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Soil Organic Nitrogen - Investigation of Soil Amino Acids and Proteinaceous CompoundsMa, Li 01 May 2015 (has links)
Soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are predominantly in organic form. Proteins/ peptides, as an important organic form of N, constitute a substantial part of soil organic matter. On one hand, proteins/peptides are an important N source for plants and microorganisms, particularly in soils where inorganic N is limited. On the other hand, their stabilization in soils by forming organo-mineral associates or macromolecule complex reduces the C loss as CO2 into the atmosphere. Therefore, studies on the turnover, abundance, composition, and stability of proteins/peptides are of crucial importance to agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability. In the first part of this study, the bioavailability and distribution of amino acids, (building block of proteins/peptides), were investigated, in soils across the North-South and West-East transects of continental United States. The second part of this study aimed to understand the variations of organic C speciation in soils of continental United States. Previous investigations of the interactions between soil minerals and proteins/peptides were mostly limited to batch sorption experiments in labs, seldom of which gave the details at the molecular scales. Therefore, in the third part of this study, the molecular orientation of self-assembled oligopeptides on mineral surfaces was investigated by employing synchrotron based polarization-dependent Near Edge X-ray Adsorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy (NEXAFS) techniques. Specific aims of this study were: 1) to assess potentially bioavailable pool of proteinaceous compounds and the immediately bioavailable pool of free amino acids in surface and subsurface soils of various ecosystems; 2) to evaluate the relationship between environmental factors and levels/composition of the two pools; 3) to investigate the organic C speciation in soils of various land use; and 4) to understand molecular level surface organization of small peptides on mineral surfaces.
The levels of free amino acids and hydrolysable amino acids which represent the potentially bioavailable pool of proteinaceous compounds in A-horizon soils were significantly high than in C-horizon soils due to the accumulation of organic matter in surface. On average, free amino acids accounted for less than 4 % of hydrolysable amino acids which represent the total proteinaceous compounds in soils. The composition of free amino acids was significantly different between surface soil and subsurface soil and was significantly influenced by mean annual temperature and precipitation. A relatively uniform composition of hydrolysable amino acids was observed irrespective of a wide range of land use. Significant variations were observed for the levels of free and hydrolysable amino acids along mean annual temperature and precipitation gradients, as well as among vegetation types of continental USA, suggesting levels of free and hydrolysable amino acids were associated with the above-ground biomass and root distribution. Organic C speciation investigation revealed the presence of carboxylic-C (38%), aliphatic-C (~ 22%), aromatic-C (~ 18%), O/N-alkyl-C (~ 16%), and phenolic-C (< 6%). Factors such as temperature and vegetation cover were revealed in this study to account for the fluctuations of the proportions of aromatic-C and phenolic-C, in particular. Phenolic-C may serve as a good indicator for the effect of temperature or vegetation on the composition of SOC. The average composition of soil organic C, over the continental scale, was relatively uniform over various soil ecosystems and between two soil horizons irrespective of surface organic C content. Polarization dependent NEXAFS analysis showed the oligopeptides tend to orient on mineral surface with an average tilt angle of 40 ° between the molecular chain and the mineral surface. / Ph. D.
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Modeling Climate Regulation of Arable Soils in Northern Saxony under the Influence of Climate Change and Management PracticesSchwengbeck, Lea, Hölting, Lisanne, Witing, Felix 16 January 2025 (has links)
One approach to increasing the climate-regulating potential of the agricultural sector is carbon sequestration in agricultural soils. This involves storing atmospheric carbon dioxide in the soil in the form of soil organic carbon (SOC) through agricultural management practices (AMPs). Model simulations of area-specific current and future SOC stocks can be used to test appropriate AMPs. In this study, the CANDY Carbon Balance (CCB) model was used to determine how different AMPs could affect SOC stocks in a study area in northern Saxony, Germany. Specifically, we used scenarios with different intensities of sustainable AMPs to assess the potential effects of reduced tillage, crop cultivation, and fertilizer management, as well as the management of crop residues and by-products. The analysis was carried out for the simulation period 2020–2070, with and without consideration of climate change effects. The results showed an average carbon sequestration potential of 5.13–7.18 t C ha−1 for the whole study area, depending on the intensity of AMP implemented. While higher intensities of sustainable AMP implementation generally had a positive impact on carbon sequestration, the scenario with the highest implementation intensity only led to the second highest gains in SOC stocks. The most important factor in increasing SOC stocks was reduced tillage, which resulted in a carbon sequestration potential of 0.84 t C ha−1 by 2070. However, reduced application rates of fertilizers also proved to be critical, resulting in a reduction in carbon stocks of up to 2.2 t C ha−1 by 2070. Finally, the application of high-intensity sustainable AMPs was shown to be able to offset the negative impacts of an intermediate climate change scenario for most of the simulation period. Overall, the results not only confirmed existing knowledge on the effects of AMPs on carbon sequestration for a specific case study area, but also identified future management scenarios that stress the need for widespread adoption of sustainable management practices under changing climate conditions.
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Einflussfaktoren auf den organischen Kohlenstoff in russischen Schwarzerden – eine Untersuchung in verschiedenen MaßstäbenTsutskikh, Elena 08 November 2024 (has links)
Schwarzerden sind die weltweit fruchtbarsten Böden und dementsprechend werden sie überwiegend ackerbaulich genutzt. Die unterschiedlichen, historischen Logiken des Aufbaus der Klassifikationen und der Kriterien für die Zuordnung zu bestimmten Bodentypen führen dazu, dass die in dieser Doktorarbeit Böden wie folgt klassifiziert wurde: a) Pelosol-Tschernoseme nach deutscher Kartieranleitung KA5 (Ad-hoc-Arbeitsgruppe Boden 2005), b) ausgelaugte und gewöhnliche Schwarzerden nach der Klassifikation und Diagnostik der Böden der UdSSR (Egorov et al. 1977), und c) segregierte und tonig-illuviale Agrarschwarzerde nach der Klassifikation und Diagnostik der Böden Russlands (Shishov et al. 2004). Schwarzerden entwickeln sich auf sehr tonreichen Böden und weisen infolge von Quellung und Schrumpfung Slikensides auf, so dass sie unter Beachtung der WRB-Definitionen dann als Vertisole zu bezeichnen sind. In dieser Arbeit wurden 104 Publikationen aus der überwiegend russischsprachigen Fachliteratur der vergangenen Jahrzehnte in Bezug auf den Humuszustand von Schwarzerden ausgewertet und ein Methodenvergleich für den organischen Kohlenstoff (Corg) und die Texturbestimmungen durchgeführt. Die Tyurin-Methode wird in Russland traditionell für die Corg-Bestimmung verwendet. Es ist eine Methode der nassen Veraschung der organischen Substanz, bei der das erhitzte Oxidationsmittel K2Cr2O7 verwendet wird. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Umrechnungskoeffizient von 1,03 empfohlen. Für die Übertragung der Textur wird empfohlen, die Körnungssummenkurven zu erstellen. Die Schwarzerden wurden auf dem Territorium des ehemaligen Bodenbearbeitungs–Dauerfeldversuches am Forschungsinstitut für Landwirtschaft V.V. Dokučaev in der Zentralen Schwarzerde-Region Kamennaya Steppe („Steinsteppe“) im Bezirk Voronezh untersucht. Die Analysen haben gezeigt, dass nach 25 Jahren der ausgleichenden Bewirtschaftung keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den ehemaligen Varianten des Versuches mehr existieren. / Chernozems, are of particular importance. They are the world's most fertile soils and are therefore predominantly used for arable farming. The different, historical logics of the respective structure of the classifications and their criteria for assignment to certain soil types determined the soils analysed in this doctoral thesis. They were classified as follows: a) ‘Pelosol-Tschernoseme’ according to the German mapping guide KA5 (Ad-hoc-Arbeitsgruppe Boden 2005), b) ‘leached and ordinary Chernozems’ following the classification and diagnostics of the soils of the USSR (Egorov et al. 1977), and c) "segregated and clayey-illuvial agricultural Chernozems " according to the Classification and Diagnostics of Russian Soils (Shishov et al. 2004). Chernozems can develop on very clay-rich soils and exhibit slikensides as a result of swelling and shrinkage. They can then be described as Vertisols in accordance with the WRB definitions. In this thesis, 104 publications from the predominantly Russian-language special literature of the past decades were analysed with reference to the humus condition of Chernozems and the method comparison of measurements of organic carbon (Corg) and texture was implemented. The Tyurin method is traditionally used in Russia for Corg determination. It is a method of wet combustion of organic matter, in which the heated oxidising agent K2Cr2O7 is used. In this work, a conversion coefficient of 1.03 is recommended. For the texture is it recommended that the total grain size curves be created for a transfer.
The Chernozems were analysed on the fields of the former long-term tillage trial at the Research Institute of Agriculture V.V. Dokučaev in the Central Chernozem Region Kamennaya Steppe (stone steppe) in the Voronezh district. The analyses show that after 25 years of compensatory management, there are no longer any significant differences among the former variants of the trial.
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Stav půdního organického uhlíku a změny půdní organické hmoty na Novohradsku / Status of soil organic carbon and changes in soil organic matter in NovohradskoBOROVKA, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to evaluate the content of soil organic carbon in the area of Novohradsko. Soil organic carbon was monitored in its stable (SOC) and labile (WSOC) form, followed by the total organic carbon stock (Cpool). These soil parameters were determined in soils of different land cover types (forest, arable land, grassland) in the area formed by the catchments of Pasecký, Bedřichovský, Váčkový and Veverský stream. Data obtained in 2001, 2007 and 2014 were statistically analysed and the comparison of the data from different catchments was conducted. The results show the impact of different land use on the amount of soil organic carbon. In general, a higher amount of soil organic carbon were found in soils of grassland and forest soils, whereas a lower amounts were found in arable land. The comparison and the time development analysis show that there is a trend of the increase in quantity of stable fraction of soil organic carbon in all categories of land cover over the whole monitored period. The opposite trend of a continuous decrease over the whole of the monitored period in all categories of land cover was observed in amounts of labile fraction of soil organic carbon. It can be said that there is an increase in the stock of a stable fraction of soil organic carbon due to lower losses of the labile fraction of soil organic carbon in forest soils, arable soils and soils of grassland.
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Pratiques de gestion de la biomasse au sein des exploitations familiales d’agriculture-élevage des hauts plateaux de Madagascar : conséquences sur la durabilité des systèmes / Biomass management on smallholder crop–livestock systems of highlands of Madagascar : effects on farm sustainabilityAlvarez, Stéphanie 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les exploitations mixtes d'agriculture-élevage sont le pilier des systèmes agricoles des pays en développement. Dans les hauts plateaux de Madagascar, les exploitations familiales d'agriculture-élevage sont basées sur l'association riz et élevage bovin. Les bovins ont un rôle central dans l'économie et la reconnaissance sociale de ces exploitations malgaches. Cependant ces exploitations sont souvent confrontées à des problèmes de faibles productivités liés à la dégradation de la fertilité des sols et à un accès limité aux intrants. Dans ce contexte, les exploitants doivent gérer les ressources végétales pour trouver un compromis entre alimentation humaine, alimentation animale et retours aux sols. Certaines pratiques de gestion des biomasses peuvent aggraver les phénomènes de dégradation de la fertilité des sols et remettre alors en cause la durabilité des exploitations. L'objectif de cette thèse est de montrer que la diversité des pratiques de gestion des biomasses au sein des exploitations familiales d'agriculture-élevage des hauts plateaux de Madagascar conditionne la durabilité des systèmes en termes de fertilité des sols, de recyclage des éléments nutritifs, de revenus et de sécurité alimentaire. Pour cela, il a été nécessaire de : i) caractériser au préalable la diversité des exploitations familiales d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra et de comprendre le fonctionnement de ces exploitations mixtes ; ii) étudier les effets des pratiques de gestion des parcelles sur la variabilité de la fertilité des sols des exploitations ; iii) évaluer la durabilité des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage et tester l'impact d'améliorations des pratiques d'alimentation animale, de gestion des effluents et de fertilisation sur la durabilité des exploitation. Quatre exploitations d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra, sélectionnées à dires d'experts, ont été enquêtées par immersion. Une étude typologique des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra a été effectuée. Des prélèvements de sol ont été effectués pour l'ensemble des parcelles des quatre exploitations d'agriculture-élevage étudiées. Un outil de calcul des flux d'azote au sein des exploitations a été élaboré, puis a été associé aux matrices du Network Analysis afin de générer des indicateurs environnementaux, sociaux et économiques. Cet outil a été utilisé pour simuler les options d'améliorations des pratiques d'alimentation animale, de gestion des effluents et de fertilisation.L'étude typologique a identifié six types d'exploitations d'agriculture-élevage au Vakinankaratra. L'étude du fonctionnement des exploitations sélectionnées a mis en évidence d'une grande diversité des pratiques d'alimentation des animaux, de gestion des effluents d'élevage et de fertilisation. Une hétérogénéité de la fertilité des sols induite par les pratiques de gestion des parcelles a été révélée. Pour les quatre exploitations étudiées, l'amélioration des pratiques d'alimentation du troupeau bovin laitier associée à l'amélioration des pratiques de gestion des effluents d'élevage a permis d'améliorer la durabilité environnementale (efficience azotée globale, recyclage de l'azote, bilan azoté du sol), économique (marge brute agricole) et sociale (autosuffisance alimentaire).Ce travail a permis de caractériser la diversité des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra, la diversité des pratiques et leurs effets sur la fertilité du/des sol. Cette étude s'est avérée être une approche intéressante pour évaluer des options d'amélioration de la durabilité des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage dans un contexte peu documenté. / Mixed crop-livestock systems constitute the backbone of agriculture in developing countries. In highlands of Madagascar, crop–livestock systems are based on rice and cattle. Cattle play a major role in the economy and the social recognition of these smallholder farms. Smallholder farms used to face with low crop productivity related to soil fertility degradation and to low access to inputs. In this context, smallholders have to manage plant resources in order to find a trade-off between food, feed and soil returns. Some biomass management may increase soil fertility degradation and then compromise farms sustainability.The objective of this thesis is to show that the diversity of biomass management on smallholder crop–livestock systems of highlands of Madagascar determines the sustainability of farming systems in terms of soil fertility, nutrients recycling, incomes and food security. For this, it was necessary to: i) characterize the diversity of crop-livestock systems in the region of Vakinankaratra and understand how smallholder farms are managed; ii) study the effects of soil management on the soil variability; iii) assess the farms sustainability and explore improvements of feeding, manure management and fertilization.Four crop-livestock farms of the Vakinankaratra (selected with local experts) were surveyed using participant observation methodology. A typology of crop-livestock farms was performed. Topsoil samples were collected in all plots of the four cases studies. A nitrogen flows calculating tool was developed and has been associated with Network Analysis matrices to generate environmental, social and economic indicators. This tool was used to simulate improvements in feeding, manure management and fertilization.The typology identified six farm types of crop-livestock systems in the Vakinankaratra. The farms study revealed a great diversity of animal feeding practices, manure management and fertilization. Heterogeneity of soil fertility induced by farmer management was shown. For the four case studies, improved feeding practices on dairy combined with improved manure management have increased environmental (farm nitrogen efficiency, nitrogen recycling, soil nitrogen balance), economic (agricultural gross margin) and social (food self-sufficiency) sustainability.This study characterized the diversity of crop-livestock farms of the Vakinankaratra, the diversity of practices and their effects on soil fertility. It proved to be an interesting approach to explore options for improving sustainability of crop-livestock farms in context of data scarcity.
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Vers une meilleure estimation des stocks de carbone dans les forêts exploitées à Diptérocarpées de Bornéo / Towards better estimates of carbon stocks in Bornean logged-over Dipterocarp forestsRozak, Andes 29 November 2018 (has links)
Les forêts tropicales constituent le principal réservoir de biodiversité et de carbone (C). Cependant, la plupart des forêts tropicales, en particulier les forêts de Bornéo en Asie du Sud-Est, subissent une pression intense et sont menacées par des activités anthropiques telles que l'exploitation forestière, l'industrie minière l’agriculture et la conversion en plantations industrielles. En 2010, la superficie des forêts de production de Bornéo était de 26,8 millions d’ha (environ 36% de la superficie totale de l’île, dont 18 millions ha (environ 24%) déjà exploités. Par conséquent, les forêts de production occupent donc une place importante à Bornéo et jouent un rôle essentiel dans la compensation des biens fournis et la maintenance des services écosystémiques, tels que la conservation du C et de la biodiversité.L’exploitation sélective réduit la biomasse aérienne et souterraine par l’élimination de quelques grands arbres, et augmente les stocks de bois mort par des dommages collatéraux. En créant des trouées dans la canopée, le microclimat dans les sous-étages et au sol change localement et accélèrent la décomposition de la litière et de la matière organique. L'importance des dégâts, de l'ouverture de la canopée et de la rapidité du rétablissement du C s'est avéré principalement liée à l'intensité de l'exploitation forestière. Cependant, les évaluations empiriques de l'effet à long terme de l'intensité de l'exploitation forestière sur l'équilibre du C dans les forêts de production restent rares.La présente thèse se concentre principalement sur l'évaluation de l'effet à long terme de l'intensité de l'exploitation forestière sur la séquestration de carbone dans une forêt à Diptérocarpées de Nord Bornéo (District de Malinau, Kalimantan Nord) exploitée en 1999/2000. Cinq principaux réservoirs de C, à savoir le C aérien dans les arbres vivants (AGC), le C souterrain dans les arbres vivants (BGC), le bois mort, la litière et le C organique du sol (SOC) ont été estimés le long d’un gradient d'intensité d'exploitation (0-57% de la biomasse perdue).Nos résultats ont montré que les stocks totaux de C, 16 ans après l'exploitation, variaient de 218 à 554 Mg C ha-1 avec une moyenne de 314 Mg C ha-1. Une différence de 95 Mg C ha-1 a été observée entre une faible intensité d'exploitation forestière (<2,1% de la biomasse initiale perdue) et une intensité d'exploitation élevée (>19%). La plus grande partie du C (environ 77%) était présente dans les arbres vivants, suivie par les stocks du sol (15%), les stocks de bois mort (6%) et une fraction mineure des stocks de litière (1%). L'empreinte de l'intensité de l'exploitation forestière était encore détectable 16 ans après l'exploitation et a été le principal facteur expliquant la réduction des AGC>20, BGC>20, du bois mort et des stocks de C et une augmentation du bois mort. L'intensité de l'exploitation expliquait à elle seule 61%, 63%, 38% et 48% des variations des AGC>20, BGC>20, du bois mort et des stocks de C totaux, respectivement. L'intensité de l'abattage a également réduit considérablement les stocks de SOC dans la couche supérieure de 30 cm. Pour l'ensemble des stocks de SOC (0-100 cm), l'influence de l'intensité de l'exploitation était encore perceptible, en conjonction avec d'autres variables.Nos résultats quantifient l'effet à long terme de l'exploitation forestière sur les stocks de C forestier, en particulier sur les AGC et les bois morts. L'intensité élevée de l'exploitation forestière (réduction de 50% de la biomasse initiale) a réduit les stocks totaux de C de 27%. La récupération de l'AGC était plus faible dans les parcelles d'intensité d'exploitation forestière élevée, ce qui suggère une résilience plus faible de la forêt à l'exploitation forestière. Par conséquent, une intensité d'exploitation forestière inférieure à 20%, devrait être envisagé afin de limiter l'effet à long terme sur les AGC et le bois mort. / Tropical forests are a major reservoir of biodiversity and carbon (C), playing a pivotal role in global ecosystem function and climate regulation. However, most of the tropical forests, especially Bornean forests in Southeast Asia, are under intense pressure and threatened by anthropogenic activities such as logging, mining industry, agriculture and conversion to industrial plantation. In 2010, the area of production forests in Borneo was 26.8 million ha (approx. 36% of the total land area of Borneo) including 18 million ha (approx. 24%) of logged forests. Production forests are thus emerging as a dominant land-use, playing a crucial role in trading-off provision of goods and maintenance of ecosystem services, such as C and biodiversity retention.Selective logging is known to reduce both above- and below-ground biomass through the removal of a few large trees, while increasing deadwood stocks through collateral damages. By creating large gaps in the canopy, microclimates in the understory and on the forest floor change locally speeding up the decomposition of litter and organic matter. The extent of incidental damages, canopy openness, as well as the speed of C recovery, was shown to be primarily related to logging intensity. However, empirical evaluations of the long-term effect of logging intensity on C balance in production forests remain rare.The present thesis aims to assess the long-term effect of logging intensity on C sequestration in a north Bornean Dipterocarp forests (Malinau District, North Kalimantan) logged in 1999/2000. Five main C pools, namely above-ground (AGC) and below-ground (BGC) carbon in living trees, deadwood, litter, and soil organic carbon (SOC) were estimated along a logging intensity gradient (ranging from 0 to 57% of initial biomass removed).Our result showed that total C stocks 16 years after logging, ranged from 218-554 Mg C ha-1 with an average of 314 Mg C ha-1. A difference of 95 Mg C ha-1 was found between low logging intensity (<2.1% of initial biomass lost) and high logging intensity (>19%). Most C (approx. 77%) was found in living trees, followed by soil (15%), deadwood (6%), and a minor fraction in litter (1%). The imprint of logging intensity was still detectable 16 years after logging, and logging intensity thus was the main driver explaining the reduction of AGC>20, BGC>20, deadwood, and total C stocks and an increase in deadwood. Solely, logging intensity explained 61%, 63%, 38%, and 48% of variations of AGC>20, BGC>20, deadwood, and total C stocks, respectively. Logging intensity also significantly reduced SOC stocks in the upper 30 cm layer. For total SOC stocks (0-100 cm), the negative influence of logging intensity was still perceptible, being significant in conjunction with other variables.Our results quantify the long-term effect of logging on forest C stocks, especially on AGC and deadwood. High logging intensity (50% reduction of initial biomass) reduced total C stocks by 27%. AGC recovery was lower in high logging intensity plots, suggesting lowered forest resilience to logging. Our study showed that maintaining logging intensity, below 20% of the initial biomass, limit the long-term effect of logging on AGC and deadwood stocks.
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) now and in the future. Effect of soil characteristics and agricultural management on SOC and model initialisation methods using recent SOC data / Le carbone du sol maintenant et dans le futur. Impact de gestion agricole et importance de l'initialisation des modèlesNemoto, Rie 19 December 2013 (has links)
La concentration de Carbone organique de sol (COS) et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) ne sont pas uniformes à travers l’espace, mais se regroupent en “hotspots” dans des endroits spécifiques. Ces différences s’expliquent principalement par les activités anthropiques telles que la gestion agricole. 40-50% de la surface de la Terre est utilisé par l’agriculture, par exemple les terres cultivées, les prairies gérées et cultures permanentes, y compris l’agro-foresterie et de bio-cultures énergétiques. En outre, 62% du carbone globale est COS, et le sol conserve plus que 3 fois plus de C que l’atmosphère. Ainsi, la séquestration du carbone dans les sols agricoles joue un rôle potentiellement important dans l’augmentation de stockage de COS et l’atténuation des GES, et il y a un intérêt considérable pour comprendre les effets de la gestion agricole sur le COS et les flux de GES aux prairies et terres cultivées, afin de mieux évaluer l’incertitude et la vulnérabilité des réservoirs de COS. Afin de découvrir les pratiques de gestion agricole qui contribuent à la séquestration efficace et durable du carbone aux terres agricoles en Europe, il est essentiel de simuler les stocks futurs de carbone terrestriel et les budgets de GES par rapport aux systèmes de gestion agricole variés sur les grands écosystèmes européens. Dans ce contexte, la modélisation est une méthode utile, et la modélisation a déjà été utilisée dans beaucoup d’études. Cependant beaucoup de résultats de la modélisation n’ont pas encore été validés avec les données mesurées sur l’horizon long-terme, et d’ailleurs d’autres études ont constaté un fort impact de l’initialisation du modèle sur le résultat du modèle. Néanmoins, la variabilité des prévisions annuelles et décennales concernant le C et le GES en Europe dépendent des résultats du modèle. Par conséquence, il est important de trouver la meilleure méthode d’initialisation des modèles pour obtenir des résultats des modèles fiables, notamment pour les modèles d’écosystèmes dits “process-based”. Au cours des dernières années, Zimmermann et al. (2007) a réussit à initialiser le modèle de Rothamsted carbone (RothC) en utilisant une méthode (physique et chimique) de fractionation des sols. Pour cette raison, j’ai fait l’hypothèse que les données COS détaillées seraient utiles pour initialiser des modèles d’écosystème, et que cette hypothèse doit être testée avec les modèles différents par rapport aux gestions agricoles différentes. Les buts de cette thèse sont les suivants: i) évaluation des influences des gestions agricoles sur le stockage de COS, en utilisant des approches expérimentales et des approches de modélisation; et ii) déterminer la meilleur méthode d’initialisation des modèles. (...) / Soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are not uniform across the landscape, but assemble in “hotspots” in specific areas. These differences are mainly driven by human-induced activities such as agricultural management. 40-50% of the Earth’s land surface is under agricultural land-use, for instance cropland, managed grassland and permanent crops including agro-forestry and bio-energy crops. Furthermore, 62% of the global soil C stock is SOC and the soil stores more than 3 times more C than the atmosphere. Thus, C sequestration in agricultural soil has a potentially important role in increasing SOC storage and GHG mitigation, and there is considerable interest in understanding the effects of agricultural management on SOC and GHG fluxes in both grasslands and croplands, in order to better assess the uncertainty and vulnerability of terrestrial SOC reservoirs. For the sake of discovering the agricultural management practices relating to the effective and sustainable C sequestration in agricultural lands in Europe, simulating future terrestrial C stocks and GHG budgets under varied agricultural management systems in major European ecosystems is essential. Using models is a useful method with the purpose of this and abundant studies have carried out. However, many model results have not been validated with reliable observed long-term data, while other studies have reported a strong impact of model initialisation on model result. Nevertheless, predictions of annual to decadal variability in the European terrestrial C and GHG ressources largely rely on model results. Consequently, finding the most appropriate and comprehensive model initialisation method for obtaining reliable model simulations became important, especially for process-based ecosystem models. In recent years, Zimmermann et al. (2007) have succeed in initialising the Rothamsted Carbon model (RothC) using a physical and chemical soil fractionation method. For that reason, we hypothesised that measured detailed SOC data would be useful to initialise ecosystem models, and this hypothesis should be tested for different process-based models and agricultural land-use and management. (...)
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Процена резерви органске материје у земљиштима Србије / Procena rezervi organske materije u zemljištima Srbije / Estimation of soil organic matter in the soils of SerbiaVidojević Dragana 09 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Ово истраживање има за циљ да процени резерве органског угљеника у земљишту и представи његову просторну дистрибуцију у земљиштима Републике Србије, као и да утврди зависност садржаја органског угљеника у земљишту од типа земљишта, температуре, падавина, надморске висине, начина коришћења земљишта и морфогенетских карактеристика рељефа. Резерве органског угљеника у земљишту процењене су за слој 0-30 cm и 0-100 cm дубине на основу резултата из базе података уз коришћење педолошке карте и карте коришћења земљишта. За потребе утврђивања зависности садржаја органског угљеника и типа земљишта педолошка карта Србије је прилагођена WRB класификацији и садржи 15.437 полигона. Примењена методологија за процену резерве органског угљеника за дату дубину је базирана на сумирању резерве органског угљеника по слојевима земљишта која се добија на основу запреминске масе, вредности садржаја органског угљеника и дебљине слоја. Прорачун је урађен за сваки профил посебно, затим је урађена калкулација за сваку референтну групу земљишта на основу резултата средњих вредности садржаја органског угљеника до 30 cm и 100 cm дубине за главне референтне групе и њихових површина. На основу површина референтних група земљишта, површине Републике Србије и вредности садржаја за сваку референтну групу, добијене су укупне резерве органског угљеника до 30 cm дубине које износе 0,71 Pg. Резултати анализе резерве органског угљеника до 100 cm дубине показују вредност 1,16 Pg.<br />На основу Corine Land Cover (CLC) базе података за 2006. годину издвојене су површине главних категорија начина коришћења земљишта. На основу резултата средњих вредности садржаја органског угљеника до 30 и 100 cm дубине и површине коју заузима Corine Land Cover категорија начина коришћења земљишта израчуната је укупна вредност резерве органског угљеника за пољопривредна земљишта, шуме и полуприродна подручја и вештачке површине.<br />Резултати показују да су резерве органског угљеника у оквиру категорије пољопривредних површина 303,22 x 1012g (Tg) до 30 cm дубине и 600,25 x 1012g (Tg) до 100 cm дубине. Категорије шуме и полуприродна подручја имају резерве од основних климатских елемената температуре и падавина и надморске висине показује да постоји средње јака до јака статистичка зависност у оквиру испитивања реализованих до 30 и 100 cm дубине.</p><p>органског угљеника 345,26 x 1012g (Tg) угљеника до 30 cm и 457,55 x 1012g (Tg) до 100 cm дубине. Резултати показују вредности резерве органског угљеника у категорији вештачке површине која углавном обухватају локалитете у оквиру зелених урбаних подручја и рекреационих површина 19,21 x 1012g (Tg) до 30 cm и 41,50 x 1012g (Tg) до 100 cm дубине.<br />Анализа садржаја резерве органског угљеника према начину коришћења земљишта показује да су вредности садржаја органског угљеника веће у шумама и полуприродним подручјима у односу на пољопривредне површине и то за 40,71 % до 30 cm, односно за 11,43 % до 100 cm дубине. Прорачун губитка резерве органског угљеника у земљишту на подручјима где је извршена пренамена пољопривредних површина, шума и полуприродних подручја у урбано земљиште, без категорије зелена урбана подручја, у периоду 1990-2006. године показује укупну вредности од 0,92 Mt С, односно 1,49 Mt С за дубинe до 30 cm, односно до 100 cm.<br />Утврђивање статистичке зависности садржаја органског угљеника у земљиштуод основних климатских елемената температуре и падавина и надморске висине показује да постоји средње јака до јака статистичка зависност у оквиру испитивања реализованих до 30 и 100 cm дубине.</p><p>Прорачун садржаја резерве органског угљеника у земљишту у зависности од морфометријских карактеристика рељефа показујe да резерва садржаја органског угљеника у земљишту расте са порастом надморске висине. Највеће средње вредности садржаја измерене су на терену који обухвата планине са надморским висинама од 1.000-2.000 m и који обухвата 11,5 % територије Републике Србије</p> / <p>Ovo istraživanje ima za cilj da proceni rezerve organskog ugljenika u zemljištu i predstavi njegovu prostornu distribuciju u zemljištima Republike Srbije, kao i da utvrdi zavisnost sadržaja organskog ugljenika u zemljištu od tipa zemljišta, temperature, padavina, nadmorske visine, načina korišćenja zemljišta i morfogenetskih karakteristika reljefa. Rezerve organskog ugljenika u zemljištu procenjene su za sloj 0-30 cm i 0-100 cm dubine na osnovu rezultata iz baze podataka uz korišćenje pedološke karte i karte korišćenja zemljišta. Za potrebe utvrđivanja zavisnosti sadržaja organskog ugljenika i tipa zemljišta pedološka karta Srbije je prilagođena WRB klasifikaciji i sadrži 15.437 poligona. Primenjena metodologija za procenu rezerve organskog ugljenika za datu dubinu je bazirana na sumiranju rezerve organskog ugljenika po slojevima zemljišta koja se dobija na osnovu zapreminske mase, vrednosti sadržaja organskog ugljenika i debljine sloja. Proračun je urađen za svaki profil posebno, zatim je urađena kalkulacija za svaku referentnu grupu zemljišta na osnovu rezultata srednjih vrednosti sadržaja organskog ugljenika do 30 cm i 100 cm dubine za glavne referentne grupe i njihovih površina. Na osnovu površina referentnih grupa zemljišta, površine Republike Srbije i vrednosti sadržaja za svaku referentnu grupu, dobijene su ukupne rezerve organskog ugljenika do 30 cm dubine koje iznose 0,71 Pg. Rezultati analize rezerve organskog ugljenika do 100 cm dubine pokazuju vrednost 1,16 Pg.<br />Na osnovu Corine Land Cover (CLC) baze podataka za 2006. godinu izdvojene su površine glavnih kategorija načina korišćenja zemljišta. Na osnovu rezultata srednjih vrednosti sadržaja organskog ugljenika do 30 i 100 cm dubine i površine koju zauzima Corine Land Cover kategorija načina korišćenja zemljišta izračunata je ukupna vrednost rezerve organskog ugljenika za poljoprivredna zemljišta, šume i poluprirodna područja i veštačke površine.<br />Rezultati pokazuju da su rezerve organskog ugljenika u okviru kategorije poljoprivrednih površina 303,22 x 1012g (Tg) do 30 cm dubine i 600,25 x 1012g (Tg) do 100 cm dubine. Kategorije šume i poluprirodna područja imaju rezerve od osnovnih klimatskih elemenata temperature i padavina i nadmorske visine pokazuje da postoji srednje jaka do jaka statistička zavisnost u okviru ispitivanja realizovanih do 30 i 100 cm dubine.</p><p>organskog ugljenika 345,26 x 1012g (Tg) ugljenika do 30 cm i 457,55 x 1012g (Tg) do 100 cm dubine. Rezultati pokazuju vrednosti rezerve organskog ugljenika u kategoriji veštačke površine koja uglavnom obuhvataju lokalitete u okviru zelenih urbanih područja i rekreacionih površina 19,21 x 1012g (Tg) do 30 cm i 41,50 x 1012g (Tg) do 100 cm dubine.<br />Analiza sadržaja rezerve organskog ugljenika prema načinu korišćenja zemljišta pokazuje da su vrednosti sadržaja organskog ugljenika veće u šumama i poluprirodnim područjima u odnosu na poljoprivredne površine i to za 40,71 % do 30 cm, odnosno za 11,43 % do 100 cm dubine. Proračun gubitka rezerve organskog ugljenika u zemljištu na područjima gde je izvršena prenamena poljoprivrednih površina, šuma i poluprirodnih područja u urbano zemljište, bez kategorije zelena urbana područja, u periodu 1990-2006. godine pokazuje ukupnu vrednosti od 0,92 Mt S, odnosno 1,49 Mt S za dubine do 30 cm, odnosno do 100 cm.<br />Utvrđivanje statističke zavisnosti sadržaja organskog ugljenika u zemljištuod osnovnih klimatskih elemenata temperature i padavina i nadmorske visine pokazuje da postoji srednje jaka do jaka statistička zavisnost u okviru ispitivanja realizovanih do 30 i 100 cm dubine.</p><p>Proračun sadržaja rezerve organskog ugljenika u zemljištu u zavisnosti od morfometrijskih karakteristika reljefa pokazuje da rezerva sadržaja organskog ugljenika u zemljištu raste sa porastom nadmorske visine. Najveće srednje vrednosti sadržaja izmerene su na terenu koji obuhvata planine sa nadmorskim visinama od 1.000-2.000 m i koji obuhvata 11,5 % teritorije Republike Srbije</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to quantify current SOC stocks and present the spatial distribution of organic carbon (SOC) in the soils of Republic of Serbia. The relation of SOC content to soil type, temperature, precipitation, altitude, land use and topography was investigated. Organic carbon stocks were estimated for soil layers 0-30 cm and 0-100 cm based on the results from a database and using soil and land use maps.<br />To establish the relationship between organic carbon content and soil type, a soil map of Serbia was adapted to the WRB classification and divided into 15,437 polygons (map units). The methodology for SOC stocks estimation was based on bulk density, organic carbon content and thickness of the analyzed soil layers. We calculated the values for each reference soil group based on mean values of SOC at 0-30 and 0-100 cm in the main reference groups and their areas. Based on the size of the reference groups, total area of Republic of Serbia, and the SOC values for each reference group, we calculated the total SOC stocks. The obtained values for the soil layers 0-30 cm and 0-100 cm amounted to 0,71 Pg and 1,16 Pg respectively.<br />Using Corine Land Cover (CLC) database for 2006, we defined areas of the major categories of land use. Based on the obtained mean values of organic carbon content at 0-30 and 0-100 cm and the areas indicated by Corine Land Cover categories of land use, we calculated the organic carbon stocks in agricultural land, forest land, semi-natural areas, and artificial areas. The results showed that the organic carbon stocks in the category of agricultural land were 303.22 x 1012 g (Tg) and 600.25 x 1012 g (Tg) at 0-30 cm and 0-100 cm, respectively. In the category of forests and semi-natural areas, the organic carbon stocks were 345.26 x 1012 g (Tg) and 457.55 x 1012 g (Tg) at 0-30 cm and 0-100 cm, respectively. In the category of artificial areas, which mainly included sites within urban green areas and recreational areas, the organic carbon stocks were 19.21 x 1012 g (Tg) and 41.50 x 1012 g (Tg) at 0-30 cm and 0-100 cm, respectively. The map of organic carbon distribution depending on land use method indicated that organic carbon stocks were higher in forests and semi-natural areas than in agricultural land, up to 40.71% and 11.43% at 0-30 cm and 0-100 cm, respectively.<br />SOC loss amount to 0,92 Mt С at 0-30 cm layer and 1,49 Mt С at 0-100 cm layer in the period 1990-2006 as a results of conversion from agricultural land, forestland and semi-natural areas to artificial areas.<br />For soil layers 0-30 and 0-100 cm, a medium to strong statistical relationship between temperature, precipitation and altitude and amount of organic carbon in soil is indicated. The soil organic carbon density was significantly affected by altitude. SOC content increased with increasing altitude.<br />The highest mean values of organic carbon content were found in the mountainous areas within the elevation of 1000-2000 m, which covers 11,5 % of the territory of the Republic of Serbia.</p>
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Kohlenstoffumsatz in aggregierten Böden bestimmt mit Hilfe der natürlichen 13C Abundanz / Carbon turnover in aggregated soils determined by natural 13C abundanceJohn, Bettina Maria 27 June 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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L'obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di identificare la coltura bioenergetica con il maggior potenziale di sequestro del carbonio (C); sono state considerate tre colture perenni arboree (pioppo, robinia e salice) e tre colture erbacee perenni (canna comune , miscanto e panico ) al sesto anno dal loro impianto e coltivate nello stesso ambiente.
In primo luogo sono state misurate le variazioni dei tassi del C organico del suolo (COS) per il primo 1 m, mentre per i primi 30 cm di suolo è stato stimato il grado di stabilita del COS valutando sette frazioni di COS che presentano differenti gradi di stabilizzazione; in secondo luogo, sono stati caratterizzati gli apparati radicali delle sei specie per la stessa profondità di suolo, per valutare dove le specie accumulano la biomassa radicale lungo il profilo di suolo. I risultati confermano che l’impianto di colture bioenergetiche perenni su superfici precedentemente dedite a colture annuali gestite convenzionalmente rappresenta una opzione valida per sequestrare C nel soulo. Tuttavia, è stata osservata una diversa capacità di sequestro di C tra specie arboree ed erbacee: le specie arboree hanno dimostrato aumentre il contenuto di COS nel primo strato di suolo ( 0-10 cm di suolo), ma la loro capacità di allocare biomassa radicale negli strati profondi del suolo è limitata; mentre, la specie erbacee allocano un’alta quantità di biomassa radicale negli strati profondi del suolo, ma solo il panico ed il miscanto hanno aumentato il contenuto di C nel primo strato di suolo. / The objective of the present research was to identify the bioenergy crop with the greatest carbon sequestration potential among three perennial woody crops (poplar, black locust and willow) and three perennial herbaceous crops (giant reed, miscanthus and switchgrass) at the sixth year from plantation and in the same location.
First of all the SOC stock variations for the first 1 m soil depth and the quantification of seven soil C fractions related to SOC stabilization level of the first 30 cm of soil were assessed; secondly, a characterization of the root system and the traits which affect the carbon allocation in soil were considered. The results confirm that the establishment of perennial bioenergy crops in previous arable fields can be a suitable option to sequester carbon (C) belowground. However, a different C sequestration capacity was observed between woody and herbaceous crops: woody species showed the greatest SOC sequestration potential in the first soil layer (0-10 cm of soil) but their ability to allocate root biomass in the deeper soil layers was limited; while, the herbaceous species allocated a high amount of root biomass in the deeper soil layers, but only switchgrass and miscanthus sequester C in the first soil layer.
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