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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plasmonic cavities and optical nanosources / Cavités plasmoniques et nanosources optiques

Derom, Stephane 17 December 2013 (has links)
Les microcavités optiques présentent de hauts facteurs de qualité, c'est pourquoi ces systèmes sont d'un grand intérêt pour la conception de lasers à bas seuil, ou encore, pour l'étude du régime de couplage fort. En revanche, ces systèmes sont soumis à la limite de diffraction de la lumière, et donc les modes qu'ils supportent ont une extension spatiale ne pouvant être en deçà de l'échelle de la longueur d'onde. Dans ce manuscrit de thèse, nous nous intéressons aux systèmes plasmoniques parce qu'ils supportent des modes confinés à l'échelle nanométrique. En premier lieu, nous étudions une microcavité plasmonique planaire, constituée de deux miroirs plasmoniques qui piègent les ondes de surface au sein du système. Nous sondons spatialement les modes de la cavité en mesurant le temps de vie de fluorescence de molécules individuelles dispersées au sein du système. Puis, nous nous intéressons au confinement en 3 dimensions de modes supportés par des nanoparticules métalliques sphériques. Nous discutons de la définition du volume modal basée sur le calcul du confinement d'énergie autour de la particule. Ensuite, nous étudions l'exaltation de fluorescence d'ions de terres rares au sein d'une particule plasmonique de configuration coeur-coquille. Enfin, nous perturbons la photodynamique d'émission d'une source de photon unique en approchant à proximité l'extrémité d'une pointe plasmonique / Optical microcavities exhibit high resonance quality, so that, they are of key interest for the design of low-threshold lasers or for achieving strong coupling regime. But, such systems support modes whose the volume remain diffraction limited.In this manuscript, we are interested in their plasmonic counterparts because they support confined modes at the sub-wavelength scale. First, we study an in-plane plasmonic cavity which is the transposition of 1D optical cavity to surface wave. We characterize the cavity by measuring the fluorescence lifetime of dye molecules deposited inside.Then, we are interested in 3-dimension mode confinement achieved by spherical metal nanoparticles. We discuss on the definition of the mode volume used in cavity quantum electrodynamic and based on the calculation of energy confinement around the particle. We also simulate the fluorescence enhancement of rare-earth ions embedded inside core-shell plasmonic particles. Finally, we disturb the photodynamic emission of a single-photon source by puttingthe extremity of a plasmonic tip nearby the emitter

Organické pevnolátkové lasery / Organic solid state lasers

Koutný, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the preparation and characterization of model components for organic thin-film solid-state lasers. The theses focuses on comparing different methods of determining the threshold energy, which leads to an amplified spontaneous emission of the studied derivative diketo-pyrrolo-pyrrole. The theoretical part is devoted to a summary of knowledge on the interaction of light with matter and lasers with a focus on organic solid-state lasers. The practical part is focused on preparation of model components for organic solid-state lasers, modification of apparatus for their characterization, comparison of evaluation methods for determining the threshold energy and study of the effect of different conditions of components preparation.

Pokročilé materiály pro organickou fotoniku / Advanced Materials for Organic Photonics

Ouzzane, Imad January 2015 (has links)
V oblasti nových nízkomolekulárních organických materiálů patří deriváty difenyldiketopyrrolopyrrolu (DPP), používané dříve jako barviva a pigmenty, k objektům vysokého zájmu pro jejich potencionální aplikace v moderních technologiích. Studium jejich optických vlastností ve vztahu k jejich chemické struktuře umožní využití jejich vysokého potenciálu ve vývoji pokročilých inteligentních materiálů. Přehled chemických a fyzikálních vlastností DPP derivátů a zhodnocení současného stavu řešené problematiky jsou uvedeny v teoretické části této práce. Tři hlavní procesy studované v této práci jsou: klasická absorpce a emise, dvoufotonová absorpce (TPA) a zesílená spontánní emise (ASE). Výsledky budou diskutovány a shrnuty ve dvou částech: první zahrnuje první dvě výše zmíněné oblasti a druhá problematiku zesílené spontánní emise.

Negative frequency at the horizon : scattering of light at a refractive index front

Jacquet, Maxime J. January 2017 (has links)
This thesis considers the problem of calculating and observing the mixing of modes of positive and negative frequency in inhomogeneous, dispersive media. Scattering of vacuum modes of the electromagnetic field at a moving interface in the refractive index of a dielectric medium is discussed. Kinematics arguments are used to demonstrate that this interface may, in a regime of linear dispersion, act as the analogue of the event horizon of a black hole to modes of the field. Furthermore, a study of the dispersion of the dielectric shows that five distinct configurations of modes of the inhomogeneous medium at the interface exist as a function of frequency. Thus it is shown that the interface is simultaneously a black- and white-hole horizon-like and horizonless emitter. The role, and importance, of negative-frequency modes of the field in mode conversion at the horizon is established and yields a calculation of the spontaneous photonic flux at the interface. An algorithm to calculate the scattering of vacuum modes at the interface is introduced. Spectra of the photonic flux in the moving and laboratory frame, for all modes and all realisable increase in the refractive index at the interface are computed. As a result of the various mode configurations, the spectra are highly structured in intervals with black-hole, white-hole and no horizon. The spectra are dominated by a negative-frequency mode, which is the partner in any Hawking-type emission. An experiment in which an incoming positive-frequency wave is populated with photons is assembled to observe the transfer of energy to outgoing waves of positive and negative frequency at the horizon. The effect of mode conversion at the interface is clearly shown to be a feature of horizon physics. This is a classical version of the quantum experiment that aims at validating the mechanism of Hawking radiation.

Collective radiative effects in nanofiber-coupled atomic ensembles / From timed Dicke states to full inversion

Liedl, Christian 04 July 2023 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir kollektive Strahlungseffekte in Nanofaser-gekoppelten atomaren Ensembles, die sich über Tausende von optischen Wellenlängen erstrecken. Wir koppeln bis zu 1000 Atome optisch an die geführten Moden einer optischen Nanofaser, die langreichweitige Dipol-Dipol Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Atomen vermittelt. Wir realisieren eine unidirektionale Kopplung und damit ein kaskadiertes Quantensystem, in dem die Dynamik jedes Atoms ausschließlich durch die Dynamik der vorgelagerten Atome bestimmt wird. Wir regen die Atome mit nanofasergeführten optischen Pulsen kohärent an, was uns ermöglicht, den gesamten Parameterbereich von schwacher Anregung bis hin zur voll-ständigen Inversion zu erforschen. Wir stellen fest, dass die kohärente Vorwärtsstreuung, die für die Superradianz im Regime der schwachen Anregung verantwortlich ist, auch nahe voller Inversion eine wichtige Rolle für die Dynamik spielt. Wir beobachten superradiante Puls-Dynamik, die in unserem System trotz des makroskopischen Abstands zwischen den Atomen und einer asymmetrischen Kopplung auftritt. Wir stellen fest, dass die emittierte Spitzenleistung noch schneller mit der Anzahl der Atome skaliert als im Fall der idealen Dicke Superradianz, was auf eine kollektiv erhöhte Sammeleffizienz der nanofasergeführten Mode zurückzuführen ist. Die Analyse der Kohärenz-Eigenschaften des superradianten Pulses erlaubt es uns, zwei Regime der Puls-Dynamik zu identifizieren. Wir entwickeln ein kaskadiertes Wechselwirkungsmodell und zeigen, dass es die kollektive Dynamik unseres Systems über den gesamten in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Parameterbereich akkurat beschreibt. Schließlich untersuchen wir die getriebene Dynamik eines Nanofaser-gekoppelten Ensembles von Drei-Niveau-Atomen. Wir treiben Zwei-Photonen-Rabi-Oszillationen zwischen den beiden Grundzuständen eines $\Lambda$-Systems und beobachten die damit verbundene oszillatorische Raman-Verstärkung und -Absorption. / In this thesis, we study collective radiative effects in nanofiber-coupled atomic ensembles that extend over thousands of optical wavelengths. We optically couple up to 1000 atoms to the guided modes of an optical nanofiber, which mediates long-range dipole-dipole interactions between the atoms. We engineer the coupling to be unidirectional, realizing a cascaded quantum system in which the dynamics of each atom is solely determined by the dynamics of upstream atoms. We coherently excite the atoms using nanofiber-guided optical pulses, allowing us to explore the entire parameter regime from weak excitation to full inversion. We find that coherent forward scattering, which is responsible for superradiance in the weak excitation regime, plays an important role for the dynamics even close to full inversion. We observe superradiant burst dynamics, which occurs in our system despite the macroscopic separation between the atoms and an asymmetric coupling. We find that the peak-emitted power scales even faster with the number of atoms than in the case of ideal Dicke superradiance due to a collectively enhanced channeling efficiency into the nanofiber-guided mode. By analyzing the coherence properties of the superradiant burst, we directly identify two regimes of burst dynamics. In the second regime, there is no initial coherence, and the superradiant burst is seeded by vacuum fluctuations. We introduce a cascaded interaction model and find that it accurately describes the collective dynamics of our system over the entire parameter regime explored in this thesis. Finally, we study the driven dynamics of a nanofiber-coupled ensemble of three-level atoms. We drive two-photon Rabi oscillations between the two ground states of a $\Lambda$ system and observe the associated oscillatory Raman gain and absorption.

Dinàmica no lineal de sistemes làsers: potencials de Lyapunov i diagrames de bifurcacions

Mayol Serra, Catalina 04 March 2002 (has links)
En aquest treball s'ha estudiat la dinàmica dels làsers de classe A i de classe B en termes del potencial de Lyapunov. En el cas que s'injecti un senyal al làser o es modulin alguns dels paràmetres, apareix un comportament moltmés complex i s'estudia el conjunt de bifurcacions.1) Als làsers de classe A, la dinàmica determinista s'ha interpretat com el moviment damunt el potencial de Lyapunov. En la dinàmica estocàstica s'obté un flux sostingut per renou per a la fase del camp elèctric.2) Per als làsers de classe A amb senyal injectat, s'ha descrit el conjunt de bifurcacions complet i s'ha determinat el conjunt d'amplituds i freqüències en el quals el làser responajustant la seva freqüència a la del camp extern. 3) S'ha obtingut un potencial de Lyapunov pels làsers de classe B, només vàlid en el cas determinista, que inclou els termes de saturació de guany i d'emissió espontània.4) S'ha realitzat un estudi del conjunt de bifurcacions parcial al voltant del règim tipus II de la singularitat Hopf--sella--node en un làser de classe B amb senyal injectat.5) S'han identificat les respostes òptimes pels làsers de semiconductor sotmesos a modulació periòdica externa. S'han obtingut les corbes que donen la resposta màxima per cada tipus de resonància en el pla definit per l'amplitud relativa de modulació i la freqüència de modulació. / In this work we have studied the dynamics of both class A and class B lasers in terms of Lyapunov potentials. In the case of an injected signal or when some laser parameters are modulated, and more complex behaviour is expected, the bifurcation set is studied. The main results are the following:1) For class A lasers, the deterministic dynamics has been interpreted as a movement on the potential landscape. In the stochastic dynamics we have found a noise sustained flow for the phase of the electric field. 2) For class A lasers with an injected signal, we have been able to describe the whole bifurcation set of this system and to determine the set of amplitudes frequencies for which the laser responds adjusting its frequency to that of the external field. 3) In the case of class B lasers, we have obtained a Lyapunov potential only valid in the deterministic case, including spontaneous emission and gain saturation terms. The fixed point corresponding to the laser in the on state has been interpreted as a minimum in this potential. Relaxation to this minimum is reached through damped oscillations. 4) We have performed a study of the partial bifurcation set around the type II regime of the Hopf-saddle-node singularity in a class B laser with injected signal. 5) We have identified the optimal responses of a semiconductor laser subjected to an external periodic modulation. The lines that give a maximum response for each type of resonance are obtained in the plane defined by the relative amplitude modulation and frequency modulation.

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