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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de redes sociais associada à gestão socioambiental: Estudo de caso Conselho Gestor da APA Embu-Verde (gestão 2009-2011) / Social network analysis associated with environmental management: a case study Management Council of APA Embu-Verde (managed 2009-2011).

Scorpioni, Valéria Reis 12 November 2012 (has links)
As Áreas de Proteção Ambiental (APA) foram criadas com o propósito de preservar o ambiente natural sem excluir a população que vive nesses espaços, assim, têm como objetivos principais: proteger a diversidade biológica, disciplinar o processo de ocupação e assegurar a sustentabilidade do uso dos recursos naturais (BRASIL, 2000). Ainda, as atividades de uso sustentável podem proporcionar uma equilibrada inter-relação entre a sociedade e o ambiente, sem comprometer a qualidade dos ecossistemas. As redes sociais estabelecidas entre os atores das Áreas de Proteção Ambiental, desde a sua concepção até a sua gestão, têm um grande efeito no ordenamento do solo e preservação ambiental, podendo contribuir de maneira negativa ou positiva, dependendo de suas ações conjuntas ou desejos pessoais na institucionalidade emergente. Cabe destacar que a sinergia entre Estado e sociedade civil contribui de maneira significativa para uma gestão participativa e descentralizada, podendo beneficiar grande parte da população envolvida no processo de concretização da APA. Este trabalho tem como tema a análise de redes sociais dos atores que são atuantes no Conselho Gestor da APA Embu Verde. Seu objetivo é verificar se a maneira como as redes estão organizadas influencia na gestão e preservação dos recursos naturais localizados na APA. Neste trabalho, a APA é considerada um sistema complexo, no qual as partes interagem para formar o comportamento do todo (Yam, 1997), sendo necessário observar as inter-relações existentes entre os aspectos naturais, sociais, econômicos e políticos de forma integrada. Visando verificar a participação social na gestão da APA, desenvolve-se um modelo de reconstrução das relações sociais inseridas neste sistema que identifica as diferentes ações e relações dos atores sociais naquele ambiente. / Áreas de proteção ambiental (APA) are protected areas created with the purpose of preserving natural environment without excluding population that lives on such areas. Therefore, the main goals on creating a protected area are: protect biological diversity, discipline the process of occupation and asure the sustainability of natural resources (BRASIL, 2000). Sustainable utilization of resources can create a balanced interrelationship between society and environment and not interfere with ecological systems. Social networks established by the stakeholders, from the conception of the protected area until its management, have great impact on land use planning and environment preservation and can contribute to both positive or negative results, depending on joint action or personal desires within the emerging institution. It is worth pointing out the synergy between society and estate which can contribute in a significant way to a decentralized management and can benefit a great part of the population involved in the process of creating a APA. This paper aims to analyze social networks established by stakeholders on the management group from the APA Embu-Verde. The goal is to verify if the way how the networks are organized has any impact on the management and preservation of natural resources in this area. It is considered in this paper an APA as a complex system in which parts interact to form the behavior of a whole (Yam, 1997) and it is necessary to observe interrelationships among natural, social, economic and politic aspects. In order to observe social participation on this APA, a model reconstructing social relation will be developed and it will identify different actions and reactions of the stakeholders on this area.

Uso de análise de rede social como estratégia de negócio na indústria cinematográfica / The use of social network as a business strategy in the movie industry

Dourado, Rafaela Costa Martins de Mello 16 October 2017 (has links)
Bilhões de dólares movimentam a indústria cinematográfica mundial anualmente. Por esse motivo, diversos estudos científicos têm intrigado pesquisadores e investidores que buscam prever a bilheteria de um filme. Ainda assim, os estudos preditivos pré-produção são escassos, e não existem propostas de pesquisa que utilizem atores e diretores como vínculo entre filmes. Essa é uma ideia sensata, pois, por diversas vezes, as altas bilheterias acompanham contratações de atores e diretores aclamados no universo cinematográfico. Posto isso, neste trabalho, buscou-se responder à pergunta de pesquisa: É possível prever receitas de bilheteria de cinema utilizando o relacionamento entre atores e diretores como indicador social? Através de técnicas de Social Network Analysis, que tratam da descrição de padrões de relacionamento entre membros de uma rede, e examinam como o envolvimento nessa rede ajuda a explicar comportamento e atitudes desses membros, descreveu-se uma forma inédita de utilização das métricas de SNA em um modelo de regressão linear múltipla, para estimar a bilheteria de um filme, dada a contratação de determinado diretor. A rede foi construída com informações dos atores principais e diretores de 1,144 filmes, de 2000 a 2013, e o modelo proposto validado com informações de filmes de 2014 a 2016. Apresenta-se ainda uma descrição exploratória detalhada da rede cinema, comparando atores e diretores e explorando seus relacionamentos pela análise de rede social. Como resultado, identificou-se atores e diretores líderes da rede cinema, e comunidades de atores e diretores influentes, que podem ser utilizadas para ações de marketing mais efetivas, maior notoriedade de eventos na mídia e contratações de elenco e direção. Isso para aumentar a disseminação do filme e, assim, maximizar a bilheteria para novas produções. Além disso, com um coeficiente de determinação adequado, o modelo proposto explica 67.66% da variabilidade da raiz quadrada da bilheteria, dada a contratação de determinado diretor. Dessa forma, concluiu-se que os conceitos e métricas de SNA, associados à inferência estatística, podem ser utilizados como estratégia de negócio na escolha do diretor de uma nova produção cinematográfica, visando ao sucesso pela maximização da bilheteria mundial. / Billions of dollars mobilize the movie industry annually. Because of that, many scientific studies are bothering researchers and investigators that seek to estimate a blockbuster. Nonetheless, pre-production predictive studies are rare, and there are no research proposals that use actors and directors as links between movies. This idea is reasonable, as the hiring of celebrated actors and directories from the movie universe usually follows blockbusters. In this context, the aim if this research was to answer the following question: Is it possible to estimate blockbusters through the relationship between actors and directors and a social indicator? By means of Social Network Analysis, that deals with the description of relationship patterns between members of a network - and investigates how the engagement in this network helps to explain these members´ behaviors and attitudes - we described a new way of using the SNA metrics in a multiple linear regression model to estimate a blockbuster, based on the hiring of a specific director. The network was built with information from the main actors and directors of 1.144 movies, from 2000 to 2013, and the proposed model was validated with other movies information, from 2014 to 2016. We also present a detailed exploratory description of the movie network, comparing actors and directors, and exploring their relationships through the social network analysis. As a result, we identified actors and directors considered leaders of the movie network, as well as communities of influent actors and directors that could be used for more effective marketing actions, more visibility of media events, and hiring of cast and direction. Furthermore, with anappropriatedetermination coefficient, the proposed model explain 67.66% of the blockbuster\'s square root variability based on the hiring of a specific director. In this way, we concluded that the SNA concepts and metrics can be used as a business strategy in choosing the director of a new movie production, together with the statistic inference, so as to maximize the global box office success.

Mentor: o outro lado da relação de mentoring / Mentor: the other side of mentoring relationship

Kishore, Angeli 12 September 2013 (has links)
Muito se fala sobre as mudanças ocorridas na forma de se enxergar a carreira dos indivíduos, nas últimas décadas. Enquanto a carreira no passado era caracterizada pela mobilidade linear e ascendente, dentro de uma ou poucas organizações, atualmente a carreira vem se tornando cada vez mais sem fronteiras, marcada por transições mais frequentes dentro e fora das organizações. Devido às mudanças surgem necessidades individuais pelo aprendizado contínuo, pela busca do autoconhecimento, pela obtenção de informações e pela gestão da própria carreira, sendo as redes sociais de desenvolvimento aceleradoras do desenvolvimento individual. As redes sociais de desenvolvimento podem ser entendidas como múltiplas relações de apoio ao desenvolvimento, em qualquer momento da carreira, de dentro ou fora das organizações, independentemente da hierarquia. Entre os vários tipos de redes está o mentoring, entendido como uma relação de desenvolvimento entre duas pessoas, na qual o mentor apoia o protegido em seu desenvolvimento. O mentor é aquele que conduz o protegido e é também conduzido na busca da realização total, por meio do provimento de altos apoios de carreira e psicossociais. Embora os estudos acadêmicos sobre mentoring tenham se iniciado há mais de três décadas, a maior parte das pesquisas ainda possui como foco o recebedor dos apoios, entendido como protegido. Todavia, sabe-se que a outra parte da relação, o mentor, é essencial para a existência e para a qualidade do processo de mentoring. Devido à importância do mentor para o desenvolvimento de carreira e à lacuna de estudos sobre esse desenvolvedor, procurou-se responder à seguinte questão: \"Qual é a percepção do mentor sobre a relação de mentoring?\". O público-alvo foram mentores apontados por indivíduos em posições de gestão de pessoas nas empresas, sendo 12 entrevistas realizadas. O estudo foi exploratório, qualitativo e as técnicas de investigação e de análise utilizadas foram a entrevista e a análise de conteúdo, respectivamente. Quanto aos resultados encontrados, observaram-se os apoios do mentor focados no bem-estar de outros, indicando a presença do valor cultural da autotranscendência nas razões para desenvolver do mentor e na percepção das recompensas recebidas por eles. Acredita-se, assim, em uma possível relação entre valores culturais e a percepção do mentor sobre a relação de mentoring. Além disso, foi verificada a preferência dos mentores por protegidos com altas capacidades, levando à reflexão questões sobre o processo de identificação e de similaridade entre as partes. Finalmente, ressalta-se a relação entre o conceito de mentor adotado neste trabalho e o valor da autotranscendência, uma vez que, ao oferecer apoios de carreira e psicossociais, o mentor estimula o outro e é também estimulado na busca do desenvolvimento total da personalidade, da auto-realização e do tornar-se si mesmo. / Many studies have addressed the different perceptions that career has gained over the last decades. While in the past, the career was characterized by the ascending linear mobility, within the organizations, nowadays it has progressively changed to a boundaryless career. As such, it is characterized by more frequent transitions inside and outside the organizations. Because of that, the need for continuous learning, self-assessment, information and career management arose. In this scenario, the developmental networks are promoters of the individual development. The developmental networks perspective can be understood as the relations that support the development of the person, emerging from within or without the organizations with the participation of several hierarchical levels and multiple relationships, at the same time and at any moment of the career. One particular type of developmental network is mentoring, which is a developmental relationship between two individuals, in which the mentor leads the protégé through his self-fullfiment process. Mentoring involves career and psychosocial supports, and the mentor is defined as the individual who has offered high amounts of both, as perceived by the protégé. The former helps the latter in the process of self-fulfillment. Although academic research on mentoring has begun few decades ago, the vast majority is focused on the receiver\'s perspective, i. e., the protégé. However, it is known that the mentor is an essential player for both the quality and even the existence of the mentoring relationship. Given its key role and the lack of studies addressing this developer, this work addresses the question: \"What is the mentor\'s perception in the mentoring relationship?\". The dataset was composed by 12 mentors appointed by individuals in management level inside organizations. This is a qualitative exploratory study, in which the technique used was interviews and content analysis. Results show (1) the prevalence of self-transcendence as driver of the mentors\' development actions and (2) preference by mentors for high qualified protegés. Thus, we could hypothesize the association between cultural values and mentor\'s perception about the mentoring relationship and the importance of similarity and identification process in protegé\'s selection. Finally, we could verify the association between the mentor\'s concept adopted for this study and the cultural value of self-transcendence.

Gestão social como campo do saber no Brasil: uma análise de sua produção científica pela modelagem de redes sociais (2005-2015) / Social management as a field of knowledge in Brazil: an analysis of its scientific production by modeling social networks (2005-2015)

Isabela de Oliveira Menon 13 May 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação debruça-se sobre o mapeamento e a construção da rede de produção científica do campo de Gestão Social no Brasil, visando a identificação das principais características predominantes no campo associadas à formação acadêmica e vinculação institucional, além da concentração temática e dinâmica de relacionamento dos pesquisadores. A partir dessa análise, foi possível verificar a evolução do campo por meio da rede de produção científica na última década, verificando seu desenvolvimento e suas peculiaridades, além de contribuir com o debate em torno da construção da identidade da área de pesquisa em Gestão Social. Os principais indicadores gerados são: artigos publicados; artigos por autor; autores por artigo; autores mais prolíficos; grau de aninhamento de atores; tamanho e componentes da rede social, etc. A presente pesquisa busca complementar os estudos bibliométricos realizados no campo da Gestão Social anteriormente e expandir o universo analisado para além do Encontro Nacional de Pesquisadores em Gestão Social (ENAPEGS), proporcionando uma visão global do que é a área de Gestão Social no Brasil atualmente. Para tanto, foram coletados dados dos principais eventos (ENAPEGS, EMAPEGS, EnANPAD, EnAPG, Colóquio Internacional sobre Poder Local) e periódicos (RAP, O&S, Cadernos EBAPE.BR, APGS, RIGS, NAU Social, Cadernos de Gestão Social (CGS), Cadernos de Gestão Pública e Cidadania) no período de 2005 a 2015 / This thesis focuses on mapping and construction of scientific production network of social management field in Brazil, aiming to identify the main predominant characteristics of the field associated with the academic and institutional affiliation, as well as thematic concentration and relationship dynamics between researchers. Based on this analysis, it was possible to verify the evolution of the field through scientific production network over the past decade, checking its development and its peculiarities, besides contributing to the debate on the construction of the identity of the research area in social management. The main indicators derived are: published articles; articles per author; authors per article; most prolific authors; degree of nesting actors; size and components of the social network, etc. The research will complement previous studies and expand the universe analyzed in addition to the National Meeting of Researchers in Social Management (ENAPEGS), providing a global view of what is the area of social management in Brazil today. To achieve this goal were collected data of the main events (ENAPEGS, EMAPEGS, EnANPAD, EnAPG, Colóquio Internacional sobre Poder Local) and journals (RAP, O&S, Cadernos EBAPE.BR, APGS, RIGS, NAU Social, Cadernos de Gestão Social (CGS), Cadernos de Gestão Pública e Cidadania) in the period 2005-2015

Significant others : the influence of support relationships and the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) cash transfer programme on the wellbeing of vulnerable urban people in Ghana

Attah, Ramlatu January 2017 (has links)
This thesis has two main objectives. First, it investigates how social support relationships - embedded within kinship systems, friendship networks and associational groups - contribute to the wellbeing of cash transfer beneficiaries in two urban districts in Ghana. Second, it explores how a formal social protection programme affects the wellbeing of beneficiaries both directly and indirectly via its effect on these other support relationships. The thesis takes the Ghana Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) cash transfer programme as a case study, examining how it is implemented in practice within an urban setting, and how social support relationships influence its effect on the wellbeing of cash recipients. Throughout this thesis wellbeing is used as a discursive space for looking at the often neglected non-material dimensions of wellbeing. In particular, it takes a relational wellbeing approach which emphasises how material, emotional and cognitive dimensions of wellbeing are embedded in social relationships. It uses a Qualitative Longitudinal Research (QLR) approach, complemented by a qualitative social network analysis to map the constellation of relationships on which urban recipients of LEAP transfers rely, and to explore the motivations and rationalities underpinning them. The findings of the thesis add to existing research on social relationships and cash transfers in Africa by extending the analysis to a contemporary urban context. They challenge the assumption that urban residents can draw upon a vibrant support system, by finding that such relationships can be unreliable, provide inadequate support and can be associated with exclusion and marginalization. In addition, the thesis finds that norms underpinning support relationships are constantly being reshaped and challenged. The thesis also highlights the important but diverse effects that formal social protection programmes can have on material, emotional and cognitive wellbeing of recipients, both directly and indirectly via their effect on other significant social relationships of beneficiaries.

Modelagem sociotécnica de uma organização nuclear: estudo de caso aplicado ao laboratório Nacional de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes / Sociotechnical modelling of a nuclear organization case study applied to the Ionizing Radiation Metrology National laboratory

Acar, Maria Elizabeth Dias 09 November 2015 (has links)
Uma metodologia que combina mapeamento e análise de processos, elicitação, mapeamento e análise crítica de conhecimentos e análise sociotécnica com base em análise de redes sociais foi concebida. A metodologia foi aplicada à uma pequena organização intensiva conhecimento LNMRI e permitiu a avaliação dos seus principais ativos intelectuais e sua capacidade de evoluir. Nesse sentido, com base em questões reais, tal como a saída de pessoas da organização, foram avaliados os impactos de prováveis cenários futuros. Para tal tarefa, foi analisada uma rede multimodal de processos, objetos de conhecimento e pessoas, utilizando-se um conjunto apropriado de métricas e meios, incluindo a avaliação das esferas de influências de nós chave. Para diferenciar a capacidade das pessoas em desempenhar diferentes papeis nos processos, alguns atributos dos nós foram utilizados como critérios de partição da rede, proporcionando assim, a capacidade de diferenciar o impacto da perda potencial de supervisores e operadores. A metodologia proposta possibilitou: i) a identificação de objetos de conhecimento e de suas fontes; ii) a classificação desses objetos segundo sua relevância; iii) a avaliação de vulnerabilidades da estrutura da rede LNMRI e iv) revelou os mecanismos informais de partilha de conhecimento. A metodologia concebida demonstrou ser uma ferramenta robusta para um amplo diagnóstico para subsidiar o planejamento de sucessão e também o planejamento estratégico organizacional. / A methodology combining process mapping and analysis; knowledge elicitation mapping and critical analysis; and sociotechnical analysis based on social network analysis was conceived. The methodology was applied to a small knowledge intensive organization LNMRI, and has allowed the appraisal of the main intellectual assets and their ability to evolve. In this sense, based on real issues such as attrition, the impacts of probable future scenarios were assessed. For such task, a multimodal network of processes, knowledge objects and people was analyzed using a set of appropriate metrics and means, including sphere of influence of key nodes. To differentiate the ability of peoples role playing in the processes, some nodes attributes were used to provide partition criteria for the network and thus the ability to differentiate the impact of potential loss of supervisors and operators. The proposed methodology has allowed for: i) the identification of knowledge objects and their sources; ii) mapping and ranking of these objects according to their relevance and iii) the assessment of vulnerabilities in LNMRIs network structure and iv) revealing of informal mechanisms of knowledge sharing The conceived methodological framework has proved to be a robust tool for a broad diagnosis to support succession planning and also the organizational strategic planning.

Satira a parodie na sociálních sítích: falešné české profily / Satire and parody on social networks: fake Czech profiles

Poloch, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work is to map fake Czech profiles on social networks Facebook and Twitter. "Fake profiles" in this case mean those where authors are acting as a well-known person, company or institution. Best known Czech profiles are Twitter's @schwarzenbergk, @kardinalvlk or @ovcacek_jiri and Facebook profile @jiriovcacekunofficial. After a general introduction to the topic, which includes, among other things, a brief look at the topic of political satire and the introduction of social networks, including the regulation they take to protect personality, the main part follows. It analyzes 8 different Czech false profiles. The content of the posts, the account statistics, the most successful posts and possibly other related information are presented. An important part of the work are interviews with authors of these profiles as well as with counterparts: real people or companies. This offers a close look at the backstage of the creation and running of the profile and, on the other hand, the possibility to gain the reaction of the concerned party. A comparative analysis of false and real Jiří Ovčáček's Facebook profiles is conducted in this part as well. The next section is included in order to bring a wider view of the issue. It is devoted to similar profiles abroad, which gives the possibility...

Sociální média a pracovní právo / Social Media and Labour Law

Novotná, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Social Media and Labour Law Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the relatively new social phenomenon of social networks and its influence on various labour law institutes. The main aim of the work is to map out the most striking disputes that were judged both in the Czech Republic and in the world at national level, or at European level by European Court for Human Rights and Court of Justice of the European Union. I analysed their course, solution, justification, and pointed out the possible contradiction between them and add my point of view of the issue and the legal regulation and its shortcomings. For the sake of clarity and systematicity, I have structured the text into two parts. In the first part, I focused on introducing the topic in which I mentioned the overlapping of the issue into constitutional law and the issue of conflict of two or more constitutional rights. Very often, in a legal dispute, we encounter a conflict of employee's right to freedom of speech and privacy and the rights of an employer to protect property. In this chapter, I also worked out the specifics of labour law disputes, as the disputes are crucial for the rest of this thesis. In the second part I deal with individual aspects of the influence of social networks on labour law institutes. This crucial area of work was...

Knowledge sharing for sustainable development : a mixed-method study of an international civil engineering consultancy

Meese, Nicholas January 2012 (has links)
Sustainable development (SD) is a pressing global issue that is becoming increasingly prominent on clients and governing bodies agendas. In order to survive, organisations are seeking ways to negate their detrimental environmental impacts. This is no easy feat: SD is both complex and dynamic. To be successful, organisations need to leverage and expand their most valuable asset – knowledge. Civil engineering plays a significant role in SD – it shapes our environment and governs our interaction with it. However, extant research asserts that civil engineering related disciplines have been slow to adopt SD oriented practices; a possible result of their complex and fragmented organisational environments. The literature suggests that effective knowledge sharing (KS) can overcome these barriers, thus driving enhanced SD performance. Consequently, this research aims to investigate how the civil engineering sector can improve its intra-organisational sharing of SD knowledge, using an international civil engineering consultancy as an exemplar. Whilst there has been much research surrounding KS and SD there has been limited research that has investigated KS for SD, thus this thesis contributes to this limited body of knowledge. Mixed-method research was used to address the abovementioned aim. An increasingly popular approach, it is widely believed to generate greater value through complementary integration of quantitative and qualitative research paradigms. This approach lends itself also to the ethnographic inclinations of the reported research: the author was embedded within the case organisation, and sought a rich and reliable understanding of the study phenomena. An initial set of semi-structured interviews suggested that the case organisation’s members exhibit positive attitudes towards KS and SD, yet are often constrained by a number of common KS barriers, namely: a lack of organisation slack (i.e. time); a silo mentality; and poor SD ICT systems. These socio-cultural and technical barriers were subsequently investigated and contested using social network analysis techniques and an intranet acceptance model. A number of observations are made on the relationships between the findings from the research activities. It is believed the organisation often exhibits a reactive approach to KS for SD, which is deemed undesirable. This signals the need for greater senior management support to cultivate a culture where KS for SD is the norm and is integrated with work practices. A series of recommendations are provided to help the case organisation understand how such change could be cultivated. Several implications follow from this work. The mixed-method approach revealed a number of contradictions between the findings of each research activity. It is therefore postulated that mixed-method designs can provide a richer understanding, thus reducing misconceptions of KS phenomena. Following from this, the research contends that it may be too easy for researchers to identify with ubiquitous KS barriers as the reported research suggests that these may be perceived rather than actual. The research also reinforces the need for senior management support. These individuals govern the systems in which organisational members operate and thus have the ability to enhance KS for SD. Finally, the research demonstrates that SD ICT systems have little impact unless they are embedded in receptive contexts. Thus, an action research approach to KS system development is advocated to ensure systems are shaped to meet user expectations and drive desired KS behaviours. This research is presented in five peer-reviewed articles.

Exploring the use of social capital to support technology adoption and implementation

Hamre, Lynne Janine January 2008 (has links)
Information System (IS) implementations are a risky business with studies showing only a 16%-29% success rate. This research explores the use of social capital to support technology implementations. This research brings together two distinct bodies of knowledge: social network analysis (SNA) and technology acceptance models, in order to better understand the relationship between social capital and technology acceptance. The first aspect of the research looks at social network centrality and influence measures as an alternative means to measure social influence in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. The social influence construct has proven to be inconsistent in past research. An individual‟s decision to adopt a new technology is influenced by their social context or the informal social network within which they work. The social capital of others influences their attitudes and decision to adopt a new technology. Social Capital, as measured through social network analysis, could be substituted for the social influence construct of the UTAUT model. Two revised UTAUT models are developed and tested. The second aspect of this research uses social capital to inform membership of a Community of Practice (CoP) to support a Finance Management System implementation in a higher education organization. SNA can be used to gain an understanding of the social network and identify individuals with high social capital. There is growing evidence that CoP support successful organizational change initiatives but it is less clear how CoP membership might be determined. SNA provides an evidence-based approach to CoP formation. The IS implementation cases described in the paper demonstrate an innovative approach to IS implementation grounded in social capital and technology acceptance research that add to the body of knowledge in both theory and practice.

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