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Translating Andrea Camilleri: Strategies for the translation ofRidonato, Giuseppe 25 October 2006 (has links)
STUDENT NO: 9811739R
The objective of this paper is to investigate how linguistic variations in a literary text can
be translated by analysing and comparing the strategies employed by two different
French translators when dealing with the works of the Italian author, Andrea Camilleri.
Much has been written about the possibility/ impossibility of translation itself, with many
writers and critics taking opposing sides on the issue. The intention of this study is not to
fuel or further this, in our view, sterile discussion. The point is that translations do exist
and have existed for thousands of years: that is, texts in one (source) language have in
some way been recreated and rewritten into another (target) language1. By contrast, what
has been explored only superficially is how linguistic variations and dialects present in
literary texts have been reproduced in the target language. Textual analyses relative to
this study will be carried out on selected passages of two different novels (one for each
1 The abbreviations SL and TL will be used to indicate ‘source language’ and ‘target language’
respectively, while ST and TT will be used to indicate ‘target text’ and ‘source text’.
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The ’tail’ of Alice’s tale : A case study of Swedish translations of puns in Alice’s Adventures in WonderlandMy, Linderholt January 2016 (has links)
This study investigates the use of different strategies for translating puns in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The material chosen for this study consist of the two Swedish translations by Nonnen (1870/1984) and Westman (2009). Six puns were selected for the analysis which greatly relies on Delabastita’s (1996) eight strategies for translating puns, and Newmark’s (1988) translation methods. The analysis shows that Westman empathises with the readers of the TT while Nonnen empathises with the ST. This entails that Westman tends to use a more ‘free’ translation and is more inclined to adapt the ST puns to make them more visible for the readership of the TT. The priority for Nonnen, on the other hand, is to remain faithful to the contextual meaning of the ST. Paradoxically, to be faithful to the ST does not necessarily entail that the translator respects the semantic aspects of the ST, but that they adapt the culture of the ST to better fit the cultural and linguistic framework of the TL. Since Westman adapts the ST puns so that they are still recognised by the reader of the TT, her translation appears to be more suitable for the TL readership than Nonnen’s.
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Translation and cultural adaptation with reference to Tshivenda and English : a case study of the medical fieldMashamba, Mabula January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (African languages)) --University of Limpopo, 2011 / The aim of this study was to investigate the problems encountered by translators when translating medical terms from English into Tshivenda. It has been revealed in this study that the major problem that the translators are confronted with is lack of terminology in the specialized field such as Health. This problem is caused by the fact that different languages entail a variety of culture. The study revealed that most translators and lexicographers resort to transliteration and borrowing when confronted with zero-equivalence. They regard transliteration and borrowing as the quickest possible strategies. The study discovered that transliteration should not be opted as an alternative strategy to deal with zero-equivalence as users will be led to a state of confusion. The study revealed that communicative translation is regarded as the most fruitful method of translation as it conveys the exact message of the original in a best possible manner. Both the source and the target users get the same message.
Translation, Culture, Source Language (SL), Target Language (TL), Translation equivalence and Zero-equivalence.
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À la recherche de la métaphore scientifique - termes médicaux en traduction. / In search of scientific metaphors while translating medical terminology.Lillkung, Lilianna January 2014 (has links)
From a general point of view, the aim of this thesis is to study the appearance and the translation of the metaphor in a context that involves specialized texts. Our purpose is also to examine the historical expression of metaphor within aspects connected to its importance for creation of scientific terms. More precisely, the main object is to explore how metaphors have been used in the field of medical terminology and by which methods they have been translated across the languages. Our approach is based on the definition of conceptual metaphor conceived by Lakoff & Johnson as a product of projections made by the thought (mapping). According to that idea, the metaphor constitutes a universal and essential element of human language and, therefore, also a keystone of the human communication reproduced at every level of social activity. From the cognitive point of view, our approach is also based on the theory of blending proposed by Fauconnier & Turner. It is diachronic and multidisciplinary as well, which means that a particular focus has been placed on the etymology of medical terms, which we have explored in the scientific context where those terms have been created and used. The database in this study is composed of medical terms emerging from scientific texts that we have translated from French to Swedish. During our analysis, we have explored the occurrence of conceptual metaphor across the source language and the target language (the last one is in fact represented in this thesis by four languages: French, Swedish, English and Polish). The translation methods have been analyzed according to the model of Vinay & Darbelnet. Our result indicates that conceptual metaphor plays a crucial role in the creation of medical terminology. It indicates also that the conceptualization of a medical phenomenon (expressed by mapping and blending) is almost always preserved in its original form in the target language. This observation implies that cognitive factors are activated during the process of translation. Our conclusion is made within the historical and scientific context, in other words regarding the context where the metaphorical terms have been created and afterwards transferred to other languages. Key words: conceptual metaphor, metaphorical term, cognitive, etymology, medicine, scientific language, mapping, blending, conceptual shift, linguistic shift, translation, source language, target language.
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La contextualisation dans la lexicographie bilingue : le cas du dictionnaire français-arabe / The Contextualization in Bilingual Lexicography : the Case of French-Arabic DictionaryBesnaci, Mohammed 20 March 2012 (has links)
Le constat qui consiste à dire que dans la pratique, le traducteur travaille en particulier sur des mots insérés dans des contextes, et non sur des unités lexicales dépourvues de toute situation de communication, et que l’ouvrage lexicographique constitue un des outils du travail traductionnel, nous amène à nous interroger sur l’état de la contextualisation dans le dictionnaire bilingue français-arabe. L’actuelle recherche, s’appuyant sur plusieurs approches, ne met pas seulement l’accent sur les plans organisationnel, quantitatif et qualitatif du contexte lexicographique en microstructure, mais en outre, met la lumière sur son fonctionnement linguistique, sa relation avec le paramètre extralinguistique ainsi que son dynamisme dans une optique contrastive. / Starting from the idea that the translator mostly works on words in sentences, and not on lexical units out of any discursive usage, and also from the fact that the bilingual dictionary is a tool of translation, we can wonder about the situation of contextualization in the French-Arabic dictionary. The present work, based on different approaches of analysis, does not only focus on the organizational, quantitative and qualitative levels of the lexicographic context in microstructure, but also deals with the linguistic functioning, the relation with the extralinguistic parameter, and its dynamics from the contrastive point of view.
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Le bilinguisme en littérature : l'auto-traduction espagnol-français à la lumière du cas d’Agustín Gómez Arcos / Bilingualism in literature : self-translation between Spanish and French in the light of the case of Agustín Gómez ArcosZaitouni-Chapin, Nayrouz 10 July 2015 (has links)
L’autotraduction est le résultat d’une équation qui combine bilinguisme, traduction et littérature L’autotraducteur n’est pas un simple médiateur entre texte source et texte cible : il est écrivain, puis lecteur de son œuvre, puis écrivain à nouveau et enfin lecteur de sa traduction, qui acquiert une valeur de deuxième œuvre originale. C’est à la lumière du cas de Agustín Gómez-Arcos que cette thèse se propose de répondre à la question de la stratégie de réécriture et d’adaptation mise en place lors du processus de l’autotraduction, en étudiant les différents mécanismes auxquels a recours l’autotraducteur, qu’il s’agisse de choix contraints ou de prise de liberté auctoriale, mais aussi en analysant les interférences entre les deux langues qui laissent entrevoir une « pollinisation » certaine des œuvres bilingues du corpus choisi. Cette réflexion sur la poétique de l’autotraduction à travers les obstacles qui peuvent gêner l’écriture bilingue, mais aussi à travers la liberté qu’apporte à un auteur le fait d’être son propre traducteur, se veut une manière de rendre hommage à la figure du traducteur littéraire. / Self-translation is the result of an equation that combines literature with bilingualism and translation. The self-translator is not a mere mediator between the source text and the target text. In fact, he is the writer and reader of his work, but also the writer and reader of his translation, which becomes a second original work. The aim of this thesis is to address the issue of how Agustín Gómez-Arcos rewrites and adapts his novels when he self-translates them. That is why we are going to study the various translation procedures he uses – be they choices that conform to constraints or auctorial licenses – and then analyse the way the two languages interact with one another and lead to cross-pollination within the bilingual novels of the selected corpus. This reflection on the poetics of self-translation not only through obstacles to bilingual writing, but also through the freedom offered to an author who is his own translator, can be regarded as a tribute paid to the figure of the literary translator.
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Dialektelemente in deutscher und schwedischer Literatur und ihre Übersetzung : von Schelch zu eka, von ilsnedu zu bösartigBrembs, Gunhild January 2004 (has links)
The present study investigates the translation of dialectal elements in literary texts from the German and Swedish linguistical and cultural areas. Translation theory generally advises against the translation of dialectal elements in standard language texts thereby implicitly questioning their creative and communicative function. The aim of the study is to investigate to what extent the dialectal elements in the source text are translated by corresponding dialectal elements in the target text thereby promoting a "cultural transfer" or whether a translation method based on translation theory is used. The linguistic material from the novels Die Räuberbande by the German author Leonhard Frank, Tjärdalen by the Swedish author Sara Lidman and Kapten Nemos bibliotek by the Swedish author Per Olov Enquist is microanalyzed. In doing so, the phonetical-phonological, morphological and syntactical dialectal features in the three source texts are treated methodically and are exemplarily and systematically presented together with their translation variants in the target language. The study focuses mainly on the translations of dialectal lexicology, which is investigated according to its contrastive function regarding the translations of standard language, thereby examining its adequacy. By including all the dialectal lexemes appearing in the works and their translations empirical dates have been compiled as a result of the translation methods. The study´s analyses demonstrate that dialectal elements are mainly translated into standard language, that a large part of dialectisms is paraphrased and that a small part is rendered by spoken language without regional limits. A tendency towards increasing use of dialectal elements through the times can be detected as well as a propensity to adapt the translation to the stylistical preferences in the receiving country. Thus, "cultural transfer" is not promoted.
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Vliv profesní zkušenosti tlumočníka na jazyk tlumočnické notace / The effect of the interpreter's professional experience on the note-taking languageRezková, Drahomíra January 2017 (has links)
The master's thesis is a theoretical and empirical study about the interpreter's notes in consecutive interpreting. The study mainly deals with the note-taking language and the effect of the interpreter's experience on the choice of note-taking language. In literature, many authors have already thoroughly studied note-taking. In the second half of the 20th century, three traditional interpreting schools emerged. Several authors created their own note-taking systems. Since then, there hasn't been a consensus among experts on the choice of the note-taking language. Some recommend using the source language, some prefer the target language and many experts are in favor of using both. Main approaches to note-taking and reasons why to use either the source language or the target language are listed in the theoretical part. The theoretical part also covers empirical research on the choice of note-taking language. Compared to the high amount of theoretical publications on note-taking, only few empirical studies were carried out, studying the choice of note-taking language. Despite its small scale, the thesis thus seeks to follow in the footsteps of previous empirical researchers and verify, by the means of an experiment, claimings of theoreticians. The experiment studying the effect of the interpreter's...
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Investigating translation competence: a case study of undergraduates at Eduardo Mondlane UniversityMagaia, Armando Adriano 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Undergraduate students at the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) experience great difficulty in developing their translation competence during their training period. On the one hand, they show many signs of poor quality during their training when they accomplish practical translation assignments on and off-campus. On the other hand, the quality of the final work submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor Honours Degree (Licenciatura) suggests that most students fail to go beyond the minimum standards with regard to translation competence. Yet, comprehensive research aimed at understanding factors hindering translation competence at the UEM has been scanty. Besides, the few studies available have some significant lacunae, for they focus on Portuguese language development; are limited to error analysis, and often ignore students‟ perspectives. Consequently, the problem of finding a balanced approach to developing students‟ translation competence has remained unaddressed. Therefore, this study has been conducted with the purpose of investigating the translation competence of the UEM undergraduates in order to establish the major obstacles to their translation competence development, and consequently come up with suggestions for improving the current translator-training degree programme. The study design uses qualitative methods translated into a case study approach. First, questionnaire data is analysed to gain lecturers‟ and students‟ perspectives on translation competence at the UEM. Second, a students‟ error typology is developed following a macro- and micro-textual analysis of their translations. The study concludes that substandard bilingual skills, compounded by curricular, attitudinal/motivational, pedagogical and infrastructural/instrumental factors, negatively impact the students‟ development of translation competence at the UEM and that addressing these may pave the way towards improving the current translation-training programme. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Linguistics)
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K problémům členění na významy v překladovém slovníku / On Sense Division in a Bilingual DictionaryHagenhoferová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the dividing the dictionary entry into several "sub-meanings", i.e. with the sense division, and with the closely related ordering of these "sub-meanings", i.e. with the sense ordering, with the bilingual passive German-Czech dictionary in the centre of interest. This thesis deals shortly also with the discriminating the senses by different means, i.e. with the sense discrimination. With these three subjects chronologically following the lexicographic decisions the matter of equivalence and the understanding of the term of meaning are correlated. In the theoretical part of this thesis the specifics of the sense division and the sense ordering in the monolingual and in the bilingual lexicography are introduced, in the practical part of this thesis the possibilities of the sense division and the sense ordering are exemplified with ten chosen substantive lemmas prepared for the Large German-Czech Academic Dictionary in progress. For every lemma the most suitable arrangement of the lemma is suggested, which is then compared with the corresponding dictionary entry in the source dictionary Duden - Deutsches Universalwörterbuch. The differences between the arrangements of the microstructure illustrate the necessity of the revision and eventual modification of the adopted structure...
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