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Rapidly-exploring Random Tree Inspired Multi-robot Space CoverageGhoshal, Asish 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Inspired by the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) data-structure and algorithm for path planning, we introduce an approach for spanning physical space with a group of simple mobile robots. Emphasizing minimalism and using only InfraRed and contact sensors for communication, our position unaware robots physically embody elements of the tree. Although robots are fundamentally constrained in the spatial operations they may perform, we show that the approach -implemented on physical robots- remains consistent with the original data-structure idea. In particular, we show that a generalized form of Voronoi bias is present in the construction of the tree, and that such trees have an approximate space-filling property. We present an analysis of the physical system via sets of coupled stochastic equations: the first being the rate-equation for the transitions made by the robot controllers, and the second to capture the spatial process describing tree formation. We also introduce a class of fixed edge length RRTs called lRRT and show that lRRT s have similar space-filling properties to that of RRTs. We are able to provide an understanding of the control parameters in terms of a process mixing-time and show the dependence of the Voronoi bias on an interference parameter which grows as O*sqrt(N).
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Decentralized Indexing of Presentities over n-Dimensional Context InformationLentfort, Christian January 2012 (has links)
Modern context-aware applications no longer justify their decisions based only on their own information but on the decisions and information of other applications in a similar context. Acquiring context information of other entities in an distributed system is difficult task when using the current content centric solutions such as DHTs. This project aims to build a distributed index that provides storage for the so called Presentities solely based on the state of their context information. Furthermore, the stored Presentities must be efficiently accessible even if only some information of their current context is available. To fulfill these requirements the PAST DHT was extended to support range queries and modified to use points on a space-filling curve as index values. The simulation of the system has shown very good accuracy rates, on average 99%, for range queries by maintaining a logarithmic relationship to the amount of required messages sent in the DHT. Problems have emerged from the lack of load balancing implemented into the used DHT, but it is still the case that the proposed method of using space-filling curves to build a context centric decentralized index is both sufficient and effective. Keywords: context awareness, indexing, space-flling curves, Hilbert curve,Pastry, PAST
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Design and Analysis of Nearest Neighbor Search StrategiesChen, Hue-Ling 10 July 2002 (has links)
With the proliferation of wireless communications and rapid advances in technologies, algorithms for efficiently answering queries about large number of spatial data are needed. Spatial data consists of spatial objects including data of higher dimension. Neighbor finding is one of the most important spatial operations in the field of spatial data structures. In recent years, many
researchers have focused on finding efficient solutions to the nearest neighbor problem (NN) which involves determining the point in a data set that is the nearest to a given query point. It
is frequently used in Geographical Information Systems (GIS). A block B is said to be the neighbor of another block A, if block B has the same property as block A has and covers an
equal-sized neighbor of block A. Jozef Voros has proposed a neighbor finding strategy on images represented by quadtrees, in which the four equal-sized neighbors (the east, west, north, and south directions) of block A can be found. However, based on Voros's strategy, the case that the nearest neighbor occurs in the diagonal directions (the northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest directions) will be ignored. Moreover, there is no total ordering that preserve proximity when mapping a spatial data from a higher dimensional space to a 1D-space. One way of effecting such a mapping is to utilize
space-filling curves. Space-filling curves pass through every point in a space and give a one-one correspondence between the coordinate and the 1D-sequence number of the point. The Peano curve, proposed by Orenstein, which maps the 1D-coordinate of a point by simply interleaving the bits of the X and Y coordinates in the 2D-space, can be easily used in neighbor finding. But with the data ordered by the RBG curve or the Hilbert curve, the neighbor finding would be complex.
The RBG curve achieves savings in random accesses on the disk for range queries and the Hilbert curve achieves the best clustering for range queries. Therefore, in this thesis, we first show the missing case in the Voros's strategy and show the ways to find it. Next, we show that the Peano curve is the best mapping function used in the nearest neighbor finding. We also show the
transformation rules between the Peano curve and the other curves such that we can efficiently find the nearest neighbor, when the data is linearly ordered by the other curves. From our simulation, we show that our proposed two strategies can work correctly and faster than the conventional strategies in nearest neighbor finding. Finally, we present a revised version of NA-Trees, which can work for exact match queries and range queries from a large, dynamic index, where an exact match query means finding the specific data object in a spatial database and a range query means reporting all data objects which are located in a specific range. By large, we mean that most of the index must be stored in secondary memory. By dynamic, we mean that insertions and deletions are intermixed with queries, so that the index cannot be built beforehand.
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Sequential Calibration Of Computer ModelsKumar, Arun 11 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Contribution de la planification expérimentale à la modélisation de phénomènes complexes en formulation / Experimental designs for complex phenomena in formulationGomes, Charles 20 December 2018 (has links)
Dans certains domaines de la formulation, comme la cosmétique, les phénomènes étudiés peuvent être très chaotiques avec des zones de rupture ou de non linéarité. Dans ce cas, le formulateur doit se poser de nombreuses questions avant de proposer la stratégie expérimentale optimale qui doit être adaptée au mieux à son problème. Pour de tels phénomènes, des plans d'expériences classiques, tels que les réseaux de Scheffé ou les plans D-optimaux, se révèlent insuffisants car les points expérimentaux ne couvrent pas uniformément l'espace expérimental. En effet, il est intéressant dans ces cas d'étude d'explorer l'ensemble du domaine expérimental et de répartir uniformément les points dans l'espace. Pour cela, les plans uniformes ou Space-Filling Designs (SFD), fréquemment utilisés dans le cas de variables orthogonales, mais très peu dans le cas des variables de mélange, sont particulièrement intéressants. L'objectif de cette thèse est d’adapter des algorithmes de construction de plans uniformes dans le cas de plans de mélanges, de proposer des règles simples pour aider au choix de la nature et du nombre de points du plan d'expériences de mélange / In some domains of formulation, as cosmetics, the phenomena can be very chaotic with discontinuities or not linear zones. In the cosmetic field, the formulator has to propose the optimal experimental strategy which must be well adapted to the constraints imposed by the experimenters. For such phenomena, classical designs of experiments, such as Scheffé simplexes lattices or the D-optimal designs, are proving insufficient because the experimental points do not uniformly cover the experimental space. Indeed, it is essential in these studies to explore the whole experimental domain and to uniformly distribute points in the space. For that purpose, the Space-Filling Designs (SFD), frequently used in the case of orthogonal variables, but less in the case of the mixture variables, are particularly interesting. The objective of this thesis is to adapt the algorithms for construction of uniform designs in the case of mixture designs and to propose guidelines for the choice of the nature and the number of points of the experimental design
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Planification d'expériences numériques en phase exploratoire pour la simulation des phénomènes complexesFranco, Jessica 10 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
La simulation numérique modélise des phénomènes toujours plus complexes. De tels problèmes, souvent de grande dimension, exigent des codes sophistiqués et coûteux en temps de calcul. Le recours systématique au simulateur devient alors illusoire. L'approche privilégiée consiste à définir un nombre réduit de simulations organisées selon un plan d'expériences numériques à partir duquel une surface de réponse est ajustée pour approcher le simulateur. Nous considérons ici les plans générés par des simulateurs déterministes en phase exploratoire i.e. lorsqu'il n'y a aucune connaissance a priori. Les plans requièrent donc certaines propriétés comme le remplissage de l'espace et la bonne répartition des points en projection. Deux indicateurs quantifiant la qualité intrinsèque des plans ont été développés. Le point essentiel de ce travail concerne un procédé de planification basée sur la simulation d'échantillons selon une loi de probabilité par une méthode de Monte Carlo par chaînes de Markov.
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Efficient Access Methods on the Hilbert CurveWu, Chen-Chang 18 June 2012 (has links)
The design of multi-dimensional access methods is difficult as compared to those of one-dimensional case because of no total ordering that preserves spatial locality. One way is to look for the total order that preserves spatial proximity at least to some extent. A space-filling curve is a continuous path which passes through every point in a space once so giving a one-to-one correspondence between the coordinates of the points and the 1D-sequence numbers of points on the curve. The Hilbert curve is a famous space filling curve, since it has been shown to have strong locality preserving properties; that is, it is the best space-filling curve in minimizing the number of clusters. Hence, it has been extensively used to maintain spatial locality of multidimensional data in a wide variety of applications. A window query is an important query operation in spatial (image) databases. Given a Hilbert curve, a window query reports its corresponding orders without the need to decode all the points inside this window into the corresponding Hilbert orders. Chung et al. have proposed an algorithm for decomposing a window into the corresponding Hilbert orders. However, the Hilbert curve requires that the region is of size 2^k x 2^k, where k∈N. The intuitive method such as Chung et al.¡¦s algorithm is to directly use Hilbert curves in the decomposed areas and then connect them. They must generate a sequence of the scanned quadrants additionally before encoding and decoding the Hilbert order of one pixel and scan this sequence one time while encoding and decoding one pixel. In this dissertation, on the design of methods for window queries on a Hilbert curve, we propose an efficient algorithm, named as Quad-Splitting, for decomposing a window into the corresponding Hilbert orders on a Hilbert curve without individual sorting and merging steps. The proposed algorithm does not perform individual sorting and merging steps which are needed in Chung et al.¡¦s algorithm. From our experimental results, we show that the Quad-Splitting algorithm outperforms Chung et al.¡¦s algorithm. On the design of the methods for generating the Hilbert curve of an arbitrary-sized image, we propose approximately even partition approach to generate a pseudo Hilbert curve of an arbitrary-sized image. From our experimental results, we show that our proposed pseudo Hilbert curve preserves the similar strong locality property to the Hilbert curve. On the design of the methods for coding Hilbert curve of an arbitrary-sized image, we propose encoding and decoding algorithms. From our experimental results, we show that our encoding and decoding algorithms outperform the Chung et al.¡¦s algorithms.
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An Efficient Hilbert Curve-based Clustering Strategy for Large Spatial DatabasesLu, Yun-Tai 25 July 2003 (has links)
Recently, millions of databases have been used and we need a new technique that can automatically transform the processed data into useful information and knowledge. Data mining is the technique of analyzing data to discover previously unknown information and spatial data mining is the branch of data mining that deals with spatial data. In spatial data mining, clustering is one of useful techniques for discovering interesting data in the underlying data objects. The problem of clustering is that give n data points in a d-dimensional metric space, partition the data points into k clusters such that the data points within a cluster are more similar to each other than data points in different clusters. Cluster analysis has been widely applied to many areas such as medicine, social studies, bioinformatics, map regions and GIS, etc. In recent years, many researchers have focused on finding efficient methods to the clustering problem. In general, we can classify these clustering algorithms into four approaches: partition, hierarchical, density-based, and grid-based approaches. The k-means algorithm which is based on the partitioning approach is probably the most widely applied clustering method. But a major drawback of k-means algorithm is that it is difficult to determine the parameter k to represent ``natural' cluster, and it is only suitable for concave spherical clusters. The k-means algorithm has high computational complexity and is unable to handle large databases. Therefore, in this thesis, we present an efficient clustering algorithm for large spatial databases. It combines the hierarchical approach with the grid-based approach structure. We apply the grid-based approach, because it is efficient for large spatial databases. Moreover, we apply the hierarchical approach to find the genuine clusters by repeatedly combining together these blocks. Basically, we make use of the Hilbert curve to provide a way to linearly order the points of a grid. Note that the Hilbert curve is a kind of space-filling curves, where a space-filling curve is a continuous path which passes through every point in a space once to form a one-one correspondence between the coordinates of the points and the one-dimensional sequence numbers of the points on the curve. The goal of using space-filling curve is to preserve the distance that points which are close in 2-D space and represent similar data should be stored close together in the linear order. This kind of mapping also can minimize the disk access effort and provide high speed for clustering. This new algorithm requires only one input parameter and supports the user in determining an appropriate value for it. In our simulation, we have shown that our proposed clustering algorithm can have shorter execution time than other algorithms for the large databases. Since the number of data points is increased, the execution time of our algorithm is increased slowly. Moreover, our algorithm can deal with clusters with arbitrary shapes in which the k-means algorithm can not discover.
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A Local Expansion Approach for Continuous Nearest Neighbor QueriesLiu, Ta-Wei 16 June 2008 (has links)
Queries on spatial data commonly concern a certain range or area, for example, queries related to intersections, containment and nearest neighbors. The Continuous Nearest Neighbor (CNN) query is one kind of the nearest neighbor queries. For example, people may want to know where those gas stations are along the super highway from the starting position to the ending position. Due to that there is no total ordering of spatial proximity among spatial objects, the space filling curve (SFC) approach has proposed to preserve the spatial locality. Chen and Chang have proposed efficient algorithms based on SFC to answer nearest neighbor queries, so we may perform a sequence of individually nearest neighbor queries to answer such a CNN query in the centralized system by one of Chen and Chang's algorithms. However, each searched range of these nearest neighbor queries could be overlapped, and these queries may access several same pages on the disk, resulting in many redundant disk accesses. On the other hand, Zheng et al. have proposed an algorithm based on the Hilbert curve for the CNN query for the wireless broadcast environment, and it contains two phases. In the first phase, Zheng et al.'s algorithm designs a searched range to find candidate objects. In the second phase, it uses some heuristics to filter the candidate objects for the final answer. However, Zheng et al.'s algorithm may check some data blocks twice or some useless data blocks, resulting in some redundant disk accesses. Therefore, in this thesis, to avoid these disadvantages in the first phase of Zheng et al.'s algorithm, we propose a local expansion approach based on the Peano curve for the CNN query in the centralized system. In the first phase, we determine the searched range to obtain all candidate objects. Basically, we first calculate the route between the starting point and the ending point. Then, we move forward one block from the starting point to the ending point, and locally spread the searched range to find the candidate objects. In the second phase, we use heuristics mentioned in Zheng et al.'s algorithm to filter the candidate objects for the final answer. Based on such an approach, we proposed two algorithms: the forward moving (FM) algorithm and the forward moving* (FM*) algorithm. The FM algorithm assumes that each object is in the center of a block, and the FM* algorithm assumes that each object could be in any place of a block. Our local expansion approach can avoid the duplicated check in Zheng et al.'s algorithm, and determine a searched range with higher accuracy than that of Zhenget al.'s algorithm. From our simulation results, we show that the performance of the FM or FM* algorithm is better than that of Zheng et al.'s algorithm, in terms of the accuracy and the processing time.
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Optimal Latin Hypercube Designs for Computer Experiments Based on Multiple ObjectivesHou, Ruizhe 22 March 2018 (has links)
Latin hypercube designs (LHDs) have broad applications in constructing computer experiments and sampling for Monte-Carlo integration due to its nice property of having projections evenly distributed on the univariate distribution of each input variable. The LHDs have been combined with some commonly used computer experimental design criteria to achieve enhanced design performance. For example, the Maximin-LHDs were developed to improve its space-filling property in the full dimension of all input variables. The MaxPro-LHDs were proposed in recent years to obtain nicer projections in any subspace of input variables. This thesis integrates both space-filling and projection characteristics for LHDs and develops new algorithms for constructing optimal LHDs that achieve nice properties on both criteria based on using the Pareto front optimization approach. The new LHDs are evaluated through case studies and compared with traditional methods to demonstrate their improved performance.
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