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Uždarųjų akcinių bendrovių darbuotojų kvalifikacijos kėlimo poreikiai ir galimybės / Private limited companies staff development needs and opportunitiesSiliūtė, Rasa 29 June 2009 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniai techologijų pasiekimai pakeitė verslo pasaulį. Tokia kaita įtakoja bendrąją politiką, įpareigodama UAB darbuotojų poreikį mokytis visą gyvenimą ir įteisinti kaip vieną iš pagrindinių prioritetų. Mokymas tampa jau nebe epizodine patirtimi, o nuolatine gyvenimo dalimi. Vadinasi, mokymosi galimybės turi būti prieinamos visiems visais gyvenimo tarpsniais ir bet kurioje aplinkoje. Suaugusiųjų mokymui ypač svarbus kompetencijomis grįstas mokymas, suteikiantis žinių ir gebėjimų, kurias UAB darbuotojai galėtų taikyti praktiškai. O praktiškai taikyti žinias yra svarbu ir aktualu dabartinėje kintančioje visuomenėje. Tuo tarpu mokymasis darbo vietoje yra ypač svarbus. Todėl mokyti UAB darbuotojus ir kelti jų profesinę kvalifikacija, tai pačių įmonių interesai ir poreikiai. Tai sąlygoja susidariusios priežastys, kaip mokslo ir technikos pažanga, reikalaujanti naujų specialistų, nuolatinė darbo pobūdžio kaita. UAB darbuotojų reikiamų kompetencijų neturėjimas sunkina bei mažina galimybes sėkmingai veikti darbo rinkoje. Vadinasi, UAB darbuotojų mokymasis ir kvalifikacijos kėlimas bendrovei naudingas, kadangi didina lankstumą ir skatina motyvacijos augimą. / Modern techniques achievements changed the business world. This change affects the general policy, imposing the JSC employees need for lifelong learning and the validation of one of the main priorities. At the same time, lifelong learning is not only government institutions, educational institutions, and the JSC's concerns and the willingness of workers to remain competitive in the labor market. Training is no longer episodic experience, and a permanent part of life. Thus, learning opportunities must be available to all in all life, and in any environment. Adult education is particularly important skills-based training, knowledge and skills to JSC employees to apply in practice. A practical application of knowledge is important and relevant to the current changing society. While the job training is crucial. Therefore, the training of workers and JSC to raise their professional qualifications, the same corporate interests and needs. JSC staff in addressing the professional qualification of the problem of the use of the private company, as well as external qualification of the potential of the system. Determines the competitiveness of the company's key factors, the tools, staff skills and qualifications, abilities and qualifications of managers. However, there is a major problem, the JSC, employers are not convinced that the training of workers will benefit, taking into account the economic levels of today.
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Průběh valné hromady akciové společnosti / The course of the general meeting of a joint-stock companyNovotný, Radek January 2014 (has links)
The course of the general meeting of a joint-stock company The aim of this thesis is to describe the procedure of the convening and the course of the general meeting of a joint-stock company according to the new Law No. 90/2012 Coll., on commercial companies and cooperatives. The regulation of the convening and the course of the general meeting is highly important, because the general meeting is the supreme body of joint stock company, which is exclusively authorized to decide on the fundamental corporate issues. Structure of this thesis is divided into 5 chapters. The first chapter is general, introductory and it describes the definition, the regulation and the organization of the joint stock company. The second chapter is devoted to the question of the proper convention of the general meeting, which is the basic assumption to the valid course of the general meeting. In the first part of this chapter are defined reasons for convention of the general meeting and bodies of the company entitled to this step. The second part of this chapter is devoted to the methods of publication and the content of the invitation to the general meeting. The third chapter identifies issues related to participation in the general meeting. It describes forms of the participation in the general meeting and related issues, the...
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Průběh valné hromady akciové společnosti / The course of a general meeting of a joint-stock companyKocián, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
- The course of a general meeting of a joint-stock company This diploma thesis, thematically divided into four chapters, is focused on the course of general meetings of Czech joint-stock companies as governed by the Act no. 90/2012 Coll., on Commercial Companies and Cooperatives as well as some other Acts in specific matters. The goal of this thesis is to describe the individual topics and issues related to the course of a general meeting beginning with its convocation, through its course (in strict sense) and ending with adopted resolution. This thesis works primarily with all the accessible information sources such as available study books, legal commentaries, articles and especially the relevant case law of Czech courts related to the topic of this thesis. Analytical and partly comparative methodology was used for the purpose of writing this thesis. General meeting of a joint-stock company as it supreme corporate body decides on the fundamental issues of the company and at the same time serves the company's shareholders, which are (through the general meeting) able to participate on the management of the company. For this reason, the legal regulation of general meetings of joint-stock companies is quite elaborate. Nevertheless, a number of interpretational issues related to this topic exist, as...
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Představenstvo akciové společnosti a postavení jeho členů / The Board of Directors of a joint stock company and the position of its membersŠula, Marek January 2011 (has links)
Board of Directors of a joint-stock company and position of its members Board of Directors of a joint-stock company is a body whose powers can be divided in two major fields of activity. The first one is called business management and involves organization and conducting of business within the company. The second one includes the right to act on behalf of the company in relations to third parties. The aim of my thesis is to analyze issues related to the so called "concurrence of duties" which has recently become very relevant and there is still no generally accepted solution. Concurrence of duties can be defined as a situation, where a member of the Board of Directors performs, besides his duties, other duties for the company (different from his duties of a member of the Board of Directors) as an employee of the company. These concurrent duties are based on different legal rules, so e.g. the respective liability for damage in connection to the performance of such duties, possibilities of termination of the legal relationship between such person and the company or tax and insurance payment conditions are regulated differently. The problem is that it is unclear how such person is to be considered - whether he/she is a member of the Board of Directors or an employee. I tried to analyze the current...
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Porovnání založení a vzniku společnosti s ručením omezeným a akciové společnosti / Comparison of foundation and creation of a limited liability company and a joint stock companyFišer, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The first part of this thesis describes in general the limited liability company, the advantages and disadvantages it provides to its partners and it is explained why this company form is continuously the most popular business entity type. The second part of this paper introduces the joint stock company, basic terms used in joint stock company law and the advantages and disadvantages this company type provides to its shareholders. Crux of this thesis is in the third part, that describes the process of foundation of both company types and their subsequent enrolment in the companies register. Emphasis is placed on the differences between both company types that the partners and shareholders have to deal with, especially in regard to the content of the Memorandums of Associations of both companies.
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Finanční analýza vybraného zdravotnického zařízení / Financial Analysis in a chosen Health-Care FacilityKonopčíková, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work is to give a comprehensive overview of the financial situation of the health-care facility and analyze the facility available in the longer time series using the methods of financial analysis. Find the weakest position in the financing of the facility and try to assign a structural analysis problem of cost centers as a tool for managerial decision-making.
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Komparace právní úpravy akciové společnosti v České republice a Rusku / The comparison of the regulation of joint-stock company in the Czech Republic and in RussiaPolach, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide the reader with basic information about doing business in Russia and about options of entering this market (entering in cooperation with a local partner, establishment of commercial representation, a subsidiary, a company and about specifics of joint ventures in Russia). The second and the main aim of this thesis is to compare the Czech and Russian regulation of the joint-stock company and this way to draw the attention of the people interested in establishment of this type of corporation to main differences compared to a well-known Czech law. After a general introduction the main part of this thesis if focused on comparison of the most important parts of the regulation which determine the functioning of the joint-stock company -- regulation of the shared issued by the company, rights and duties of the shareholders, bodies of the company.
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Právní postavení akcionáře dle zákona o obchodních korporacích / Legal status of shareholder pursuant to the Business Corporations ActZahradníček, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
Shareholder is an essential part of a joint stock company. No joint stock company can exist without its shareholders. Although, due to the nature of a joint stock company shareholders are not entitled to direct exercise of executive functions in the company, they may influence the operation of the join-stock company using their shareholder's rights. In connection with participation in the company, shareholders have also other rights, in particular right to a profit share or to a liquidation share. Special rights are granted to a minority shareholders (or qualified shareholders), due to their weaker position in the company. In addition, shareholders must fulfill certain obligations towards the company, in particular to fulfill a contribution obligation and to behave loyally towards the company. The aim of this thesis is to describe in general all the rights and obligations of shareholders, i.e. to describe its legal status in the company pursuant to the Business Corporations Act. The Business Corporations Act is effective for a relatively short time (as of 1 January 2014) and though it is largely based on the repealed Commercial Code, the interpretation of certain provisions may raise more questions than answers. Therefore, this thesis also seeks to point out possible ambiguities of this new legislation and to offer a solution to them.
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Komparace právní úpravy a.s. a spol. s ručením omezeným v Ruské federaci a ČR / Comparison of legal regulations of the joint-stock company and the limited liability company in the Russian Federation and the Czech RepublicKareva, Evgeniya January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is aimed at the comparison of legal regulations of the joint-stock company and the limited liability company in Russian and Czech law. The comparison of characteristic features takes place in basic provisions, constitution of the company, administrative bodies and dissolution of a company. The last chapter describes trends in enterprise in Russian Federation and current economic situation in this country including recommendations for foreign investors.
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Squeeze-out v úpravě zákona o obchodních korporacích / Squeeze-out as regulated in the Business Corporations ActNedoma, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to analyse new legal regulation of squeeze-out in the Business Corporations Act, the act that replaces former legal regulation of corporations contained in the repealed Commercial Code. The reason for my research is, apart from introducing the new legal concept of squeeze-out, to focus on new features of particular aspects of the squeeze-out process, explain reasons for their implementation into the Czech legislation and interpret problematic provisions of the new legal squeeze-out regulation in the light of existing Czech case-law and interpretations of Czech legal theorists. The thesis is composed of introduction, four chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the squeeze-out process and conclusion. Chapter One is introductory and deals with constitutional establishment of squeeze-out in the Czech legislation. Chapter Two examines legal premises for realization of squeeze-out. The chapter consists of two parts. Part One focuses on the person entitled to initiate squeeze-out and on legal conditions that the person must match. Part Two deals with requirements on application for initiation of the squeeze-out process. Chapter Three is subdivided into six parts and focuses on realisation of the squeeze- out process. Part One discusses attestation of financial...
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