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Vliv sekvencí intronů na efektivitu sestřihu v Saccharomyces cerevisiae. / The influence of intron sequences on splicing effectivity in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeOplová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Pre-mRNA splicing is a highly regulated cellular process. The tight cooperation of spliceosome and other splicing factors that enable pre-mRNA cis-elements interpretation results in precise pre-mRNA splicing regulation. Short conserved splicing sequences within introns represent an elementary and indispensable element for intron removal from primary transcript, yet they are not sufficient signals for efficient splicing events. Additional pre-mRNA features affect complex splicing regulation. We took advantage of strains with slightly disrupted spliceosome (prp45(1-169)) to study the effect of ACT1 and MAF1 intronic sequences on splicing efficiency. Here we show, that ACT1 intron region between branch point (BP) and 3' splice site (3'ss) maintains splicing efficiency in mutant cells. However, the specific element within this region was not determined. In addition, results implicate an alternative BP in splicing efficiency modulation in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Interestingly, this alternative BP is localized in ACT1 intron outside of the BP-3'ss region. Furthermore, splicing factors with potential influence on 3'ss selection were studied. Heterodimer composed of Slu7p and Prp18p participates in 3'ss positioning to the active site of the spliceosome. Splicing analysis of substrates with two...
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Phytomonas e outros Tripanossomatídeos em insetos no Estado de Rondônia - Amazônia Ocidental. / Phytomonas and others Trypanosomatids of insects in Rondonia State, Occidental Amazon.Godoi, Mara Maria Izar de Maio 15 March 2001 (has links)
Tripanossomatídeos particularmente os do gênero Phytomonas, podem infectar, frutos, látex, seiva, floema e flores de muitas famílias de vegetais, e foram detectados em insetos fitófagos de seus possíveis vetores em várias regiões do Velho e Novo Continente. Em contraste com a enorme variedade da flora e da fauna entomológica da Amazônia Brasileira, poucas espécies têm sido descritas albergando tripanossomatídeos. Os tripanossomatídeos pertencentes a estes gêneros podem apresentar formas evolutivas típicas que permitem a sua identificação morfológica. No entanto as formas promastigota, existentes tanto no ciclo evolutivo dos gêneros Herpetomonas, Leptomonas e Phytomonas, não permitem a identificação morfológica, sendo necessário parâmetros adicionais para a diferenciação entre os gêneros. A dificuldade do cultivo in vitro", impede a correta avaliação da presença destes parasitas em insetos e plantas, impossibilitando uma avaliação do universo dos tripanossomatídeos. No presente trabalho foram realizadas 37 coletas de hemípteros adultos, no estado de Rondônia, nas duas estações climáticas regional durante o período de 1998 a 1999. Foram coletados 244 hemípteros pertencentes a 17 espécies diferentes as quais 13 se revelaram portadoras de tripanossomatídeos. Das amostras positivas foram feitos esfregaços em lâminas e corados com Giemsa para posterior análise morfológica e morfométrica. Numa segunda etapa fizemos aplicação do PCR (reação em cadeia da Polimerase) em DNA recuperado de esfregaços em lâminas para pesquisa de tripanossomatídeos de insetos e plantas seguido de hibridação com sonda SL3 específica para pesquisa do gênero Phytomonas, com vistas a um estudo preliminar da presença de tripanossomatídeos e Phytomonas em Hemípteros Fitófagos no estado de Rondônia sem necessidade de isolamento e cultura axênica dos parasitas. / Tripanossomatids, particularly Phytomonas, may infect the fruit, latex, sap, phloem and flowers of many plant families. These parasites have also been detected in phytofagous insects which are potential vectors in many areas of the Old and New World. In spite of the enormous variety of flora and entomological fauna of the Brazilian Amazon only a few species have been described harbouring tripanossomatids. Some genera of tripanossomatids present typical morphological forms which they can be identified. However, the promastigote form occurs in the genera Herpetomonas, Leptomonas and Phytomonas, so other parameters are needed to separate them. The difficulties of in vitro cultivation also hinders determining the presence of these parasites in both insects and plants, thus making it impossible to estabilish realistic incidence rates of these ubiquitous parasites. In the present study 37collections of adult hemipterans were made in Rondônia State during the different regional seasons of 1998 to 1999. A total of 244 bugs belonging to 17 species were collected of which 13 had trypanosomatid infections. Methanol fixed smears of all the infections were made on glass slides and stained with Giemsa for the morphological studies and morphometric analyses. In a second phase, we used the PCR (Polimerase Chain Reaction) to recover DNA from the methanol fixed smears. The PCR products were hybridized with the SL3 probe which is specific for Phytomonas. The aim of this preliminary study was to locate trypanosomatids infections in phytophagous Hemiptera captured in Rondônia State and then determine which of these belonged to the genus Phytomonas without the necessity of isolation in culture.
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Over the past decade, the evolution of next-generation sequencing technology has considerably advanced the genomics research. As a consequence, fast and accurate computational methods are needed for analyzing the large data in different applications. The research presented in this dissertation focuses on three areas: RNA-seq read mapping, large-scale data query, and metagenomics sequence classification.
A critical step of RNA-seq data analysis is to map the RNA-seq reads onto a reference genome. This dissertation presents a novel splice alignment tool, MapSplice3. It achieves high read alignment and base mapping yields and is able to detect splice junctions, gene fusions, and circular RNAs comprehensively at the same time. Based on MapSplice3, we further extend a novel lightweight approach called iMapSplice that enables personalized mRNA transcriptional profiling. As huge amount of RNA-seq has been shared through public datasets, it provides invaluable resources for researchers to test hypotheses by reusing existing datasets. To meet the needs of efficiently querying large-scale sequencing data, a novel method, called SeqOthello, has been developed. It is able to efficiently query sequence k-mers against large-scale datasets and finally determines the existence of the given sequence. Metagenomics studies often generate tens of millions of reads to capture the presence of microbial organisms. Thus efficient and accurate algorithms are in high demand. In this dissertation, we introduce MetaOthello, a probabilistic hashing classifier for metagenomic sequences. It supports efficient query of a taxon using its k-mer signatures.
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Technological advances in next-generation sequencing and biomedical imaging have led to a rapid increase in biomedical data dimension and acquisition rate, which is challenging the conventional data analysis strategies. Modern machine learning techniques promise to leverage large data sets for finding hidden patterns within them, and for making accurate predictions. This dissertation aims to design novel machine learning-based models to transform biomedical big data into valuable biological insights. The research presented in this dissertation focuses on three bioinformatics domains: splice junction classification, gene regulatory network reconstruction, and lesion detection in mammograms.
A critical step in defining gene structures and mRNA transcript variants is to accurately identify splice junctions. In the first work, we built the first deep learning-based splice junction classifier, DeepSplice. It outperforms the state-of-the-art classification tools in terms of both classification accuracy and computational efficiency. To uncover transcription factors governing metabolic reprogramming in non-small-cell lung cancer patients, we developed TFmeta, a machine learning approach to reconstruct relationships between transcription factors and their target genes in the second work. Our approach achieves the best performance on benchmark data sets. In the third work, we designed deep learning-based architectures to perform lesion detection in both 2D and 3D whole mammogram images.
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Alternativ splicing och hur den förhåller sig till växters alternativa splicing / Alternativ splicing in animals and how it relates to the alternative splicing in plantsGasparini, Isabella January 2010 (has links)
<p>Alternativ splicing är en process som ger upphov till att olika mRNA-sekvenser bildas från en enda gen, vilket bidrar till en ökad proteindiversitet hos organismen. Olika mRNA-sekvenser kan uppstå eftersom att det förekommer olika varianter av alternativ splicing som även kan kombineras på flera olika sätt: cassette exon (inkludering/exkludering av exon), intron retention (intronet behålls), alternative 5´splice-site choice (olika 5´ splice sites kan väljas) och slutligen alternative 3´ splice-site choice (andra 3´ splice sites kan väljas). För att alternativ splicing ska äga rum i olika pre-mRNA måste den regleras av cis-reglerande element. De cis-reglerande elementen utgörs av fyra grupper: exonic splicing enhancers (ESE), exonic splicing silencers (ESS), intronic splicing enhancers (ISE) samt intronic splicing silencers (ISS). Som namnen förtäljer finns de antingen i exoner eller introner, där de interagerar med transagerande faktorer, SR-proteiner (aktiverare) eller hnRNPs (hämmare). Alternativ splicing förekommer både i djur och i växter. Hos <em>Homo sapiens </em>genomgår över 74 % av de 25,000 gener som finns hos organismen, alternativ splicing. Däremot i växten <em>Arabidopsis thaliana</em>, genomgår endast 22 %, av den totala mängden på cirka 26,000 gener, alternativ splicing. Eftersom att processen bidrar till en ökad proteindiversitet, kommer det medföra att olika processer i organismerna påverkas, exempelvis celltillväxt, celldöd samt utvecklingen av olika sjukdomar, såsom Parkinson och cystisk fibros. Många studier har gjorts som bekräftar dess betydelse för organismerna men på grund av processens komplexitet är det fortfarande ett ämne som ständigt måste utforskas.</p><p> </p>
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Development of a method to assess EAAT1 transcription levels in Alzheimer's diseaseKöchert, Karl January 2007 (has links)
Zur Zeit leiden ca. 24 Millionen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt unter Demenz, Alzheimer macht dabei 50-60% aller Demenzfälle aus. Da der Anteil der Bevölkerung, der an Demenz leidet, proportional zum Alter zunimmt und der Anteil älterer Menschen in der Gesellschaft von Jahr zu Jahr steigt, wird Alzheimer immer mehr zu einem ernstzunehmenden, gesellschaftlichen Problem.
Zum Stand der heutigen Forschung ist es etabliert, dass die Aminosäure Glutamat - quantitativ einer der wichtigsten Neurotransmitter im Zentralen Nervensystem (ZNS) - toxische Konzentrationen erreichen kann wenn sie - im Zuge der Übertragung von Aktionspotentialen - nach ihrer Freisetzung nicht aus dem Synaptischen Spalt entfernt wird. Viele Studien haben gezeigt, dass in der Alzheimerschen Krankheit die Glutamataufnahme beeinträchtigt ist, was zu toxischen Konzentrationen von Glutamat und dem daraus folgenden Absterben von Neuronen führt.
Der exitatorische Aminosäuretransporter 1 (EAAT1) gehört zu der Familie der Na+-abhängigen Glutamattransporter und stellt nach EAAT2 den quantitativ wichtigsten Glutamattransporter im ZNS dar. In diesem Projekt wurde eine bis dahin für den Menschen nicht bekannte EAAT1 Spleißvariante, in der Exon 3 ausgeschnitten wird, nachgewiesen. Diese Variante wurde EAAT1Δ3 genannt und stellt damit mit EAAT1Δ9 die zweite für EAAT1 nachgewiesene Spleißvariante dar. Eine auf real-time RT-PCR basierende Methode wurde entwickelt, um die Transkripte von EAAT1 wildtyp (EAAT1 wt), EAAT1Δ3 und EAAT1Δ9 zu quantifizieren. Proben aus verschiedenen Hirnarealen wurden aus einem Set von Kontrollen und Alzheimerfällen bei der Quantifizierung verwendet. Die gewählten Areale sind von der Alzheimerschen Krankheit unterschiedlich stark betroffen. Dies diente als interne Kontrolle für die durchgeführten Experimente und ermöglichte so die Differenzierung zwischen beobachteten Effekten: Nur Effekte die alleinig in von Alzheimer betroffenen Gehirnarealen auftreten, können als spezifisch für die Krankheit angesehen werden.
Die Resultate diese Projektes zeigen, dass EAAT1Δ3 in sehr geringer Anzahl transkribiert wird, die nur 0.15% der EAAT1 wt Transkription entspricht. Dahingegen entspricht das EAAT1 Δ9 Transkript im Durchschnitt 26.6% des EAAT1 wt Transkripts. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Transkriptionsrate aller EAAT1 Varianten in Alzheimerfällen signifikant reduziert ist (P<0.0001). Dies
unterstützt die Theorie, dass bei Alzheimerfällen die EAAT1 Proteinexpression stark reduziert und der Glutamattransport, der normalerweise durch diesen Transporter gewährleistet wird, stark eingeschränkt ist. Dies wiederum resultiert in toxisch hohen Glutamatkonzentrationen und damit dem Absterben von Neuronen. Die gefundene Reduktion der EAAT1Transkription ist nicht spezifisch für Gehirnareale die von Alzheimer betroffen sind, sondern tritt in selbem Maße in nicht von Alzheimer betroffenen Gehirnarealen auf. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass die Reduktion der EAAT1 Transkription eher ein Resultat eines in der Alzheimerschen Krankheit präsenten, grundlegenden Krankheitsmechanismus ist als deren Ursache. / Today about 24 Million people worldwide suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease accounts for approximately 50-60% of all dementia cases. As the prevalence of dementia grows with increasing age Alzheimer’s Disease becomes more and more of an issue for society as the proportion of elderly
people increases from year to year. It is well established, that the amino acid glutamate - quantitatively being the most important neurotransmitter
in the central nervous system (CNS) - may reach toxic concentrations if not cleared from the synaptic cleft into which it is released during transmittance of action potentials. In Alzheimer’s Disease there is strong evidence for a generally impaired glutamate uptake system which in turn is thought to result in toxic levels of the amino acid with the potential to kill off neurons. The excitatory amino acid transporter 1 (EAAT1) belongs to the family of Na+-dependent glutamate transporter and accounts together with EAAT2 for most of the glutamate uptake in the CNS. In this project a new splice variant of EAAT1, skipping exon 3 was detected in human brain samples and subsequently called EAAT1Δ3, this being the second splice variant found after the recent detection
of EAAT1Δ9. A method was developed to quantify the transcript of EAAT1 wt, EAAT1Δ3 and EAAT1Δ9 by means of real-time PCR. Samples were taken from different brain areas of a set of control and AD cases. The areas chosen for examination are affected differently in Alzheimer’s Disease, this was used an internal control for the experiments done in this project as to determine whether any effect observed is specific for AD, i.e. AD affected areas or is generally seen in all areas examined.
The results of this project show that EAAT1Δ3 is transcribed in very low copy numbers making up a proportion of 0.15% of EAAT1 wt whereas EAAT1Δ9 is transcribed in a considerably large proportion of EAAT1 wt of 26.6%.
It was moreover found that all EAAT1 variants are transcribed at significantly lower rates (P<0.0001) in AD cases, supporting the theory that EAAT1 protein expression is reduced to a point where glutamate uptake normally mediated by this transporter is impaired. This in turn is thought to result in toxic levels glutamate accounting for neuronal loss in the disease. No area-dependent effects were found, suggesting that the reduction of EAAT1 transcription is rather a result of an underlying general mechanism present in AD. Further research will have to be done to assess the degree of EAAT1 expression in AD and whether
those future findings match with the result of this project.
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Understanding the Noise : Spliceosomal snRNA ProfilingConze, Lei Liu January 2012 (has links)
The concept of the gene has been constantly challenged by new discoveries in the life sciences. Recent challenging observations include the high frequency of alternative splicing events and the common transcription of non-protein-coding-RNAs (ncRNAs) from the genome. The latter has long been considered noise in biological systems. Multiple lines of evidence from genomic studies indicate that alternative splicing and ncRNA play important roles in expanding proteome diversity in eukaryotes. Here, the aim is to find the link between alternative splicing and ncRNAs by studying the expression profile of the spliceosomal snRNAs (U snRNA). Spliceosomal snRNAs are essential for pre-mRNA splicing in eukaryotes. They participate in splice site selection, recruitment of protein factors and catalyzing the splicing reaction. Because of this, both the abundance and diversity of U snRNAs were expected to be large. In our study we deeply analyzed the U snRNA population in primates using a combination of bioinformatical, biochemical and high throughput sequencing approaches. This transcriptome profiling has revealed that human, chimpanzee and rhesus have similar U snRNA populations, i.e. the vast majority of U snRNAs originate from few well-defined gene loci and the heterogeneity observed in U snRNA populations was largely due to the presence of SNPs at these loci. It seems that the gene loci that could potentially encode a significantly heterogeneous population of U snRNAs are mostly silent. Only few minority transcripts were detected in our study, and among them three U1-like snRNAs might play a role in the regulation of alternative splicing by recognizing non-canonical splicing sites. Mutations of U snRNA have been shown to impact the splicing process. Therefore, our study provides a reference to study the biological significance of SNPs in U snRNA genes and their association with diseases.
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Computational Approaches to the Identification and Characterization of Non-Coding RNA GenesLarsson, Pontus January 2009 (has links)
Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have emerged as highly diverse and powerful key players in the cell, the range of capabilities spanning from catalyzing essential processes in all living organisms, e.g. protein synthesis, to being highly specific regulators of gene expression. To fully understand the functional significance of ncRNAs, it is of critical importance to identify and characterize the repertoire of ncRNAs in the cell. Practically every genome-wide screen to identify ncRNAs has revealed large numbers of expressed ncRNAs and often identified species-specific ncRNA families of unknown function. Recent years' advancement in high-throughput sequencing techniques necessitates efficient and reliable methods for computational identification and annotation of genes. A major aim in the work underlying this thesis has been to develop and use computational tools for the identification and characterization of ncRNA genes. We used computational approaches in combination with experimental methods to study the ncRNA repertoire of the model organism Dictyostelium discoideum. We report ncRNA genes belonging to well-characterized gene families as well as previously unknown and potentially species-specific ncRNA families. The complicated task of de novo ncRNA gene prediction was successfully addressed by developing a method for nucleotide composition-based gene prediction using maximal-scoring partial sums and considering overlapping dinucleotides. We also report a substantial heterogeneity among human spliceosomal snRNAs. Northern blot analysis and cDNA cloning, as well as bioinformatical analysis of publicly available microarray data, revealed a large number of expressed snRNAs. In particular, U1 snRNA variants with several nucleotide substitutions that could potentially have dramatic effects on splice site recognition were identified. In conclusion, we have by using computational approaches combined with experimental analysis identified a rich and diverse ncRNA repertoire in the eukaryotes D. discoideum and Homo sapiens. The surprising diversity among the snRNAs in H. sapiens suggests a functional involvement in recognition of non-canonical introns and regulation of messenger RNA splicing.
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Modelling Effects Of Insufficient Lap Splices On A Deficient Reinforced Concrete FrameLin, Wesley Wei-chih 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
assessed and strengthened. Performance evaluation of deficient buildings has become a major concern due to devastating earthquakes in the past. In order to justify new provisions in design and assessment codes, experiments and analyses are inherently necessary.
In this thesis study, investigations into the behaviour of two deficient reinforced concrete frames built at Middle East Technical University&rsquo / s Structural and Earthquake Laboratory and tested via pseudo-dynamic tests were made. These frames were modelled on the OpenSees platform by following methods of analyses outlined in the Turkish Earthquake Code of 2007 (TEC 2007) and ASCE/SEI-41-06. Both deficient frames were essentially the same, with the only difference being the presence of insufficient lap splices, which was the focus of the study.
Time history performance assessments were conducted in accordance to TEC 2007&rsquo / s damage state limits and ASCE/SEI 41-06&rsquo / s performance limits. The damages observed matched the performance levels estimated through the procedure outlined in TEC 2007 rather well. Specific to the specimen with lap splice deficiencies, ASCE/SEI 41-06 was overly conservative in its assessments.
TEC 2007&rsquo / s requirements for lap splice lengths were found to be conservative in the laboratory and are able to tolerate deficiencies up to 25% of the required length.
With respect to mathematical models, accounting for materials in deficient systems by using nominal but reduced strength properties is not very efficient and unless joint deformations are explicitly accounted for, local deformations cannot be captured.
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Alternativ splicing och hur den förhåller sig till växters alternativa splicing / Alternativ splicing in animals and how it relates to the alternative splicing in plantsGasparini, Isabella January 2010 (has links)
Alternativ splicing är en process som ger upphov till att olika mRNA-sekvenser bildas från en enda gen, vilket bidrar till en ökad proteindiversitet hos organismen. Olika mRNA-sekvenser kan uppstå eftersom att det förekommer olika varianter av alternativ splicing som även kan kombineras på flera olika sätt: cassette exon (inkludering/exkludering av exon), intron retention (intronet behålls), alternative 5´splice-site choice (olika 5´ splice sites kan väljas) och slutligen alternative 3´ splice-site choice (andra 3´ splice sites kan väljas). För att alternativ splicing ska äga rum i olika pre-mRNA måste den regleras av cis-reglerande element. De cis-reglerande elementen utgörs av fyra grupper: exonic splicing enhancers (ESE), exonic splicing silencers (ESS), intronic splicing enhancers (ISE) samt intronic splicing silencers (ISS). Som namnen förtäljer finns de antingen i exoner eller introner, där de interagerar med transagerande faktorer, SR-proteiner (aktiverare) eller hnRNPs (hämmare). Alternativ splicing förekommer både i djur och i växter. Hos Homo sapiens genomgår över 74 % av de 25,000 gener som finns hos organismen, alternativ splicing. Däremot i växten Arabidopsis thaliana, genomgår endast 22 %, av den totala mängden på cirka 26,000 gener, alternativ splicing. Eftersom att processen bidrar till en ökad proteindiversitet, kommer det medföra att olika processer i organismerna påverkas, exempelvis celltillväxt, celldöd samt utvecklingen av olika sjukdomar, såsom Parkinson och cystisk fibros. Många studier har gjorts som bekräftar dess betydelse för organismerna men på grund av processens komplexitet är det fortfarande ett ämne som ständigt måste utforskas.
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