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Ação do estrógeno na expressão de proteínas relacionadas ao metabolismo ósseo durante regeneração alveolar em ratas /Dias, Sheila Mônica Damásio. January 2007 (has links)
Resumo: Objetivo:Avaliar a atuação do E2 durante a regeneração alveolar, utilizando a expressão das proteínas OPG, RANK e RANKL como indicadores celulares de predisposição à reabsorção ou formação de tecido ósseo. Material e métodos: Após 8 dias da cirurgia SHAM ou ovariectomia (OVX), as ratas (200g) OVX receberam implantes subcutâneos contendo óleo de milho (grupo OVX/óleo) ou E2 (400μg) (grupo OVX/E2). As exodontias dos incisivos superiores direitos foram realizadas no decorrer do tratamento e agendadas para que ao término de 60 dias fosse possível obter as peças referentes a 14, 28 e 42 dias de regeneração óssea alveolar. As peças foram submetidas a processamento imunoistoquímico. Resultados: Nos animais com ciclo estral regular (grupo SHAM), foi observada expressão baixa aos 14, média/alta aos 28 e a não expressão de OPG e RANKL aos 42 dias. A expressão de RANK iniciou alta e foi diminuindo até o último período analisado. No grupo OVX/Óleo a expressão de RANKL foi crescente até o término da análise aos 42 dias, enquanto que a expressão de RANK diminuiu ao longo do período estudado. Foi observada expressão de OPG no início e ao final do período analisado. Os animais OVX/E2 apresentaram marcação semelhante para OPG, RANK e RANKL aos 14 dias. A expressão de RANKL foi observada até o final do experimento, entretanto não foi detectada expressão de OPG e RANK aos 28 e 42 dias. Conclusão: Estes resultados evidenciam a participação do E2 modulando o ciclo de remodelação óssea alveolar. / Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the role of E2 during alveolar bone regeneration, using OPG, RANK and RANKL protein expression as cellular indicators of predisposition to resorption or bone tissue formation. Methods: Eight days after either SHAM surgery or ovariectomy (OVX), the OVX rats (200g) received subcutaneous implants with corn oil (OVX/oil group) or E2 (400μg) (OVX/E2 group). Extraction of the maxillary right incisors were performed during the course of the treatment and was scheduled in such a way that at the end of a 60-day period it would possible to retrieve anatomic pieces referring to 14, 28 and 42 days of alveolar bone healing. The pieces were submitted to immunohistochemical processing. Results: In the animals with regular estrous cycle (SHAM group), it was observed low expression at 14 days, medium/high expression at 28 days and no OPG and RANKL expression at 42 days. RANK expression started high and decreased continuously up to the last analyzed period. In the OVX/oil group, RANKL expression increased up to the completion of the analysis at 42 days, whereas RANK expression decreased within the studied period. OPG expression was observed in the beginning and the end of the analyzed period. The animals OVX/E2 showed similar labeling for OPG, RANK and RANKL at 14 days. RANKL expression was observed up to the end of the experiment. However, no OPG and RANK expression was detected at 28 and 42 days. Conclusion: These results demonstrate the role of E2 modulating the alveolar bone remodeling cycle. / Orientador: Idelmo Rangel Garcia Júnior / Coorientador: Rita Cássia Menegati Dornelles / Banca: Ana Maria Pires Soubhia / Banca: Teresa Lucia Lamano Carvalho / Mestre
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Avaliação do processo evolutivo de reparo ósseo frente ao sulfato de cálcio e à hidroxiapatita. Estudo microscópico em alvéolos dentários de ratos / Analysis of the evolution of bone repair with utilization of calcium sulfate and hydroxyapatite. Microscopic study in tooth sockets of ratsConeglian, Patrícia Zanatta Aranha 25 May 2007 (has links)
A evolução do processo de reparo ósseo foi avaliada, em alvéolos dentários de ratos, frente ao coágulo sangüíneo, bem como ao implante de sulfato de cálcio di-hidratado e da hidroxiapatita BTCP GenPhos. Foram utilizados 48 ratos machos, divididos em três grupos, nos quais foi realizada a extração do incisivo superior direito. No grupo I, os alvéolos foram preenchidos com coágulo sangüíneo, permanecendo dessa forma como controle. No grupo II, implantou-se no alvéolo sulfato de cálcio di-hidratado e, no grupo III, realizou-se a inserção da hidroxiapatita BTCP GenPhos nos alvéolos. Após 7, 15 e 30 dias dos procedimentos cirúrgicos, os animais foram mortos, as hemimaxilas direitas removidas e processadas histologicamente para a realização das análises microscópicas descritiva e quantitativa, cujos resultados foram submetidos aos testes estatísticos de Kruskal-Wallis e Dunn. Foi possível concluir que o processo de reparo alveolar, aos 7, 15 e 30 dias, ocorreu de forma semelhante entre os grupos do coágulo sangüíneo, do sulfato de cálcio di-hidratado e da hidroxiapatita BTCP GenPhos, destacando-se a diferença significativa quanto à neoformação óssea, aos 15 dias, entre os grupos controle e hidroxiapatita BTCP GenPhos; e que, aos 30 dias, a evolução da neoformação óssea foi igual para todos os grupos analisados. / The evolution of bone repair was evaluated in tooth sockets of rats filled with blood clot as well as after placement of calcium sulfate dihydrate implant and hydroxyapatite BTCP GenPhos. The study sample was composed of 48 males rats divided into three groups, which were submitted to extraction of the right maxillary incisor. In group I, the sockets were filled with blood clot and were kept as such as control. Group II received a calcium sulfate dihydrate implant, and group III was submitted to placement of hydroxyapatite BTCP GenPhos in the sockets. At 7, 15 and 30 days after surgery, the animals were killed, the right hemimaxillae were removed and histologically processed for descriptive and quantitative microscopic analysis, whose results were statistically analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests. It was concluded that the alveolar repair process at 7, 15 and 30 days was similar for sockets filled with blood clot, calcium sulfate dihydrate and hydroxyapatite BTCP GenPhos, with emphasis to the significant difference with regard to new bone formation at 15 days between the control and hydroxyapatite BTCP GenPhos groups; and, at 30 days, the evolution of new bone formation was similar for all study groups
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Avaliação de uma nova matriz tridimensional no processo de reparo de alvéolos dentários em humanos para preservação do rebordo alveolar / Investigation of a novel scaffold in the healing of extraction sockets in humans to alveolar bone preservationPires, Ana Claudia de Araujo 15 December 2010 (has links)
A preservação da arquitetura óssea alveolar, durante o processo de reparo do alvéolo dentário após exodontias, é um grande desafio clínico. É esperado que 40 a 60% do volume ósseo alveolar inicial sejam perdidos nos primeiros seis meses. O OsteoScaf é um novo substituto ósseo, desenvolvido pela Universidade de Toronto e representa uma alternativa promissora para a manutenção da integridade óssea alveolar nesse cenário. Esse material é uma matriz tridimensional trifásica reabsorvível e osteocondutiva, composta por ácido polilático-co-glicólico e duas fases de fosfato de cálcio reabsorvível. Com o objetivo de avaliar se o OsteoScaf poderia reduzir a perda óssea durante a fase de reparação/remodelação alveolar após a exodontia, quando comparado com o controle (apenas coágulo sanguíneo), foram implantados cilindros desse material (com duas porosidades diferentes - poros grandes e poros pequenos) em alvéolos de dentes anteriores superiores humanos, imediatamente após a exodontia. Dez pacientes (32 alvéolos) fizeram parte deste estudo, onde 16 alveólos receberam o implante de OsteoScaf e 16 foram usados como controle. Foram feitas tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico (TCFC) imediatamente após a exodontia e também aos 120 dias pós-operatóro, quando foram realizadas biópsias ósseas analisadas por microtomografia computadorizada (microTC) e microscopia. A análise quantitativa das microTCs mostraram mais trabéculas ósseas e menor espaço entre elas, com OsteoScaf de poros menores. A análise quantitativa das TCFC indicou menor perda óssea no grupo experimental, principalmente o OsteoScafTM de poros maiores. A avaliação qualitativa dos cortes histológicos mostrou neoformação óssea justaposta ao material, demonstrando sua natureza osteocondutiva. Nossas observações mostraram que o OsteoScaf (de poros pequenos ou grandes) reduziu a perda óssea alveolar durante o processo de reparação/remodelação óssea pós-exodôntica, aos 120 dias de pós-operatório, em humanos. Essa pesquisa recebeu apoio financeiro da CAPES (Brasil) e TRT (Canadá). / Preserving alveolar bone architecture during socket healing is a significant clinical challenge. It is expected that 40% to 60% of the initial alveolar bone volume will be lost up to 6 months after tooth extraction. OsteoScaf is a novel bone substitute material developed at the University of Toronto and represents a promising alternative for maintaining alveolar bone integrity in this clinical scenario. It is a resorbable, osteoconductive, 3-phase composite scaffold comprising poly(lactide-co-glycolide) and 2 osteoclast-resorbable calcium phosphate phases. Our hypothesis was that OsteoScaf lithomorphs (10x3mm cylinders), placed in fresh extraction sockets, would reduce post-extraction bone loss compared to sockets with coagulum alone (control). Thus, we placed OsteoScaf (of two different porosities small and large pores) in fresh extraction sockets of maxillary anterior teeth in humans. A total of 10 patients (32 sockets) were included in the study, of which 16 sockets were grafted with OsteoScaf and 16 were used as control. Cone Beam Computer Tomography (CBCT) was performed both immediately following extraction and also at 120 days postoperatively, at which time biopsy samples were also harvested for micro computer tomography (µCT) and histological analyses. Quantitative analysis of the µCT showed more bone trabeculae and smaller trabecular separation in the experimental group than control, specifically with small pore scaffolds. In addition, quantitative analysis of CBCT showed less bone resorption in the OsteoScafTM groups, especially with the large pore scaffolds. Qualitative histological analysis showed new bone tissue in direct apposition to the scaffold demonstrating its osteoconductive nature. Our observations showed that the OsteoScafTM groups (small and large pores) reduced alveolar bone loss after 120 days of socket healing in humans. Grants: CAPES (Brazil) and TRT (Canada).
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Análise de comportamento de estaca barrete embutida em rocha. / Behavior analysis of a rock socket barrette pile.Marcello Duarte Musarra 01 September 2014 (has links)
Para proporcionar menores prazos e custos, o projeto de ampliação da sede da Petrobras, na cidade de Salvador, estado da Bahia, contemplou estacas barretes de grandes dimensões para grandes capacidades de carga. Porém, para atingir as cargas escolhidas, foi necessário embutir as estacas no topo rochoso. Portanto, foram projetadas estacas barretes embutidas em rocha, escavadas com hidrofresa. Esta pesquisa apresenta o estudo de duas provas de carga estáticas executadas em uma mesma estaca barrete teste embutida em rocha, a fim de proporcionar um melhor entendimento de seu comportamento, assim como os principais fatores que influenciam resistência e deformabilidade. Em março de 2012, foram realizadas duas provas de carga estáticas na mesma estaca barrete teste embutida em rocha. Os ensaios foram executados a partir das metodologias normativas NBR 12131 (2006) e NBR 6122 (2010), com carregamentos lento e rápido, respectivamente e subsequentemente. No primeiro ensaio (lento), aplicou-se a carga máxima de 12 MN, enquanto que no segundo (rápido), aplicou-se a carga máxima de 14 MN. Os dados obtidos nos ensaios, de acordo com a bibliografia utilizada, são pioneiros no Brasil, por se tratar da primeira estaca barrete embutida em rocha com utilização de hidrofresa, submetida à prova de carga de desempenho. A estaca foi instrumentada em profundidade, o que propiciou a avaliação da distribuição de carga nas camadas atravessadas. Foram realizadas comparações entre resultados obtidos da instrumentação e do topo, por meio do repique elástico. Além da avaliação e interpretação dos dados obtidos nos ensaios de provas de carga estáticas, esta pesquisa apresenta previsões de comportamento, com diferentes conceitos, para estacas embutidas em rocha, sem reação de ponta, com intuito de comparar seus resultados com os obtidos nos ensaios. Em conjunto com as previsões, foram apresentados métodos para estimativa de adesão lateral na interface da estaca com o maciço rochoso. / To use high loads on foundations of the Petobras Headquarters, the designers chose the barrette pile with great dimensions and a few units compared with others types, to shorten the deadline and optimize costs. However, to reach these assumptions, it was necessary make the piles deeper than the soil strata, and, therefore, made a rock socket design. This research presents two static load tests study and analysis in the same barrette test pile, to forecast behavior and find resistance and strain influences. In March, 2012, two static load tests were made in the same barrette test pile located in Salvador Bahia, in Petrobras headquarters. The first essay was made according to a slow maintained test with 12 MN maximum compressive loads. The second essay was made immediately after, according to a quick load test and 14 MN maximum compressive loads. The data obtained from both tests, far as is known, were the first results on rock socket barrette pile in Brazil, using hydromill for the excavations in rock. The pile had depth instrumentation with expansible strain gages and an expanded polystyrene block below the cage, to make the tip useless. Beyond the data assessment and interpretation from static load tests, this research presents forecasting methods to only shear resistance rock socket piles, with the aim of comparison. Lastly but not least, side resistance empirical methods between pile and rock interface were presented.
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Estudo histomorfológico e histomorfométrico da reparação tecidual na alveolite provocada em ratos tratada por óleo ozonizado / Histomorfologic and Histomorphometric study of bone healing in isquemic socket condition induced in rats treated with ozonized oilRodriguez Sanchez, Maria Del Pilar 09 May 2011 (has links)
A alveolite é uma complicação pós-operatória de natureza inflamatória que ocorre alguns dias após a exodontia que interfere negativamente com o processo de reparação do alvéolo. As opções de tratamento geralmente são dirigidas a cuidados paliativos e não existe consenso quanto a sua etiopatogenia. Na presente pesquisa foram avaliadas e comparadas às características histológicas e histomorfométricas da reparação alveolar de ratos, induzidos ou não ao processo de alveolite, tratados por óleo de girassol ozonizado ou Alveoliten®. Sob anestesia geral, pela aplicação via intramuscular de 0,8mg/kg cloridrato de cetamina (Dopalen® - Vetbrands) e 0,3mg/kg cloridrato de xilazina (Rompum® - Bayer SA), foram realizadas exodontias do incisivo superior direito em 84 animais. Em 72 ratas foi induzida condição de isquemia alveolar pela aplicação de adrenalina (1:100.000) por cinco minutos Os animais foram divididos em grupos: I: alveolite, tratada por óleo de girassol (n=20); II: alveolite, tratada por óleo de girassol ozonizado (87,3 mEq/Kg de peróxido e 0,4 acidez) (n=20); III: alveolite, tratada por Alveoliten® (n=20); grupo IV alveolite sem tratamento(n=12) e V: exodontia sem alveolite (n=12). Os animais foram eutanasiados em câmara de dióxido de carbono (CO2) nos períodos de 2, 7,14 e 21 dias pós-tratamento. A maxila direita foi separada da esquerda, acompanhando-se a sutura intermaxilar, posteriormente a hemi-maxila foi cortada coronalmente com tesoura de ponta reta, posterior à face distal dos molares, o que permitiu a obtenção de uma peça cirúrgica com o alvéolo dental direito. Os espécimes foram processados para avaliação histomorfológica e histomorfométrica. Os dados da avaliação histomorfométrica foram submetidos à análise estatística não paramétrica pelo Teste de Kruskal-Wallis e Conover para determinar diferenças entre pares de tratamento.,Os resultados histomorfológicos mostraram presença de infiltrado inflamatório que se prolongou após quatorze dias e uma maior neoformação óssea nos alvéolos tratados por Alveoliten® depois do sétimo dia de tratamento. Houve diferenças significativas quanto a neoformação óssea após sete (p=0.0010), quatorze (p=0.0320) e vinte e um (p=0.0222). O óleo ozonizado provocou um processo inflamatório intenso nos primeiros períodos de estudo, mas, promoveu um processo osteogênico. A reparação óssea nos casos de alveolite, sob os parâmetros utilizados, foi melhor com o uso do Alveoliten®. / Dry socket is an inflammatory postoperative complication, following teeth extraction. Treatment generally includes palliative care and its etiology is controversial. The present study, proposes to evaluate histological and histomorphemetrical aspects of alveolar healing in rats submitted to dry socket condition and treatment by ozonized sunflower oil and Alveoliten®. Under general anesthesia by intramuscular application of 0,8mg/kg ketamine hydrochloride (Dopalen® - Vetbrands) and 0,3mg/kg xylazine chloridrate (Rompum® - Bayer SA), 84 female Wistar rats were submitted to upper right incisor.. 72 of those animals were submitted to dry socket isquemic condition by adrenalin (1:100.000) intra alveolar insertion for five minutes. Groups were divided as follow: group I: dry socket treated with sunflower oil (n=20); group II: dry socket treated with ozonated oil (peroxide 87,3 mEq/Kg and 0,4 of acidity) (n=20); group III: dry socket treated by Alveoliten® (n=20); group IV dry socket without treatment (n=12); and group V: dental extraction without dry socket induction (n=12). Rats were euthanized in a carbon dioxide (CO2) chamber . after 2, 7,14 e 21 subsequent treatment. Right maxilla was split following the intermaxilary suture, later it was coronal sliced distally to molar teeth. Specimens were processed for histological and histomorphemetrical analyses. Histomorphometric data were statistically analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Conover non parametric tests to establish differences between treatments. Histological findings showed inflammatory infiltrate even 14 days after treatment. It was seen also expressive new bone formation when Alveoliten® was employed. There were significant differences between treatments after seven (p=0.0010), fourteen (p=0.0320) twenty one days (p=0.0222). Ozonated sunflower oil was able to induce intense inflammatory infiltrate during the first period of observation but it promoted bone growth on the following periods . Under controlled conditions of this study; alveolar bone healing was superior when Alveoliten® was applied.
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Efficacy of socket grafting for alveolar ridge preservation: a randomized clinical trialGubler, Mitchell Miles 01 July 2015 (has links)
Tooth extraction initiates a cascade of events that often leads to local anatomic changes in the alveolar ridge. Ridge preservation is a surgical approach aimed at minimizing hard and soft tissue volume loss. There have been contradicting reports on the efficacy of socket grafting for alveolar ridge preservation. Interestingly, there is a paucity of adequately powered randomized controlled clinical trials. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of the application of a socket grafting technique on alveolar ridge dimensional changes following tooth extraction.
Healthy patients requiring the extraction of one single-rooted tooth on either arch, from second premolar to second premolar, excluding mandibular incisors, and who met the eligibility criteria were recruited. Patients were then randomly assigned to either the control group, consisting of tooth extraction alone, or the experimental group, which consisted of extraction and simultaneous ridge preservation using an allograft bone material to fill the socket and a dense polytetrafluoroethylene membrane (dPTFE) to seal it. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was obtained immediately prior to extraction (baseline) and at 14 weeks. Linear measurements with the use of a tooth-supported stent were obtained immediately after extraction (baseline) and at 14 weeks. Linear and volumetric measurements were made using data obtained from the CBCTs. Masked, calibrated examiners performed all radiographic measurements. Measurements obtained included buccal keratinized tissue width, buccal and lingual plate height and width, alveolar ridge horizontal width (CBCT); and alveolar ridge volume changes. Digital planning of dental implants was performed in the ideal restorative location and need for additional grafting was virtually determined. The primary outcome of interest was volumetric reduction of the alveolar ridge at 14 weeks. Linear mixed model statistical analyses were used to compare the mean change in the measurements between the grafted and control groups.
A total of 59 subjects were recruited, of which 53 patients (27 control and 26 experimental) completed the study. No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups at baseline for any of the parameters analyzed. At the 14 week follow-up appointment there was an average loss in height of the buccal plate of 1.17 mm and 0.61 mm for the control (CG) and experimental (ARP) groups, respectively, showing statistical significance (p=0.012). The lingual plate height was reduced 0.7 mm in CG and 0.47 mm in ARP with no statistical significance (0.075). A linear loss in the buccal-lingual dimension of the alveolar ridge was noted radiographically in both groups, 1.68mm in CG and 1.07mm in ARP, which demonstrated a statistical significant difference between them (p=0.023). Volumetric analysis demonstrated a mean volume loss of 15.83% in the CG showing statistical significance from the 8.36% loss shown in the ARP group. This difference demonstrates a clinical significance when virtual planning of implant placement in the ideal restorative location revealed the need for additional grafting at 13/27 or 48% of CG and 3/26 or 11% of ARP sites. Additionally, a very robust, statistically significant correlation was noted between buccal bone plate width and reduction of alveolar bone volume after 14 weeks of healing (p< 0.0001). A multivariate regression analysis revealed that within the control group a buccal plate <1mm lead to >10% volumetric reduction, while the same reduction in the graft group was only seen when the buccal plate was less that 0.6mm.
In this study, a novel volumetric analysis of alveolar ridge reduction after tooth extraction was performed, which demonstrated that socket grafting for alveolar ridge preservation does provide a therapeutic benefit. This finding was associated to a decreased probability of requiring additional grafting at the implant site. The thickness of the buccal plate at the time of extraction appears to be a valuable factor to predict the amount of resorption that will take place, meaning that more resorption should be expected, as the buccal plate gets progressively thinner.
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The BSD Socket API for SimulatorLiu, Zhiwei January 2007 (has links)
BSD Socket API for Simulator is a project to run untouched Real World Application (RWA) binaries on the powerful modern general-purpose network simulators. BSD Socket API for Simulator is designed to eliminate most of the drawbacks of previous works. It is simulator independence, so it can make use of the powerful functionality and versatile tools provided by modern general-purpose simulators such as NS-2. It is fully compatible with BSD Socket API, so RWA can be run on it without re-linking and re-compiling. It is transparent to the RWA, so RWAs are run on BSD Socket API for Simulator as they are on normal operating systems. BSD Socket API for Simulator is built on the concept of message redirecting. It has two critical parts: shared library and customized simulator application. The shared library is loaded into the address space of RWA. On one hand, messages sent by RWA are captured by the shared library and redirected to the customized simulator application. On the other hand, messages from simulator are redirected by the customized simulator application to the shared library. BSD Socket API for Simulator has been intensively tested. The test results show that it functions as expected and it has an acceptable performance.
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Antibiotic prophylaxis in third molar surgery.Siddiqi, Allauddin. January 2007 (has links)
<p><font face="Tahoma">
<p align="left">The purpose of this study is to evaluate the need for prophylactic antibiotic treatment in third molar surgery and to establish specific guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis in the department of Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery (MFOS) at Tygerberg Academic, Groote Schuur and Mitchells Plain Hospitals.</p>
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Manufacture and characterization of elastic interconnection microstructures in silicone elastomerDejanovic, Slavko January 2006 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a new chip to substrate interconnection technique using self-aligning elastic chip sockets. This work was focused on the technology steps which are necessary to fulfill in order to realize the suggested technique. Elastic chip sockets offer a solution for several assembly and packaging challenges, such a thermo-mechanical mismatch, effortless rework, environmental compatibility, high interconnection density, high frequency signal integrity, etc. Two of the most challenging technology aspects, metallization and etching of the silicone elastomer were studied, but also, air bubble free casting of the silicone elastomer was taken into consideration. Elastic chip sockets and single elastic micro-bump contacts of different shapes and sizes were manufactured and characterized. The contact resistance measurements revealed that the elastic micro-bump contacts manufactured by using the developed methods require less than one tenth of the contact force to achieve the same low contact resistance as compared to commercial elastic interconnection structures. The analysis and measurements of the high frequency properties of the elastic micro-bump structures have shown that they can operate up to several tens of GHz without a serious degradation of the signal quality. The same methods were applied to manufacture very high density contact area array (approximately 80000 connections/cm2), which until now was achieved only using so called chip-first techniques. The low contact resistance, the absence of environmentally harmful materials, no need of soldering, easy rework as well as capability of very high interconnecting density and very high frequency compatibility, indicates a high potential of this technique for assembly and packaging. Moreover, the presented technology of the silicone elastomer micromachining (metallization and RIE in particular) can be used for manufacturing of other microstructures, like chemical or biological micro reactors. / QC 20110114
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Design And Implementation Of A Plug-in Framework For Distributed Object TechnologiesKadioglu, Koray 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents a framework design and implementation that enables run-time selection of different remote call mechanisms. In order to implement an extendable and modular system with run-time upgrading facility, a plug-in framework design is used. Since such a design requires enhanced usage of run-time facilities of the programming language that is used to implement the framework, in this study Java is selected because of its reflection and dynamic class loading facilities. A sample usage of this framework is enabling an application to distribute its tasks over a network using a suitable distributed object technology (DOT). In this work, CORBA, RMI and Java Sockets are the sample DOT plug-ins. A series of performance evaluations of these DOTs are presented to establish a baseline for choosing a suitable DOT for the application domain that uses this framework.
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