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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Umění jako sociální intervence / Art as a Social Intervention

Peroutková, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
Peroutková, P.: Art as a Social Intervention. [Diploma thesis] Prague 2014 - Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, Department of Art education, 99 s. (Attachment: cd with video-documentation) This work is a theoretical study of art as a social intervention with an application on a didactic project in art education. Firstly, it outlines the underlying issues linked to social interventions, especially to participatory art. Secondly, these issues are subsequently examined on diverse approaches on both Czech and international art scenes after 1990. They are connected by the common subject of food, which appears in socially engaged art projects across the whole range of different approaches and strategies. Further, it points to the connection of examined strategies and teaching activities. The phenomenon of art as a social intevention is also used as the main theme in a didactic project implemented in art education, in grammar school and on an author's project.

Rasismus a Nové Rozměry Zobrazování Multikulturní Zkušenosti v Současném Britském Dramatu / Racism and New Dimensions of Projecting the Multicultural Experience in Contemporary British Drama

Hennawi, Chada January 2019 (has links)
The thesis Racism and New Dimensions of Projecting the Multicultural Experience in Contemporary British Drama analyzes multiculturalism in contemporary Britain and questions its discursive boundaries through the works of some black and Asian contemporary playwrights such as Roy Williams, debbie tucker green and Tanika Gupta. The works of these playwrights articulate a set of experiences that reflects an image of the contemporary issues of bigotry and violence in Britain. Williams, Gupta and green present new approaches on the multicultural Britain concerning the issues of racism, discrimination and knife crime, shedding light on the cruelly racist world from the 'white and black' perspectives. Rethinking the questions of identity, Britishness, social agency and national affiliation from new proportions. The second chapter Roy Williams's Sing Yer Heart Out for the Lads (2002), Sucker Punch (2010) and The No Boys Cricket Club (1996). Williams stages sport in all its complexity as a rich ground for contemplating the issues of racism, belonging, nationalism and identity. He portrays an image of the conflict among the ethnic communities in a multicultural space, highlighting that conflict in its larger context. The third chapter discusses Tanika Gupta's White Boy (2008) and Sugar Mummies (2006). Both of...

Negace umění / Dismissing Art

Davidová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
(EN) Negation, in its many shapes and forms, is an integral part of the history of twentieth-century art. If we look at the world through the dialectical logic of the ever-changing struggle between theses and antitheses, art too comes out as a result of the clash of two inseparable counterparts. Creation is destruction, just like destruction is creation. This diploma thesis tries to explore the broad topic of negation by defining two main interests, which are the topics of destruction and dropping out of the art scene. It sees both cases as a way of revolting against the position of the artist and art in the consumer society of the West. The text handles the phenomenon of destruction in art through multiple examples of artistic movements and the social context after the Second World War and especially during the 1960s, when many artists tried to work with the potential of destruction in art. In the final part devoted to leaving the artistic milieu, the possibility of simultaneously being and not being part of the world of art and the (im)possible future of art in times of climate crisis is explored with the help of the example of Slovak post-practice artist Radim Labuda. Key words: negation in art, destruction art, anti-art, dematerialisation, 20th century art, contemporary art, political art,...

Vztahy současného volného a užitého umění / The Relationships of Contemporary Fine and Applied Art

Smetana, Filip January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the relations between the contemporary free and applied art. It explores the possibilities of bidirectional permeation and trapping of these areas. In this thesis I´m trying to touch the border points between sculpture, painting, drawing and design Diploma work deals with the theme of the wall relief. I´m using conceptual principles and these principles are often unclear on the outside. by using the conceptual keys and contexts i´m trying to create the aesthetic quality of the artwork. In a practical thesisis i´m working with wall sculptures and folding picture. Art can often change their nature and their perceptions using a different composition, adjustment, or context with the surroundings. I´m working with possibilities of understanding to every single artistic element as part of a wider whole. This thesis consists of a wall relief sculptures. The composition components are all facing the wall, eventually. column. In this thesis combines the individual relief under a particular key.

Kreativní centrum – Kopřivnice / Creative centre - Koprivnice

Křížová, Lucie Unknown Date (has links)
Right in the city center, there is a plot with old factory halls. These halls are fascinating and have great potential. But now, they are more of an obstacle. They form a barrier, they are in poor condition, and it robs the city of its values. In my diploma thesis entitled Creative Center in Kopřivnice, in addition to the design of the creative center, I will also deal with how to use the beauty and potential of these old halls, further, how to create beautiful and modernized buildings with a new value. I want to open the whole area, to create a place where people would like to meet and where various functions will be mixed- a place for fun, relaxation, culture, education or even just a shopping or walk. The work is very diverse - from the urban design of the entire plot, through the revitalization of old industrial halls and the layout of a new building, to the interior design of a new gallery.

Podnikatelský záměr na tenisové centrum a jeho rozšíření formou franchisingu / A Business Plan for a Tennis Center and Its Extension Through Franchising

Terziev, Christo January 2016 (has links)
podnikatelský záměr, zaloţení společnosti, analýza, konkurence, marketingový výzkum, strategie, tenis

Proměny obce Bohnice / Changes in community Bohnice

Avramopulosová, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
The thesis brings a global insight into the Prague's suburb of Bohnice. Captures the appearance since the first settlements until nowadays. Focusing mainly on both historical and socio-economical milestones, which created the city. According to the lack of written resources for the historical part of the theses and to the fact, that Bohnice are often reduced to the activities of the famous mental institution, the main target is the forming of Bohnice city in the 20th century. Concentrates on institutions of both social and health care, which can compete the famous mental institution. The thesis also supplies materials about the urban concept of the housing estate of Bohnice including the traffic solutions through the past century. Points out also outstanding architectural solitaires.

Téma rodiny v českém dramatu posledních dvaceti let / The Family Issues in the Recent Czech Drama

Rychlá, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
AABBSSTTRRAACCTT TThhiiss tthheessiiss rreefflleeccttss mmooddeerrnn ffaammiillyy ddrraammaa.. IItt bbrriieeffllyy oouuttlliinneess tthhee ssiittuuaattiioonn ooff ddrraammaa aanndd tthheeaatteerr aafftteerr 11998899,, ddeessccrriibbeess tthhee ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff CCzzeecchh ffaammiillyy ddrraammaa aanndd bbrriinnggss aawwaarreenneessss ooff tthhee ggeenneerraall EEuurrooppeeaann ccoonntteexxtt.. TThhee mmaaiinn oobbjjeeccttiivvee ooff tthhee tthheessiiss iiss ttoo pprreesseenntt ccoonntteemmppoorraarryy ddrraammaattiicc tteexxttss,, wwhhiicchh ccoonncceerrnnss ffaammiillyy iissssuueess.. BByy uussiinngg tthheeiirr aannaallyyssiiss tthhiiss tthheessiiss ccoommeess ttoo ggeenneerraall ccoonncclluussiioonnss aanndd ccaatteeggoorriieess,, aanndd ttrriieess ttoo ccaappttuurree tthhee ssppeecciiffiicc ffeeaattuurreess ooff tthhiiss kkiinndd ooff ddrraammaa.. TThhiiss wwoorrkk aallssoo lliissttss ssttaaggiinngg ppeerrffoorrmmaanncceess ooff tthheessee tthheeaattrree ppllaayyss,, wwhhiicchh ssiittuuaatteess tteexxttss iinnttoo aa bbrrooaaddeerr ccoonntteexxtt aanndd aaiimmss ttoo ppooiinntt oouutt,, wwhhaatt ccoonntteemmppoorraarryy CCzzeecchh ffaammiillyy ddrraammaa ooccccuuppiieess iinn tthhee tthheeaattrree..

Prózy současných českých autorů pro děti předškolního věku / Prosaic works of contemporary Czech authors for children of pre-school age

Malá, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the titles of the contemporary Czech authors of the books for the preschool children. The main target of the thesis is to find and recommend the valuable children's books (published after year 2000) to the preschool teachers, parents and other educators, with the main emphasis on the esthetic, literary-didactic and educational quality aspects. In the theoretical part of the thesis I aimed on the characteristics of the preschool child in relation to reading. I was mainly interested in child's psychological development in the context with the examined issue. The theoretical part of the thesis also provides the definition of the prereaders period and terms of non-reader and prereader are explained here. Prosaic genres intended to this age group are also examined in this part of the thesis. Criteria for selection of children's books by the adults and the knowledge of five book titles are examined through the questionnaire survey. The practical (analytical) part of the thesis contains the analysis of the selected children's books ("Medvídek Kuma" by Martina Skala, "Už se nebojím tmy," "Kozí knížka" by Tereza Říčanová, "Jak Cílek Lídu našel" by František Skála and "Dobrodružství pavouka Čendy" by Pavel Čech) according to the predefined criteria. The Conclusion provides...

Proč se lidé přestávají loučit se zemřelými? / Why do people tend to not saying goodbye to the dead?

HYBRANTOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the search for answering the question of people´s not saying goodbye to the deceased. The first chapter deals with the topic of dying and death in the past and compares it to the present situation. Another chapter emphasizes the significance of the ritual in human life, it deals with the early and current funeral rituals, their justified meaning from a psychological point of view. It also deals with the places of the last resting of our ancestors. The third chapter deals with the ethical aspect of this issue and, in particular, with the search for the answers, which are the cause of the current situation. The last chapter focuses on social work with survivors, deals with accompanying, mourning, and counseling help.

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