741 |
Social reality as reconstructed in Chinese cinema under Deng Xiaoping.January 1986 (has links)
by Cheng King-hung. / Bibliography: leaves 205-211 / Thesis (M.Ph.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1986
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A study of mothers with severely mentally retarded adult offspring: their mental health and social support.January 1988 (has links)
by Au Tak Chiu. / Thesis (M.Ph.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1988. / Bibliography: leaves 199-214.
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Changing state-society relations in post-Mao rural China: a case study of an affluent township in Guangdong.January 1995 (has links)
by Chow Wing Hang. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [1-22] (2nd gp.)). / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT / PREFACE --- p.1-6 / Chapter CHAPTER ONE --- INTRODUCTION --- p.7-42 / Chapter CHAPTER TWO --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.43-65 / Chapter CHAPTER THREE --- ALTERNATIVE FRAMEWORK OF ANALYSIS FOR STATE-SOCIETY RELATIONS --- p.66-79 / Chapter CHAPTER FOUR --- POLITICS OF PEASANTS' MOBILIZATION --- p.80-113 / Chapter CHAPTER FIVE --- CONCLUSIONS --- p.114-125 / SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY / Chapter - --- ENGLISH TITLES / Chapter - --- CHINESE TITLES
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淸代善書與社會文化變遷. / Qing dai shan shu yu she hui wen hua bian qian.January 1994 (has links)
論文(博士)--香港中文大學歷史系,1994. / 參考文獻: p. i-xxi(3rd group) / 游子安. / 論文提要 --- p.i / Chapter 第一章 --- 善書與社會文化變遷的界定 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 善書的界說 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 社會文化變遷與善書的論題 --- p.6 / Chapter 第三節 --- 善究綜述及本文研究的取向 --- p.12 / Chapter 第二章 --- 淸代社會文化對善書發展的影響 --- p.22 / Chapter 第一節 --- 淸代的社會敎化與宣講善書 --- p.22 / Chapter 第二節 --- 民間宗敎的盛行與關帝、呂祖善書的傳播 --- p.37 / Chapter 第三節 --- 淸代學術風氣下善書的編纂和整理 --- p.52 / Chapter 第三章 --- 淸代善書編著人物及區域的研究 --- p.63 / Chapter 第一節 --- 功過格等善書反映明末淸初社會經濟的問題 --- p.63 / Chapter 第二節 --- 出入三敎的家族--江蘇長洲彭氏家學、 善書與善舉 --- p.91 / Chapter 第三節 --- 從余治及其《得一錄》論淸後期善書與善舉 --- p.111 / 附:余治年表 --- p.122 / Chapter 第四節 --- 淸末湖南善書與反敎書刊 --- p.126 / Chapter 第四章 --- 淸代善書流行的社會文化意義 --- p.142 / Chapter 第一節 --- 善書流通地域與傳播方式 --- p.142 / Chapter 第二節 --- 官紳士人各階層與善書的編刊 --- p.157 / Chapter 第三節 --- 善書特定的勸戒對象 --- p.169 / Chapter 第四節 --- 善書與世變 --- p.195 / Chapter 第五章 --- 結論 --- p.205 / 附錄 書影 / 主要徵引書目
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浮現出的上海新中產階級. / Fu xian chu de Shanghai xin zhong chan jie ji.January 2002 (has links)
刁鵬飛. / "2002年6月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2002. / 參考文獻 (leaves 115-119) / 附中英文摘要. / "2002 nian 6 yue" / Diao Pengfei. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2002. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 115-119) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 論文摘要 --- p.i / 致謝 --- p.iii / 目錄 --- p.iv / 圖表 --- p.v / Chapter 第一章 --- 硏究簡介 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二章 --- 理論的探討 --- p.12 / Chapter 第三章 --- 白領個案面面觀 --- p.27 / Chapter 第四章 --- 白領的個人生活軌迹和制度變遷 --- p.48 / Chapter 第五章 --- 排斥舊的階級劃分 --- p.69 / Chapter 第六章 --- 白領的態度和期望 --- p.84 / Chapter 第七章 --- 結論 --- p.101 / 附錄 --- p.113 / 參考書目 --- p.115
746 |
Tradition and modernity: a study of factory organization in a New Territories temporary industrial area.January 1975 (has links)
Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong. / Bibliography: leaf 249-300.
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Mobility of blacks and whites in the U.S: evidence from National Longitudinal Surveys and Nation Longitudinal Survey of Youth. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2013 (has links)
Yeung, Ion Lam. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts also in Chinese.
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Transformation of trust structure: goal displacement of microfinance institutions in rural China. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2013 (has links)
作為一種新型扶貧手段,小額信貸產業在過去三十年中於發展中國家迅速興起。從業者常常聲稱小額信貸機構能夠為貧窮農民提供金融機會,而這些弱勢群體過去往往被排除在傳統金融機構之外;與此同時,不同於以往的扶貧手段,小額信貸機構被認為能夠在財務上達到平衡乃至盈利。這種雙重目標的前景吸引了許多發展中國家的興趣,因此,小額信貸產業作為解決貧困問題的一種嘗試而在國際舞台上獲得了迅猛的發展。 / 由於中國獨特的社會和政治環境,小額信貸機構的發展有其特殊的軌跡。本研究以深入訪談和參與式觀察為主要研究方法,通過為期三個月的田野調查,對中國西部與北部的兩個非政府小額信貸組織進行了深入考察。研究發現,小額信貸組織正面臨無法同時達成雙重目標的困境;基於觀察與資料分析,本文提出,中國農村社區信任結構的轉型是小額信貸組織面臨多重問題的主要原因。隨著市場經濟的發展與城市化的加速,在日漸瓦解的熟人社會中,小額信貸機構的社會目標被其財務目標所壓制,導致原有的扶貧、婦女賦權等目標難以達成,更形成了目標替代的組織現象。 / 為深入探討小額信貸產業中目標替代的現象,本文從組織目標的合法性與可測量性兩個角度提出假設,指出當邊緣目標具有強烈的合法性和直觀的可測量性,便可能取代相對難以觀測的核心目標。最後,本文指出,為保證小額信貸組織不偏離原有的社會目標,需要設計一種新型的、獨立的測量工具,用以跟踪記錄小額信貸組織的社會影響,並將其作為判斷組織表現的核心因素。 / Known as an innovative tool for poverty alleviation, microfinance has been widely spread in developing countries in the past few decades. It is commonly claimed that microfinance institutions (MFIs) can provide financial opportunities to those who are unable to obtain loans from the formal system, while at the same time maintain their institutional sustainability. This promise has attracted the interest of developing countries with large population in poverty, leading to a remarkable emergence of microfinance industry on the global stage. / Because of the special social and political environment, the development of MFIs in China has its unique trajectory. Based on interviews and participant observation, this three-month research focuses on two non-governmental MFIs in Western China and Northern China, revealing a plight of infeasible dual objectives and proposing an explanation from the angle of transformed trust structure. In a collapsing acquaintance community, the social objectives are suppressed by the demands of self-sustainability, thus violating the original intention of poverty alleviation and women empowerment, and leading to a phenomenon of goal displacement. / To further discuss the logic behind the goal displacement phenomenon in microfinance industry, two propositions are suggested from the angles of legitimacy and measurability of organizational goals. The findings indicate that to ensure the social objective of MFIs, an independent evaluation system is needed to track the social impacts and better assess organizational performances in microfinance industry. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Liu, Ran. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 65-74). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 2. --- Trust and its Transformation --- p.4 / Chapter 3. --- Debates on Microfinance --- p.11 / Chapter 3.1 --- Development of global microfinance --- p.11 / Chapter 3.2 --- Microfinance in China --- p.18 / Chapter 4. --- Research Settings and Methodology --- p.23 / Chapter 4.1 --- Methodology and Limitations --- p.23 / Chapter 4.2 --- Brief introduction of association A --- p.25 / Chapter 4.3 --- Brief introduction of association B --- p.27 / Chapter 5. --- Microfinance and the Transformation of Trust --- p.29 / Chapter 5.1 --- Urbanization and the transition of clients --- p.29 / Chapter 5.2 --- The Failure of group-lending model --- p.37 / Chapter 5.3 --- The decoupling between practices and regulations --- p.42 / Chapter 5.4 --- Target shift and goal displacement --- p.47 / Chapter 6. --- Discussion: Dual Objectives and Goal Displacement --- p.51 / Chapter 6.1 --- Multiple organizational goals of MFIs --- p.51 / Chapter 6.2 --- Proposition 1: Sustainability as a legitimate goal --- p.55 / Chapter 6.3 --- Proposition 2: Sustainability as a practical goal --- p.58 / Chapter 7. --- Conclusion --- p.62 / References --- p.65 / Chapter Appendix: --- Information of Interviewees --- p.75
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CONDIÇÃO BUCAL DE ADOLESCENTES AUTORES DE ATO INFRACIONAL ASSISTIDOS PELO CENTRO DE SOCIOEDUCAÇÃO DE PONTA GROSSA E FATORES ASSOCIADOS / Oral health conditions and associated factors in adolescents authors of infraction acts, assisted by the Center for Social Development and Education of Ponta Grossa (CENSE / PG).Martins, Alessandra de Souza 29 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / This study aimed to identify the oral conditions in law offenders adolescents assisted by the Center for Socioeducation of Ponta Grossa – PR (CENSE / PG) and investigate the socioeconomic, environmental and behavioral factors that were associated. The sample of the study was made up of 107 young male that were assessed by means of self-administered questionnaires and clinical examinations. The variables analyzed included: demographic and socioeconomic factors; habitual behavior - oral hygiene practices and the use of licit and illicit drugs; self-perception of oral health - the need for dental care and the impact of dental conditions on patients' quality of life, according to OHIP-14 index (Oral Health Impact Profile). Dental caries, periodontal disease, dental trauma, dental injuries, and changes in the oral mucosa, were investigated. Dental decay was measured by the DMFT index (decayed, missing and filled teeth) and periodontal disease by the CPI (Community Periodontal Index), according to the protocol of the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted by the SB Brazil 2010. The associations were analyzed using chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis. The mean age of the adolescents was 16.53 years, and the sample was define as low education and low income. The use, abuse or dependence of illicit drugs was diagnosed in 71.0% of these individuals. The prevalence of dental caries was 95.3% with mean DMFT of 9.55 and prevalence of tooth decay. Different degrees of periodontal disease were diagnosed in 88.8% of the sample. Changes in the normality and lesions in the buccal mucosa, affected, respectively, 68.2% and 36.4% of these adolescents and 32.7% had dental trauma. The DMFT index and the number of untreated decayed teeth were inversely associated with schooling. The highest number of filled teeth was identified in those with higher incomes and social class. Low education, worse oral hygiene, and shorter arrested stays were associated with periodontal disease. The presence of caries and periodontal disease is related to the impact of oral conditions on their quality of life. Color, socioeconomic status and use of drugs (tobacco, alcohol and marijuana) were related to the mucosal changes. It was concluded that the oral health conditions of the adolescents assisted at the CENSE, in relation to tooth decay, is very precarious. The social determinants, particularly the low educational level and the use of drugs were associated with the oral health of these individuals. / O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar as condições bucais de adolescentes autores de ato infracional assistidos pelo Centro de Socioeducação de Ponta Grossa (CENSE/PG) e investigar os possíveis fatores socioeconômicos e comportamentais associados. Uma amostra composta por 107 jovens do gênero masculino foi avaliada com auxílio de um formulário próprio e de exames bucais. As variáveis analisadas foram: fatores demográficos e socioeconômicos; fatores comportamentais – hábitos de higiene bucal e uso de drogas lícitas e ilícitas; autopercepção em saúde bucal – necessidade referida de tratamento odontológico e impacto da condição bucal na qualidade de vida, aferida pelo índice Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). As alterações investigadas foram: cárie dentária, doença periodontal, traumatismo dentário, lesões fundamentais e alterações de normalidade em mucosa bucal. A cárie foi medida por meio do índice CPO-D (dentes cariados, perdidos e restaurados) e a doença periodontal pelo Índice Periodontal Comunitário (CPI), segundo o protocolo da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) adotado pelo levantamento SB Brasil 2010. As associações foram analisadas mediante os testes qui-quadrado, Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis. A média de idade dos adolescentes foi de 16,53 anos, e a amostra foi caracterizada como de baixa escolaridade e baixa renda. O uso de drogas ilícitas foi diagnosticado como sugestivo de abuso ou de dependência para 71,0% dos indivíduos. A prevalência de cárie foi de 95,3%, com CPO-D médio de 9,55 e predomínio do componente cariado. Doença periodontal em qualquer grau foi diagnosticada em 88,8% da amostra. Alterações de normalidade e lesões de mucosa bucal afetaram, respectivamente, 68,2% e 36,4% dos adolescentes, e 32,7% tiveram traumatismos dentários. O índice CPO-D e o número de dentes cariados não tratados associaram-se inversamente à escolaridade. Maior número de dentes restaurados foi identificado nos adolescentes com maior renda e classe social. Baixa escolaridade, pior higiene bucal, e menor tempo de internação associaram-se à doença periodontal. Tanto a presença de cárie como de doença periodontal relacionaram-se a maior impacto da condição bucal na qualidade de vida dos adolescentes. Cor, condição socioeconômica e uso de drogas (tabaco, álcool e maconha) estiveram relacionados com a presença de alterações de mucosa. Conclui-se que a condição de saúde bucal dos adolescentes assistidos pelo CENSE é precária. Os determinantes sociais, principalmente a baixa escolaridade e a utilização de drogas, associaram-se com a saúde bucal na população estudada.
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A study of outcomes of ISCS instruction across socioeconomic status and racial groupsFinson, Kevin D. January 2011 (has links)
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