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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spalovací komora Stirlingova motoru o výkonu do 3 kW / Stirling engine 3kW combustion chamber

Matuška, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the construction proposal of the combustion chamber of Stirling engine. The introduction briefly describes the history and practical application of Stirlinova engine today. The following section explains the differences between theoretical and real cycle and the principle of beta Stirling engine modifications. The next section is devoted to the calculation of fuel and air consumption and fuel compared to each other. The proposed design is based not only on the calculation of fuel and air, but also heat transfer between flue gas and preheated air. The last part is devoted to calculating the flow of LPG and flow model of the combustion chamber.

Stirlingův termodynamický cyklus / The Stirling Thermodynamic Cycle

Macháček, Jan January 2009 (has links)
My doctoral thesis deals with study and analyse of Stirling thermodynamical cycle. Cycle that is composed of two isochoras and two isotherms. I describe functional principle of Stirling engine and all its parts, constructional variations of pistons system and possible engine working modes. Next chapter contains analyse of engine constructional parameters. Measuring of torque and load characteristics, p - V schemes and output work for various engine inputs is part of this analyse. There is composed mathematical engine characterization by means of Schmidt theory in chapter five. Mathematical characterization is consequently applied to engine model. Theoretical analysis and practical measurement were base for concepts, realization and verification of constructional correction. One part of my thesis is attended to design of new lamella for regenerative exchanger. For optimal lamella constructional proportions were used computational algorithm and simulations. There is concept of cogeneration unit with Stirling engine and its benefits check in last chapter. General theoretical and practical analyse of workable Stirling engine is result of my thesis. Analyse in this extent was not nowhere publishing yet. Design of regenerative exchanger lamella is then practical input of my thesis.

Aspects of waste heat recovery and utilisation (WHR&U) in pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR) technology

Senda, Franck Mulumba 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this project was on the potential application of waste heat recovery and utilisation (WHR&U) systems in pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR) technology. The background theory provided in the literature survey showed that WHR&U systems have attracted the attention of many researchers over the past two decades, as using waste heat improves the system overall efficiency, notwithstanding the cost of extra plant. PBMR waste heat streams were identified and investigated based on the amount of heat rejected to the environment. WHR&U systems require specially designed heat recovery equipment, and as such the used and/or spent PBMR fuel tanks were considered by the way of example. An appropriately scaled system was designed, built and tested, to demonstrate the functioning of such a cooling system. Two separate and independent cooling lines, using natural circulation flow in a particular form of heat pipes called thermosyphon loops were used to ensure that the fuel tank is cooled when the power conversion unit has to be switched off for maintenance, or if it fails. A theoretical model that simulates the heat transfer process in the as-designed WHR&U system was developed. It is a one-dimensional flow model assuming quasi-static and incompressible liquid and vapour flow. An experimental investigation of the WHR&U system was performed in order to validate the theoretical model results. The experimental results were then used to modify the theoretical heat transfer coefficients so that they simulate the experiments more accurately. Three energy conversion devices, the dual-function absorption cycle (DFAC), the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and the Stirling engine (SE), were identified as suitable for transforming the recovered heat into a useful form, depending on the source temperatures from 60 ºC to 800 ºC. This project focuses on a free-piston SE with emphasis on the thermo-dynamic performance of a SE heat exchanger. It was found that a heat exchanger with a copper woven wire mesh configuration has a relatively large gas-to-metal and metal-to-liquid heat transfer area. Tube-in-shell heat exchanger configurations were tested, with the working fluid flowing in ten copper inner pipes, while a coolant flows through the shell tube. A lumped parameter model was used to describe the thermo-fluid dynamic behaviour of the SE heat exchanger. In order to validate the theoretical results, a uni-directional flow experimental investigation was performed. The theoretical model was adjusted so that it simulated the SE heat exchanger. It was found that after this correction the theoretical model accurately predicts the experiment. Finally, a dynamic analysis of the SE heat exchanger experimental set-up was undertaken to show that, although vibrating, the heat exchanger setup assembly was indeed acceptable from a vibrational and fatigue point of view. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofoogmerk met hierdie projek was die moontlike aanwending van afvalhitteherwinningen- benutting-(WHR&U-) stelsels in modulêre-gruisbedreaktor-(PBMR-) tegnologie. Agtergrondteorie in die literatuurondersoek toon dat WHR&U-stelsels al menige navorser se belangstelling geprikkel het, hetsy vanweë die moontlike ekonomiese voordele wat dit inhou óf vir besoedelingsvoorkoming, bo-en-behalwe die koste van bykomende toerusting. Die PBMRafvalhittestrome is ondersoek en bepaal op grond van die hoeveelheid hitte wat dit na die omgewing vrystel. Om in die prosesbehoeftes van WHR&U-stelsels te voorsien, moet goed ontwerpte, doelgemaakte hitteherwinningstoerusting in ʼn verkoelings- en/of verhittingsproses gebruik word, dus is die PBMR as voorbeeld gebruik vir die konsep. ʼn Toepaslik geskaleerde WHR&U-stelsel is dus ontwerp, gebou en getoets om die geldigheid van die stelselontwerp te toon. Twee onafhanklike verkoelingslyne, wat van natuurlike konveksie gebruik maak, in die vorm van hitte-pype of termoheuwel lusse, was gebruik om te verseker dat verkoeling verskaf word wanneer die hoof lus breek of instandhouding nodig hê. ʼn Teoretiese model is ontwikkel wat die hitteoordragproses in die ontwerpte WHR&U-stelsel simuleer. Dié model was ʼn eendimensionele vloeimodel wat kwasistatiese en onsamedrukbare vloeistof- en dampvloei in die WHR&U-stelsel-lusse veronderstel. ʼn Eksperimentele ondersoek is op die WHR&U-stelsel uitgevoer ten einde die teoretiese model se resultate te bevestig. Die eksperimentele resultate was dus geneem om die teoretiese hitteoordragkoëffisiënte aan te pas sodat dit die eksperimente kon simuleer. Drie energieomsettingstoestelle, naamlik die dubbel funksie absorpsie siklus (DFAC), die organiese Rankine siklus (ORC) en die Stirling enjin (SE), is as geskikte toestelle uitgewys om die herwonne hitte op grond van brontemperature tussen 60 ºC en 800 ºC in ʼn bruikbare vorm om te sit. Hierdie tesis het op vryesuier-SE’s gekonsentreer, met klem op die hitteruiler. Meer bepaald is die termodinamiese werkverrigting van ʼn SE-hitteruiler ondersoek. Daar is bevind dat ʼn hitteruiler met ʼn geweefde koperdraadmaas-samestelling oor ʼn betreklik groot gas-totmetaal- en metaal-tot-vloeistof-oordragoppervlakte beskik. Die verhitter en verkoeler is in ʼn buis-in-mantel-vorm ontwerp, met die werksvloeistof wat deur tien koperbinnepype vloei en ʼn koelmiddel deur die mantelbuis. ʼn Saamgevoegde-parameter-model is gebruik om die termodinamiese gedrag van die SEhitteruiler te beskryf. Ten einde die teoretiese resultate te bevestig, is ʼn eenrigtingvloeiproefondersoek uitgevoer. Die teoretiese model is aangepas sodat dit die SE-hitteruiler kon simuleer. Ná die nodige verstellings is daar bevind dat die teoretiese model die proefneming akkuraat voorspel. Laastens was ʼn dinamiese ontleding van die SE-hitteruiler ook onderneem om te toon dat, hoewel dit vibreer, die hitteruiler proef samestel inderdaad veilig is.

Contribution à la conception et à l'optimisation thermodynamique d'une microcentrale solaire thermo-électrique / Contribution to the design and thermodynamical optimization of micro solar thermo-electric power plant

Mathieu, Antoine 23 May 2012 (has links)
En ce début de millénaire 1,4 Milliards d'humains, parmi les plus démunis de la planète, vivent dans des sites isolés et ne bénéficient pas de réseaux de distribution d'énergie. Leur besoin en électricité est modeste, mais important en terme d'usages : accès aux soins médicaux et à l'instruction, communication, développement d'économies locales. C'est face à ce constat que Schneider Electric Industries relève, depuis 2009, le défi de concevoir et réaliser des microcentrales solaires thermodynamiques, concurrentielles à d'autres solutions, pour fournir à ces populations une énergie électrique fiable et respectueuse de l'environnement. Inscrit dans le cadre de ce projet, le présent travail - réalisé en Cifre - est séquencé par l'évolution industrielle du projet. Dans un premier temps, un Etat de l'Art, étendu à une analyse de détail, a contribué à privilégier certains choix technologiques : capteurs solaires à concentration, stockage thermique à chaleur sensible et moteur de Stirling. Dans un second temps, une étude thermodynamique préliminaire a permis d'évaluer le dimensionnement d'éléments clefs du système : champ de captage solaire et stockage thermique. En complément une étude de sensibilité paramétrique du dimensionnement et des performances à divers facteurs de pertes énergétiques a souligné les points durs techniques et participé à l'orientation des travaux de conception. Enfin, l'analyse exergétique de fonctionnement de capteurs solaires et d'un moteur Stirling en régimes dynamiques stationnaires proposent des bases pour l'optimisation de contrôle et commande, visant à accroître les performances énéergétiques du système et favoriser sa viabilité thermoéconomique / As a new millenium begins, 1.4 Billion people worldwide earn less than 2 dollars daily and have no access to the power grid. The need of electric power of these people represent small energy amounts but is very important regarding to the usage : acces to healthcare and education, communication, local economic development. In reponse to the situation, since 2009, Schneider Electric Industries takes up the challenge to design and realize micro solar power plants, competitive with other solutions, to supply these people with reliable and environment-friendly electricity. Dealing with this project, this work has been realized under contract, so it follows the development sequence of the industrial project. The first part is a State of the Art of the actual solar thermodynamical technologies. This task is extended to a qualitative evaluation of various technologies, as a contribution to select adapted technologies: concentrating solar thermal receivers, sensible heat thermal storage and Stirling engine. The secon step is a preliminary thermodynamics analysis of the whole system, that allowed to evaluate key features: the size of the solar receivers area, the thermal storage volume, and overall energy performance. This task is streched by a sensitivity analysis of the sizing and performances, according to various energy losses parameters, that shows the technical hard spots of the design. Finally, an exergy-based dynamical analysis of stationary operating solar receivers and Stirling engines leads to a propostion of basis methods and criteria for the optimal control of power, in order to maximize the energy performances of the system and to enhance its competitiveness

Process Simulations of Small Scale Biomass Power Plant

Godswill, Uchechukwu Megwai January 2014 (has links)
Power generation from biomass based renewable energy technologies is a promising option in retrofitting our dependence in conventional power generation processes. The development of any society is not possible without sustainable energy and access to energy creates that environment that allows the world to thrive. Electricity access especially in developing regions of the world is of particular interest. This work provides results on electricity efficiency, the economic feasibility and environmental impact of biomass based power technologies in small scale setting using Aspen Plus software. The power generation processes analysed on standalone basis include - micro gas turbine, gas turbine, steam turbine, Stirling engine and internal combustion engine. Some of the processes are optimized in the design to suit the specific climate and available wood waste stream in Nigeria is considered in this work. Simulation results indicate that gas engines power technologies gave a better electric performance of more than 30% with its integration with biomass gasification technology in production of fuel gas. The stirling engine power technology shows a good prospect despite its yet to be commercial status. The modification of the engine (removal regenerator) gives a better electric efficiency. Also result shows that internal combustion engine process emits more of nitric oxides compared to other technologies which create doubts over its environmental compatibility. Economic studies show that for small scale power generation, internal combustion engines and stirling engines are economic feasible. Also, steam turbine and gas turbine illustrate why they are mostly applied in medium/large scale biomass power generation specially recommended to regions where more biomass resource are produced. The micro gas turbine power technology can also be applied in small scale despite its high total investment capital. Furthermore, the study shows that about from 1.8 million tonnes per year of saw dust (wood waste) produced from lumber industries in Nigeria, about 1.3 TWh of electricity can be generated from 1000 MW power plant. Power generation via the utilization of biomass prove to be a possible path to Nigeria’s economic, social and environmental sustainability but the extent to which this can achieved is strongly dependent institutional framework, investment, incentives and information policies. / Program: Masterutbildning i energi- och materialåtervinning

Modelagem e análise experimental de um protótipo didático de motor stirling / Modeling and experimental analysis of a didactic prototype stirling engine

Dias, Laura Vitória Rezende 05 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2017-01-13T13:09:46Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Laura Vitória Rezende Dias - 2016.pdf: 6797582 bytes, checksum: 102b4a133abc8e93649bbe49a562dcad (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-01-16T11:03:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Laura Vitória Rezende Dias - 2016.pdf: 6797582 bytes, checksum: 102b4a133abc8e93649bbe49a562dcad (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-16T11:03:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Laura Vitória Rezende Dias - 2016.pdf: 6797582 bytes, checksum: 102b4a133abc8e93649bbe49a562dcad (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-05 / This work is the development of a prototype for Stirling engine which was designed with the aim of understanding the machine mainly about the component parts, construction difficulties and type of relevant parameters for its performance. Starting from geometric and thermodynamic data from the prototype, with application of the Schmidt modeling, a digital program was developed to calculate values such as power output and efficiency. The prototype was also used to carryd out bench tests using a data acquisition system implemented in electronics platform Arduino Uno. Using Hall-effect and temperature sensors, following the steps of the algorithm proposed by Conner, it was possible to raise data as temperature and revolutions per minute (rpm) for the flywheel coupled to the prototype shaft, these variables made possible to estimate the power output and operational conditions such as the gas temperature in compression and expansion spaces, etc. The comparison between results from simulations and the bench tests demonstrated the great influence of prototype construction data (volumes, source temperature, etc.) on the output power and the performance of the equipment and also how far is the constructed device from the ideal model proposed by Schmidt. The experiments have shown that the prototype can reach a rotation speed up to 1.200 rpm at 159 degrees Celsius of external engine heat source, with output power of 100 milliwatt. The prototype resulting from this research, although small, has allowed the access to important information that can open paths to the construction of larger Stirling engines and consequently with output powers closer to practical use. / Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um protótipo didático de motor Stirling, que foi concebido com o intuito de compreender a máquina principalmente em relação as partes componentes, as dificuldades construtivas e os tipos de parâmetros relevantes para o desempenho. Partindo de dados geométricos e termodinâmicos do protótipo, com aplicação da modelagem de Schmidt, elaborou-se um programa digital que permite calcular grandezas como potência de saída e rendimento. Empregando o protótipo, foram também realizados ensaios em bancada de laboratório, para os quais utilizou-se um sistema de aquisição de dados implementado na plataforma eletrônica Arduino Uno. Através do uso de sensores de efeito Hall e de temperatura, seguindo os passos do algoritmo proposto por Conner, foi possível levantar dados como temperatura e revoluções por minuto (rpm) do volante acoplado ao eixo do protótipo, o que permitiu estimar sua potência de saída e as condições operacionais, como a temperatura do gás nos espaços de compressão e expansão, etc. A comparação entre a simulação computacional e os resultados dos ensaios em bancada demonstrou a influência dos dados construtivos do protótipo (volumes, temperatura da fonte, etc.) sobre a potência de saída e o rendimento do protótipo e também o quão distante está o dispositivo construído do modelo ideal proposto por Schmidt. Os resultados obtidos pelos ensaios mostraram que o protótipo alcança velocidade de rotação de até 1.200 rpm a uma temperatura de 159 graus Celsius da fonte térmica externa ao motor, com potência de saída de 100 miliwatt. O protótipo resultante desta pesquisa, apesar de pequeno porte, permitiu a obtenção de informações importantes que podem abrir caminhos para a construção de motores Stirling de maiores dimensões e consequentemente com valores de potências de saída para utilização prática.

Développement d'un modèle de prédimensionnement d'un ensemble alternateur - machine Stirling à pistons libres / Development of a preliminary design of a free piston Stirling engine coupled with a linear electrical alternator

Salquebre, Quentin 21 March 2019 (has links)
Le moteur Stirling a été développé il y’a 200 ans. Cependant son développement n’a jamais connu un grand essor. Le contexte énergétique actuel a relancé l’intérêt porté à ces machines. En effet la possibilité de le faire fonctionner à partir de n’importe quelle source de chaleur externe lui permet d’être associé à des sources d’énergie renouvelable comme l’énergie solaire. Au-delà des avantages écologiques, le développement par W. Beale à la fin des années 1960 d’un moteur Stirling à pistons libres (ou FPSE pour Free Piston Stirling Engine) a ajouté de nouveaux intérêts à un tel moteur. Cette nouvelle architecture permet au moteur de fonctionner sans système d’entrainement des pistons. Dans de telles machines, le mouvement des pistons n’est plus déterminé par la géométrie du système d’entrainement. Ces derniers sont mis en mouvement par les forces de pressions occurrents à l’intérieur du moteur. La dynamique des pistons et la thermodynamique du système sont alors couplées, rendant plus complexe la modélisation complète du système.Cette thèse présente une nouvelle technique de modélisation des machines Stirling à pistons libres, intitulée LHA5V pour Linear Harmonic Analysis 5 Volumes, permettant de coupler la thermodynamique du système et la réponse mécanique des pistons libres. Celle-ci repose alors sur la décomposition du moteur Stirling en cinq sous systèmes ouverts : deux espaces à volume variables, deux échangeurs de chaleur et le régénérateur. Nous supposons que les variables d’état varient périodiquement et le modèle détermine comment celles-ci varient en valeur moyenne, en amplitude et en phase afin de satisfaire les équations de conservation de la masse et de l’énergie. L’aspect innovant du modèle thermique repose sur la prise en compte implicite des pertes inhérentes au fonctionnement. Celles-ci ont en effet un impact direct sur le mouvement des pistons. Par ailleurs cette thèse présente également un modèle de génératrice électrique linéaire pouvant être couplé à la partie thermique. Le modèle électrique repose sur un calcul analytique de la force de poussée du stator sur la partie mobile. Le calcul des flux et du niveau d’induction dans le circuit magnétique est effectué à partir d’un réseau de perméances judicieusement paramétré.Que ce soit pour la modélisation thermique ou la modélisation électrique, chacun des modèles a été conçu pour avoir un temps de calcul faible, tout en restant le plus précis possible sur la prédiction des performances. Ceux-ci ont à chaque fois été confrontés à des données expérimentales, ou à d’autres techniques de modélisation plus fines de façon concluante. / Though the Stirling engine was invented two centuries ago, it has never really grown to a fully marketable level. The current energy context has renewed the interest in this engine. Their ability to work with any external source of heat allow them to be associated with renewable energy such as solar energy. Beyond its ecological benefits, the invention of the free piston Stirling engine by W. Beale at the end of the 1960’s further increased the interest in Stirling engines. This novel structure allows the engine to operate without mechanical interface between pistons, which are driven entirely by the gas or other spring forces. In such engines, the pistons kinematics and the system thermodynamics are intimately coupled, thus increasing the complexity of the complete system computer modelling.This PhD presents an innovative technique to model a free piston Stirling engine that takes into account the coupling between the system thermodynamics and the mechanical response of the free pistons. This technique has been named LHA5V standing for Linear Harmonic Analysis 5 Volumes. It consists in splitting the engine in five open sub-systems: the compression and expansion spaces, the heater, the cooler and the regenerator. We hypothesize that the state variables are periodic, and the model then determines the variations of their mean, amplitude and phase values in order to satisfy the mass and energy conservation equations. This PhD also presents a model for a linear electric alternator, which can be coupled to the power piston. This electrical model is based on an analytical calculation of the thrust between the stator and the magnets. Magnetic flux and induction in the iron are determined by a carefully tuned reluctance network.Both thermal and electrical models have been designed to optimize both computing time and accuracy. The models generated have systematically been compared to experimental data or finite element analysis, with satisfactory results.

Untersuchungen zur Optimierung eines solaren Niedertemperatur-Stirlingmotors / Optimization of a solar low temperature Stirling engine

Chen, Dejin 14 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertationsschrift bestand darin, für die äquatornahen Regionen mit hoher solarer Einstrahlung einen solaren Niedertemperatur-Stirlingmotor zu entwickeln, berechnen, konstruieren und fertigen, experimentelle Untersuchungen durchzuführen sowie die Ergebnisse auszuwerten. Des Weiteren war im Rahmen dieser Arbeiten die Gültigkeit der Schmidt-Theorie für den Niedertemperatur-Stirlingmotor zu überprüfen. Im Rahmen der durchgeführten Untersuchungen wurden drei Varianten des solaren Niedertemperatur-Stirlingmotors(Stirlingmotor III, IV und IV-A)konstruiert und gefertigt sowie mit Hilfe eines Sonnensimulators (800 W / m2) getestet. Zur Ermittlung der Heißgastemperatur wurde ein mathematisches Modell erstellt, dessen Gültigkeit für den solaren Niedertemperatur-Stirlingmotor durch umfangreiche Experimente bestätigt werden konnte. Die Voraussetzungen der Schmidt-Theorie sind relativ ideal und bei dem solaren Niedertemperatur-Stirlingmotor nicht erfüllt. Trotzdem ist die Schmidt-Theorie auch auf den Stirlingmotor anwendbar. Eine vereinfachte Beziehung zur Berechnung der Leistung (Gl. 3.80) wurde abgeleitet und experimentell überprüft. Die Leistungsoptimierung erfolgte unter Berücksichtigung des Einflusses von Phasenwinkel, Verdichtungsverhältnis und Drehzahl. Der optimale Bereich des Phasenwinkels liegt zwischen 60° und 100°, empfohlen wird ein Winkel von 90°. Der optimale Drehzahlbereich liegt zwischen 18 und 25 U / min. Solare Niedertemperatur-Stirlingmotoren zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie immer die maximal mögliche mechanische Leistung abgeben, indem die Drehzahl sinkt und die Heißgastemperatur steigt. Die Reduzierung des Totvolumens ist für die Leistung des Niedertemperatur-Stirlingmotors von großer Bedeutung. So konnte durch das Einbringen eines Verdrängers in den Arbeitskolben die mechanische Leistung um etwa 10 % gesteigert werden. Weiterhin konnte experimentell nachgewiesen werden, dass sowohl das Anbringen der Abdeckungsfolie als auch der Einsatz eines Regenerators wichtige Voraussetzungen für den stabilen Betrieb des solaren Niedertemperatur-Stirlingmotors sind. Beim Stirlingmotor IV-A wurde neben der kontinuierlichen auch die diskontinuierliche Bewegung des Verdrängers realisiert. Die durchgeführten Versuche haben ergeben, dass bei letzterer Bewegungsart das übertragbare mechanische Moment größer ist. Voraussetzung für die diskontinuierliche Bewegung ist ein massenloser Verdränger. Dieser wurde durch das Anbringen von Ausgleichsgewichten verwirklicht. Die entsprechenden experimentellen Arbeiten führten zu dem Ergebnis, dass im Durchschnitt eine um ca. 10 % höhere mechanische Leistung erzielt werden kann. Im Ergebnis der durchgeführten theoretischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen an den drei Varianten des solaren Niedertemperatur-Stirlingmotors kann festgestellt werden, dass mit der Maschine IV-A die günstigsten Parameter erreicht wurden. Vorteilhaft bei dieser Version sind insbesondere einfachere Fertigung, gute Abdichtung, kleinere Strömungsverluste sowie eine um etwa 2 K niedrigere Kaltgastemperatur. Der Stirlingmotor IV-A sollte Prototyp für Feldtest werden.

Applications of Stirling engine in sustainable development : context-experimental and numerical study / Applications du moteur Stirling dans un contexte de développement durable : étude numérique et expérimentale

Li, Ruijie 06 July 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail, un moteur Stirling de type Gamma alimenté par énergie solaire avec une faible différence de température a été étudié numériquement et expérimentalement. Un nouveau modèle appelé Polytropic Stirling Model with Losses (PSML) a été proposé et appliqué au moteur GPU-3 Stirling. Un cryoréfrigérateur basé sur un moteur Stirling intégral de type Alpha a été étudié numériquement, après avoir mesuré ses dimensions géométriques au laboratoire. Pour le moteur Stirling de type gamma du laboratoire, le modèle ait thermodynamique à vitesse finie et le modèle isotherme a été développé, incluant les bilans de masse et d’énergie à travers les différents volumes (compression, régénération et expansion) dans le moteur. Différents types de pertes thermiques et mécaniques ont été considérés dans le modèle afin d'analyser les processus thermodynamiques et les pertes dans le moteur Stirling. En outre, des études paramétriques sur les performances du moteur Stirling alimenté à l’énergie solaire ont également été étudiées expérimentalement et numériquement. La comparaison entre les résultats expérimentaux et les résultats de simulation à différents déphasages entre le déplaceur et le piston, et à différentes course de piston montre que le modèle est convaincant dans la prédiction des performances du moteur Stirling. Basé sur la méthode thermodynamique en dimension physique finie, une méthode d’algorithme génétique multi-objectives, objectifs étant la puissance fournie, le rendement énergétique et le taux de génération d'entropie a été utilisé pour optimiser la fonction et la géométrie du moteur du type Gamma. En comparant avec la méthode d'optimisation écologique, la méthode multi-objectif permet de mieux équilibrer les trois objectifs. Le nouveau modèle (PSML) proposé pour prédire les performances du moteur de type Bêta ou Gamma du moteur Stirling, il divise l'espace de travail en 5 parties (volume de compression, refroidisseur, régénérateur, chauffage et volume d'extension). Une liaison entre volume de compression et volume d'extension a été ajoutée dans le modèle adiabatique classique du moteur Stirling. Ainsi, des processus polytropiques ont été considérés dans les volumes de compression et d'expansion du moteur Stirling. Le moteur Stirling GPU-3 a été utilisé pour valider le nouveau modèle. Il a été démontré que le nouveau modèle (PSML) prédit correctement la puissance de sortie et le rendement du moteur. Dans la dernière partie de la thèse, un Cryorefroidisseur Stirling de type Alpha, a été étudié en utilisant un modèle isotherme prenant en considération différentes pertes. Les volumes de compression et d'expansion sont considérés isothermes, et la variation de la température du régénérateur est considéré linéaire. Les bilans d'énergie et d'exergie du Cryorefroidisseur ont été réalisés, et l'effet de divers paramètres sur la performance (puissance de refroidissement et puissance mécanique consommée) est étudié. Les résultats de la simulation pour PPG-102 Stirling cryocooler ont été comparés avec deux autres résultats de simulation de la littérature et des résultats expérimentaux indiquant que ce modèle est convaincant pour prédire la performance du Cryorefroidisseur. / In this work a solar powered low temperature difference Gamma type Stirling engine has been studied experimentally and numerically using an isothermal model coupled with various losses and using an objective optimization. A new model named Polytropic Stirling Model with Losses (PSML) has been proposed which was applied to the Beta type GPU-3 Stirling engine. An Alpha type integral Stirling cryocooler has been studied numerically using an isothermal model with losses. To study a Gamma type Stirling engine of our laboratory, an isothermal model coupled with finite speed method has been developed, including mass and energy balances through different spaces of the engine. The engine is divided into 3 volumes: compression volume, regeneration volume, and expansion volume. Different kind of thermal and mechanical losses have been considered in the model, in order to analyze thermodynamic processes and losses in the Stirling Engine. In addition, parameter effects on the performance of the solar powered gamma type Stirling engine have also been studied experimentally and numerically. The comparison between the experimental results and the simulation results at different phase shift between the displacer and the piston, and at different piston stroke shows that the model is convincing to predict the Stirling engine performance. Based on the Finite Physical Dimensional Thermodynamic method, a multi-objective genetic method considering output power, thermal efficiency and entropy generating rate as objective functions simultaneously, has been used to multi-objective optimize the Gamma type Stirling engine. Comparing with the ecological optimization method, the multi-objective method can better balance the three objective goals. The new model (PSML) proposed in the thesis for predicting performance of Beta or Gamma type of Stirling engine divides the working space into 5 parts (compression volume, cooler, regenerator, heater, and expansion volume). A bypass linking compression volume and expansion volume has been added in the classic adiabatic model of Stirling engine. Thus, polytropic processes have been considered in the compression and expansion volumes of the Stirling engine. The GPU-3 Stirling engine has been used to validate the new model. It was shown that the new model (PSML) predict well the output power and the thermal efficiency of the engine well. An isothermal model considering various losses was developed and presented in the last part of this thesis to study an Alpha type Stirling cryocooler, whose geometrical dimensions were measured in our laboratory. The compression and expansion volumes are supposed to be isothermal, the variation of the regenerator temperature is supposed to be linear. Energy and exergy balances of the cryocooler were developed. The effect of various parameters on the cryocooler performance (cooling power and input power) are investigated. The simulation results for PPG-102 Stirling cryocooler were compared with two other simulation results of the literature and with experimental results which indicated that this model is convincing to predict the performance of the Stirling cyocooler

Desenvolvimento experimental de um motor stirling tipo gama / Experimental development of a stirling engine gamma type

Cruz, Vinicius Guimarães da 06 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T14:59:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2663529 bytes, checksum: 5f0d6dec066e59a555afa41866bdae84 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The current paper develops an experimental Stirling engine Gama type. Different settings of this type of engine are presented (alpha, beta and gamma), along with the Stirling Cycle Definition and the mathematical modeling for each setting. It´s been Proceed a mathematical analysis based on the Stirling Theory, which is the method based upon the isothermical compression and expansion of an ideal gas, put to analysis by a computer software, determining the dependency between the engine s construction and functioning parameters. Bibliography used takes over the main Stirling engine settings and various working conditions, fed by a numerous types of fuels. The experimental part of the paper is assembling of a Stirling engine gamma type containing no regenerator, therefore, having the air as its working fluid, using electrical resistances as heat source, also a water jet at ambiance temperature to cool down the compression and heat exchanger. Engine tests were performed at atmospheric pressure, temperatures from 100 to 600 °C, 100 to 400 rpm rotations. The results are presented in graphics and are questioned. / O presente trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento experimental de um motor Stirling tipo gama. São apresentadas inicialmente as diferentes configurações deste tipo de motor (alfa, gama e beta), a definição do ciclo de Stirling e a modelagem matemática para cada configuração. Uma análise matemática é feita através da teoria de Schmidt, que é um método baseado na compressão e expansão isotérmica de um gás ideal, implementada em programa computacional permitindo determinar a dependência entre os parâmetros construtivos e de funcionamento do motor. A revisão bibliográfica contempla as principais configurações de motores Stirling e várias condições de funcionamento, alimentados por diversos tipos de combustíveis. A parte experimental do trabalho é a montagem de um protótipo de motor Stirling tipo gama sem regenerador tendo o ar como fluido de trabalho, utilizando resistências elétricas como fonte de calor e um fluxo de água a temperatura ambiente para o resfriamento do trocador de calor de compressão. Os testes do motor serão realizados a pressão atmosférica, para temperaturas de 100 a 600 °C e rotações de 100 a 400 rpm, os resultados são apresentados em gráficos e discutidos.

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