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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] Os sistemas que operam em banda larga necessitam de radiadores que atendam eletricamente a banda de frequência utilizada. As antenas com características de independência da frequência, em particular as antenas espirais, têm encontrando cada vez mais utilização nesses sistemas, seja em aplicações comercias ou militares. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo a análise de desempenho de antenas espirais do tipo fenda em cavidades, pela aplicação do método dos momentos. Serão consideradas cavidades com a face oposta à antena constituída por um condutor perfeito ou acoplada a uma estrutura de microondas com matriz de espalhamento conhecida. Essa estrutura de microondas, poderá simular, por exemplo, uma ou mais camadas de material absorvente.Um modelo numérico foi desenvolvido, e a partir dele foi elaborado um programa de computador, para determinar as características de radiação de antenas espirais em cavidade. São apresentados e comparados os resultados obtidos para três configurações de antenas espirais de Arquimedes do tipo fenda: sem cavidade, com cavidade condutora e com um material absorvente colocado sobre a face da cavidade oposta a abertura da antena. / [en] Broad band systems need radiators to operate over the entire frequency band. Frequency independent antennas, in particular spiral antennas, are finding increasing application in such systems, for commercial or military purposes. This dissertation has for objective the analysis of performance of cavity-backed slot spiral antenna, by applying the moment method . For this study it will be taken into account cavities with the face opposing to the antenna consisting of a perfect conductor or connected to a structure of microwaves with known scattering matrix. This microwave structure will be able to simulate, for example, one or more layers of absorbing material. A numerical model was developed, and based on it, it was elaborated a computer program to determine the radiation characteristics of cavity-backed spiral antennas. The results surveyed for three configurations of slot Archimedean spiral antenna are presented and compared: without cavity, with conducting cavity, and with an absorbing material placed on the cavity opposite to the antenna.

Avaliação da perfusão miocárdica de estresse com dipiridamol pela tomografia computadorizada com 64 colunas de detectores / Dipyridamole stress myocardial perfusion evaluation by 64 detector-row computed tomography

Cury, Roberto Caldeira 16 February 2011 (has links)
A angiotomografia de múltiplos detectores (TC) é um exame útil no diagnóstico de doença arterial coronariana (DAC). Recentemente, a TC foi associada à perfusão miocárdica com estresse (PTC) para detectar DAC. O objetivo é comparar a perfusão miocárdica da TC, após estresse com dipiridamol, com a cintilografia miocárdica (SPECT) na detecção de estenose coronariana significativa (>70%), usando o cateterismo (CATE) como método de referência. Trinta e seis pacientes (62±8,0 anos, 20 homens) com suspeita de DAC e com SPECT positivo em menos de 2 meses foram submetidos a um protocolo de TC para avaliação da PTC e angiografia pela tomografia computadorizada (ATC). TC foi realizada em um equipamento de 64 detectores (Aquillion 64, Toshiba), com uma primeira aquisição com os seguintes parâmetros:100mA,120Kv, 32x1mm colimação e 60ml de contraste a 3ml/s, após estresse com dipiridamol (0,56mg/Kg/4min), seguida de uma aquisição de repouso/ATC após aminofilina e metoprolol (270-400mA, 120Kv,64x0,5mm e 80 ml de contraste a 5ml/s). Observadores cegos e independentes, sem conhecimento prévio dos dados clínicos ou dos exames, realizaram análise visual e quantitativa da perfusão e angiotomografia, além de análise angiográfica quantitativa (QCA) para avaliação do CATE. Todos os pacientes completaram o protocolo sem efeitos adversos com dose de radiação média de 14,7 ± 3,0 mSv e exames interpretáveis. PTC foi positiva em 27 de 36 pacientes (75%). Dos nove casos (25%) com discordâncias (PTC negativa e SPECT positivo), 6 pacientes tinham ATC ou CATE normal e 2 tinham estenose coronariana menor que 50%. Um apresentava stent pérvio e o outro um ramo diagonal com redução luminal de 50%.O terceiro paciente apresentava uma oclusão do ramo ventricular posterior da artéria coronária direita com circulação colateral detectado pela ATC e confirmado pelo CATE. A comparação entre a PTC e o SPECT em uma análise por paciente mostrou boa concordância (Kappa =0,53;p<0,001). Em 26 pacientes com CATE, como referência, os valores diagnósticos foram sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo, valor preditivo negativo e acurácia para a PTC 88,0; 79,3; 66,7; 93,3; 82,1% e para o SPECT 68,8; 76,1; 66,7; 77,8 e 73,1%, respectivamente. A perfusão miocárdica de repouso e estresse após dipiridamol na avaliação de doença aterosclerótica coronariana, associada à angiografia pela tomografia é factível e os resultados foram similares ao do SPECT. A combinação da informação anatômica e perfusional permite identificar os casos positivos do SPECT, sem estenose coronariana significativa. / Multidetector computed tomography is a useful method for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. Recently, myocardial stress CT perfusion (CTP) was shown to detect myocardial ischemia. Our main objective was to evaluate the feasibility of dipyridamole stress CTP and compare to SPECT perfusion to detect significant coronary stenosis using conventional angiography (CCA) (stenosis >70%) as reference method. Thirty-six patients (62.0±8.0 years old, 20 males) with suspected CAD and < 2 months prior positive SPECT underwent a customized multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT) protocol with rest/stress myocardial perfusion evaluation and CTA. MDCT was performed in a 64 scanner (Aquillion 64, Toshiba) with stress perfusion after 0.56mg/kg/4min of dipyridamole (100mA, 120 kV, collimation-32 x 1 mm and 60 ml of iodinated contrast) followed by aminophyline and metoprolol infusion prior to a second rest perfusion/CTA acquisition (270-400mA, 120 kV, collimation-64 x 0,5 mm and 80 ml of iodinated contrast). Independent blinded observers with no knowledge of clinical data or other exams performed visual and quantitative analysis of CTP, CTA, SPECT and quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) analysis, that was performed on CCA. All 36 patients completed the CT protocol with no adverse events, mean radiation dose of 14.7 ± 3.0 mSv and with interpretable scans. CTP was positive in 27 of 36 patients (75%). From the 9 (25%) disagreements with normal CTP and positive SPECT, 6 patients had normal CCA or CTA and 2 had no coronary stenosis > 70 %. One had patent stents and the other had a diagonal branch with mild luminal reduction at CCA. The remaining patient had an occluded right posterior lateral branch with collateral flow detect by CTA and confirmed by CCA. Good agreement was demonstrated between CTP and SPECT on a per-patient analysis (kappa 0.53). In 26 patients using CCA as reference, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive values and accuracy for CTP were 88.0, 79.3, 66.7, 93.3%, 82,1% and for SPECT 68.8, 76.1, 66.7, 77.8% and 73,1% respectively. Rest and dipyridamole-stress computed tomography myocardial perfusion is feasible and results are similar to SPECT scintigraphy. The combined anatomical information provided by computed tomography coronary angiography may allow identification of false-positives on perfusion scans.

Estudo por tomografia computadorizada helicoidal com múltiplas fileiras de detectores em vítimas de ferimento por arma de fogo abdominal / Multi-detector row computed tomography study in abdominal gunshot wound victims

Melo, Ernesto Lima Araujo 03 June 2009 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste estudo foi testar a capacidade da tomografia computadorizada helicoidal com múltiplas fileiras de detectores (TCMD) na identificação/exclusão de lesões em vítimas de ferimento por arma de fogo (FAF) abdominal. Os achados de imagem foram comparados aos cirúrgicos em todos os pacientes da amostra. A TCMD demonstrou elevada acurácia na avaliação de órgãos sólidos, vísceras ocas, grandes vasos e diafragma. Quase a metade dos pacientes (45,2%) não exibiu lesões que necessitassem obrigatoriamente de correção cirúrgica. A TCMD mostrou-se excelente na avaliação dos pacientes da amostra, podendo contribuir com informações importantes ao manejo de vítimas de FAF abdominal. / The main objective of this study was to test the ability of multi-detector row computed tomography (MDCT) in the identification/exclusion of lesions in abdominal gunshot wound (GW) victims. The imaging findings were compared with the surgical ones in all of the studied patients. MDCT demonstrated elevated accuracy in the evaluation of solid organs, hollow viscus, great vessels, and diaphragm. Almost half of the patients (45.2%) did not show lesions requiring obligatory surgical interventions. MDCT showed to be excellent in the evaluation of the studied patients, and can contribute with important information for the management of abdominal GW victims.

Desenvolvimento e validação de uma ferramenta computacional para mensuração das curvaturas da coluna vertebral. / Development and validation of computational tool for measuring of curves of the spine

Suaide, André Luis Alarcon do Passo 13 November 2008 (has links)
A coluna vertebral desempenha um papel importante no dia a dia oferecendo suporte necessário à movimentação do tronco além da locomoção do ser humano, sendo o seu funcionamento diretamente relacionado com a qualidade de vida; sua disposição e articulação das vértebras proporcionam estabilidade e flexibilidade à coluna vertebral, atributos necessários para o equilíbrio do ser humano. A hipercifose torácica, hiperlordose lombar e escoliose são as patologias posturais mais comuns e podem ser diagnosticadas pela mensuração do ângulo da curvatura da coluna vertebral. Comumente a radiografia é utilizada como método para a mensuração de tais ângulos, porém, além de ser um método caro, é altamente invasivo por causa da exposição à radiação, por isso não é aconselhado praticá-lo muitas vezes, sendo o acompanhamento do tratamento difícil de ser feito. Há diversos métodos não invasivos, porém não combinam praticidade, baixo custo e análise tridimensional da curvatura, sendo eficazes em mensurar apenas a coluna no plano sagital. Por esses motivos, para o uso clínico, o profissional de saúde necessita de um método barato, confiável, prático, que atenda suas necessidades e não invasivo para a mensuração da curvatura da coluna vertebral. O objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver e validar com a Cinemetria composto de cinco câmeras infravermelhas uma ferramenta computacional (LoB Analytics) para mensurar esse ângulos, o software terá código aberto e uso gratuito. A média de todos os ângulos obtida pela Cinemetria foi de 43,4±18,5º e pelo LoB Analytics foi de 43,9±17,7º, com uma correlação muito forte de 0,98. Foram feitas regressões lineares que confirmaram que ângulos calculados pelo LoB Analytics são tão confiáveis quanto os calculados pela Cinemetria, que é um método bastante utilizado hoje em dia. Os grandes diferenciais do LoB Analytics sobre a Cinemetria são: o seu baixo custo e a praticidade de usá-lo em laboratórios e clínicas. / The spine has an important role day by day offering the necessary flexibility for movement of the trunk besides support and locomotion of humans and being is directly related to the quality of life. The provision and articulation of the vertebrae are responsible for the stability and flexibility of spine attributes necessary for the balance. The thoracic hiper and hypo kyphosis, lumbar hiper and hypo lordosis and scoliosis are the most common postural pathologies and can be diagnosed by measuring the angle of the curvature of the spine. The radiographic method has been the most popular method for such measurement, however, it is an expensive method and also invasive (because its exposure to radiation), it is not the method more indicated to be used repeatedly, being the monitoring of treatment difficult to be done. There are several noninvasive methods but they do not combine practicality, low cost and three-dimensional analysis of the spine curvature, and they are effective in measuring the spine only in the sagittal plane. For these reasons, the health professional needs a method that has low cost, reliable, practical and noninvasive methods for measurement of the curvature of the spine. The goal of this work was develop and validate, with motion capture system (Cinemetria), a computational tool for this measurement (LoB Analytics), which will be free and open source. The mean of all Cinemetria angles was 43,9±18,5º and LoB Analytics angles was 43,9±17,7, with a very strong correlation coefficient of 0,98. Linear regressions confirmed that LoB Analytics angles are as reliable as those calculated by Cinemetria, which is a method widely used today. The differentials of LoB Analytics on Cinemetria are: low cost and practicality of using it in laboratories and clinics.

Design of wideband arrays of spiral antennas. / Conception de réseaux large bande d'antennes spirales

Hinostroza, Israel 05 April 2013 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la conception de réseaux large bande à double polarisation basées sur des antennes spirales d'Archimède. Ces antennes sont connues pour avoir une bande passante très large. Mais, dans un réseau, la bande passante est diminuée du fait de l'apparition de lobes de réseaux. Pour que le réseau fonctionne à double polarisation, il est nécessaire d'utiliser des éléments de polarisations opposées, ce qui accroit encore la distance entre les éléments possédant la même polarisation. Ceci fait ainsi apparaître les lobes de réseaux à des fréquences inférieures par rapport au cas à mono polarisation. Dans ce travail, une méthode analytique a été développée pour estimer la bande passante des réseaux d'antennes spirales. Cette méthode a montré que la bande passante maximale d'un réseau à distribution spatiale uniforme est d'environ une octave pour le cas à mono polarisation et inexistant pour le cas à double polarisation. Pendant la validation de la méthode d'estimation quelques résonances ont été observées. Des explications de ce phénomène sont présentées, ainsi que des possibles solutions. Pour élargir la bande passante du réseau, nous montrons qu'il est possible d'utiliser en même temps les deux tendances actuelles de conception de réseaux d'antennes large bande. En utilisant deux techniques issues de ces deux tendances, nous avons pu réaliser un réseau présentant une bande passante de 6:1. Des perspectives sont aussi présentées. / This work focuses on the design of wideband dual polarized arrays using spiral antennas. These antennas are known for having wideband properties. But, due to the presence of the grating lobes, the bandwidth is decreased when using an array instead of a single antenna. In order to obtain a dual polarized array, it is needed to use elements of opposite polarization, which creates great distances between same polarization elements, meaning an earlier presence of the grating lobes. In this work, an analytic method was developed to estimate the bandwidth of the spiral arrays. This method showed that the maximum bandwidth of uniform spiral arrays is about an octave, for the mono-polarized case, and nonexistent for the dual polarized case. Working on the validation of the method, some resonances were observed. Explanations are presented, as well as possible solutions. Trying to expand the bandwidth of the array, it was found that it is possible and suitable to use at the same time the two current design paradigms for wideband arrays. Using this idea, a 6:1 bandwidth concentric rings array using connected spirals was achieved. Perspectives are also presented.

Från anstalt till Svenssonliv : En kvalitativ studie om frivårdens arbete med villkorligt frigivnas återanpassning

Lindqvist, Alexandra, Sundvall, Marina January 2019 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka hur frivården i Sverige arbetar för villkorligt frigivnas återanpassning till samhället. Med återanpassning menas att individen efter att ha avtjänat av fängelsestraffet ska återgå till en icke-kriminell livsstil. Detta delas i studien upp i strukturella, sociala och individuella faktorer som kan påverka återanpassningen. Sex kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med frivårdshandläggare, tillsammans med tidigare forskning om ämnet, ligger till grund för studien. En viktig del som lyfts upp i resultatet är att frivårdens egentliga huvudmål är att arbeta med att minska risken för återfall i brott, inte den enskildes återanpassning till samhället. Resultatet analyseras sedan i relation till tidigare forskning och Bronfenbrenners systemteori, Goldbergs avvikelsespiral samt Goffmans teori om stigmatisering. Detta eftersom tidigare forskning indikerar att personer som blivit dömda i hög grad riskerar att utsättas för både stämpling och stigmatisering. Slutsatsen som dras i studien är att även om frivården inte uttalat arbetar för individers återanpassning till samhället efter villkorlig frigivning så har de många insatser och program som kan främja en lyckad återanpassningsprocess. / The aim of the study is to examine and analyse how the probation offices in Sweden is working for the reintegration into society for conditionally released prisoners. In the studyreintegration means that the individual, after serving a prison sentence, should return to a non-criminal lifestyle. The factors which can affect the reintegration process is divided into structural, social and individual factors. In the study, six qualitative, semi-structured interviews with probation officers, together with previous research on the subject, form the basis of the study. An important part that is highlighted in the result is that the main purpose of the probation offices is to reduce the risk of relapse in crime, not the individual's reintegration into society. The result is then analysed in relation to the previous research, as well as Bronfenbrenner's system theory, Goldberg’s deviation spiral and Goffman's theory of stigmatization. This is because previous research indicates that people who have been convicted are at high risk of being both labelled and stigmatized. The conclusion drawn in the study is that although the probation officers do not expressly work for individuals' reintegration to society after conditional release, they have many alternatives of both interventions and programs that can promote a successful reintegration process.

CMOS LNA Design for Multi-Standard Applications

Muhammad, Wasim January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis discusses design of narrowband low noise amplifiers for multi¬standard applications. The target of this work is to design a low noise ampli¬fier(LNA) for DCS1800 and Bluetooth standard frequency bands. Various designs for narrowband multi-standard LNAs have been studied and a new design for tunable multi-standard LNA has been presented and designed using accumulation mode MOS varactors.</p><p>As this design includes on-chip spiral inductors, the design, modelling and layout of on-chip inductors have been discussed briefly. The tool used for this purpose is ASITIC.</p><p>Also ESD protection techniques for RF circuits and their effect on LNA per¬formance has been discussed.</p><p>Finally fully differential LNA has been designed in O.35um AMS thick metal CMOS process using Cadence SpectreRF. The design also includes ESD pro¬tection at the input of LNA.</p>

The Human Spiral Ganglion

Tylstedt, Sven January 2003 (has links)
<p>Our knowledge of the fine structure of the Human Spiral Ganglion (HSG) is still inadequate and new treatment techniques for deafness using electric stimulation, call for further information and studies on the neuronal elements of the human cochlea. This thesis presents results of analyses of human cochlear tissue and specimens obtained during neurosurgical transpetrosal removal of life-threatening meningeomas. The use of surgical biopsies produced a well-preserved material suitable for ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies on the human inner ear. The SG was studied with respect to fine structure, using TEM technique and the immunostaining pattern of synaptophysin, which is an integral membrane protein of neuronal synaptic vesicles. The immunostaining patterns of the tight junctional protein ZO-1 and the gap junctional proteins Cx26 and Cx43 in the human cochlea were also studied. The ultrastructural morphology revealed an absence of myelination pattern in the HSG, thus differing from that in other species. Furthermore, formation of structural units as well as signs of neural interaction between the type 1 neurons could be observed. Type 1 cells were tightly packed in clusters, sharing the ensheathment of Schwann cells. The cells frequently made direct physical contact in Schwann cell gaps in which membrane specializations appeared. These specializations consisted of symmetrically or asymmetrically distributed filamentous densities along the apposed cell membranes. The same structures were also present between individual unmyelinated nerve fibres and the type 1 cells. Synapses were observed on the type 2 neurons, with nerve fibres originating from the intraganglionic spiral bundle. Such synapses, though rare, were also observed on the type 1 cells. The ultrastructural findings were confirmed by the synaptophysin study. A 3-D model of a Schwann cell gap between two type 1 cells was constructed, describing the distribution pattern of membrane specializations. In the immunohistochemical studies on the human cochlea, ZO-1 was expressed in tissues lining scala media, thus contributing to the formation of a closed compartment system, important for the maintenance of the specific ionic composition of the endolymph. Protein Cx26 could be identified in non-sensory epithelial cells of the organ of Corti, in connective tissue cells of the spiral ligament and spiral limbus, as well as in the basal and intermediate cell layers of stria vascularis. Cx26 in this region may be involved in the recycling of potassium. Protein Cx43 stained weakly in the spiral ligament, but intense staining in the SG may indicate that gap junctions exist between these neurons. A different functional role for the HSG can be assumed from the morphological characteristics and the signs of a neural interaction between the SG cells. This might be relevant for neural processing mechanisms in speech coding and could have implications for cochlear implant techniques.</p>

CMOS LNA Design for Multi-Standard Applications

Muhammad, Wasim January 2006 (has links)
This thesis discusses design of narrowband low noise amplifiers for multi¬standard applications. The target of this work is to design a low noise ampli¬fier(LNA) for DCS1800 and Bluetooth standard frequency bands. Various designs for narrowband multi-standard LNAs have been studied and a new design for tunable multi-standard LNA has been presented and designed using accumulation mode MOS varactors. As this design includes on-chip spiral inductors, the design, modelling and layout of on-chip inductors have been discussed briefly. The tool used for this purpose is ASITIC. Also ESD protection techniques for RF circuits and their effect on LNA per¬formance has been discussed. Finally fully differential LNA has been designed in O.35um AMS thick metal CMOS process using Cadence SpectreRF. The design also includes ESD pro¬tection at the input of LNA.

Design And Implementation Of Microwave Lumped Components And System Integration Using Mems Technology

Temocin, Engin Ufuk 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the design and fabrication of coplanar waveguide to microstrip transitions and planar spiral inductors, and the design of metal-insulator-metal capacitors, a planar band-pass, and a low-pass filter structures as an application for the inductors and capacitors using the RF MEMS technology. This thesis also includes a packaging method for RF MEMS devices with the use of benzocyclobutene as bonding material. The transition structures are formed by four different methods between coplanar waveguide end and microstrip end, and they are analyzed in 1-20 GHz. Very low loss transitions are obtained by maintaining constant characteristic impedance which is the same as the port impedance through the transition structures. The planar inductors are formed by square microstrip spirals on a glass substrate. Using the self-inductance propery of a conductive strip and the mutual inductance between two conductor strips in a proper arrangement, the inductance value of each structure is defined. Inductors from 0.7 nH up to 20 nH have been designed and fabricated. The metal-insulator-metal capacitors are formed by two coplanar waveguide structures. In the intersection, one end of a coplanar waveguide is placed on top of the end of the other coplanar waveguide with a dielectric layer in between. Using the theory of parallel plate capacitors, the capacitance of each structure is adjusted by the dimensions of the coplanar waveguides, which obviously adjust the area of intersection. Capacitors from 0.3 pF up to 9.8 pF have been designed. A low-pass filter and a band-pass filter are designed using the capacitors and inductors developed in this thesis. In addition to lumped elements, the interconnecting transmission lines, junctions and input-output lines are added to filter topologies. The RF MEMS packaging is realized on a coplanar waveguide structure which stands on a silicon wafer and encapsulated by a silicon wafer. The capping chip stands on the BCB outer ring which promotes adhesion and provides semi hermeticity. Keywords: Transition between transmission lines, planar spiral inductor, metal-insulator-metal capacitor, RF MEMS packaging, surface micromachining.

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