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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Human-Caused Elephant Mortality in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya

Kyale, Daniel Muteti 30 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Spatial Pattern Analysis of Agricultural Soil Properties using GIS

McCarn, Corrin Jared 11 December 2015 (has links)
Agricultural soil properties exhibit variation over field plot scales that can ultimately effect the yield. This study performs multiple spatial pattern analyses in order to design spatially dependent regression models to better understand the interaction between these soil properties. The Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and Calcium-Magnesium Ratio (CaMgR) are analyzed with respect to Calcium, Magnesium, and soil moisture values. The CEC and CaMgR are then used to determine impact on the yield values present for the field. Results of this study show a significant measure of model parsimony (0.979) for the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) model of the CEC with free Ca, Mg, and soil moisture as explanatory variables. The model for CaMgR using the same explanatory variables has a much lower measure of model fit. The yield model using the CEC and CaMgR as explanatory variables is also low, which is representative of the underlying processes also impacting yield.

Spatial factors affecting white grub presence and abundance in golf course turf

Dimock, William John 04 June 2004 (has links)
A regional IPM project was initiated with four rounds of sampling for white grubs on the fairways of nine golf courses located on the Lower Peninsula of eastern Virginia, from 2000 through 2002. Fifteen regressor variables were collected and measured that included local-scale variables, golf course management practices and spatial pattern metrics derived from satellite images that underwent two methods of a supervised classification of six land-cover types (turf, woods, wetland, urban, bare soil and water) on four landscape scales derived from 10 km x 10 km buffer zones surrounding each golf course. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated to reduce the number of variables to a few that were highly correlated with white grub densities. Mallow's C(p) calculations were performed on the reduced variable sets to extract those that would be highly predictive. A multiple linear regression was performed using the Mallow's variables to develop eight regression equations (two classification methods x four landscape scales) that were used to predict regional white grub presence and abundance in 2003 on six additional golf courses located on the Lower Peninsula. The best model was the 6 km x 6 km buffer zones model from the second classification method, which included one local-scale variable (golf course age) and three spatial pattern metrics (total turf area, total turf area-to-total urban area ratio, and a woods interspersion-juxtaposition index). The mean difference between actual and predicted values was -0.15, standard deviation = 0.79, R2 = 81.38%. Additionally, a study was conducted to determine whether the number of white grubs collected from transects of sampled golf course fairways was significantly different from those found in the roughs. White grub counts from the roughs were significantly higher (mean = 0.283 grubs/transect, standard error = 0.0135) than those from fairways (mean = 0.146 grubs/transect, standard error = 0.0188); t = -4.31, df = 735, P = 0.0001. / Ph. D.

Étude de l'écologie du Spirotropis longifolia DC Baill. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) : Espèce monodominante dans les forêts de Guyane française / The ecology of Spirotropis longifolia DC Baill. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) : a monodominant species in French Guiana.

Fonty, Emile 16 December 2011 (has links)
Pour de nombreux écologistes, les forêts tropicales sont synonymes de richesse et de diversité spécifique ; aussi l'existence de forêts monodominantes, à savoir de forêt dominée par une seule espèce, reste un formidable énigme. Nous présentons ici la première étude de l'autécologie d'une nouvelle espèce monodominante : Spirotropis longifolia (DC) Baill. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) se développant en Guyane française. La monodominance du S. longifolia est très importante, ce dernier pouvant représenter jusqu'à 70% du peuplement. Par ailleurs, le cortège floristique associé à cette espèce diffère largement de celui de la forêt adjacente, très diversifiée. La monodominance du S. longifolia ne peut être expliquée ni par des conditions pédologiques particulières ni par l'absence de compétiteur dans ses peuplements. Nous suggérons en revanche que ses étonnantes capacités à réitérer et à marcotter lui permettent d'installer de maintenir sa monodominance. Nous avons de plus développé un jeu de marqueurs microsatellites et constitué une banque de gènes au cours d'une importante campagne de terrain. Nous proposons une nouvelle classification de la monodominance afin de mieux appréhender les processus écologiques qui lui sont associés, et y replaçons le S. longifolia. Enfin, nous mettons en perspective nos résultats avec la gestion des peuplements naturels. / Large expanses of forest dominated by a single tree species, i.e. monodominant forests, occur through the tropics and remain an long-standing conundrum to most ecologists. In French Guiana, we described a new monodominant tree species: Spirotropis longifolia (DC) Baill. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), and studied, for the first time, its autecology. We reported a strong monodominant feature (up to 70 % of stems >10 cm in d.b.h.) and a marked difference between floristic composition of the dominated and adjacent, highly diverse, stands. The monodominance of S. longifolia was supported neither by peculiar soil conditions nor by a lack of competitors but may be owned to its astonishing self-coppicing and layering abilities which induce a sharp spatial structure. We also developed a set of microsatellite markers and conduct a large field survey to built up a gene data base. Facing the variety of ecological processes involved in monodominance, we identified a lack of conceptual framework, set a new classification of monodominance and positioned S. longifolia within. We finally discuss these results in the frame of the forest management.

Analyzing spatial patterns and dynamics of landscapes and ecosystem services – Exploring fine-scale data and indicators

Wolff, Saskia 18 January 2023 (has links)
In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten hat der Einfluss des Menschen auf Ökosysteme stark zugenommen. Tendenzen der Landnutzungsänderung, darunter die Ausdehnung von Städten und die Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft als Folge des Bevölkerungsanstiegs und damit des Nahrungsmittel- und Energiebedarfs, führen zu Umweltproblemen wie dem Verlust von Lebensraum und biologischer Vielfalt. Die zunehmende Verfügbarkeit von Daten mit feiner räumlicher Auflösung kann die Analyse von Merkmalen und Prozessen in Landschaften mit Hilfe von räumlichen Metriken unterstützen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, feinskalige Daten und räumliche Metriken zu integrieren, um Indikatoren zur Messung und Bewertung von Landnutzung, Ökosystemdienstleistungen und deren räumlichen Mustern zu entwickeln und folgende Fragen zu beantworten: Wie können Landnutzungsänderungen und Ökosystemleistungen einer Landschaft beschrieben und analysiert werden? Und, wie kann die Landschaftsperspektive zu unserem Verständnis von Landsystemen beitragen? In zwei verschiedenen Weltregionen werden Landschaften mit Hilfe von Hexagonen als räumliche Einheiten untersucht. Diese dienen zur Analyse von räumlichen Mustern und Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Indikatoren (z. B. Ökosystemdienstleistungen) und die Konzeptualisierung von Prozessen auf Landschaftsebene. Obwohl sich einige Phänomene auf feinen räumlichen Skalen manifestieren, ist es für die Operationalisierung und Überwachung dieser Prozesse notwendig, ‚herauszuzoomen‘. Der Landschaftsansatz im Zusammenhang mit Ökosystemleistungen bietet wichtige Perspektiven im Hinblick auf Umweltauswirkungen, die durch Landnutzungsänderungen verursacht werden. Dabei können Indikatoren, die die ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Dimension verknüpfen, dazu beitragen, regionalspezifisches Wissen über Landschaftsdynamiken zu erlangen und dieses Wissen an Entscheidungsträger weiterzugeben, um gezielte Maßnahmen für ein nachhaltiges Landmanagement zu entwickeln. / Over the last decades, anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems have been increasing. Trends of land use change including urban expansion and agricultural intensification driven by population increase, and hence food and energy demand, cause environmental challenges including habitat and biodiversity loss. Analyzing major trends of land use change requires additional metrics to capture local processes on a landscape spatial scale. Increasing fine-scale data availability can support analyses of characteristics and processes of landscapes with the help of spatial metrics, e.g. distance or density measures. The aims of this thesis are to incorporate fine-scale data and spatial metrics to develop indicators to measure and assess land-use, ecosystem services (ESS) and their spatial patterns to answer the following questions: How can land use change and ecosystem services of landscapes be described and analyzed? And how can the landscape perspective contribute to our understanding of land systems? The thesis includes three case studies in two different world regions: 1) characteristics of land use within a peri-urban gradient in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2) characteristics of agricultural landscapes in Brandenburg, Germany, and 3) ecosystem service relationships at different spatial units and scales. In both regions, landscapes are investigated with hexagons as spatial units for the analysis of spatial patterns and relationships among different indicators (i.e., ESS) and conceptualize processes on a landscape level. The landscape approach in context with ecosystem services offers important perspectives regarding environmental impacts caused by land use change. Thereby, metrics integrating the ecological, economic, and social dimensions can support obtaining region-specific knowledge on landscape dynamics and transferring this knowledge to decision-makers to design targeted measures towards sustainable land management.


Feng Yu (5930453) 17 January 2019 (has links)
Topographic depressions are naturally occurring low land areas surrounded by areas of high elevations, also known as “pits” or “sinks”, on terrain surfaces. Traditional watershed modeling often neglects the potential effects of depressions by implementing removal (mostly filling) procedures on the digital elevation model (DEM) prior to the simulation of physical processes. The assumption is that all the depressions are either spurious in the DEM or of negligible importance for modeling results. However, studies suggested that naturally occurring depressions can change runoff response and connectivity in a watershed based on storage conditions and their spatial arrangement, e.g., shift active contributing areas and soil moisture distributions, and timing and magnitude of flow discharge at the watershed outlet. In addition, recent advances in remote sensing techniques, such as LiDAR, allow us to examine this modeling assumption because naturally occurring depressions can be represented using high-resolution DEM. This dissertation provides insights on the effects of depressions on overland flow processes at multiple spatial scales, from internal depression areas to the watershed scale, based on hydrologic connectivity metrics. Connectivity describes flow pathway connectedness and is assessed using geostatistical measures of heterogeneity in overland flow patterns, i.e., connectivity function and integral connectivity scale lengths. A new algorithm is introduced here to upscale connectivity metrics to large gridded patterns (i.e., with > 1,000,000 cells) using GPU-accelerated computing. This new algorithm is sensitive to changes of connectivity directions and magnitudes in spatial patterns and is robust for large DEM grids with depressions. Implementation of the connectivity metrics to overland flow patterns generated from original and depression filled DEMs for a study watershed indicates that depressions typically decrease overland flow connectivity. A series of macro connectivity stages based on spatial distances are identified, which represent changes in the interaction mechanisms between overland flow and depressions, i.e., the relative dominance of fill and spill, and the relative speed of fill and formation of connected pathways. In addition, to study the role of spatial resolutions on such interaction mechanisms at watershed scale, two revised functional connectivity metrics are also introduced, based on depressions that are hydraulically connected to the watershed outlet and runoff response to rainfall. These two functional connectivity metrics are sensitive to connectivity changes in overland flow patterns because of depression removal (filling) for DEMs at different grid resolutions. Results show that these two metrics indicate the spatial and statistical characteristics of depressions and their implications on overland flow connectivity, and may also relate to storage and infiltration conditions. In addition, grid resolutions have a more significant impact on overland flow connectivity than depression removal (filling).

Impact of anthropogenic activities on the vegetation structure of mangrove forests in Kribi, the Nyong river mouth and Cameroon estuary / Impacts des activités anthropiques sur la structure de la végétation des mangroves de Kribi, de l'embouchure du fleuve Nyong et de l'estuaire du Cameroun

Nfotabong Atheull, Adolphe 13 September 2011 (has links)
Mangroves are intertidal ecosystems found along the tropical and subtropical coastlines.<p>Though globally recognised as ecosystems of ecological, biological and economical<p>remarkable importance, these ecotone formations are characterised by a continuously<p>increasing anthropization. However, very little studies have been focused on the impact of<p>various anthropogenic activities on the mangrove vegetation structure.<p>We have firstly (a) assessed the commercial and subsistence utilization of mangrove<p>wood products in the Littoral region (Cameroon estuary). Then, we have confronted the<p>subsistence usages of mangrove wood products in the Southern region (close to the mouth of<p>the Nyong River and Mpalla village (Kribi)) in comparison with the Littoral region. By doing,<p>we have compared the local residents‟ perceptions on environmental changes that occurred<p>within the two regional mangrove forests. Also, we have (c) studied the structural dynamic of<p>mangrove vegetation neighbouring the Douala city (Cameroon). Always in the vicinity of this<p>town, we have (d) reconstructed the original structure of largely disturbed mangrove forests.<p>Moreover, we have (e) map the mangrove structure in a non peri-urban setting located within<p>the Cameroon estuary. Here, we have finally (f) analysed the spatial distribution of a black<p>mangrove namely Avicennia germinans (L.) Stearn.<p>Our results underlined an excessive utilization of mangrove wood products in the<p>Cameroon estuary. We have showed that the frequency of mangrove harvesting was relatively<p>fewer in Kribi (Mpalla) and the mouth of the Nyong River. The local people inhabiting these<p>two localities perceived mangroves as less degraded areas. In contrast, those established<p>within the Cameroon estuary stated that mangroves were largely disturbed. When combining<p>the local people statements with our field observations, we recorded that it a complex mix of<p>causes (e.i. clear-felled corridors, agriculture, sand and gravel extraction, over-harvesting and<p>anarchic urbanization) that have led to the largely degradation (vegetation and sediment) of<p>the peri-urban mangroves in Cameroon. A diachronic analysis (1974, 2003, 2009) of their<p>coverage revealed that over the 35-year period, mangrove had decreases in cover of 53.16%<p>around Douala. We have also showed that in the peri-urban settings, wood harvesting was<p>commonly applied on the structurally more complex (highly dense stands neighbouring the<p>habitations) mangrove forests (Mboussa Essengue) and, in a lesser extent, on the structurally<p>more developed mangrove stands (fewer dense stands faraway from Douala). On the other<p>hand, the mapping analysis of the non peri-urban mangroves (distant from Douala) has<p>revealed that the structure of these intertidal forests was relatively less impacted. In the<p>Cameroon estuary, we also showed that A. germinans trees were randomly distributed on<p>almost one-half of the sampling plots and clumped at some scales on the remaining plots.<p>Accordingly, this species might play a significant role in the recovery process of artificial<p>gaps found in the non peri-urban areas.<p>The multi-disciplinary approach employed in this study has allowed a better<p>understanding of the direct and indirect impacts of anthropogenic activities on the mangrove<p>vegetation structure in Cameroon. These results constitute a fundamental data base quite<p>useful for the multi-temporal monitoring of these littoral ecosystems perpetually disturbed.<p>The application of similar approach in other mangroves facing high anthropogenic pressures<p>appears important. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Activity Space in a Terminal Classic Maya HouseholdXuenkal, Yucatan, Mexico

Coakley, Corrine 29 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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