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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Souvislost mezi výukou sociálních dovedností a vztahy žáků ve třídě / Connection between social skills teaching and classmates relationshipsde

Balážová, Daniela January 2014 (has links)
Summary: This dissertation is aiming to find the connection between clasroom relationships development and regular social skills teaching. Specifically if social skills teaching creates positive development within students relationships and if it influences better classroom climate. The teoretical part defines the concept of pedagogical diagnostics, its methods and forms, especially focused on educational - research sociomethry, sociomethric methods and techniques. In the end of theoretical part is described educational program CESTY with subject ‚Social skills focused on the developement of positive relationships between students with ADHD, ADD issues. The empiric part is built on research which was made using sociomethric - rating questionnare of Vladimír Hrabal (S-O-R-A-D). This questionnare was used in three fifth year of elementary school classes for children with specific issues and in three regular elementary school classes. Rating of the results using sociomethric indexes and sociograms is the base for comparing the development of relationships in classes with ADHD students, where the social skills are taught regularly, and three regular classes without this subject. The questionnary was set twice in every class, first time at the beginning of school year and second time at the end of first mid-year.

Vývoj postavení studentů ve třídě na střední škole a užívání vybraných návykových látek v průběhu jejich studia: prospektivní sociometrická studie / The development of students status in secondary school class and the use of selected drugs during their study: a prospective sociometric study

Pavelková, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
Název: The Development of Students Status in Secondary School Class and the Use of Selected Drugs During Their Study: a Prospectve Sociometric Study. Abstrakt: The thesis is a continuation of author's bachelor thesis. Bachelor thesis deals with sociometric student's status and substance use among first year of secondary schools students. Both research are based on the theories of drug addiction development, which has very complex causes and occurs during human development in the interaction of multiple factors. One of these factors is the need to achieve social conformity (mainly in peer collectives), which can be in a group of teenage students strong in period of secondary school. Because there are these individuals creates a new position in a class and that can vary because of natural variations in the status of students and interactions among individuals in the classroom. The aim is to implement prospective sociometric study, which examines a specific classes after a 2 year interval and to determine the student status in specific classes of third grade secondary schools and how has this position changed since the last survey. The focus is set on the description of changing relations between cigarette, alcohol, cannabis use and individual student status in the class. The survey was carried out in seven...

Status sociométrico e hipóteses funcionais dos comportamentos entre pré-escolares: um estudo na direção da avaliação de necessidades / Not informed by the author

Bozeda, Mariana Giannattasio 24 June 2019 (has links)
Introdução: Durante a infância, os relacionamentos que as crianças estabelecem entre si são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de autorregulação, para a construção de interações saudáveis com os outros e para a promoção de aprendizagens diversas. A literatura tem apontado preocupação com as consequências das dificuldades duradouras e crescentes nas relações entre crianças. O presente estudo que se apresenta como uma avalição das necessidades no ciclo de pesquisa em prevenção teve como objetivo geral realizar uma avaliação funcional sobre os comportamentos de pré-escolares expressos nas interações com seus pares e seus professores. Método: Estudo avaliativo misto. Setenta e sete crianças com idades entre quatro e cinco anos de idade participaram da pesquisa, sendo correspondente a quatro turmas de uma escola municipal de educação infantil, localizada no sudeste do estado de São Paulo. Para verificar o status social dos participantes, foi realizada a entrevista sociométrica por nomeação, individualmente, na qual foi solicitada a indicação de três colegas de turma que a criança entrevistada escolheria para brincar (nomeações positivas) e outras três que não escolheria para brincar (nomeações negativas). Para cada nomeação, foram solicitados os motivos para tal escolha. As crianças com maiores pontuações padronizadas em cada categoria foram selecionadas para observação; os comportamentos declarados como motivos para as nomeações positivas e negativas sendo observados. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes do estudo foi classificada como mediana (43%), seguida por rejeitada (15%) e popular (14%), sendo que controversa teve o menor índice (5%). A categoria negligenciada foi nula e 21% das crianças não foi categorizada. A justificativa mais citada para as nomeações positivas foi a parceria, já para as nomeações negativas foi a agressão. As hipóteses funcionais levantadas para os comportamentos positivos, de maneira geral, é que esses eram reforçados positivamente a partir da aproximação e da interação com os pares, além da atenção (em forma de elogios) obtida pela professora. Em relação aos comportamentos negativos, de maneira geral, é que esses eram reforçados positivamente pela atenção obtida pela professora e/ou pares e reforçados negativamente com a retirada e/ou diminuição da situação aversiva (por exemplo: bronca da professora). Conclusão: As avaliações funcionais dos comportamentos entre pré-escolares podem contribuir no delineamento de futuras intervenções promotoras de relacionamentos interpessoais positivos na educação infantil / Introduction: During childhood, the relationships that children establish among themselves are fundamental for the development of self-regulation, building healthy interactions with others and promoting diverse learning. The literature has been concerned with the consequences of enduring and growing difficulties in the relations between children. This study, which presents itself as an assessment of needs in the prevention research cycle, aimed to formulate functional hypotheses about the behaviors of preschoolers expressed in interactions with their peers and teachers. Method: Mixed evaluation study. A total of 77 children aged four to five years of age, was enrolled in the study, corresponding to four classes of a public school of the early childhood education, located in the southeast of the state of São Paulo. In order to verify the social status of the participants, a sociometric interview was conducted by appointment, individually, in which it was requested to nominate three classmates he would like to play with (positive appointments) and three others he would not choose play (negative nominations). For each appointment, the reasons for such nomination were requested. The children with the highest standardized scores in each category were selected for observation. The behaviors declared as reasons for positive and negative nominations being observed. Results: Most of the participants in the study were classified as median (43%), followed by rejected (15%) and popular (14%), being that controversial (5%) had the smallest index. The neglected category was null and 21% of the children were not categorized. The most cited justification for positive nominations was partnership, and for negative nominations was aggression. The functional hypotheses raised for positive behaviors, in general, is that they were reinforced positively from the approach and interaction with the peers, in addition to the attention (in the form of compliments) obtained from the teacher. Regarding negative behaviors, in general, is that they were reinforced positively by the attention obtained from the teacher and / or peers and reinforced negatively with the withdrawal and / or decrease of the aversive situation (for example, to be told off by the teacher). Conclusion: Functional evaluations of behaviors among preschoolers may contribute to the design of future interventions promoting positive interpersonal relationships in early childhood education

A relação entre o bullying e os relacionamentos sociais num grupo de adolescentes brasileiros / Not informed by the author

Torres, Lina Marcela Pedraza 02 October 2017 (has links)
Na questão do bullying, um subtipo de agressão frequente nas escolas, aspectos ligado à organização social do grupo são de importância na compreensão do fenômeno. No presente estudo, avaliamos a correlação entre o bullying/vitimização e as variáveis de popularidade percebida, preferência social e impacto social, num grupo de adolescentes entre 12 e 14 anos na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Para avaliação do bullying e da vitimização utilizamos o questionário Peer Assessment e, para avaliar o status social e a popularidade percebida, usamos dois testes sociométricos, cada um com duas perguntas. Verificamos a interação entre as variáveis e os efeitos principais com o uso de Equações de Estimação (GEE) com efeito aleatório. Os resultados mostraram que os adolescentes menos gostados têm mais chance de ser vitimizados, e os mais populares, de serem agressores. Além disso, há correlação direta entre a agressividade e o impacto social de cada um (o quanto é lembrado pelos pares), e há uma relação inversa entre agressividade e preferência social. / Social organization of the group is an important aspect involved in bullying, a frequent type of aggression found in schools. In this study, we present the correlation between bullying / victimization and variables of perceived popularity, social preference and social impact in a group of adolescents between 12 and 14 years old in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Bullying and Victimization were assessed through the Peer Assessment questionnaire and, Social Status and Perceived Popularity were assessed through two sociometric tests, each one with two questions. We used generalized linear model (GEE) to check the interaction between the variables. According to our results, the less liked the more victimized an adolescent will be, and the more popular the higher the chance of being aggressor. In addition, there is a direct correlation between aggressiveness and the social impact of each one (how much the person is remembered by the peers), and there is an inverse relationship between aggressiveness and social preference.

A relação entre o bullying e os relacionamentos sociais num grupo de adolescentes brasileiros / Not informed by the author

Lina Marcela Pedraza Torres 02 October 2017 (has links)
Na questão do bullying, um subtipo de agressão frequente nas escolas, aspectos ligado à organização social do grupo são de importância na compreensão do fenômeno. No presente estudo, avaliamos a correlação entre o bullying/vitimização e as variáveis de popularidade percebida, preferência social e impacto social, num grupo de adolescentes entre 12 e 14 anos na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Para avaliação do bullying e da vitimização utilizamos o questionário Peer Assessment e, para avaliar o status social e a popularidade percebida, usamos dois testes sociométricos, cada um com duas perguntas. Verificamos a interação entre as variáveis e os efeitos principais com o uso de Equações de Estimação (GEE) com efeito aleatório. Os resultados mostraram que os adolescentes menos gostados têm mais chance de ser vitimizados, e os mais populares, de serem agressores. Além disso, há correlação direta entre a agressividade e o impacto social de cada um (o quanto é lembrado pelos pares), e há uma relação inversa entre agressividade e preferência social. / Social organization of the group is an important aspect involved in bullying, a frequent type of aggression found in schools. In this study, we present the correlation between bullying / victimization and variables of perceived popularity, social preference and social impact in a group of adolescents between 12 and 14 years old in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Bullying and Victimization were assessed through the Peer Assessment questionnaire and, Social Status and Perceived Popularity were assessed through two sociometric tests, each one with two questions. We used generalized linear model (GEE) to check the interaction between the variables. According to our results, the less liked the more victimized an adolescent will be, and the more popular the higher the chance of being aggressor. In addition, there is a direct correlation between aggressiveness and the social impact of each one (how much the person is remembered by the peers), and there is an inverse relationship between aggressiveness and social preference.

Sociometrisk status och arbetstilfredsställelse : en kvantitativ studie av olika prediktorer för arbetstillfredsställelse

Söderholm, Sara, Hermansson, Anders January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en kvantitativ studie som haft som syfte att undersöka vad som bäst predicerar arbetstillfredsställelse. De variabler som har mätts som eventuella prediktorer är; sociometrisk status enligt sociometerteorin, socioekonomisk status, personlig känsla av makt samt personlighetsdraget extraversion. Urvalet bestod av (N=128) deltagare som alla var anställda av ett medelstort företag. Denna studie har utgått från en liknande studie The Local-Ladder Effect: Social Status and Subjective Well-Being (Anderson, Kraus, Galinsky & Keltner, 2012) som handlade om subjektivt välbefinnande och sociometrisk status. Arbetstillfredsställelse mättes enligt MSQ (Minnesota satisfaction questionnarie). Sociometrisk status och personlig känsla av makt mättes enligt liknande påståenden som Anderson, Kraus et al. (2012) använt, vilka beskrivs närmre i metoddelen. Socioekonomisk status mättes utifrån inkomst samt utbildningsbakgrund. Personlighetsdraget extraversion mättes med frågor ur personlighets-testet IPIP. Frågeställningenlyder; vad predicerar arbetstillfredsställelse bäst: socioekonomisk-eller sociometrisk status? Även vad personlighetsdraget extraversion spelar för roll som prediktor till arbetstillfredsställelse var en fråga som ställdes. Hypotesenformulerades att utifrån sociometerteorin prediceras arbetstillfredsställelse i större utsträckning än inkomst/socioekonomisk status. De insamlade svaren från enkätundersökningen bearbetades i SPSS version 22 genom en multipel regressionsanalys samt korrelationsanalyser. Endast personlig känsla av makt ficksignifikant stöd i regressionsanalysen då samtliga variabler fanns med som prediktorer, men efter en medieringsanalys fick vi stöd för att sociometrisk status predicerar arbetstillfredsställelse via personlig känsla av makt. Resultatet från regressionsanalysen (modell Enter)visade att personlig känsla av makt var den starkaste prediktorn av arbetstillfredsställelse (β=.50, p< .05) Korrelationen visade samma riktning. Den starkaste korrelationen fanns mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och variabeln personlig känsla av makt som delvis förklarar sociometrisk status(r=.57, p<.05). / This is a quantative study that aims to examine differentfactors effecting job satisfaction. Thevariables measured as potential predictors are; sociometric status in accordance to sociometer theory, socioeconomic status, personal sense of power and the personality trait extraversion. The data consists of (N= 128) participantsemployed by a medium sized company. This study is based on a similar studyThe Local-Ladder Effect: Social Status and Subjective Well-Being (Anderson, Kraus, Galinsky & Keltner, 2012) which studies Subjective Well-Being and sociometric status. Job satisfactionwas measured by the MSQ (Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire). Sociometric status and personal sense of power weremeasured according to similar claims by Anderson, Kraus et al. (2012), further described in detail in the methodssection. Socioeconomic status wasmeasured based on income and educational background. The personality trait extraversion wasmeasured with questions from the personality test IPIP. The question being asked is; what predicts job satisfaction-socioeconomic-or sociometric status? Also what rolethe personality trait extraversion plays as a predictor was a question in this study. The hypothesis is formulated on the basis that the sociometer theory isa better predictor of job satisfactionthan income/socioeconomic statusis. The collected responses from the survey were processed and analyzed in SPSS version 22 through a multiple regression analysis and correlation analyzes. Only personal sense of powerreceived significant support in the regression analysis when all variables were included as predictors, but after a mediation analysis, we received support for sociometric status as a predictor ofjob satisfaction throughpersonal sense of power. The results of the regression analysis (model Enter) showed that personal sense of power was the best predictor of job satisfaction(β =.50, p< .05). Correlationsshowed the same way. The strongest correlation was found between job satisfaction and personal sense of power,which partly explains sociometric status(r =.57, p <.05).

Změna ve vlivu a oblibě žáků ve třídě v průběhu dvou let / Change in influence and popularity of pupils in the classroom within a year

SOKOL, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The school class and classroom climate in the classroom is the main theme of this thesis. The work presents the way school climate has been created and by which influences it has been affected. Furthermore, there are ways of exploring school climate and how to work with these findings. The theoretical part describes the forms of social learning, which is closely related to the classroom and integrating the individual to the group. The practical part is focused on exploring one particular school class during the two years course. The empirical research in popularity and influence of individuals in the classroom was carried out. This investigation was conducted by using questionnaires. It was carried out four times and the results were finally compared. This work also shows the daily life of one class and describes the main events and changes that have occurred during the research.

Účinky specifických poruch učení na self-koncept a sociometrickou pozici dítěte ve třídě (práce je součástí rozsáhlejšího výzkumného projektu "Morfologické uvědomění u dyslektiků") / Self-concept and sociometrical position in children with learning disabilities

NOVOTNÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
Target od the thesis is to explore the area of social consequences of specific learning disabilities. Specific learning disabilities have undoubtedly impact on academic performance and overall results in the context of school education. Their influence is much wider and we can say that it provides individuals with a specific learning disabilities a negative personal and social consequences. I established the following two hypotheses: I suppose that a group of children with specific learning disabilities will be marked selfconcept lower compared to the control group. I suppose that a group of children with specific learning disabilities will be marked by impaired sociometric position in the classroom compared to the control group. In the theoretical part of the thesis is contained explanations of basic concepts related to learning disabilities. Individual chapters are devoted to specific disorders in general and specifically dyslexia, its causes, incidence, manifestations, and reeducation. The other specific learning disabilities are mentioned in addition to dyslexia. In the second half of the theoretical section, I focus on pupil with dyslexia and his subjective complaints, parents and teachers of pupil with dyslexia, and the consequences of school failure and dyslexia on the individual's life. Practical part of the thesis processes with the research conducted among 24 elementary school students. Research using a variety of test methods for evaluating the impacts and consequences of specific learning disabilities on student self-concept and sociometric position in the classroom. Above 24 pupils were divided into two groups - experimental and control groups, which are compared among themselves.

Účinky specifických poruch učení na self-koncept a sociometrickou pozici dítěte ve třídě / Self-concept and sociometrical position in children with learning disabilities

ŘÍHOVÁ, Miloslava January 2012 (has links)
The issues of specific learning disabilities and their influence on children?s personality and his position in society has not been much explored yet. The aim of this diploma thesis is to identify the influence of learning disabilities on children?s self-concept, find out how the child is influenced by learning disabilities and how he is able to cope with this problem himself. The theoretical part of this work focuses on the issue and the basic concepts. The practical part presents the results of my own research in elementary schools. The results have been obtained by application of different testing methods, like tests and questionnaires. Information from school, family and personal surroundings of the children have also been used. My own experience with teaching children with learning disabilities during my teaching practice is mentioned too.

Исследование психологических предикторов академической успеваемости учащихся языковой школы : магистерская диссертация / The study of psychological predictors of academic performance of students in a language school

Морозова, Н. Э., Morozova, N. E. January 2019 (has links)
Объектом исследования является учебная деятельность учащихся шестых классов. Предметом исследования является академическая успеваемость шестиклассников и ее психологические предикторы. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка литературы (63 источника) и приложений, включающих в себя бланки применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 85 страниц, на которых размещены 6 рисунков и 12 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируется гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база. Первая и вторая главы включают в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме исследования. Первая глава включает в себя описание учебной деятельности и социометрического статуса подростков. Вторая глава включает в себя теоретические основы исследования взаимосвязи показателей академической успеваемости, мотивации учебной деятельности, интеллекта и социометрического статуса учащихся 6-х классов. Выводы по второй главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Третья глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: методика изучения мотивации учения подростков (5-7 класс) М. И. Лукьяновой, Н. В. Калининой; подростковый интеллектуальный тест (ПИТ СПЧ), разработанный Н. А. Батуриным, Н. А. Курганским, И. М. Дашковым, Л. К. Федоровой; методика диагностики межличностных отношений (социометрия) Дж. Л. Морено. Выводы по главе 3 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования. / The object of the study is the educational activities of sixth grade students. The subject of the study is the academic performance of sixth graders and its psychological predictors. The master thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references (63 sources) and applications that include the forms of the methods used. The volume of the master's thesis is 85 pages, on which are placed 6 figures and 12 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problem, sets the goal and objectives of the research, identifies the object and subject of research, formulates hypotheses, specifies the methods and empirical base. The first and second chapters include a review of foreign and domestic literature on the research topic. The first chapter includes a description of the educational activities and the sociometric status of adolescents. The second chapter includes the theoretical foundations of the study of the relationship between indicators of academic performance, motivation of learning activities, intelligence and the sociometric status of students in 6th grade. The conclusions of the second chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The third chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It presents a description of the organization and methods of the study and the results obtained using all the methods used: methods for studying the motivation of the teaching of adolescents (grades 5-7) M. I. Lukyanova, N. V. Kalinina; adolescent intellectual test (PIT HRO) developed by N. A. Baturin, N. A. Kurgansky, I. M. Dashkov, L. K. Fedorova; methods of diagnosing interpersonal relationships (sociometry) J.L. Moreno. Conclusions on Chapter 3 include the main results of an empirical study. The conclusion summarizes the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work, as well as the conclusions of the hypotheses put forward, the practical significance of the study is substantiated.

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