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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Normalizační kinematografie v současném televizním vysílání / Normalization-era cinematography in Czech current television broadcasting

Jabůrek, Václav January 2019 (has links)
There are lots of studies about normalization cinematography, its content or historical context of its creation. But there was no research about its presence in post-communist television broadcast in the Czech Republic. This work takes a look on five biggest TV channels - ČT1, ČT2, Nova, Prima and Barrandov - in eight chosen years between 1994 and 2015. Content analysis shows, how are Czech televisions dealing with movies and series from communist era, and whether there are any long-term trends connected with this genre. Thanks to the research method, we can see how the usage of those titles has developed up to present. Study also focuses on programmes during weekends and holidays and the amount of normalization movies on these occasions. One part of this work is dealing with communist propaganda and its presence in current broadcast. As Harald Welzer's studies show, old movies are hugely affecting people's understanding of historical events. Therefore, this survey focuses on Czechoslovak movies, which are falsifying modern history such as TV series Thirty Cases of Major Zeman or comedy Bourlive vino. Apart from those cases, less propagandistic movies have also been examined. For example those showing idealized image of normalization society and values of the former regime.

Mrežno-prostorna dekompozicija kolebljivostiglasačkog tela: odabrane nove članiceEvropske unije versus Srbija

Tomašević Aleksandar 01 November 2018 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje koje je predstavljeno u ovoj doktorskoj<br />disertaciji usmereno je na problem merenja kolebljivosti<br />biračkog tela i njenih prostornih aspekata u<br />postkomunističkim dru&scaron;tvima. Komparativni okvir<br />istraživanje čine Republika Srbija i pet mladih članica<br />Evropske unije (Mađarska, Slovenija, Rumunija, Bugarska<br />i Hrvatska). U političkim naukama i sociologiji politike,<br />najuticajnije istraživačko polje koje razmatra prostorne<br />aspekte partijskih sistema jeste teorija partijske<br />nacionalizacije koja ovaj proces defini&scaron;e kao<br />homogenizaciju biračkog pona&scaron;anja na čitavoj teritoriji<br />nacionalne države. Kako je izborna kolebljivost jedan od<br />fundamentalnih mera biračkog pona&scaron;anja, iznenađuje<br />činjenica da u dosada&scaron;njim istraživanjima procesi<br />nacionalizacije i promene izborne kolebljivosti nisu<br />dovođeni u eksplicitnu vezu. Ideja ove disertacije je da<br />premosti istraživački &quot;vakuum&quot; koji postoji između ova<br />dva polja. Preciznije, formuli&scaron;emo tri istraživačka cilja<br />koja će biti ostvarena u ovoj disertaciji.<br />Prvi cilj odnosi se na re&scaron;avanje problema merenja izborne<br />kolebljivosti na nacionalnom nivou u postkomunističkim<br />dru&scaron;tvima, &scaron;to podrazumeva i re&scaron;avanje problema<br />diferencijacije između unutarsistemske i vansistemske<br />kolebljivosti koji predstavljaju dva fundamentalno<br />različita aspekta pona&scaron;anja biračkog tela. Metodolo&scaron;ka<br />re&scaron;enja predstavljena u ovoj disertaciji osiguravaju internu<br />konzistentnost merenja unutar definisanog uzorka, &scaron;to<br />dovodi do plauzibilnijih komparativnih zaključaka o<br />trendovima promene nivoa kolebljivosti. Na osnovu<br />postignutih rezultata, odnosno realizacije ovog<br />istraživačkog cilja, klasifikujemo države u dva tipa: (1)<br />sistemi tipa I za koje je karakterističan umeren nivo<br />kolebljivosti i unutarsistemska kolebljivost kao<br />342.892.2 : 581.15 308(4) : 308(497.11)<br />dominantna komponenta (Mađarska, Rumunija, Hrvatska,<br />Srbija); (2) sistemi tipa II za koje je karakterističan visok<br />nivo kolebljivosti i vansistemska kolebljivost kao<br />dominantna komponenta (Slovenija, Bugarska).<br />Drugi cilj ove disertacije jeste mrežno-prostorna<br />dekompozicija izborne kolebljivosti na NUTS3<br />prostornom nivou. U istraživanju smo koristili dva<br />različita metodolo&scaron;ka pristupa ovoj vrsti dekompozicije:<br />(1) prostornu stastiku, odnosno metod prostornih<br />autokorelacija, (2) i mrežnu analizu, odnosno metod<br />korelacionih mreža. Putem prostorne autokorelacije oktrili<br />smo fokalne prostorne konfiguracije, odnosno klastere<br />teritorija koje su međusobno u korelaciji, dok nam metod<br />korelacionih mreža omogućava da utvrdimo u kom<br />stepenu su lokalizovane interakcije (odnosno korelacije)<br />između teritorija če&scaron;će u odnosu na sve ostale korelacije<br />unutar sistema. Mrežno-prostorna dekompozicija otkriva<br />prostorne konfiguracije unutar nacionalnih država koje su<br />interno homogene i heterogene u odnosu na ostatak države.<br />Samim tim, one predstavljaju distinktivne političke<br />prostore, unutar kojih postoji lokalizovana reakcija<br />biračkog tela na partijski sistem. Prateći teoriju<br />nacionalizacije, izostanak većeg broja ovih klastera u<br />nekom sistemu tumačimo kao indikator procesa<br />nacionalizacije, dok u suprotnom slučaju kosntatujemo da<br />postoji lokalizacija politike.<br />Treći cilj ove disertacije odnosi se na kvantifikaciju<br />rezultata dobijenih mrežno-prostornom dekompozicijom<br />izborne kolebljivosti. Preciznije, cilj je transformisati<br />dobijenu teritorijalnu diviziju na klastere susedstva u<br />numeričku meru koja se može koristiti kao indikator<br />nacionalizacije i lokalizacije političkih sistema. Rezultat<br />realizacije ovog cilja jeste nova mera predstavljena u ovoj<br />disertciji, koju nazivamo indeksom lokalizacije izborne<br />kolebljivosti (za obe komponente kolebljivosti). Na<br />osnovu rezultata na&scaron;eg istraživanja utvrdili smo da ova<br />nova mera korespondira sa konvencionalnim merama<br />nacionalizacije, ali pri tome ima nekoliko prednosti u<br />odnosu na njih od kojih je jedna posledica toga &scaron;to je<br />indeks izveden iz prostorne distribucije izborne<br />kolebljivosti, kao agregentne, fundamentalne mere<br />biračkog pona&scaron;anja. Rezultati komparacije indeksa<br />lokalizacije izborne kolebljivosti pokazuju i da unutar<br />ranije defnisane tipologije sistema postoji pravilna<br />diferencijacija u nivou lokalizacije sistema, te su sistemi<br />tipa I umereno i visoko lokalizovani, dok su sistemi tipa II<br />visoko nacionalizovani. na ovaj način, utvrđujemo da<br />postoji zavisnost nivoa kolebljivosti od stepena<br />nacionalizacije sistema, &scaron;to je i najvažniji saznajni<br />doprinos ove disertacije.<br />U zaključnom poglavlju se osvrećemo i na položaj<br />Republike Srbije i njenog političkog sistema u odnosu na<br />ostale zemlje uzorka. Na osnovu izmerenih nivoa izborne<br />kolebljivosti i stepena nacionalizacije sistema dajemo<br />detaljan opis evolucije partijskog sistema Srbije u XXI<br />veku, komentari&scaron;emo njegove sličnosti sa analiziranim<br />mladim članicama EU (pre svega sa Mađarskom) i<br />formuli&scaron;emo hipoteze o pravcima njegovog razvoja u<br />budućnosti, kao i smernice za dalje integrisane studije<br />izborne kolebljivosti i političke nacionalizacije.</p>

Žena na trhu práce

Mazáčová, Barbora January 2007 (has links)
Práce se věnuje rozdílům v postavení mužů a žen na trhu práce. Je zde srovnání zaměstnanosti žen a mužů dle věkových skupin, dle dosaženého vzdělání, dle pracovního poměru, dle oboru ekonomických činností atd. Práce vystihuje situaci na trhu práce v České republice i ve vybraných zemích Evropské unie. Poukazuje na rozdíly ve mzdách mužů a žen. Jedná se o statistickou studii. Praktickou část tvoří případová studie ze společnosti Vodafone. Ta demonstruje vývojové trendy v České republice. Výsledkem je zhodnocení situace na trhu práce v České republice a popis trendů, které budou pro český trh práce charakteristické.

Neparametrické testy v statistickém software / Nonparametric tests in statistical software

Skolil, Lukáš January 2007 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je praktické i teoretické seznámení uživatelů neparametrických metod s několika vybranými statistickými programy, v nichž je možné neparametrické analýzy provádět. Nedílnou součástí cíle je i porovnání těchto programů. V teoretické části jsou stručně popsány základy testování statistických hypotéz a teorie neparametrických testů. V praktické části jsou prozkoumány programy NCSS 2007, Statistica 7, SPSS 15, Systat 12, Stagraphics Centurion XV, Minitab 15, S-Plus 6.2, SAS 9.1 a StatXact 7. U každého software jsou popsány neparametrické testy, které obsahuje, a zjednodušeně i vkládání dat a výstupy. Nakonec jsou vybrané programy porovnány z několika hledisek. Všechny vybrané programy obsahují značné množství neparametrických testů a liší se většinou jen v detailech. Pro většinu analýz není potřeba hledat speciální programy a dají se použít všechny vybrané, pouze pro porovnávání rozptylů je nutné použít buď SAS nebo StatXact, protože v jiných programech ve výběru tyto testy nenalezneme.

Statistika, počet pravděpodobnosti a pojistná matematika na Vysoké škole speciálních nauk

Heřmánek, Petr January 2006 (has links)
Práce pojednává o vzniku Vysoké školy speciálních nauk v roce 1920, o jejím předválečném vývoji, meziválečném vývoji i poválečném vývoji až do roku 1952, kdy byla škola zrušena. Hlavně je sledován vývoj na Ústavu statistiky a pojistné matematiky. Práce kromě vývoje učení na škole a studijních programů obsahuje i podrobnější údaje o jejích nejvýraznějších osobnostech.

Měnová a finanční statistika v ČNB - statistika peněžních agregátů / Monetary and Financial Statistics in the Czech National Bank - statistics of monetary aggregates

Barkhanskyy, Kostyantyn January 2010 (has links)
This work focuses on the problems of monetary aggregates in the Czech Republic within compilation of balance sheet items statistics of monetary financial institutions. The content of this paper comprises the methodological basis for the compilation of monetary aggregates and the overall balance sheet statistics with focus on detailed description of the procedure of compiling of this statistics in the Czech National Bank. The goal is to provide an overview of the methodology of balance sheet statistics, practical aspects of its composition and compiling of monetary aggregates.

Statistinių įrankių, pagrįstų pokyčių statistika, paketo kūrimas / Creation of statistical tools pack based on increment ratio statistic

Mockus, Robertas 29 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe nagrinėjama IR statistika bei FARIMA ir AR duomenų generavimo algoritmai. Darbe pateikta programinė IR statistikos skaičiavimo bei FARIMA ir AR duomenų generavimo algoritmų realizacija. Visi algoritmai visapusiškai ištestuoti bei jiems sukurta vartotojo sąsaja. IR statistika dar nėra pilnai įrodyta, todėl šis darbas galės būti naudojamas tolimesniems IR statistikos tyrimams. / IR statistics, FARIMA and AR data production algorithms are analyzed in this master’s degree study. I present IR statistics calculating, FARIMA and AR data production algorithms software realization. All algorithms are universally tested and has user interface. IR statistics is not fully proven, that’s why this study could be used in further IR statistics researches.

Balso signalo aptikimo ir triukšmo pašalinimo algoritmo tyrimas, naudojant aukštesnės eilės statistiką / Voice Activity Detection and Noise Reduction Algortihm Analysis using Higher-Order statistics

Makrickaitė, Raimonda 29 May 2006 (has links)
This work presents a robust algorithm for voice activity detection (VAD) and noise reduction mechanism using combined properties of higher-order statistics (HOS) and an efficient algorithm to estimate the instantaneous Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of speech signal in a background of acoustic noise. The flat spectral feature of Linear Prediction Coding (LPC) residual results in distinct characteristics for the cumulants in terms of phase, periodicity and harmonic content and yields closed-form expressions for the skewness and kurtosis. The HOS of speech is immune to Gaussian noise and this makes them particularly useful in algorithms designed for low SNR environments. The proposed algorithm uses HOS and smooth power estimate metrics with second-order measures, such as SNR and LPC prediction error, to identify speech and noise frames. A voicing condition for speech frames is derived based on the relation between the skewness, kurtosis of voiced speech and estimate of smooth noise power. The algorithm presented and its performance is compared to HOS-only based VAD algorithm. The results show that the proposed algorithm has an overall better performance, with noticeable improvement in Gaussian-like noises, such as street and garage, and high to low SNR, especially for probability of correctly detecting speech. The proposed algorithm is replicated on DSK C6713.

Mažiausias pajamas gaunančių Vilniaus miesto gyventojų teritorinė sklaida / Territorical spread of Vilnius city inhabitans with lowest income

Martinkaitytė, Laura 13 June 2005 (has links)
Although Vilnius is the largest city of the republic, a centre of industry and culture, the largest Lithuanian administrative centre, where the most important political, financial, economic, social and cultural centres are located, nevertheless there are plenty of unemployed and socially supported persons.. The officially registered unemployment level n Vilnius for the time being does not exceed the average of the European Union. Compared to the structure of unemployment in other Lithuanian cities and their change indications, the situation in Vilnius is quite good, except for the fact that the number of the retired persons is growing. Recently in Vilnius the demand for Workforce is growing, yet qualification characteristics in many cases does not match the requirements of the vacant positions offered. Hence the structural changes in Labour Market, intensive development of new technologies have had significant influence on the competition in the dynamic market of people who have lost their jobs. The unemployment here affected certain social demographic groups of the inhabitants: the youth, and senior pre-retirement persons. Naturally, that a large part of the people failed or did not want to adapt to the new requirements, therefore unemployment became a poignant problem of the society. A big attraction of Vilnius as the capital, where the living costs are much higher than elsewhere in Lithuania, for instance, purchase of accommodation, bills for accommodation, services, fuel... [to full text]

Duomenų analizės galimybių kompiuterinėse matematikos sistemose palyginimas / Data analysis in Computer mathematic systems

Aleksandravičiūtė, Julita 17 June 2005 (has links)
The work for data analysis of the main methods, fullfilled in Computer mathematic systems (CMS), analysis. Also analysing and comparison of the data analysis of CMS – MAPLE, MATLAB and MATHCAD. There‘s briefly described enter and reading of data, characteristics of statistic data, analysis of variance, regression, interpolation and correlation. In the last section of data system analysis possibilities according to its sophistication, comfortable usage and variety of data function fullfillment. You will finde the examples of solved tasks with CMS after each description of data analysis method.

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