Spelling suggestions: "subject:"shortterm memory."" "subject:"short1term memory.""
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Zapamatovávání fragmentovaných scén - role detailů a extrapolace / Visual Memory of Fragmented Scenes - Role of Detail and ExtrapolationKoppová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
Every day we are exposed to huge amounts of visual stimuli (scenes). However, i tis not yet clear how accurately these scenes are stored and remembered, and what is the role of detail relative to the memory for the whole image. More specifically, to what extent the details are remembered and to what extent we extrapolate the unseen content from the presented details. We used fragmented scenes (broken to 4x4 grids) to investigate this question. Fragmented scenes were composed of three different theme categories (indoor, natural, man-made), each with different number of presented patches (3, 5 and 8). Our main research question is, whether there is any relationship between the number of presented patches and the ability to recognize which patches were presented and which were not (but still patches from the same photograph). In analysis we focus on Signal Detection Theory characteristics, mainly memory sensitivity (d') and bias. We run two experiments and in both the highest scores for (d') were for 3 patches (Exp.1: d'(n3) = 0,67; Exp.2: d'(n3) = 0,66) with bias towards negative answers (Exp.1: c(n3) = 0,27; Exp.2: c(n3) = 0,16). For 5 and 8 patches the (d') was lower (Exp.1: d'(n5) = 0,35; d'(n8) = 0,34; Exp.2: d'(n5) = 0,39; d'(n8) = 0,41) and in the same time bias was towards positive answers...
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Etude des mécanismes d'encodage, de mémorisation et d'apprentissage lexical chez les enfants présentant des troubles développementaux du langage oral via le paradigme du monde visuel / Study of encoding, memorization and lexical learning processes in children suffering from specific language impairment through visual world paradigmFleurion, Delphine 20 December 2017 (has links)
Chez les enfants souffrant de troubles spécifiques du langage oral (TSLO), des déficits demémoire à court terme verbale et d’acquisition lexicale sont fréquemment décrits. Ces capacités sont évaluées par des tâches de répétition et plus généralement de production verbale, mettant en jeu demultiples composants susceptibles d’être altérés dans les TSLO. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif généralde cette thèse était l’examen de mécanismes de mémorisation verbale à l’aide du paradigme dumonde visuel. L’oculométrie consiste à analyser les mouvements oculaires des participants sur desimages, à la suite de stimulations verbales. La reconnaissance et la mémorisation à court terme demots parlés familiers ont été examinées à travers quatre études, auxquelles les participants avec etsans TSLO âgés de 5 et 6 ans, ont obtenu des résultats comparables. Seules des différences enfonction de l’âge ont été révélées, reflétant les changements développementaux du traitement lexical.Dans un second temps, le paradigme d’appariement rapide pour l’acquisition de nouveaux mots(« fast mapping »), nécessitant peu de présentations, a été proposé à trois groupes d’enfants. Leurscapacités d’acquisition lexicale ont à nouveau été évaluées via le paradigme du monde visuel à unetâche de reconnaissance de mots parlés. Les groupes TSLO présentant des déficits en répétitionverbale, ont néanmoins reconnu et apparié les nouvelles étiquettes lexicales aux images référentes,comme leurs pairs au développement typique. Les études menées ont permis de mettre en évidenceque le maintien à court terme de l'information verbale ainsi que l’encodage de nouvelles informationssont efficients chez les enfants avec TSLO, lorsque la production verbale n’est pas sollicitée. / In children suffering from specific language impairment (SLI), verbal short term memory disorders and lexical learning inability are frequently described. These skills are assessed through repetition tasks and more generally, with verbal output modality which variety of components can be impaired in SLI. In this context, the general aim of this research work was the examination of verbal memorization processes through visual world paradigm. This eye-tracking tasks consist in analyzing eye movements of participants on pictures, consecutively to verbal stimulations. Recognition and short term retention of familiar spoken words were investigated through four studies, in which participants aged 5 and 6, with and without SLI, shown similar patterns of result. Only age differences were revealed, suggesting developmental changing of lexical processing. In a second phase, the fast mapping word learning paradigm requiring few occurences of new words, was proposed to three groups of children. Their lexical learning abilities were again assessed within the visual world paradigm and a spoken word recognition task. SLI groups with poor performances in verbal repetition tasks, have nevertheless associated the new lexical label with referent picture, as their peers with typical development. These studies suggest that verbal information retention in short term memory and encoding of new information are efficient in SLI children, when the tasks do not require any verbal output.
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Integração visuomotora em ações interceptativas:mecanismos cerebrais e influência da memória de curto prazo e da expectativa / Visuomotor integration in interceptive actions: neural mechanisms and influence of short-term memory and expectationAzevedo Neto, Raymundo Machado de 01 August 2017 (has links)
Muitas das interações que temos com o ambiente envolvem situações dinâmicas. Raramente estas situações são realizadas de maneira isolada. Em ações interceptativas, por exemplo, o sistema nervoso precisa estimar quando um alvo irá atingir uma determinada posição e constantemente ajustar os movimentos para diferentes contextos. Apesar de estudos psicofísicos terem investigado possíveis variáveis ópticas e modulações do contexto envolvidas na integração visuomotora, pouca atenção foi direcionada para compreender os mecanismos cerebrais da integração de informação visual de movimento e ações motoras em cenários dinâmicos. O objetivo geral desta tese foi investigar estes mecanismos e entender como o contexto modula a atividade cerebral em ações interceptativas em adultos jovens saudáveis. No primeiro experimento, foram investigadas quais áreas estão associadas com a integração entre informação visual de movimento e ação motora sincronizatória. Foi utilizado desenho relacionado à eventos em ressonância magnética funcional avaliando a atividade cerebral em tarefa de timing coincidente. Foi identificada uma rede fronto-parietal bilateral dorsal e ativação bilateral do braço ascendente do sulco temporal inferior, região funcionalmente definida como hV5+, e giro angular. No segundo experimento, foi testada a influência causal da área hV5+ e córtex pré-motor dorsal no viés comportamental que tentativa prévia exerce sobre a tentativa atual usando estimulação magnética transcraniana. Os resultados deste experimento sugerem que o efeito da tentativa prévia depende fortemente de um mecanismo de memória de curto prazo implícito no córtex pré-motor dorsal e moderadamente da área hV5+. No terceiro experimento, o objetivo foi verificar o efeito da repetição e expectativa de repetição da velocidade do estímulo nas áreas associadas com ações interceptativas. Para isso, os participantes interceptaram pares de alvos móveis com velocidade igual ou diferente em experimento relacionado à eventos em ressonância magnética funcional. A expectativa sobre a repetição da velocidade do estímulo foi manipulada pela probabilidade de repetição da velocidade do alvo em diferentes blocos. Os resultados comportamentais indicaram que a velocidade do primeiro estímulo enviesou o erro temporal dos participantes para responder ao segundo estímulo e que a manipulação da expectativa dos participantes não resultou em diferença no erro temporal. Não houve modulação da amplitude do sinal BOLD pela repetição do estímulo ou pela manipulação da expectativa sobre a repetição de velocidade. No quarto experimento, foram investigados os mecanismos cerebrais que permitem que a expectativa influencie o comportamento em uma tarefa de timing coincidente. Para isso, a expectativa sobre a velocidade do alvo foi manipulada a cada tentativa por meio de dicas em um experimento relacionado à eventos em ressonância magnética funcional. Os resultados deste experimento mostraram que a expectativa sobre a velocidade do alvo aumenta o sinal BOLD para expectativa válida em hV5+ e córtex pré-motor dorsal. Em geral, os resultados desta tese mostram que a integração visuomotora em ações interceptativas está associada com atividade em uma rede fronto-parietal dorsal e da área hV5+. Destas áreas, foi verificado que o córtex pré-motor dorsal e área hV5+ tem papel de armazenar informação da tentativa prévia que enviesa o comportamento na tentativa atual. Por fim, foi mostrado que a expectativa sobre a velocidade do alvo modula o sinal BOLD em áreas iniciais do processamento sensorial e de planejamento motor. Estes resultados avançam o conhecimento sobre os mecanismos neurais associados à integração visuomotora em ações interceptativas e mostram como o contexto em que a tarefa é realizada modula essa integração / Many of our interactions with the environment happen in dynamic situations. These situations are rarely experienced in isolation. In interceptive actions, for example, the nervous system needs to estimate when a target will arrive at a certain position and constantly adjust movements for different contexts. Although psychophysical studies have investigated the putative optical variables and contextual modulations in visuomotor integration, less attention has been devoted to understand brain mechanisms underlying the integration of visual motion information and motor actions in dynamic scenarios. The main goal of the present thesis was to investigate the brain mechanisms involved in visuomotor integration of interceptive actions in healthy young adults. In the first experiment, it was investigated which brain areas are associated with integration of visual motion information and timed motor action in an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment. Results showed greater BOLD signal in a bilateral dorsal fronto-parietal network, as well as hV5+ and angular gyrus. In the second experiment, it was tested the causal influence of area hV5+ and dorsal premotor cortex on the behavioral bias that previous trial exerts on the current trial using transcranial magnetic stimulation. The results of this experiment provide causal evidence that the previous trial effect is mediated to a large extent by an implicit shortterm memory mechanism in the dorsal premotor cortex, and to a lesser extent by hV5 +, in a visuomotor integration task with moving objects. In the third experiment, the goal was to verify the effect of repetition and expectation about repetition of speed in brain areas associated with visuomotor integration in interceptive actions. To that end, participants intercepted pairs of moving targets with either same or different speed in an event-related functional magnetic resonance experiment. Expectation about speed repetition of target speed was manipulated through the probability of speed repetition in different blocks. Behavioral results indicate that speed from the first stimulus biased participants\' temporal error for the second stimulus. However, manipulation of participants\' expectation did not affect temporal error. In addition, BOLD signal amplitude was modulated by neither stimulus speed repetition nor expectation. In the forth experiment, brain mechanisms that allow expectation to influence behavior in a coincident timing task were investigated. Participant\'s expectation about target speed was manipulated on a trial-by-trial basis by means of cues in an event-related functional magnetic resonance experiment. The results of this experiment showed that expectation about target speed increases BOLD signal for valid expectations in hV5+ and dorsal premotor cortex. Overall, the results in this thesis show that visuomotor integration in interceptive actions is associated with activity in a dorsal fronto-parietal network and hV5+. In addition, it was verified that dorsal premotor cortex and hV5+ have a role in storing information from previous trial that bias behavior on the current trial. Lastly, it was shown that expectation about upcoming target speed modulates BOLD signal in early stage visual motion processing as well as motor planning areas. These results advance knowledge about the brain mechanisms associated with visuomotor integration in interceptive actions and show how context modulates this integration process
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Funções neuropsicológicas e desempenho matemático : um estudo com crianças de 2ª sérieMaia, Viviane January 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa centra-se no estudo das relações entre memória de curto prazo, memória de trabalho, velocidade de processamento, processamento visuoespacial, funções executivas, atenção seletiva e alternada e desempenho matemático, uma vez que essas relações podem esclarecer as diferenças entre os alunos na aprendizagem da matemática. O trabalho teve como objeto de observação crianças da 2ª série do ensino fundamental. Consiste em um estudo com base correlacional e comparativa. A amostra desta pesquisa é composta por 40 alunos, com idade entre 8 e 9 anos. A investigação envolvendo o funcionamento neuropsicológico e o desempenho cognitivo na aprendizagem matemática é relevante, pois para desenvolver habilidades de cálculo matemático é fundamental que o aluno tenha construído o conceito de número e esta construção está vinculada ao desenvolvimento das funções neuropsicológicas. O desempenho matemático é avaliado através da Prova de Aritmética de Capovilla, Montiel e Capovilla (2007) e as funções neuropsicológicas, através de quatro subtestes da Escala Wechsler WISCIII, que são: Memória de Curto Prazo – teste de Dígitos de Ordem Direta; Memória de Trabalho – Dígitos de Ordem Inversa; Velocidade de Processamento - Procurar Símbolos e Códigos; Percepção Visuoespacial – teste de Cubos. A Função Executiva é avaliada através do Teste das Trilhas de Montiel e Capovilla (2007) e a Atenção, através do Teste de Atenção por Cancelamento de Montiel e Capovilla (2007). Observa-se uma correlação significativa entre Desempenho Matemático e Memória de Curto Prazo, Velocidade de Processamento, Função Executiva e Atenção. Neste estudo, não se encontrou uma correlação estatisticamente significativa entre as funções Memória de Trabalho e Processamento Visuoespacial. / This paper approaches the relationship amongst neuropsychological functions –Short Term Memory (STM), Working Memory (WM), Speed Processing (SP), Visual Spatial Perception (VSP), Executive Functions (EF), Attention (A) and Math Performance (MP) in 2nd grade children at a public Elementary School from Porto Alegre. It is a comparative and correlation study. The sample of this research is composed for 40 pupils with are between 8 and 9 years. Research involving neuropsychological functioning and cognitive performance in mathematics is pertinent, for it is essential that the student build the notion of number in order to develop mathematical skills and such construction relies on the expansion of neuropsychological functions. The mathematical performance is measured by the Arthmetic Test of Capovilla, Montiel and Capovilla (2007) and the neuropsychological functions are verified by subtests Wechsler WIS CIII; Short Term Memory is assessed by the Digits in Direct Order, while the Working Memory is established by the Digits in Reverse Order. The speed processing is assessed through the use of Find Symbols and Codes activities, and spatial perception is confirmed by the utilization of cubes. The Executive Function is assessed by the Trail Making of Montiel and Capovilla (2007) and attention is assessed by the Attention Test for Cancellation of Montiel and Capovilla (2007). There is a momentous correlation amid math performance and Short-Term Memory, speed processing, executive function and attention. This study one did not mett, however, the establishment of a statistically significant correlation between the Working Memory functions and the Visual Spatial Processing.
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Identification of Online Users' Social Status via Mining User-Generated DataZhao, Tao 05 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Study of interactions between processing capacities and language development in children with specific language impairment/ Etude des interactions entre les capacités de traitement et le développement du langage chez des enfants dysphasiquesLeclercq, Anne-Lise 18 February 2011 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à lévaluation de lhypothèse selon laquelle une limitation des capacités de traitement est à lorigine des troubles langagiers et non langagiers des enfants dysphasiques (ou enfants avec troubles spécifiques du langage, TSL). Les enfants présentant ces troubles montrent des limitations importantes de leurs compétences langagières sans raison apparente (absence de troubles auditifs, intellectuels et affectifs ou de lésions neurologiques). Ces dernières années, la spécificité des troubles langagiers a été remise en cause par de nombreuses études révélant lexistence de difficultés non spécifiquement linguistiques chez les enfants avec TSL, tels que des troubles attentionnels, exécutifs et moteurs. Certains auteurs ont formulé l'hypothèse quune limitation des capacités de traitement est à lorigine des troubles langagiers et non langagiers des enfants avec TSL. Selon cette hypothèse, les troubles langagiers observés chez ces enfants ne sont pas dus à un déficit des représentations linguistiques, mais reflètent une performance limitée par des difficultés à mobiliser lensemble des ressources, linguistiques et/ou non linguistiques, nécessaires à la réalisation de la tâche.
Les recherches réalisées ont permis dévaluer si une telle hypothèse permet dexpliquer les performances observées dans deux épreuves linguistiques considérées par plusieurs auteurs comme des marqueurs comportementaux des TSL, les traitements morphosyntaxiques et la répétition de non-mots, en manipulant les processus recrutés ou la quantité de ressources nécessaires lors de la réalisation de la tâche. Nous avons également manipulé la complexité dans une épreuve non linguistique afin détudier si les limitations des capacités de traitement peuvent être considérées comme générales ou si elles savèrent limitées aux traitements linguistiques. Globalement, nos résultats ne sont pas compatibles avec lhypothèse dune limitation des capacités de traitement à lorigine des troubles linguistiques des enfants avec TSL. Ces enfants ne présentent pas de limitation importante de leurs capacités de traitements qui permette dexpliquer leurs troubles langagiers.
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Constrained measurement systems of low-dimensional signalsYap, Han Lun 20 December 2012 (has links)
The object of this thesis is the study of constrained measurement systems of signals having low-dimensional structure using analytic tools from Compressed Sensing (CS). Realistic measurement systems usually have architectural constraints that make them differ from their idealized, well-studied counterparts. Nonetheless, these measurement systems can exploit structure in the signals that they measure. Signals considered in this research have low-dimensional structure and can be broken down into two types: static or dynamic. Static signals are either sparse in a specified basis or lying on a low-dimensional manifold (called manifold-modeled signals). Dynamic signals, exemplified as states of a dynamical system, either lie on a low-dimensional manifold or have converged onto a low-dimensional attractor.
In CS, the Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) of a measurement system ensures that distances between all signals of a certain sparsity are preserved.
This stable embedding ensures that sparse signals can be distinguished one from another by their measurements and therefore be robustly recovered. Moreover, signal-processing and data-inference algorithms can be performed directly on the measurements instead of requiring a prior signal recovery step. Taking inspiration from the RIP, this research analyzes conditions on realistic, constrained measurement systems (of the signals described above) such that they are stable embeddings of the signals that they measure.
Specifically, this thesis focuses on four different types of measurement systems. First, we study the concentration of measure and the RIP of random block diagonal matrices that represent measurement systems constrained to make local measurements. Second, we study the stable embedding of manifold-modeled signals by existing CS matrices. The third part of this thesis deals with measurement systems of dynamical systems that produce time series observations. While Takens' embedding result ensures that this time series output can be an embedding of the dynamical systems' states, our research establishes that a stronger stable embedding result is possible under certain conditions. The final part of this thesis is the application of CS ideas to the study of the short-term memory of neural networks. In particular, we show that the nodes of a recurrent neural network can be a stable embedding of sparse input sequences.
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Le chunking perceptif de la parole : sur la nature du groupement temporel et son effet sur la mémoire immédiateGilbert, Annie 03 1900 (has links)
Dans de nombreux comportements qui reposent sur le rappel et la production de séquences, des groupements temporels émergent spontanément, créés par des délais ou des allongements. Ce « chunking » a été observé tant chez les humains que chez certains animaux et plusieurs auteurs l’attribuent à un processus général de chunking perceptif qui est conforme à la capacité de la mémoire à court terme. Cependant, aucune étude n’a établi comment ce chunking perceptif s’applique à la parole. Nous présentons une recension de la littérature qui fait ressortir certains problèmes critiques qui ont nui à la recherche sur cette question. C’est en revoyant ces problèmes qu’on propose une démonstration spécifique du chunking perceptif de la parole et de l’effet de ce processus sur la mémoire immédiate (ou mémoire de travail). Ces deux thèmes de notre thèse sont présentés séparément dans deux articles.
Article 1 : The perceptual chunking of speech: a demonstration using ERPs
Afin d’observer le chunking de la parole en temps réel, nous avons utilisé un paradigme de potentiels évoqués (PÉ) propice à susciter la Closure Positive Shift (CPS), une composante associée, entre autres, au traitement de marques de groupes prosodiques. Nos stimuli consistaient en des énoncés et des séries de syllabes sans sens comprenant des groupes intonatifs et des marques de groupements temporels qui pouvaient concorder, ou non, avec les marques de groupes intonatifs. Les analyses démontrent que la CPS est suscitée spécifiquement par les allongements marquant la fin des groupes temporels, indépendamment des autres variables. Notons que ces marques d’allongement, qui apparaissent universellement dans la langue parlée, créent le même type de chunking que celui qui émerge lors de l’apprentissage de séquences par des humains et des animaux. Nos résultats appuient donc l’idée que l’auditeur chunk la parole en groupes temporels et que ce chunking perceptif opère de façon similaire avec des comportements verbaux et non verbaux. Par ailleurs, les observations de l’Article 1 remettent en question des études où on associe la CPS au traitement de syntagmes intonatifs sans considérer les effets de marques temporels.
Article 2 : Perceptual chunking and its effect on memory in speech processing:ERP and behavioral evidence
Nous avons aussi observé comment le chunking perceptif d’énoncés en groupes temporels de différentes tailles influence la mémoire immédiate d’éléments entendus. Afin d’observer ces effets, nous avons utilisé des mesures comportementales et des PÉ, dont la composante N400 qui permettait d’évaluer la qualité de la trace mnésique d’éléments cibles étendus dans des groupes temporels. La modulation de l’amplitude relative de la N400 montre que les cibles présentées dans des groupes de 3 syllabes ont bénéficié d’une meilleure mise en mémoire immédiate que celles présentées dans des groupes plus longs. D’autres mesures comportementales et une analyse de la composante P300 ont aussi permis d’isoler l’effet de la position du groupe temporel (dans l’énoncé) sur les processus de mise en mémoire.
Les études ci-dessus sont les premières à démontrer le chunking perceptif de la parole en temps réel et ses effets sur la mémoire immédiate d’éléments entendus. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent qu’un processus général de chunking perceptif favorise la mise en mémoire d’information séquentielle et une interprétation de la parole « chunk par chunk ». / In numerous behaviors involving the learning and production of sequences, temporal groups emerge spontaneously, created by delays or a lengthening of elements. This chunking has been observed across behaviors of both humans and animals and is taken to reflect a general process of perceptual chunking that conforms to capacity limits of short-term memory. Yet, no research has determined how perceptual chunking applies to speech. We provide a literature review that bears out critical problems, which have hampered research on this question. Consideration of these problems motivates a principled demonstration that aims to show how perceptual chunking applies to speech and the effect of this process on immediate memory (or “working memory”). These two themes are presented in separate papers in the format of journal articles.
Paper 1: The perceptual chunking of speech: a demonstration using ERPs
To observe perceptual chunking on line, we use event-related potentials (ERPs) and refer to the neural component of Closure Positive Shift (CPS), which is known to capture listeners’ responses to marks of prosodic groups. The speech stimuli were utterances and sequences of nonsense syllables, which contained intonation phrases marked by pitch, and both phrase-internal and phrase-final temporal groups marked by lengthening. Analyses of CPSs show that, across conditions, listeners specifically perceive speech in terms of chunks marked by lengthening. These lengthening marks, which appear universally in languages, create the same type of chunking as that which emerges in sequence learning by humans and animals. This finding supports the view that listeners chunk speech in temporal groups and that this perceptual chunking operates similarly for speech and non-verbal behaviors. Moreover, the results question reports that relate CPS to intonation phrasing without considering the effects of temporal marks.
Paper 2: Perceptual chunking and its effect on memory in speech processing: ERP and behavioral evidence
We examined how the perceptual chunking of utterances in terms of temporal groups of differing size influences immediate memory of heard speech. To weigh these effects, we used behavioural measures and ERPs, especially the N400 component, which served to evaluate the quality of the memory trace for target lexemes heard in the temporal groups. Variations in the amplitude of the N400 showed a better memory trace for lexemes presented in groups of 3 syllables compared to those in groups of 4 syllables. Response times along with P300 components revealed effects of position of the chunk in the utterance.
This is the first study to demonstrate the perceptual chunking of speech on-line and its effects on immediate memory of heard elements. Taken together the results suggest that a general perceptual chunking enhances a buffering of sequential information and a processing of speech on a chunk-by-chunk basis.
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Étude électrophysiologique de la mémoire à court terme auditiveGuimond, Synthia 05 1900 (has links)
La présente étude s’intéresse aux mécanismes neuronaux qui sous-tendent la rétention en mémoire à court terme auditive (MCTA) en utilisant la technique des potentiels reliés aux événements (PRE). Dans l’Expérience 1, nous avons isolé une composante de PRE, nommée SAN pour « sustained anterior negativity ». La SAN augmentait en amplitude négative plus le nombre de sons à maintenir en MCTA augmentait. Cet effet de charge était présent, bien que la durée totale des stimuli restait la même entre les conditions. L’effet de charge observé par la SAN dans l’Expérience 1 disparaissait dans l’Expérience 2, où les mêmes sons étaient utilisés, mais où la mémorisation de ceux-ci n’était plus requise. Finalement, dans l’Expérience 3, la tâche de MCTA a été effectuée avec et sans suppression articulatoire durant l'intervalle de rétention. L’effet de charge trouvé dans l’Expérience 1 était de nouveau observé, lorsque les participants faisaient la tâche de suppression articulatoire ou non. Ces résultats suggèrent que la SAN reflète l'activité nécessaire pour le maintien des objets acoustiques dans un système de MCTA qui serait distinct de la répétition phonologique. / We studied the neuronal mechanisms that implement acoustic short-term memory (ASTM) for pitch using event-related potentials (ERP). Experiment 1 isolated an ERP component, the sustained anterior negativity (SAN), that increased in amplitude with increasing memory load in ASTM using stimuli with equal duration at all memory loads. The SAN load effect found in Experment 1, when pitch had to be remembered to perform the task, was absent in Experiment 2 using the same sounds when memory was not required. In Experiment 3 the memory task was performed without or with concurrent articulatory suppression during the retention interval, to suppress rehearsal via an articulatory loop. Load-related effects found in Experiment 1 were found again, whether participants engaged in concurrent suppression or not. The results suggest that the SAN reflects activity required to maintain pitch objects in an ASTM system that is distinct from articulatory rehearsal.
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Approche psycholinguistique des relations entre le traitement sémantique des mots et la rétention à court terme chez l’individu sain et dans la démence de type AlzheimerMacé, Anne-Laure 01 1900 (has links)
Depuis ces deux dernières décennies, des efforts considérables en psychologie cognitive et neuropsychologie ont été déployés pour mieux comprendre les dynamiques entre les différents systèmes cognitifs (fonctions exécutives, mémoire, langage, etc.). L’observation d’une co-existence entre des atteintes en rétention à court terme verbale (RCTv) et en langage dans plusieurs pathologies a conduit certains chercheurs à concevoir une alternative à la conceptualisation classique de la RCTv, telle que proposée par le modèle initial de la mémoire de travail de Baddeley (1986). Particulièrement, les travaux sur l’aphasie ont conduit à l’émergence d’une approche psycholinguistique de la RCTv, postulant que le traitement et le maintien des mots font appel à des processus communs. Cette approche, et particulièrement le modèle d’activation interactive (N. Martin & Gupta, 2004; N. Martin & Saffran, 1997), prédit que les capacités en RCTv sont notamment modulées par les caractéristiques linguistiques engagées durant l’épreuve, variant selon la nature des items verbaux et la modalité de rappel, ainsi que par les compétences linguistiques des individus.
L’objectif de la présente thèse était de tester ces prédictions à partir d’une exploration des relations entre le traitement sémantique des mots et la RCTv chez l’adulte sain (article 1) et dans la démence de type Alzheimer (DTA) (article 2). Dans le premier article, deux expériences mettent en évidence l’influence des liens associatifs entre les mots sur les capacités à maintenir temporairement des informations verbales. Les participants ont tendance à faussement reconnaître des mots associés aux mots de la liste, reflet d’une activation du réseau sémantique durant la rétention temporaire. Cette contribution sémantique est accentuée en situation de suppression articulatoire, une condition qui empêche le participant de répéter les listes durant la tâche. Les résultats du second article indiquent que la modalité de réponse module différemment la performance en RCTv chez les participants âgés sans atteinte neurologique et ceux atteints de la DTA. Ces données en RCTv sont compatibles avec les atteintes spécifiques du traitement du mot, également trouvées chez le groupe avec DTA. Les implications théoriques et cliniques de ces résultats sont discutées. Les limites et perspectives futures sont également abordées. / For the past two decades, considerable efforts have been made in cognitive psychology and neuropsychology in order to improve our understanding of the interactions between different cognitive systems (executive functions, memory, language etc.). Evidence of short-term memory (STM) and language impairments in many clinical populations has lead some researchers to put forward an alternative to Baddeley’s working memory model (1986). Based on studies of aphasia, the psycholinguistic approach of STM postulated that word processing and maintenance refer to common processes. Specifically, the interactive activation model (N. Marin & Gupta, 2004; N. Martin & Saffran, 1997) predicts that STM capacities are in particular affected by the linguistic characteristics engaged during the test, and vary according to the nature of verbal items and recall modality, as well as word processing ability.
The goal of this thesis was to test some of these predictions by investigating the relationship between semantic treatment and STM in healthy adults (article 1) and dementia of Alzheimer Type (DAT) (article 2). In the first article, two experiments underline the influence of the associative links between words on the capacity to temporarily retain verbal information. Participants tend to wrongly recognize words associated with words from the list, reflecting an activation of the semantic network during temporary retention. This semantic contribution increases in a situation of articulatory suppression, a condition that limits the possibility to repeat lists during the task. The results of the second article indicated that recall modality influences differently the performance in STM of the elderly participants and those with DAT. These data in STM are compatible with a specific word processing impairment, also found in the group with DAT. The theoretical and clinical implications of these results are discussed. Limits and future research perspectives are also presented.
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