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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Black Carbon: Sources, Mobility and Fate in Freshwater Systems

Wagner, Sasha 05 June 2015 (has links)
Black carbon (BC) is a complex mixture of polycondensed aromatic compounds produced by the incomplete combustion of biomass during events such as wildfires and the burning of fossil fuels. Black carbon was initially considered to be a refractory form of organic matter. However, recent studies have shown that BC can be quite mobile and reactive in the terrestrial environment. Black carbon can be translocated from soils and sediments in the form of dissolved BC (DBC). A global correlation between DBC and bulk dissolved organic carbon (DOC) has been established for fluvial systems where DBC comprises approximately 10% of the total DOC pool, which suggests that DBC may be a significant contributor to the global carbon cycle. The primary objective of this thesis was to further characterize DBC and elucidate some of the specific physical and chemical processes that promote its transfer to the aqueous phase and drive the DBC-DOC relationship. The molecular composition and qualitative distribution of DBC was assessed using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Black carbon in both dissolved and particulate (PBC) phases was quantified by the benzenepolycarboxylic acid method. Dissolved BC was found to contain considerable amounts of nitrogen and the export of this dissolved black nitrogen was linked to watershed land use in global rivers. The riverine flux of PBC, a previously unstudied BC removal mechanism, was significantly increased by local wildfire activity. However in-stream DBC did not appear to be affected by short-term fire events. Once translocated to surface waters, DBC is susceptible to photodegradative processes. Dissolved BC in high molecular weight DOC fractions was more photoreactive than DBC associated with lower molecular weight fractions. In the coming decades, wildfire frequency is expected to increase with climate change and natural lands will continue to be altered for anthropogenic use. These processes have already been shown to significantly impact the composition of DOC and associated DBC exported to inland waters. The quality of DBC influences its stability in soil and resistance to degradation. Therefore, it is essential that we aim to fully understand DBC dynamics in natural systems in order to assess its contribution to global carbon cycling.

Mesure des précipitations à l'aide d'un radar en bande X non-cohérent à haute résolution et d'un radar en bande K à visée verticale. Application à l'étude de la variabilité des précipitations lors de la campagne COPS / Precipitation measurement with high resolution non-coherent X-band radar and vertically pointing K-band radar. Application to the study of the variability of precipitation in the framework of COPS field campaign

Tridon, Frédéric 15 September 2011 (has links)
L’estimation quantitative des précipitations à l’échelle locale est une nécessité sociétale, à cause de l’augmentation des dégâts provoqués par des inondations exacerbées par l’urbanisation croissante. Or, des estimations locales sont particulièrement difficiles à réaliser à cause de la forte variabilité des précipitations. De plus, ce genre d’estimation est sollicité par de petits organismes tels qu’une commune, pour lesquels il n’est pas envisageable d’utiliser des instruments à la pointe de la recherche technologique à cause de leur coût prohibitif. Ainsi, il est nécessaire de développer des méthodes d’estimation quantitative des précipitations applicables à un dispositif expérimental de prix abordable. Dans ce but, un dispositif expérimental innovant est utilisé dans cette thèse. Il est constitué d’instruments de mesure directe, au sol, tels que des pluviomètres et des disdromètres, et d’un prototype de radar à balayage horizontal basé sur un radar nautique commercial, associé à un MRR (Micro Rain Radar) à visée verticale qui fournissent une estimation en altitude de la pluie, respectivement sur une surface donnée et le long d’un profil vertical. Le radar à balayage horizontal est un radar en bande X, c’est-à-dire qu’il fonctionne à une longueur d’onde lui procurant une très haute résolution radiale, mais qui est très atténuée par les précipitations. Le MRR permet d’obtenir une description précise de la microphysique des précipitations et sert de relais entre les mesures au sol et les mesures en altitude du radar en bande X. Ces deux radars étant novateurs, une grande partie de cette thèse consiste à valider leurs mesures : étalonnage, filtrage d’échos aberrants, correction de l’atténuation, etc. Une fois les mesures rendues exploitables, cette thèse se focalise sur l’étude de la variabilité des précipitations afin de proposer et développer différentes méthodes de classification, selon leur type ou leur variations locales, et de vérifier leur potentiel pour l’amélioration de l’estimation des précipitations. Les résultats montrent que cet objectif ne peut être atteint que si la qualité des mesures des radars est encore améliorée : moins d’échos parasites pour le radar en bande X et prise en compte du vent vertical pour le MRR. / Due to the increase of damage associated with floods enhanced by expanding urbanisation, the quantitative estimation of precipitation on a local scale is a societal need. However, such estimations are difficult because of the high variability of precipitation. Moreover, these estimations are requested by small organisations such as local authorities which cannot afford top level research instruments. Hence, new methods of estimation applicable to a cheap experimental set are needed. Toward this goal, an innovative experimental set is used in this work. It consists of ground instruments such as raingauges and disdrometers, and two radars, a prototype of a scanning radar based on a modified marine radar and a vertically pointing MRR (Micro Rain Radar), which give estimation of rain aloft, over an area and along a profile, respectively. The scanning radar works at X-band, meaning that it uses a longwave very attenuated by precipitation, but which provides a high range resolution. The MRR yields a detailed description of microphysics of precipitation and fills the gap between ground measurements and X-band radar measurements aloft. As both these radars are innovative, a large part of this PhD thesis was spent on the measurements validation : radar calibration, abnormal echoes filtering, attenuation consideration, etc. Using these corrected measurements, this PhD focus then on the study of the variability of precipitation, and aims to propose and develop several classification methods based on precipitation type or local variability, and to check their potential for the improvement of precipitation estimation. Results show that this goal can be reached only if the radar measurements quality is further improved : less interference echoes for the X-band radar, and consideration of vertical wind for the MRR.

Development of Test-Based Wind-Driven Rain Intrusion Model for Hurricane-Induced Building Interior and Contents Damage

Baheru, Thomas 19 March 2014 (has links)
Major portion of hurricane-induced economic loss originates from damages to building structures. The damages on building structures are typically grouped into three main categories: exterior, interior, and contents damage. Although the latter two types of damages, in most cases, cause more than 50% of the total loss, little has been done to investigate the physical damage process and unveil the interdependence of interior damage parameters. Building interior and contents damages are mainly due to wind-driven rain (WDR) intrusion through building envelope defects, breaches, and other functional openings. The limitation of research works and subsequent knowledge gaps, are in most part due to the complexity of damage phenomena during hurricanes and lack of established measurement methodologies to quantify rainwater intrusion. This dissertation focuses on devising methodologies for large-scale experimental simulation of tropical cyclone WDR and measurements of rainwater intrusion to acquire benchmark test-based data for the development of hurricane-induced building interior and contents damage model. Target WDR parameters derived from tropical cyclone rainfall data were used to simulate the WDR characteristics at the Wall of Wind (WOW) facility. The proposed WDR simulation methodology presents detailed procedures for selection of type and number of nozzles formulated based on tropical cyclone WDR study. The simulated WDR was later used to experimentally investigate the mechanisms of rainwater deposition/intrusion in buildings. Test-based dataset of two rainwater intrusion parameters that quantify the distribution of direct impinging raindrops and surface runoff rainwater over building surface — rain admittance factor (RAF) and surface runoff coefficient (SRC), respectively — were developed using common shapes of low-rise buildings. The dataset was applied to a newly formulated WDR estimation model to predict the volume of rainwater ingress through envelope openings such as wall and roof deck breaches and window sill cracks. The validation of the new model using experimental data indicated reasonable estimation of rainwater ingress through envelope defects and breaches during tropical cyclones. The WDR estimation model and experimental dataset of WDR parameters developed in this dissertation work can be used to enhance the prediction capabilities of existing interior damage models such as the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model (FPHLM).

Caractérisation in situ des propriétés optiques et microphysiques des aérosols troposphériques dans l’archipel arctique canadien

Vicente-Luis, Andy 12 1900 (has links)
Le réchauffement climatique dans l’Arctique canadien est deux fois plus rapide que la moyenne globale, ce qui accélère la fonte de la banquise et bouleverse radicalement la faune, la flore et les communautés de la région tout entière. Ce réchauffement est causé non seulement par la hausse des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, mais également par des agents de forçage climatique de courte durée comme les aérosols troposphériques. Toutefois, le forçage radiatif des aérosols dans la région polaire est beaucoup moins bien estimé que celui des gaz à effet de serre, notamment le CO2, et demeure toujours incertain. Cette grande incertitude résulte principalement de la grande variabilité spatiotemporelle des propriétés chimiques et physiques des aérosols, en plus de la complexité des boucles de rétroaction observées en Arctique. D’ailleurs, les données sur les caractéristiques des aérosols et de leur répartition à travers la région sont très limitées, et ce, plus particulièrement dans le Haut-Arctique canadien. Pour remédier à ce problème, une série de mesures a été effectuée sur une période de 3 ans (2016-2019) dans le laboratoire de recherche sur l’environnement atmosphérique polaire (PEARL, 80N 86O) situé près de la station météorologique d’Eureka, au Nunavut, Canada. La distribution en taille des aérosols a été mesurée en se servant de plusieurs instruments, dont un compteur optique de particules (OPC), un granulomètre de mobilité électrique à balayage (SMPS) et un granulomètre aérodynamique (APS). Les propriétés optiques des aérosols ont été déterminées avec deux extinctiomètres photoacoustiques (PAX) qui opèrent respectivement à des longueurs d’onde de 405 et 870 nm. Les observations réalisées à l’observatoire PEARL démontrent une forte variation saisonnière dans les propriétés optiques et microphysiques des aérosols polaires. Pendant l’hiver et le printemps, l’atmosphère arctique est envahie par une brume sèche d’origine anthropique qui se traduit par une forte augmentation dans la taille, la concentration en nombre et les propriétés optiques extensives des aérosols. Les épisodes de brume arctique commencent généralement en mi-décembre, où des évènements de poussières minérales ont aussi été observés, et se terminent en mai où la formation et le grossissement de nouvelles particules s’amorcent. Le début du printemps mesure les concentrations d’aérosol en mode accumulation les plus élevées durant l’année. Les aérosols les plus sombres qui composent la brume arctique ont été identifiés comme étant de la suie ou du carbone noir transporté dans l’Arctique à partir de l’Eurasie et de l’Alaska. Quelques relations systématiques entre les propriétés optiques et la distribution de taille des aérosols ont également été calculées et révèlent une différence majeure entre les aérosols interagissant avec la lumière à 405 et 870 nm. / Global warming in the Canadian Arctic is twice as fast as the global average, accelerating the melting of sea ice and radically disrupting the fauna, the flora, and the communities of the whole region. Arctic warming is caused not only by rising greenhouse gas emissions, but also by the short-lived climate forcing agents such as tropospheric aerosols. However, aerosol radiative forcing in the polar region is less precisely estimated than that of greenhouse gases, notably CO2, and remains highly uncertain. This large uncertainty arises mainly from the high spatiotemporal variability in aerosol chemical and physical properties, in addition to the complexity of the feedback loops observed in the Arctic. Furthermore, datasets on aerosol characteristics and their distribution across the region are very limited, particularly in the Canadian High Arctic. To address this issue, a series of measurements were conducted over a 3-year period (2016-2019) at the Polar Atmospheric Environment Research Laboratory (PEARL, 80N 86W) near Eureka weather station, in Nunavut, Canada. Aerosol size distribution was measured using several instruments including an Optical Particle Counter (OPC), a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS), an Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS). Aerosol optical properties were determined by two Photoacoustic Extinctiometers (PAXs) which operate at wavelengths of 405 nm and 870 nm, respectively. Observations made at the PEARL observatory show a strong seasonal variation in the optical and microphysical properties of polar aerosols. In the winter and spring, the Arctic atmosphere is impacted by an anthropogenic haze that results in a sharp increase in aerosol size, number concentration, and optical properties. Arctic haze episodes typically occur in mid-December, when mineral dust events have also been observed, and end in May when formation and growth of new particles begin. Early spring exhibits the highest accumulation-mode aerosol concentrations during the year. The darkest Arctic haze aerosols have been identified as soot or black carbon transported into the Arctic from Eurasia and Alaska. Some systematic relationships among aerosol optical properties and size distribution have also been calculated and reveal a major difference between aerosols interacting with light at 405 nm and 870 nm.

Opimalizace typů, granulometrie a tvaru jemných částic pro speciální betony / Optimization of types, granulometry and fine particle shape for special concrete

Jobánek, Jaromír January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on optimization of particle size distribution using concrete additions. To design a concrete of excellent properties, it is often necessary to achieve a higher packing density of the mixture by designing a suitable particle size distribution curve. Concrete with special properties and various types of powder additions are also described.

Studium polymorfie a optimalizace krystalizace farmaceuticky aktivních látek / The study of polymorphism and optimization of active pharmaceutical ingredients crystallisation

Novák, David January 2008 (has links)
Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are frequently delivered to the patient in the solid-state as part of an approved dosage form (tablets, capsules, etc.). Understanding and controlling the solid-state chemistry of APIs is therefore an important aspect of the drug development process. APIs can exist in a variety of distinct solid forms, including polymorphs, solvates, hydrates, co-crystals and amorphous solids. Each form displays unique physicochemical properties that can profoundly influence the bioavailability, manufacturability, stability and other performance characteristics of the drug. Most APIs are purified and isolated by crystallisation from an appropriate solvent during the final step in synthetic process. The main objective of a crystallisation process is to produce crystals with desired properties such as particle size distribution (PSD), shape and purity. All pharmaceutical dosage forms must be produced in uniform units, and good content of uniformity is only possible when the size of the active component is carefully controlled. For on-line control of crystallisations of Quetiapine Fumarate to achieve desired PSD and no changed physicochemical purity was used the Lasentec Focus Beam Reflectance Measurement (FBRM) system.

Numerický model pro vznik magmatických textur a jeho využití ve smrčinském granitovém batolitu / Numerical model for the origin of magmatic textures and its application to the Fichtelgebirge/Smrčiny granite batholith

Špillar, Václav January 2011 (has links)
Magmatic processes are major agents responsible for the formation and differentiation of the Earth's crust. In contrast to extensive efforts to improve understanding and utility of igneous geochemistry, physical processes of magma differentiation and solidification remain largely unclear. Large variability of igneous textures provides record of these processes and intensive parameters governing the crystallization. In this thesis, we develop quantitative methods, which allow us to better interpret igneous textures in the framework of physics of solidification. We have developed a new three-dimensional model of crystallization from one- component melt driven by homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation and crystal growth. The predicted textures are quantitatively characterized by crystal size distributions, spatial distribution functions and parameters representing grain contact relationships. The model employs high resolution in a large volume simulation domain in order to produce statistically stable results. Our simulations, performed for various functional forms of nucleation and growth rates with respect to time, imply that (i) crystals are ordered (anti-clustered) on short length scales. This reflects that other crystals already have a finite size at the time of nucleation of younger crystal,...

Inverkan av olika joner och jonconcentrationer på porstorleksfördelningen i trämassa-fibrer / The influence of different ions and ionconcentrations on pore size distribution in woodfibers

Becker, Sebastian January 2011 (has links)
The basic ingredient of paper is the individual wood fibers. The property of the fibers depends on a variety of factors e.g., method of pulp production and processing. The final sheet quality depends in part on how the fibers interface between each other and therefore factors that affect the fiber size are of interest. The flexibility of the fibers depends in part on the pore water i.e., the fiber swelling. The sheet becomes less flexible at low water content which gives a loss in strength. Thus it becomes desirable to increase the water uptake. The experimental investigation described in this report consists of exposing the wood fibers to different ions and ionic strength and then measure the pore size by thermoporosimetry where a DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter) is used. DSC measures the freezing point of water in the pores of the wood fibers. As the freezing point varies with the pore size the size distribution can be determined. The results show that there are complications with thermoporosimetry measurements at different ion concentrations. The strength of the ionic solutions will contribute to a fictitious pore volume, which makes analysis difficult to interpret.

Modeling the Microstructure Evolution During and After Hot Working in Martensitic Steel

Safara Nosar, Nima January 2021 (has links)
In this study, the goal is to predict the microstructure evolution during and after the hot working of a martensitic stainless steel with 13% chromium using a physically-based model in the form of a MATLAB toolbox. This model is based on dislocation density theory and consists of coupled sets of evolution equations for dislocation, vacancies, recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth. The focus in this work is on the flow stress calculation and the effect of second phase particles on the strengthening mechanisms in the material at elevated temperatures. Recovery and recrystallization are also studied for this alloy during deformation and following stress relaxation. The experimental part of this work was performed with a Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator over the temperature range of 850 to 1200°C. Samples were investigated later by a light optical microscope (LOM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDS). Hardness test and phase isolation were also performed on the samples and the results are compared with the modeling results. The model can satisfactorily predict the grain growth, recovery, recrystallization, and flow stress for this alloy. Further investigation on the second phase particles showed that the measured mean size of carbides has a good agreement with what is obtained from the model and the hardness values. On the other hand, the modeled volume fraction of the carbides followed a slightly different trend comparing to hardness values, and phase isolation results at temperatures higher than 1000°C. Additionally, the Ms temperature and fraction of the martensite phase are calculated for quenched samples where the results are following the measured hardness values. Finally, the Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) and its relation to the flow stress and the activation energy for deformation are defined. The dynamic recrystallization (DRX) kinetic is modeled and the fraction DRX was calculated at various temperatures and strain rates for this alloy. / I denna studie är målet att förutsäga mikrostrukturutvecklingen under och efter varmbearbetning i ett martensitiskt rostfritt stål med 13 % krom med hjälp av en fysisk baserad modell i form av en MATLAB verktygslåda. Denna modell är baserad på en teori för dislokationstäthet och bestårav kopplade uppsättningar av evolutionsekvationer för dislokation, vakanser, återhämtning, rekristallisation och kornstillväxt. Fokus i detta arbete är beräkning av flytespänningen och effekten av sekundärfaspartiklar på härdningsmekanismerna i materialet vid höga temperaturer. Återhämtning och rekristallisation studeras också för denna legering under deformation och efter spänningsrelaxation. Den experimentella delen av detta arbete utfördes med en Gleeble termomekanisk simulator inom temperaturområdet 850 till 1200°C. Proverna undersöktes senare med ett ljust optiskt mikroskop (LOM) och svepelektronmikroskop(SEM) utrustad med energidispersiv spektroskopi (EDS). Hårdhetstest och fasisolering utfördes också på proverna och resultaten jämförs med modelleringsresultaten. Modellen på ett tillfredsställande sätt kan förutsäga korntillväxt, återhämtning, rekristallisation och flytspänningen för denna legering. Vidare undersökning av partiklarna i sekundärfasen visade att den uppmätta medelstorleken för karbider har bra överensstämmelse med vad som erhålls från modellen och hårdhetsvärdena. Den modellerade volymfraktionen av karbiderna följde en något annorlunda trend vid temperaturerna högre än 1000°C jämfört med hårdhetsvärden och fasisoleringsresultat. Dessutom beräknas Ms temperaturen och fraktionen av martensitfasen för släckta prover där resultaten följer de uppmätta hårdhetsvärdena. Slutligen definieras Zener-Hollomon-parametern (Z) och dess förhållande till flytspänningen och aktiveringsenergin för deformation. Den kinetiska dynamiska rekristallisation (DRX) modelleras och fraktionen DRX beräknades vidolika temperaturer och töjningshastigheter för denna legering.

Strömungskarten und Modelle für transiente Zweiphasenströmungen

Zschau, Jochen, Zippe, Winfried, Zippe, Cornelius, Prasser, Horst-Michael, Lucas, Dirk, Rohde, Ulrich, Böttger, Arnd, Schütz, Peter, Krepper, Eckhard, Weiß, Frank-Peter, Baldauf, Dieter 31 March 2010 (has links)
Experimente mit neuartigen Messverfahren lieferten Daten über die Struktur von transienten Flüssig-keits-Gas-Strömungen für die Entwicklung und Validierung von mikroskopischen, d.h. geometrieunabhängigen Konstitutivbeziehungen zur Beschreibung des Impulsaustauschs zwischen Flüssig-phase und Gasblasen sowie zur Quantifizierung der Häufigkeit von Blasenkoaleszenz und -zerfall. Hierzu wurde eine vertikale Testsektion der Zweiphasentestschleife MTLoop in Rossendorf genutzt, wobei erstmals Gittersensoren mit einer Auflösung von 2-3 mm bei einer Messfrequenz von bis zu 10 kHz angewandt wurden. Dabei wurde die Evolution von Gasgehalts-, Geschwindigkeits- und Bla-sengrößenverteilungen entlang des Strömungsweges und bei schnellen Übergangsprozessen aufge-nommen und so die für die Modellbildung erforderlichen Daten bereitgestellt. Für den Test der Mo-dellbeziehungen wurde ein vereinfachtes Verfahren zur Lösung der Strömungsgleichungen entlang des Strömungswegs erstellt. Es basiert auf der Betrachtung einer größeren Anzahl von Blasengrö-ßenklassen. Die erhaltenen numerische Lösungen haben erstmals gezeigt, dass der bei Erhöhung der Gasvolumenstromdichte stattfindende Übergang von einer Blasenströmung mit Randmaximum zu einem Profil mit Zentrumsmaximum und anschließend zu einer Pfropfenströmung ausgehend von einem einheitlichen Satz physikalisch begründeter und geometrieunabhängiger Konstitutivgleichun-gen modelliert werden kann. Die Modellbeziehungen haben sich in einem abgegrenzten Gebiet der Volumenstromdichten als generalisierungsfähig erwiesen und sind für den Einbau in CFD-Modelle geeignet. Weiterhin wurden Arbeiten zur Kondensation durchgeführt, die direkten Bezug zu den Kon-densationsmodellen haben, die in Thermohydraulik-Codes enthalten sind. Die Untersuchung liefert darüber hinaus experimentelle Daten für die Modellvalidierung hinsichtlich des Verhaltens und des Einflusses nichtkondensierbarer Gase. Hierfür wurden spezielle Sonden für die Bestimmung der Konzentration und für die Lokalisierung von Pfropfen nichtkondensierbarer Gase entwickelt und bei transienten Kondensationsversuchen in einem leicht geneigten Wärmeübertragerrohr eingesetzt.

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