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Object-based, space-based and domain-based mechanisms of selection : an investigation of the Duncan (1984), Baylis and Driver (1993), and Egly and Homa (1984) paradigmsO'Grady, Rebecca Bridget January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Inhibition of Return is Depth-Specific, Object-Based, and Relies on a World-Centered Frame of Reference in 3D Space / Inhibition of Return in 3D SpaceHaponenko, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
This thesis encompasses five chapters. Chapter 1 details the background literature for how the inhibition of return effect manifests in 3D environments. Additional summary is provided about how positioning cues and targets within the boundary of the same objects affects the spread of IOR when compared to when attention is cued in empty space. Finally, the literature review also provides a background for whether the IOR effect is affected by a viewer-centered or world-centered frame of reference. Chapters 2-4 are empirical chapters. Chapter 2 observes a depth-specific IOR effect in a 3D composed of pictorial depth cues. Chapter 3 suggests that this depth-specificity can only occur when cues and targets are positioned in different objects rather than when positioned within a single object. Chapter 4 investigates how the distances between viewer and cue, viewer and target, and cue and target affect the magnitude of IOR, suggesting that the world-centered reference frame influences IOR. Chapter 5 serves as a general discussion and conclusion chapter, discussing the findings and implications of each empirical chapter. / The distribution of human attention in space can be modulated by spatial and temporal factors. This dissertation studied inhibition of return (IOR), a robust behavioural effect obtained through a spatial cueing paradigm where observers exhibit slower detection times to a target appearing over 300 ms after a cue in a previously cued location. Most research has studied the IOR effect in two-dimensional space; thus, it remains unclear whether, in three-dimensional space (3D) space, slower reaction times occur due to a target appearing in the same world location (defined in 3D coordinates) or in the same retinal location as the cue (i.e., anywhere along an observer’s line of sight to the cue). My thesis examines IOR in a computer-simulated 3D environment, with the location of the cue and target residing in the same versus different depth/distance position either within the same or different object and either relative to the observer or to the world environment. Following a general literature review (Chapter 1), the first empirical chapter (Chapter 2) demonstrates that IOR is depth-specific when the direction of depth switch between cue to target occurs from far-to-near space, suggesting a behavioural advantage for near space in the human attention system. Chapter 3 shows that this depth-specificity and depth-asymmetry of IOR is maintained only when cues and targets are not part of the same object; object membership can therefore override the depth-specific property of IOR in 3D scenes. Chapter 4 introduces motion of the viewpoint, showing that IOR is depth-specific when the cue and target appear in different depth locations in the world environment even when located at the same relative distance from the observer’s viewpoint. Thus, IOR could be the result of an inhibitory tag placed at a location relative to the environment rather than at a location relative to the viewpoint. / Dissertation / Doctor of Science (PhD) / Human attention can be distributed over space and affected by external events. Prior research using 2D environments has shown that some time after the first stimulus (a cue), the reaction time to a subsequent stimulus (a target) appearing in the same location is typically slower compared to when this target appears elsewhere. Thus, attention likely moves away from a previously observed to more novel location of interest. I examined, in a 3D environment, whether this “location” of reduced attention resides in the same 3D location or retinal location as that of the cue. I also assessed the impact on reaction time for when the cue and target belong to the same or different object and when their locations differ in reference to the observer or world environment. My research suggests that humans maintain a higher level of attention for nearer space when the cue previously appears at a farther location.
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Barking at Emotionally-Laden Words: The Role of AttentionHaskell, Christie Rose Marie January 2013 (has links)
It has long been held that processing at the single word level during reading is automatic. However, research has recently begun to emerge that challenges this view. The literature surrounding the processing of emotion while recognizing printed words is limited, but some findings in the processing of emotion in faces suggest that negative stimuli (especially threat stimuli) promote quick and accurate processing. The purpose of the present experiments is to investigate whether negative emotionally-laden words are afforded priority processing in visual word recognition compared to positive emotionally-laden words. Two experiments are reported that manipulated the lexicality and valence of the target and distractor stimuli (Experiments 1 & 2), the validity of a spatial pre-cue (Experiments 1 & 2), and the presence of a distractor item (Experiment 2). Participants were asked to determine whether the target stimulus spelled a word or not. Response times on valid trials were faster compared to invalid trials, response times to negative emotionally-laden words were slower compared to positive emotionally-laden words, and the presence of a distractor item encouraged better focus on the target stimuli in the absence of any evidence that the valence of the distractor itself was processed. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that visual word recognition is not automatic given that processing benefited from the accurate direction of spatial attention. Furthermore, negative emotionally-laden words benefited equally compared to positive emotionally-laden words and therefore provide no evidence of automatic processing.
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Barking at Emotionally-Laden Words: The Role of AttentionHaskell, Christie Rose Marie January 2013 (has links)
It has long been held that processing at the single word level during reading is automatic. However, research has recently begun to emerge that challenges this view. The literature surrounding the processing of emotion while recognizing printed words is limited, but some findings in the processing of emotion in faces suggest that negative stimuli (especially threat stimuli) promote quick and accurate processing. The purpose of the present experiments is to investigate whether negative emotionally-laden words are afforded priority processing in visual word recognition compared to positive emotionally-laden words. Two experiments are reported that manipulated the lexicality and valence of the target and distractor stimuli (Experiments 1 & 2), the validity of a spatial pre-cue (Experiments 1 & 2), and the presence of a distractor item (Experiment 2). Participants were asked to determine whether the target stimulus spelled a word or not. Response times on valid trials were faster compared to invalid trials, response times to negative emotionally-laden words were slower compared to positive emotionally-laden words, and the presence of a distractor item encouraged better focus on the target stimuli in the absence of any evidence that the valence of the distractor itself was processed. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that visual word recognition is not automatic given that processing benefited from the accurate direction of spatial attention. Furthermore, negative emotionally-laden words benefited equally compared to positive emotionally-laden words and therefore provide no evidence of automatic processing.
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Attentional Bias for Affective Stimuli: Evaluation of Disengagement in Persons with and without Self-reported Generalized Anxiety DisorderBlackmore, Michelle A. January 2011 (has links)
A core feature of GAD, excessive and uncontrollable worry, may be indicative of poor attentional control and difficulty disengaging attention from threatening or emotional information (e.g., Fox, 2004; Mathews, Fox, Yiend, & Calder, 2003; Yiend & Mathews 2001). The current study examined the performance of college students with and without self-reported GAD (N = 63) on measures of attentional control and a spatial cueing task designed to assess engagement-disengagement processes from emotionally valenced (aversive, pleasant) and neutral picture stimuli. Attentional control abilities were examined using the Stroop Color-Word Association Test (SCW Test) and Trail-Making Test (TMT). Separate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) demonstrated that GAD participants performed more poorly on the Stroop Color subtest and the TMT: Part B than non-GAD participants. Mixed ANOVAs of response times measured during the spatial cueing task revealed significant main effects for Cue Valence and Cue Validity, as well as several significant interactions of these variables with GAD status. The significant Cue Valence x Cue Validity x GAD status interaction indicated that GAD participants were slower to disengage their attention from aversive stimuli, relative to pleasant or neutral stimuli, than non-GAD participants who did not exhibit this bias. This interaction effect, however, did not remain significant upon covarying for depression. Together, these findings suggest that individuals with GAD evidence poorer attentional control and demonstrate difficulties disengaging from threatening stimuli compared to persons without the disorder. Impairment in these attentional processes may, therefore, contribute to the etiology and maintenance of GAD. / Psychology
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The Infant Orienting With Attention Task: Assessing the Neural Basis of Spatial Attention in InfancyRoss-Sheehy, Shannon, Schneegans, Sebastian, Spencer, John P. 01 September 2015 (has links)
Infant visual attention develops rapidly over the first year of life, significantly altering the way infants respond to peripheral visual events. Here we present data from 5-, 7- and 10-month-old infants using the Infant Orienting With Attention (IOWA) task, designed to capture developmental changes in visual spatial attention and saccade planning. Results indicate rapid development of spatial attention and visual response competition between 5 and 10 months. We use a dynamic neural field (DNF) model to link behavioral findings to neural population activity, providing a possible mechanistic explanation for observed developmental changes. Together, the behavioral and model simulation results provide new insights into the specific mechanisms that underlie spatial cueing effects, visual competition, and visual interference in infancy.
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Microsaccades as a window to visuospatial attention / evidence by the simultaneous recording of eye movements and EEGMeyberg, Susann 20 April 2017 (has links)
Die Erforschung visueller Aufmerksamkeit beruht auf verdeckter Aufmerksamkeit; das heißt, wenn der Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit trotz strikter Fixation ausgerichtet wird ohne größere Sakkaden auszuführen. EEG-Studien haben das neuronale Netzwerk identifiziert, dass verdeckte Aufmerksamkeit steuert. Diese Studien ignorieren jedoch unwillkürliche kleine Sakkaden während der Fixation - Mikrosakkaden (MS) genannt. Blickbewegungsstudien hingegen belegen einen Zusammenhang zwischen Aufmerksamkeit und diesen MS, beziehen ihre Resultate jedoch nicht auf etablierte EEG-Befunde. Um diese Forschungslücke zu schließen, zielt diese Dissertation darauf, den Zusammenhang zwischen Ereignis-korrelierten Potentialen (EKP) endogener Aufmerksamkeit und MS zu untersuchen. Folglich wurden drei Studien mit gleichzeitiger Erfassung von EEG und Blickbewegungen durchgeführt. In den Studien haben die Probanden ein „Posner Spatial-Cueing-Paradigma“ absolviert mit einem endogenen Hinweisreiz. Wir zeigen deutliche Zusammenhänge zwischen MS und neuronalen Korrelaten visueller Aufmerksamkeit. Erstens, MS und ein posteriores EKP reflektierten die Selektion visueller Reize basierend auf deren Merkmale. Dieses Ergebnis stärkt die Idee eines Netzwerkes, dass relevante Reize unter Distraktoren selektiert und zielgerichtetes Verhalten initiiert. Zweitens, MS erzeugten ein visuelles Potential, das verstärkte Potentialkomponenten für Reize zeigte, die im Aufmerksamkeitsfokus lagen. Dieses MS-evozierte Potential stellte einen zeitlich gut aufgelösten Aufmerksamkeitsindex dar. Drittens, MS erzeugten zudem ein in früheren Studien übersehenes, korneoretinales Artefakt. Dieses Artefakt kontaminierte die Messung eines frontalen EKPs, dass zuvor mit der Kontrolle von Aufmerksamkeit assoziiert war. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Dissertation, dass die gleichzeitige Erfassung von EEG und Blickbewegungen bedeutsame Einblicke in den Zusammenhang von MS und visueller Aufmerksamkeit erlaubt. / Research on visual attention focusses on covert attention; that is, when attention is directed during fixation periods in the absence of larger saccades. While previous EEG research has provided insights into the neural network that controls covert attention, this field fails to account for the inevitable occurrence of miniature fixational saccades - called microsaccades (MS). In contrast, previous eye-tracking research has established links between MSs and covert attention, but has not directly related their findings to seminal EEG results. This thesis bridges this research gap by investigating the link between event-related potentials (ERPs) of endogenous attention and MSs. To this end, three studies were conducted with concomitant ERP and high-resolution eye-tracking recordings while participants performed a Posner spatial cueing task with an endogenous cue. Crucially, we show that MSs relate to neural correlates of visual attention. First, MS and an early posterior ERP reflected the top-down selection of a visual stimulus based on its features. This finding is consistent with the notion of a neural network that selects relevant stimuli from distracting ones and initiates goal-directed behavior toward selected stimuli. Second, gaze shifts from MSs evoked a visual potential in the EEG that was enhanced for stimuli in the focus of attention; a finding well-known for the visual potential measured after presenting a stimulus. Importantly, these MS-related potentials provided a fine-grained temporal index of the subject’s attentional state. Finally, MSs further evoked a corneoretinal artifact overlooked in previous EEG studies. This artifact contaminated the measurement of a frontal ERP previously associated with preparatory attentional control. In sum, this thesis provides first evidence for the benefits of using concomitant ERP and eye-tracking recordings to examine the link between MSs and visual attention.
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