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Die Entscheidung nach Lage der Akten /Gebel, Norbert. January 1933 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Erlangen.
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Renewed interest in speedy trialClarke, H. H. Hunter. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LL. M.)--Judge Advocate General's School, [1968] / Date from JAG School Library Catalog. Typescript. Includes bibliographical references. Also issued in microfiche.
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Time domain transmission line measurements with the speedy delivery signalZugelter, Joseph Zachary 14 February 2012 (has links)
The Speedy Delivery (SD) waveform does not undergo dispersion in transmission lines. The waveform was first introduced by Dr. Robert Flake in US Patent 6,441,695 B1 issued on August 27, 2002. Use of the SD waveform allows for high precision time domain measurements on transmission lines. High precision time domain reflectometry (TDR) and time domain transmission (TDT) measurements are described. An example measurement is presented. The design of the experimental apparatus is detailed. Voltage bias adjustments are made during measurements to increase the repeatability. Voltage bias adjustments are examined in detail. Efforts to produce short terminated measurements with high precision are included. A technique for performing TDR measurements with highly attenuated signals is presented with results. / text
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Applications of the speedy delivery waveformBiskup, John Fredrick 13 May 2015 (has links)
The Speedy Delivery (SD) waveform was introduced in patent US 6,441,695 B1 issued August 27, 2002 to the inventor Dr. Robert Flake. In the most basic form, the SD boundary condition is an exponential, D⋅e [superscript α⋅t] . The propagating waveform is described by an analytic, closed form solution of the wave equation in lossy media and has several very special properties. The most surprising property is that the leading edge of the waveform propagates with attenuation but without distortion. The lack of distortion occurs even in lossy transmission media with frequency dependent parameters. This is unlike any other known pulse shape. Additionally, varying the waveforms parameter, α, can vary the propagation velocity and the attenuation of the waveform. Because the exponential waveform is unbounded it cannot continue indefinitely and must be truncated and closed by a non-SD closing edge. This dissertation discusses the transmission behavior and two applications of truncated SD waveforms. A brief analysis of SD propagation in lossy transmission lines is presented and some practical considerations associated with truncating the SD waveforms are addressed. The parameters needed to describe the propagation of the SD waveform are defined and techniques for determining their values are presented. Finally, examples applying these truncated SD waveforms to time domain reflectometry and Communication Technology are presented. / text
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Maßnahmen zur Beschleunigung und Konzentration im neuen spanischen und deutschen Zivilprozess : eine rechtsvergleichende Analyse im Lichte der Europäisierung des Zivilprozessrechts /Gohm, Christian. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Freiburg im Breisgau, 2004. / Literaturverz. S. 301 - 321.
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O direito à celeridade processual à luz dos direitos fundamentaisPeters, Adriana Salgado 02 July 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-07-02 / The Federal Constitution of 1988 is a landmark, as a document to protect the principle of human dignity, a cornerstone of the existence and protection of human rights. In this context, this dissertation brings to the fore a discussion on the new paradigms directed toward securing the basic right to a speedy trial. The delay of the agencies of the Public Administration and the Judicial Power in providing effective protection to the parts, in good time, is a serious problem to be solved currently, especially by reason of: the accumulation of processes, the effect of the globalization without the proportional investment in the computerization of the Public Power, the dwindling of resources destined to the Judicial Power, more efficient laws, amongst other factors. To characterize such problem, a parallel has been drawn regarding the conception of the speedy trial as a basic right of the human being, prior and subsequent to the Constitutional Amendment n.º 45, of 12-31-2004, that introduced clause LXXVIII to the Article 5º of the Federal Constitution of 1988, which assured a reasonable duration of proceedings as a basic constitutional norm and a right of the human being. Based on the analysis of this comparative picture, illustrated with up-to-date, innovative jurisprudence regarding the implementation of speedy trial, whose results are timely to the parts involved and, therefore, observant of the principles of Justice, change has been noticed in the paradigms in the Brazilian society and reconstruction of the ways to grant effective guarantee to the human rights. Therefore, it has been observed that it is time to change, time to make the process more swift for the benefit of the human being itself and for the common good of society, of which the former is a member, thus meeting the principle of the dignity of the human being in all sectors / A Constituição Federal de 1988 é um marco, como documento protetor do princípio da dignidade humana, fundamento da existência e da proteção dos direitos humanos. Neste contexto, esta dissertação traz à baila uma discussão sobre novos paradigmas voltados à concretização do direito fundamental da celeridade processual. A morosidade dos órgãos da Administração Pública e do Poder Judiciário na prestação de uma tutela efetiva às partes, em tempo útil e justo, é um problema sério a ser sanado atualmente, sobretudo em razão: do acúmulo de processos, dos efeitos da globalização sem o proporcional investimento na informatização do Poder Público, da defasagem de recursos destinados ao Poder Judiciário, de leis mais eficazes, dentre outros fatores. Para dimensionar tal problema foi feito um paralelo a respeito da concepção da celeridade processual, como direito fundamental do ser humano, anterior e posterior à Emenda Constitucional n.º 45, de 31-12-2004, que introduziu o inciso LXXVIII ao Artigo 5º, da Constituição Federal de 1988, preceito este que explicitou a celeridade processo como norma constitucional e direito fundamental do ser humano. Pautado na análise deste quadro comparativo, ilustrado com jurisprudências atualizadas e inovadoras referentes à implementação do princípio da celeridade processual, cujos resultados são medidas tempestivas às partes e, portanto, observadores dos princípios de Justiça, verificou-se mudança de paradigma na sociedade brasileira e reconstrução dos meios de conceder efetiva garantia aos direitos humanos. Observou-se, assim, que é tempo de mudança, tempo de tornar o processo mais célere em prol, tanto do ser humano em si considerado como do bem comum da sociedade, da qual aquele é membro, atendendo, assim, ao princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana em todos os setores
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Tutela jurisdicional diferenciada: instrumento para efetividade e celeridade da justiça no Código de Processo Civil e no microssistema coletivoSarno, Paulo Alberto 08 December 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-12-08 / This study examines the role of differentiated jurisdictional tutelage as an instrument to ensure the effectiveness and the promptness of justice in the Civil Procedure Code and in the collective microsystem.
Firstly, some issues involving effective access to justice are approached since they are a fundamental right which seeks to guard the existential minimum embraced by the Constitution. Among the issues investigated it is highlighted the Code of Civil Procedure and the rules involving metaindividual rights, collective tutelage and procedural techniques (cautionary and anticipatory ones as well as supplementary application of the Code of Civil Procedure in collective microsystem).
As an example of differentiated tutelage on environmental law, this research addresses the approximation of substantive and procedural rights based on the principles of prevention, precaution and reparation. Specific cases serve as examples of its applicability.
This study seeks to demonstrate that access to justice is only for the actual grant of substantive right postulated by the party (Article 5, XXXV, of the Federal Constitution of 1988). For this purpose, legislation must foster procedural mechanisms necessary to materially meet the required pretension, whether injunctive or final.
The examination of the procedural syncretism showed that the art.273, paragraph 7, of the Code of Civil Procedure finds natural support on collective microsystem by revealing the symbiosis of procedural techniques, unveiled in the original wording of art.4 of Law 7.347/ 85.
Concerning collective demands, the legal microsystem consolidated differentiated jurisdictional protection techniques, which have adapted the procedural instrument to the attainment of the substantive right. The study also addresses the reverse burden of proof (device that favors the achievement of differentiated jurisdictional tutelage), the writ or executive lato sensu nature of consumerist norms and the supplementary application of the Civil Procedure Code. It is also important to stress the collective res judicata and the limitation of cognition in order to demonstrate that the collective microsystem is a model of differentiated jurisdictional tutelage, with a focus on transportation in utilibus, regarding the settlement of res judicata in the class action trial.
On another level, the study shows the parity between the art.84 of the Code of Consumer Rights and art.461 of the Civil Procedure Code, for the achievement of specific enforcement or of the equivalent practical result.
The study also concludes the unconstitutionality of the art.16 of the Law of Civil Action which is incompatible with the ideals of the effectiveness of jurisdictional tutelage. Therefore, within the collective scope it is designed the effectiveness of the proceedings, with the provision of mechanisms that would support the substantive law on new horizons.
Thus, this research reveals how the system of differentiated jurisdictional tutelage, delineated in the Civil Procedure Code and the collective microsystem, is essential for the effectiveness of justice and the achievement of beneficial outcome of the case, expected by society / O estudo proposto investiga o papel da tutela jurisdicional diferenciada como um instrumento para garantir a efetividade e a celeridade da justiça no Código de Processo Civil e no microssistema coletivo.
Inicialmente, são abordadas questões envolvendo o acesso efetivo à justiça, um direito fundamental que visa ao resguardo do mínimo existencial albergado pela Carta Política. Entre os aspectos investigados, destacam-se o Código de Processo Civil e a legislação que envolve os direitos metaindividuais, a tutela coletiva e as técnicas processuais (antecipação e acautelatória e a aplicação subsidiária do Código de Processo Civil no microssistema coletivo). Como exemplo de tutela diferenciada no direito ambiental, a pesquisa aborda a aproximação dos direitos material e processual com base nos princípios da prevenção, da precaução e da reparação. Casos concretos servem como exemplo de sua aplicabilidade.
O estudo procura demonstrar que o acesso à justiça ocorre apenas com a efetiva entrega do direito material postulado pela parte (art.5º, XXXV, da Constituição Federal de 1988). Para tanto, a legislação deve acolher os mecanismos processuais necessários para satisfazer materialmente a pretensão requerida, seja ela cautelar ou satisfativa.
Com o exame do sincretismo processual, demonstrou-se que o art.273, §7º, do Código de Processo Civil encontra assento natural no microssistema coletivo ao revelar a simbiose de técnicas processuais, desvelada na redação original do art. 4º da Lei nº7.347/85.
Quanto às demandas coletivas, o microssistema legal consolidou técnicas de tutela jurisdicional diferenciada, que adequaram o instrumento processual à consecução do direito material. O estudo aborda ainda a inversão do ônus da prova (mecanismo favorável à conquista da tutela jurisdicional diferenciada), a natureza mandamental ou executiva lato sensu das normas consumeristas e a aplicação subsidiária do Código de Processo Civil.
Há também importante destaque para a coisa julgada coletiva e a limitação da cognição, de modo a demonstrar que o microssistema coletivo é um modelo de tutela jurisdicional diferenciada, com enfoque para o transporte in utilibus, no que toca à liquidação do julgado nas ações coletivas.
Em outro plano, o estudo demonstra a paridade entre o art.84 do Código de Defesa do Consumidor e o art.461 do Código de Processo Civil, para a conquista da execução específica ou do resultado prático equivalente.
O estudo conclui, ainda, pela inconstitucionalidade do art.16 da Lei da Ação Civil Pública, incompatível com o ideário de efetividade da tutela jurisdicional.
Desenhou-se, assim, no âmbito coletivo, a efetividade do processo, com a previsão de mecanismos para amparar o direito substancial em novas frentes.
Ao final, a pesquisa revela como o regime da tutela jurisdicional diferenciada, estabelecido no Código de Processo Civil e no microssistema coletivo, é imprescindível para a efetividade da justiça e o alcance do resultado útil do processo almejados pela sociedade
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The Design of Continuous Chromatography for Separation and PurificationDavid M Harvey (8782685) 30 April 2020 (has links)
Continuous chromatography is an attractive alternative to traditional batch chromatography because it can have higher productivity, solvent efficiency, and product concentrations. However, several barriers prevent further use of continuous chromatography. There are many operating parameters that must be determined when designing continuous systems making it difficult to achieve high purity, yield, and productivity. Through the identification and strategic combination of the key dimensionless groups that control a continuous separation, it is possible to design highly productive systems that produce products with high yield and high purity. In this dissertation, three examples were selected to demonstrate the significance of a model-based method when designing continuous chromatography systems. (1) The Speedy Standing Wave Design and simulated moving bed splitting strategies for the separation of ternary mixtures with linear isotherms. (2) The Standing-wave Design of Three-Zone open-loop non-isocratic SMB for purification. (3) The Continuous Ligand-Assisted Displacement for the separation of Rare Earth Elements.<div>In the first example, the Speedy Standing Wave Design equations were developed for multicomponent separations with linear isotherms and a systematic splitting strategy was developed for the design of multiple sequential Simulated Moving Beds (SMBs). By performing the easiest split first, the overall productivity and solvent efficiency can be significantly improved. Rate model simulations were used to verify that the SSWD equations achieved target yields and purities. In systems where only one component is desired, the sorbent should be selected such that this component is the most or least retained so that it can be separated in a single SMB.</div><div>In the second example, the Standing Wave Design method was extended to non-isocratic three zone open loop SMBs. The standing wave design equations were derived and then verified using rate model simulations. In two case studies it was shown that non-isocratic SMBs designed using the standing wave design method show an order of magnitude higher productivity than a comparable batch system when the impurities are weakly adsorbing. When the impurities are competitive, the SWD method produces SMB systems with 2 orders of magnitude higher productivity than comparable batch systems. Because the design is based on dimensionless groups, the resulting designs are easily scalable and no rate model simulations are required to design high yield, high purity, and high productivity SMBs.</div><div>In the third example, the constant pattern design method was extended to continuous LAD systems. A continuous operation mode was developed that reduced the cycle time of LAD systems to further increase the productivity. In cases where the feed was equimolar, the continuous configuration increased the productivity between 20-50%. A multizone continuous LAD configuration was developed for the separation of a complex mixture of Dy, ND, and Pr that simulated a crude magnet feed. The resulting overall productivity for this system was 190 kg/m<sup>3</sup>day which was two orders of magnitude higher than a single column batch system and 70% higher than a multizone batch system. The robustness of the constant pattern design method was demonstrated through a simulated case study and it was determined that adding a safety factor through the reduction of the flowrate was more effective than reducing the design length.</div><div>Using a model-based design allows for the consistent design of continuous chromatography systems. The effects of a change in a feed or operating condition can be more easily understood through the lens of the model. This means that adjustments can be made pre-emptively when necessary and the new designs can be tested with virtual experiments before being implemented. The understanding of key dimensionless groups allows for designs that meet key design criteria at all scales of operation and thus allows for the easy transition from one scale to another.</div>
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The impact and constitutionality of delayed trials on the rights of a suspect or accused person during criminal proceedingsGopaul, Arusha 02 1900 (has links)
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa guarantees every person a fair trial; the right to a fair trial right trial must begin and conclude within a reasonable time and without undue delay. Internationally the same guarantees and protections are available to unconvicted suspects. However, the South African criminal justice system lacks behind internationally and falls short of promoting these guarantees.
Investigation was done on delays in commencing and finalising trials in light of constitutional provisions, the consequence and the impact of the delay with discussion on prison conditions and overcrowding with reference to the Constitutiton, legislation and case law.
Delayed trial, prison overcrowding and poor prison conditions are still an issue in South Africa and there needs to be positive change to enforce and practice prescribed directives. South Africa‟s justice system through its servants, need to do more to gain a higher status of having a constitutionally democratic country that fully promotes‟ rights of detainees. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LLM
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The impact and constitutionality of delayed trials on the rights of a suspect or accused person during criminal proceedingsGopaul, Arusha 02 1900 (has links)
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa guarantees every person a fair trial; the right to a fair trial right trial must begin and conclude within a reasonable time and without undue delay. Internationally the same guarantees and protections are available to unconvicted suspects. However, the South African criminal justice system lacks behind internationally and falls short of promoting these guarantees.
Investigation was done on delays in commencing and finalising trials in light of constitutional provisions, the consequence and the impact of the delay with discussion on prison conditions and overcrowding with reference to the Constitutiton, legislation and case law.
Delayed trial, prison overcrowding and poor prison conditions are still an issue in South Africa and there needs to be positive change to enforce and practice prescribed directives. South Africa‟s justice system through its servants, need to do more to gain a higher status of having a constitutionally democratic country that fully promotes‟ rights of detainees. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LLM
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