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Régulations biotiques et abiotiques de la décomposition des matières organiques des sols / Biological and abiotic regulations of soil organic matter decompositionJuarez, Sabrina 29 March 2013 (has links)
Les sols constituent le principal réservoir de carbone, avec près de deux fois plus de carbone que le pool atmosphérique. Afin de pouvoir prédire et anticiper le devenir du carbone dans le contexte actuel de changement climatique et de changement d'usage des terres, il apparaît nécessaire de mieux comprendre les processus qui régulent la décomposition des matières organiques dans les sols. Cette thèse se propose donc d'étudier deux types de régulateurs de la dynamique du carbone du sol : les propriétés de l'habitat microbien et celles des communautés microbiennes. En effet, puisque directement affectées par les changements climatiques d'une part, et les changements d'usage des terres et de pratiques culturales d'autre part, l'habitat microbien et les communautés microbiennes apparaissent comme des régulateurs clés de la dynamique du carbone du sol. Des dispositifs expérimentaux permettant de faire varier les propriétés de l'habitat microbien et celles des communautés microbiennes de façon indépendante ou simultanée ont été mis en place. Dans un premier temps, des microcosmes dont la structure du sol a été manipulée afin d'obtenir des gradients de déstructuration, ont été incubés. Dans un second temps ce sont des microcosmes mettant en jeu des gradients de diversité microbienne qui ont été incubés. Enfin, une incubation utilisant les différences naturelles de propriétés de l'habitat microbien et de communautés microbiennes a été mise en place pour tenter de hiérarchiser ces régulateurs de la décomposition des matières organiques du sol. Les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence que l'activité microbienne de décomposition du carbone organique du sol semble plus contrôlée par les conditions environnementales (comme le pH, la texture et l'approvisionnement en substrat) que par la structure des communautés microbiennes ou leurs capacités métaboliques. En plus de cela, la fonction de minéralisation ne semble être affectée que dans le cas d'une très grande érosion de la biodiversité suggérant la présence d'un effet seuil, et que l'importance de la redondance fonctionnelle n'est pas toujours aussi grande que ce que le suggère de nombreuses études. D'autre part, dans des conditions d'aération suffisante, les mécanismes qui réguleraient la dynamique du carbone organique des sols se passeraient à des échelles très fines. / Soils represent the principal reservoir of carbon with two times as much carbon as is found in the atmospheric pool. In an effort to better predict and anticipate how soil carbon dynamics will be affected by environmental changes and by the evolution of cropping systems, it is necessary to better understand the processes that regulate soil organic matter decomposition. This study aims to investigate two regulatory mechanisms of the soil carbon dynamic: the properties of the microbial habitat and the ones of the microbial communities. Because they are directly affected by the climatic changes and by the rapid evolution of cropping systems these two mechanisms appear to have a key role in the regulation of soil carbon decomposition. Experimental designs were setup allowing the variations, independent or simultaneous, of the properties of microbial habitat and the ones of the microbial communities. First, to assess the relative importance of soil structure, microcosms with different gradient of disaggregation were incubated. Then, to assess the relative importance of diversity erosion, microcosms with microbial diversity gradient were incubated. Finally, using contrasted soils varying in their habitats and their microbial communities properties, we aimed to hierarchize these two carbon decomposition regulatory mechanisms.The obtained results indicate that microbial activity of soil organic carbon decomposition seems to be more controlled by environmental conditions (such as pH, texture and also substrate supply) than by the microbial community structure or metabolic profiles. Then we observed that organic carbon mineralisation was impacted only when the levels of diversity were very low suggesting the existence of a threshold, and that the functional redundancy is maybe not as great as numerous studies suggest. Moreover, our work showed that when conditions of aeration in the pore system are sufficient, mechanisms regulating the dynamic of soil organic carbon take place at fine spatial scales.
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Spatial pattern and uncertainty of soil carbon and nitrogen in a subtropical savanna landscape in southern TexasLiu, Feng 15 May 2009 (has links)
Woody invasion into grasslands has been reported world-wide and has affected both the magnitude and spatial heterogeneity of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). Since grasslands cover a large portion of the Earth's land surface, invasion of woody plants could have impacts on regional and global biogeochemistry. To understand large-scale ecological and policy implications of woody invasion, it is critical to understand the spatial pattern and uncertainty of soil C and N and their relationship with vegetation and soil attributes, as well as develop effective approaches to estimate soil C and N over large landscapes and regions. The goal of this study was to improve our understanding of the spatial pattern of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) and their controlling factors in savanna landscapes and develop efficient sampling strategies for evaluating the effects of woody invasion. Specific objectives of this study were to: (1) Quantify the spatial pattern and uncertainty associated with SOC and develop efficient sampling strategies to estimate SOC storage; (2) Assess the influence of soil and vegetation factors on spatial distribution of SOC and TN; and (3) Determine the influence of physical variables related to landscape position and soil on woody vegetation structure. Conditional sequential indicator simulations indicated that woody encroachment into grassland increased both spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty of SOC, which increased errors in estimating SOC storage. Stratified random sampling with higher density in woody patches, plus structured sampling in cluster with strong spatial pattern, substantially increased estimation accuracy. Efficient sampling strategies for estimating SOC storage were developed based on these findings. Direct and spatial correlation and scaling analyses showed that SOC and TN were strongly correlated with litter and root biomass. Invaded woody vegetation has the most impact on spatial distribution of SOC and TN. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that variables related to landscape position were the primary factors determining the spatial distribution of woody species. These new insights will facilitate the estimation of soil C and N pools at landscape and regional scales, and will help evaluate the potential impacts of woody plant encroachment on the biogeochemistry of C and N.
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Methodological developments for mapping soil constituents using imaging spectroscopyBayer, Anita January 2012 (has links)
Climatic variations and human activity now and increasingly in the future cause land cover changes and introduce perturbations in the terrestrial carbon reservoirs in vegetation, soil and detritus. Optical remote sensing and in particular Imaging Spectroscopy has shown the potential to quantify land surface parameters over large areas, which is accomplished by taking advantage of the characteristic interactions of incident radiation and the physico-chemical properties of a material.
The objective of this thesis is to quantify key soil parameters, including soil organic carbon, using field and Imaging Spectroscopy. Organic carbon, iron oxides and clay content are selected to be analyzed to provide indicators for ecosystem function in relation to land degradation, and additionally to facilitate a quantification of carbon inventories in semiarid soils. The semiarid Albany Thicket Biome in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa is chosen as study site. It provides a regional example for a semiarid ecosystem that currently undergoes land changes due to unadapted management practices and furthermore has to face climate change induced land changes in the future.
The thesis is divided in three methodical steps. Based on reflectance spectra measured in the field and chemically determined constituents of the upper topsoil, physically based models are developed to quantify soil organic carbon, iron oxides and clay content. Taking account of the benefits limitations of existing methods, the approach is based on the direct application of known diagnostic spectral features and their combination with multivariate statistical approaches. It benefits from the collinearity of several diagnostic features and a number of their properties to reduce signal disturbances by influences of other spectral features.
In a following step, the acquired hyperspectral image data are prepared for an analysis of soil constituents. The data show a large spatial heterogeneity that is caused by the patchiness of the natural vegetation in the study area that is inherent to most semiarid landscapes. Spectral mixture analysis is performed and used to deconvolve non-homogenous pixels into their constituent components. For soil dominated pixels, the subpixel information is used to remove the spectral influence of vegetation and to approximate the pure spectral signature coming from the soil. This step is an integral part when working in natural non-agricultural areas where pure bare soil pixels are rare. It is identified as the largest benefit within the multi-stage methodology, providing the basis for a successful and unbiased prediction of soil constituents from hyperspectral imagery. With the proposed approach it is possible (1) to significantly increase the spatial extent of derived information of soil constituents to areas with about 40 % vegetation coverage and (2) to reduce the influence of materials such as vegetation on the quantification of soil constituents to a minimum.
Subsequently, soil parameter quantities are predicted by the application of the feature-based soil prediction models to the maps of locally approximated soil signatures. Thematic maps showing the spatial distribution of the three considered soil parameters in October 2009 are produced for the Albany Thicket Biome of South Africa. The maps are evaluated for their potential to detect erosion affected areas as effects of land changes and to identify degradation hot spots in regard to support local restoration efforts. A regional validation, carried out using available ground truth sites, suggests remaining factors disturbing the correlation of spectral characteristics and chemical soil constituents.
The approach is developed for semiarid areas in general and not adapted to specific conditions in the study area. All processing steps of the developed methodology are implemented in software modules, where crucial steps of the workflow are fully automated. The transferability of the methodology is shown for simulated data of the future EnMAP hyperspectral satellite. Soil parameters are successfully predicted from these data despite intense spectral mixing within the lower spatial resolution EnMAP pixels.
This study shows an innovative approach to use Imaging Spectroscopy for mapping of key soil constituents, including soil organic carbon, for large areas in a non-agricultural ecosystem and under consideration of a partially vegetation coverage. It can contribute to a better assessment of soil constituents that describe ecosystem processes relevant to detect and monitor land changes. The maps further provide an assessment of the current carbon inventory in soils, valuable for carbon balances and carbon mitigation products. / Klimatische und anthropogene Faktoren verursachen bereits jetzt und verstärkt in Zukunft Änderungen der Landbedeckung und Landnutzung natürlicher Ökosysteme, die sich direkt auf die terrestrischen Kohlenstoffspeicher in Vegetation, Böden und biogenen Resten auswirken. Optische Fernerkundung und im Besonderen die Abbildende Spektroskopie sind etablierte Methoden, die basierend auf der charakteristischen Wechselwirkung der Sonnenstrahlung mit physikalisch-chemischen Materialeigenschaften eine quantitative Abschätzung degradationsrelevanter Parameter der Landoberfläche erlauben.
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Quantifizierung maßgeblicher Bodeninhaltsstoffe unter Verwendung von Feld- und abbildender Spektroskopie. Dabei stehen organischer Kohlenstoff, Eisenoxide und Ton im Fokus der Betrachtung, da ihre Gehalte im Boden als Indikatoren für Landoberflächenveränderungen verwendet werden können und ihre Analyse gleichzeitig eine direkte Abschätzung des bodengebundenen Kohlenstoffreservoirs ermöglicht. Das semiaride Albany Thicket in der östlichen Kapprovinz Südafrikas wurde als Arbeitsgebiet ausgewählt. Es steht beispielhaft für einen Naturraum, der sich gegenwärtig durch nicht angepasste Landnutzung verändert und der voraussichtlich auch in Zukunft hochfrequenten, durch den Klimawandel bedingten, Schwankungen unterliegen wird.
Die Arbeit ist in drei methodische Schritte untergliedert. Die einzelnen Prozessierungsschritte der entwickelten Methodik sind in Softwaremodulen umgesetzt, in denen die wichtigsten Schritte voll automatisiert sind. Unter Verwendung von im Feld gemessenen Reflektanzspektren und chemisch bestimmten Gehalten der obersten Bodenschicht wird ein Modell zur Bestimmung der drei ausgewählten Bodenparameter erstellt. Der gewählte Ansatz basiert auf der direkten Verwendung bekannter spektraler Merkmale in Verbindung mit multivariaten Verfahren.
In nächsten Schritt werden die großflächig aufgenommenen Hyperspektraldaten vorbereitet, die die für semiaride Räume typischen kleinräumigen Landbedeckungsänderungen wiederspiegeln. Auf subpixel-Basis erlaubt eine spektrale Entmischungsanalyse die Zerlegung nicht homogener Bildspektren in ihre spektralen Bestandteile. Dadurch kann für Pixel, die signifikante Anteile an unbedecktem Boden aufweisen, die reine spektrale Signatur des Bodens in Näherung bestimmt werden. Diese Vorgehensweise kennzeichnet einen wesentlichen Gewinn, da er eine Anwendung auf heterogene Naturräume abseits landwirtschaftlicher Flächen erlaubt, die Ausdehnung des Gültigkeitsbereichs, für den Bodeneigenschaften vorhergesagt werden können, deutlich steigert und den Einfluss von Fremdmaterialien wie Vegetation auf eine Bestimmung minimiert.
Daran anknüpfend erfolgt die Vorhersage von Bodeninhaltsstoffen. Die räumliche Verteilung von organischem Kohlenstoff, Eisenoxiden und der Tongehalte wie sie sich im Oktober 2009 im südafrikanischen Albany Thicket darstellte, wurde in thematischen Karten erfasst. Sie wurden hinsichtlich ihres Potentials ausgewertet, Bereiche zu erkennen, die in Folge von Landbedeckungsänderungen von Erosion betroffen sind.
Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt einen innovativen Ansatz zur Verwendung Abbildender Spektroskopie zur Kartierung wichtiger Bodeneigenschaften in einem semiariden Naturraum. Die Methodik liefert einen Beitrag zur verbesserten Abschätzung ökosystemrelevanter Bodeneigenschaften sowie eine direkte Abschätzung vorhandener Kohlenstoffspeicher im Boden, Parameter, die zur Erkennung und Überwachung von Landbedeckungsänderungen verwendet werden können.
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Spatial pattern and uncertainty of soil carbon and nitrogen in a subtropical savanna landscape in southern TexasLiu, Feng 15 May 2009 (has links)
Woody invasion into grasslands has been reported world-wide and has affected both the magnitude and spatial heterogeneity of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). Since grasslands cover a large portion of the Earth's land surface, invasion of woody plants could have impacts on regional and global biogeochemistry. To understand large-scale ecological and policy implications of woody invasion, it is critical to understand the spatial pattern and uncertainty of soil C and N and their relationship with vegetation and soil attributes, as well as develop effective approaches to estimate soil C and N over large landscapes and regions. The goal of this study was to improve our understanding of the spatial pattern of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) and their controlling factors in savanna landscapes and develop efficient sampling strategies for evaluating the effects of woody invasion. Specific objectives of this study were to: (1) Quantify the spatial pattern and uncertainty associated with SOC and develop efficient sampling strategies to estimate SOC storage; (2) Assess the influence of soil and vegetation factors on spatial distribution of SOC and TN; and (3) Determine the influence of physical variables related to landscape position and soil on woody vegetation structure. Conditional sequential indicator simulations indicated that woody encroachment into grassland increased both spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty of SOC, which increased errors in estimating SOC storage. Stratified random sampling with higher density in woody patches, plus structured sampling in cluster with strong spatial pattern, substantially increased estimation accuracy. Efficient sampling strategies for estimating SOC storage were developed based on these findings. Direct and spatial correlation and scaling analyses showed that SOC and TN were strongly correlated with litter and root biomass. Invaded woody vegetation has the most impact on spatial distribution of SOC and TN. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that variables related to landscape position were the primary factors determining the spatial distribution of woody species. These new insights will facilitate the estimation of soil C and N pools at landscape and regional scales, and will help evaluate the potential impacts of woody plant encroachment on the biogeochemistry of C and N.
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Systematic Variability of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Across Three Vertisol CatenasRivera, Leonardo Daniel 2010 August 1900 (has links)
Soil hydraulic properties, such as saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), have high
spatial variation, but little is known about how to vary a few measurements of Ks over an
area to model hydrology in a watershed with complex topography and multiple land
uses. Variations in soil structure, macropores (especially in soil that shrink and swell),
land use, and soil development can cause large variations in Ks within one soil type.
Characterizing the impacts of soil properties that might vary systematically with land use
and terrain attributes on Ks rates would provide insight on how management and human
activity affect local and regional hydrology. The overall objective of this research was
to develop a strategy for using published infiltration and Ks measurements by the Natural
Resources Conservation Service for watershed hydrology applications in a Vertisol, and
to extend this knowledge toward developing recommendations for future infiltration
measurements. To achieve this goal, soil infiltration measurements were collected
across three catenas of Houston Black and Heiden clays (fine, smectitic, thermic Udic
Haplusterts) under three land uses (improved pasture, native prairie, and conventional tillage row crop). Measurement locations were selected to account for variation in
terrain attributes.
Overall, Ks values were not significantly different across different landscape
positions; however, in fields under similar land uses, Ks values were found to be lower in
the footslope positions and higher in the backslope positions. The pedotransfer function,
ROSETTA, provided estimates of 64 percent of the overall variability in Ks while also
providing accurate estimates of the mean of Ks when particle size distribution and bulk
density are used as inputs in the model. Through the use of multiple regression analysis,
soil antecedent water content, bulk density, clay content, and soil organic carbon along
with two indicator variables for the catenas were highly correlated (r2 = 0.59) with Ks.
The indicator variables explained 17 percent of the variation in Ks that could not be explained
by measured soil properties. It is recommended that when NRCS measures Ks on
benchmark soils, especially high clay soils, that they collect particle size distribution,
bulk density, organic carbon, and antecedent water content data.
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) now and in the future. Effect of soil characteristics and agricultural management on SOC and model initialisation methods using recent SOC dataNemoto, Rie 19 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are not uniform across the landscape, but assemble in "hotspots" in specific areas. These differences are mainly driven by human-induced activities such as agricultural management. 40-50% of the Earth's land surface is under agricultural land-use, for instance cropland, managed grassland and permanent crops including agro-forestry and bio-energy crops. Furthermore, 62% of the global soil C stock is SOC and the soil stores more than 3 times more C than the atmosphere. Thus, C sequestration in agricultural soil has a potentially important role in increasing SOC storage and GHG mitigation, and there is considerable interest in understanding the effects of agricultural management on SOC and GHG fluxes in both grasslands and croplands, in order to better assess the uncertainty and vulnerability of terrestrial SOC reservoirs. For the sake of discovering the agricultural management practices relating to the effective and sustainable C sequestration in agricultural lands in Europe, simulating future terrestrial C stocks and GHG budgets under varied agricultural management systems in major European ecosystems is essential. Using models is a useful method with the purpose of this and abundant studies have carried out. However, many model results have not been validated with reliable observed long-term data, while other studies have reported a strong impact of model initialisation on model result. Nevertheless, predictions of annual to decadal variability in the European terrestrial C and GHG ressources largely rely on model results. Consequently, finding the most appropriate and comprehensive model initialisation method for obtaining reliable model simulations became important, especially for process-based ecosystem models. In recent years, Zimmermann et al. (2007) have succeed in initialising the Rothamsted Carbon model (RothC) using a physical and chemical soil fractionation method. For that reason, we hypothesised that measured detailed SOC data would be useful to initialise ecosystem models, and this hypothesis should be tested for different process-based models and agricultural land-use and management. (...)
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Indicadores da qualidade do solo em função do uso da terra / Soil quality indicators in function of the land useLuz, Felipe Bonini 31 March 2017 (has links)
Land-use change (LUC) or land use has been largely responsible for a large part of carbon dioxide emissions and soil degradation. The increased demand for bioenergy has led to the expansion of sugarcane areas in the south-central region, especially in areas previously used as pasture, and increased demand for food has expanded the use of marginal soils (i.e, sandy). In this way, the native vegetation gave place to the areas with pastures and, later, the transformed pastures in fields for the production of grains or bioenergy. However, despite the high positive economic impact for the country through the production of soybeans and sugarcane, it is not known how this LUC is affecting the resources and the quality of the soil. For this, in this work the indicators to evaluate soil quality under different land uses in the tropical transition region of southern Brazil were measured. Four land uses (native vegetation, pasture, sugarcane, and soybean) were evaluated in three sites with different soil conditions. The hypothesis tested in this study was that intensification of agriculture through pasture management, soybean cultivation under no-tillage system (NT), integrated crop-livestock system (ICLS) and sugarcane improved soil quality. Soil samples were collected in three layers (0.0 - 0.10, 0.10 - 0.20, 0.20 -0.30 m) in Londrina, Santo Inácio and São Jorge do Ivaí, northern- PR- Brazil. Physical, chemical, biological attributes, stocks of carbon and nitrogen were analyzed in the laboratory. A Soil Quality Index (SQI) was also calculated using the Soil Management Assessment Framework (SMAF). The results point to the enormous potential of soil carbon sequestration through NT, ICLS and pasture management, especially in the marginal areas in the process of agricultural expansion in Brazil. In addition, it was concluded that land use with soybean and sugarcane does not induce physical and chemical degradation of the soil in relation to pasture, but the low carbon and nitrogen inventory in the soil, and the lower SQI, the expansion of sugarcane should be avoided in sandy soils. / A mudança de uso da terra (MUT), ou o uso da terra, tem sido responsável, globalmente, por grande parte das emissões de dióxido de carbono e pela degradação do solo. O aumento da demanda por bioenergia, tem ocasionado a expansão das áreas de cana-de-açúcar na região centro sul, principalmente em áreas que anteriormente eram usadas como pastagem, e o aumento da demanda por alimentos tem expandido as áreas de produção de grãos para solos marginais (ou seja, arenosos). Desta forma, a vegetação nativa deu lugar às áreas com pastagens e, posteriormente, as pastagens transformadas em lavouras para a produção de grãos ou bioenergia. Contudo, apesar do alto impacto econômico positivo para o país através da produção da soja e da cana-de-açúcar, não se tem conhecimento de como esta MUT está afetando os recursos e a qualidade do solo. Para isto, neste trabalho mensuramos indicadores para avaliar a qualidade do solo sob diferentes usos na região de transição tropical no Sul do Brasil. Foram avaliados quatro usos da terra (vegetação nativa, pastagem, cultivo com cana-de-açúcar e cultivo com soja) em três locais com condições de solo distintas. A hipótese testada neste trabalho foi que a intensificação da agricultura através do manejo das pastagens, do cultivo da soja em sistema plantio direto (SPD), integração lavoura pecuária (ILP) e da cana-de-açúcar melhoram a qualidade do solo. Amostras de solo foram coletadas em três camadas (0,0 – 0,10; 0,10 – 0,20; e 0,20 – 0,30 m) nos municípios de Londrina, Santo Inácio e São Jorge do Ivaí, região norte do PR. Foram analisados, em laboratório, atributos físicos, químicos, biológicos, estoques de carbono e nitrogênio do solo. Também foi calculado um índice de qualidade do solo (IQS) através da Soil Management Assessment Framework (SMAF). Os resultados apontam enorme potencial de sequestro de carbono no solo através do SPD, ILP e manejo das pastagens, principalmente nas áreas marginais em processo de expansão da agricultura no Brasil. Além disso, concluiu-se que o uso da terra com soja e cana-de-açúcar não induz degradação física e química do solo em relação a pastagem, porém o baixo estoque de carbono e nitrogênio no solo, e o menor IQS, orientam que a expansão da cana-de-açúcar deve ser evitada em solos arenosos.
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Modelos digitais de elevação e predição do carbono orgânico do solo no planalto do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Digital elevation models and prediction of soil organic carbon in plateau state of Rio Grande do SulBueno, Jean Michel Moura 08 August 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The requirement for quantitative soil information has increased as a consequence of the global scenarios. The digital soil mapping (DSM) seeks to produce consistent data with the current needs through the generation of functional soil maps in multi-scales. The aim of this study was to evaluate the altimetry quality and limitations of digital elevation model (DEM) in order to assist in choosing the most suitable DEM to derive terrain attributes (TA) to develop spatial prediction functions to be applied to digital mapping of soil organic carbon (SOC) of farm scale in the Plateau of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). The study was conducted on a 937 ha area located in the municipality of Giruá, RS, Brazil. They collected 243 sampling points in the 0-5 cm layer and an accomplished planialtimetric survey (PS) considered in this study the truth of the ground of altitude values. DEM evaluated were: DEM-PS (generated from the PS), DEM-LETTER (generated by interpolating the level of topographic map curves), DEM-ASTER, DEM- SRTM and DEM-TOPODATA. The DEM were evaluated for precision altimetry through statistical test value of the square root of the mean square error (RMSE) and application of the Brazilian Cartographic Standard for defining the scale of each DEM based on the accuracy of the altitude. TA derived from each DEM were faced with the AT derived from the DEM-PS. The results showed that the DEM-PS presented the best quality of elevation data (RMSE = 1.93 m), followed by DEM-SRTM (RMSE = 5.95 m), DEM- (RMSE = 8.28 m), DEM-TOPODATA (RMSE = 9.78 m) and DEM-ASTER (RMSE = 15.57 m). The size of the area and gently rolling relief were the main factors that influenced the results. The DEM-PS is suited in scale 1: 10,000 Class D, while DEM-LETTER and DEM-SRTM are suited in scale 1: 50,000 class B, the DEM-TOPODATA the scale 1: 50,000 class D and the DEM-ASTER scale 1: 100,000 Class B. With regard to TA, the DEM-SRTM and DEM-TOPODATA present results closer to the DEM-PS and smaller RMSE values for each TA assessed. The prediction function constructed from the DEM-PS derived from the TA and vegetation index Landasat-7 obtained images explained only 16% of the variance in SOC area. The small spatial resolution of DEM-PS and images associated with the use only of these predictors were the main factors that influenced the results. Based on these results, the DEM-SRTM and DEM-TOPODATA can be used in DSM semi-detailed soil classes. In the case of the SOC DSM suggest the use of these DEM associated with field control points to verify the precision altimetry and the inclusion of variables related to soil management practices. / A demanda por informações quantitativas de solos em nível detalhado de bacias hidrográficas vêm aumentado em decorrência dos cenários globais. O mapeamento digital de solos (MDS) visa gerar dados compatíveis com essas necessidades por meio da geração de mapas funcionais de solos em multi-escalas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade altimétrica e limitações de MDE com a finalidade de auxiliar na escolha do MDE mais adequados para derivar atributos do terreno (AT) para desenvolver funções de predição espacial para serem aplicadas ao mapeamento digital do carbono orgânico do solo em escala de propriedade rural no Planalto do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). O estudo foi realizado em uma área de 937 ha localizada no município de Giruá, RS, Brasil. Foram coletados 243 pontos amostrais na camada de 0-5 cm e realizado um levantamento planialtimétrico (LP) considerado neste estudo a verdade do terreno dos valores de altitude. Os MDE avaliados foram: MDE-LP (gerado a partir do LP), MDE-CARTA (gerado pela interpolação das curvas de nível da carta topográfica), MDE-ASTER, MDE-SRTM e MDE-TOPODATA. Os MDE foram avaliados quanto à precisão altimétrica por meio de teste estatísticos, valor da raiz quadrada do erro médio quadrático (RMSE) e aplicação da Norma Brasileira de Cartografia para definição da escala de cada MDE com base na precisão da altitude. Os AT derivados de cada MDE foram confrontados com os AT derivados do MDE-LP. Os resultados mostraram que o MDE-LP apresentou a melhor qualidade dos dados de altitude (RMSE = 1,93 m), seguido dos MDE-SRTM (RMSE = 5,95 m), MDE-CARTA (RMSE = 8,28 m), MDE-TOPODATA (RMSE = 9,78 m) e MDE-ASTER (RMSE = 15,57 m). O tamanho da área e relevo suave ondulado foram os principais fatores que influenciaram nos resultados. O MDE-LP se adequou na escala 1:10.000 classe D, enquanto os MDE-CARTA e MDE-SRTM se adequaram na escala 1:50.000 classe B, o MDE-TOPODATA a escala 1:50.000 classe D e o MDE-ASTER escala 1:100.000 classe B. Em relação aos AT, os MDE- SRTM e MDE-TOPODATA apresentam resultados mais próximos do MDE-LP e os menores valores de RMSE para cada AT avaliado. A função de predição construída a partir dos AT derivados do MDE-LP e índice de vegetação obtido de imagens Landasat-7 explicou apenas 16% da variância do COS na área. A resolução espacial pequena do MDE-LP e das imagens associado ao uso apenas dessas variáveis preditoras foram os principais fatores que influenciaram nos resultados. Com base nesses resultados, os MDE- SRTM e MDE-TOPODATA podem ser utilizados no MDS semidetalhado de classes de solos. No caso do MDS do COS sugere-se o uso desses MDE associado com pontos de controle de campo para verificação da precisão altimétrica e a inclusão de variáveis relacionadas a práticas de manejo do solo.
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Efeitos de esterco bovino em atributos químicos e físicos do solo, produtividade de milho e créditos de nitrogênio / Effects of cattle manure on chemical and physical attributes of the soil, corn yield and nitrogen creditsSilva, Marcio Silveira da 28 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Marcio Silveira da Silva (marciode@hotmail.com) on 2018-07-26T10:55:51Z
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Tese-Marcio Silveira da Silva- Ciência do Solo.pdf: 2318239 bytes, checksum: 3034b4bf8c42da6d87fc4bc59a713b5a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Karina Gimenes Fernandes null (karinagi@fcav.unesp.br) on 2018-07-26T11:24:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-05-28 / O esterco bovino, além de fornecer nutrientes, quando utilizado repetidamente e/ou em grandes quantidades, pode melhorar outros atributos químicos e físicos do solo. Porém, um dos grandes desafios na sua utilização é estimar a quantidade de N que é fornecida durante o ciclo das culturas. Os objetivos com este trabalho foram determinar as alterações nos atributos químicos e físicos do solo, a produtividade de milho e os créditos de nitrogênio derivados da aplicação de esterco bovino e de seu efeito residual. Para alcançá-los foram conduzidos, simultaneamente, dois experimentos, no município de Jaboticabal-SP, em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico muito argiloso, durante os anos agrícolas 2011/12; 2012/13; 2013/14 e 2014/15. Ambos os experimentos foram conduzidos em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Um dos experimentos foi conduzido para determinar a curva de resposta da cultura do milho ao N, e por meio desta calcular os créditos de nitrogênio provenientes da aplicação do esterco. Para isso, foram aplicadas as doses 0, 60, 90, 120, 180 e 240 kg ha-1 de N-ureia. No outro experimento foram avaliados os efeitos no solo e na planta da aplicação de 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 e 60 Mg ha-1 de esterco bovino e de seu efeito residual, sendo a aplicação do adubo realizada apenas nos dois primeiros anos. Houve melhoria nos atributos químicos do solo pela aplicação de esterco bovino, e a duração dos efeitos foi variável, de modo que para os nutrientes (P, Ca2+, Mg2+ e K+) houve efeito residual e para as variáveis relativas à acidez do solo (pH e H+Al) o efeito não persistiu após a interrupção da aplicação. O teor de carbono orgânico do solo aumentou linearmente com o aumento das doses de esterco, o que levou ao aumento no diâmetro médio dos agregados e na macroporosidade, e diminuição na densidade, mesmo após a interrupção da aplicação do esterco por dois anos e em solo manejado de forma mecânica anualmente. A aplicação de até 60 Mg ha-1 de esterco bovino durante dois anos consecutivos propiciou aumentos na produtividade de grãos de milho nos dois anos de aplicação e nos dois anos de avaliação do efeito residual, sendo que a produtividade média nos anos de aplicação de esterco foi 59% maior. Os créditos de N devidos à aplicação de esterco bovino variaram de 5 a 122 kg ha-1 de N considerando aplicação e efeito residual do adubo e os maiores créditos foram obtidos com a aplicação de 30, 45, 60 e 60 Mg ha-1, respectivamente no primeiro, segundo, terceiro e quarto anos de avaliações. / The use of cattle manure, in addition to providing nutrients, when used repeatedly and/or in large quantities, can improve other chemical and physical attributes of the soil. However, one of the major challenges in its use is to estimate the amount of N that is supplied during the crop cycle. The aims of the trials were to evaluate the changes in soil chemical and physical attributes, corn yield and nitrogen credits from the application of cattle manure and its residual effect. In this perspective, two experiments were conducted, simultaneously, in the municipality of Jaboticabal-SP, in an Typic Eutrudox, during the crop seasons 2011/12; 2012/13; 2013/14 and 2014/15. Both trials were conducted in a randomized block with four replicates. One of the trials was conducted to determine the response curve of the corn crop to the N, and through this calculate the nitrogen credits from the application of manure. Rates of 0; 60; 90; 120; 180 and 240 kg ha-1 N-urea. In the other trial, the effects on the soil and on plant of the application of 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 Mg ha1 of cattle manure and its residual effect were evaluated, applying the fertilizer only in the two first years. There was an enhancement in the chemical attributes of the soil by the application of cattle manure, and the continuance of the effects was variable, so that nutrients (P, Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ ) had a residual effect and for the variables related to soil acidity (pH and H+ Al) the effect did not persist after the application interruption. The organic carbon content of the soil increased linearly as the rates of manure were increased, which led to the increase in the mean weight diameter of the aggregates and the macroporosity, and decrease in the bulk density, even after the interruption of the application of manure for two years and in a soil plowed annually. The application of up to 60 Mg ha-1 of cattle manure during two consecutive years resulted in increases in grain yield of corn in the two years of application and in the two years of evaluation of the residual effect, and the average yield in the period of application of manure was 59% higher. The N credits due to the application of cattle manure ranged from 5 to 122 kg ha-1 of N considering the application and residual effect of the fertilizer and the highest credits were obtained with the application of 30, 45, 60 and 60 Mg ha-1 , respectively in the first, second, third and fourth years of evaluations.
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Blue carbon em solos de manguezais do semiÃrido: importÃncia, mÃtodos de quantificaÃÃo e emissÃo de gases C-CO2 / Blue Carbon in semi-arid mangrove soils: Importance, Quantification methods and C-CO2 gases emissionGabriel Nuto NÃbrega 14 June 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Este trabalho foi dividido em trÃs capÃtulos e teve por objetivos: 1) Quantificar o estoque de blue carbon nos solos do CearÃ; 2) Avaliar os mÃtodos de quantificaÃÃo de carbono orgÃnico dos solos (COS) nos manguezais; 3) Avaliar a emissÃo de gases de efeito estufa (CO2 e CH4) oriunda dos solos dos manguezais cearenses. No primeiro capÃtulo, foram feitas associaÃÃes das unidades fitoecolÃgicas (UF) com os tipos de solos cearenses por meio de tÃcnicas de geoprocessamento, combinando as informaÃÃes da densidade do solo e dos teores de carbono nas classes de solo contidas em cada UF. Os resultados mostram que a massa de carbono contido no solo cearense à estimada em 374.123.384,15 Mg. Os manguezais contribuem com 0,35 % da massa de carbono, uma vez que suas Ãrea nÃo ultrapassa 0,1% do CearÃ. Por outro lado, os dados do estoque de carbono (EC) indicam que os manguezais armazenam 8.241,39 Mg C km-2 , equivalente a 3 vezes o EC das demais UF. Este resultado poderia ser ainda mais importantes caso os manguezais cearenses estivessem sob um menor impacto antrÃpico. No segundo capÃtulo, os teores de COS foram quantificados por meio de diferentes mÃtodos quÃmicos (variaÃÃes do mÃtodo Walkley & Black), reflectÃncia espectral e termogravimetria cujos resultados foram comparados com os obtidos por meio do analisador elementar (AE). No tocante Ãs anÃlises quÃmicas, a secagem das amostras favoreceu a acurÃcia do mÃtodo quÃmico, uma vez que esta promoveu a oxidaÃÃo dos compostos reduzidos causadores de interferÃncia. A utilizaÃÃo de fontes externas de aquecimento acarretou em maior interferÃncia no mÃtodo quÃmico e, sob uma concentraÃÃo de H2SO4 6 M, o mÃtodo quÃmico apresentou-se viÃvel para a quantificaÃÃo do COS em manguezais. A utilizaÃÃo da tÃcnica de reflectÃncia espectral apresentou correlaÃÃes fracas com os valores de carbono via AE, o que impossibilitou a utilizaÃÃo deste mÃtodo, fazendo necessÃrio um estudo mais aprofundado para a adequaÃÃo deste mÃtodo ao estudo do COS em manguezais. Os resultados obtidos pela termogravimetria apresentaram a correlaÃÃo mais forte com AE (r = 0,927), caracterizando como o mÃtodo mais adequado para a quantificaÃÃo do COS, desde que utilizado um fator de correÃÃo (f = 0,27) para a conversÃo dos valores de matÃria orgÃnica do solo em COS. No Ãltimo capÃtulo, foram quantificados os fluxos mÃdios de CO2 e CH4 correlacionando os valores de fluxo com os atributos do solo. Os fluxos de CO2 variaram entre 16,4Â3,7 e 44,4Â2,2 mg m-2 h-1. A maior emissÃo de CO2 foi determinada pelas condiÃÃes edÃficas (maior EC, maior concentraÃÃo de carbono orgÃnico dissolvido e menor grau de piritizaÃÃo). Em mÃdia, os emissÃes de CO2 em solos de mangue corresponde a apenas 2% da emissÃo causada pela agricultura. As concentraÃÃes de CH4 estiveram abaixo do limite de detecÃÃo do equipamento utilizado e, portanto, o fluxo mÃdio de metano nÃo pode ser quantificado. O baixo fluxo de metano està relacionado à abundÃncia de aceptores de elÃtrons mais energÃticos que impendem a metanogÃnese, alÃm da presenÃa de microrganismos que oxidam o CH4 antes deste alcanÃar a atmosfera / This work was divided into three chapters and aimed to: 1) Quantify the blue carbon soils stock at Cearà state (NE-Brazil); 2) Evaluate the methods for quantifying soil organic carbon (SOC) in the mangroves; and 3) evaluate the greenhouse gas (CO2 and CH4) emission from mangrove soils. In the first chapter, associations of the phytoecological units (PU) with soil types from Cearà were processed through geoprocessing techniques, combining the information of soil bulk density and carbon content in the soil classes contained in each PU. Results show that the carbon mass in the soils are estimated in 374,123,384.15 Mg. The mangrove contribute to 0.35 % of the carbon mass, since their area does not exceed 0.1% of the state. On the other hand, the carbon stock (CS) data indicate that mangroves store 8241.39 Mg C km-2, equivalent to 3 times the CS mean of the remaining states. This result could be even more important if the mangroves were under less human impact. The second chapter SOC contents were quantified by different chemical (variations in the Walkley & Black), spectral reflectance and thermogravimetric methods and the results were compared with those obtained using elemental analyzer (EA). Regarding chemical analysis, the use of dried samples favored the accuracy of the chemical method, since it promoted the oxidation of the reduced compounds which causes interference. The use of external heating sources resulted in a greater interference in the chemical method and, in a 6M H2SO4 concentration, the chemical method presented viable to quantify COS in mangroves. The spectral reflectance technique showed weak correlations with carbon values obtained by AE, precluding the use of this method and making necessary further studies to the suitability of this method to quantify SOC in mangroves. The results obtained by thermogravimetry showed the strongest correlation with AE (r = 0.927), characterized as the most suitable method for the quantification of SOC, since a correction factor (f = 0.27) is applied for the conversion of soil organic matter values in SOC. In the last chapter, the average CO2 and CH4 flow were quantified and the values were correlated with soil attributes. CO2 fluxes ranged from 16.4  3.7 to 44.4  2.2 mg m-2 h-1. The highest CO2 emission was determined by soil conditions (higher EC, higher concentration of dissolved organic carbon and lower degree of pyritization). The CO2 emissions in mangrove soils corresponds to only 2% of the flow caused by agriculture. The CH4 concentrations were below the detection limit of the equipment used, and thus the average flow of methane cannot be quantified. The low methane flow is related to the abundance of electron acceptors more energetic which prevent methanogenesis and to the presence of microorganisms that oxidize CH4 before it reach the atmosphere.
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