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MegaGauss : a portable 40T magnetic field generatorWisher, Matthew Louis 11 July 2011 (has links)
Fusion neutrons from high energy density plasmas generated by pulsed laser irradiation of nanoscale atomic clusters have been explored in recent experiments at the University of Texas at Austin. A sufficiently strong (~200 T) magnetic field is expected to produce a magnetized, high temperature (10 keV) plasma with beta [approximately equal to] 1. Such a field along the laser axis may confine the plasma’s radial expansion, thus increasing fusion yield. As part of a multi-stage project to implement this experiment, a scaled (~40 T, ~500 KA) version of the final 200 T, 2.2 MA pulsed power device has been designed and built by Sandia National Laboratories and is now at UT-Austin. This apparatus, named MegaGauss, is meant to serve as a preparation tool for the 200 T system; as such, its current pulse was recorded for analysis, and is compared to a theoretical model to verify its response parameters (e.g. peak current, time to peak). Techniques and results of this comparison are discussed, followed by explanations of basic construction of the 40 T device and current sensing instrumentation. Discussion of MegaGauss is completed with a survey of notable failure modes, and a description of the often severe effects the miniature field-generating Helmholtz coil experiences due to the current pulse and magnetic field. Finally, a novel data archive scheme, structured around the familiar MDSplus archive system, is implemented in Labview and integrated into the main pulsed power control program. Specifically, methods for linking MDSplus’s robust functionality with Labview’s intuitive development environment are realized by means of a specialized software bridge between the two. These methods are used in software that allows MDSplus archives to be written and read exclusively through Labview. / text
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Lightning Impulse Breakdown Tests : Triggered Spark Gap AnalysisNyberg, John-Levi January 2017 (has links)
This project was made by student from UmeåUniversity and a request from the universityETH in Zürich, Switzerland. In this research project the electrical strengthof different natural gases and mixtures was investigated, and the aim was to finda gas or gas mixture with a natural origin or strongly attaching gases that couldreplace SF6 (Sulfur Hexafluoride). The gases were tested with breakdown experiments,one of those test was called lightning impulse breakdown test. The mainpart of this project was to investigate triggered spark gaps, which could be used inlightning impulse breakdown test. These spark gaps were made in a previous thesis,but have proved to not be reliable, therefore an investigation was needed. In thelab, a breakdown test setup, made up of a rectifying circuit and a transformer, wasused. In this project voltages up to 140kV were used. The two main parts of theproject were the spark gap unit and circuit analyzing and the spark gap characterization.These two parts contained test to see if the spark gap worked as it shouldor if there were any problems with it. The results from the tests showed that therewere problems with the spark gap, but these problems could be corrected or avoidedthrough controls of the spark gap before use.
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Způsoby zapalování jiskřišť / Methods of ignition spark gapsPekárek, Dominik January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with methods of spark gap ignition. The thesis describes spark gap ignition by external electrode, by Rogowski electrode and by lasers. Advantages and disadvantages of these methods are also discussed. In the final part of the thesis there is described experiment with high voltage spark gap.
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Etude de nouvelles architectures modulaires d'alimentations électriques pour les applications de hautes puissances pulsées. / Study and realization of modulators based on the use of resonant and / or pulsed transformers associated with a system of strong current triggered spark gapsAllard, Florian 18 July 2018 (has links)
De nos jours, pour accroître le potentiel applicatif des machines de hautes puissances pulsées, il est nécessaire de développer des modulateurs compacts capables de délivrer des impulsions de l’ordre de plusieurs Mégawatts de durée pouvant atteindre plusieurs centaines de microsecondes. Cette amélioration requiert le développement de structures innovantes dont le but est de produire aussi bien des puissances moyennes que des puissances crêtes importantes. Les modulateurs étudiés dans ce mémoire sont basés sur l’utilisation de divers transformateurs pour la génération d’impulsions de très forte puissance. Le projet AGIR (acronyme de « Architecture pour la Génération d’Impulsions Rectangulaires de forte de puissance ») est réalisé dans le cadre d’un RAPID (Régime d’Appui Pour l’Innovation Duale) financé par la Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA). Le projet est une collaboration avec EFFITECH, une entreprise spécialisée dans les puissances pulsées. L’objectif est de développer deux générateurs pour deux gammes de puissance crête (jusqu’à 10MW pour l’un et 1GW pour l’autre). Le premier modulateur « AGIR1 » repose sur l’association d’un convertisseur AC-DC et de 12 convertisseurs résonants DC-DC qui permettent la génération de plusieurs types d’impulsions (fort courant ou forte tension) en fonction de la configuration choisie. Le second modulateur repose sur le développement d’un transformateur impulsionnel à quatre primaires synchronisés. Chaque primaire est relié à un système de mise en forme de type Blumlein dont le déclenchement est assuré par un éclateur pressurisé à trois électrodes. La synchronisation des quatre éclateurs est assurée par un générateur impulsionnel innovant à faible gigue. La principale difficulté du travail effectué au laboratoire réside dans l’étude des différents transformateurs haute-tension utilisés (résonant ou impulsionnel) et du système de synchronisation des éclateurs. Chaque élément constituant le système est étudié et simulé de manière électrostatique, électromagnétique ou électrique avant d’être réalisé et assemblé. Des essais ponctue l’étude afin de valider le fonctionnement en récurrent avec un système de dissipation thermique adapté. / Nowadays, to increase the application potential of high power pulsed machines, it is necessary to develop compact modulators able to deliver pulses in the range of several megawatts with duration of up to several hundred microseconds. This improvement requires the development of innovative structures whose purpose is to produce both average power and large peak power. Modulators studied in this thesis are based on the use of various transformers for the generation of very high power pulses. The AGIR project (French acronym for "Architecture for Rectangular High Pulse power generation") is achieved within the framework of a RAPID (Dual Innovation Support Regime) funded by the French Defense (DGA). The project is carried on by a collaboration with EFFITECH, a company specialized in pulsed powers. The goal is to develop two generators for two peak power ranges (up to 10MW for one and 1GW for the other). The first modulator "AGIR1" is based on the association of an AC-DC converter and 12 DC-DC resonant converters allowing the generation of several types of pulses (high current or high voltage) depending on the chosen configuration. The second modulator is based on the development of a four synchronized primary pulse transformer. Each primary is connected to a Blumlein pulse forming line triggered by a three-electrode pressurized spark gap. The synchronization of the four spark gaps is ensured by an innovative pulse generator with low jitter. The main difficulty of the work which was completed in the laboratory relies in the study of the different high-voltage transformers used (resonant or pulse) and the spark gap synchronization system. Each element constituting the system is studied and simulated electrostatically, electromagnetically or electrically before being realized and assembled. Trials punctuate the study to validate the recurrent operation with a suitable heat dissipation system.
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Distance Protection Aspects of Transmission Lines Equipped with Series Compensation CapacitorsSummers, Clinton Thomas 22 October 1999 (has links)
In order to meet the high demand for power transmission capacity, some power companies have installed series capacitors on power transmission lines. This allows the impedance of the line to be lowered, thus yielding increased transmission capability. The series capacitor makes sense because it's simple and could be installed for 15 to 30% of the cost of installing a new line, and it can provide the benefits of increased system stability, reduced system losses, and better voltage regulation.1
Protective distance relays, which make use of impedance measurements in order to determine the presence and location of faults, are "fooled" by installed series capacitance on the line when the presence or absence of the capacitor in the fault circuit is not known a priori. This is because the capacitance cancels or compensates some of the inductance of the line and therefore the relay may perceive a fault to be in its first zone when the fault is actually in the second or third zone of protection. Similarly, first zone faults can be perceived to be reverse faults! Clearly this can cause some costly operating errors.
The general approach of interest is a method leading to the determination of the values of series L and C of the line at the time of the fault. This is done by analyzing the synchronous and subsynchronous content of the V and I signals seperately which provides adequate information to compute the series L and C of the line. / Master of Science
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Wire Explosion via Electromagnetic Inductionvan Herel, Ryan Marinus Johannes Wilhelmus Maria January 2011 (has links)
This research is aimed at exploding a wire via electromagnetic induction, with a preference for obtaining restrike of the exploding wire in a ring shape or otherwise.
Literature on both exploding wire and electromagnetic induction are introduced together. A mathematical framework to describe the wire explosion by induction is formulated from first principles using the idea of magnetic flux linkages. The environment in which the experiments took place is described, with reference to matters of laboratory safety and also measurement of transient electrical current and voltage in the wire explosion by induction. The results describe the approaches taken to explode a wire by induction to obtain a plasma conductor. Voltage and current data
are displayed and described. Throughout this work, there are long-exposure digital photographic images of the experiments taking place. These contribute to determining the outcome of experiments, and support the conclusions. Wires were exploded
by induction in an air-cored mutually coupled coils system, and restrike of those wires was achieved. Electrical characteristics of wire explosion by electromagnetic induction are displayed and discussed based on what is known about straight exploding
wires. Future works involving creation of plasma rings, electromagnetic thrust and exploding wires in vacuum are discussed.
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Δυναμική συμπεριφορά απαγωγέων υπερτάσεωνΝασιοπούλου, Χρυσούλα 16 June 2011 (has links)
Το θέμα της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη της συμπεριφοράς απαγωγέων υπερτάσεων (SPD), όταν αυτοί αποτελούν μέρος του εσωτερικού συστήματος αντικεραυνικής προστασίας για μια οικιακή εγκατάσταση. Αρχικά γίνεται μια αναφορά στα αίτια δημιουργίας κρουστικών υπερτάσεων στο δίκτυο διανομής, ενώ στη συνέχεια δίνεται έμφαση στις υπερτάσεις που προκαλούνται από άμεσα ή έμμεσα κεραυνικά πλήγματα στο σύστημα. Στα πλαίσια της μελέτης δημιουργήθηκε ένα μοντέλο προσομοίωσης που αναπαριστά ένα δίκτυο χαμηλής τάσης TN-C-S με δύο πανομοιότυπους οικιακούς καταναλωτές, όσον αφορά τη δομή της εσωτερικής ηλεκτρικής εγκατάστασής τους παρουσία ή μη διατάξεων αντικεραυνικής προστασίας. Σκοπός της προκειμένης μελέτης είναι να δειχθεί η βέλτιστη συνδεσμολογία των διατάξεων προστασίας μέσα σε εσωτερικές ηλεκτρικές εγκαταστάσεις έτσι ώστε να αποτρέπεται η ανάπτυξη επικίνδυνων τάσεων και ρευμάτων για τον άνθρωπο και τον εξοπλισμό της οικιακής εγκατάστασης. / The subject of this project is a study upon the dynamic performance of surge arresters as a part of the internal lightning protection system for a residential electrical installation. At first, a reference about the actions or the natural phenomena that cause surge overvoltages in low voltage systems is given in detail and is followed by an essential theoretical approach on the lighning phenomenon. Both the causes, the consequences and the conditions in which a lightning occurs are being analysed. Furthermore, the characteristics and the qualifications a Lightning Protection System needs to comply with, are given, according to the Greek Standard ΕΛΟΤ-1197 and the European Standards IEC 62305-2, IEC 61643-12. Along with writing this essay, a simulation model using Simulink-Matlab was produced. The model represents a LV TN-C-S system that distributes power to two households with identical internal electrical installation. The aim of the present study is to indicate the optimal connection of the surge protective devices (SPDs) in the domestic electrical installation in order to prevent the appearance of potentially dangerous overvoltages to the humans or to the household equipment.
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