Spelling suggestions: "subject:"c.further training"" "subject:"butfurther training""
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Další vzdělávání ředitele školy v mezinárodním kontextu - komparace České republiky, Bavorska, Severního Porýní-Vestfálska a Skotska / Further Education of a School Headmaster in an International Context - Comparison of the Czech Republic, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and ScotlandJícha, Zbyněk January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to answer the following question: "Are school headmasters in different European countries comparable?" The author deals with the subject of further training of school headmasteres in the Czech Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany (Bavaria and North Rhine - Westphalia) and Scotland. With the help of selected research methods which were a questionnaire and interviews with headmasters he is trying to report on the opportunities of their further training in selected countries. The author finds out that further training of headmasters focuses primarily on managerial and vocational training. The necessity of further qualification of executives arises from the fact that nowadays headmasters have to meet a wide range of requirements in terms of their competence which they receive through good specialised training. The information obtained can serve as a model or methodological recommendation as in each country the managerial training follows different qualifying models. KEYWORDS: lifelong training, further training of teachers, further training of headmasters, headmaster competence, competence profile, qualifying model
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FoodWeb 2.0Sträfling, Nicole, Ganster, Tina, Krämer, Nicole, Grundnig, Sophia, Malzahn, Nils, Hoppe, H. Ulrich 26 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Das Poster stellt einen Ansatz für den Einsatz von Web-2.0-Technologien in der Weiterbildung in der Ernährungsindustrie dar. Neben der Unterstützung von Blended Learning Szenarien werden auch selbstständiges Lernen sowie der informelle Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen den Teilnehmern ermöglicht und gefördert.
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Emotional intelligence, need for cognition and cognitive reflective ability related to attitudes towards a further training program among preschool staffLundgren, Joakim January 2017 (has links)
There are currently scarce research regarding further training programs and employees’ attitudes toward them. This present work examined 95 preschool employees from one municipal community in matters of emotional intelligence, need for cognition, and cognitive reflective ability and how these influenced their attitudes toward a further training program called International Child Development Programme, ICDP (study 1). Six participants were also interviewed in regards to more organizational aspects of the ICDP-training and their experiences of the program’s implementation in the actual worksituation (study 2). The results of study 1 showed a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and attitudes toward the program. Study 2 revealed lack of follow-ups and sustainability of the program in the real-life work-situation. Suggestions for countering these flaws as well as a more individually focused approach in embracing, applying and maintaining the teachings of a further training program are discussed.
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Vzdělávání ředitele školy - komparace České republiky, Bavorska a Severního Porýní-Vestfálska / Education of a School Headmaster - Comparison of the Czech Republic, Bavaria and North Rhine-WestphaliaJícha, Zbyněk January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to answer the following question: ‚Is it possible to compare qualification training and forms of further training of headmasters in different countries?' The author of this thesis deals with headmaster training in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany (Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia). He obtained information about education systems and education opportunities in these countries through selected research methods which were a questionnaire and interviews with school headmasters. The need for proper managerial qualification of headmasters necessary for them to meet requirements for discharge of the function is proved by the fact that today headmasters have to cope with demands made on their competency readiness which they can receive through good specialized training. The information obtained can be used as a pattern or methodical recommendations because in every country the managerial education follows different qualifying models. KEYWORDS: lifelong training, further training of teachers, professional career, further training of headmasters, headmaster competence, competence profile, qualifying model
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Uždarųjų akcinių bendrovių darbuotojų kvalifikacijos kėlimo poreikiai ir galimybės / Private limited companies staff development needs and opportunitiesSiliūtė, Rasa 29 June 2009 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniai techologijų pasiekimai pakeitė verslo pasaulį. Tokia kaita įtakoja bendrąją politiką, įpareigodama UAB darbuotojų poreikį mokytis visą gyvenimą ir įteisinti kaip vieną iš pagrindinių prioritetų. Mokymas tampa jau nebe epizodine patirtimi, o nuolatine gyvenimo dalimi. Vadinasi, mokymosi galimybės turi būti prieinamos visiems visais gyvenimo tarpsniais ir bet kurioje aplinkoje. Suaugusiųjų mokymui ypač svarbus kompetencijomis grįstas mokymas, suteikiantis žinių ir gebėjimų, kurias UAB darbuotojai galėtų taikyti praktiškai. O praktiškai taikyti žinias yra svarbu ir aktualu dabartinėje kintančioje visuomenėje. Tuo tarpu mokymasis darbo vietoje yra ypač svarbus. Todėl mokyti UAB darbuotojus ir kelti jų profesinę kvalifikacija, tai pačių įmonių interesai ir poreikiai. Tai sąlygoja susidariusios priežastys, kaip mokslo ir technikos pažanga, reikalaujanti naujų specialistų, nuolatinė darbo pobūdžio kaita. UAB darbuotojų reikiamų kompetencijų neturėjimas sunkina bei mažina galimybes sėkmingai veikti darbo rinkoje. Vadinasi, UAB darbuotojų mokymasis ir kvalifikacijos kėlimas bendrovei naudingas, kadangi didina lankstumą ir skatina motyvacijos augimą. / Modern techniques achievements changed the business world. This change affects the general policy, imposing the JSC employees need for lifelong learning and the validation of one of the main priorities. At the same time, lifelong learning is not only government institutions, educational institutions, and the JSC's concerns and the willingness of workers to remain competitive in the labor market. Training is no longer episodic experience, and a permanent part of life. Thus, learning opportunities must be available to all in all life, and in any environment. Adult education is particularly important skills-based training, knowledge and skills to JSC employees to apply in practice. A practical application of knowledge is important and relevant to the current changing society. While the job training is crucial. Therefore, the training of workers and JSC to raise their professional qualifications, the same corporate interests and needs. JSC staff in addressing the professional qualification of the problem of the use of the private company, as well as external qualification of the potential of the system. Determines the competitiveness of the company's key factors, the tools, staff skills and qualifications, abilities and qualifications of managers. However, there is a major problem, the JSC, employers are not convinced that the training of workers will benefit, taking into account the economic levels of today.
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Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų pedagogų kompetencijų ugdymas / Competence development of high school teachers in LithuaniaPumputytė, Rasa 11 July 2011 (has links)
Mokymosi visą gyvenimą samprata šiuolaikiniame jos raidos etape numato sisteminę dermę tarp skirtingų besimokantį individą supančių aplinkų: visuomenės, rinkos, valstybės. Siekiant sukurti mokymosi visą gyvenimą perspektyvą nacionaliniame kontekste, būtina nustatyti nuolatinio švietimo prioritetus (visuomenės, rinkos, valstybės atžvilgiu) ir strategijoje užtikrinti jų sisteminę dermę.
Darbe analizuojama teorinė pedagogų kompetencijos ir kvalifikacijos kėlimo medžiaga: pateikiama kvalifikacinių kategorijų samprata, naujųjų mokytojų vaidmenų palyginimas su senaisiais, nagrinėjamos kompetencijos bei jų reikšmė mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimui. Pateikiama teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimą bei su juo susijusių procesų apžvalga, institucinė struktūra, atsakinga už kvalifikacijos kėlimą bei jų indėlis į kvalifikacijos kėlimo procesą. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į naująjį 2007 metais rugpjūčio 3 dieną priimtą Europos Bendrijų Komisijos komunikatą Tarybai ir Europos Parlamentui „Dėl mokytojų rengimo kokybės gerinimo“.
Praktiniu tyrimu nustatyta, kad pedagogai kvalifikacijos kėlimą traktuoja kaip labai svarbų ir rimtą savo profesijos sudėtinę dalį; mokytojai daugiausia informacijos apie kvalifikacijos kėlimą sulaukia iš mokyklos administracijos arba kolegų; ryški tendenciją į mokytojų gaunamą kvalifikaciją seminarų, metodinio darbo ir paskaitų formas; didesnė dalis mokytojų nurodė, kad savišvieta jie užsiima kartais, tas pats pasakytina ir apie darbą komandoje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The lifelong learning concept in the modern stage of its development provides a systematic conformity between the individual learners and the surrounding: society, market, state. In order to establish a lifelong learning perspective of the national context, it is necessary to set priorities for continuing education (public market, public relation), and the strategy to ensure their systematic conformity.
Paper analyzes theoretical aspects of teachers’ education: content of qualifying category is given, comparing of new and old teachers certification system is discusses, competency and its meaning for teacher’s education is also presented. Legislative of teachers’ education is presented as well as institutional structure and its implication on the educational process. New Communication from the commission to the council and the European parliament „Improving the quality of teacher education” brought on 2007-08-03 is pointed out.
Practical research pointed out that education is being handled as being very important part of profession by teachers; main information about education is released from school administration or colleagues; bigger part of teachers pointed out that self-education is not being used very often; teachers feels lack of possibilities to raise their qualification in foreign countries; among all of the respondents negative approach onto refresher courses preponderated.
In order to change public attitudes from learning for life to lifelong learning is necessary... [to full text]
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FoodWeb 2.0: Entwicklung, Erprobung und Evaluation von Web-2.0-Technologien zur Stärkung von Bildung und InnovationSträfling, Nicole, Ganster, Tina, Krämer, Nicole, Grundnig, Sophia, Malzahn, Nils, Hoppe, H. Ulrich 26 October 2011 (has links)
Das Poster stellt einen Ansatz für den Einsatz von Web-2.0-Technologien in der Weiterbildung in der Ernährungsindustrie dar. Neben der Unterstützung von Blended Learning Szenarien werden auch selbstständiges Lernen sowie der informelle Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen den Teilnehmern ermöglicht und gefördert.
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Contribution de l'intérêt situationnel à une reconsidération de la satisfaction dans la formation pour adultes / Contribution of situational interest in the reconsideration of adult training satisfactionYennek, Nora 18 November 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un rapprochement conceptuel entre deux formes de réactions en formation : la satisfaction, telle qu’elle est appréhendée dans le modèle de Kirkpatrick (1959a, 1959b, 1960a, 1960b), et l’intérêt situationnel tel qu’il est conceptualisé par Mitchell (1993), selon la perspective développementale de l'intérêt de Hidi et Renninger (2006). Pour atteindre cet objectif, dix études ont été réalisées. Les quatre premières études ont permis de développer et de valider deux questionnaires, le premier permettant de mesurer la satisfaction en formation, le second l’intention de retour en formation. Ces études apportent un soutien à une considération de la satisfaction en formation comme une satisfaction client puisqu’elle permet de prédire l’intention de retour en formation. Les cinq études suivantes ont permis de développer et de valider deux questionnaires : l’intérêt pour la formation, qui distingue l’intérêt individuel et l’intérêt situationnel, et l’intérêt thématique. Elles ont permis par ailleurs de proposer une modélisation de ces trois formes d’intérêt à partir de la distinction d'Ainley, Hidi, et Berndorff (2002). Enfin, la dixième étude a permis de mettre à l’épreuve un modèle de la satisfaction en formation prenant appui sur le modèle conceptuel de l’intérêt situationnel de Mitchell. Cette thèse a été menée dans le cadre d'une Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche (CIFRE) en collaboration avec l'Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT) et l’Institut de formation des industries de santé (Ifis) auprès de plus de 1100 salariés des industries de santé ayant suivi une formation présentielle à l’Ifis. / The aim of this thesis was to provide a conceptual link between two types of reactions in training: satisfaction, as it is understood in the Kirkpatrick model (1959a, 1959b, 1960a, 1960b), and situational interest as it is conceptualized by Mitchell (1993), with the developmental approach of interest by Hidi and Renninger (2006). The initial four studies have allowed us to develop and validate two surveys, the first to measure training satisfaction and the second to measure the intention to return for further training. These studies provide a basis for considering training satisfaction similar to customer satisfaction since it predicts intention to return for further training. Moreover, five other studies have allowed us to develop and validate two measurement tools: training interest, distinguishing individual interest and situational interest, as well as topic interest. These studies have also allowed us to build a model of three forms of interest with regards to the distinction of Ainley, Hidi, and Berndorff (2002). Finally, the tenth study challenges the model of training satisfaction based on the conceptual model of situational interest of Mitchell.This thesis was conducted as part of an Industrial Agreement for Research Training (CIFRE) in collaboration with the “Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie” (ANRT) and the “Institut de formation des industries de santé” (Ifis) with more than 1,100 French professionals from the pharmaceutical industry who received training at Ifis.
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Vi som undervisar : En normkritisk undersökning av lärarhandledningar i sexualitet och samlevnad, för undervisning i språkintroduktionsklasserGuy, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
This essay deals with teachers’ guides on teaching about sexuality and personal relationships, in particular guides focusing on introductory programmes in languages in upper secondary school and teaching adult immigrants Swedish. The aim is to investigate how the teachers’ guides function as further training for teachers. In Sweden 2016, the number of pupils enrolled in language introductory programmes was rapidly increasing. The number of participants in Swedish language for immigrants was also growing quickly. Teachers are in need of further training in sex and sexuality education and instruction in general, and particularly in this teaching context. It is hard to find teachers with sufficient competence in the field, due to the current general lack of skilled teachers in Sweden. Research on teachers’ guides in Sweden is underdeveloped and previous research on the topic of this essay is virtually non-existent, which makes this a pilot study of sorts. The study focuses on text-analysis, function and normativity. The results show that teachers’ guides respond to teachers’ needs and demands. These specific teachers’ guides affect each other through intertextuality. The norms imbedded in the language used in the teachers’ guides have an influence on teachers reading them.
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