Spelling suggestions: "subject:"found absorption.""
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Acoustical Characteristics Of Historical Turkish BathsAydin, Asuman 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Comprehensive studies are needed to better understand the original acoustical features of historical baths in order to uncover the historical technologies that enabled the acoustical performance for which they are renowned and to ensure they retain this performance with time. In this study, acoustic performances of Sengü / l Hamami and Kadi Hamami, two 15th century historical baths belonging to the Ottoman period, were examined to discover their original acoustical features and to assess their present situation by taking into consideration the recent incompatible repair work. The analyses were done by using 3D computer modeling and acoustical simulation methods supported by laboratory analyses. The results were evaluated in terms of sound absorption characteristics of historical lime-based plasters, the original acoustical features of historical Turkish baths and acoustical failures related to recent repairs. The study showed that these baths had originally well-designed acoustical features provide for a proper environment for musical performances. This success was attributed to the conscious use of historical materials having high sound absorption characteristics. It was seen that these original acoustical features had been destroyed by wrong repairs using cement-based plasters. These plasters demonstrated incompatible acoustical properties, such as less porosity and lower sound absorption coefficients. This study also helped to define acoustical specifications for such historical baths to be maintained in restoration work.
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Caracterização acústica de dois sistemas modulares de telhados verdes brasileiros / Acoustic characterization of two brazillian systems of modular green roofsPiovesan, Tenile Rieger 20 December 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to experimentally evaluate the properties as sound absorbers of two modular green roof systems commonly used in Brazil: the Alveolar simple and the modular Hexa. This study emerged from the unification of two aggravating problems, being the environment degradation and the environmental noise, given the records that vegetated roofs generally have several environmental benefits, including acoustic. The two systems were evaluated with the same substratum, but with different features and using distinct plants and assembly modes, that is, grass on the Alveolar system and plants of the sedum genus on the Hexa modular system. Measuring experiments of sound absortion have been made for each of the systems, consisting of two measurings with different substratum thickness and one measuring of the systems with sedum plants. The chosen experimental procedure was the method of reverberation chamber in a diffuse sound field. It was found that substrata of all the combinations of investigated samples have interesting absorption properties, due their porosity. The maximum sound absorption coefficient α of the Alveolar system with 2.5cm thick substratum was 1.0 at 1kHz, and the lower frequency coefficient are close to 0.20. The Alveolar system with 4 cm of substratum and the Hexa modular system with sedum plants were those which had, in general, higher values for α in all frequency bands, as well as showing the highest NRC values, in other words: values of 0.80 and 0.81 respectively. The maximum α in the Alveolar system with a layer of 4 cm thick substratum reached the value of 0.89 at frequencies of 1 kHz, 2 kHz and 2.5 kHz, and at the low frequencies from 100 Hz to 200 Hz the sample reached α values between 0.25 and 0.32; whereas the Hexa modular system with a 6cm substratum plus sedum the α values were 0.94 at a frequency of 800Hz, and between 0.16 and 0.26 at low frequencies. The 4cm thick Alveolar system with grass was the system which had higher α values in the frequencies of 100Hz and 200Hz, between 0.31 and 0.38, therefore being most efficient for traffic noise absorption. In general, the absorption coefficients of all samples doubled the value at the range of 250Hz, in comparison to the 200Hz frequency. The obtained results show a high absorption coefficient for such systems, which indicates that using green roofs can be na effective alternative of urban noise control. / Este estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar experimentalmente as propriedades como absorvedores sonoros de dois sistemas modulares de telhados verdes comumente utilizados no Brasil: alveolar simples e hexa. Este eclodiu da unificação de dois problemas agravantes, sendo a degradação do meio ambiente e ruído ambiental, partindo-se dos registros que telhados vegetados de forma geral possuem vários benefícios ambientais, inclusive acústicos. Foram analisados os dois sistemas com a mesma composição de substrato, porém com particularidades no esquema de montagem e plantas diferenciadas, isto é, grama no sistema alveolar e planta do tipo sedum no sistema hexa. Foram realizados experimentos de medição de absorção sonora de cada um dos sistemas, sendo duas medições considerando espessuras diferenciadas de substrato e uma medição do conjunto com planta. O procedimento experimental foi o método da câmara reverberante em campo difuso. Verificou-se que os substratos das amostras de todas as combinações investigadas possuem interessantes propriedades de absorção, por serem altamente porosos. O coeficiente de absorção sonoro (α) máximo do sistema alveolar com 2,5cm de substrato foi de 1,0 em 1 kHz, e nas baixas frequências tem coeficientes próximos de 0,20. Já o sistema alveolar com 4 cm de substrato e o sistema hexa com sedum foram os que apresentaram, no geral, maiores valores no α em todas as faixas de frequência, além de apresentarem em termos de NRC os maiores valores, ou seja: 0,80 e 0,81 respectivamente. O α máximo no sistema alveolar com 4 cm de espessura do substrato atingiu 0,89 nas frequências de 1kHz, 2kHz e 2,5 kHz, e nas baixas frequências valores de α entre 0,25 à 0,32 nas frequências de 100 à 200 Hz; já no sistema hexa com espessura do substrato de 6cm com sedum o α máximo foi de 0,94 na frequência de 800Hz, e nas baixas frequências entre 0,16 a 0,26. O sistema alveolar com espessura de 4 cm com grama foi o que obteve maiores α nas baixas frequências de100 a 200 Hz com valores de 0,31 a 0,38, sendo assim mais eficaz para absorção de ruído de tráfego. No geral, os coeficientes de absorção de todas as amostras dobraram o valor na faixa de 250 Hz em relação a 200 Hz. Os resultados obtidos indicam um alto coeficiente de absorção para tais equipamentos, o que sugere que a utilização de telhados verdes pode ser uma ótima alternativa de controle de ruído urbano.
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Undersökning av ny fältmätningsmetod för bullerskyddsskärmar med avseende på ljudabsorptionRoth, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
För att undersöka bullerskyddsskärmars akustiska prestanda med avseende på ljudabsorption mäts idag absorptionen inomhus i laboratorier. Detta är oftast inte lämpligt eftersom bullerskyddsskärmar används utomhus, där ett annat ljudfält råder. Således introducerades en ny mätstandard år 2016 för att kunna undersöka ljudabsorptionen i fält, med benämningen SS-EN 1793-5:2016. Metoden innebär att ljudreflektionen uppmäts, där ljudabsorptionen sedan kan erhållas eftersom de är varandras komplement. Mätmetoden tillämpades på tre bullerskyddsskärmar för att identifiera för- och nackdelar med metoden, analysera skillnader i ljudabsorption mellan olika typer av bullerskyddsskärmar samt för att jämföra ljudabsorptionen mellan fält- och laborationsmätningar. Det sistnämnda eftersom tidigare studier har visat att ljudabsorptionen generellt överskattas vid laborationsmätningar i jämförelse med fältmätningar (CEDR, 2017). Metoden var praktiskt genomförbar och fördelarna är att mätmetoden är mer representativ än laborationsmätningar för bullerskyddsskärmar där direkt ljudfält råder samt att metoden möjliggör undersökning av ljudabsorptionens förändring över tid. Nackdelar som påvisades var att metoden är tidskrävande, att skärmens ljudisolering även behöver mätas för att få reda på den fullständiga ljudabsorptionen, att det saknas tydliga specifikationer för hur mätdata för bullerskyddsskärmar som är < 4 m höga ska analyseras samt att låga frekvenser blir ogiltiga för skärmar som har en höjd < 4 m. De tre mätobjekten som undersöktes var en skärm i laminerat härdat glas i närheten av Fridhemsplan i Stockholm, en skärm i sträckmetall beklädd med vegetation intill Lidingövägen i Stockholm samt en skärm i Knivsta som består av sektioner i aluminium respektive akrylglas. Glasskärmen vid Fridhemsplan var generellt mest reflekterande, följt av akryglassektionen i Knivsta. Aluminiumsektionen i Knivsta och den vegetationsbeklädda metallskärmen vid Lidingövägen var mest absorberande. Skillnaderna mellan skärmarna berodde på att de består av olika material som var olika reflekterande respektive absorberande. För aluminiumsektionen i Knivsta utfördes en jämförelse mellan ljudabsorptionen som tidigare hade uppmätts i laboratorium och ljudabsorptionen som uppmättes i fält. Sektionen uppvisade mer ljudabsorption vid mätning i laboratorium än vid mätning i fält. Detta ansågs främst bero på att ljudfälten skiljer sig mellan laboratorium och fält.
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Analysis of Acoustic Absorption with Extended Liner Reaction and Grazing FlowFärm, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Acoustic absorbing liners are efficient and commonly used measures to reduce sound levels in many fields of application. The sound reducingperformance of the liners is dependent on the acoustic state, defined by e.g. the flow and sound field interacting with the liner. To enable liner optimization the impact of these factors on the liner performance must be predictable. Studies of the impact of these factors were performed with existing experimental, analytical and numerical methods at low Mach number flows and material used in truck engine compartments. The study showed significant impact of both flow and sound field onthe liner performance. The size of the impact of the flow depends on which of the existing methods and models that was used, implying theneed of complementary methods. A new numerical method to model the boundary layer effect was for this reason developed in this work. The method was shown to predict the impact of flow correctly compared to the Pridmore-Brown solution and the method was computationally efficient. The sound reducing performance of a liner exposed to complex sound field and grazing flow can be predicted using existing methods together with the new proposed method. Extra care has to be taken when bulk reacting liners are considered since additional complications compared to locally reacting surfaces occur in presence the of grazing flow. / <p>QC 20130916</p>
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Sound Absorption and Sound Power Measurements in Reverberation Chambers Using Energy Density MethodsNutter, David B. 28 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Measurements in a reverberation chamber use spatially averaged squared pressure to calculate sound absorption, sound power, and other sound measurements. While a reverberation chamber provides an approximation of a diffuse sound field, variations in the measurements introduce uncertainty in measurement results. Room qualification procedures require a sufficient number of source-receiver locations to obtain suitable measurements. The total acoustic energy density provides greater spatial uniformity than squared pressure, which requires fewer source-receiver positions to produce similar or better accuracy in measurement results. This paper explores the possibility of using energy density in place of squared pressure, using methods outlined in current ISO standards, by describing several experimental and analytical results.
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Absorption properties of green sound barriers / Absorpationsegenskaper för gröna bullerkyddFouda, Sherif January 2018 (has links)
This thesis was conducted on behalf of Butong AB, who wanted to test and develop an environmental friendly, so called green sound barrier, which combines both art and science.Different configurations of the product were proposed by the company with various filling materials, as it was predicted that the filling materials would be the main sound absorbent among all parts of the structure.The thesis work started by selecting the best of the proposed fillings which could be of interest - that is those which were expected to have high sound absorption coefficients. The selection process was based on experience, reading and advice. The main idea behind the selection process was saving cost for the company as well as effort.Impedance tube method was used for performing the measurements on samples of the green sound barriers, in order to calculate the acoustical properties of each material and every construction, as it was considerably reliable, cheap and fast to use.The measurements were done according to a combination between standards described in ISO 10534-2:1998 and ASTM E2611-09, for performing test measurements using the impedance tube.This master thesis gives an explanation of the predicted absorption characteristics of the green sound barriers including the usage of different fillings, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using it in real life applications.
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Reducering av rumsresonanser med hjälp av stämda membranabsorbenterJönsson, Linus January 2024 (has links)
The purpose with this project is to give insight about the theory behind, and the usage of, membrane absorption. This was done in an effort to reduce a particular acoustical problem regarding a room mode which resonated strongly in my music studio and was causing trouble within the low frequencies. In this essay I go through the history, theory, making-of and results of said absorption technique, and explore the possibilities of it working as a relatively cheap and space efficient solution to problems regarding standing waves. The results were positive considering the low budget. The standing wave decay time was almost halved and the frequency response improved, which proves the capability of this type of absorption.
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Absorption of Sound : On the effects of field interaction on absorber performanceFärm, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Environmental noise has for decades been a well known problem, especially in urban areas. As noise requirements for vehicles are sharpened, noise reducing concepts are needed in early design stages requiring accurate simulations to support the design. Specifically for optimization of noise treatments, the absorber performance must be simulated correctly. So called noise encapsulations are placed below the powertrain on heavy vehicles to enclose the engine and reduce noise radiation. The attenuation of the absorbers on these shields must be represented correctly in simulations, even in environments with complex sound field, cooling flow and high temperature variations which may affect the absorber performance. This thesis studies the performance variation due to different absorber representations and due to these factors and how to include this in simulations. It is shown that the material representation significantly affects the attenuation performance in the simulations. Assuming locally reacting absorbers neglects the full interaction between the sound field and the material, which was shown to affect the noise reduction considerably. A measurement method to determine the angular dependent surface impedance was evaluated. It was shown sensitive to small samples and a method to improve accuracy was suggested. Including the angular dependence, either by full resolution or an angular dependent impedance, the field-absorber interaction is included in the simulations and more accurate results are obtained. The influence of flow and temperature fields on the absorber performance was also investigated. A method to include these effects was developed and the attenuation performance shown significant, especially for materials with bulk reaction. In conclusion, thorough knowledge of the material behavior and the field in the applications is required to choose appropriate material representation to enable reliable simulation results. / <p>QC 20160311</p>
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Acoustic properties of novel multifunctional sandwich structures and porous absorbing materials / Propriétés acoustiques de nouvelles structures sandwich multifonctionnelles et de matériaux absorbants poreuxMeng, Han 13 March 2018 (has links)
La mise en oeuvre de matériaux acoustiques est une méthode efficace et très utilisée pour réduire le bruit le long de sa propagation. Les propriétés acoustiques de nouvelles structures sandwich multifonctionnelles et de matériaux absorbants poreux sont étudiées dans la thèse. Les principales contributions de la thèse sont les suivantes: Les panneaux sandwich ont généralement d'excellentes propriétés mécaniques et un bon indice de perte en transmission sonore (STL), mais aucune capacité d'absorption acoustique. De nouvelles structures sandwich multifonctionnelles sont développées en intégrant des microperforations et des matériaux absorbants poreux aux panneaux sandwich ondulés et en nid d’abeilles conventionnels, structurellement efficaces pour obtenir de bons STL et de bonnes absorptions en basses fréquences. Le coefficient d'absorption acoustique (SAC) et la perte en transmission (STL) des panneaux sandwich ondulés sont évalués numériquement et expérimentalement en basse fréquence pour différentes configurations de perforations. Les modèles éléments finis (EF) sont construits en tenant compte des interactions vibro-acoustiques sur les structures et des dissipations d'énergie, visqueuse et thermique, à l'intérieur des perforations. La validité des calculs FE est vérifiée par des mesures expérimentales avec les échantillons testés obtenus par fabrication additive. Par rapport aux panneaux sandwich ondulés classiques sans perforation, les panneaux sandwich perforés (PCSPs) avec des perforations dans leur plaque avant présentent non seulement un SAC plus élevé aux basses fréquences, mais aussi un meilleur STL, qui en est la conséquence directe. L'élargissement des courbes des indices d’absorption et de transmission doit être attribué à la résonance acoustique induite par les micro-perforations. Il est également constaté que les PCSPs avec des perforations dans les plaques avant et les parois internes onduleés ont les fréquences de résonance les plus basses de tous les PCSPs. En outre, les performances acoustiques des panneaux sandwich en nid d'abeilles avec une plaque avant microperforée sont également examinées. Un modèle analytique est présenté avec l'hypothèse que les déplacements des deux plaques sont identiques aux fréquences inférieures à la fréquence de résonance des plaques. Le modèle analytique est ensuite validé par des modèles d'éléments finis et des résultats expérimentaux existants. Contrairement aux panneaux sandwich en nid d'abeilles classiques qui sont de piètres absorbeurs de bruit, les sandwichs en nid d'abeilles perforés (PHSPs) conduisent à un SAC élevé aux basses fréquences, ce qui entraîne en conséquence un incrément dans le STL basse fréquence. Les influences de la configuration du noyau sont étudiées en comparant les PHSPs avec différentes configurations de noyaux en nids d'abeilles. […] / Implementation of acoustic materials is an effective and popular noise reduction method during propagation. Acoustic properties of novel multifunctional sandwich structures and porous absorbing materials are studied in the dissertation. The main contributions of the dissertation are given as, Sandwich panels generally have excellent mechanical properties and good sound transmission loss (STL), but no sound absorption ability. Novel multifunctional sandwich structures are developed by integrating micro perforations and porous absorbing materials to the conventional structurally-efficient corrugated and honeycomb sandwich panels to achieve good SAC and STL at low frequencies. Low frequency sound absorption and sound transmission loss (STL) of corrugated sandwich panels with different perforation configurations are evaluated both numerically and experimentally. Finite element (FE) models are constructed with considerations of acousticstructure interactions and viscous and thermal energy dissipations inside the perforations. The validity of FE calculations is checked against experimental measurements with the tested samples provided by additive manufacturing. Compared with the classical corrugated sandwich panels without perforation, the perforated corrugated sandwich panels (PCSPs) with perforations in its face plate not only exhibits a higher SAC at low frequencies but also a better STL as a consequence of the enlarged SAC. The enlargement of SAC and STL should be attributed to the acoustical resonance induced by the micro perforations. It is also found that the PCSPs with perforations in both the face plates and corrugated cores have the lowest resonance frequencies of all the PCSPs. Besides, the acoustic properties of honeycomb sandwich panels with microperforated faceplate are also explored. An analytical model is presented with the assumption that displacements of the two faceplates are identical at frequencies below the faceplate resonance frequency. The analytical model is subsequently verified by finite element models and existing experimental results. Unlike classical honeycomb sandwich panels which are poor sound absorbers, perforated honeycomb sandwiches (PHSPs) lead to high SAC at low frequencies, which in turn brings about increment in the low frequency STL. Influences of core configuration are investigated by comparing PHSPs with different honeycomb core configurations. In order to enlarge the SAC bandwidth of perforated sandwich panels, porous absorbing materials are added to the cores of novel perforated sandwich panels. FE models are set up to estimate the SAC and STL of perforated sandwich panels with porous materials. Results show that perforated sandwich panels with porous material can provide SAC with broader bandwidth and lower resonance frequency than that without porous materials. Whereas the peak values in the SAC and STL curves are reduced due to the weakened acoustical resonance by the porous materials. […]
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Painéis de resíduos madeireiros e de borracha de pneu associados à espuma poliuretana à base de mamona para aplicação como composições termoacústicas / Panels from wood and tire rubber wastes associated with castor-oil-based polyurethane foam for application as thermo-acoustic compositionsBertolini, Marília da Silva 04 September 2014 (has links)
Questões ligadas ao desempenho térmico e acústico de edificações têm sido cada vez mais abordadas, num cenário em que ganham importância a economia de energia e o controle do ruído. O advento dos materiais compósitos propiciou o emprego de resíduos de processos que, aliados a materiais de origem renovável, contribuem para a obtenção de produtos de reduzido impacto ambiental. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a produção e caracterização de painéis de partículas e espuma poliuretana à base de óleo de mamona, para destinação em composições termoacústicas. Os painéis de partículas foram produzidos utilizando-se resíduos de madeira de Pinus sp., tratado com CCB (preservante de cromo, cobre e boro - base óxido), borracha de pneus inservíveis e adesivo poliuretano à base de óleo de mamona. Foram adotadas variações na produção dos painéis, quanto aos fatores: proporção e configuração da borracha, espessura e pressão de prensagem; verificando sua influência no desempenho dos painéis. As propriedades físicas e mecânicas dos painéis foram determinadas conforme a ABNT NBR 14810-3 (2006) e avaliadas segundo os principais requisitos de normas neste âmbito. Análises estatísticas (ANOVA) foram realizadas para verificação da influência dos fatores de produção, e de suas interações, nas propriedades físicas e mecânicas dos painéis. Também foram avaliadas a morfologia e estabilidade térmica dos painéis e espumas. O isolamento térmico foi avaliado pela determinação experimental da condutividade térmica. A absorção sonora dos painéis e espumas, em diferentes montagens, foi determinada por medições em câmara reverberante, conforme ISO 354 (1985). Os resultados das propriedades físicas e mecânicas dos painéis estiveram em grande parte condizentes com os documentos normativos. O teor de borracha e a sua interação com os demais fatores apresentaram influência estatística nas propriedades físicas e mecânicas dos painéis. A morfologia dos painéis e espumas permitiu visualizar sua adequação aos produtos propostos, por meio da porosidade. Em relação ao isolamento térmico e absorção sonora, os painéis e espumas, bem como as composições formadas, apresentaram desempenho coerente com produtos e normas utilizados como referência. Sendo assim, verificou-se a viabilidade de produção e aplicação dos painéis e espuma poliuretana à base de mamona em composições destinadas ao conforto termoacústico. / Issues relating to thermal and acoustic performance of buildings have been increasingly addressed in a scenario where energy savings and noise control are essential. Advent of composite materials enabled the use of residues from production processes that, coupled with renewable source materials, contribute to obtain products with low environmental impact. So, this study aimed to the production and characterization of particleboards and castor-oil-based polyurethane foam, for thermo-acoustic compositions. Panels were produced with residues of Pinus sp., treated with CCB (chromium, copper and boron basic oxide preservative), tire rubber wastes and castor-oil-based polyurethane adhesive. Variations in the production parameters were adopted: proportion and configuration of tire rubber; panels thickness; and pressing pressure, to determine their influence on panel performance. Physical and mechanical properties of particleboards were determined based on ABNT NBR 14810-3 (2006) and evaluated according to the main requirements of standards in this area. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) was performed to check the influence of production factors, and their interactions, in those properties. Morphology and thermal stability of foams and panels were also evaluated. Thermal insulation was evaluated by experimental values of thermal conductivity. Sound absorption of the panels and foams, in different assemblies, was determined by measurement in a reverberation room, according to ISO 354 (1985). Results of evaluated panel properties were consistent with the normative requirements. The tire rubber content and its interaction with other factors influenced in almost all physical and mechanical properties of the particleboards. Morphology of the foams and panels permitted confirming their suitability to the proposed product by the porosity. With respect to thermal insulation and sound absorption, panels and foams as well as the correspondent compositions showed performance consistent to the references. Therefore, it was demonstrated the production feasibility and applying of studied compositions intended for the thermo-acoustic comfort.
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