Spelling suggestions: "subject:"specialization"" "subject:"specializations""
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Biological invasions are one of the most important threats to global biodiversity and they were also found to negatively affect some bird species. Despite relatively large number of scientific studies dealing with the impacts of invasive plants on bird communities, their results are inconsistent, especially it is not clear how birds respond to increasing levels of expansion of invasive species in native species stands. Moreover, bird responses to plant invasions seem to depend on the ecological characteristics of individual bird species. This study contributes to elucidation of this problem; I investigated the impacts of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) invasion on bird communities in three types of forest stands with different levels of invasion: in stands containing solely the native oak (Quercus spp.), in partially invaded stands with different proportions of black locust and oak (mixed stands) and in pure black locust stands. Previous studies that examined birds in pure oak and pure black locust stands have found that they differ markedly in vegetation structure, but not in the total number of bird species. However, habitat specialists were associated with the oak stands, while generalists with the black locust stands. Therefore, I predicted that (1) the total species richness will be...
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Trenerska činnost v tréninkovém procesu volejbalu u kategorie mladých hráčů / Coaching activity in the volleyball trainning process for the young players categoryVobejda, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Title of thesis: Coaching activity in the volleyball training process for the young players category Aim of thesis: The aim of thesis is to find out, describe and evaluate volleyball coaching activity in the training process and during the match at young players category Method: To fulfill the research objectives, I used the method of interrogation using non-standardized questionnaire with closed, semi-opened and opened questions. The obtained data from the questionnaire were analyzed by the sum of the number of probands and their answers. The results were processed by conventional statistical methods, expressed in words, tables and graphs. Results: The results of the thesis showed both the opinions of the coaches, but above all their coaching practices or methods, which they apply during training process. In some cases it is difficult to determine whether the procerures are correct or not, but there are cases whet i tis obvious. We partially touched the problem of early specialization in young players category. Keywords: Volleyball Training of children and youth in volleyball Specialization of player's functions Coach's activities and character Player's character
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Prostorová rozmanitost opylovacích sítí / Spatial Variability in Pollination NetworksHadrava, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Plant-pollinator interaction assembly can be represented as so called pollination network. Using these networks, assembly of plant-pollinator communities and geographic patterns in pollination networks can be studied. During last years, a great progress in describing patterns in structure of plant-pollinator interaction webs and in describing their spatial variability was made. However, these results are mostly based on data from previous studies, which are not seamlessly comparable due to their nonuniformity. My thesis aims at the methodological concepts of study on pollination networks. Based on meta- analysis of previously published data and on data from four years detailed study of plant-pollination system from one locality, I show several methodological problems caused by dissimilarities in sam- pling method of current pollination-network data. These dissimilarities could be responsible for some observed patterns in the assembly of pollination networks. Thus, I propose a uniform method for observing pollination networks suitable for macroecolo- gical meta-analyses (pollination network samples). I tested this method in the field and I described 49 pollination networks from the central and eastern Europe by using such method. In these ne- tworks, no nonrandom structure character such as...
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Strategické řízení letiště Brno-Tuřany / Strategic managment of Brno - Turany airportKulmukhambetov, Kairat January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work is to describe the past, present and expected future of the airport in Brno. An analysis was carried out that was sent as a reminder of the airport's potential, which should be revealed in the near future. The appendix describes airport development methods with similar characteristics used by other managers
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Novostavba polyfunkční budovy, Jihlava / Newly-built mixed-use building, JihlavaKratochvíl, Aleš January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the construction and maintenance of project documentation for the implementation of the multipurpose building in Jihlava. Designed building is located in the southern town of Jihlava, in the slightly hilly terrain on the west side. The house is rectangular ground plan, with a projecting portion bowling lanes. Roofing form a single-slope roof. It is a multifunctional building, the first floor consists of a restaurant with bowling lanes in the second and third floor houses the Tax Office. They used conventional and traditional building materials. The thesis also specializing on the subject of air conditioning and heating.
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Farma v Horní Lipové / Farm in Horní LipováKühnová, Edita January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the processing of project documentation in the documentation phase for construction of building object SO 01 – Detached house with facilities. The thesis is not worked out in full extent, as prescribed in Decree No. 62/2013 Coll. Amending Decree No. 499/2006 Coll., On Construction Documentation. It includes only part A (Data Accompanying Report), B (Summary Technical Report), C (Situational Drawings), D.1.1 (Architectural and Building Solutions) and D.1.3 (Fire Safety Solutions) of Appendix 6 of this Decree. In addition, a thermal-technical assessment of the building was elaborated. There are two specializations in small range as additional part of the documentation as well. The proposed two-storey house with small cellar is situated on flat land in the village of Lipová-lázně and layout of the object is divided into two parts, part of house with function of housing and part with facilities for cooking and catering for more persons.
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Komparace úrovně pohybové všestrannosti u dětí s rozdílným pohybovým zatěžováním / Comparison of physical versatility of children with different physical activityCaisová, Hana January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problematics of movement versatility of younger school children at school PT and athletic sport training. The main target is using testing for measuring level of motor skills all round development. The theoretical part contains the description of terms as motor skills, practical training and its didactic aspects, all round development, effect of exercise on health, younger school children and specifics of training children of this age. The practical part focuses on testing the motor skills of younger school children and the results of performing the tests. One part of the tested sample is looking into the motor skills of those attending the athletic sport training and the other analyses the motor skills versality of the basic school children who do not attend any sports prep regularly. This thesis results may initiate the first grade teachers and the sports prep trainers to more thorough work with the less developed motor skilled.
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Regionální specializace a ekonomická kolísavost krajů Česka / Regional specialization and economic volatility of Czech regionsRanda, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Regional specialisation and economic volatility of Czech regions ABSTRACT This thesis deals with the assessment of the impact of regional specialization and regional diversity on economic performance of Czech regions by indicators of economic development: the growth of the average wage, employment growth, rising unemployment, increase in the number of patents and the GDP per person. The second aim is to assess the effect of types of diversity on regional performance. Finally, this thesis aims to assess the impact of diversity on regional resilience by analyzing the development of employment and GDP per person. Key words: Czech regions, diversity of industry, specialization, regional performance, regional resilience, related and unrelated variety, Jacobs' effects, Marshall's effects
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Mateřská škola / KindergartenBurianová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this master´s thesis is lately erected building of kindergarten. It is a two-storied building, without cellar and with flat roof. Object is based on the strips foundation. This kindergarten is formed by three departments with capacity fot twenty children. The part of this building is the kitchen, where cooks can prepare hot meals. On this piece of land there is situated the parking with seven parking spaces. The master´s thesis includes a project documentation and specialisation.
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Jak se liší druhové bohatství a početnost ptáků mezi vojenskými výcvikovými prostory a okolní krajinou? Případová studie z vojenského újezdu Hradiště / How do bird species richness and abundance differ between military training areas and surrounding landscape? A case study from the Hradiště military areaBušek, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Since the beginning of the 20th century human land use changed drastically in Central Europe. These changes included: homogenization of the landscape mosaic, intensification of agriculture, urbanization and land abandonment. In turn, these changes affected bird species and perhaps most significantly manifested in population decline of open habitat birds. Therefore, it is important to investigate sites, which were not affected by the changes mentioned above, such as military training areas (MTAs) - places dedicated to training of armed forces. Previous studies have shown that MTAs seem to host remarkably high bird diversity and abundant populations of bird species of conservation concern. This may be caused by two major factors. First, closure of MTAs to all human activies besides military training spared them of the landscape changes mentioned above. Second, the military training itself produces a very heterogeneous habitat mosaic that allows coexistence of many species with different ecological requirements. To my knowledge, no study compared bird assemblages between MTAs and surrounding landscape directly. At the same time, such data are crucial to assess the value of MTAs for bird conservation reliably and, as a consequence, they enable to think more deeply about mechanism generating this value....
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