Spelling suggestions: "subject:"solid fuel""
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High Temperature Filtration in Biomass Combustion and Gasification ProcessesRisnes, Håvar January 2002 (has links)
<p>High temperature filtration in combustion and gasification processes is a highly interdisciplinary field. Thus, particle technology in general has to be supported by elements of physics, chemistry, thermodynamics and heat and mass transfer processes. This topic can be addressed in many ways, phenomenological, based on the up stream processes (i.e. dust/aerosol formation and characterisation) or apparatus oriented.</p><p>The efficiency of the thermochemical conversion process and the subsequent emission control are major important areas in the development of environmentally sound and sustainable technology. Both are highly important for combustion and gasification plant design, operation and economy. </p><p>This thesis is divided into four parts:</p><p>I. High temperature cleaning in combustion processes.</p><p>II. Design evaluations of the Panel Bed Filter technology.</p><p>III. Biomass gasification</p><p>IV. High temperature cleaning of biomass gasification product gas</p><p>The first part validates the filter performance through field experiments on a full scale filter element employed to a biomass combustion process and relates the results to state of the art within comparable technologies (i.e. based on surface filtration). The derived field experience led to new incentives in the search for a simplified design featuring increased capacity. Thus, enabling both high efficiency and simplified production and maintenance. A thorough examination of design fundamentals leading to the development of a new filter geometry is presented.</p><p>It is evident that the up-stream process has significant influence upon the operation conditions of a filter unit. This has lead to a detailed investigation of some selected aspects related to the thermochemical conversion. Furthermore, the influence of fuel characteristics upon conversion and product gas quality is discussed.</p><p>The last part discusses the quality of biomass gasification product gas and requirements put upon the utilisation of this gas in turbines, diesel engines or other high temperature applications. Filtration experiments conducted on product gas derived from wood gasification are reported and discussed.</p>
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High Temperature Filtration in Biomass Combustion and Gasification ProcessesRisnes, Håvar January 2002 (has links)
High temperature filtration in combustion and gasification processes is a highly interdisciplinary field. Thus, particle technology in general has to be supported by elements of physics, chemistry, thermodynamics and heat and mass transfer processes. This topic can be addressed in many ways, phenomenological, based on the up stream processes (i.e. dust/aerosol formation and characterisation) or apparatus oriented. The efficiency of the thermochemical conversion process and the subsequent emission control are major important areas in the development of environmentally sound and sustainable technology. Both are highly important for combustion and gasification plant design, operation and economy. This thesis is divided into four parts: I. High temperature cleaning in combustion processes. II. Design evaluations of the Panel Bed Filter technology. III. Biomass gasification IV. High temperature cleaning of biomass gasification product gas The first part validates the filter performance through field experiments on a full scale filter element employed to a biomass combustion process and relates the results to state of the art within comparable technologies (i.e. based on surface filtration). The derived field experience led to new incentives in the search for a simplified design featuring increased capacity. Thus, enabling both high efficiency and simplified production and maintenance. A thorough examination of design fundamentals leading to the development of a new filter geometry is presented. It is evident that the up-stream process has significant influence upon the operation conditions of a filter unit. This has lead to a detailed investigation of some selected aspects related to the thermochemical conversion. Furthermore, the influence of fuel characteristics upon conversion and product gas quality is discussed. The last part discusses the quality of biomass gasification product gas and requirements put upon the utilisation of this gas in turbines, diesel engines or other high temperature applications. Filtration experiments conducted on product gas derived from wood gasification are reported and discussed.
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Environmental aspects of municipal solid waste combustionSørum, Lars January 2000 (has links)
Paper II reprinted with kind permission of Elsivier, science direct.com.
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Environmental aspects of municipal solid waste combustionSørum, Lars January 2000 (has links)
Paper II reprinted with kind permission of Elsivier, science direct.com.
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Návrh výrobního systému pro výrobu teplovodních kotlů / Design of manufacturing system for warmwater boilersBršel, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This thesis concerns with design of manufacturing system for specific company. Object of manufacture is warmwater boiler for solid fuels. Analysis of this object, design of necessary technologies, manipulation and transportation concept, layout concept and economic efectiveness of investment realization evaluation are apart of this thesis.
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Self-sustained combustion of low grade solid fuels in a stagnation-point reverse-flow combustorRadhakrishnan, Arun 13 January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the use of the Stagnation-Point Reverse-Flow (SPRF) combustor geometry for burning low-grade solid fuels that are attractive for specific industrial applications because of their low cost and on-site availability. These fuels are in general, hard to burn, either because of high moisture and impurity-content, e.g. biomass, or their low-volatiles content, e.g., petroleum-coke. This results in various challenges to the combustor designer, for example reduced flame stability and poor combustion efficiency. Conventional solutions include preheating the incoming flow as well as co-firing with high-grade fuels. The SPRF combustor geometry has been chosen because it was demonstrated to operate stably on standard gaseous and liquid-fuels corresponding to ultra fuel-lean conditions and power densities at atmospheric-pressure around 20-25 MW/m3. Previous studies on the SPRF combustor have proven that the unique, reverse flow-geometry allows entrainment of near-adiabatic products into the incoming reactants, thereby enhancing the reactivity of the mixture. Further, the presence of the stagnation-end created a region of low mean velocities and high levels of unsteadiness and mixing-rates that supported the reaction-zones. In this study, we examine the performance of the SPRF geometry on a specific low grade solid fuel, petroleum coke.
There are three main goals of this thesis. The first goal is the design of a SPRF combustor to operate on solid-fuels based on a design-scaling methodology, as well as demonstration of successful operation corresponding to a baseline condition. The second goal involves understanding the mode of operation of the SPRF combustor on solid-fuels based on visualization studies. The third goal of this thesis is developing and using reduced-order models to better understand and predict the ignition and quasi-steady burning behavior of dispersed-phase particles in the SPRF combustor.
The SPRF combustor has been demonstrated to operate stably on pure-oxygen and a slurry made from water and petroleum-coke, both at the baseline conditions (125 kW, 18 g/s, ~25 µm particles) and higher power-densities and powder sizes. For an overall combustor length less than a meter, combustion is not complete (global combustion efficiency less than 70%). Luminance imaging results indicate the incoming reactant jet ignites and exhibits intense burning at the mid-combustor region, around 15 jet diameters downstream of the inlet, most likely due to enhanced mixing as a result of the highly unsteady velocity field. This roughly corresponds to the location of the reaction zones in the previous SPRF combustors operating on gas and liquid fuels. Planar laser visualization of the reacting flow-field using particle-scattering reveals that ignition of a significant amount of the reactants occurs only after the incoming jet has broken into reactant packets. Post-ignition, these burning packets burn out slowly as they reverse direction and exit the combustor on either side of the central injector. This is unlike the behavior in liquid and gas-fueled operation where the incoming reactants burned across a highly corrugated, thin-flame front. Based on these findings, as well as the results of previous SPRF studies, an idealized model of combustor operation based on a plug flow reactor has been developed. The predictions suggest that fuel-conversion efficiency is enhanced by the combustor operating pressure and lowered by the heat-losses.
Overall, this effort has shown the SPRF geometry is a promising compact-combustor concept for self-sustained operation on low-grade solid-fuels for typical high-pressure applications such as direct steam-generation. Based on these findings, it is recommended that future designs for the specific application previously mentioned have a shorter base-combustor with lower heat-losses and a longer steam-generation section for injection of water.
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Verfahrensoptimierung der Pelletierung von Braunkohlenfaserholz mit Biomasse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der BindemechanismenLehmann, Bastian 17 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die Qualität der hergestellten Brennstoffpellets wird wesentlich vom Holzanteil und Wassergehalt des Pelletiergutes sowie von der Presskanallänge der eingesetzten Pelletpresse bestimmt. Werden die Pellets ohne Holzzusatz aus Braunkohlenxylit hergestellt, erreichen diese nahezu das Festigkeitsniveau kommerzieller Holzpellets. Wesentlich für das Trocknungsverhalten von Xylit- und Xylit-Holz-Pellets ist deren Zusammensetzung, die Trocknungstemperatur ist nur von untergeordneter Bedeutung. Als domininierender Bindemechanismus konnte der Faserformschluss identifiziert werden, wobei dieser durch Adhäsions- und Kristallisationseffekte infolge der hydro-mechanischen Aktivierung des Rohmaterials im Nassaufschlussprozess begünstigt wird. Die Xylit- und Xylit-Holz-Pellets erfordern eine auf im Vergleich zu Holzpellets aschereiche Brennstoffe ausgelegte Feuerungstechnik, wobei durch die Holzzugabe verbrennungstechnische Vorteile wie geringere NOx- und SO2-Emissionen erreicht werden können.
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Analys och utredning av värmebeständiga keramer för användning i hybriddrivlinor för fasta bränslen / Analysis and investigation of heat resistant ceramics for use in hybrid powertrains for solid fuelsJonsson, Niklas January 2015 (has links)
Uppdragsgivaren Precer Group erbjuder tekniska lösningar för produktion av el genom ren förbränning av olika typer av fasta bränslen. Tekniken är anpassningsbar för att användas som återladdningskälla i olika typer av hybridfordon samt för produktion av el till bostäder och fritidshus. Arbetet har som syfte att presentera keramiska material till två olika zoner i Precers generation 2 drivlina där metallbränslen förbränns i en temperatur på 1800 °C. I Zon1 ska keramen klara en maximal temperatur på 2300°C och ha isolationsegenskaper. Till Zon2 önskas förmågan att motstå vidhäftning av heta partiklar och materialet ska kunna appliceras som ytbeläggning på befintligt rostfritt stål. Maximal temperatur i denna zon är 1100°C. Av de material som presenteras i arbetet är fullt stabiliserad Zirkoniumoxid (ZrO2) det enda materialet som klarar temperaturskravet i Zon1. ZrO2 har en låg värmeledningsförmåga på 2W/m*°C vilket resulterar i en god isolationsförmåga. Stora delar av arbetet är riktat till Zon2 där tester påvisar att keramiska material har en bättre förmåga att motstå vidhäftning av heta metallpartiklar än det befintliga rostfria stålet. De tre ytbeläggningar som testades var aluminiumoxid, zirkoniumoxid, och aluminia. Väljs istället att använda solida keramiska material ökar utbudet och material så som kiselkarbid( SiC), aluminiumtitanat(Al2TiO2), och kiselnitrid (Si3N4) är också tänkbara. Ett slutgiltigt materialval ansågs vara svårbedömt då konstruktionsunderlag saknades. / The Client Precer Group offers technical solutions for the production of electricity through clean combustion of various types of solid fuels. The technology is adaptable for use as a recharge source in different types of hybrid vehicles and for the production of electricity to homes. The aim of this exam paper is to examine the possibility to use ceramics in Precers new drivetrain where metal fuels are burned at a temperature of 1800 °C. There are two different zones to examine. In Zon1, the ceramic should withstand a maximum temperature of 2300°C and have insulation properties. The ability to resist adhesion of hot metall particles is desirable in Zone 2, where the maximum temperature is 1100°C. There is also a request that the ceramic is to be applied as a coating. Of the materials that where found, fully stabilized zirconia (ZrO2) is the only material that can withstand the demanding temperature in Zone1. The material has a low thermal conductivity at 2W/m°C that results in good insulation. The ability to withstand adhesion was estimated and the results indicate that ceramic materials have a higher capacity to withstand adhesion of hot metall particles than the existing stainless steel. The three coatings tested where pure Alumina, Zirconia, and Alumina 3% Titania. If solid ceramics are to be used instead, the range of materials is increased. Materials such as Silconcarbide (SiC), Aluminimtitanate (Al2TiO2) and siliconnitride (Si3N4) are also possible candidates. A final choice of materiel was considered to be hard because the lack of design documentation.
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Investigation of Fuel Geometry and Solid Fuel Combustion for Solid Fuel RamjetsGallegos, Dominic Francisco 10 December 2024 (has links)
Solid fuel ramjets (SFRJs) are a simple means of sustaining supersonic flight. The utilization of solid fuels eliminates the need for moving parts or liquid delivery systems, and the solid fuels are typically inert, resulting in minimal handling requirements compared to solid propellants. Characteristic of SFRJ systems are the relatively high combustor velocities and the required gasification of the solid fuel prior to releasing heat through gas-phase reactions. The primary objectives of the current work were to investigate the decomposition behavior of model solid fuels typically used in SFRJ systems and to employ a novel fuel geometry to increase the flame-holding limits of an SFRJ.
Two bench-scale solid fuel experiments were conducted to capture relevant performance metrics of five solid fuels. Performance parameters such as regression rates, surface temperature variations, molten layer thickness, and condensed-phase kinetic behavior were analyzed using a non-combusting laser pyrolysis experiment. Further investigations were performed for each fuel using a modified counterflow burner, which served as an analog for the boundary layer combustion in an SFRJ by introducing the effects of flame heat feedback to the fuel surface. General trends among the fuels were identified, and several mechanistic differences in the decomposition process were discussed with consideration of condensed-phase behavior. The results from the laser pyrolysis and counterflow burner studies were subsequently used as validation data for the development of a solid fuel decomposition model incorporating single-step decomposition, transient heat transfer, and surface heat losses. The developed model showed reasonable agreement with experimental pyrolysis results, particularly for regression rates and surface temperatures of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB).
Investigations using two lab-scale SFRJs were conducted to determine the feasibility and performance impacts of implementing a cavity-style flame holder as a means of improving the flammability limits of a SFRJ. The results presented demonstrate the effectiveness of such a method showing that introducing a cavity flame holder enables significantly higher fuel loading in the present system. The effects of the alternate geometries on local regression rates are reported and a high local heat flux at the cavity corner is identified as a strong factor in the increased flame holding capability. The increased regression rates contribute to higher observed chamber pressures while the effects on combustion efficiency are observed to be minimal. Further investigation of the cavity geometries using an optically accessible SFRJ allowed the analysis of the reacting flow field. High-speed chemiluminescence, high-speed videography, and high-speed three-color camera pyrometry provided further insight into the reacting flow and identified key reaction regions relevant to flame holding. Observations of the spatial regression rate show similar trends to the initial experiments, revealing a large increase in regression rate associated with the cavity corner. The regression rates and observations regarding the size of the recirculation region were incorporated into a semi-empirical model describing the behavior of the recirculation region and point to the increased fuel flow rate resulting from the cavity corner as a contributing factor in the increased flammability of the cavity fuel grains. / Doctor of Philosophy / Solid fuel ramjets (SFRJs) are high-speed air-breathing propulsion devices that utilize the surrounding air in combination with a solid fuel to generate thrust. A primary problem in applying these devices is creating an environment inside the SFRJ that can support stable combustion due to the relatively high velocity of the incoming air. This study seeks to improve the capabilities and therefore the operational limits of solid fuel ramjets by investigating the effects of new fuel geometries that provide more favorable conditions for sustained flame holding. In addition, an investigation of solid fuels is conducted to investigate some of the key processes involved with the heating, decomposition, and combustion of solid fuels as it applies to high-speed air breathing propulsion applications.
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Microestrutura, fratografia, propriedades elétricas e mecânicas de cermeto de Cu/Ni/Ag/Y2O3Pereira, Rafael Mezher Silva 30 January 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-01-30 / This paper studies the effects in a copper (Cu) alloy with the addition of Nickel (Ni), Silver
(Ag) and Yttria (Y2O3), the metal-ceramic (cermet) alloy was manufactured by Powder
Metallurgy (PM), this technique was chosen because it is advantageous when working with
alloy elements with large difference in melting point, vapor pressure and density. It was used
with the intention of creating a composite with good mechanical and electrical strength,
capable to be measured by analyzing samples (including fractography) besides the usual
experimental procedures of hardness and current tests. The results aim to explore some
characteristics of this alloy as well as investigate and pursue such physical properties to meet
current technology needs principally related as an option to anode of solid fuels or electrical
contact in low temperatures. In general the study was satisfactory as it presents significant
data especially in regard to the interaction of some physical characteristics on microscopic
level of the components studied in this cermet that is still unknown and requires continued
research. A fact that can be highlighted is the apparent lack of diffusion of Yttria particles
that, as noted in the electronic mapping, were lodged between copper particles causing a not
very homogeneous dispersion of the components in the alloy. This factor was most likely
caused by low effectiveness compression and sintering of the samples, also impacting
significantly on the hardness values and the conductivity values of about 29% IACS which
measured in ambient temperature for metal alloys would be low, but for this metal-ceramic
alloy is reasonable, as they have some inverse physical properties when exposed to cold
temperatures resulting in lower resistivity values and higher critical temperatures making it
suitable for low temperature electrical contacts. Y3 (Cu 90%/ Ni5%/ Ag3%/ Y2O32%) and Y6
(Cu 90%/ Ni7%/ Ag0%/ Y2O33%) samples with high concentration of Ni and low
concentrations of Y2O3 had higher hardness values, and Y7 (Cu 95%/ Ni0%/ Ag0%/ Y2O35%)
sample with high Cu concentration presented higher conductivity between all the samples. / Este trabalho estuda os efeitos da de Níquel (Ni), Prata (Ag) e Ítria (Y2O3) em uma liga de
Cobre (Cu). Esta liga metal-cerâmica (cermeto) foi fabricada através da Metalurgia do Pó
(MP), que foi escolhida pois é vantajosa quando se trabalha com ligas de elementos com
grande diferença de ponto de fusão, pressão de vapor e densidade. Esta técnica foi utilizada
objetivando criar um composto com resistência mecânica e elétrica e que pudesse ser
mensurado e caracterizado através da análise de amostras por meio de procedimentos
experimentais usuais de dureza e de corrente elétrica assim como fratografia. Os resultados
mostram e exploram algumas características interessantes desta liga, e ao investigar tais
propriedades físicas objetiva-se satisfazer as necessidades tecnológicas atuais principalmente
como opções para uso como ânodo de combustível sólido ou como contato elétrico para
baixas temperaturas. De modo geral o estudo foi satisfatório já que apresenta dados marcantes
principalmente no que se diz respeito à interação de algumas características físicas a nível
microscópico dos componentes estudados neste cermeto que ainda é pouco conhecido e
requer continuidade de pesquisa. Um fato que pode ser ressaltado é a aparente não difusão das
partículas de Ítria que, como observado nos mapeamentos eletrônicos, ficaram alojadas entre
os aglutinados de cobre fazendo com que a dispersão dos componentes na liga não fosse
homogênea. Tal fator muito provavelmente foi causado pela baixa eficácia da compactação e
também da sinterização das amostras o que impactou consideravelmente nos valores de
dureza que ficaram abaixo do esperado, assim como os valores de condutividade por volta de
29 %IACS que medidos a temperatura ambiente para uma liga exclusivamente metálica seria
considerado baixo, mas no caso desta liga metal-cerâmica é bastante razoável. Já que possuem
algumas propriedades físicas inversas quando submetidas a baixas temperaturas resultando
em valores de resistividade mais baixos e temperaturas críticas mais elevadas ideais para
contatos elétricos a baixa temperatura. As amostras Y3 (Cu 90%/ Ni5%/ Ag3%/ Y2O32%) e
Y6 (Cu 90%/ Ni7%/ Ag0%/ Y2O33%) com alta concentração de Ni e baixa concentração de
Y2O3 apresentaram maior dureza, e a amostra Y7 (Cu 95%/ Ni0%/ Ag0%/ Y2O35%) com alta
concentração de Cu maior condutividade.
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