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The Formation of Granite Magma Chambers in the Mourne Mountains, Northern Ireland / Bildandet av granitmagmakammare i Mournebergen, NordirlandBjörkgren, Maria January 2017 (has links)
The Mourne Mountains situated in County Down, Northern Ireland, mainly consists of solidified granite magma chambers that intruded ~ 56 million years ago into the surrounding greywacke. How granite magma chambers are emplaced in the crust has for years been a debate amongst scientist of volcanology, and is referred to as the ‘space problem’ debate. There are two principle theories in how the granite magma chambers in the Mourne Mountains were formed; either the magma chambers were forcefully emplaced by doming the greywacke host-rock or the magma chambers were emplaced by passively by magma filling the space over a subsiding block of host-rock. In this study rock samples from Luke’s Mt. dyke has been investigated with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS). AMS measures the orientation of magnetic minerals in a rock sample and thereby shows the magma movement. These measurements indicated that the magma in the studied Luke’s Mt dyke flowed into the connected magma chamber and thus are a feeding ring-dyke. This implies that the granite bodies of the Mourne Mountains were emplaced by a passive process like cauldron subsidence. / Mätningar av magnetiska mineral har visat att den stelnade magman i en granitgång tillhörande Mournebergen i Nordirland en gång flödat in mot granitmagmakammarna. Med den här vetskapen kan tolkningar göras över hur de stora Mournebergen en gång formades. Sedan länge har den så kallade ’space problem’ debatten pågått bland forskare inom vulkanologi. Debatten diskuterar huruvida magma intruderar och placeras i jordskorpan. Mournebergen består huvudsakligen av granitmagmakammare som intruderat in i omkringliggande bergarten gråvacka för cirka 56 miljoner år sedan. Är magmakammarna ett resultat av deformation i omkringliggande gråvacka eller tvärtom? AMS (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility) är en metod där magnetiska mineral och dess magnetiska susceptibilitet mäts för att ta reda på dess orientering i en stelnad magma. Vid ett pålagt magnetiskt fält kommer de magnetiska mineralen visa på en viss magnetisk susceptibilitet i olika orienteringar. Det här kan representeras som tre axlar på en ellipsoid. Axlarna på ellipsoiden ger information om hur mineralen flödat med magman. AMS-mätningar av stenprover från den studerade granitgången Luke’s Mt Dyke i Mournebergen visar på att graniterna som utgör största delen av bergen troligen är resultat av ett så kallat passivt bildande av magmakammare och därmed har omkringliggande bergarten gråvacka inte deformerats av granitmagmakammarna.
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Generalized eigenvalue problem and systems of differential equations: Application to half-space problems for discrete velocity modelsEsinoye, Hannah Abosede January 2024 (has links)
In this thesis, we study the relationship between the generalized eigenvalue problem (GEP) $Ax=\lambda Bx$, and systems of differential equations. We examine both the Jordan canonical form and Kronecker's canonical form (KCF). The first part of this work provides an introduction to the fundamentals of generalized eigenvalue problems and methods for solving this problem. We discuss the QZ algorithm, which can be used to determine the generalized eigenvalues and also how it can be implemented on MATLAB with the built in function 'eig'. One essential facet of this work is the exploration of symmetric matrix pencils, which arise when A and B are both symmetric matrices. Furthermore we discuss discrete velocity models (DVMs) focusing specifically on a 12-velocity model on the plane. The results obtained are then applied to half-space problems for discrete velocity models, with a focus on planar stationary systems.
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Modélisation de la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques près du sol : application aux réseaux sans fil / Near ground wave propagation in the context of Mobile Radio and Sensor NetworkBezerra Cardoso, Maurício Henrique 25 September 2017 (has links)
Motivée par le développement de diverses applications déployant des antennes près d'une interface, comme les systèmes militaires UGS, les réseaux corporels sans fil BAN et la surveillance environnementale impliquant des capteurs au sol, cette thèse porte sur la modélisation de la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques près d'une interface. Tout d'abord, la méthode classique de l'optique géométrique est confrontée à des formules approchées fournies par Norton et par Bannister. Cette étude met en évidence les cas où l'optique géométrique ne décrit pas correctement la propagation près de la surface. Pour une compréhension plus exhaustive, les fonctions de Green de ce type de propagation, présentées sous forme d'intégrales de Sommerfeld, sont évaluées à la lumière de la méthode de la plus grande pente. Cette évaluation permet d'extraire trois équations importantes pour la propagation près d'une interface. La première est la condition essentielle pour que la proximité au sol puisse profiter au bilan de liaison grâce à l'excitation d'une composante de l'onde diffractée qui se propage près de l'interface. Les deux autres identifient des distances critiques qui bornent le début et la fin de la zone présentant un affaiblissement de trajet amélioré. L'ensemble de ces trois équations permet d'évaluer le rôle de certains paramètres physiques, notamment les propriétés électromagnétiques du sol, la fréquence de travail et la hauteur des antennes. Cette thèse inclut également les pistes pratiques envisagées pour une démonstration de faisabilité de l'amélioration d'une liaison sans fil par la proximité des antennes à l'interface. La couverture du sol ayant une importance prépondérante, nous présentons des recherches préliminaires sur la réalisation et la caractérisation d'un matériau approprié pour ce type de propagation. Dans un axe de recherche parallèle, cette thèse évalue également l'exactitude et la pertinence d'une nouvelle formulation théorique pour la propagation près du sol. Cette formulation dite « de Schelkunoff » suscite des controverses dans la communauté scientifique / Motivated by the development of various applications deploying antennas near an interface, such as military systems (UGS), wireless body area networks (BAN) and environmental monitoring involving ground sensors, this thesis deals with the near-ground wave propagation modelling. First, the results of the geometrical optics are confronted with the approximations provided by Norton and Bannister. This study reveals the cases where geometrical optics does not correctly describe the wave propagation near the surface. For a more comprehensive understanding, Green's functions of this type of propagation, presented as Sommerfeld integrals, are evaluated using the steepest descent technique. This evaluation offers the possibility to extract three important equations for near-ground wave propagation. The first one presents the essential condition under which the link budget can benefit from the ground proximity through the excitation of a diffracted wave component propagating near the interface. The other two equations identify critical distances indicating the beginning and the end of the zone with an improved path loss. All these three equations highlight the role of certain physical parameters, in particular the electromagnetic properties of the ground, the working frequency and the heights of the antennas. This thesis also includes the practical solutions that can be considered to demonstrate the feasibility of improving a wireless link by the proximity of the antennas to the interface. Since floor coating is of major importance, we present preliminary research on the realisation and characterisation of a suitable material for this type of propagation. In a parallel research axis, this thesis also evaluates the accuracy and relevance of a new theoretical formulation for near-ground propagation. The "so-called Schelkunoff" formulation has become a controversial issue in the scientific community
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