and rotor and the way these faults were simulated, in the finite element program.
Additionally, it is presented the way in how the areas of the model are defined, the equations that were solved through finite element software, in order to extract the results, the definition of the boundary conditions and finally it is described the finite element method, which was applied to this specific model.
The case of a short circuit in the supply of the field winding while the stator of the synchronous machine is connected to the grid and the rotor speed is held constant and equal to the synchronous one, is examined. During this fault the magnetic flux, the electromagnetic torque and all the stator and rotor currents are measured in detail. Useful conclusions about the behavior of the machine throughout this kind of short-circuit were derived, all the electromagnetic magnitudes were recorded and an assessment of the generator behavior during this transient phenomenon is made. Similarly, the same type of fault is analyzed, but the speed of the rotor is maintained constant through a speed controller. It is observed that the behavior of the machine and all the electromagnetic magnitudes are quite different compared to the previous case.
In this dissertation is examined the behavior of the hydrogenerator in the case of an inter-turn short circuit in the stator winding, while it is connected to the grid with a constant rotor speed. Specifically, it is examined the currents in the rotor and the stator winding for a short circuit between turns that belong to the same or to different phases. The short circuit current is calculated and it is presented the way that it affects quantitative and qualitative the stator phase currents. It is also analyzed the damper currents and it is studied their behavior during the short circuit. The speed controller alters the behavior of the synchronous generator and all the electromagnetic magnitudes of this machine are analytically calculated, resulting significant conclusions on how the faulty loop affects these quantities, while it is set out the role of the participating phases in this short-circuit.
Finally, a brief comparison of the way that the number of the shorted turns affects the behavior of the simulated machine in the case of an inter-turn stator fault, while it is connected to the grid with a fixed number of the rotor revolutions. Specifically, it is analyzed the stator and rotor currents and the electromagnetic torque, for the cases that the short-circuited turns belong either to the same or to different phases, but with different number of shorted turns. It is concluded that a key role in determining the electromagnetic magnitudes during this fault has the number of the short-circuited turns and not the number of the phases that are involved in the short circuit.
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Estresse eletromecânico em transformadores causado por curtos-circuitos passantes e correntes de energização / Electromechanical stresses in transformers caused by through-fault and inrush currentsAzevedo, Ana Claudia de 28 February 2007 (has links)
Power transformers are quite costly and essential to provide reliable electrical power system operation. Besides their maintenance or substitution costs, transformer failures must be taken into account, since its will have a large impact on the utility financial health due to the temporary loss of power delivery capability. Concerning transformer failure statistics, investigations carried out in many utilities in the world reveal that the effect of electromechanical stress caused by short-circuit currents is a relevant cause of failure in such equipment and they cause onerous financial damage. Failures caused by mechanical stress due to external short-circuit and due to inrush currents are an important aspect to be considered. The excessive strength caused in transformer conductors/windings due to electromagnetic forces can reduce the transformer lifetime or even cause irreversible damages of them. Therefore, the investigation of the harmful
effects caused by transient phenomena becomes imperative. With this in mind, this
work aims at investigating the electromagnetic forces and mechanical stresses due to external short-circuit and inrush currents inside the transformer. The studies are carried out using a time domain transformer model based on magnetomotive forces and magnetic reluctances, which allows simulating the transformer transient and steady state behavior regarding the electric, magnetic and mechanical aspects. The methodology is applied in two transformer models operating under rated and short-circuit conditions. Due to the lack of mechanical stress experimental values, a comparative performance analysis is obtained by comparing the simulated results and the well accepted results from finite element program. The results obtained from simulations are evaluated through of the impacts provoked in the variables used to analyze the mechanical stresses which occur in the transformers due to short-circuit and inrush currents. From the mechanical stress calculated it is presented a methodology that establishes a correlation between the phenomena here investigated and the impact in the transformer lifetime. This can assist, previously, in the reduction of the number of
unexpected failures and, consequently, in financial damages. / Transformadores de potência são dispositivos fundamentais para a operação de sistemas de potência e têm um peso significativo no custo total de uma instalação. Além dos custos de manutenção e substituição, as falhas nos transformadores devem ser levadas em consideração, no sentido de manter tanto a continuidade do fornecimento de energia como os padrões mínimos de qualidade estabelecidos para o insumo energia elétrico, aliado ao equilíbrio financeiro das empresas. Estudos realizados por concessionárias de diversos países deixam evidentes os enormes prejuízos financeiros das empresas do setor elétrico, devido às falhas mecânicas em transformadores. Defeitos provocados pelos esforços mecânicos decorrentes de correntes de curtos-circuitos passantes e correntes de inrush se constituem como importantes causadores de falhas em transformadores. Os esforços adicionais causados nos condutores/bobinas de transformadores, devido ao acréscimo das forças eletromagnéticas resultantes, podem, em alguns casos, vir a reduzir a vida útil de transformadores ou até mesmo provocar a sua perda total. A investigação dos efeitos danosos causados pelos fenômenos mencionados, portanto, torna-se imperativa. Nessa perspectiva, a presente tese tem por objetivo investigar as forças eletromagnéticas e o estresse mecânico resultantes de cor-
rentes de curtos-circuitos passantes e correntes de energização que se estabelecem no interior de transformadores. Para alcançar tal propósito, é empregada uma modelagem computacional no domínio do tempo baseada em forças magnetomotrizes e relutâncias magnéticas. Este modelo permite simulações de fenômenos de regime transitório e per-
manente, além de possibilitar o acesso às grandezas elétricas, magnéticas e mecânicas. A metodologia é aplicada a dois modelos de transformadores operando em condições nominais e em curto-circuito. Devido às dificuldades de se encontrar publicações que contenham valores de referência para validar a metodologia proposta, os resultados são comparados aos correspondentes obtidos de um tradicional e bem aceito pacote do Método dos Elementos Finitos. Os resultados oriundos das simulações são avaliados em termos do grau de impacto que é provocado nas grandezas utilizadas para aferir os esforços mecânicos a que fica submetido um transformador, quando de sua energização ou na ocorrência de curtos-circuitos passantes. A partir dos esforços mecânicos determinados é apresentada uma proposta de metodologia que estabelece uma correlação
entre os fenômenos aqui estudados e o impacto sobre a vida útil de transformadores, que pode auxiliar, de maneira preditiva, na redução do número de falhas inesperadas e, em conseqüência, nos prejuízos financeiros decorrentes. / Doutor em Ciências
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Estimativa dos esforços eletromecânicos em transformadores submetidos a um curto-circuito trifásicoRosentino Junior, Arnaldo José Pereira 09 July 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Power transformers are essential and a large part of the asset cost structure of the electrical power system. When they present any defect or failure, it will be required high costs to repair or replace them, due their commercial costs and by the capability loss to transmit power during a period of time. Generally, transformer failure can occur as a result of the weakness insulation caused by the electrochemical processes involving the cooling liquid (oil), by vibrations due the electromagnetic forces in normal operation, i.e., steady state, and also by winding deformation as the result of short-circuits. It is expected that a transformer will experience and survive a number of short circuits during its service life. But one such event will cause some slight winding movement, which can gradually increasing and the ability of the transformer to withstand further electromechanical forces will be then reduced. It is therefore very important to check the mechanical condition of transformers periodically, particularly for older units, to provide an early warning of an impending catastrophic failure. Thus a specialist technique is required for the monitoring and assessment of mechanical condition of winding transformer. Despite designers and manufacturers, as well as the operation and maintenance technicians of power supply companies worry about this subject, new methodologies and tools to assess the strength effects as the result of short circuits in transformers are still necessaries. So, this work proposes to know the strength characteristics caused by the radial and axial forces in winding transformers. In this context, it will be presented different strengths that can occur in winding transformer, identifying the principal failures as the result of these stresses. Besides, it will be developed an analytical method to evaluate the forces and stresses in winding three phase transformer under a three phase short circuit. Finally, the analytical method results will be compared with a computer simulation based in time domain using the software FEMM, which applies the finite element method. / Transformadores de potência são equipamentos essenciais aos sistemas elétricos e também um de seus componentes de maior preço. Quando estes equipamentos se danificam ou apresentam algum tipo de falha, o seu reparo ou até mesmo sua substituição demanda altíssimos custos financeiros, tanto pelo alto valor comercial destes equipamentos como pela perda temporária da capacidade de transmissão de energia elétrica. Muitas falhas destes equipamentos devem-se à redução da suportabilidade da isolação dos seus condutores/enrolamentos causado pelos fenômenos eletroquímicos do líquido de resfriamento (óleo), pelas vibrações produzidas pelas forças eletromecânicas durante a sua operação normal, ou seja, em regime permanente, e também pelas deformações dos enrolamentos causadas pelas altas correntes de curto-circuito. Espera-se, no entanto, que um transformador suporte um determinado número de curtos-circuitos durante seu tempo de operação. No entanto, verifica-se que cada evento poderá provocar pequenos deslocamentos relativos nos enrolamentos, os quais podem aumentar cumulativamente, reduzindo desta forma a capacidade do transformador de suportar novos esforços eletromecânicos. Neste contexto, torna-se importante a verificação periódica das suas condições mecânicas, principalmente nas unidades com muito tempo de operação, de forma a se obter subsídios para impedir falhas catastróficas. O emprego de técnicas especiais é requerido para o monitoramento e avaliação das condições mecânicas do enrolamento de um transformador. Apesar de este assunto ser uma preocupação constante dos projetistas e fabricantes de transformadores, bem como dos profissionais de manutenção e operação das empresas de energia elétrica, há certa carência de metodologias e ferramentas consistentes para se avaliar os efeitos dos esforços mecânicos decorrentes das elevadas correntes transitórias sobre estes equipamentos. Nessa perspectiva, este trabalho tem por meta o entendimento das características dos esforços mecânicos causados pelas forças radiais e axiais nos enrolamentos dos transformadores. Para tanto, esta dissertação mostrará os diferentes tipos de esforços eletromecânicos passíveis de ocorrer nos enrolamentos de um transformador, identificando os principais tipos de falhas provocadas por essas solicitações. Em seguida, será desenvolvida uma metodologia analítica para estimar as forças e estresses nos enrolamentos de um transformador trifásico submetidos a um curto-circuito trifásico. Assim, os valores obtidos pela metodologia analítica serão confrontados com resultados de uma simulação computacional no domínio do tempo utilizando-se o programa FEMM baseado na técnica de elementos finitos. / Mestre em Ciências
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Previous issue date: 2006-09-22 / This work focuses on the modeling of single-phase and three-phase distribution with
earth return, for high impedance faults analysis. The main motivation is the lack of definitive
solutions for such faults. These faults often occur when an overhead conductor breaks and
falls on high impedance surface such as asphalt road, cement, trees, among others. That fault
is analyzed in a Single wire earth return system - SWER, and in a rural three-phase feeder.
The SWER is deduced starting from a generic three-phase system, where
simplifications based on practical assumptions are added. Simulations are accomplished in
two distribution test systems, with the objective of identifying the behavior pattern of the high
impedance faults. It is also included a discussion and analysis of results and suggestions
related to future works. / Este trabalho focaliza a modelagem das redes de distribuição monofásicas e trifásicas
com retorno por terra, para análise das faltas de alta impedância. A motivação principal está
no fato de não existirem soluções definitivas para essas faltas. Este tipo de falta ocorre quando
um cabo energizado rompe e cai sobre um tipo de superfície, tal como asfalto, areia, árvores,
dentre outros. Essa falta é analisada em uma rede Monofásica com Retorno por Terra MRT
em uma rede trifásica rural.
A rede MRT é deduzida a partir de uma rede trifásica genérica, onde são adicionadas
hipóteses simplificadoras práticas. São realizadas simulações em dois sistemas testes de
distribuição, com o objetivo de identificar o padrão de comportamento das faltas de alta
impedância. É realizada uma discussão e análise de resultados, sugerindo-se trabalhos futuros.
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On Reliability of SiC Power Devices in Power ElectronicsSadik, Diane-Perle January 2017 (has links)
Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductor materialwhich has several advantages such as higher maximum electric field, lowerON-state resistance, higher switching speeds, and higher maximum allowablejunction operation temperature compared to Silicon (Si). In the 1.2 kV - 1.7kV voltage range, power devices in SiC are foreseen to replace Si Insulatedgatebipolar transistors (IGBTs) for applications targeting high efficiency,high operation temperatures and/or volume reductions. In particular, theSiC Metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) – which isvoltage controlled and normally-OFF – is the device of choice due to the easeof its implementation in designs using Si IGBTs.In this work the reliability of SiC devices, in particular that of the SiCMOSFET, has been investigated. First, the possibility of paralleling two discreteSiC MOSFETs is investigated and validated through static and dynamictests. Parallel-connection was found to be unproblematic. Secondly, drifts ofthe threshold voltage and forward voltage of the body diode of the SiC MOSFETare investigated through long-term tests. Also these reliability aspectswere found to be unproblematic. Thirdly, the impact of the package on thechip reliability is discussed through a modeling of the parasitic inductancesof a standard module and the impact of those inductances on the gate oxide.The model shows imbalances in stray inductances and parasitic elementsthat are problematic for high-speed switching. A long-term test on the impactof humidity on junction terminations of SiC MOSFETs dies and SiCSchottky dies encapsulated in the same standard package reveals early degradationfor some modules situated outdoors. Then, the short-circuit behaviorof three different types (bipolar junction transistor, junction field-effect transistor,and MOSFET) of 1.2 kV SiC switching devices is investigated throughexperiments and simulations. The necessity to turn OFF the device quicklyduring a fault is supported with a detailed electro-thermal analysis for eachdevice. Design guidelines towards a rugged and fast short-circuit protectionare derived. For each device, a short-circuit protection driver was designed,built and validated experimentally. The possibility of designing diode-lessconverters with SiC MOSFETs is investigated with focus on surge currenttests through the body diode. The discovered fault mechanism is the triggeringof the npn parasitic bipolar transistor. Finally, a life-cycle cost analysis(LCCA) has been performed revealing that the introduction of SiC MOSFETsin already existing IGBT designs is economically interesting. In fact,the initial investment is saved later on due to a higher efficiency. Moreover,the reliability is improved, which is beneficial from a risk-management pointof-view. The total investment over 20 years is approximately 30 % lower fora converter with SiC MOSFETs although the initial converter cost is 30 %higher. / Kiselkarbid (SiC) är ett bredbandgapsmaterial (WBG) som har flera fördelar,såsom högre maximal elektrisk fältstyrka, lägre ON-state resitans, högreswitch-hastighet och högre maximalt tillåten arbetstemperatur jämförtmed kisel (Si). I spänningsområdet 1,2-1,7 kV förutses att effekthalvledarkomponenteri SiC kommer att ersätta Si Insulated-gate bipolar transistorer(IGBT:er) i tillämpningar där hög verkningsgrad, hög arbetstemperatur ellervolymreduktioner eftersträvas. Förstahandsvalet är en SiC Metal-oxidesemiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) som är spänningsstyrd ochnormally-OFF, egenskaper som möjliggör enkel implementering i konstruktionersom använder Si IGBTer.I detta arbete undersöks tillförlitligheten av SiC komponenter, specielltSiC MOSFET:en. Först undersöks möjligheten att parallellkoppla tvådiskretaSiC MOSFET:ar genom statiska och dynamiska prov. Parallellkopplingbefanns vara oproblematisk. Sedan undersöks drift av tröskelspänning ochbody-diodens framspänning genom långtidsprov. Ocksådessa tillförlitlighetsaspekterbefanns vara oproblematiska. Därefter undersöks kapslingens inverkanpåchip:et genom modellering av parasitiska induktanser hos en standardmoduloch inverkan av dessa induktanser pågate-oxiden. Modellen påvisaren obalans mellan de parasitiska induktanserna, något som kan varaproblematiskt för snabb switchning. Ett långtidstest av inverkan från fuktpåkant-termineringar för SiC-MOSFET:ar och SiC-Schottky-dioder i sammastandardmodul avslöjar tidiga tecken pådegradering för vissa moduler somvarit utomhus. Därefter undersöks kortslutningsbeteende för tre typer (bipolärtransistor,junction-field-effect transistor och MOSFET) av 1.2 kV effekthalvledarswitchargenom experiment och simuleringar. Behovet att stänga avkomponenten snabbt stöds av detaljerade elektrotermiska simuleringar för allatre komponenter. Konstruktionsriktlinjer för ett robust och snabbt kortslutningsskyddtas fram. För var och en av komponenterna byggs en drivkrets medkortslutningsskydd som valideras experimentellt. Möjligheten att konstrueradiodlösa omvandlare med SiC MOSFET:ar undersöks med fokus påstötströmmargenom body-dioden. Den upptäckta felmekanismen är ett oönskat tillslagav den parasitiska npn-transistorn. Slutligen utförs en livscykelanalys(LCCA) som avslöjar att introduktionen av SiC MOSFET:ar i existerandeIGBT-konstruktioner är ekonomiskt intressant. Den initiala investeringensparas in senare pågrund av en högre verkningsgrad. Dessutom förbättrastillförlitligheten, vilket är fördelaktigt ur ett riskhanteringsperspektiv. Dentotala investeringen över 20 år är ungefär 30 % lägre för en omvandlare medSiC MOSFET:ar även om initialkostnaden är 30 % högre. / <p>QC 20170524</p>
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