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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multi-Stage Experimental Planning and Analysis for Forward-Inverse Regression Applied to Genetic Network Modeling

Taslim, Cenny 05 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

On the Problem of Arbitrary Projections onto a Reduced Discrete Set of States with Applications to Mean First Passage Time Problems

Biswas, Katja 09 December 2011 (has links)
This dissertation presents a theoretical study of arbitrary discretizations of general nonequilibrium and non-steady-state systems. It will be shown that, without requiring the partitions of the phase-space to fulfill certain assumptions, such as culminating in Markovian partitions, a Markov chain can be constructed which has the same macro-change of probability of the occupation of the states as the original process. This is true for any classical and semiclassical system under any discrete or continuous, deterministic or stochastic, Markovian or non-Markovian dynamics. Restricted to classical and semi-classical systems, a formalism is developed which treats the projection of arbitrary (multidimensional) complex systems onto a discrete set of states of an abstract state-space using time and ensemble sampled transitions between the states of the trajectories of the original process. This formalism is then used to develop expressions for the mean first passage time and (in the case of projections resulting in pseudo-one-dimensional motion) for the individual residence times of the states using just the time and ensemble sampled transition rates. The theoretical work is illustrated by several numerical examples of non-linear diffusion processes. Those include the escape over a Kramers potential and a rough energy barrier, the escape from an entropic barrier, the folding process of a toy model of a linear polymer chain and the escape over a fluctuating barrier. The latter is an example of a non- Markovian dynamics of the original process. The results for the mean first passage time and the residence times (using both physically meaningful and non-meaningful partitions of the phase-space) confirms the theory. With an accuracy restricted only by the resolution of the measurement and/or the finite sampling size, the values of the mean first passage time of the projected process agree with those of a direct measurement on the original dynamics and with any available semi-analytical solution.

Mechanisms of Flavin-Dependent Monooxygenases Involved in Natural Product Chemistry

Johnson, Sydney 07 May 2024 (has links)
Natural products are secondary metabolites produced by plants and microorganisms that often possess medicinal properties and are implicated in organismal defense. Drawbacks to utilizing natural products in the pharmaceutical industry are difficulties with isolation from biological sources and low yields that can lack stereospecificity from synthetic sources. It is paramount to solve these issues and to develop novel natural products to combat the growing antimicrobial resistance crisis, which was responsible for ~5 million deaths in 2019 alone. One approach is utilizing enzymes to synthesize existing natural products to improve the yields and stereospecificity issue. This dissertation is focused on the biochemical characterization of three enzymes-ZvFMO, OxaD, and CreE-that are implicated in the detoxification of natural products used for organismal defense or participate in the biosynthesis of novel natural products. Each of these enzymes belong to the flavin-dependent monooxygenase (FMO) family, which catalyze the oxygenation of a substrate, generating an oxidized product. ZvFMO, from the insect food crop pest, Zonocerus variegatus, was determined to catalyze a highly uncoupled oxygenation reaction of the nitrogen or sulfur atom of various substrates. OxaD, from Penicillium oxalicum F30, catalyzes novel sequential oxidation reactions of the indole nitrogen of roquefortine C. CreE, from Streptomyces cremeus, also catalyzes sequential nitrogen oxidation reactions to convert L-aspartate to nitrosuccinate en route to biosynthesis of cremeomycin. For each enzyme, the steady-state kinetics have been determined using an oxygen consumption assay and the rapid-reaction kinetics were measured using anaerobic time-resolved spectroscopy. All three enzymes feature a fast flavin reduction step and a slow flavin dehydration step. The oxygenation chemistry of each enzyme was found to proceed through a highly reactive oxygenating species, the C4a-hydroperoxyflavin. Site-directed mutagenesis efforts led to the identification of key active site residues involved in flavin motion and substrate binding, revealing important information about the active site architecture for enzyme engineering applications and drug discovery efforts. / Doctor of Philosophy / Natural products are compounds that are produced by many plants, fungi, and bacteria that have potent medicinal properties and can be used to defend the organism against pests. Unfortunately, using these compounds widely in the pharmaceutical industry is difficult because it is hard to isolate the compound of interest from the organism that produces it and attempts to produce it chemically can result in low yields. Additionally, the overuse of the current natural products, which are most of the antibiotics on the market today, has led to an extreme increase in the resistance of bacteria, fungi, and parasites to the natural product-based drug. Therefore, it is essential that a method is developed to produce novel natural products at high yields to combat the antimicrobial resistance crisis. One method is by using enzymes to generate the natural products of interest. Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up reactions by ensuring that less energy is required to transition from a reactant to a product and are highly efficient. This dissertation focuses on the characterization of three enzymes that could aid in our understanding of natural product chemistry. All three enzymes insert an oxygen atom on a nitrogen of their respective reactant. The first enzyme ZvFMO, is from an insect and its reactivity causes the insect to become resistant to the natural product-based plant defense mechanism, demonstrating that ZvFMO is a great candidate for inhibitor design. OxaD is the second enzyme and is involved in producing natural products that have antimicrobial and anticancer properties. The last enzyme, CreE, is involved in generating the natural product, cremeomycin, which possesses potent antimicrobial and anticancer properties as well. The reactions of OxaD and CreE positions these enzymes as candidates to produce novel natural products and other efforts to expand their reactivity. The rates of each reaction step have been determined in this work. Key amino acids that contribute to the reaction chemistry and the uptake of the reactant have been identified, laying a solid foundation for drug discovery efforts.

Effect of Valve Seat Geometry on In-Cylinder Swirl : A Comparative Analysis Between Steady-State and Transient Approaches

Lopes, António January 2024 (has links)
The urgent need to reduce green house gas emissions from the transport sector, particularly from heavy-duty trucks, has underscored the importance of developing more efficient internal combustion engines. Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), this work investigated the impact of valve seat geometry on in-cylinder swirl, addressing a gap in research. Additionally, the suitability of steady-state simulations for providing valid qualitative data on port flow was assessed. To answer both research questions, two approaches were followed: steady-state port flow RANS simulations, and transient RANS simulations in a running engine setup. The results from the steady-state simulations highlighted the limitations of this approach to qualitatively predict swirl, as this quantity is highly dependent on the mesh. Despite these limitations, the steady-state simulations were still able to capture the trade-off between swirl and discharge coefficient, outlined in the literature. Transient simulations revealed that in-cylinder swirl is affected by the geometry of the valve seats. It was found that valve seats that direct the flow towards the liner, while avoiding strong flow separation tend to promote higher swirl, whereas valve seats that induce strong flow separation lead to lower swirl ratios. Despite the trade-off between swirl and volumetric efficiency, the volumetric efficiency losses were found to be practically negligible. The study emphasizes the need for a more comprehensive set of simulations, including more valve lifts and pressure ratios. Given the unsuitability of the steady-state simulations to predict swirl trends, future investigations should focus on replacing this approach by transient simulations with steady-state geometry and boundary conditions, properly addressing flow time-dependency at relatively low computational cost, and facilitating validation with experimental data.

Caractérisation électro-clinique des convulsions fébriles et risque d’épilepsie

Podubnaia-Birca, Ala 08 1900 (has links)
Environ 2-3% d’enfants avec convulsions fébriles (CF) développent une épilepsie, mais les outils cliniques existants ne permettent pas d’identifier les enfants susceptibles de développer une épilepsie post-convulsion fébrile. Des études ont mis en évidence des anomalies d’EEG quantifiée, et plus particulièrement en réponse à la stimulation lumineuse intermittente (SLI), chez des patients épileptiques. Aucune étude n’a analysé ces paramètres chez l’enfant avec CF et il importe de déterminer s’ils sont utiles pour évaluer le pronostic des CF. Les objectifs de ce programme de recherche étaient d’identifier, d’une part, des facteurs de risque cliniques qui déterminent le développement de l’épilepsie après des CF et, d’autre part, des marqueurs électrophysiologiques quantitatifs qui différencieraient les enfants avec CF des témoins et pourraient aider à évaluer leur pronostic. Afin de répondre à notre premier objectif, nous avons analysé les dossiers de 482 enfants avec CF, âgés de 3 mois à 6 ans. En utilisant des statistiques de survie, nous avons décrit les facteurs de risque pour développer une épilepsie partielle (antécédents prénataux, retard de développement, CF prolongées et focales) et généralisée (antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie, CF récurrentes et après l’âge de 4 ans). De plus, nous avons identifié trois phénotypes cliniques distincts ayant un pronostic différent : (i) CF simples avec des antécédents familiaux de CF et sans risque d’épilepsie ultérieure; (ii) CF récurrentes avec des antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie et un risque d’épilepsie généralisée; (iii) CF focales avec des antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie et un risque d’épilepsie partielle. Afin de répondre à notre deuxième objectif, nous avons d’abord analysé les potentiels visuels steady-state (PEVSS) évoqués par la SLI (5, 7,5, 10 et 12,5 Hz) en fonction de l’âge. Le tracé EEG de haute densité (128 canaux) a été enregistré chez 61 enfants âgés entre 6 mois et 16 ans et 8 adultes normaux. Nous rapportons un développement topographique différent de l’alignement de phase des composantes des PEVSS de basses (5-15 Hz) et de hautes (30-50 Hz) fréquences. Ainsi, l’alignement de phase des composantes de basses fréquences augmente en fonction de l’âge seulement au niveau des régions occipitale et frontale. Par contre, les composantes de hautes fréquences augmentent au niveau de toutes les régions cérébrales. Puis, en utilisant cette même méthodologie, nous avons investigué si les enfants avec CF présentent des anomalies des composantes gamma (50-100 Hz) des PEVSS auprès de 12 cas de CF, 5 frères et sœurs des enfants avec CF et 15 témoins entre 6 mois et 3 ans. Nous montrons une augmentation de la magnitude et de l’alignement de phase des composantes gamma des PEVSS chez les enfants avec CF comparés au groupe témoin et à la fratrie. Ces travaux ont permis d’identifier des phénotypes électro-cliniques d’intérêt qui différencient les enfants avec CF des enfants témoins et de leur fratrie. L’étape suivante sera de vérifier s’il y a une association entre les anomalies retrouvées, la présentation clinique et le pronostic des CF. Cela pourrait éventuellement aider à identifier les enfants à haut risque de développer une épilepsie et permettre l’institution d’un traitement neuroprotecteur précoce. / The incidence of epilepsy in children with febrile seizures (FS) varies from 2 to 3%, but available clinical tools do not allow the identification of those children who will later develop epilepsy. Evidences have shown quantitative EEG abnormalities, more particularly revealed by intermittent photic stimulation (IPS), in patients with epilepsy. No studies have yet examined quantitative EEG parameters in children with FS. It is not known either whether they can be relevant to the evaluation of FSs prognosis. The objectives of this research program were to identify, first, clinical risk factors for developing epilepsy after FS and, second, to determine quantitative EEG markers that differentiate FS patients from normal controls and may aid to evaluate their prognosis. In order to meet our first objective, we reviewed the charts of 482 children with FS, aged 3 months to 6 years. Using survival statistics, we described risk factors for developing partial (prenatal antecedents, developmental delay, prolonged and focal FS) and generalized (family history of epilepsy, recurrent FS and FS after the age of 4 years) epilepsy after FS. In addition, we identified several distinct clinical phenotypes related to the prognosis of FS: (i) simple FS with a family history of FS, not related to a subsequent epilepsy, (ii) recurrent FS with a family history of epilepsy and an increased risk of generalised epilepsy and (iii) focal FS with a family history of epilepsy and an increased risk of partial epilepsy. In order to meet our second objective, we analyzed the steady-state visual potentials (SSVEP) evoked by IPS (5, 7.5, 10 and 12.5 Hz) as a function of age. The high density EEG (128 channels) was recorded in 61 normal children between 6 months and 16 years of age and 8 adults. We showed different topographical development of low (5-15 Hz) and high (30-50 Hz) frequency SSVEP components phase alignment. Thus, low frequency phase alignment increased with age only over the frontal and occipital regions, whereas high frequency phase alignment increased over all cerebral regions. Then, using the same methodology, we investigated whether children with FS show abnormalities of gamma frequency SSVEP components. We show an increase of both magnitude and phase alignment of the gamma frequency SSVEP components in 12 FS patients compared to 5 siblings of FS patients and 15 control children between 6 and 36 months of age. This study has identified distinct electro-clinical phenotypes that differentiate FS patients from the group of siblings and controls. Future studies should investigate whether detected abnormalities are associated with the clinical presentation of FS and their prognosis. This could help identify children with FSs who will later develop epilepsy and would eventually allow the institution of an early neuroprotective treatment.

Advances in the stochastic and deterministic analysis of multistable biochemical networks

Petrides, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation is concerned with the potential multistability of protein concentrations in the cell that can arise in biochemical networks. That is, situations where one, or a family of, proteins may sit at one of two or more different steady state concentrations in otherwise identical cells, and in spite of them being in the same environment. Models of multisite protein phosphorylation have shown that this mechanism is able to exhibit unlimited multistability. Nevertheless, these models have not considered enzyme docking, the binding of the enzymes to one or more substrate docking sites, which are separate from the motif that is chemically modified. Enzyme docking is, however, increasingly being recognised as a method to achieve specificity in protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation cycles. Most models in the literature for these systems are deterministic i.e. based on Ordinary Differential Equations, despite the fact that these are accurate only in the limit of large molecule numbers. For small molecule numbers, a discrete probabilistic, stochastic, approach is more suitable. However, when compared to the tools available in the deterministic framework, the tools available for stochastic analysis offer inadequate visualisation and intuition. We firstly try to bridge that gap, by developing three tools: a) a discrete `nullclines' construct applicable to stochastic systems - an analogue to the ODE nullcines, b) a stochastic tool based on a Weakly Chained Diagonally Dominant M-matrix formulation of the Chemical Master Equation and c) an algorithm that is able to construct non-reversible Markov chains with desired stationary probability distributions. We subsequently prove that, for multisite protein phosphorylation and similar models, in the deterministic domain, enzyme docking and the consequent substrate enzyme-sequestration must inevitably limit the extent of multistability, ultimately to one steady state. In contrast, bimodality can be obtained in the stochastic domain even in situations where bistability is not possible for large molecule numbers. We finally extend our results to cases where we have an autophosphorylating kinase, as for example is the case with $Ca^{2+}$/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), a key enzyme in synaptic plasticity.

Caractérisation électro-clinique des convulsions fébriles et risque d’épilepsie

Podubnaia-Birca, Ala 08 1900 (has links)
Environ 2-3% d’enfants avec convulsions fébriles (CF) développent une épilepsie, mais les outils cliniques existants ne permettent pas d’identifier les enfants susceptibles de développer une épilepsie post-convulsion fébrile. Des études ont mis en évidence des anomalies d’EEG quantifiée, et plus particulièrement en réponse à la stimulation lumineuse intermittente (SLI), chez des patients épileptiques. Aucune étude n’a analysé ces paramètres chez l’enfant avec CF et il importe de déterminer s’ils sont utiles pour évaluer le pronostic des CF. Les objectifs de ce programme de recherche étaient d’identifier, d’une part, des facteurs de risque cliniques qui déterminent le développement de l’épilepsie après des CF et, d’autre part, des marqueurs électrophysiologiques quantitatifs qui différencieraient les enfants avec CF des témoins et pourraient aider à évaluer leur pronostic. Afin de répondre à notre premier objectif, nous avons analysé les dossiers de 482 enfants avec CF, âgés de 3 mois à 6 ans. En utilisant des statistiques de survie, nous avons décrit les facteurs de risque pour développer une épilepsie partielle (antécédents prénataux, retard de développement, CF prolongées et focales) et généralisée (antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie, CF récurrentes et après l’âge de 4 ans). De plus, nous avons identifié trois phénotypes cliniques distincts ayant un pronostic différent : (i) CF simples avec des antécédents familiaux de CF et sans risque d’épilepsie ultérieure; (ii) CF récurrentes avec des antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie et un risque d’épilepsie généralisée; (iii) CF focales avec des antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie et un risque d’épilepsie partielle. Afin de répondre à notre deuxième objectif, nous avons d’abord analysé les potentiels visuels steady-state (PEVSS) évoqués par la SLI (5, 7,5, 10 et 12,5 Hz) en fonction de l’âge. Le tracé EEG de haute densité (128 canaux) a été enregistré chez 61 enfants âgés entre 6 mois et 16 ans et 8 adultes normaux. Nous rapportons un développement topographique différent de l’alignement de phase des composantes des PEVSS de basses (5-15 Hz) et de hautes (30-50 Hz) fréquences. Ainsi, l’alignement de phase des composantes de basses fréquences augmente en fonction de l’âge seulement au niveau des régions occipitale et frontale. Par contre, les composantes de hautes fréquences augmentent au niveau de toutes les régions cérébrales. Puis, en utilisant cette même méthodologie, nous avons investigué si les enfants avec CF présentent des anomalies des composantes gamma (50-100 Hz) des PEVSS auprès de 12 cas de CF, 5 frères et sœurs des enfants avec CF et 15 témoins entre 6 mois et 3 ans. Nous montrons une augmentation de la magnitude et de l’alignement de phase des composantes gamma des PEVSS chez les enfants avec CF comparés au groupe témoin et à la fratrie. Ces travaux ont permis d’identifier des phénotypes électro-cliniques d’intérêt qui différencient les enfants avec CF des enfants témoins et de leur fratrie. L’étape suivante sera de vérifier s’il y a une association entre les anomalies retrouvées, la présentation clinique et le pronostic des CF. Cela pourrait éventuellement aider à identifier les enfants à haut risque de développer une épilepsie et permettre l’institution d’un traitement neuroprotecteur précoce. / The incidence of epilepsy in children with febrile seizures (FS) varies from 2 to 3%, but available clinical tools do not allow the identification of those children who will later develop epilepsy. Evidences have shown quantitative EEG abnormalities, more particularly revealed by intermittent photic stimulation (IPS), in patients with epilepsy. No studies have yet examined quantitative EEG parameters in children with FS. It is not known either whether they can be relevant to the evaluation of FSs prognosis. The objectives of this research program were to identify, first, clinical risk factors for developing epilepsy after FS and, second, to determine quantitative EEG markers that differentiate FS patients from normal controls and may aid to evaluate their prognosis. In order to meet our first objective, we reviewed the charts of 482 children with FS, aged 3 months to 6 years. Using survival statistics, we described risk factors for developing partial (prenatal antecedents, developmental delay, prolonged and focal FS) and generalized (family history of epilepsy, recurrent FS and FS after the age of 4 years) epilepsy after FS. In addition, we identified several distinct clinical phenotypes related to the prognosis of FS: (i) simple FS with a family history of FS, not related to a subsequent epilepsy, (ii) recurrent FS with a family history of epilepsy and an increased risk of generalised epilepsy and (iii) focal FS with a family history of epilepsy and an increased risk of partial epilepsy. In order to meet our second objective, we analyzed the steady-state visual potentials (SSVEP) evoked by IPS (5, 7.5, 10 and 12.5 Hz) as a function of age. The high density EEG (128 channels) was recorded in 61 normal children between 6 months and 16 years of age and 8 adults. We showed different topographical development of low (5-15 Hz) and high (30-50 Hz) frequency SSVEP components phase alignment. Thus, low frequency phase alignment increased with age only over the frontal and occipital regions, whereas high frequency phase alignment increased over all cerebral regions. Then, using the same methodology, we investigated whether children with FS show abnormalities of gamma frequency SSVEP components. We show an increase of both magnitude and phase alignment of the gamma frequency SSVEP components in 12 FS patients compared to 5 siblings of FS patients and 15 control children between 6 and 36 months of age. This study has identified distinct electro-clinical phenotypes that differentiate FS patients from the group of siblings and controls. Future studies should investigate whether detected abnormalities are associated with the clinical presentation of FS and their prognosis. This could help identify children with FSs who will later develop epilepsy and would eventually allow the institution of an early neuroprotective treatment.

Investigation of coherence between limbic structures in a rodent model of Parkinson's Disease

Zachrisson, Love January 2021 (has links)
Parkinson’s Disease affects 10 million people worldwide, with 40% of patients developing an associated psychosis which has been identified by studies as the number one source of caretaker distress and is related to increased mortality. This is further complicated by the fact that typical antipsychotic drugs worsen many of the motor symptoms implicated in Parkinson’s Disease, with only one commercially available drug able to ameliorate both symptoms. This problem ushers the development of novel drugs to treat these symptoms, as first tested on research animals. Complicating matters, drug effectiveness on the degree of psychosis is hard to obtain in animals without a reliable biomarker. However, a hallmark of psychotic states is thought to be the reduced coordination between brain structures, through neuronal synchronization, as demonstrated by steady-state responses and is suggested to be a potential biomarker of psychosis. By building a MATLAB software we were able to analyze the degree of neural synchronization between structures, during an auditory steady-state response, in rats that had been unilaterally lesioned by the 6-Hydroxydopamine model of Parkinson’s Disease, before and after administration of the psychotomimetic drug MK801. These rats had been chronically implanted with 128-channel multi electrode array, enabling us to measure the strength of coherence between several limbic structures, associated with auditory processing, from the sampled local field potential, identifying the degree of synchronization in the animal brain. As our data demonstrate that coherence levels dropped in the psychotic drug state, for structures in both the healthy and the Parkinsonian hemisphere, we are able to further demonstrate the validity of coherence measures as a biomarker for psychosis. These results demonstrate that our software can be used as a tool to assess the therapeutic response of drugs developed, aimed at treating Parkinson’s associated psychosis. / Parkinsons sjukdom drabbar 10 miljoner världen över, där 40% av patienterna utvecklar en associerad psykos vilket har visats vara en av de största stressfaktorerna för deras vårdgivare och är även förknippat med en högre dödlighetsgrad. Denna situation förvärras av det faktum att de vanliga antipsykotiska drogerna kan förvärra många av de motoriska symptom som utgörs av Parkinsons sjukdom och det finns i dagsläget enbart en enda kommersiell drog som kan dämpa bägge symptom samtidigt. Detta problem frammanar vidare utveckling av nya läkemedel som kan behandla dessa symptom, som innebär att de först måste testas på försöksdjur. En komplikation som uppstår i relation till detta är svårigheten att utvärdera om läkemedel har någon terapeutisk effekt på de psykotiska tillstånden, enbart genom att observera försöksdjurens beteenden, och en pålitlig biomarkör krävs istället. En lösning kan dock finnas i det faktum att psykotiska tillstånd karaktäriseras av en reducerad förmåga för olika hjärnområden att koordinera genom neural synkronisering vilket demonstreras av ‘steady- state’ responser. Detta föreslår att ett mått på graden av koordineringsförmåga kan agera som en möjlig biomarkör för psykotiska tillstånd. Genom att konstruera ett MATLAB-program kunde vi analysera graden av synkronicitet mellan hjärnstrukturer, under den auditiva steady- state responsen i råttor som hade blivit ensidigt lesionerade genom 6-Hydroxiddopamin modellen av Parkinsons sjukdom, före och efter administration av den psykotomimetiska drogen MK801. Dessa råttor hade blivit kroniskt implanterade med 128 elektroder vilket möjliggjorde att vi kunde mäta styrkan i koherens i den lokala fält potentialen mellan limbiska strukturer, som är associerade med auditiv processering, vilket möjliggjorde identifiering av3dessa strukturers synkronicitet. Vår data demonstrerar att koherensen minskade under det psykotiska drogtillståndet för limbiska strukturer både i den intakta och den lesionerade hjärnhalvan. Detta är en vidare demonstration av att koherensnivåer kan agera som en biomarkör för det psykotiska tillståndet, liksom att vår mjukvara kan nyttjas som ett verktyg för att utvärdera nya läkemedels behandlingsförmåga på Parkinsons psykos.

Optimisation évolutionnaire multi-objectif parallèle : application à la combustion Diesel / Multi-objective parallel evolutionary algorithms : Application to Diesel Combustion

Yagoubi, Mouadh 03 July 2012 (has links)
Avec la sévérisation des réglementations environnementales sur les émissions polluantes (normes Euro) des moteurs d'automobiles, la nécessité de maitriser les phénomènes de combustion a motivé le développement de la simulation numérique comme outil d'aide à la conception. Tenant compte de la complexité des phénomènes à modéliser, et de l'antagonisme des objectifs à optimiser, l'optimisation évolutionnaire multi-objectif semble être la mieux adaptée pour résoudre ce type de problèmes. Cependant, l'inconvénient principal de cette approche reste le coût très élevé en termes de nombre d'évaluations qui peut devenir très contraignant dans le contexte des optimisations réelles caractérisées par des évaluations très coûteuseL'objectif principal de ce travail de thèse est de réduire le coût global des optimisations du monde réel, en explorant la parallélisation des algorithmes évolutionnaires multi-objectifs, et en utilisant les techniques de réduction du nombre d'évaluations (méta-modèles).Motivés par le phénomène d'hétérogénéité des coûts des évaluations, nous nous proposons d'étudier les schémas d'évolution stationnaires asynchrones dans une configuration parallèle de type « maître-esclave ». Ces schémas permettent une utilisation plus efficace des processeurs sur la grille de calcul, et par conséquent de réduire le coût global de l'optimisation.Ce problème a été attaqué dans un premier temps d'un point de vue algorithmique, à travers une adaptation artificielle des algorithmes évolutionnaires multi-objectifs au contexte des optimisations réelles caractérisées par un coût d'évaluation hétérogène. Dans un deuxième temps, les approches développées et validées dans la première partie sur des problèmes analytiques, ont été appliquées sur la problématique de la combustion Diesel qui représente le contexte industriel de cette thèse. Dans ce cadre, deux types de modélisations ont été utilisés: la modélisation phénoménologique 0D et la modélisation multidimensionnelle 3D. La modélisation 0D a permis par son temps de retour raisonnable (quelques heures par évaluation) de comparer l'approche stationnaire asynchrone avec celle de l'état de l'art en réalisant deux optimisations distinctes. Un gain de l'ordre de 42 % a été réalisé avec l'approche stationnaire asynchrone. Compte tenu du temps de retour très coûteux de la modélisation complète 3D (quelques jours par évaluation), l'approche asynchrone stationnaire déjà validée a été directement appliquée. L'analyse physique des résultats a permis de dégager un concept intéressant de bol de combustion permettant de réaliser un gain en termes d'émissions polluantes. / In order to comply with environmental regulations, automotive manufacturers have to develop efficient engines with low fuel consumption and low emissions. Thus, development of engine combustion systems (chamber, injector, air loop) becomes a hard task since many parameters have to be defined in order to optimize many objectives in conflict. Evolutionary Multi-objective optimization algorithms (EMOAs) represent an efficient tool to explore the search space and find promising engine combustion systems. Unfortunately, the main drawback of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) in general, and EMOAs in particular, is their high cost in terms of number of function evaluations required to reach a satisfactory solution. And this drawback can become prohibitive for those real-world problems where the computation of the objectives is made through heavy numerical simulations that can take hours or even days to complete.The main objective of this work is to reduce the global cost of real-world optimization, using the parallelization of EMOAs and surrogate models.Motivated by the heterogeneity of the evaluation costs observed on real-world applications, we study asynchronous steady-state selection schemes in a master-slave parallel configuration. This approach allows an efficient use of the available processors on the grid computing system, and consequently reduces the global optimization cost.In the first part of this work, this problem has been studied in an algorithmical point of view, through an artificial adaptation of EMOAs to the context of real-world optimizations characterized by a heterogeneous evaluation cost.In the second part, the proposed approaches, already validated on analytical functions, have been applied on the Diesel combustion problem, which represents the industrial context of this thesis. Two modelling approaches have been used: phenomenological modelling (0D model) and multi-dimensional modelling (3D model).The 0D model allowed us, thanks to its reasonable evaluation cost (few hours per evaluation) to compare the asynchronous steady-state approach with the standard generational one by performing two distinct optimizations. A gain of 42 % was observed with the asynchronous steady-state approach.Given the very high evaluation cost of the full 3D model, the asynchronous steady-state approach already validated has been applied directly. The physical analysis of results allowed us to identify an interesting concept of combustion bowl with a gain in terms of pollutant emissions.

Vliv ethinylestradiolu na Na+, K+ - ATPázu / The effect of ethinylestradiol on Na+, K+ - ATPase

Kettnerová, Karolína January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is oriented to analysis of physiological effect of synthetic estrogen ethinylestradiol (EE), which represents the main component of steroid-based substance used in hormonal contraception. From wide range of physiologically important protein molecules, which might be effected by this steroid, thesis focuses to the study of the sodium plus potassium activated, magnesium dependent adenosinetriphosphatase (Na+, K+ - ATPase), which is selectively inhibited by cardiac glycosides such as ouabain (g strophantine). Na+, K+ - ATPase represents an important plasma membrane bound enzyme, which catalyzes the active transport of sodium and potassium across plasma membrane. In the first part of this work, Na+, K+ - ATPase was determined by binding of radioactively labeled selective inhibitor of this enzyme [3H]ouabain, used for this purpose. In the second part of this work, plasma membrane fluidity was analyzed by steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of DPH. The effect of EE on [3H]ouabain binding was studied first under in vitro conditions by using human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) which were cultivated for 24 hours in the presence of EE in tissue culture medium. Second, the effect of EE was also studied under in vivo conditions, by subcutaneous application of EE to the female rats of Wistar...

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