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Mixed-Mode Retention on a Hypercrosslinked Silica-Based ColumnNedev, Georgi K Unknown Date
No description available.
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A novel hydrophobic ZRO2-SIO2 based heterogeneous acid catalyst for the esterification of glycerol with oleic acid / Développement de nouveaux catalyseurs hydrophobes pour l'estérification du glycérol par l'acide oléïque et étude du procédéKong, Pei San 22 May 2018 (has links)
Le faible coût du glycérol sur le marché a conduit à des études approfondies sur la conversion du glycérol en dérivés à valeur ajoutée. Ce travail se concentre sur l'estérification catalytique du glycérol, avec l'acide oléique, réaction d’intérêt industriel en raison de la grande valeur commerciale des produits obtenus. Dans ce travail, un nouveau catalyseur acide hétérogène présentant une surface hydrophobe a été développé sur le support ZrO2-SiO2 car un catalyseur acide solide tolérant à l'eau est essentiel pour les réactions d'estérification en milieu biphasique produisant de l'eau. Le catalyseur synthétisé (ZrO2-SiO2-Me&Et-PhSO3H) a été préparé par silication et modification de surface en utilisant du triméthoxyméthylsilane (TMMS) et du 2-(4- chlorosulfonylphényl) éthyltriméthoxysilane. La morphologie de surface, les propriétés physicochimiques et texturales, l'acidité et l'hydrophobicité ont été caractérisées. Le mécanisme de modification de la surface du catalyseur est proposé en fonction des résultats de caractérisation complets. Une nouvelle technique pour contrôler le niveau d'acidité et d'hydrophobicité du catalyseur conçu est décrite dans ce travail. L'acidité et l'hydrophobicité du catalyseur ont été réglées en contrôlant la quantité d'agents de modification de surface. Il a pu être montré que l'hydrophobicité du catalyseur était diminuée à mesure que son acidité augmentait. Le catalyseur ZrO2-SiO2-Me & Et-PhSO3H_70 avec 70% molaire de TMMS et 0,62 mmol/g d'acidité est le catalyseur optimal pour l'estérification du glycérol avec l'acide oléique. Enoutre, le rôle de l'hydrophobicité dans la réaction catalytique a été étudié ici. Ce travail a montré qu'à acidité constante du catalyseur, le catalyseur le plus hydrophobe présentait un meilleur rendement. La conversion en utilisant le catalyseur préparé (ZrO2-SiO2-Me et EtPhSO3H_70) est de 88,2% avec une sélectivité en monooléate de glycérol de 53,5% et une sélectivité en dioléate de glycérol de 40,0% (sélectivité combinée de 94% en monooléate et dioléate de glycérol) pour un rapport équimolaire d'acide oléique/glycérol, une température de réaction de 160°C, une concentration massique du catalyseur de 5% par rapport à la masse d’acide oléique introduit, en conditions de réaction sans solvant et avec un temps de réaction de 8 h. Ce travail révèle que l'hydrophobicité et le volume des pores du catalyseur conçu affectent significativement la sélectivité en produit. De plus, les performances du catalyseur hydrophobe ZrO2-SiO2-Me&Et- PhSO3H_70, ont été comparées à celles de la zircone sulfatée (SO42-/ZrO2) et des catalyseurs commerciaux (Amberlyst 15 et Aquivion). Les résultats de corrélation ont montré que le volume moyen des pores (taille des pores) influençait la sélectivité du produit lorsque le catalyseur ZrO2- SiO2-Me&Et-PhSO3H_70 était comparé à trois catalyseurs SO42-/ZrO2 développés à partir de différents précurseurs de zirconium. Ainsi, le catalyseur à volume de pores le plus élevé est favorable à la production de dioléate de glycérol dans des conditions réactionnelles identiques. On peut conclure que le volume et la taille des pores peuvent être utilisés pour contrôler la sélectivité en produit. En outre, cette étude a également révélé que la propriété d'hydrophobicité améliorait la vitesse de réaction initiale. / The low market value of glycerol has led to extensive investigations on glycerol conversion to value-added derivatives. This work focuses on industrially important catalytic esterification of glycerol with oleic acid due to the high commercial value of the resulting products. In this work, a novel heterogeneous acid catalyst featuring hydrophobic surface was developed on ZrO2-SiO2 support as water tolerant solid acid catalyst is vital for biphasic esterification reactions producing water. The synthesized catalyst (ZrO2-SiO2-Me&Et-PhSO3H) was prepared through silication and surface modification using trimethoxymethylsilane (TMMS) and 2-(4-chlorosulfonylphenyl) ethyltrimethoxysilane. The surface morphology, physiochemical and textural properties, acidity and hydrophobicity were characterized. The mechanism of the catalyst surface modification is thereof proposed according to comprehensive characterization results. A novel technique to control acidity and hydrophobicity level of the designed catalyst is disclosed in this work. The acidity and hydrophobicity of the catalyst were tuned by controlling the amount of surface modification agents. It was found that the hydrophobicity of the catalyst decreased as its acidity increased. ZrO2-SiO2-Me&Et-PhSO3H_70 catalyst with 70 mol% of TMMS and 0.62 mmol/g acidity is the optimal catalyst for glycerol esterification with oleic acid. Furthermore, the role of hydrophobicity in catalytic reaction was investigated herein. It was found that at constant catalyst acidity, the more hydrophobic catalyst showed better yield. The conversion using the designed catalyst (ZrO2-SiO2-Me&EtPhSO3H_70) is 88.2% with 53.5% glycerol monooleate selectivity and 40.0% glycerol dioleate selectivity (combined 94% selectivity of glycerol monooleate and dioleate) at equimolar oleic acid-to-glycerol ratio, 160 oC, reaction temperature, 5 wt% catalyst concentration with respect to weight of oleic acid, solvent-less reaction conditions and 8 h reaction time. This work reveals that the hydrophobicity and the pore volume of the designed catalyst significantly affect the product selectivity. In addition, the performance of the hydrophobic designed ZrO2-SiO2-Me&Et-PhSO3H_70 catalyst was used to benchmark with catalytic activity of sulfated zirconia (SO42-/ZrO2) and commercial catalysts (Amberlyst 15 and Aquivion). The correlation results showed that the average pore volume (pore size) influenced the product selectivity when ZrO2-SiO2-Me&Et-PhSO3H_70 catalyst was compared to three SO42-/ZrO2 catalysts that were developed from different zirconium precursors. Whereby, the higher pore volume catalyst is favourable to glycerol dioleate production at identical reaction conditions. It can be concluded that pore volume and size can be used to control the product selectivity. In addition, this study also revealed that hydrophobicity characteristic facilitated initial reaction rate effectively.
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Analýza aDNA ze zubů a kosterního materiálu s využitím miniSTR lokusů. / Ancient-DNA analysis of teeth and skeletal remains with utilization of miniSTR loci.Kvítková, Dana January 2010 (has links)
During the last twenty years, immense progress occurred in the area of analysis of DNA extracted from historical material. Considering the common level of preservation of tissue material, this analysis is usually executed on samples procured from bones and teeth. The analysis of soft mummified tissue is possible only in rare cases. Limiting factor of these analyses is a high degree of degradation and small amount of DNA extractable from this kind of material. First researches concentrated only on short sections of mainly mitochondrial DNA. Today, the analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of both contemporary and extinct organisms was made possible. In case of analyses conducted on human remains, sections of nuclear DNA are far more valuable, because they can reveal information including not only subject's sex, but also possible kinship between subjects found e.g. in the same grave. Fundamental component of the whole analysis is the process of extracting DNA from cells. Probably every laboratory working with historical DNA uses a differently modified extract protocol. The main requirement for methods of extraction is to secure enough DNA with such a level of purity that would allow its use for following steps of the analysis. Taking in consideration high fragmentation of DNA, it is necessary...
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Génération électrochimiquement assistée de films sol-gel nanostructurés orientés : fonctionnalisation par « chimie click », caractérisation et applications / Electrochemically assisted generation of oriented and nanostructured silica-based thin films : functionalization via click chemistry, characterization and applicationsKarman, Cheryl 26 October 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail, plusieurs applications des films minces à base de silice mésoporeuse fonctionnalisée, générés par auto-assemblage électrochimiquement-assisté (EASA), organisés et orientés, ont été développées. Au préalable, avant de se concentrer sur les films fonctionnalisés proprement dits, nous avons caractérisé les propriétés de perméabilité de tels films vis-à-vis de sondes redox en solution différemment chargées (neutre, Fc(MeOH)2, positive, Ru(NH3)63+, négatives, Fe(CN)63-/4-), démontrant une limitation électrostatique pour les anions. Ceci nous a amené à étudier l'amplification de la réponse électrochimique des sondes électroactives anioniques (Fe(CN)63-/4-) en présence d’un film de silice chargé négativement sur la surface de l’électrode en ayant recours à des médiateurs neutres ou chargés positivement. La fonctionnalisation de ces films minces de silice a été effectuée en combinant la méthode EASA pour obtenir un film de silice fonctionnalisé par de groupements azoture avec une réaction de couplage avec un groupe alcyne (l’éthynyl-ferrocène dans ce cas). La réponse électrochimique obtenue pour ces films isolants fonctionnalisés par des groupes ferrocene électroactifs est due à un mécanisme de saut d’électrons entre les sites électroactifs adjacents. L'oxydation électrochimique du ferrocène en ion ferricinium génère des charges positives qui sont compensées par l'entrée d'anions permettant une éventuelle détection ampérométrique indirecte d'anions non électroactifs. L’injection d’anions non-électroactifs dans une cellule électrochimique constituée par une électrode de travail fonctionnalisée par ces films de silice porteurs de groupements ferrocène, soumise à l’imposition d’un potentiel positif (+0,5 V), a donné lieu à une réponse ampérométrique proportionnelle à la concentration d'anions. La régénération de l’électrode par réduction du ferricinium était nécessaire afin d’éviter la diminution du signal électrochimique dû à la consommation progressive du ferrocène par des multiples analyses successives. Cette régénération a été réalisée in situ par une méthode ampérométrique à onde carrée. Le films mésoporeux orientés peuvent également être fonctionnalisés par des complexes à base de ruthénium du type [Ru(bpy)2(bpy')]2+ en adaptant la méthode décrite auparavant. Le succès de la fonctionnalisation est vérifié par électrochimie et aussi par spectroscopie UV-Vis au travers de la bande MLCT caractéristique du complexe immobilisé. Une étude plus approfondie est effectuée lors du transfert de charge (saut d'électrons le long des sites adjacents) et le transport de masse de l’anion compensateur de charge au travers des canaux mésoporeux en faisant varier la vitesse de balayage en potentiel. Les propriétés de luminescence de ces films ont été étudiées en présence et en absence d’oxygène, évaluant la possibilité d'utiliser ce type de film pour des applications telles que l'électrochimiluminescence ou la détection d’oxygène. Finalement, ces films à base silice orientés ont été utilisés pour la croissance de nanofilaments de polyaniline (PANI). Ces nanofilaments de polyaniline ordonnée sont générés par voie électrochimique de manière contrôlée. Etant donnée la taille des mésopores (2 nm de diamètre), des chaînes PANI quasi-uniques sont vraisemblablement produites. À partir d'expériences de chronoampérométrie, sur base de films de différentes épaisseurs (100-200 nm), il est possible de prouver l’existence de plusieurs étapes d'électropolymérisation. Chaque étape de la formation du polymère (période d'induction, croissance de la polyaniline au sein et en dehors des canaux mésoporeux) est clairement identifiée. La génération de nanofilaments de polyaniline isolés est démontrée par l'amélioration de la réversibilité entre les états conducteurs et non-conducteurs de la polyaniline. La possibilité de contrôler et d'adapter la croissance des nanofilaments polymères conducteurs offre de nombreuses possibilités [...] / In this work, we exploited the vertically-aligned mesoporous silica thin films generated by electro-assisted self-assembly (EASA). First of all, we present a study about the amplification of charge transfer of a repulsed anionic redox probes [i.e. Fe(CN)63-/4-] through the negatively charged silica film by using neutrally or positively charged redox probes [Fc(MeOH)2 or Ru(NH3)63+ respectively] through redox mediating processes. Furthermore, the functionalization can be conducted by combining EASA method to obtain azide-functionalized silica film and further letting it react with an ethynyl-bearing reactant (e.g. ethynyl-ferrocene) according Huisgen click chemistry. The resulting ferrocene-functionalized silica films are electroactive, involving an electron hopping mechanism between adjacent ferrocene moieties. The electrochemical oxidation of ferrocene into ferricinium ion generates positive charges that are compensated by the ingress of anions into the film, opening the door to possible indirect amperometric detection of non-electroactive anions by flow injection analysis. Operating in an electrolyte-free flow, each injection of an anion (e.g., NO3-) at an electrode biased at a suitable positive potential (i.e., +0.5 V) gave rise to an amperometric response proportional to the anion concentration. However, to avoid the decrease of the electrochemical signal due to the progressive consumption of ferrocene in multiple successive analyses, it was necessary to regenerate the electrode by reduction of ferricinium moieties, which can be achieved in-situ by square wave amperometry. The feasibility to apply such indirect amperometric detection scheme in suppressed ion chromatography (for detecting anions in mixture) was also demonstrated. The oriented mesoporous film can also be functionalized with ruthenium(II)bipyridyl complex [Ru(bpy)2(bpy’)]2+ using the same method. Optimization of the functionalization level is controlled electrochemically by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and monitored through the UV-vis spectra. Further study is conducted upon the charge transfer (electron hopping along the adjacent sites) and the mass transfer of the compensating counter anion through the mesochannels by varying the CV potential scan rate. The emission of the [Ru(bpy)2(bpy’)]2+-functionalized film and its quenching in the presence of oxygen are evidenced in both aqueous and organic solvent, giving opportunities to apply the film for different application, such as electrochemiluminescence sensor and oxygen detection. Lastly, the vertically-aligned mesoporous silica film is used as a hard template to grow polyanilinine nanofilaments. The growth of ordered polyaniline nanofilaments is controlled by potentiostatic polymerization. In such small pore template (2 nm in diameter), quasi-single PANI chains are likely to be produced. From chronoamperometric experiments and using films of various thicknesses (100−200 nm) it is possible to evidence the electropolymerization transients, wherein each stage of polymerization (induction period, growth, and overgrowth of polyaniline on mesoporous silica films) is clearly identified. The advantageous effect of mesostructured silica thin films as hard templates for the generation of isolated polyaniline nanofilaments is demonstrated from enhancement of the reversibility between the conductive and the nonconductive states of polyaniline and the higher electroactive surface areas displayed for all mesoporous silica/PANI composites. The possibility to control and tailor the growth of conducting polymer nanofilaments offers numerous opportunities for applications in various fields including energy, sensors and biosensors, photovoltaics, nanophotonics, or nanoelectronics
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[pt] Os elementos terras raras (ETRs) têm sido cada vez mais utilizados na indústria moderna como os componentes essenciais de catalisadores, ímãs de alto desempenho, supercondutores, sistemas de telecomunicações. O desenvolvimento da energia limpa aumentará ainda mais a demanda, pois ETRs são usados na produção de baterias e painéis solares. O processo de produção ambientalmente
sustentável substituirá ou complementará as fontes atuais. Assim, a separação e a reciclagem de ETRs são de grande importância para diversificar as fontes dos ETRs. A maioria das tecnologias atuais para o enriquecimento de ETRs é baseada na extração de solventes e troca iônica. Elas não são sustentáveis e não são aplicáveis ao tratamento de lixo eletrônico. Um dos primeiros adsorventes seletivos
para extração em fase sólida dos ETRs foi proposto recentemente (Callura et al., 2018). A presente pesquisa estudou 3 adsorventes organo-sílicas (OSAd) com fragmentos imobilizados covalentemente de N-Benzoil-N-fenil-hidroxilamina (BPHA), ácido 2,6-piridinodicarboxílico (PdCA) e ácido amino di(metilenofosfônico) (AdMPA). Foi mostrado que os adsorventes podem ser utilizados com sucesso para separação e preconcentração dos elementos terras raras das soluções aquosas. A pesquisa demonstrou a alta afinidade dos adsorventes aos ETRs (La3+ - Lu3+), Sc3+ e Y3+. A adsorção competitiva dos ETRs da solução multielementar, sua dependência de pH, isotermas e estudos de cinética, recuperação e dessorção de íons metálicos, bem como a reutilização de adsorventes foram investigados. A caracterização qualitativa e quantitativa dos adsorventes foi estudada por espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier, espectroscopia de fotoelétrons de raios-X de alta resolução, análise RMN no estado solido, medições BET, análise elementar e termogravimétrica. Foi demonstrado que os OSAd propostos podem ser utilizados com sucesso para remover íons ETR da solução aquosa em 10 minutos. Os adsorventes demonstram diferenças essenciais na afinidade para ETRs que permitem a utilização dos OSAd para vários fins, incluindo pré-concentração para determinação de traços de ETRs em água natural, separação de ETRs dos outros metais em lixo eletrônico, e a separação individual dos ETRs. A pesquisa demonstra que o SiO2-BPHA pode recuperar todos os ETRs de solução com pH maior ou igual a 5.0 e liberá-los após eluição de 0.1 mol L-1 HNO3 com eficiência superior a 95 por cento. Outros OSAd - SiO2-PdCA e SiO2-AdMPA são os únicos adsorventes que podem remover os íons ETRs da solução aquosa em pH maior ou igual a 2. Devido a isso, SiO2-PdCA e SiO2-AdMPA podem ser usados para a reciclagem dos ETRs do lixo eletrônico. Foi demonstrado que o SiO2 PdCA pode ser utilizado para a recuperação seletiva de elementos de terras raras (Y, Eu, Tb) dos resíduos de lâmpadas fluorescentes. SiO2-PdCA demonstra alta seletividade que permite recuperação completa (maior que 95 por cento) de todos os ETRs na
presença de excesso (50 vezes) de íons Ba2+ que é útil para determinação analítica de traços dos ETRs por ICP-MS. Além disso, SiO2-PdCA é útil para a adsorção seletiva dos ETRs de amostras ambientais, pois o excesso de 200 vezes de íons Fe3+, Cu2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ e Al3+ predominantes em amostras ambientais, causa pouca interferência na eficiência do adsorvente. SiO2-BPHA demonstra maior seletividade para ETRs pesados. Em condições ótimas, o fator de seletividade é
cerca de 80 (para pares Lu/La e Yb/La) e cerca de 60 (para o par Tm/La), que demonstra alto potencial do SiO2-BPHA na separação individual dos ETRs. Estudos de reusabilidade demonstram que SiO2-BPHA pode ser usado para adsorção quantitativa de quase todos os ETRs (adsorção média de Ce e Pr é cerca de 90 por cento) de uma solução multielementar com pH igual a 5.0 sem perda na capacidade de
adsorção e seletividade por pelo menos cinco ciclos. Foi demonstrado que a adsorção de metais por OSAd ocorre devido à formação de complexos entre o ligante imobilizado e os íons metálicos. Por exemplo, a adsorção de íons Eu3+ e Tb3+ por SiO2-PdCA e SiO2-AdMPA gera luminescência forte de cor vermelha e verde, respectivamente. A adsorção de Fe3+ em SiO2-BPHA leva ao desenvolvimento da cor vermelha do adsorvente cuja intensidade é proporcional à concentração de metal adsorvido. Os complexos metálicos imobilizados são muito estáveis em água e meios orgânicos e podem ser usados para o desenvolvimento de sensores ópticos dos ETRs e fases cromatográficas de troca de ligante. / [en] Rare earth elements (REEs) have been increasingly used in modern industry as essential components of many catalysts, high-performance magnets, superconductors, telecommunication systems. Clean energy development will further boost the demand for REEs since they are used in the production of batteries and solar panels. Environmentally sustainable production process shall substitute or supplement current ore sources. Thus, separation and recycling of REEs are of great importance to diversify the sources of REEs. Most existing technologies for enrichment of REEs are based on solvent extraction and ion exchange. They are not sustainable and are not applicable to electronic waste (e-waste) treatment. One of the first selective adsorbent for REEs SPE extraction was proposed recently
(Callura et al., 2018). The research proposed demonstrates other organo-silica adsorbents (OSAd) with covalently immobilized fragments of N-Benzoyl-Nphenylhydroxylamine (BPHA), 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid (PdCA) and aminodi(methylene-phosphonic) acid (AdMPA) can be successfully used both for preconcentration and separation of REEs. This research demonstrates high affinity of the adsorbents to REE (La3+ - Lu3+), Sc3+ and Y3+. Competitive adsorption of REEs from multielement solution and pH dependence, isotherm and kinetics studies, metal ion recovery and desorption, as well as the adsorbent reusability have been investigated. The research is accomplished with qualitative and quantitative characterization of the adsorbent, physical and chemical properties using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, solid-state NMR, BET measurements, elemental and thermogravimetric analysis. It has been demonstrated that the proposed OSAd can be successfully used to remove REE ions from aqueous solution within 10 min. Sharp changes of REEs recovery has been observed in a narrow range of the pH that allows developing a methodology for removal of REEs from solution. The adsorbents demonstrate an essential difference in REE affinity that allows utilization of the OSAd for various purposes, including pre-concentration for determination of REE traces in natural waters, separation of REE from color and other metals in e-waste, separation of individual REE. It is demonstrated that SiO2-BPHA can recover all REE from
solution with pH bigger or equal 5.0 and release them to solution under treatment with 0.1 M HNO3 with efficiency more than 95 percent. Additionally, OSAd - SiO2-PdCA and SiO2- AdMPA are the only adsorbents that can remove REE ions from aqueous solution with pH bigger or equal 2. Because of this SiO2-PdCA and SiO2-AdMPA can be used for the recycling of rare earth elements from electronic waste. It was demonstrated that SiO2-PdCA can be used for selective recovery of rare earth elements (Y, Eu, Tb) from waste fluorescent lamps. SiO2-PdCA demonstrates high selectivity that allows complete (bigger 95 percent) recovery of all REE in the presence of 50-fold excess of Ba2+ ions that is used for analytical determination of REE traces by ICP-MS. Also, SiO2- PdCA is useful for selective adsorption of REE from environmental objects since 200-fold excess of such ions as Fe3+, Cu2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+
, K+ and Al3+ which are predominate in environmental objects cause little interference on the adsorbent removal efficiency. SiO2-BPHA demonstrates higher selectivity towards heavy REEs. In optimal conditions selectivity factor is about 80 (for Lu/La and Yb/La pairs) and about 60 (for Tm/La pair), which demonstrates the high potential of SiO2- BPHA in separation of individual REEs. Reusability test demonstrates that SiO2- BPHA can be used for quantitative adsorption of almost all REEs (average
adsorption of Ce and Pr ions is about 90 percent) from multielement solution with pH equal 5.0 without lost in adsorption capacity and selectivity for at least five consecutive cycles. It is demonstrated that adsorption of metals on the OSAd takes place due to complex formation between immobilized ligand and metal ions. For example, adsorption of Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions on SiO2-PdCA and SiO2-AdMPA generates strong red and green luminescence, respectively. Adsorption of Fe3+ on SiO2-BPHA leads
to development of red color of the adsorbent which intensity is proportional to metal loading. Immobilized metal complexes are very stable in water and organic media that can be used for further development of optical sensors for REE and stationary phases for ligand-exchange chromatography.
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Développement d’un nouveau procédé de synthèse de membranes inorganiques ou composites par voie CO2 supercritique pour la séparation de gaz / Development of a new scCO2-assisted deposition process adapted to the preparation of inorganic or composite membranes for gas separationDurand, Véronique 12 May 2011 (has links)
L'utilisation de membranes pour la séparation/purification de mélanges de gaz permet d'envisager la mise en œuvre de procédés continus et faiblement énergivores. Les performances des membranes étant directement reliées à la méthode utilisée pour leur synthèse/modification, une nouvelle génération de membranes est attendue à partir de la méthode originale de dépôt « dynamique » développée et mise au point dans ce travail, en milieu CO2 supercritique (CO2SC). Les propriétés des fluides supercritiques, intermédiaires entre celles d'un liquide et d'un gaz (densité et diffusivité élevées, viscosité faible), laissent en effet présager la formation de microstructures originales. Les précurseurs sont solubilisés dans le CO2 sous pression puis transportés jusqu'au support membranaire. Cette méthode a été explorée pour : i) la synthèse directe de membranes à base de silice sur des supports macroporeux et ii) la modification de membranes zéolithiques MFI par des alcoxydes (MDES, TEOS) ou par des oligomères fluorés. Dans le premier cas, l'étude des paramètres de dépôt montre que la maîtrise des phénomènes chimiques de la transition sol-gel (contrôlés principalement par la température) dicte la microstructure du matériau final, au travers du degré de condensation/réticulation des clusters déposés. La modification des membranes zéolithiques MFI par un alcoxyde permet de doubler la permsélectivité He/SF6 initiale, sans forte baisse de perméance (Π(He)~10-6 mol.Pa-1.s-1.m-2). Dans ce cas, la force, la nature et la disponibilité des sites acides de la charpente MFI sont des critères clés pour la fixation de l'alcoxyde. Les membranes MFI modifiées par un oligomère fluoré sont imperméables au SF6 et la permsélectivé He/N2 peut atteindre une valeur de 136 à 25°C (Π(He)~10-8 mol.Pa-1.s-1.m-2). Cette nouvelle méthode dynamique de dépôt/modification développée dans ce travail apparaît comme une approche très versatile qui permet de contrôler la structure du matériau déposé en ajustant les paramètres du procédé. / Using membranes for the separation/purification of gas mixtures makes possible the implementation of continuous processes with low energy consumption. Membrane performance being directly related to their synthesis/modification method, a new membrane generation is expected from the original "dynamic" deposition method which has been designed and developed in this work, in supercritical CO2 (scCO2) media. Indeed, the properties of supercritical fluids are intermediate between those of liquids and gases (high density and diffusivity, low viscosity), original membrane microstructures are expected to be derived from this process. The selected precursors are solubilized in compressed CO2 and then transported to the membrane support. This method has been explored for both: i) the synthesis of silica-based membranes on macroporous supports and ii) the modification of MFI zeolite membranes by either alkoxides (MDES, TEOS) or fluorinated oligomers. In the first case, an investigation of the deposition parameters demonstates that the sol-gel chemistry (controlled mainly by temperature) masters the final material microstructure, through the degree of condensation/crosslinking of the deposited clusters. Modification of MFI zeolite membranes with alkoxides can double their initial He/SF6 permselectivity without lowering too much their permeance (Π(He)~10-6 mol.Pa-1.s-1.m-2). In this case, the alkoxide fixation is monitored by the strength, nature and availability of acid sites in the MFI network. MFI membranes modified with fluorinated oligomers are SF6-tight and their He/N2 permselectivity can reach 136 at 25°C (Π(He)~10-8 mol.Pa-1.s-1.m-2). This new dynamic deposition/modification method developed in this work appears as a versatile approach in which the final material structure can be controlled by adjusting the process parameters.
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<p>Supersaturating drug delivery systems are an attractive solubility enabling formulation strategy for poorly soluble drugs due to their potential to significantly enhance solubility and hence, bioavailability. Compendial dissolution testing is commonly used a surrogate for assessing the bioavailability of enabling formulations. However, it increasingly fails to accurately predict <i>in vivo</i> performance due its closed-compartment characteristics and the lack of absorptive sink conditions. <i>In vivo</i>, drug is continually removed due to absorption across the gastrointestinal membrane, which impacts the luminal concentration profile, which in turn affects the dissolution kinetics of any undissolved material, as well as crystallization kinetics from supersaturated solutions. Thus, it is critical to develop an improved methodology that better mimics <i>in vivo</i> conditions. An enhanced approach integrates dissolution and absorption measurements. However, currently-used two-compartment absorptive apparatuses, employing a flat-sheet membrane are limited, in particular by the small membrane surface area that restricts the mass transfer, resulting in unrealistic experimental timeframes. This greatly impacts the suitability of such systems as a formulation development tool. The goal of this research is two-fold. First, to develop and test a high surface area, flow-through, absorptive dissolution testing apparatus, designed to provide <i>in vivo</i> relevant information about formulation performance in biologically relevant time frames. Second, to use this apparatus to obtain mechanistic insight into physical phenomenon occurring during formulation dissolution. Herein, the design and construction of a coupled dissolution-absorption apparatus using a hollow fiber membrane module to simulate the absorption process is described. The hollow fiber membrane offers a large membrane surface area, improving the mass transfer rates significantly. Following the development of a robust apparatus, its application as a formulation development tool was evaluated in subsequent studies. The dissolution-absorption studies were carried out for supersaturated solutions generated via anti-solvent addition, pH-shift and by dissolution of amorphous formulations. The research demonstrates the potential of the apparatus to capture subtle differences between formulations, providing insight into the role of physical processes such as supersaturation, crystallization kinetics and liquid-liquid phase separation on the absorption kinetics. The study also explores dissolution-absorption performance of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) and the influence of resultant solution phase behavior on the absorption profile. Residual crystalline content in ASDs is a great concern from a physical stability and dissolution performance perspective as it can promote secondary nucleation or seed crystal growth. Therefore, the risk of drug crystallization during dissolution of ASDs containing some residual crystals was assessed using absorptive dissolution measurements and compared to outcomes observed using closed-compartment dissolution testing. Mesoporous silica-based formulations are another type of amorphous formulations that are gaining increased interest due to higher physical stability and rapid release of the amorphous drug. However, their application may be limited by incomplete drug release resulting from the adsorption tendency of the drug onto the silica surface. Thus, the performance of mesoporous silica-based formulations was also evaluated in the absorptive dissolution testing apparatus to determine the impact of physiological conditions such as gastrointestinal pH and simultaneous membrane absorption on the adsorption kinetics during formulation dissolution. Overall, the aim of this research was to demonstrate the potential of the novel <i>in vitro</i> methodology and highlight the significance of a dynamic absorptive dissolution environment to enable better assessment of complex enabling formulations. <i>In vivo</i>, there are multiple physical processes occurring in the gastrointestinal lumen and the kinetics of these processes strongly depend on the absorption kinetics and <i>vice-a-versa</i>. Thus, using this novel tool, the interplay between solution phase behavior and the likely impacts on bioavailability of supersaturating drug delivery systems can be better elucidated. This approach and apparatus is anticipated to be of great utility to the pharmaceutical industry to make informed decisions with respect to formulation optimization.</p>
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Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Catalysts for Chemical Processes of Industrial InterestErigoni, Andrea 07 April 2021 (has links)
[ES] El trabajo de investigación descrito en la presente Tesis Doctoral ha sido desarrollado en el marco del proyecto europeo MULTI2HYCAT (grant agreement N. 720783) y se ha centrado en la síntesis y caracterización de materiales mono- y multi-funcionales que presentan sitios catalíticos ácidos, básicos o redox. Diferentes líneas de investigación han sido desarrolladas en paralelo para obtener distintos materiales híbridos que serán empleados en diferentes procesos catalíticos, en línea con las necesidades de los socios industriales del proyecto.
Debido a la naturaleza colaborativa del proyecto, cada miembro académico se ha en-centrado en un aspecto del desarrollo de los materiales. Es por ello que el Instituto de Tecnología Química (ITQ-CSIC), donde se ha llevado a cabo esta Tesis Doctoral, se ha centrado en la síntesis de los catalizadores híbridos. Por ello, parte de la caracterización descrita en el Capítulo 3 se ha llevado a cabo en la Università del Piemonte Orientale (IT), durante una estancia de un mes. Ademas, algúnos resultados catalíticos descritos en los Capítulos 3 y 5 han sido obtenidos por la University of Southampton (UK).
En el Capítulo 3, se ha descrito la síntesis de dos catalizadores heterogéneos híbridos que presentan moléculas de ácido aril-sulfónico en su composición. En uno de ellos, el anillo aromático presentará átomos de flúor en posición 2, 3, 5, 6. Se han llevado a cabo dos estrategias de síntesis multi-etapas, a través de la síntesis de los precursores alkoxi-silanos, a través de procesos de condensación junto a un precursor de sílice (en ausencia de agentes directores de estructura, a pH neutro y temperaturas bajas) y de una reacción de tethering. Los materiales híbridos han sido caracterizados a través de dife-rentes técnicas. Las propiedades texturales, la estabilidad térmica y la composición química de los catalizadores ha sido estudiada. Además, moléculas sondas han sido adsorbidas en los materiales hibridos y las interacciones entre ellos han sido estudiadas a través de espectroscopias FTIR y RMN multi-nuclear. El catalizador hibrido en que el anillo aromático estaba fluorado resultó ser el más activo catalíticamente en la reac-ción de formación de acetal entre benzaldehído y etilenglicol. Una versión de los hí-bridos en que la superficie había sido pasivada con grupos metilos también fue obteni-da. Las propiedades de los materiales híbridos pasivados fueron comparadas, para po-der estudiar el efecto de la polaridad de la superficie del soporte sobre la actividad catalítica.
En el Capítulo 4 se describe la síntesis de órgano-catalizadores híbridos obtenidos por anclaje de precursores de silicio funcionalizados con grupos básicos sobre un soporte del tipo MCM-41. Los catalizadores han sido caracterizados y empleados en diferentes reacciones de formación de enlaces C-C, como la condensación de Knoevenagel y la adición de Michael. Los catalizadores híbridos han sido empleados en la condensación entre furfural y metil isobutil cetona. El catalizador más activo ha sido seleccionado para ser funcionalizado posteriormente con nanoparticulas de paladio y empleado en un proceso catalítico en cascada. Mecanismos de reacción han sido pro-puesto para cada proceso catalítico. El efecto beneficioso debido a la presencia de los grupos silanoles en la superficie del soporte también fue analizado.
En el Capítulo 5, la síntesis de catalizadores híbridos multi-funcionales fue descrita. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos en el Capítulo 4, se ha preparado un catalizador que presente grupos aminopropil- y nanopartículas de paladio. Las propiedades estructurales y texturales han sido estudiadas. Además, a través de la microscopia electrónica de transmisión, la distribución dimensional de las nanoparticulas ha sido estimada, resultando en un tamaño medio equivalente a la dimensión de los canales mesoporosos del soporte, MCM-4 / [CA] El treball de recerca descrit en aquesta tesi doctoral es va desenvolupar en el marc del projecte europeu MULTI2HYCAT (grant agreement N. 720783) i se centra en la sínte-si i la caracterització de catalitzadors híbrids mono i multifuncionals amb àcid, base o redox actius llocs. S'han desenvolupat diverses línies d'investigació en paral·lel per dissenyar múltiples catalitzadors híbrids per a diferents processos catalítics, basant-se en les necessitats dels socis industrials. A causa del caràcter col·laboratiu del projecte, cada soci acadèmic es va centrar princi-palment en un aspecte de tot el procés. Institut de Tecnologia Química (ITQ-CSIC), on es va desenvolupar aquesta tesi, està principalment centrat en el disseny i síntesi de catalitzadors híbrids. Per això, part dels resultats de caracterització reportats al Capítol 3 s'han dut a terme a la Università del Piemonte Orientale (IT), durant una estada d'un mes. Alguns dels resultats catalítics reportats al Capítol 3 i al Capítol 5 han estat reali-tzats per la Universitat de Southampton (Regne Unit). En el Capítol 3, s'ha descrit la síntesi de dos catalitzadors heterogenis híbrids que pre-senten molècules d'àcid aril-sulfònic en la composició. En un d'ells, l'anell aromàtic presentarà àtoms de fluor en posició 2, 3, 5, 6. S'han dut a terme dues estratègies de síntesi multi-etapes, a través de la síntesi dels precursors alkoxi-silans, mitjançant pro-cessos de condensació al costat d'un precursor de sílice (en absència d'agents directors d'estructura, a pH neutre i temperatures baixes) i d'una reacció de tethering. Els mate-rials híbrids han estat caracteritzats mitjançant diferents tècniques. Les propietats texturals, l'estabilitat tèrmica i la composició química dels catalitzadors ha sigut estudiada. A més, molècules sondes han estat adsorbides en els materials híbrids i les interaccions entre ells han estat estudiades mitjançant espectroscòpies FTIR i RMN multi-nuclear. El catalitzador híbrid en que l'anell aromàtic estava fluorat va resultar ser el més actiu catalíticament en la reacció de formació d'acetal entre benzaldehid i etilenglicol. Una versió dels híbrids en que la superfície havia estat pasivada amb grups metilos també va ser obtinguda. Les propietats dels materials híbrids passivats van ser comparades, per poder estudiar l'efecte de la polaritat de la superfície del suport sobre l'activitat catalítica. En el Capítol 4 es descriu la síntesi d'organo-catalitzadors híbrids obtinguts per ancoratge de precursors de silici funcionalitzats amb grups bàsics sobre un suport del tipus MCM-41. Els catalitzadors han estat caracteritzats i empleats en diferents reaccions de formació d'enllaços C-C, com la condensació de Knoevenagel i l'addició de Michael. Finalment, els catalitzadors híbrids han estat emprats en la condensació entre furfural i metil isobutil cetona. El catalitzador més actiu ha estat seleccionat per a ser funcionalitzat posteriorment amb nanoparticules de pal·ladi i emprat en un procés catalític en cascada. Mecanismes de reacció han estat proposat per a cada procés catalític. L'efecte beneficiós a causa de la presència dels grups silanols en la superfície de suport també va ser analitzat. En el Capítol 5, la síntesi de catalitzadors híbrids multi-funcionals va ser descrita. Basant-se en els resultats obtinguts en el Capítol 4, s'ha preparat un catalitzador que presenti grups aminopropil- i nanopartícules de palladi. Les propietats estructurals i texturals han estat estudiades. A més, a través de la microscòpia electrònica de trans-missió, la distribució dimensional de les nanoparticulas ha estat estimada, resultant en una grandària mitjana equivalent a la dimensió dels canals mesoporosos del suport, MCM-41. El material ha estat emprat com a catalitzador multi-funcional. / [EN] The research work described in this Doctoral Thesis was developed within the frame of the MULTI2HYCAT European Project (grant agreement N. 720783) and it is focused on the synthesis and characterization of mono- and multi-functional hybrid catalysts featuring acid, base or redox active sites. Several research lines have been developed in parallel to design multiple hybrid catalysts for different catalytic processes, building upon the needs of the industrial partners.
Due to the collaborative nature of the project, each academic partners mainly focused on one aspect of the whole process. Instituto de Tecnología Química (ITQ-CSIC), where this Thesis was developed, mostly focused on the design and synthesis of the hybrid catalysts. For that, part of the characterization results reported in Chapter 3 have been carried out at Università del Piemonte Orientale (IT), during a one month stay. Some of the catalytic results reported in Chapter 3 and Chapter 5 have been car-ried out by the University of Southampton (UK).
In Chapter 3 the synthesis of two different heterogeneous hybrid catalysts carrying aryl-sulfonic moieties, in which the aromatic ring was either fluorinated or not, is re-ported. Two multi-step synthetic approaches were developed, involving the synthesis of the silyl-derivative precursor, template-free one-pot co-condensation (at low tem-perature and neutral pH) and tethering reaction. A multi-technique approach was im-plemented to characterize the hybrid catalysts. Textural properties, thermal stability and chemical makeup of the materials were studied. Moreover, probe molecules were adsorbed onto the hybrids and the interaction were studied with multi-nuclear NMR and FTIR spectroscopies. The catalytic activity of the two hybrids showed superior performances for the fluoro-aryl-sulfonic acid, compared to the non-fluorinated mate-rial, in the acetal formation between benzaldehyde and ethylene glycol. Silanol-capped versions of the hybrids have also been prepared and their properties have been com-pared with those of hydrophilic hybrids, to study the effect of the polarity of the sur-face on the overall catalytic activity of the hybrids.
In Chapter 4, the synthesis of hybrid mesoporous organocatalysts, obtained by graft-ing of commercial and custom-made silyl-derivatives onto MCM-41 supports, is re-ported. The hybrid catalysts were characterized and tested for different reactions in-volving C-C bond formation, such as Knoevenagel condensations and Michael addi-tion. Finally, the catalysts were tested in the condensation between furfural and methyl isobutyl ketone and the most performing catalyst was selected for the synthesis of a multi-functional hybrid. Reaction mechanisms have been proposed and the beneficial effect of the surface silanol groups on the catalytic activity was demonstrated.
In Chapter 5, the synthesis of hybrid multi-functional catalysts is reported. Building upon the results reported in Chapter 4, a hybrid catalyst featuring aminopropyl moie-ties and palladium nanoparticles was developed. Structural and textural properties of the catalysts were accessed. Moreover, transmission electron microscopy showed a narrow nanoparticles distribution, centered a value equivalent to the size of the meso-porous channels of the support. The catalyst was tested in a tandem process involving the aldol condensation between furfural and methyl isobutyl ketone followed by hy-drogenation of the aldol adduct. The influence of several variables on the activity of the multi-functional catalyst was explored, with the scope of paving the way for more thorough studies to be carried out in flow regime. Lastly, proof-of-concept syntheses of multi-functional hybrid catalysts featuring base sites and supported metal complex are reported. / The research work described in this Doctoral Thesis was developed within the frame of the MULTI2HYCAT European Project (grant agreement N. 720783). I would like to thank la Caixa foundation for my PhD scholarship. / Erigoni, A. (2021). Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Catalysts for Chemical Processes of Industrial Interest [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165238
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