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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

South African defence since 1994 : a study of policy-making

Jordaan, Evert 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As South Africa entered the transitional period towards establishing a multi-party democracy, its defence policy changed fundamentally. The African National Congress (ANC) as the upcoming governing party established the Military Research Group (MRG), to help formulate its defence policy positions, which subsequently largely determined South African defence policy. Through this think-tank the ANC leadership became interested in and supported the idea of non-offensive defence (NOD). NOD is a European idea of the Cold War era, which was aimed at preventing the security dilemma, arms races and accidental war between states. The aim of this study is to describe the nature of defence policy-making in South Africa since 1994, by describing how NOD became prominent. Non-offensive defence ideas influenced South African defence policy significantly and appeared in all legislation and policies pertaining to defence. NOD complemented the ANC’s domestic policy goals with the new security paradigm, which like NOD, originate from the Peace Research school of thought. As a defensive idea, NOD emphasised South Africa’s intention to improve relations with Southern African states, as well as its strategic defensiveness, which determined the military doctrine of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). The ANC used NOD to transform the SANDF, especially to scale down its power projection capabilities. Two arguments are made in this study to describe the nature of defence policy-making in South Africa when the prominence of NOD is considered. Firstly, that South African defence policy-makers are open to ideas and models from industrialised states, despite the limited applicability and shortcomings of such models. Secondly, models can be used in various ways by interest groups to influence policy. NOD was used as a theoretical tool by the MRG and the military to influence defence policy according to their interests. Several characteristics of South African defence policy-making were also identified. Firstly, that the Constitution does not prioritise state or individual security as more important. This makes conflicting world-views of realism and idealism about defence possible. Defence policy therefore often has to involve a compromise between these views. Secondly, although the Constitution makes provision for public participation in defence policy-making, there is no equal distribution of power for interest groups to influence policy. In this regard the legislature and parliamentary defence committees are also weak compared to the executive authority. Thirdly, the use of non-governmental organisations in defence policy-making has created a form of direct and unrestricted lobbying, as well as the privatisation of policy-making. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tydens die politieke oorgangsperiode en die aanloop tot die vestiging van ‘n veelparty demokrasie, het Suid-Afrika se verdedigingsbeleid wesenlike veranderinge ondergaan. As opkomende regerende party het die African National Congress (ANC), die Military Research Group (MRG) gestig om díe party se standpunte rondom verdedigingsbeleid te formuleer. Sedertdien het die MRG, Suid-Afrika se verdedigingsbeleid grootliks omskrywe. Die MRG het ANC leiers aan die term non-offensive defence (NOD), wat ‘n Europese idee uit die Koue Oorlog-era is, bekendgestel. NOD is daarop gemik om die veiligheidsdilemma, wapenwedlope en toevallige oorlog te verhoed. Die ANC het NOD ondersteun en bevorder. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die aard van Suid-Afrikaanse verdedigingsbeleidmaking sedert 1994 te beskryf aan die hand van NOD se prominensie. Non-offensive defence idees het Suid-Afrika se verdedigingsbeleid beduidend beïnvloed en verskyn in alle wetgewing en beleid wat verband hou met verdediging. NOD het die ANC se plaaslike beleidsdoelwitte binne die nuwe veiligheidsparadigma ondersteun. Soos NOD, is díe paradigma ‘n produk van die Peace Research denkskool. As ‘n defensiewe idee het NOD, Suid-Afrika se oogmerk om betrekkinge met state in Suider-Afrika te verbeter, benadruk. NOD het verder ook SA se strategiese defensiewe postuur en gepaardgaande militêre doktrine bepaal en beklemtoon. Die ANC het NOD gebruik om die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) te transformeer en magsprojeksievermoëns af te skaal. Twee argumente word in hierdie studie benut om die aard van verdedigingsbeleidmaking in Suid-Afrika te beskryf, met die inagneming van die belangrikheid van NOD. Eerstens, dat beleidmakers ontvanklik is vir idees en modelle van nywerheidslande, ten spyte van die beperkte toepaslikheid en tekortkomings van sulke modelle. Tweedens, dat modelle deur verskeie belangegroepe gebruik kan word om beleid te beïnvloed. Die MRG en die SANW het NOD as ‘n teoretiese instrument benut om verdedigingsbeleid tot die bevordering van eie belange te beïnvloed. Verskeie eienskappe van Suid-Afrikaanse verdedigingsbeleidmaking is geïdentifiseer in die studie. Eerstens, dat die Grondwet nie die staat of die individu se veiligheid bo die ander stel nie. Dit veroorsaak botsende wêreldbeskouings van realisme en idealisme oor verdediging. Beleid behels dus dikwels kompromieë tussen die twee uitgangspunte. Tweedens, alhoewel die Grondwet voorsiening maak vir openbare deelname in beleidmaking, is daar nie gelyke ‘n verspreiding van mag tussen belangegroepe om beleid te beïnvloed nie. In die opsig is die wetgewende gesag en parlementêre komitees aansienlik swakker as die uitvoerende gesag.

International legal protections for combatants in the South African armed conflict.

Boister, Neil Brett. January 1988 (has links)
The African National Congress (ANC) is engaged in an armed conflict with the South African Government for control of South Africa. ANC combatants are being prosecuted under South African criminal law as rebels, a process which undermines the normative value of the criminal law because it is in conflict with popular support for the ANC. International law provides a humanitarian alternative to the criminal law. This study investigates the international legal protections available to combatants in the conflict. Lawful combatant status and prisoner of war status would only be available if the South African armed conflict was classified as international. It has been argued that the international status of the ANC, derived from the denial of self-determination to the South African people, internationalises its war against the South African Government. Attempts have been made to enforce this concept. Article 1(4) of Geneva Protocol 1 classifies armed conflicts involving a movement representing a people with a right of se If-determination against a .. racist re,gime" as international. But South Africa did not accede to Protocol 1 and the argument that it is custom fails because of insufficient international support. Nevertheless, the developing situation justifies an examination of the personal conditions required to gain protectedstatus. The conditions in Article 4 of Geneva Convention 3 (1949) are onerous, making it impracticable in South Africa. Protocol l's updated conditions are more suited to the armed conflict. The Conventions and Protocol 1 also make available procedural and substantive protections to combatants and deal with special issues particular to South Africa. The South African armed conflict can alternatively be classified as non-international. Common Article 3 of the 1949 Conventions applies because South Africa is party to them. Geneva Protocol 2 is not .applicable because South Africa is not a party to it. Unfortunately, Article 3 only applies general humanitarian principles and not protected status. To conclude, because of the inadequate means for enforcing the classification of the South African armed conflict as international and the inadequacy of the protections available under the law of non-international armed conflict, it is urged that the Government confer ex-gratia. lawful status on ANC combatants. / Thesis(LL.M.)- University of Natal, Durban, 1988.

Die impak van die grensoorlog (SWA/Angola) op die lewens van soldate, aan die hand van vertellings uit die oorlog

Boshoff, Alida 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is asswned that events during the border war (SWAI Angola) had an influencelimpact on the lives of soldiers who took part in it. Some experiences have become embedded in their memories and are reflected in yams about such episodes and anecdotes that constitute a wealth of oral art. From a cultural history point of view, these therefore deserve to be recorded and conserved. The study interprets the narratives against the background of the border war and determines the relationship between these stories and the influence of the war on the lives of soldiers. Examples of war hwnour are grouped into stories about personal hygiene, misunderstandings, boyish pranks, practical jokes and other humorous incidents. As in any war, soldiers were confronted with unpleasant experiences such as bad news from home, the death of comrades and the enemy, adventures with wild animals and the loss of pets. Tales about soldiers' experiences during contact with the enemy allow one to gain insight into the functioning of the human mind. These stories are grouped into heroic deeds, narrow escapes and feelings experienced in contact with the enemy. As far as is known, no legends had their origin in the border war, but stories about quite a few legendary characters are told. Stories about helicopter pilots and trackers might eventually develop into legends, because of the fearlessness and skill of these people. Myths are stories originating in folkbelief, in which God or the gods play an important role. However, stories from the border war about chaplains and religion are not myths, but tales about personal experience with a religious inclination. It is clear from the narratives that religion played an important role in the lives of soldiers and that they had a child-like trust in a Supreme Being. Leaders, trackers and helicopter pilots were identified as important people in soldiers' battle for survival. They also had a need of female company and the presence of women. Pets played a significant role in allowing them to express their emotions. Each soldier experienced confrontation with death and the enemy in his own unique manner. In spite of hardships, many tales of a humorous nature were told. This can be regarded as a way of dealing and coping with unpleasant experiences. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die veronderstelling is dat gebeure gedurende die grensoorlog (SW AI Angola) In invloed/impak op die soldate wat daaraan deelgeneem het, se lewens gehad het. Sekere ervarings is in hulle geheue vasgele en kom in die vorm van belewenisvertellings en staaltjies na Yore, wat In ryke skat van volkswoordkuns bied. Dit verdien daarom om vanuit In kultuurhistoriese oogpunt opgeteken en bewaar te word. Die studie vertolk die vertellings teen die agtergrond van die grensoorlog en bepaal die verband tussen die vertellings en die invloed van die oorlog op die lewens van soldate. Voorbeelde van oorlogshumor word gegroepeer in verhale wat handel oor persoonlike higiene, misverstande, kwajongstreke, poetse en ander humoristiese insidente. Soos in enige oorlog, is soldate gekonfronteer met onaangename wedervarings soos slegte nuus van die huis af, die dood van makkers en die vyand, wedervarings met wilde diere en die verlies van troeteldiere. Vertellings oor soldate se ervarings tydens kontak met die vyand verleen insig in die werking van die menslike gees en is gegroepeer in heldedade, noue ontkomings en gevoelens wat ervaar is in kontak met die vyand. Sover bekend bestaan daar nie legendes uit die grensoorlog nie, maar daar is van In hele paar legendariese karakters vertel. Vanwee hulle onverskrokkenheid en vemuf kan verhale oor helikoptervlieeniers en spoorsnyers met verloop van tyd legendes word. Mites is verhale wat uit die volksgeloof spruit en waarin God of gode Inbelangrike rol speel. Verhale uit die grensoorlog wat handel oor kapelane en godsdiens, is egter nie mites nie maar belewenisvertellings met In godsdienstige strekking. Uit die vertellings blyk dit dat godsdiens In belangrike rol in die lewens van soldate gespeel het en dat daar In kinderlike vertroue in In Hoer Hand was. Leiersfigure, spoorsnyers en helikoptervlieeniers is geidentifiseer as belangrike persone in soldate se oorlewingstryd. Daar was ook In behoefte aan vroulike geselskap en teenwoordigheid. Troeteldiere het In belangrike rol gespeel om uiting te gee aan emosies. Soldate het konfrontasie met die dood en die vyand elkeen op sy eie unieke manier beleef. Ten spyte van ontberings, is daar heelwat verhale met In humoristiese strekking vertel en dit kan beskou word as In manier om onaangename ervarings te hanteer en te verwerk.

Die Suiderkruisfonds en die mobilisering van die Suid-Afrikaanse blanke burgerlike samelewing tydens die Grensoorlog, 1968-1989

Van Heerden, Anneke 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Southern Cross Fund was established under the leadership of Elizabeth Albrecht in 1968. The organisation was created by white members of the civil society to provide support to the South African armed forces. In cooperation with the South African Defence Force, the Southern Cross Fund served the basic needs of the soldiers. Through its support of the troops the organisation also strived to serve as morale builder. This dissertation discusses the formation of the Southern Cross Fund in relation to South Africa’s political and military position during the Cold War with specific reference to the so-called Border War (1966-1989). The relationship between the Southern Cross Fund and the South African Defence Force as well as the orientation of the organisation as a civiland women’s organisation is analysed. The services endered by the organisation are discussed as well as an analysis of the significance of the Southern Cross Fund in both the military and civil spheres. The organisation is evaluated within the theoretical framework of the mobilisation of civil society in times of war within the timeframe of the existence of the Southern Cross Fund. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 1968 het die Suiderkruisfonds, onder leiding van Elizabeth Albrecht, tot stand gekom. Hierdie organisasie is deur lede van die blanke burgerlike samelewing gestig en het voorsorg vir die welsyn van die Suid-Afrikaanse gewapende magte getref. In samewerking met die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag het die Suiderkruisfonds aan die basiese behoeftes van die soldate voorsien en, deur middel van sy ondersteuning aan die troepe, gepoog om as moraalbouer te dien. Hierdie tesis bespreek die stigting van die Suiderkruisfonds teen die agtergrond van Suid-Afrika se politieke en militêre posisie tydens die Koue Oorlog met spesifieke verwysing na die sogenaamde Grensoorlog (1966-1989). Die Suiderkruisfonds se verhouding met die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag, asook sy oriëntasie as beide burgerlike- en vroue-organisasie word ondersoek. Die dienste wat die organisasie gelewer het word volledig bespreek en die betekenis van die Suiderkruisfonds in beide die militêre en burgerlike sfere word ondersoek. Die organisasie word ook geevalueer binne die teoretiese raamwerk van die mobilisering van die burgerlike samelewing ten tye van konflik wat tydens die tydperk van die Suiderkruisfonds se bestaan voorgekom het.

A competency model for security officers : a qualitative design

Lubbe, Lindy-Lee 11 1900 (has links)
Crime is rife in South Africa. Explanations abound for the high crime statistics, including the weakening of the family unit, the political history of South Africa, urbanisation and the fast growing urban neighbourhood, a weak criminal justice system and the abundant availability of firearms. In the quest to prevent crime, the private security industry has become a key performer in helping to deter and prevent crime and criminal activities. Yet there are no set criteria for selecting security officers against the backdrop of the high crime rates and a growing private security sector. Therefore the purpose was to develop a competency model for the selection of security officers for the safekeeping and protection of persons and property in the Thaba Tshwane area. I chose to do qualitative research using an interpretive approach in an attempt to understand the views of the participants concerning the work context and requirements of security officers. A grounded theory approach to the strategy of inquiry was employed as it was best suited to keeping the information that was gathered grounded in the participants’ own opinions. The focus of this research was on designing a competency model for security officers for selection purposes. Data were gathered through disciplinary records and open-ended structured interviews where the repertory grid and the behavioural event interview were applied.Eight subject matter experts, who included security officers, managers and a client working in the security industry, were used. The result of the study was a competency model of nine competencies and their definitions, which were grounded in the data and critical in functioning as an efficient security officer. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Effectiveness of retention strategies of skilled employees in a military unit of the South African National Defence Force

Ramapulane, Tsholofelo Violet. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Administration / The aim of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of South African National Defence Force retention of skilled employees scheme. It looks at the service conditions, pay and benefits. It also looks at working conditions, training, development and career management of soldiers.

A competency model for security officers : a qualitative design

Lubbe, Lindy-Lee 11 1900 (has links)
Crime is rife in South Africa. Explanations abound for the high crime statistics, including the weakening of the family unit, the political history of South Africa, urbanisation and the fast growing urban neighbourhood, a weak criminal justice system and the abundant availability of firearms. In the quest to prevent crime, the private security industry has become a key performer in helping to deter and prevent crime and criminal activities. Yet there are no set criteria for selecting security officers against the backdrop of the high crime rates and a growing private security sector. Therefore the purpose was to develop a competency model for the selection of security officers for the safekeeping and protection of persons and property in the Thaba Tshwane area. I chose to do qualitative research using an interpretive approach in an attempt to understand the views of the participants concerning the work context and requirements of security officers. A grounded theory approach to the strategy of inquiry was employed as it was best suited to keeping the information that was gathered grounded in the participants’ own opinions. The focus of this research was on designing a competency model for security officers for selection purposes. Data were gathered through disciplinary records and open-ended structured interviews where the repertory grid and the behavioural event interview were applied.Eight subject matter experts, who included security officers, managers and a client working in the security industry, were used. The result of the study was a competency model of nine competencies and their definitions, which were grounded in the data and critical in functioning as an efficient security officer. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Reassessing civil control of the South African armed services

Hepburn, Clyde Brad January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in 50% fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Management (in the Field of Security). March 2016 / Defence Review 2015 concluded that the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was in a “critical state of decline”, faced imminent and irreversible loss of capabilities and questioned its ability to meet all of its ordered defence commitments (Department of Defence, 2015c, pp. ix; 99). This is a grave indictment considering it is entrusted with the constitutional mandate to defend the Republic (Republic of South Africa, 1996, Sec 200). This begs the question “what went wrong?” Causes raised include the apparent disjuncture between the defence mandate and budget. It is unlikely, however that the blame can be attributed to a funding shortfall and overly ambitious defence mandate, alone. Some question whether a flawed institutional civil control structure might be to blame for compromising military command and thereby the ability of the armed forces to ensure effective defence. Did the new government go too far in imposing robust civil control over the SANDF in 1994, effectively emasculating the SANDF? Alternatively is the selected model for South Africa’s civil control and oversight regimes simply inappropriate or otherwise ineffective? Whether the failure lies with the selected model itself or in its execution are issues that were examined in the study. This study takes as its point of departure, various Defence Review 2015 policy proposals that, it was argued, point to deeper flaws in the institutional civil-military arrangements within the DOD. As such, they are fundamental to our understanding of the civil control challenges confronting the DOD and the formulation of policy options and recommendations. What the study highlighted was that the ultimate challenge for the DOD could be reduced in simple terms to finding an agreeable solution that would satisfy both the statutory civil control precepts and the Chief SANDF’s desire for freedom from undue interference with his executive military command. Central to the entire civil control debate is of course the balance DOD design, around which the DOD transformation project is structured, and the role of the Sec Def in exercising civil control in a ‘collaborative relationship’ with the Chief SANDF. There is general consensus that the balance DOD design has 1 Colonel C.B. Hepburn, late of the Transvaal Scottish, is employed on a term contract as Deputy Director Departmental Performance Monitoring and Evaluation; Defence Policy, Strategy and Planning Division; Defence Secretariat. His staffing at the integrated Defence Head Office provided him with access to the strategic level of defence policy decision-making and daily engagement with senior leaders at the point of interface between the ‘civilian’ Defence Secretariat and the Defence Force. The views expressed in this student academic research paper are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defence or any other agency of the South African government. C.B. HEPBURN 416498 failed to live up to expectations and that it has proven difficult to establish and maintain the optimum balance between civil control and an effective armed service. What is equally obvious is that even after more than two decades of democratic consolidation; the DOD has yet to complete its transformation. If Defence Review 2015 is anything to go by then it can be expected that the process is set to continue for at least the next 25 years. That civil control remains a contested concept within the DOD is not in doubt. The solutions may be elusive; however, there is strong evidence that the answers lie more with how the Def Sec should be capacitated rather than the current focus on repositioning to better enable civil control of defence and to perform the duty assigned to it. Structural issues are clearly a factor and should indeed be dealt with in the broader DOD reorganisation. Nonetheless, there is a strong argument presented that instead of restructuring, better use should be made of performance agreements, delegations and detailed instructions. Given that the DOD is recognised in law as a ‘special case’, there should be a strong legal argument for amending the applicable legislation to make provision for a ‘special delegation regime’ or performance agreements, as a solution to the DOD’s immediate needs for providing an effective armed service. Keywords: Civil control; oversight; Defence Review 2015; South African National Defence Force; armed services; budget; civil-military relations; Constitutional mandate; defence ministry, military command and control, defence secretariat. / GR2018

F C Erasmus and the politics of South African defence, 1948-1959

Boulter, Roger Stephen January 1998 (has links)
FC Erasmus became South Africa's defence minister in 1948 after two decades as a leading political organiser for the National Party. Although an architect of the Nationalists' post-war election victory he was not considered a minister of the first rank. Erasmus initiated a process of ridding the defence force of officers who he believed were associated with the Smuts government and replacing them with party supporters. As a result the military often lost experienced and talented officers. Erasmus felt that the armed services had been too British in ethos and appearance. He inaugurated tighter regulations on bi-lingualism, reintroduced boer rank titles, launched new uniforms and original medals and decorations, to the acclaim of the volk. His purpose was to have a defence force which was uniquely South African. Many of his policies came under attack not only from the United Party but also groups such as the Torch Commando and the veterans organisations. With the apparent lack of an imminent military threat to the apartheid government Erasmus never received substantial budgetary allocations from finance ministers. The defence force, one without conscription, remained small with largely antiquated equipment for the important air and land forces. However by the decade's end the navy was gradually receiving modern ships under the terms of the Simonstown agreement, which Erasmus had negotiated with Britain. The events of the Sharpeville crisis, just after Erasmus left defence, demonstrated that the armed forces as moulded by the minister were in poor condition to assist the civil power in suppressing disturbances. Overseas Erasmus hoped to increase the acceptability of the Union as a defence partner among Western countries by providing personnel for the Berlin Air Lift and the Korean conflict and promising a contingent for the Middle East. He attempted unsuccessfully to instigate anti-communist alliances for the land and maritime defence of Africa when the European powers were leaving the continent. These actions were primarily to obtain political support for the Union, whose prestige was rapidly decreasing as apartheid became better known. The external initiatives with the exception of the Simonstown naval agreements were not lasting.

Financial literacy as core competency of South African military officers : a measurement instrument

Van Nieuwenhuyzen, Bernard J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (School of Public Management and Planning ))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since 1994, education and training in South Africa has experienced various changes, driven mainly by the Green Paper on Skills Development and the White Paper on Education which set objectives and outcomes and gave guidelines on how education and training should be approached, planned, and managed. The White Paper on Education necessitated change in SA tertiary institutions such as Stellenbosch University and its respective faculties. The Faculty of Military Science, which is situated at the South African Military Academy (SAMA) in Saldanha, accepted the challenge of contributing to the full personal development of students, by undertaking to shape people capable of organising and managing themselves and their human activities, including their financial activities, responsibly and effectively. The success of higher education institutions in empowering young people to be financially capable is questioned by various publications and surveys. Preliminary findings from surveys in 2004 and 2005 among students at the SAMA suggest that they are largely financially illiterate, thus potentially economically volatile. These findings introduce the research problem and serve as a foundation for the development of a scientific, socially relevant, valid and reliable financial literacy measurement instrument. A combined qualitative and quantitative research methodology is applied to develop a measurement instrument, which is then assessed for validity and reliability by applying it in a case study. The secondary objective of this research is the social study of the financial knowledge, financial behaviour and financial attitude levels of individuals. To ensure relevance between the case study and the measurement instrument, financial literacy is initially evaluated as a management competency. Financial literacy is stated as a key competency in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). The financial literacy measurement instrument was constructed after an exploration of the contextual and conceptual nature of financial literacy. A questionnaire was selected as the ideal method of gathering the required information. The questionnaire’s validity and reliability were assessed as part of descriptive research in the development phase, as well as in the case study. The face and content validity were proven through input from respondents and subject experts. Reliability of the measurement instrument was assessed by calculating item difficulty, item discrimination, means, standard deviations and ultimately the internal consistency of the financial knowledge, behaviour and attitude sections of the measurement instrument. In the case study first-year students achieved an average of 50.17% for their financial knowledge although they rated their own knowledge levels to be 60.8%. The respondents struggled most with questions pertaining to investment, insurance, and inflation, and least with retirement and income and expenditure questions. This research underlines the importance of financial literacy as a management competency and its importance at a global, national, organisational and personal level. It produces a valid and reliable financial literacy measurement instrument that can be used by different stakeholders in South Africa to assess financial knowledge, behaviour and attitude, and thus indicate where intervention is required. Having a valid and reliable measurement instrument for measuring financial literacy creates opportunity for future research and development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert 1994 het die opvoeding- en opleidingsteater in Suid-Afrika dramatiese veranderinge ondergaan met veral die die Groenskrif op Vaardigheidsontwikkeling en die Witskrif op Opvoeding, wat die doelwitte en uitkomste gestel het en die toon aangegee het in terme van hoe opvoeding en opleiding aangepak, beplan en bestuur behoort te word. Verandering genoodsaak deur die Witskrif op Opvoeding sou by assosiasie ook verandering noodsaak in SA tersiêre inrigtings soos Stellenbosch Universiteit en haar fakulteite. Die Fakulteit Krygskunde, gevestig by die Suid-Afrkaanse Millitêre Akademie (SAMA) in Saldanha, het die uitdaging aanvaar om by te dra tot die totale persoonlike ontwikkeling van studente deur te onderneem om mense te vorm wat in staat sal wees om hulself en hul aktiwiteite verantwoordelik en doeltreffend te bestuur, insluitend hul finansiële aktiwiteite. Hoër Onderwys se sukses met die bemagtiging van jong mense tot finansieel vaardige individue is deur verskeie navorsingsverslae bevraagteken. Voorlopige bevindinge van studies in 2004 en 2005 onder voograadse studente van die SAMA is dat hulle grootliks finansieel ongeletterd is en gevolglik ekonomies kwesbaar. Die bevindinge is die vertrekpunt van die probleemstelling vir hierdie studie, en vorm die basis vir die ontwikkeling van 'n wetenskaplik- en sosiaalrelevante, geldige en betroubare finansiële geletterdheidsmetingsinstrument. 'n Gekombineerde kwalitatiefkwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie is toegepas in die ontwikkeling van 'n metingsinstrument, en die verbandhoudende bepaling van sy geldigheid en betroubaarheid deur die toepassing daarvan in 'n gevallestudie. Die sekondêre doelwit van hierdie navorsing is die sosiale studie van die finansiële kennis-, finansiële gedrags- en finansiële houdingsvlakke van individue. Ten einde relevansie tussen die gevallestudie en die metingsinstrument te verseker, is finansiële geletterdheid aanvanklik as 'n bestuursvaardigheid geëvalueer. Finansiële geletterdheid word in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW), as kernvaardigheid aangedui. Die finansiële geletterdheidsinstrument is gekonstrueer na 'n verkenning van die konteksuele en konsepsuele aard van finansiële geletterdheid. 'n Vraelys is geselekteer as die ideale metode om die relevante data te bekom. Die vraelys se geldigheid en betroubaarheid is as deel van deskriptiewe navorsing in die ontwikkelingsfase, en ook tydens die gevallestudie, bepaal. Die gesigs- en inhoudsgeldigheid is bevestig deur respondentterugvoer en vakspesialisinsette. Betroubaarheid van die metingsinstrument is bepaal deur die berekening van itemmoeilikheidsgraad, itemdiskriminasie, gemiddelde, standaardafwyking en uiteindelik interne betroubaarheid van die finansiële kennis-, gedrags- en houdingsafdelings van die metingsinstrument. In die gevallestudie, het eerstejaarstudente 'n gemiddeld van 50.17% vir die kennisfaktor behaal, alhoewel hulle hul eie kennisvlakke gemiddeld as 60.8% aangedui het. Respondente het hoofsaaklik gesukkel met kennisvrae wat handel oor beleggings, versekering en inflasie. Hul het die minste gesukkel met kennisvrae wat handel oor aftrede en inkomste en uitgawes. Hierdie navorsing bevestig die belangrikheid van finansiële geletterdheid as bestuursvaardigheid, asook op 'n globale, nasionale, organisatoriese en persoonlike vlak. Hierdie studie het 'n geldige en betroubare finansiële geletterdheidsmetingsinstrument opgelewer; een wat deur diverse finansiële geletterdheidsaandeelhouers in Suid-Afrika aangewend kan word. Hierdie metingsinstrument sal empiriese inligting oor finansiële kennis-, gedrags-, en houdingsvlakke genereer en aantoon waar intervensie benodig word. Die belangrikheid van finansiële geletterdheid, sowel as die noodsaak vir 'n geldige en geloofwaardige metingsinstrument, is geleenthede vir verdere navorsing en ontwikkeling.

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