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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Instalações esportivas voltadas ao esporte de participação: proposta de modelo de processos de gestão para a realidade brasileira / Sport facilities for sport participation: proposal of a management processes model for brazilian reality

Amaral, Cacilda Mendes dos Santos 11 April 2019 (has links)
A s instalações esportivas são apontadas como um dos fatores fundamentais para o desenvolvime nto do esporte nos países , e está relacionada com o envolvimento da população geral e m atividades físicas/esportivas. A gestão de instalações esportivas possui definição ampla, podendo referir se à gestão dos processos de construção de uma nova instalação (desde seu planejamento e concepção até a obra), como também todos os processos que en volvem seu funcionamento/operação. Apesar da importância que todos os processos de gestão possuem no funcionamento de uma instalação esportiva, há poucos estudos no Brasi l que analis e m e discutem o planejamento e a gestão de instalações esportivas , assim como normas nacionais e diretrizes para a gestão . Tendo em vista o crescimento da área de gestão do esporte no Brasil e a preocupação que se instalou no país acerca dos lo cai s voltados a prática esportiva , é relevante a reflexão a respeito da gestão adotada nas instalações esportivas volt adas ao esporte de participação no país e a construção de conhecimento sobre o tema . A partir do conhecimento análise e discussão dos pro cessos de gestão de instalações esportivas brasileiras , esta pesquisa teve como objetivo final elaborar um modelo que contemple os processos de gestão de instalações esportivas voltadas ao esporte de participação no Brasil. Para tanto conduziu se uma pesq uisa exploratória de abordagem qualitativa utilizando se o método Grounded Theory. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 18 sujeitos envolvidos com a gestão de instalações esportivas de 3 diferentes entidades, de diferentes níveis e cargos, seg uindo o processo iterativo de coleta. As entrevistas foram analisadas pelo método de comparação constante utilizando se a técnica de codificação aberta, axial e seletiva para categorização do conteúdo. Um pesquisador independente suportou a criação das cat egorias. O processo de análise resultou em 905 unidades de análise (trechos categorizados), 68 categorias e 40 subcategorias que emergiram dos dados , divididos em 10 dimensões ou áreas : Construção de Instalações Esportivas; Gestão Econômico Administrativa; Gestão de Pessoas; Gestão de Atividades/Programas Esportivos; Exploração da Instalação Esportiva; Marketing; Comunicação; Infraestrutura e Manutenção; Segurança e Gestão de Risco; e Serviços de Suporte . A partir dos resultados obtidos em campo e da compar ação e discussão deste com a literatura, foi possível apresentar como resultado final de sta Tese uma proposta de modelo que apresenta 115 processos de gestão detalhados associados à gestão de instalações esportivas voltadas prioritariamente à prática do es porte de participação / Sports facilities are considered as one of the fundamental factors for the sport development in the countries, and it is related to the involvement of the general population in physical / sports activities. The sports facilities management has a broad definition, and can refer to the management of the construction processes of a new facility (from its planning and design to the construction ), as well as all the proces ses that involve its operation . Despite the importance of all the management processes in the sport facility operation , there are few studies in Brazil that analyze and discuss the pla nning and sports facilities management as well as national norm s and guidelines for management . Considering the growth of the area of sport management in Brazil and the concern that has been established in the country about the places focused on sports p ractice, it is relevant to reflect on the management adopted in sports facilities focused on the sport participation in the country and construction of knowledge on the subject Based on the knowledge, analysis and discussion of the management processes of Brazilian sports facilities, this research aimed elaborate a model that contemplates the management processes of sports facilities focused on the sp ort of participation in Brazil. For that, an exploratory qualitative approach was conducted using the Groun ded Theory method. Semi structured interviews were conducted with 18 subjects involved in the sports facilities management of 3 different entities, at different levels and positions, following the iterative process. The interviews were analyzed by the cons tant comparison method using the open, axial and selective coding technique for content categorization. An independent researcher supported the categories creation . The analysis process resulted in 905 analysis units, 68 categories and 40 subcategories tha t emerge from data , divided into 10 dimensions or areas: Construction of Sports Facilities; Economic Administrative Management; Human Resources M anagement; Management of Activities / Sports Programs; Sport Facility Exploration ; Marketing; Communication; In frastructure and Maintenance; Security and Risk Management; and Support Services. From the results obtained in the field and the comparison and discussion of this with the literature, it was possible to present as a final result of this thesis a proposal m odel that presents 115 detailed management processes associated with the sports facilities management focused primarily on the p ractice of sports participation

まちづくりと整合性を持つスポーツ施設整備政策 : 政策過程を視点に / マチズクリ ト セイゴウセイ オ モツ スポーツ シセツ セイビ セイサク : セイサク カテイ オ シテン ニ

内藤 正和, Masakazu Naito 21 March 2021 (has links)
大規模なスポーツ施設は、まちづくりの有効な手段とされているが、順調に進められていないことが多い。そこで、スポーツ施設整備に関する動向を把握した上で、スポーツ施設がまちづくりと整合性を持つための政策について政策過程の視点から検討する。その結果、これまで整備が目的化し整備ありきであった政策過程に対して、多様なアクターと問題の共有と合意形成を促し、まちづくりの有効な手段としての位置付けを可能とするスポーツ施設整備政策を構築した。 / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Stakeholder Engagement in Public Sector Sport Facility Projects : A case study on Stadionområdet in Malmö

Bravinger, John January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to examine Stakeholder Engagement in the construction of a new public sector sport facility and explore the stakeholder perspective on the engagement process. The construction of sports facilities is complex and requires stakeholder insights for a better end product. Stakeholders have expertise that the project management does not have, which can improve both the end product and the stakeholders' willingness to use the area. A case study has been conducted at the Stadionområdet in Malmö where an older sports facility is to be replaced with a new one.  The study is based on Stakeholder Theory and Stakeholder Engagement and applies these theories to understand the tools used in the engagement process. A qualitative mixed methods approach has been used where both semi-structured interviews and document collection have been conducted. In total, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with respondents from the project side, internal and external stakeholders.   The study shows that the engagement processes used in Stadionområdet are mainly information meetings, workshops and working groups. Information meetings have been held in an initial stage to create understanding of the redevelopment, however, a further demand for these meetings has been identified. Workshops have been held with external stakeholders where stakeholders are given the opportunity to express their views on the design of the area. While workshops are seen as the most effective, they are considered to lack feedback, which creates irritation. Internally in Malmö Stad, working groups have been used. These work well, but the processes can sometimes be time-consuming as the decision-making paths are long and need to be confirmed by many. There are also problems with administrations not striving for the same end goal, which creates irritation and lack of understanding for each other's opinions.  To overcome these challenges and streamline Stakeholder Engagement, Stadionområdet can introduce a contact person for the external stakeholders who creates communication channels and provides feedback after workshops. Marketing the final goal more clearly, for both internal and external stakeholders, is also of great importance so that stakeholders know what to expect.

Det är bättre att skjuta löst på mål än hårt utanför : En kvalitativ studie av kommunala, kommersiella och ideella aktörers sätt att kommunicera via en idrottsarena.

Björklund, Johan, Modig, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
På grund av att dagens samhälle kantas av ett informationsöverflöd måste organisationer hitta andra vägar för att träffa rätt med sin kommunikation. Tidigare kommunicerades varumärkens budskap ut via traditionella medier men nya trender har medfört nya kommunikationsmetoder som sponsring via idrottsarenor med olika kommunikativa målsättningar. Då mycket av den tidigare forskningen på kommunikation via idrottsarenor har ett internationellt perspektiv med kommersiella aktörer tar denna studie istället avstamp i Sverige med hopp om att bidra med ett nytt perspektiv. Syftet med studien är att skapa ökad förståelse för kommersiella, kommunala och ideella aktörers kommunikativa arbete med arenasponsring. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har en kvalitativ metod använts i form av samtalsintervjuer. Samtalsintervjuerna har genomförts med sju strategiskt utvalda respondenter som verkar inom kommersiella, kommunala och ideella organisationer och som fick avge sin syn på fenomenet arenasponsring. Resultatet visar att organisationernas arbete med att kommunicera via en idrottsarena handlar dels om att namnsätta en arena, dels att kommunicera på plats i arenan eller i egna kanaler samt genom att ha egna relationsskapande aktiviteter i anknytning till arenan. Genom arenasponsringen så kan de skapa kännedom om sitt varumärke, öka försäljningen och skapa relationer med sina intressenter. Trots att arbetet med kommunikationen via arenasponsringen är likvärdig för den övervägande delen av respondenterna skiljer sig dock deras incitament åt. Gemensamt för den övervägande delen av respondenterna är att de belyser det faktum att genom arenasponsringen så gagnar de stor publicitet i media.

Cenové politiky využívané při sportovních akcích a ve sportovních zařízeních / Price Policies Used for Sport Events and Sport Facilities

Cihelka, Matěj January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of the Master's Thesis is to describe and to analyse methods of pricing and other instruments of price policies used for sport events and sport facilities. The second goal is to analyse the effect of price policies on the attendance demand at sport events and sport facilities. The practical part of the Master's Thesis focuses on the comparison of price policies of the czech professional football clubs in the First Division. Price policy of the one First Division and of the one Second Division club in the Czech Republic was described more closer. These clubs were AC Sparta Prague and FK Viktoria Žižkov.

L'ordenament jurídic aplicables a les instal·lacionsesportives d'ús públic de Catalunya. Anàlisi, (no) compliment i línies estratègiques.

Seguí Urbaneja, Jordi 19 April 2013 (has links)
Aquesta tesi pretén: a) conèixer, definir i limitar el concepte d’instal•lació esportiva d’ús públic de Catalunya, b) identificar, estructurar i ordenar l’ordenament jurídic aplicable a les instal•lacions esportives d’ús públic de Catalunya, c) analitzar el (no) compliment de l’ordenament jurídic i d) en cas d’incompliment: 1) identificar quines normes no es compleixen, 2) identificar (algunes) de la/les possible/es causa/es que l’expliquen i 3) proposar mesures (adequades) per corregir aquest incompliment. Metodològicament la investigació s’estructura en dos blocs. El primer, mitjançant la investigació documental i l’anàlisi de contingut, defineix l’ordenament jurídic aplicable a les instal•lacions esportives d’ús públic de Catalunya. El segon, mitjançant l’anàlisi de contingut i l’anàlisi estadístic d’una enquesta online, respon a la pregunta si es compleix l’ordenament jurídic aplicable a les instal•lacions esportives d’ús públic de Catalunya. Els resultats constaten que cinquanta-cinc, dels seixanta-sis preceptes analitzats, s’incompleixen. Algunes de les causes que poden explicar l’incompliment són: a) quant major és la població on s’ubica la instal•lació esportiva major és el compliment de la norma, b) quant major és el nivell d’estudis del director/a major és el compliment de la norma i c) experiències de gestió de la instal•lació entre 1 i 3 anys compleixen més normes que experiències inferiors a l’any o superiors als 3 anys. Aquesta situació podria millorar-se actualitzant la regulació, facilitant mitjans informatius i d’assessorament específic i oferint formació especialitzada continuada, entre altres. / Esta tesis pretende: a) conocer, definir y limitar el concepto de instalación deportiva de uso público de Cataluña, b) identificar, estructurar y ordenar el ordenamiento jurídico aplicable a las instalaciones deportivas de uso público de Cataluña, c) analizar el (no) cumplimiento del ordenamiento jurídico y d) en caso de incumplimiento: 1) identificar qué normas no se cumplen, 2) identificar (algunas) de la/las posible/es causa/as que lo explican y 3) proponer medidas (adecuadas) para corregir el incumplimiento. Metodológicamente la investigación se estructura en dos bloques. El primero, mediante la investigación documental y el análisis de contenido, define, el ordenamiento jurídico aplicable a las instalaciones deportivas de uso público de Cataluña. El segundo, mediante el análisis de contenido y el análisis estadístico de una encuesta online, responde a la pregunta (no) se cumple el ordenamiento jurídico aplicable a las instalaciones deportivas de uso público de Cataluña. Los resultados constatan que cincuenta y cinco, de los sesenta y seis preceptos normativos analizados, se incumplen. Algunas de las causas que pueden explicar dicha situación son: a) cuan mayor es la población donde se ubica la instalación deportiva mayor es el cumplimiento de la norma y b) cuan mayor es el nivel de estudios del director/a mayor es el cumplimiento de la norma. Esta situación se podría mejorar actualizando la regulación normativa, facilitando medios informativos y de asesoramiento específico y ofrecer formación especializada continuada, entre otras. / The aims of this thesis are: a) to understand and to define the concept of Catalonia public sport facility, b) to identify and to organize the legal order covering Catalonia public sports facilities, c) to analyze the (non) compliance of the legal order, and if this does not occur d) to identify: 1) which regulations are not compliance, 2) the (some) reasons for such incompliance and 3) to design appropriate mechanisms by which to ensure that regulations are obeyed. From a methodological point of view, this research is divided into two different sections. The first section, through desk research and content analysis defines the legal order covering public sports facilities in Catalonia. The second section, through content analysis and statistical analysis of an online survey answers the question whether or not the legal order covering public sports facilities in Catalonia is compliance. The results show that fifty-five, of the sixty-six regulations analyzed, are incompliance. Several interesting implications to be highlighted: 1. The bigger the village, which houses the sport facility, is the more compliance of the regulation. 2. The higher the level of education, of the director, is the more compliance of the regulation. 3. Management experiences between 1 and 3

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