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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling och implementering av ettpositioneringssystem för inomhusbruksom kan användas för styrning av belysning / Development and implementation ofan indoor positioning system withapplications to smart lighting

Nilsson, Rickard January 2012 (has links)
SammanfattningDetta examensarbete behandlar ett ämne det forskats mycket på de senaste åren, positioneringinomhus. Utomhus är GPS standard men för positionering inomhus finns det än så länge ingenstandard. Syftet med lokaliseringssystemet som utvecklats i detta projekt är att lokaliserapersoner och andra föremål i rörelse i kontorsliknande miljöer. För ett sådant system finns mångamöjliga användningsområden. Ett av dessa är styrning av belysning.Inledningsvis gjordes en litteraturstudie vars syfte var att undersöka vilka teknologier samtmetoder som finns tillgängliga för positionering av personer och objekt inomhus. En mängdolika teknologier hittades. Många valdes bort då de inte uppfyllde de krav som ställts påkomplexitet, pris samt energiförbrukning. Ett system baserat på radiosignaler valdes,huvudsakligen för att hårdvaran fanns tillgänglig och för att ingen annan teknologi evalueradestill att vara bättre än ett radiobaserat system. Det system som utvecklats använderradiosignalernas styrka, mätt mellan den portabla enhet som ska positioneras samt noder medfast position placerade i taket. Dessa enheter är utvecklade för användning i sensornätverk.Nätverket använder sig av protokollet 802.15.4e. Detta är en standard utvecklad för enheter medlåg energiförbrukning och bandbredd.För ett positioneringssystem baserat på radiosignaler finns två nyckelfaktorer: radiosignalernasbeteende i olika situationer och vid användning av olika antenner samt valet avpositioneringsalgoritm som används för att beräkna en position utifrån tillgänglig data. Denförstnämnda faktorn har noga undersökts genom analys av sambandet mellan radiosignalersstyrka och avstånd. Denna analys har visat att mängden interferens från andra enheter samtanvänd antenntyp i stor utsträckning påverkar detta samband.Det positioneringssystem som implementerats har testats för olika förhållanden och parametrar.De huvudparametrar som varierats är antenntyp, typ av kalibreringssystem för förhållandetmellan signalstyrka och avstånd, mängd radiotrafik från andra enheter, positioneringsalgoritmsamt filtrering. När fyra noder med fast position och cirkulärpolariserade antenner användsuppnås en noggrannhet på 1,7 m som tack vare dessa antenner inte påverkas nämvärt av miljönomkring. Denna noggrannhet kan med stor sannolikhet förbättras om fler noder samt en bättreanpassad filtreringsmetod används. Det arbete som presenteras i denna rapport har godaförutsättningar att bli grunden till ett kommersiellt system riktat både till företag ochprivatpersoner. / AbstractThis Master thesis treats a subject in which a lot of research has been carried out during the lastcouple of years: indoor positioning. Outdoors GPS has been a standard for a long time but thereis still no standard available for indoor positioning. The purpose of the positioning systemdeveloped during this project is to localize humans and other moving objects inside officebuildings, with many potential applications including light control.A literature study with the purpose to investigate what different technologies that could possiblybe used for this positioning system has been conducted. Many technologies met needs from afunctionality point of view but cost, complexity and power consumption filtered out most ofthem. A radio signal based system was chosen mainly because the required hardware wasavailable and no technology was evaluated to be able to out-perform a radio signal based system.The positioning system that has been developed uses the signal strength of the radio link betweena portable device and a number of devices fixed in the ceiling. These devices are developed forbeing used in a sensor network and they use the 802.15.4e protocol. This is a standard that hasbeen developed for low power devices that do not demand a high bandwidth.In a positioning system based on radio signals there are two key factors. These are the behaviorof the radio signals and antennas in different environments and also the algorithm used tocalculate the position from the information available. Regarding the first factor, dependenciesbetween signal strength and distance have been thoroughly analyzed. Tests show that the antennatype used and the amount of interference caused by other electronic devices significantlyinfluence this dependency.The implemented positioning system has been tested under various circumstances. The mainones are antenna type, calibration of the relation between signal strength and distance, amount ofradio traffic from other devices, positioning algorithm and filtering. When four fixed devices andcircularly polarized antennas are used an accuracy of 1.7 m is achievable. This accuracy could befurther improved if more fixed devices and a better filtering method are used. The usage ofcircularly polarized antenna makes the accuracy less dependent on the environment. Workpresented in this report is a good foundation for a system that later could be released as acommercial system available both for companies and private individuals.

The effects of connected lighting on lighting controls and design

Sabourin, Nicole Tan January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science / Fred L. Hasler / The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly growing and is starting to be incorporated into commercial buildings. One of the ways that the IoT is being used in buildings is connected lighting, also referred to as smart lighting. Connected lighting allows for communication between the lighting system, people, the environment, and other devices. This paper will focus on connected lighting and its effect on lighting controls and design. The IoT is expected to see substantial growth in the next few years and the growth of connected devices will have a huge impact on the lighting industry as connected lighting systems will be installed in more commercial buildings. The shift to solid state lighting (SSL) in recent years has brought the transition from conventional lighting controls to connected lighting controls. For this shift to be successful, issues with interoperability, security and reliability will need to be overcome. Connected lighting systems on the market are using both wired and wireless technologies. Power over Ethernet (PoE) and wireless technologies such as ZigBee and Bluetooth Smart are currently being incorporated into connected lighting systems. The introduction of these technologies is changing the way that lighting control systems are designed and installed. Products such as fixture-integrated sensors and wireless devices are also being used in connected lighting systems. These products, along with the wired and wireless technologies, are changing lighting control system configurations. Lighting design will also be affected by connected lighting systems. New features including color-tunability and indoor positioning will be used to enhance the lighting system and improve occupant health. Also, energy code compliance will be easier since connected lighting controls will be mostly software-based and can be reprogrammed. Connected lighting systems will be integrated into other building systems such as heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems or security systems and will also be used in a variety of applications. Connected lighting systems will greatly affect both lighting controls and design of lighting control systems. This paper introduces connected lighting and is intended for those who are not familiar with its design, applications, and implementation.

NEW Lighting : First step for a Sustainable, and Digital futurein an industrial production factory

Sardogan, Huseyin Emre January 2019 (has links)
This thesis project was aimed at designing an energy efficient, intelligent and humancentriclighting solution for one of the steel manufacturing units of Sardogan Industryand Trade. The proposed lighting design will be used in order to reinforce a sustainable,digital and productive work environment in this family-owned business. To set thetechnical fundamentals for the new lighting proposal, the effects of industrial lighting onproductivity, well being and energy efficiency were researched. For future comparison, aversatile site analysis was performed to assess the existing working and lightingconditions of the space. This research was supported by an investigation of smartlighting fixtures and informal interviews with managers and workers from differentworkgroups. After reviewing the data gathered through research and analysis sections,an Industrial Internet of Things(IIoT) electric lighting system, 16 new skylights openings,and an experimental lighting control strategy was proposed. In addition to the increasein overall quality of lighting, advancements in the fields of energy sustainability anddigitalization could be observed. Also with the integration of a new lighting solution, adecrease in absenteeism and accidents was expected as well as an increase inproductivity and morale.

Distributed Agreement: Swarm Guidance to Cooperative Lighting

Schultz, Kevin M. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Distributed Control for Smart Lighting

Phadke, Swanand Shripad 30 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Modelado matemático para eficiencia energética: aplicaciones a iluminación LED y al monitoreo de edificios

Hernández Luna, Mónica Cynthia 25 November 2019 (has links)
[ES] En este trabajo se presenta un estudio detallado de los procesos de transferencia de calor en luminarias LED de alta potencia (HP-LED) con disipadores de calor pasivos y el análisis de variables energéticas: consumo eléctrico y concentración de CO2, para obtener correlaciones que predigan el rendimiento energético de edificios. Como primer objetivo, se diseñan disipadores de calor adecuados a luminarias de distintas potencias. Para ello, se parte de un modelo matemático completo que describe la transferencia de calor en este tipo de sistemas, se realiza la simulación numérica usando métodos de elementos finitos y, además, se comprueban los resultados obtenidos en el laboratorio. Hemos centrado nuestro análisis en el caso de una fuente LED en contacto térmico con un disipador de calor pasivo de aluminio, obteniendo un excelente ajuste entre las mediciones experimentales y las simulaciones numéricas realizadas. Con estos disipadores se garantiza tanto el comportamiento óptimo como la durabilidad de las luminarias. Posteriormente como segundo objetivo, se estudia la relación de dos variables clave del rendimiento energético de un edificio: el consumo de energía y la concentración de CO2, cuyas correlaciones no han sido consideradas en la literatura. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se seleccionaron dos instalaciones ubicadas en diferentes continentes y se adquirieron los datos necesarios para su análisis con un sistema simple y económico para medir, transmitir y gestionar la información. La determinación matemática de la relación entre dos variables facilitará en gran medida la programación de algoritmos eficientes de control energético de instalaciones en plataformas de gestión energéticas. El manejo de toda la información obtenida mediante sensores y gestionada a través de plataformas inteligentes requiere el desarrollo de líneas de investigación relacionadas con el Internet de las Cosas (IoT) y que pertenecen a la era de la Industria 4.0. Los estudios incluidos en esta tesis doctoral pertenecen a dos áreas de trabajo que contribuyen a comprender y mejorar el rendimiento de las Smart cities: el uso de la información para convertir nuestros edificios en instalaciones sostenibles y el desarrollo de la iluminación inteligente (Smart lighting), consiste en incorporar sensores a las luminarias para convertir el sistema de iluminación pública de una ciudad en un laboratorio distribuido de variables de interés gestionado a través de plataformas inteligentes. / [CA] En aquest treball es presenta un estudi detallat dels processos de transferència de calor en lluminàries LED d'alta potència (HP-LED) amb dissipadors de calor passius i l'anàlisi de variables energètiques: consum elèctric i concentració de CO2, per a obtindre correlacions que prediguen el rendiment energètic d'edificis. Com a primer objectiu, es dissenyen dissipadors de calor adequats a lluminàries de diferent potències. Per a això, es parteix d'un model matemàtic complet que descriu la transferència de calor en aquest tipus de sistemes, es realitza la simulació numèrica usant mètodes d'elements finits i, a més, es comproven els resultats obtinguts en el laboratori. Hem centrat la nostra anàlisi en el cas d'una font LED en contacte tèrmic amb un dissipador de calor passiva d'alumini, obtenint un excellent ajust entre els mesuraments experimentals i les simulacions numèriques realitzades. Amb aquests dissipadors es garanteix tant el comportament òptim com la durabilitat de les lluminàries. Posteriorment com a segon objectiu, s'estudia la relació de dues variables clau del rendiment energètic d'un edifici: el consum d'energia i la concentració de CO2, les correlacions de la qual no han sigut considerades en la literatura. Per a aconseguir aquest objectiu, es van seleccionar dues installacions situades en diferents continents i es van adquirir les dades necessàries per a la seua anàlisi amb un sistema simple i econòmic per a mesurar, transmetre i gestionar la informació. La determinació matemàtica de la relació entre dues variables facilitarà en gran manera la programació d'algorismes eficients de control energètic d'installacions en plataformes de gestió energètiques. El maneig de tota la informació obtinguda mitjançant sensors i gestionada a través de plataformes intelligents requereix el desenvolupament de línies d'investigació relacionades amb l'Internet de les Coses (IoT) i que pertanyen a l'era de la Indústria 4.0. Els estudis inclosos en esta tesi doctoral pertanyen a dues àrees de treball que contribueïxen a comprendre i millorar el rendiment de les Smart cities: l'ús de la informació per a convertir els nostres edificis en installacions sostenibles i el desenvolupament de la illuminació intelligent (Smart lighting), consistix a incorporar sensors a les lluminàries per a convertir el sistema d'illuminació pública d'una ciutat en un laboratori distribuït de variables d'interés gestionat a través de plataformes intelligents. / [EN] This work presents a detailed study of the heat transfer processes in high power LED luminaires (HP-LED) with passive heatsinks and the analysis of energy variables: power consumption and concentration of CO2, to obtain correlations that predict the energy performance of buildings. As a first objective, heat sinks appropiate for luminaires of different powers are developed. For this, we start from a complete mathematical model that describes the heat transfer in this type of systems, the numerical simulation is performed using finite element methods and, in addition, the results obtained in the laboratory are compared. With these heatsinks, the optimum performance and durability of the luminaires is guaranteed. Later, we propose to study the relation between two key variables of building performance: the power consumption and the CO2 concentration, whose correlations have not been considered in the literature. To achieve this objective, two buildings located in different continents were selected and the necessary data were acquired for their analysis with a simple and economical system to measure, transmit and manage the information. Therefore, the mathematical determination of the relationship between the two variables will greatly facilitate the programming of algorithms in the energy management platforms. The management of all information obtained through sensors and managed through intelligent platforms requires the development of research lines related to the Internet of Things (IoT) and that belong to the era of Industry 4.0. The studies included in this doctoral thesis belong to two areas of work that contribute to understanding and improving the performance of Smart Cities: the use of information to turn our buildings into sustainable installations and the development of smart lighting, consists of incorporating sensors to the luminaires to convert the public lighting system of a city into a distributed laboratory of variables of interest managed through intelligent platforms. / Al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT, y de manera muy especial al Instituto de Innovación y Transferencia de Tecnología del Estado de Nuevo León, i2t2, quienes en conjunto me brindaron el apoyo económico para realizar mis estudios de Doctorado en el Extranjero con el número de Beca 296471 y CVU: 558076. / Hernández Luna, MC. (2019). Modelado matemático para eficiencia energética: aplicaciones a iluminación LED y al monitoreo de edificios [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/131696

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Lighting Systems for Home Environments

Dobrucki, Mikołaj January 2020 (has links)
Artificial Intelligence, being recently one of the most popular topics in technology, has been in a spotlight of Interaction Design for a long time. Despite its success in software and business-oriented cases, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence solutions in home environments still remains relatively low. This study reflects on the key reasons for the low penetration of AI-based solutions in private households and formulates design considerations for possible further developments in this area with a focus on artificial light sources. The design considerations are based on literature review and studies of multiple home environments gathered through qualitative interviews and context mapping exercises. Health influence of lighting, multi-user interactions, and privacy-related and ethical concerns are taken into account as the key factors. The considerations have been validated with participants of the study through user testing sessions of a digital prototype that virtualises a home environment and explores some of the common light usage scenarios. The study argues that despite multiple efforts in this direction during the past three decades, the future of Artificial Intelligence in connected, intelligent homes does not lie in smart, autonomous systems. Instead, Artificial Intelligence can be arguably used to simplify and contextualise interactions between humans and their home environments as well as foster the development of parametric solutions for private households.

Sistema inteligente para monitoração, gerenciamento e controle de iluminação pública e análise de parâmetros da rede elétrica

Pinto, Milena Faria 22 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-01-07T18:22:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 milenafariapinto.pdf: 3767169 bytes, checksum: 1c057d68b3cee498c456fe7c7610b2c2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-01-25T16:53:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 milenafariapinto.pdf: 3767169 bytes, checksum: 1c057d68b3cee498c456fe7c7610b2c2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-25T16:53:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 milenafariapinto.pdf: 3767169 bytes, checksum: 1c057d68b3cee498c456fe7c7610b2c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-22 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho propõe um sistema eletrônico que permite gerenciar, monitorar parâmetros e controlar de forma descentralizada um conjunto de luminárias à LED pertencentes a um sistema de iluminação pública. Estes parâmetros incluem nível de iluminação, consumo de energia, detecção da presença de pedestres, problemas na própria luminária e monitoração de variáveis ambientais como temperatura e umidade. Adicionalmente, o mesmo sistema é capaz também de detectar falhas na rede elétrica, permitindo monitorar e gerenciar os parâmetros de qualidade de rede de uma forma global. Basicamente, o sistema pode ser dividido em três partes. A primeira parte consiste de um módulo inteligente, chamado neste trabalho por SM, que é conectado a uma determinada luminária e à rede elétrica, sendo assim responsável por medir tanto os parâmetros provindos da luminária quanto da rede elétrica. Na segunda parte encontra-se o módulo controlador (CM) que possui a finalidade de coordenar as informações oriundas dos módulos inteligentes instalados nas luminárias, armazenando e posteriormente enviando os dados para um sistema supervisório. Além disso, o mesmo possui sensores de temperatura e umidade para prover informações sobre as condições climáticas, objetivando confiabilidade nos dados medidos pelos sensores dos módulos inteligentes. O sistema supervisório (SS) consiste da etapa final deste sistema proposto, o qual é responsável por salvar os dados obtidos em um certo período de tempo, analisar e monitorar possíveis falhas e enviar comandos para cada CM e/ou um respectivo SM. Com a finalidade de avaliar experimentalmente o sistema proposto neste trabalho, foram realizados experimentos para demonstrar tanto as funcionalidades do módulo bem como da avaliação dos algoritmos de processamento de sinais propostos, e obtendo ao final projeções econômicas para o protótipo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram eficiência, flexibilidade e interoperabilidade do sistema proposto. / The present paper proposes a system to manage, control and monitor a group of LED luminaires of a street lighting system, being able to control the light intensity of the luminaire and monitoring the power consumption, detection of pedestrians, fault conditions, environmental parameters such as temperature and humidity. Additionally, the system contains a voltage sensor coupled to the grid in order to monitor and manage the power quality parameters. Basically, the system can be divided in three essential parts. The first one regards the smart module, called in this work as SM, which has the responsibility to sensing the parameters stemming from power grid as well as luminaire. The second part is the control module (CM), which has the aim to coordinate the data received from each smart module, storing and subsequently sending the data to the supervisory system. Besides, the control module also has temperature and humidity sensors in order to check and register environmental conditions, providing, in this way, reliability of the measured data. The supervisory system (SS) consists of the final part of the proposed system and it is responsible to save the data in a local memory, to analyze and to monitor problems or even possible faults and sending commands to each CM and/or a respective SM. With the aim to evaluate the proposed system, it was performed experiments to demonstrate the system operation as well as the quality analysis capability. Due to the energy savings potential provided by the technology, it was also studied the economic feasibility of the prototype, aiming a future commercial product. The results have shown that the proposed system is scalable, flexible and efficient.

Dynamic Digitalisation in the Lighting Industry. Present Technology and Future Scenarios in the Design of Smart Urban Lighting

Rocchi, Elisa January 2020 (has links)
In the last decade, major developments in mobile and sensor network technologies, as well as in more secure data management solutions allowed an accelerated expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) in different markets, including the smart lighting technology. These technological developments, currently shaping the lighting industry, have the power to enhance the liveability of spaces and improve people’s lives. However, in this thesis it is highlighted how such technological evolution is often marked by an engineering character over a design approach. In particular, this thesis focuses on smart lighting technology applied in urban environments and how the integration of information technology into the physical realm can enhance space quality and empower citizens’ participation. The main body is divided into two sections: The first part provides an overview of the technological solutions that are currently being implemented in the lighting design field. The second part advances a schematic projection of future trends, starting from the analysis of what is being developed in other related disciplines, such as urban planning and visual arts. Both parts are literature-based. The final section features the opinion of noteworthy lighting professionals about possible real-life applications of smart lighting technology. Since this thesis has been written during the Covid-19 pandemic, the author decided to include speculations regarding how this event might influence the future of urban lighting.

Human Centric Lighting : Automatisk belysningsvariation för hälsa, välbefinnande och elsparande

Möttönen, Karin, Hedén, Mikael January 2019 (has links)
Examensarbetet är en undersökning avseende implementering av Human Centric Lighting (HCL)- system i hemmamiljö. En litteraturstudie har genomförts om HCL, dess effekter på människan och LED-belysningens påverkan både på människan och miljön. För att få en bra praktisk grund gjordes även ett undersökande besök på Lindeborgsskolan i Malmö som i ett pilotprojekt har installerat HCL-system i ett klassrum. HCL handlar bland annat om att anpassa ljuset till människans varierande behov genom att variera intensitet (Lux) och färgtemperatur (Kelvin). Belysning har stor betydelse för människans välmående där en belysning med onaturlig spektralfördelning och flimmer kan leda till stress, sömnproblem samt att ögonen kan försämras. Ett bra varierande ljus kan däremot öka människans välmående, produktivitet och även ge en positivare inställning. En del forskning visar även på att HCL kan minska risken för årstidsbunden depression. Ett blått, mer intensivt ljus har en uppiggande effekt medan ett rött nerdämpat ljus verkar lugnande. Genom att utsätta kroppen för mycket blått ljus på förmiddagen men inte på eftermiddagen/kvällen gynnas kroppens cirkadiska cykel. Även rött ljus har visat sig ha en uppiggande effekt men påverkar inte den cirkadiska cykeln och kan med fördel användas även på kvällstid om en högre ljusintensitet behövs. Tre separata reglerbara belysningssystem har undersökts: Clas Ohlson WiFi Smart Bulb, IKEA trådfri belysning och Philips Hue White Ambiance. Kravet som ställdes för att belysningen skulle tas med i testet var att den skulle finnas tillgänglig i en relativt vanlig butik. Belysningen har testats både med avseende på ljusegenskaper samt energianvändning. En del av mätningarna utfördes med ett Ulbrichtklot på Clas Ohlsons ljuslaboratorium där färgspektrum, lumenvärde samt mycket annan information om ljuskällan kunde tas fram, samt med en handhållen spektrometer för att se flimmeravgivningen ifrån lampan vid olika inställningar. Energianvändningen undersöktes beträffande förändringar vid variation av färgtemperatur, intensitet och även i de fall som separat reglerutrustning krävdes. De tre belysningssystemen visade sig ha olika fördelar och nackdelar där en till slut valdes ut för att installeras i ett sovrum i utbildningsprojektet Dalarnas Villa. Baserat på ett tidigare gjort ljusschema, i en masteruppsats gjord av en ljusdesigner vid KTH, togs ett nytt ljusschema fram för sovrummet som förändrar ljusets intensitet och färgtemperatur för att främja den cirkadiska cykeln. Då författarna ser att detta är ett viktigt ämne så har varje möjlighet till att visa upp det installerade systemet tagits. Vid samtal med bland annat energirådgivare från Dalarna så har ett stort intresse visats. ” Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1946). Health should be at the centre of all societal planning because social inequalities in health are costly to the society and counteract sustainable development (Malmö stad 2013). It is one of the main conditions for individual development opportunities through education, work, social relationships and participation in the society (UN 1949). Health is a key to the other human rights and also constitutes a separate right (WHO 2008).” Sustainability issues for SSL (R. Karlsson et al. 2016) / This thesis is a study concerning the implementation of Human Centric Lighting (HCL)-systems in the home environment. A literature study has been conducted on light, its effects on humans and the influence of LED lighting on both humans and the environment. To obtain a good practical foundation, an investigative study visit was also made to Lindeborgsskolan in Malmö, which as a pilot project has installed HCL systems in a classroom. HCL is, among other things, about adapting the light to man's varying needs by varying intensity (Lux) and color temperature (Kelvin). Lighting is of great importance to human well-being where lighting with unnatural spectral distribution and flicker can lead to stress, sleep problems and that the eyes can deteriorate. A good variety of light can, on the other hand, increase human well-being, productivity and give a positive attitude. Some research also shows that HCL can reduce the risk of seasonal depression. A blue, more intense light has a wakeup effect, while a red low intensity light feels soothing. By exposing the body to much blue light in the morning but not in the afternoon / evening, the body's circadian cycle benefits. Even red light has been shown to have a stimulating effect but does not affect the circadian cycle and can be used even in the evening if a higher light intensity is needed. Three separate controllable lighting systems have been investigated: “Clas Ohlson Wi-Fi Smart Bulb”, “IKEA trådfri” and “Philips Hue White Ambiance”. The lighting has been tested both in terms of light quality and energy use. The light quality was examined partly with an “Ulbrichtklot” at Clas Ohlson's light laboratory where color spectrum as well as various other information could be obtained, and with a hand-held spectrometer to see the flicker output from the lamp at different settings. The energy consumption was investigated regarding variation of color temperature, intensity and even in cases where separate control equipment was required. The three lighting systems were shown to have different advantages where eventually the Philips Hue Ambience White was selected to be installed in a bedroom in the project villa Dalarnas Villa. Based on a previous master thesis, a light schedule was developed that changes the intensity and color temperature of light to promote the circadian cycle. As the authors see this as an important topic, every opportunity to show the installed system has been taken. A great deal of interest has been shown during discussions including Dalarna´s energy advisers. ” Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1946). Health should be at the centre of all societal planning because social inequalities in health are costly to the society and counteract sustainable development (Malmö stad 2013). It is one of the main conditions for individual development opportunities through education, work, social relationships and participation in the society (UN 1949). Health is a key to the other human rights and also constitutes a separate right (WHO 2008).” Sustainability issues for SSL (R. Karlsson et al. 2016)

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