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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Du silence à l'ouvrage, coudre le poids des matériaux modestes / Silence at work, stitching the weight of modest materials

Lombarde, Elodie 05 December 2014 (has links)
Coudre le poids des matériaux modestes est l’enjeu plastique de mon travail depuis plusieurs années. Par une extraction et une exploration du modeste au sein d’assemblages cousus, s’est ouvert un questionnement sur la sculpture. La thèse Du silence à l’ouvrage, témoigne de leur passage de futiles à surfaces planes au sein de suspensions et interroge leur fragilité et poids théorique. En détournant les usages traditionnels, je couds des assemblages qui silencieusement interroge le quotidien, le savoir-faire, l’ordre apparent des choses et des représentations. Je tisse une constellation d’interprétations, de formes et de références dont la force symbolique et politique se révèle dans le modeste. Les formes sculpturales découlent de ce préexistant, négocient avec lui et l’agencent. Elles ne naissent pas d’une modification provenant de l’extérieur mais de la matérialité des matériaux les composant. Une chute où les matières racontent leur tragédie et épuisent leur possible, pour devenir des formes empathiques aux poids symboliques. Mes recherches exposent les assemblages cousus pour révéler les tensions inhérentes à la matière et sa provenance. / Stitching the weight of modest materials is the fundamental question; it is the heart of my research these past several years. Modest mediums are able to raise questions about sculpture by extraction and exploration of their materiality in stitched assemblies. The thesis Du silence à l’ouvrage shows their passage from futile object to flat surface in suspensions and tell their fragility and their theoretical weight. Turning away from traditional uses, I sew assemblies that silently asks every day, knowledge, the apparent order of things and representations. I weave a constellation of interpretations, shapes and items whose symbolic and political force is revealed in the modest. Sculptural forms derive from the pre-existing, negotiates with it and arranges it. The sculpture is born more from an external change than from the materiality of its components. It is a fall where materials recount their tragedy and deplete their potential becoming empathetic forms of symbolic weight. My research demonstrates stitched assemblies and reveals the tensions inherent in the material and its provenance.

Entwicklung einer Verfestigungseinrichtung an einer Multiaxial-Nähwirkmaschine

Hausding, Jan 17 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Eine nachträgliche Verfestigung von nähgewirkten multiaxialen Gelegen führt zu einer verbesserten Ausnutzung der Verstärkungsfadeneigenschaften. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Lösungsansätze für eine entsprechende Verfestigungseinrichtung gesucht und bewertet. Drei Anlagenvarianten wurden durch die Kombination verschiedener Verfahren (Strahlungswärme, die Kombination aus Wärme und Druck sowie Walzenbeschichtung) und Bindemittel (Thermoplaste in verschiedenen Aufmachungen, Beschichtungsmassen) entworfen. Sie bieten auf die Einsatzzwecke Produktion, Laborbetrieb und geringster Aufwand abgestimmte Eigenschaften. / The additional stabilization of open grid warp knits provides a better exploitation of the reinforcing yarns. To realize such an additional stabilization, various possible methods have been examined and assessed. Three different types of stabilization installations have been developed by combining the most promising technologies (infrared radiation, combination of heat and pressure, roll coater) and binding agents (thermoplastics, liquid agents). These installations offer special fea-tures for different needs: production, laboratory and least expense.

Stitched transmission lines for wearable RF devices

Daniel, Isaac H. January 2017 (has links)
With the rapid growth and use of wearable devices over the last decade, the advantages of using portable wearable devices are now been utilised for day to day activities. These wearable devices are designed to be flexible, low profile, light-weight and smoothly integrated into daily life. Wearable transmission lines are required to transport RF signals between various pieces of wearable communication equipment and to connect fabric based antennas to transmitters and receivers; the stitched transmission line is one of the hardware solutions developed to enhance the connectivity between these wearable devices. Textile manufacturing techniques that employ the use of sewing machines alongside conductive textile materials can be used to fabricate the stitched transmission line. In this thesis the feasibility of using a sewing machine in fabrication of a novel stitched transmission line for wearable devices using the idea of a braided coaxial cable have been examined. The sewing machine used is capable of a zig-zag stitch with approximate width and length within the range of 0-6 mm and 0-4mm respectively. The inner conductor and the tubular insulated layer of the stitched transmission lines were selected as RG 174, while the stitched shields were made up of copper wires and conductive threads from Light Stiches®. For shielding purpose, the structure is stitched onto a denim material with a conductive thread with the aid of a novel manufacturing technique using a standard hardware. The Scattering Parameters of the stitched transmission line were investigated with three different stitch angles 85°, 65° and 31° through simulation and experiments, with the results demonstrating that the stitched transmission line can work usefully and consistently from 0.04 to 4GHz. The extracted Scattering parameters indicated a decrease in DC loss with increased stitch angle and an increase in radiation loses, which tends to increase with increase in frequency. The proposed stitched transmission line makes a viable transmission line but a short stitch length is associated with larger losses through resistance. The DC losses observed are mainly influenced by the resistance of the conductive threads at lower frequencies while the radiation losses are influenced by the wider apertures related to the stitch angles and increase in frequency along the line. The performances of the stitched transmission line with different stitch patterns, when subjected to washing cycles and when bent through curved angles 90° and 180° were also investigated and results presented. Also, the sensitivity of the design to manufacturing tolerances was also considered. First the behaviour of the stitched transmission line with two different substrates Denim and Felt were investigated with the results indicating an insignificant increase in losses with the Denim material. Secondly, the sensitivity of the design with variations in cross section dimensions was investigated using numerical modelling techniques and the results showed that the impedance of the stitched transmission line increases when the cross sectional dimensions are decreased by 0.40mm and decreases when the cross sectional dimensions are increased by 0.40mm. Equally, repeatability of the stitched transmission line with three different stitch angles 85°, 65° and 31° were carried out. The results were seen to be consistent up to 2.5GHz, with slight deviations above that, which are mainly as a result of multiple reflections along the line resulting in loss ripples. The DC resistance of the stitched transmission line with three different stitch angles 85°, 65° and 31° corresponding to the number of stitches 60,90 and 162 were computed and a mathematical relationship was derived for computing the DC resistance of the stitch transmission line for any given number of stitches. The DC resistance computed results of 25.6Ω, 17.3Ω and 13.1Ω, for 31°, 65° and 85° stitch angles, indicated an increase in DC resistance of the stitch with decrease in stitch angle which gives rise to an increase in number of stitches. The transfer impedance of the stitched transmission line was also computed at low frequency (< 1GHz) to be ZT=(0.24+j1.09)Ω, with the result showing the effectiveness of the shield of the stitched transmission line at low frequency (< 1GHz).

Leather properties as a function of cattle breed

Stenzel, Sandra, Schröpfer, M., Prade, I., Meyer, Michael 28 June 2019 (has links)
Content: Since hundreds of years, tanners share the opinion that hides from different cattle breeds lead to varying leather qualities. Especially European hides from the alpine region (e. g. Simmentaler or brown origin) are preferred by tanners. These leathers feature a higher thickness, a maximum utilisation induced by a minor thickness difference over the whole area and a lower tensile strength in contrast to leathers from other breeds. However, are these alpine hides better because of their breed affiliation or because they are kept in special regional conditions? It is known that, besides the breed, also other factors can influence the rawhide and leather quality like age, gender, nutrition and climate conditions. In addition, present dairy and beef cattle are high-performance cattle by breeding, which leads to more crossbreeds than 100 years ago. Our intention was to find out, whether leather quality nowadays is still a function of breed or not. For that purpose, 40 rawhides from four different cattle breeds (Angus, Charolais, Simmentaler, Limousin) were collected from the Saxon region. From each breed, five male and five female rawhides were collected. The age of each individual was restricted to two years. All 40 rawhides were tanned with the same technology for furniture leather. Leather quality was characterized by determining chemical and physical parameters. Chemical parameters included collagen content, fat content and ignition lost (DIN 181218). The physical parameters were tensile strength (DIN EN ISO 3376), elongation at break (DIN EN ISO 3376) and stitch tear resistance (DIN EN ISO 23910). The analyses revealed that the chemical parameters were identical for all examined breeds. For this reason, the chemical composition of a cattle skin is irrespective of breed origin. The tensile strength of the leathers showed only a small significant difference between Angus and Limousin (p= 0.05). Leathers from Limousin hides showed significantly different elongations at break compared to Angus, Charolais and Simmentaler. The stitch tear resistance varied in nearly all breeds. Significant differences were detected between all breeds except between Angus and Charolais as well as Angus and Simmentaler. Plotting the measured physical values against gender or age of the individuals showed no correlation. In summary, only minor differences between the cattle breeds were found. But this tendency must be confirmed by a larger quantity of test individuals. For this purpose, an analysis is planed with 100 individuals from different breeds and crossbreeds. Take-Away: Many tanners share the opinion that hides from different attle breeds lead to varying leather qualities. We found only minor differences of the physical parameters between the cattle breeds with a random sample of 10 individuals per breed. To confirm this tendency, an analysis is planed with 100 individuals from different breeds and crossbreeds.

Broder la pornographie. À la recherche d'un désir féminin / Stitching pornography. Looking for feminine desire

Lauvaux, Léonie 20 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’attache à questionner l’utilisation de la pornographie dans la « broderie subversive » par les plasticiennes. Cette démarche semble a priori paradoxale. Pourquoi, les plasticiennes brodent-elles des images de femmes objectivées ? Pourquoi utiliser la broderie alors que cette pratique est considérée comme un passe-temps féminin ? Pourquoi s’emparer de la pornographie, faite par les hommes pour les hommes ? L’analyse d’un large corpus d’œuvres brodées, au prisme des « gender studies » et des « porn studies », permet de saisir les enjeux de cette démarche singulière. Les plasticiennes utilisent un médium caractérisé comme essentialiste pour déconstruire de « l'intérieur » les valeurs patriarcales transmises par la tradition du tissu, posture basée sur une succession de paradoxes. Ainsi, par la représentation brodée du sexuel, voir même de leur sexualité, les plasticiennes sont amenées à questionner leur propre identité de genre. Le sexuel brodé permet de se réapproprier son corps et son imaginaire, de s'interroger personnellement sur son identité (par l'utilisation d'un médium a priori genré). Cette construction du « moi » est soumise à un double paradoxe, tout d'abord celui de l'utilisation d'un médium féminin, subverti par le détournement artistique, et d'images objectivant les corps des femmes alors qu'il s'agit de se les réapproprier. Dans l'exploration de ces deux paradoxes, dans leur confrontation, dans cet espace, peut alors se penser l'identité (de femme et d'artiste) dans une société androcentrée. / This thesis aims to interrogate how women artists use pornography in the subversiv stitch. This reflection might seem paradoxical. Why do women artists embroider pictures of objectified women ? Why use embroidery ? And why appropriate pornography that is made by men for men ? The analysis of a large corpus of embroiedered works, though the lens of gender studies and porn studies, allows to seize the issues of this peculiar approach. Women artists use a medium defined as essentialist to decompose – from the inside – the patriarchal values inherited from the textile tradition. Through the embroidered representation of the sexual – even of their own sexuality – women artist are led to question their own gender identity. The Embroidered sexual allows one to reappropriate their body and imaginary – and to interrogate themself about their identity (through a medium primarily perceived as gendered). This construction of the self is submitted to a double paradox, hich is the use of a feminine medium – subverted by artistic hijacking – and pictures of objectified female bodies, whereas the whole purpose is actually to reappropriate those bodies. Somewhere between those paradoxes might emerge and be thought the identity – of woman and artist – in a androcentric society.

Caracterização microestrutural e mecânica de juntas soldadas com aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 pelo processo Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP) e Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW)

Figueiredo, Arlan Pacheco January 2017 (has links)
Aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID) são materiais amplamente utilizados para uma grande variedade de aplicações desde a indústria química, de alimentos, petroquímica, naval, farmacêutica, energia nuclear e em muitos outros campos devido à combinação de suas excelentes propriedades mecânicas e de resistência à corrosão. Particularmente na indústria petroquímica, os aços AID’s são muito utilizados como materiais estruturais para a construção de gasodutos que transportam altos volumes de CO2 e na confecção das camadas internas dos tubos flexíveis (oleodutos offshore), utilizadas na produção de óleo. A soldagem a arco dos AID’s pode acarretar, dependendo das taxas de resfriamento envolvidas, a formação de precipitados de segunda fase que degradam suas propriedades mecânicas. Um processo alternativo para evitar o problema de precipitação de fases indesejáveis é a utilização do processo de soldagem/reparo por fricção com pino consumível (SFPC). O objetivo do presente trabalho é a caracterização metalúrgica e mecânica de juntas de solda de aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 obtidas através dos processos SFPC e de soldagem de costura por fricção (SCF). Na soldagem SCF, o objetivo do estudo foi a verificação da influência do passo de soldagem na formação e alteração das estruturas e nas propriedades mecânicas. Os resultados dos ensaios foram comparados com as propriedades obtidas do material base (MB) “como recebido”. A partir das juntas soldadas obtidas por fricção, foram extraídos corpos de prova para ensaios de microtração e Charpy para avaliação da resistência mecânica e da resistência ao impacto. Análises da microestrutura em microscopia ótica (MO) e perfis de microdurezas ao longo da região de solda também foram realizadas. Verificou-se que os processos de soldagem SFPC e SCF provocam um intenso refinamento de grão na zona de mistura (região da interface entre material do pino e da base), modificando a estrutura lamelar de grãos alongados da matriz ferrítica/austenítica, ocasionado por uma ação conjunta de aquecimento e deformação plástica oriunda do processo de solda por fricção. Os resultados dos ensaios de microtração indicam que as juntas soldadas aumentaram sua resistência mecânica com relação ao material base, fato que se deve ao aumento da quantidade da ferrita na zona termomecanicamente afetada (ZTMA), à formação de nitretos de cromo no centro dos grãos ferríticos e ao refino de grão. O aumento da quantidade de ferrita na ZTMA ocorre devido às altas taxas de resfriamento envolvidas no processo de soldagem e verificados por análise térmica. As elevadas taxas de resfriamento dificultam a difusão do nitrogênio que tem um importante papel no equilíbrio de fases da estrutura duplex (ferrita-austenita), na soldagem. O nitrogênio aprisionado no interior do grão ferrítico produz nitretos de cromo deixando de agir como elemento gamagênico aumentando a quantidade da fase ferrita. As juntas soldadas verificadas apresentaram tenacidade aceitável de acordo com o exigido pela norma ASTM A923. / Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are materials widely used for a variety of applications from the chemical, food, petrochemical, marine, pharmaceutical, nuclear industry and other fields due to the combination of their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Particularly in the petrochemical industry, the DSS’s steels are extensively used as structural materials for the construction of gas pipelines that carry high volumes of CO2 and making the inner layers of flexible pipes (pipelines offshore) used in offshore oil production. The arc welding of DSS's can lead, depending on cooling rates involved, the formation of second phase precipitates which degrade their mechanical properties. An alternative method to avoid the problem of precipitation of unwanted phase is to use the welding process Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP). The aim of this work is the metallurgical and mechanical characterization of joints welds of UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel obtained through FHPP processes and Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW). In FTSW welding, the objective of the study was to verify the influence of the welding step on the formation and alteration of structures and mechanical properties. The test results were compared with the properties of the obtained base material "as received". From the welds joints obtained by friction welding, specimens for microtensile testing and charpy were extracted to evaluate the mechanical strength and toughness. Microstructural analysis in optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microhardness profiles along the weld region were also performed. It was found that the welding process FHPP and FTSW causes an intense grain refinement in bonding zone, modifying the lamellar structure of elongate grains of matrix ferritic/austenitic, caused by action of heating and plastic deformation arising from the welding process by friction. The results of the microtensile tests indicate that the welded joints increased their mechanical resistance with respect to the base material, due to the increase in the amount of the ferrite in the thermomechanically affected zone (ZTMA), the formation of chromium nitrides in the center of ferritic grains and grain refining. The increase in the amount of ferrite in the ZTMA occurs due to the high cooling rates involved in the welding process and verified by thermal analysis. The high cooling rates difficult the nitrogen diffusion, which plays an important role in the phase equilibrium of the duplex structure (ferrite-austenite) in welding. The nitrogen trapped inside the ferritic grain produces chromium nitrides ceasing to act as gamogenic element by increasing the amount of the ferrite phase. The welds joints verified also had acceptable ductility and toughness according required by standard ASTM A923.

Caracterização microestrutural e mecânica de juntas soldadas com aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 pelo processo Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP) e Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW)

Figueiredo, Arlan Pacheco January 2017 (has links)
Aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID) são materiais amplamente utilizados para uma grande variedade de aplicações desde a indústria química, de alimentos, petroquímica, naval, farmacêutica, energia nuclear e em muitos outros campos devido à combinação de suas excelentes propriedades mecânicas e de resistência à corrosão. Particularmente na indústria petroquímica, os aços AID’s são muito utilizados como materiais estruturais para a construção de gasodutos que transportam altos volumes de CO2 e na confecção das camadas internas dos tubos flexíveis (oleodutos offshore), utilizadas na produção de óleo. A soldagem a arco dos AID’s pode acarretar, dependendo das taxas de resfriamento envolvidas, a formação de precipitados de segunda fase que degradam suas propriedades mecânicas. Um processo alternativo para evitar o problema de precipitação de fases indesejáveis é a utilização do processo de soldagem/reparo por fricção com pino consumível (SFPC). O objetivo do presente trabalho é a caracterização metalúrgica e mecânica de juntas de solda de aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 obtidas através dos processos SFPC e de soldagem de costura por fricção (SCF). Na soldagem SCF, o objetivo do estudo foi a verificação da influência do passo de soldagem na formação e alteração das estruturas e nas propriedades mecânicas. Os resultados dos ensaios foram comparados com as propriedades obtidas do material base (MB) “como recebido”. A partir das juntas soldadas obtidas por fricção, foram extraídos corpos de prova para ensaios de microtração e Charpy para avaliação da resistência mecânica e da resistência ao impacto. Análises da microestrutura em microscopia ótica (MO) e perfis de microdurezas ao longo da região de solda também foram realizadas. Verificou-se que os processos de soldagem SFPC e SCF provocam um intenso refinamento de grão na zona de mistura (região da interface entre material do pino e da base), modificando a estrutura lamelar de grãos alongados da matriz ferrítica/austenítica, ocasionado por uma ação conjunta de aquecimento e deformação plástica oriunda do processo de solda por fricção. Os resultados dos ensaios de microtração indicam que as juntas soldadas aumentaram sua resistência mecânica com relação ao material base, fato que se deve ao aumento da quantidade da ferrita na zona termomecanicamente afetada (ZTMA), à formação de nitretos de cromo no centro dos grãos ferríticos e ao refino de grão. O aumento da quantidade de ferrita na ZTMA ocorre devido às altas taxas de resfriamento envolvidas no processo de soldagem e verificados por análise térmica. As elevadas taxas de resfriamento dificultam a difusão do nitrogênio que tem um importante papel no equilíbrio de fases da estrutura duplex (ferrita-austenita), na soldagem. O nitrogênio aprisionado no interior do grão ferrítico produz nitretos de cromo deixando de agir como elemento gamagênico aumentando a quantidade da fase ferrita. As juntas soldadas verificadas apresentaram tenacidade aceitável de acordo com o exigido pela norma ASTM A923. / Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are materials widely used for a variety of applications from the chemical, food, petrochemical, marine, pharmaceutical, nuclear industry and other fields due to the combination of their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Particularly in the petrochemical industry, the DSS’s steels are extensively used as structural materials for the construction of gas pipelines that carry high volumes of CO2 and making the inner layers of flexible pipes (pipelines offshore) used in offshore oil production. The arc welding of DSS's can lead, depending on cooling rates involved, the formation of second phase precipitates which degrade their mechanical properties. An alternative method to avoid the problem of precipitation of unwanted phase is to use the welding process Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP). The aim of this work is the metallurgical and mechanical characterization of joints welds of UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel obtained through FHPP processes and Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW). In FTSW welding, the objective of the study was to verify the influence of the welding step on the formation and alteration of structures and mechanical properties. The test results were compared with the properties of the obtained base material "as received". From the welds joints obtained by friction welding, specimens for microtensile testing and charpy were extracted to evaluate the mechanical strength and toughness. Microstructural analysis in optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microhardness profiles along the weld region were also performed. It was found that the welding process FHPP and FTSW causes an intense grain refinement in bonding zone, modifying the lamellar structure of elongate grains of matrix ferritic/austenitic, caused by action of heating and plastic deformation arising from the welding process by friction. The results of the microtensile tests indicate that the welded joints increased their mechanical resistance with respect to the base material, due to the increase in the amount of the ferrite in the thermomechanically affected zone (ZTMA), the formation of chromium nitrides in the center of ferritic grains and grain refining. The increase in the amount of ferrite in the ZTMA occurs due to the high cooling rates involved in the welding process and verified by thermal analysis. The high cooling rates difficult the nitrogen diffusion, which plays an important role in the phase equilibrium of the duplex structure (ferrite-austenite) in welding. The nitrogen trapped inside the ferritic grain produces chromium nitrides ceasing to act as gamogenic element by increasing the amount of the ferrite phase. The welds joints verified also had acceptable ductility and toughness according required by standard ASTM A923.

Caracterização microestrutural e mecânica de juntas soldadas com aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 pelo processo Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP) e Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW)

Figueiredo, Arlan Pacheco January 2017 (has links)
Aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID) são materiais amplamente utilizados para uma grande variedade de aplicações desde a indústria química, de alimentos, petroquímica, naval, farmacêutica, energia nuclear e em muitos outros campos devido à combinação de suas excelentes propriedades mecânicas e de resistência à corrosão. Particularmente na indústria petroquímica, os aços AID’s são muito utilizados como materiais estruturais para a construção de gasodutos que transportam altos volumes de CO2 e na confecção das camadas internas dos tubos flexíveis (oleodutos offshore), utilizadas na produção de óleo. A soldagem a arco dos AID’s pode acarretar, dependendo das taxas de resfriamento envolvidas, a formação de precipitados de segunda fase que degradam suas propriedades mecânicas. Um processo alternativo para evitar o problema de precipitação de fases indesejáveis é a utilização do processo de soldagem/reparo por fricção com pino consumível (SFPC). O objetivo do presente trabalho é a caracterização metalúrgica e mecânica de juntas de solda de aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 obtidas através dos processos SFPC e de soldagem de costura por fricção (SCF). Na soldagem SCF, o objetivo do estudo foi a verificação da influência do passo de soldagem na formação e alteração das estruturas e nas propriedades mecânicas. Os resultados dos ensaios foram comparados com as propriedades obtidas do material base (MB) “como recebido”. A partir das juntas soldadas obtidas por fricção, foram extraídos corpos de prova para ensaios de microtração e Charpy para avaliação da resistência mecânica e da resistência ao impacto. Análises da microestrutura em microscopia ótica (MO) e perfis de microdurezas ao longo da região de solda também foram realizadas. Verificou-se que os processos de soldagem SFPC e SCF provocam um intenso refinamento de grão na zona de mistura (região da interface entre material do pino e da base), modificando a estrutura lamelar de grãos alongados da matriz ferrítica/austenítica, ocasionado por uma ação conjunta de aquecimento e deformação plástica oriunda do processo de solda por fricção. Os resultados dos ensaios de microtração indicam que as juntas soldadas aumentaram sua resistência mecânica com relação ao material base, fato que se deve ao aumento da quantidade da ferrita na zona termomecanicamente afetada (ZTMA), à formação de nitretos de cromo no centro dos grãos ferríticos e ao refino de grão. O aumento da quantidade de ferrita na ZTMA ocorre devido às altas taxas de resfriamento envolvidas no processo de soldagem e verificados por análise térmica. As elevadas taxas de resfriamento dificultam a difusão do nitrogênio que tem um importante papel no equilíbrio de fases da estrutura duplex (ferrita-austenita), na soldagem. O nitrogênio aprisionado no interior do grão ferrítico produz nitretos de cromo deixando de agir como elemento gamagênico aumentando a quantidade da fase ferrita. As juntas soldadas verificadas apresentaram tenacidade aceitável de acordo com o exigido pela norma ASTM A923. / Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are materials widely used for a variety of applications from the chemical, food, petrochemical, marine, pharmaceutical, nuclear industry and other fields due to the combination of their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Particularly in the petrochemical industry, the DSS’s steels are extensively used as structural materials for the construction of gas pipelines that carry high volumes of CO2 and making the inner layers of flexible pipes (pipelines offshore) used in offshore oil production. The arc welding of DSS's can lead, depending on cooling rates involved, the formation of second phase precipitates which degrade their mechanical properties. An alternative method to avoid the problem of precipitation of unwanted phase is to use the welding process Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP). The aim of this work is the metallurgical and mechanical characterization of joints welds of UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel obtained through FHPP processes and Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW). In FTSW welding, the objective of the study was to verify the influence of the welding step on the formation and alteration of structures and mechanical properties. The test results were compared with the properties of the obtained base material "as received". From the welds joints obtained by friction welding, specimens for microtensile testing and charpy were extracted to evaluate the mechanical strength and toughness. Microstructural analysis in optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microhardness profiles along the weld region were also performed. It was found that the welding process FHPP and FTSW causes an intense grain refinement in bonding zone, modifying the lamellar structure of elongate grains of matrix ferritic/austenitic, caused by action of heating and plastic deformation arising from the welding process by friction. The results of the microtensile tests indicate that the welded joints increased their mechanical resistance with respect to the base material, due to the increase in the amount of the ferrite in the thermomechanically affected zone (ZTMA), the formation of chromium nitrides in the center of ferritic grains and grain refining. The increase in the amount of ferrite in the ZTMA occurs due to the high cooling rates involved in the welding process and verified by thermal analysis. The high cooling rates difficult the nitrogen diffusion, which plays an important role in the phase equilibrium of the duplex structure (ferrite-austenite) in welding. The nitrogen trapped inside the ferritic grain produces chromium nitrides ceasing to act as gamogenic element by increasing the amount of the ferrite phase. The welds joints verified also had acceptable ductility and toughness according required by standard ASTM A923.

Entwicklung einer Verfestigungseinrichtung an einer Multiaxial-Nähwirkmaschine

Hausding, Jan 12 March 2004 (has links)
Eine nachträgliche Verfestigung von nähgewirkten multiaxialen Gelegen führt zu einer verbesserten Ausnutzung der Verstärkungsfadeneigenschaften. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Lösungsansätze für eine entsprechende Verfestigungseinrichtung gesucht und bewertet. Drei Anlagenvarianten wurden durch die Kombination verschiedener Verfahren (Strahlungswärme, die Kombination aus Wärme und Druck sowie Walzenbeschichtung) und Bindemittel (Thermoplaste in verschiedenen Aufmachungen, Beschichtungsmassen) entworfen. Sie bieten auf die Einsatzzwecke Produktion, Laborbetrieb und geringster Aufwand abgestimmte Eigenschaften. / The additional stabilization of open grid warp knits provides a better exploitation of the reinforcing yarns. To realize such an additional stabilization, various possible methods have been examined and assessed. Three different types of stabilization installations have been developed by combining the most promising technologies (infrared radiation, combination of heat and pressure, roll coater) and binding agents (thermoplastics, liquid agents). These installations offer special fea-tures for different needs: production, laboratory and least expense.

Detección de defectos en telas poliéster utilizando técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes

Aguilar Lara, Pedro Alexis, Tueros Gonzales, Jhon Jobany January 2015 (has links)
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo la implementación de algoritmos para la detección de defectos en las telas poliéster. Como sabemos, desde sus inicios la industria ha utilizado avances tecnológicos no sólo para optimizar los procesos de fabricación sino también para mejorar la calidad de los productos. Ahora, si bien, no es posible evitar las fallas que alteran la calidad de las telas poliéster, sí es posible su detección mediante una inspección visual dentro del proceso de fabricación. En el presente estudio se realizó algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes mediante el uso de librerías del software LabView para la detección de defectos en las telas poliéster, basándonos en muestras de telas con manchas comunes (MC), manchas de aceite (MA) y puntadas erróneas (PE), las cuales nos permitieron realizar varias pruebas experimentales, utilizando un módulo de pruebas a pequeña escala el cual fue fabricado según el tamaño de las muestras de tela, con la utilización de la técnica de iluminación lateral doble, y basándonos en el análisis del histograma de la imagen original de las muestras de telas, se lograron obtener parámetros numéricos que permitieron la detección de manchas comunes, manchas de aceite y puntadas erróneas, basado en el histograma de cada imagen, el cual muestra la cantidad de píxeles (tamaño de imagen) y la intensidad que se encuentra comprendido en un rango de 0-255 (siendo 0 el valor mínimo y 255 el valor máximo), se logró parametrizar numéricamente cada rango de valores de detección para el caso de MC un rango de valores de intensidad de cada pixel, obteniendo como resultado un intervalo de detección para MC de 0-195 y para el caso de las MA obteniendo como resultado un intervalo de detección de 167-194, que ayudaron en la realización del algoritmo para cada tipo de defecto, que validaron lo planteado en un inicio en la presente investigación. This project takes the implementation of algorithms to detect faults in fabrics polyester. Now, though, it is not possible to avoid the faults that alter the quality of fabrics polyester, the detection is possible by means of a visual inspection of the product inside the manufacturing process. This study carried out algorithms of image processing through the use of libraries from LabView software for detection of defects in fabrics polyester, based on samples of fabrics with Common Stains (MC), Oil Stains (MA) and Erroneous Stitches (PE), which allowed us to carry out several experimental tests, using a module of small scale tests which was manufactured according to the size of the fabric samples , using the technique of double side lighting, and based on histogram analysis, we have managed to obtain parameters that allowed the detection of Common Stains, Oil Stains and Erroneous Stitches. In the case of common stains, was parameterized numerically every range of detection values for the case of MC a range of values of each pixel intensity, resulting in a detection interval for 0-195 MC and the case of the MA resulting in a 167-194 detection interval.

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