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Preface: An Introduction To Dendroarchaeology In The Southeastern United StatesGrissino-Mayer, Henri D. 01 1900 (has links)
Dendroarchaeology has a discontinuous history in the Southeastern United States, mostly
because of misconceptions (the Southeast is too mesic), bad sampling practices (no standard protocol exists for preserving prehistoric wood samples), and a lack of reference tree-ring chronologies long enough to date wood from the abundant prehistoric sites. The majority of archaeological applications in recent years has focused on the dating of historic sites and structures to verify the documented year(s) of construction largely in response to requests from historical agencies to verify when a particular structure was built. We have found that most structures are one to two generations younger than their reported date(s) of construction, but most agencies find this information useful as tree-ring dating lends historical credibility to any site. The future of dendroarchaeology in the Southeast is encouraging but many more trained experts are needed to meet the demand of dating historical structures and sites. Furthermore, once a sampling protocol becomes standardized for retrieving wood from prehistoric sites, the potential for absolute dating of these sites is enormous given that abundant wood is archived in locations throughout the Southeast.
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The Historical Dendroarchaeology Of The Hoskins House, Tannenbaum Historic Park, Greensboro, North Carolina, U.S.A.Henderson, Joseph P., Grissino-Mayer, Henri D., Van De Gevel, Saskia L., Hart, Justin L. 01 1900 (has links)
The Hoskins House is a two-story, single pen log structure located in Tannenbaum Historic
Park, Greensboro, North Carolina. The house is thought to have been built by Joseph Hoskins, who lived in Guilford County from 1778 until his death in 1799. Previous archaeological testing of soil around the house yielded over 1000 artifacts, and the ceramics of these gave a Mean Ceramic Date (MCD) of 1810 as a possible initial year of construction. Our objective was to date the outermost rings on as many logs as were accessible in the Hoskins House to determine the year or range of years when the house was likely built. We compared 37 ring-width measurement series from 28 white oak group logs with a composite reference chronology created from three oak reference chronologies from Virginia. We found that the logs were cut over a 3-year period from 1811 to 1813, lending credence to the initial MCD of 1810. Joseph Hoskins had already passed away in 1799 and the property was deeded to his two sons, Joseph and Ellis. Ellis Hoskins eventually was later deeded sole possession of the property. The two-story log house located at Tannenbaum Historic Park may be more correctly called the ‘‘Ellis Hoskins House’’ rather than the ‘‘Joseph Hoskins House.’’
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Reconstrução paleoceanográfica ao longo dos últimos 3000 anos na plataforma continental sudeste do Brasil: uma abordagem multiproxy em testemunho de alta resolução / Paleoceanographic reconstruction over the last 3000 years in the continental shelf southeast of Brazil: a multiproxy approach in a high resolution sediment coreSantos, Felipe Rodrigues dos 29 March 2019 (has links)
Uma abordagem multiproxy [n-alcanos, alquenonas, n-alcanóis, esteróis, carbono orgânico total (COT) e δ13C] foi utilizada em amostras de testemunho sedimentar de alta resolução para avaliar variações paleoclimáticas e paleoceanográficas na região da Plataforma Continental de Sudeste do Brasil ao longo do Holoceno Tardio. O modelo de idade, obtido através da análise de 14C, demonstrou que o testemunho representa os últimos 2900 anos. A partir dos marcadores, principalmente os moleculares orgânicos, foi possível observar quatro diferentes fases ao longo do testemunho, com eventos característicos de cada fase. A primeira fase, entre a base do testemunho e 1800 anos antes do presente (AP), apresentou as concentrações mais altas de marcadores moleculares terrígenos, valores mais altos de COT e da taxa de sedimentação, além de apresentar um aumento nos valores da temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM). Com isso, essa fase foi relacionada a um regime pluviométrico mais intenso no continente adjacente provavelmente relacionado ao dipolo de temperatura entre os oceanos Atlântico nordeste e sudoeste e mudanças na intensidade da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS), influenciado principalmente pela frequência de eventos El Niño Oscilação Sul (ENOS) e deslocamento da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (ZCIT) para regiões mais ao sul. A segunda fase, entre 1800 e 1600 AP, foi associado a um período de regime hidrodinâmico mais intenso, com um meandramento mais vigoroso da Corrente do Brasil (CB), dificultando a deposição de sedimentos finos na região e causando os percentuais mais altos da fração areia nesse período. A terceira fase, entre 1600 e 600 anos AP, foi caracterizada por uma mudança do aporte regional de material terrígeno proveniente de regiões mais ao sul da área de coleta do testemunho, provavelmente Rio da Prata, e transportado pela Corrente Costeira do Brasil (CCB), indicado pela presença dos marcadores moleculares e pela diminuição da TSM. A quarta fase, entre 600 anos AP e o topo do testemunho, apresentou um aumento gradual de marcadores marinhos e diminuição mais acentuada da TSM. Esse comportamento está relacionado a intensificação dos eventos de ressurgência na região entre a Ilha de São Sebastião e Cabo Frio, causada por regimes de vento NE e pela formação de meandros da CB. Os períodos correspondentes aos eventos Medieval Climate Change e Little Ice Age não apresentaram variações dos marcadores ou da TSM no testemunho analisado. / A multiproxy approach [n-alkanes, alkenones, n-alkanols, sterols, total organic carbon (TOC) and δ13C] was used in samples of a high resolution sediment core to evaluate paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic variations in the continental shelf region of Southeastern Brazil along the Late Holocene. The age model, obtained through the 14C analysis, demonstrated that the core represents the last 2900 years. Using the markers, especially the organic molecular ones, it was possible to observe four different phases along the core, with characteristic events of each phase. The first phase, between the base of the core and 1800 years before present (BP), presented the highest concentrations of terrigenous molecular markers, the highest values of TOC and sedimentation rate, in addition to an increase in the sea surface temperature (SST) values. This phase was related to a more intense pluviometric regime in the adjacent continent, probably related to the temperature dipole between the northeast and southwest Atlantic oceans and changes in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) intensity, mainly influenced by the frequency of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and displacement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) to more southern regions. The second phase, between 1800 and 1600 BP, was associated to a more intense hydrodynamic period, with a more vigorous meander of the Brazilian Current (BC), making the deposition of fine sediments difficult in the region and causing the highest percentages of the sand fraction in this period. The third phase, between 1600 and 600 years BP, was characterized by a change in the regional supply of terrigenous material, where it would come from regions further south from the sampling core area, probably Rio de la Plata, and transported by Brazilian Coastal Current (BCC), indicated by the presence of molecular markers and decreased of SST. The fourth phase, between 600 years AP and the top of the core, showed a gradual increase of marine markers and a more pronounced decrease of SST. These results are related to the intensification of resurgence events in the region between São Sebastião Island and Cabo Frio, caused by NE wind regimes and CB meander formation. The periods corresponding to the events Medieval Climate Change and Little Ice Age did not present variations of the markers or the SST in the analyzed core.
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Avaliação das condições paleoclimáticas e paleoceanográficas dos últimos 1500 anos na Plataforma Continental de São Sebastião (Sudeste do Brasil) através do uso de proxies geoquímicos / Evaluation of the paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic conditions of the last 1500 years in the São Sebastião Continental Shelf (Southeast Brazil) through the use of geochemical proxiesSpera, Amanda Mattosinhos 01 December 2016 (has links)
Proxies geoquímicos (n-alcanos, alquenonas, GDGTs, δ13C, Fe/Ca e Ti/Ca), obtidos em amostras de um testemunho sedimentar, foram utilizados para avaliar as mudanças paleoclimáticas e paleoceanográficas na região da Plataforma Continental de São Sebastião ao longo do Holoceno Tardio. O modelo de idade, obtido através da análise conjunta dos métodos de 210Pb e 14C, demonstrou que testemunho aqui estudado cobre os últimos 1500 anos. A avaliação dos marcadores terrígenos permitiu a identificação das mudanças na drenagem e erosão continental, as quais estão relacionadas às alterações no regime de precipitação do continente adjacente. Variações ao longo do tempo na temperatura da superfície do mar foram relacionadas às mudanças no regime de ventos predominante, os quais são responsáveis por um aumento ou uma redução da frequência dos eventos de ressurgência. Já as mudanças nos valores de temperatura de subsuperfície foram relacionadas com a entrada e saída da Água Central do Atlântico Sul próxima às regiões costeiras, e com os processos de mistura na coluna d\'água. As variações na temperatura média do ar (TMA), por sua vez, provavelmente estiveram relacionadas com mudanças na irradiação total solar. Períodos representados pelos valores mais elevados de TMA correspondem aos períodos de máxima irradiação solar conhecidos como Máxima Medieval (1100 a 1250 DC) e Máxima Moderna (1950 - presente) e o período representado pelos menores valores de TMA coincide com o período de mínima solar conhecido como Spörer. Além disso, foi possível observar uma redução na entrada de material terrígeno para a plataforma continental durante a Anomalia Climática Medieval. Em contrapartida, o período que corresponde a Pequena Era do Gelo foi caracterizado por um aumento da contribuição terrígena. No geral, foi possível observar que o gradiente de temperatura da superfície do mar entre o Oceano Atlântico Norte e o Atlântico Sul parece desempenhar um papel importante desencadeando ou amplificando as mudanças climáticas observados nos trópicos. Este dipolo de temperatura pode ocasionar mudanças na posição da Zona de Convergência Intertropical e no regime de ventos predominantes, que por sua vez irão influenciar, direta e indiretamente, nas mudanças na circulação marinha de superfície e no regime de chuvas da região. / Geochemical proxies (n-alkanes, alkenones, GDGTs, δ13C, Fe / Ca and Ti / Ca) were used to evaluate the paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes in the Continental Shelf of São Sebastião during the Late Holocene. The age model, obtained through the combined analyses of 210Pb and 14C methods, indicated that the core used in this study covers the last 1500 years. Variations in the sea surface temperature may be related to changes in the prevailing winds, which in turn are responsible for an increase or reduction in the frequency of the upwelling events. Changes in subsurface temperature values can be related to the presence of the South Atlantic Central Water near the coastal regions, and the mixing processes in the water column. Changes in mean air temperature (MAT), in turn, are probably related to fluctuations in total solar radiation, since periods represented by higher values of MAT correspond to the periods of maximum solar irradiation known as Medieval (1100-1250 AD) and Modern Maximum (1950 - present). While the period represented by the lower MAT values can be linked to the solar minimum period known as Spörer. The evaluation of terrigenous markers allowed the identification of variations in the drainage and continental erosion, which in turn are related to changes in the precipitation of the adjacent continent. Furthermore, the Medieval Climate Anomaly was characterized by a decrease in the terrigenous input, while the Little Ice Age could be characterized as a period of increased terrestrial contribution. Overall, it was observed that the sea surface temperature gradient between the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic Oceans appears to play an important role in triggering or amplifying climate change observed in the tropics. This temperature dipole can cause changes in the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and the direction of prevailing winds, which in turn will influence, directly and indirectly, the marine circulation and the rainfall.
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Comunidades de Polychaeta (Annelida) da plataforma continental ao largo de Santos, SP: Composição, distribuição e estrutura trófica / Polychaetes Communities from continental shelf offshore of Santos, Brazil: composition, distribution and trophic structureMauricio Shimabukuro 07 April 2011 (has links)
A composição e distribuição de poliquetas foram estudadas na região da plataforma continental sudeste brasileira adjacente à Baixada Santista (Projeto temático ECOSAN), sendo realizadas coletas em 21 estações, durante dois períodos, por meio de um \'box-corer\' (0.09m2). Poliqueta foi o grupo dominante da macrofauna, totalizando 16.274 indivíduos e 214 espécies. A distribuição da fauna relacionou-se com as características do sedimento, como o tamanho médio do grão e seu grau de seleção, ao longo de um gradiente batimétrico, verificando-se a existência de três comunidades distintas: comunidade costeira, situada ao longo da costa em locais de areia muito fina e fina bem selecionadas, dominada por Apoprionospio dayi; comunidade de transição, situada em sedimentosmistos e heterogêneos, entre 50-84m e caracacterizada por Aphelochaeta sp., Levinsenia gracilis e Aricidea (A.) catherinae; comunidade de plataforma externa, situada em sedimentos lamosos profundos, caracterizada por Sigambra grubii, Sternaspis capillata e Leitoscoloplos kerguelensis. Fatores oceanográficos, como hidrodinamismo e intrusão sazonal da ACAS, foram considerados como secundários na estruturação das comunidades. De modo geral, a riqueza e diversidade de poliqueta foram altos, variando de 20 a 66, e de 2,37 a 5,45 respectivamente. A região entre 50-84m apresentou picos desses descritores, provavelmente associados ao sedimento de maior heterogeneidade e à sobreposição de comunidades. Os grupos funcionais apresentaram distribuição semelhante a da composição de espécies. Os consumidores de interface foram dominantes na região costeira, enquanto depositívoros de superfície, e sub-superfície móveis de probóscide lisa, e carnívoros móveis mandibulados, foram dominantes na região entre 50 e 100m. / Composition and distribution of polychaetes were studied in southeastern Brazilian continental shelf adjacent to Santos (ECOSAN Thematic Project). Aiming a spatio-temporal community comprehension, 21 stations were sampled in duplicates during August/2005 and February/2006, with a box-corer (0.09 m2). Polychaete was the dominant macrofauna group, totalizing 16274 individuals and 214 species. The fauna distribution along the depth gradient was related to sediment type, mean grain size and sediment sorting, which partially promoted the existence of three distinct communities: (1) a shallow community, dominated by Apoprionospio dayi, inhabiting very fine and fine well selected sand; (2) a community dominated by Aphelochaeta sp., Levinsenia gracilis and Aricidea (A.) catherinae, inhabiting mixed sediments between 50-84 m depth; (3) and a community dominated by Sigambra grubii, Sternaspis capillata and Leitoscoloplos kerguelensis, inhabiting muddy sediments in a deeper region of the continental shelf. The local hydrodynamic regime and the deep intrusion of the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) were considered secondary factors in the distribution of polychaetes. High values of richness and diversity were observed throughout the shelf, ranging from 20 to 66, and from 2.37 to 5.45 respectively. The region between 50-84m showed peaks of these community descriptors, probably associated with greater sediment heterogeneity, and the communities overlapping. The functional groups showed a similar distribution to species distribution. Interface-feeders were dominant functional group in coastal region, while motile surface and subsurface deposit feeders with soft proboscis and motile carnivores with jaws were dominant in the region between 50 and 100m.
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Comunidades de Polychaeta (Annelida) da plataforma continental ao largo de Santos, SP: Composição, distribuição e estrutura trófica / Polychaetes Communities from continental shelf offshore of Santos, Brazil: composition, distribution and trophic structureShimabukuro, Mauricio 07 April 2011 (has links)
A composição e distribuição de poliquetas foram estudadas na região da plataforma continental sudeste brasileira adjacente à Baixada Santista (Projeto temático ECOSAN), sendo realizadas coletas em 21 estações, durante dois períodos, por meio de um \'box-corer\' (0.09m2). Poliqueta foi o grupo dominante da macrofauna, totalizando 16.274 indivíduos e 214 espécies. A distribuição da fauna relacionou-se com as características do sedimento, como o tamanho médio do grão e seu grau de seleção, ao longo de um gradiente batimétrico, verificando-se a existência de três comunidades distintas: comunidade costeira, situada ao longo da costa em locais de areia muito fina e fina bem selecionadas, dominada por Apoprionospio dayi; comunidade de transição, situada em sedimentosmistos e heterogêneos, entre 50-84m e caracacterizada por Aphelochaeta sp., Levinsenia gracilis e Aricidea (A.) catherinae; comunidade de plataforma externa, situada em sedimentos lamosos profundos, caracterizada por Sigambra grubii, Sternaspis capillata e Leitoscoloplos kerguelensis. Fatores oceanográficos, como hidrodinamismo e intrusão sazonal da ACAS, foram considerados como secundários na estruturação das comunidades. De modo geral, a riqueza e diversidade de poliqueta foram altos, variando de 20 a 66, e de 2,37 a 5,45 respectivamente. A região entre 50-84m apresentou picos desses descritores, provavelmente associados ao sedimento de maior heterogeneidade e à sobreposição de comunidades. Os grupos funcionais apresentaram distribuição semelhante a da composição de espécies. Os consumidores de interface foram dominantes na região costeira, enquanto depositívoros de superfície, e sub-superfície móveis de probóscide lisa, e carnívoros móveis mandibulados, foram dominantes na região entre 50 e 100m. / Composition and distribution of polychaetes were studied in southeastern Brazilian continental shelf adjacent to Santos (ECOSAN Thematic Project). Aiming a spatio-temporal community comprehension, 21 stations were sampled in duplicates during August/2005 and February/2006, with a box-corer (0.09 m2). Polychaete was the dominant macrofauna group, totalizing 16274 individuals and 214 species. The fauna distribution along the depth gradient was related to sediment type, mean grain size and sediment sorting, which partially promoted the existence of three distinct communities: (1) a shallow community, dominated by Apoprionospio dayi, inhabiting very fine and fine well selected sand; (2) a community dominated by Aphelochaeta sp., Levinsenia gracilis and Aricidea (A.) catherinae, inhabiting mixed sediments between 50-84 m depth; (3) and a community dominated by Sigambra grubii, Sternaspis capillata and Leitoscoloplos kerguelensis, inhabiting muddy sediments in a deeper region of the continental shelf. The local hydrodynamic regime and the deep intrusion of the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) were considered secondary factors in the distribution of polychaetes. High values of richness and diversity were observed throughout the shelf, ranging from 20 to 66, and from 2.37 to 5.45 respectively. The region between 50-84m showed peaks of these community descriptors, probably associated with greater sediment heterogeneity, and the communities overlapping. The functional groups showed a similar distribution to species distribution. Interface-feeders were dominant functional group in coastal region, while motile surface and subsurface deposit feeders with soft proboscis and motile carnivores with jaws were dominant in the region between 50 and 100m.
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Forced Truancy and Its Impact on Youth Delinquency in Southeastern NigeriaEnyiorji, Bouyant Eleazer 01 January 2015 (has links)
Forced truancy is a risk factor that influences juvenile behavior, requiring the joint efforts of school authorities, parents, and courts to address. It is a phenomenon where students desire attending school, but for reasons beyond their control, they are prohibited from attending classes. Some of these reasons are teachers' strike action, students' poverty, lack of educational infrastructures, and unsafe educational environment. Teachers' strike is a frequent occurrence in southeastern Nigeria caused by irregular payment of teachers' wages, benefits, and other remunerations. This case study of 3 secondary schools in southeastern Nigeria sought to understand the impact of forced truancy by examining the relationship between forced truancy and youth delinquency. Although previous studies have explored the causes of truancy, few studies have addressed the effect of forced truancy created by incessant teachers' strike. The theoretical framework that guided this study included Hirschi's social bond theory and Merton's social structure. Case studies were developed using data from the participants and review of documents. A maximum variation method was used for data collection through semi-structured that resulted in a review of archival records and open-ended interviews with students (S = 9), teachers (T = 8), and principals (SP = 4). Descriptive case analysis were used to identify common themes and patterns using constant comparative techniques. Implications for positive social change include identifying areas that need improvement and recommending to legislators and education policy makers for the best approach to addressing the problem, where it has the potential to eliminate teachers' strike, reduce youth truancy, and improve student's academic performance.
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Association Between HAART and Metabolic Syndrome Components Among HIV-Positive Adults in Southeastern NigeriaAmechi, Bridget Okiemute 01 January 2016 (has links)
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) contributes to metabolic disorders and the growing prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients. Hypertension, obesity, and hyperglycemia (components of MetS) are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that HIV patients on HAART have a 2-fold risk of dying from MetS. There are no such studies in Umuahia; hence the need for this study to fill this gap. Using a sample size of 192 medical records of HIV-infected patients in Federal Medical Centre, Umuahia, and applying metabolic syndrome theory, this study examined the relationships among types of HAART regimen, duration of HAART and hypertension, obesity, and hyperglycemia among HIV-infected adult patients. The records were stratified into 4 by duration of HAART. Chi-square test was used to determine associations between the nonparametric variables, whereas multiple logistic regressions were used to estimate the odds ratios. Odds of hypertension were more than 18-fold (OR = 18.52, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 5.464, 42.50) at >12 months on HAART, whereas odds of obesity was more than 5-fold (OR = 5.43, 95% CI = 2.227, 13.158) at >12 months. Odds of hyperglycemia were more than 14-fold at >12 months compared with <12 months on HAART. Statistical significance was achieved with duration of HAART for hypertension and hyperglycemia (p < .05) but none with types of HAART (p < .05). Being male, older age, and duration of HAART were associated with odds of metabolic syndrome components. This knowledge provides a base for population-based intervention programs for the HIV-positive population undergoing antiretroviral therapy in the Umuahia metropolis.
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Water Quality Impact of Burning and Grazing On A Chained Pinyon-Juniper Site in Southeastern UtahBuckhouse, John C. 01 May 1975 (has links)
During 1973 and 1974 a water quality study was conducted in San Juan County, southeastern Utah. In 1973, baseline water quality data was collected from study locations which had been chained to remove pinyon-juniper vegetation six years earlier. The area had been chained under two different techniques: (1) doubled chained, with debris-left-in-place and (2) chained, with debris windrowed. An "undisturbed, natural" woodland was left between these two treatments in order to serve as a control area.
In the fall of 1973 and spring of 1974 secondary treatments of burning and grazing were superimposed upon the debris-in-place and windrowed sites, respectively.
All water collected and analyzed for the several water quality parameters was generated through use of a small plot Rocky Mountain infiltrometer which creates a simulated rainstorm. Resultant runoff was collected and analyzed for each of the parameters in question.
No significant changes were noted from these point source measurements in terms of fecal and total coliform production (fecal pollution bacterial indicators). The point source approach was a technique for sampling a much larger land area through many small plots (0.23 m2). There is an element of risk involved whenever the data generated from such a small area is projected to the larger land area. Based on this small plot data it appears, however, that this level of livestock grazing (2 hectares/AUM) does not constitute a public health hazard in terms of fecal pollution indicators when grazed on similar semi-arid watershed areas.
Some significant changes were noted following burning, however. Significant increases in potassium and phosphorus were noted. Apparently the fire "released" these nutrients which were tied up in the debris scattered across the site. Potassium registered an increase of about 4 ppm (400 percent) while phosphorus showed an increase of about 0.2 ppm (400 percent). No significant treatment changes were detected for sodium, calcium, or nitrate-nitrogen, however.
Sediment production was also measured under the various treatment conditions. High natural variability is present among these sites, and no significant treatment effect was defected following our prescribed burning or grazing treatments.
Infiltration rates were also monitored. No significant treatment differences were noted among the initial treatment means during 1973. Apparently any differences in infiltration rates due to chaining technique had been overcome by the passage of six years since the initial chaining had been completed.
During 1974, however, secondary treatment was in effect. Infiltration rates on the grazed and burned watersheds were significantly depressed during certain time intervals in comparison to the "undisturbed, natural" woodland location. Apparently this level of secondary treatment could have an effect on the hydrology of the area, at least in terms of infiltration rates.
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The Petrology and Mineralogy of Tertiary (?) Olivine Trachyte in the Harrington Peak Quadrangle, Southeastern IdahoShearer-Fullerton, Amanda 01 May 1985 (has links)
The Harrington Peak Quadrangle is located within the Caribou National Forest of southeast Idaho. Within this quadrangle are outcrops of olivine trachyte of Pliocene(?) age overlying sedimentary rocks of Mississippian to Tertiary age. The region contains thrust faults and later normal faults (generally trending north-south} formed during Basin and Range extension.
The Largest outcrop of olivine trachyte (approximately1 1/2 X 3 km) probably formed as the result of a fissure eruption. Two other outcrop areas show evidence of being sites of local extrusion.
Whole-rock chemical analyses revealed the olivine trachyte to have moderate amounts of SiO2 and Al2O3, high MgO and CaO, and K2O in excess over Na2O (approximately 2:1). Mineralogical characteristics include microphenocrysts of Mg-rich olivine and diopsidic augite in a groundmass of Ba-rich sanidine, diopsidic augite, Fe-Ti oxides, and less commonly phlogopite and/or plagioclase.
The olivine trachyte closely resembles the ciminites from the Viterbo region of Italy and has some petrological and mineralogical similarities to many other continental potassic volcanic rocks. The olivine trachyte may have formed by partial melting of a heterogenous mica peridotite mantle source enriched in incompatible elements during a previous tectonic event.
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