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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomická a sociální statistika genderovým pohledem / Economic and Social Statistics from Gender Perspective

Slavníková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
Statistical data collection is on high level at this time in European countries including Czech Republic. However, there is still a space for enriching statistics and looking for innovative ways of using obtained data. In context of the governments' efforts to promote equal opportunities for women and men, gender statistics is being addressed. It should serve as a base for detecting a position of women and men in all areas of the society and it should help to evaluate the impact of various actions ex ante as well as ex post. The aim of this diploma thesis is to continue to fulfill the intention to provide an interconnected picture of need for gender statistics in connection with diploma thesis written by Ing. Barbora Stanislavová in 2013. The emphasis is put on adding information on current course of gender studies connected with economy and on describing selected gender statistics indicators. The previous thesis covers general gender equality indicators and labour market area, this diploma thesis concentrates on indicators in family area. Gender statistics description is accompanied by actual data for Czech Republic and other European countries in order to provide illustrative example of use of gender statistics.

Možnosti určení původu vína z prvkového složení / Possibilities of determining the origin of the wine from the element composition

Škařupa, Přemysl January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to evaluate the possibility of determining the origin of the wine on the basis of elemental composition. For this purpose an analysis of major and minor elements was accomplished in selected varieties of wines. In total, 48 parameters for six wine subregions in Bohemia and Moravia was determined and used. The sum of 35 parameters represented the concentration of selected elements and other 13 parameters were created from the measured values. The concentration of elements was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). For the purpose of classification of samples into groups multivariate statistical methods were used. The measured data set was firstly separated using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and discriminant analysis (DA). It has been proved that the selected variables influence the distribution of wines into categories according to their geographic location. Canonical discriminant analysis, principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis has been used for graphical projection. Simultaneously the model based on our analysis was created to enable classify an unknown sample of wine according to the origin.

Zpracování statistik generátoru síťového provozu IxChariot v prostředí simulátoru OPNET Modeler / Processing of statistics from network operation generator IxChariot in OPNET Modeler simulation environment

Malina, Karel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis "Processing statistics generator IxChariot network traffic in an environmentsimulator OPNET Modeler" is focused on collaboration solution simulation tool OPNET Modeler with IxChariot traffic generator and the principle of their connection. The goal is to display the statistics generated in IxChariot software by OPNET Modeler. In this thesis is described procedure of settings inside simulation environment OPNET modeler which are necessary for correct functionality of simulation.

Kontrola těsnosti světlometů / Verification Tightness of Headlamp

Maule, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
The task of my work is to describe and analyse tightness control of front headlights in automotive industry. This work is concerned with theoretical indi-cative allocation according to the light source, development and contruction of headlights in preamble. There is shown the way of disclosing the outflow pres-sure area at loose headlight in next part of this work. It defines the most proba-bly caused reason of untightness with help of Ishikawov diagram. There is also made evaluation of measured values and determined the main cause of un-tightness. At the end there are shown possibilities of statistic´s evaluation of measured values and made changes necesarry for untightness elimination.

Marketingová doporučení pro podnikatelské odvětví dřevovýroby

Kobza, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Main objective of this diploma thesis is to showpossible shortcomings used inpromotion of companies inwood production and possibly also inimprovement of production activities inwood production.The main concepts of marketing, statistics and woodworking are described forthiswork. The whole work is based ontheevaluation of relevant questionnaire data, whichwas obtained from randomly selected respondents who had experience in purchasing products made ofwood. Subsequently, the generalization of the entire wood-processing industry is carried out. Appropriate marketing recommendations were subsequently made inpart of the discussion based on the findings from the wood-processing industry.

Neparametriniai kriterijai retų įvykių dažnių lentelėms / Nonparametric criteria for sparse contingency tables

Samusenko, Pavel 18 February 2013 (has links)
Disertacijoje sprendžiami neparametrinių hipotezių tikrinimo uždaviniai išretintoms dažnių lentelėms. Problemos, susijusios su retų įvykių dažnių lentelėmis yra plačiai aptartos mokslinėje literatūroje. Yra pasiūlyta visa eilė metodų: tikslieji testai, alternatyvūs aproksimavimo būdai parametrinė ir neparametrinė saviranka, Bayeso ir kiti metodai. Tačiau jie nepritaikomi arba yra neefektyvūs neparametrinėje labai išretintų dažnių lentelių analizėje. Disertacijoje parodyta, kad labai išretintiems kategoriniams duomenims tikėtinumo santykio statistika ir Pearsono χ2 statistika gali pasidaryti neinformatyviomis: jos jau nėra tinkamos nulinės hipotezės ir duomenų suderinamumui matuoti. Vadinasi, jų pagrindu sudaryti kriterijai gali būti net nepagrįsti net tuo atveju, kai egzistuoja paprastas pagrįstas kriterijus. Darbe yra pasiūlytas klasikinių kriterijų patobulinimas išretintų dažnių lentelėms. Siūlomi kriterijai remiasi išretintų kategorinių duomenų grupavimu ir glodinimu naudojant naują išretinimo asimtotikos modelį, kuris remiasi (išplėstine) empirine Bayeso metodologija. Prie bendrų sąlygų yra įrodytas siūlomų kriterijų, naudojančių grupavimą, pagrįstumas. Kriterijų elgesys baigtinių imčių atveju tiriamas taikant Monte Carlo modeliavimą. Disertacija susideda iš įvado, 4 skyrių, literatūros sąrašo, bendrų išvadų ir priedo. Įvade atskleidžiama nagrinėjamos mokslinės problemos svarba, aprašomi darbo tikslai ir uždaviniai, tyrimo metodai, mokslinis naujumas, praktinė gautų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the dissertation, the problem of nonparametric testing for sparse contingency tables is addressed. Statistical inference problems caused by sparsity of contingency tables are widely discussed in the literature. Traditionally, the expected (under null the hypothesis) frequency is required to exceed 5 in almost all cells of the contingency table. If this condition is violated, the χ2 approximations of goodness of fit statistics may be inaccurate and the table is said to be sparse . Several techniques have been proposed to tackle the problem: exact tests, alternative approximations, parametric and nonparametric bootstrap, Bayes approach and other methods. However they all are not applicable or have some limitations in nonparametric statistical inference of very sparse contingency tables. In the dissertation, it is shown that, for sparse categorical data, the likelihood ratio statistic and Pearson’s χ2 statistic may become noninformative: they do not anymore measure the goodness-of-fit of null hypotheses to data. Thus, they can be inconsistent even in cases where a simple consistent test does exist. An improvement of the classical criteria for sparse contingency tables is proposed. The improvement is achieved by grouping and smoothing of sparse categorical data by making use of a new sparse asymptotics model relying on (extended) empirical Bayes approach. Under general conditions, the consistency of the proposed criteria based on grouping is proved. Finite sample behavior of... [to full text]

Statistické šetření časového a ekonomického vývoje vybraného typu mimořádné události / The statistical investigation of time and economical development of the extraordinary incident kind selected

SMOLÍK, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation called The Statistical Investigation of Time and Economical Development of the Extraordinary Incident Kind Selected deals with traffic accidents on roads within the Czech Republic. The goal of this work is to investigate a time and economical connection of traffic accidents. The theoretical part specifies basic terms which are related to road transport in the Czech Republic and which are mainly based on valid laws in the field of road transportation. There is also deeply analysed the term "traffic accident" which has to gain specific features in order to be classified as a traffic accident. Subsequently, there are also presented and discussed the most common causes of accidents. Impacts of economic damage to the state budget were described by a certified methodology for calculating losses from a traffic accident rate on roads. Within possibilities of a bigger kind of an extraordinary incident during which emergency could be announced, there is described a system of crisis management in transport and an operation of Crisis Management Department of the Ministry of Transport. In the last section of the theoretical part there are summarized the basic methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics which were used for processing of the practical part of the dissertation. In the practical part three hypotheses were being tested based on the collected data, which was drawn from statistical yearbooks of a traffic accident rate published on the website of the Police of the Czech Republic. The methodology provides basic methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics to whom the gained data has been subjected. To verify the hypothesis H2 the amounts of damage per a time unit have a distribution close to the normal distribution. It was used within the mathematical statistics of nonparametric testing of hypothesis. Through the non-parametric testing was allowed to prove normality of damage amount in traffic accidents in the period 2009 - 2013. For verification of the hypothesis H1 number of traffic accidents and the amount of damage are positively correlated and hypotheses H3 time development of traffic accidents per one time unit can be expressed by linear regression with negative correlation. Simple linear and correlation dependence was used in the context of mathematical statistics. The aim of the hypotheses H1 and H3 mentioned above was to find out a kind of regression, depending on given statistical features, to find suitable regression function and to determine tightness of correlation using an appropriate coefficient. A negative correlation coefficient was calculated for the hypothesis H1 so it was rejected. This result is possible to comment on the fact that, although there is less material damage, the number of incidents in particular time units does not reflect this fact. For the hypotheses H3 we can conclude that traffic accidents have been declining in a longer time interval and this leads to fulfilment of the goal of the national road safety strategy 2011 - 2020. For the short time period 2009 - 2013 it is not possible to come to the same conclusion and the hypotheses H3 has to be rejected. In the context of a deeper research of the impact of economic damage to our state, it would be good to work e.g. with the amount of money which insurance companies have to pay to persons involved in an accident. We could also work with the amount of costs which the state has to spend on activities of organs of emergency service for dealing with all consequences of any emergencies associated with an accident. Determination of the total amount of economic damage from a traffic accident rate and from a number of traffic accidents helps us to realize the seriousness of this issue. Just as other indicators of traffic safety, economic damage and a number of traffic accidents are important indicators of prevention and effectiveness of traffic-safety measures.

Prostorový vývoj zástavby půd V zázemí Prahy od pol. 19. stol do současnosti. / Spatial development of soil sealing in Prague suburban fringe from 19th century till present.

Stachura, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Built up areas are dynymically evolving component of suburban landscape. Prague periphery is the area, where this evolution is fastest. This can be a problem because the very fertile soils are located in Prague fringe. Their loss is therefore connected with the law protection of agricultural soils. A set of 22 cadasters around the Prague made the area of interest of this master thesis. They were defined to cover the variability of geological substrate, climate, relief and soils and also some socioeconomic parametres (distance form highway and from Prague centre). I used a several data about built up areas to explain the trends in set: Stable cadaster, Third military mapping, aerial photos from 1950s and present orthophoto. The development of built up areas in the final set was assesed by a several parametres which contain the total area, structure, fertility of sealed land and diversity of soils. Problem of determining soil diversity was one of the goals of master thesis. Taxonomical dendrogram of soils with including taxonomical differences is the output of this part. Main trend of development were assesed by using multidimensional statistic method: classical scaling and hierarchical clustering. Results confirmed that more fertile soil are built up nowadays than in the past and also diversity of...

Hodnocení a porovnání úspěšnosti herní činnosti libera se smečaři na ME ve volejbale mužů 2012 / Evaluation and comparison of the success in gaming activities of libero with hitters in the mens volleyball European Championship 2011

Buchalová, Karolína January 2012 (has links)
Title: Evaluation and comparison of the success in gaming activities of libero with hitters in the mens volleyball European Championship 2011 Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is comparison of libero and hitters. This thesis focus on pass after servis from oponent team and on field game. We will achieve results about succes rate of libero and compare those results with results of hitters, on European championship 2011 in men voleyball, in the same category. Methods: In this thesis is used the method of indirect observation, thanks to video. It was recorded success of passing and collection via line method. In order to classify the quality of passing and collection, it was used five-point scale. Results: The results confirmed all the research questions, so we are convinced of the quality and indispensability of libero in Volleyball. Keywords: Volleyball, individual game activity, libero, European championship, statistik

Intenzita hluku v hodinách komerčního aerobiku ve vztahu k hygienické normě / The noise intensity in commercial aerobic classes in relation to hygienic standards

Kleinová, Nikola January 2013 (has links)
Links: Aerobic motion activity as it is offered in commercial aerobic classes is generally considered to be beneficial for the motion apparatus, and for one's overall health. Nevertheless, loud music accompanying the exercise can rather cause damage to one's health. Goals: The main scope of my thesis is to measure the noise intensity in commercial aerobic classes and to verify whether the noise does not exceed the limits permitted by hygienic standards. Methods: In my thesis I used a specific method for determination of the noise intensity in the aerobic class space. I opted for the noise level according to EPA standards ranging between 70 and 80 dB as the basic constant. The measurement itself took place after calibration in eleven measured spots in a fitness centre located in České Budějovice. The measured spots were established in the space according to the placement of the sound apparatus and the measurement itself took place in the height of the sound apparatus of a fitness centre client. The measured values were further processed into descriptive graphs and all outcomes were further processed using statistical methods in order to verify the measurement validity according to statistical significance. Results: On the basis of the performed measurement, data processing and the following...

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