Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stavební""
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Stavebně technologický projekt administrativní budovy Gaceta v Praze / Construction technological project of administration building Gaceta in PragueJekielek, Marek January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is the technological project of the structural construction of administrative building. It includes technological standards for reinforced concrete ceiling and for face layer of ventilated facade, the project of site construction, detailed structural, financial and time schedules of building object, controlling plans and test plans of the reinforced concrete skeleton and for face layer of ventilated facade from face brick, plan of main mechanical assemblies and costing of budget for structural.
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Bytový dům Kopečná - stavebně technologický projekt / Flat building Kopečná - technological projectKošuličová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis design the development of technological project flat building Kopečná. Planning the implementation of the project is done with respect to of time, financial requirements based on design building construction permit. In more detail, this diploma thesis deal with the building equipment, technological regulations for brick and monolithic design, time and financial plan of the building, design mechanical assembly etc.
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Stavebně technologický projekt rekonstrukce nádraží v Šumperku / Building technological project of reconstruction Station in ŠumperkKrutílková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the reconstruction of the railway station in Šumperk. On this subject is processed the schedule, site equipment, inspection and test plan, budget, design of mechanical assemblies, ensuring the health of workers at work with hazardous waste
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Penzion Skalka-stavebně technologický projekt / Pension Skalka-building and technological projectPatočka, Bronislav January 2014 (has links)
This master´s thesis solves the building and technological project of a new guest house building in the village Skalka u Prostějova. It is a detached building made of brick masonry. The project contains the building of guest house and gabion retaining wall with parking place. Thesis is comprised of, inter alia, technological sketch of the main phases of building, time and financial plan, site facilities project, machinery proposal, budgets, technological rules and inspection and test plan.
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Výrobní hala Edscha v Jindřichově Hradci - stavebně technologický projekt / Production hall Edscha in Hradec Henry - construction and technology projectZadák, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This thesis addresses the technological project of building a production hall in EDSCHA Henry Hradec. For the construction project will be developed technological studies major technological implementation stages, summary technical report, technological specification for installation of a steel frame and cladding halls, safety measures in the construction, inspection and test plan for the assembly skeleton, time and financial plan for the whole building, budget object SO01 production hall with an administrative extension and extension of production facilities.
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Dalniční most u Soběslavi - příprava, realizace a řízení stavby / Highway bridge at Soběslav - preparation, implementation and project managementTopinka, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Master´s thesis processes Construction technology project and implementation of bridge at Soběslav on the route D3, section D3 Tábor – Veselí nad Lužnicí, concretely SO 7-216 Bridge over the route III/15527, Černovický stream and biocorridor km 94,100. This is a permanent road bridge about 25 fields with the continuous construction of precast prestressed concrete beams longitudinally coupled concrete slab.
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Stavebně technický průzkum objektu poškozeného požárem / Architectural and technical inspection of building damaged by fireRozsypalová, Iva January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis summarizes knowlegde related to the behavior of structures and material in the fire, focusing mainly on concrete and reinforced concrete structures. It deals with the design and implementation of diagnostic work of Building no. 103 in complex Svit Zlín affected by a large fire. There are presented evaluation of laboratory experiments of samples and static analysis.
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Dům s pečovatelskou službou - stavebně technologická příprava výstavby / The hous with day care - the construction technological planningRokašová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis contains chosen parts of the building-technological project for the building of a house with a nursing service in Budweis. Further on the thesis contains a technical report, a detailed time plan of the main building object and its budget, a project of the organisation of the building site, a checking and testing plan, the principles of the maintenance of the green roof with a half-intensive vegetation, a contract about the work, a plan concerning safety and dangers on a building, a thermal-technological appraisal of chosen construction and the schemes of the methods of construction. Part of the thesis are also technological instructions for three types of roof housings on two different carrying constructions, their comparison and the best option chosen for the realisation.
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Stavebně technologický projekt "Kampus Brno - Bohunice" / Construction Technological Project of "Campus Brno - Bohunice"Marek, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
The subject of the Diploma thesis is the technological project of the university campus in Brno - Bohunice. The work includes a complex study of the realizacion of the main technological steps in the construction of buildings UKB, namely the A25 and A36. There is the technical report, technology processes steel bearing system and monolithic reinforced concrete structures. Inspection and test plan for addressing regulations, timetable of works, machine draft report, and occupational health and safety plan
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Přístavba tělocvičny - příprava a organizace výstavby / Extension of the gym - preparation and organization of constructionLangrová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the solution of selected parts of the architectural and technological project of the extension of the gym in Krnov, focusing on realization prefabricated reinformed concrete frame and roof deck. For these technological steps the control and test plan and health and safety will be prepared. For complet object SO 03 the schedule, budget, mechanical assambly, principles and organization of construction will be prepared.
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