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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet larvicide des huiles essentielles sur Stomoxys calcitrans à la Réunion

Bastien, Fanny Jacquiet, Philippe. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Reproduction de : Thèse d'exercice : Médecine vétérinaire : Toulouse 3 : 2008. / Titre provenant de l'écran titre. Bibliogr. p. 75-77.

Characterization of aging bovine manure in relation to stable fly (Diptera: muscidae) adult and larval presence

Haas, Merrilee Susan. January 1986 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1986 H32 / Master of Science / Entomology

Avalia??o das les?es de pele e do leucograma em coelhos (Oryctolagus cuniculus) infestados por Stomoxys calcitrans (L) (D?ptera:Muscidae). / Evaluation of skin lesions and hematology changes in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) caused by Stomoxys calcitrans (L) (D?ptera:Muscidae)

Chagas, Walker Nunes 27 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:16:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2009 - Walker Nunes Chagas.pdf: 2208171 bytes, checksum: 4a3ea912994eedc94099aff215e6bce1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-27 / This experiment aimed to evaluate and compare the macro and microscopic changes in the skin of rabbits caused by the bites of Stomoxys calcitrans, for different levels, repeat attacked and not attacked animals. The profile of leukocyte expression in circulating blood also was analyzed. The experiment was conducted at the Technical College UFRRJ, in the municipality of Serop?dica (RJ). Thirty male New Zealand White rabbits, with 96 to 105 days of age, were divided into five groups, each with six animals and subjected to bites of S. calcitrans in one ear, with three, seven and 14 flies respectively. Another group was submitted to repeat bites of 14 flies, and the fifth group was not submitted to S. calcitrans (control). Forty-eight hours after the attack, fragments of skin were colleted for histopathological. Blood samples also were colleted for hematology. The macroscopic histopathological findings indicate that the bites led to the development dermatitis. Microscopically, 19 rabbits (79,2%) developed hyperkeratosis. Three animals evidenced acanthosis. Also in three animals were observed crusts of exudation with red blood cells and cellular debris. One of these rabbits showed erosive lesions associated with the crust and slight spongiosis. The interstitial edema, classified as slight to moderate, was present in 18 animals (75%). Dilated lymphatic vessels were found in 15 rabbits (62.5%). Eleven attacked rabbits showed interstitial hemorrhage (45.8%). Twenty-two rabbits in the experimental group (91.7%) showed congestion of blood vessels. Some kind of inflammatory infiltration was observed in 15 attacked rabbits (62.5%), whilst no rabbit in the control group showed this change. Thirteen rabbits (54.2%) showed inflammatory infiltrates of predominantly polymorphonuclear and eosinophilic cells, and 14 rabbits (58.3%) evidenced of mononuclear cells, predominantly histiocytes, but not mast cells. The animals submitted to repeat bites showed reduction of leukocytes. The other attacked animals showed reduction of lymphocytes and eosinophils and increase to neutrophils and monocytes. / O presente experimento teve como objetivos avaliar as altera??es macro e microsc?picas na pele de coelhos, causadas pelas picadas da mosca Stomoxys calcitrans, em rela??o a diferentes intensidades de infesta??o, a re-infesta??o e a animais n?o parasitados, bem como analisar e descrever a resposta leucocit?ria sang??nea, nos animais dos diferentes grupos. O Experimento foi conduzido no Col?gio T?cnico da UFRRJ, no munic?pio de Serop?dica (RJ). Trinta coelhos machos, Nova Zel?ndia brancos, com idade entre 96 e 105 dias, foram divididos em cinco grupos, com seis animais cada e submetidos ?s infesta??es experimentais por S. calcitrans em uma das orelhas, com tr?s, sete e quatorze moscas respectivamente. Um outro grupo foi submetido ? reinfesta??o, quinze dias ap?s, com quatorze moscas e no quinto grupo os coelhos n?o foram submetidos ?s picadas (controle). Quarenta e oito horas ap?s a infesta??o, foram realizadas a coleta de fragmentos de pele para avalia??o histopatol?gica e pun??o venosa, com realiza??o de esfrega?o sangu?neo para leucocitoscopia. No momento da realiza??o das bi?psias n?o foram observadas altera??es macrosc?picas significativas e os achados histopatol?gicos indicaram que as infesta??es nos animais deste experimento determinaram o desenvolvimento de dermatites do tipo perivascular e intersticial. Microscopicamente, dezenove animais (79,2%) apresentaram hiperqueratose ortocerat?tica compacta. Tr?s apresentaram acantose e crostas serocelulares (exudativas), com hem?cias e debris celulares. Um destes coelhos apresentou les?o erosiva associada ? crosta e discreta espongiose. O edema intersticial, classificado como discreto a moderado, estava presente em 18 animais (75%). Foi evidenciada linfangectasia em 15 coelhos (62,5%). Onze coelhos do grupo experimental apresentaram hemorragia intersticial (45,8%). Vinte e dois coelhos do grupo experimental (91,7%) apresentaram congest?o dos vasos sangu?neos. Algum tipo de infiltrado inflamat?rio foi observado em 15 coelhos (62,5%) dos grupos experimentais, enquanto que nenhum coelho do grupo controle apresentou esta altera??o. Treze coelhos (54,2%) apresentaram infiltrado inflamat?rio de polimorfonucleares, predominantemente eosinof?lico e 14 (58,3%) de mononucleares, predominantemente histioc?tico, onde n?o foi evidenciada a presen?a de mast?citos. Os animais submetidos ? reinfesta??o apresentaram leucopenia e nos demais grupos experimentais foi observado linfocitopenia, eosinopenia, e heterofilia e monocitose. Os achados histopatol?gicos s?o compat?veis com as rea??es de hipersensibilidade do tipo I. Os coelhos infestados por mais moscas apresentaram resposta inflamat?ria mais intensa e nos animais submetidos ? reinfesta??o as altera??es teciduais se apresentam com maior intensidade. A infesta??o por S. calcitrans e a intensidade desta, determina altera??es no leucograma dos coelhos. Na reinfesta??o por S. calcitrans, o leucograma ? compat?vel com o de uma rea??o cr?nica.

Avalia??o experimental de Lecanicillium lecanii no controle biol?gico de Stomoxys calcitrans / Experimental evaluation of Lecanicillium lecanii in biological control of Stomoxys calcitrans

ALVES, Paula Sant?ana 26 February 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Leticia Schettini (leticia@ufrrj.br) on 2016-08-29T16:13:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Paula Sant?ana Alves.pdf: 1049254 bytes, checksum: 295fd608eecdae86916f71cbebfc389e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T16:13:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Paula Sant?ana Alves.pdf: 1049254 bytes, checksum: 295fd608eecdae86916f71cbebfc389e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPQ / Stomoxys calcitrans is a hematophagous fly of which parasitism causes economic losses related to the reduction of milk production and weight gain. Due to the high level of resistance of the stable fly to most of chemical insecticides, it is necessary to search for new alternatives for their control, and one of them would be the use of entomopathogenic fungi. However, few researches related to microbial control of this fly were carried out. The objective of this study was to assess the ability of the Lecanicillium lecanii fungus in to make unfeasible eggs, larvae and pupae of the stable fly under laboratory conditions and verify the formation of inhibition zone in agar solid due to the presence of substances in the mucus and total homogenized larvae not previously exposed and sensitized to the fungus. The S. calcitrans colony was maintained in the Laborat?rio de D?pteros Hemat?fagos, UFRRJ. The tests were performed in the Laborat?rio de Controle Microbiano de Artr?podes, UFRRJ, where the strain CG 420 of L. lecanii was used to prepare the water suspensions. In assays with eggs, larvae and pupae of S. calcitrans, fungal suspensions were used at 2x108, 2x107, 2x106, 2x105 con.mL-1 concentrations, besides the positive control. In assays with eggs, they were immersed in different fungal suspension and transferred to Petri dishes with paper filter, which were added larval rearding medium and its respective suspension. Mortality was assessed five days after exposure, where it was observed whether stage change occurred. There was no significant difference in the hatching of eggs exposed to different fungal concentrations against the control. Larvae were subjected to the same treatment of eggs, and mortality was assessed ten to fifteen days after exposure. There was no significant difference in mortality of larvae exposed to the fungus when compared with the control group, however, the fungus L. lecanii was significantly able to reduce adult emergence from larvae exposed to the highest tested concentration and there was a percentage of emergence of 25,45% and 43,64% compared to 63,64% and 90,91% of the control group. The pupae were also immersed in different fungal suspensions, and transferred to Petri dishes with paper filter, added to its respective suspension. Mortality was assessed ten days after exposure. There was no significant difference in mortality of pupae exposed to different fungi concentrations. Filter paper discs were soaked in mucus samples and total homogenized from larvae of S. calcitrans not exposed and previously sensitized to the fungus L. lecanii and placed in petri dishes sown with the same fungus. It was not observed the formation of inhibition zone around the discs. The L. lecanii fungus was unable to make unfeasible eggs, larvae or pupae of S. calcitrans in tested fungal concentrations, however, was significantly able to reduce the emergence of adults when their third larvae stage were exposed to 2x108 con.mL-1 concentration. / Stomoxys calcitrans ? um d?ptero hemat?fago cujo parasitismo ocasiona perdas econ?micas relacionadas ? redu??o da produ??o leiteira e ganho de peso, al?m de estar associado ? dissemina??o e transmiss?o de agentes patog?nicos. Devido ao elevado grau de resist?ncia da mosca dos est?bulos a uma diversidade de inseticidas qu?micos, torna-se necess?rio a busca por alternativas para o seu controle, e uma delas seria a utiliza??o de fungos entomopatog?nicos. Todavia, poucas pesquisas relacionadas ao controle microbiano desta mosca foram realizadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a capacidade do fungo Lecanicillium lecanii em inviabilizar ovos, larvas e pupas de S. calcitrans em condi??es laboratoriais e verificar a forma??o de halo de inibi??o em meio de cultivo s?lido, em decorr?ncia de subst?ncias presentes no muco e no macerado total de larvas n?o expostas e previamente sensibilizadas ao fungo. A col?nia de S. calcitrans foi mantida no Laborat?rio de D?pteros Hemat?fagos, UFRRJ. Os ensaios foram realizados no Laborat?rio de Controle Microbiano de Artr?podes, UFRRJ. Nos ensaios foram utilizadas suspens?es aquosas do isolado CG 420 de L. lecanii nas concentra??es de 2x108, 2x107, 2x106, 2x105 con.mL-1, al?m do controle positivo. Nos ensaios com ovos, estes foram imersos nas suspens?es f?ngicas, e transferidos para placas de Petri com papel filtro, meio de desenvolvimento larval e 3 mL de sua respectiva suspens?o. A mortalidade foi avaliada cinco dias ap?s a exposi??o. N?o foi observada diferen?a significativa na eclos?o dos ovos tratados frente ao controle. As larvas foram submetidas ao mesmo tratamento dos ovos, e a mortalidade foi avaliada dez e quinze dias ap?s a exposi??o. N?o foi observada diferen?a significativa na mortalidade de larvas expostas ao fungo quando comparados com o grupo controle, entretanto, o fungo L. lecanii reduziu significativamente a emerg?ncia de adultos provenientes das larvas expostas ? concentra??o m?xima testada (2x108 con.mL-1) sendo observado um percentual de emerg?ncia de 25,45% e 41,82 %, em compara??o com 63,64% e 90,91% do grupo controle. As pupas tamb?m foram imersas nas suspens?es f?ngicas, e transferidas para placas de Petri com papel filtro e sua respectiva suspens?o. A mortalidade foi avaliada dez dias ap?s a exposi??o. N?o foi observada diferen?a significativa na mortalidade das pupas expostas ?s diferentes concentra??es f?ngicas. Discos de papel filtro foram embebidos em amostras de muco e macerado total proveniente de larvas de S. calcitrans n?o expostas e previamente sensibilizadas ao fungo L. lecanii e colocados em placas de Petri semeadas com o mesmo fungo (1x108 con.mL-1). N?o foi verificada a forma??o de halo de inibi??o ao redor dos discos. O fungo L. lecanii foi incapaz de inviabilizar ovos, larvas ou pupas de S. calcitrans nas concentra??es f?ngicas testadas, no entanto, reduziu significativamente a emerg?ncia de adultos quando suas larvas de terceiro est?dio foram expostas a concentra??o 2x108 con.mL-1.

Diversity and effect of the microbial community of aging horse manure on stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) fitness

Albuquerque, Thais Aguiar De January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Entomology / Ludek Zurek / Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans L.) are blood-feeding insects with a great negative impact on livestock resulting in annual losses around $2 billion in the USA alone. One of the main reasons for such an impact is because stable fly management is very difficult. Stable fly larvae develop primarily in animal manure and live bacteria were shown to be essential for stable fly development. I hypothesized that the microbial community of horse manure changes over time and plays an important role in stable fly fitness. Two-choice bioassays were conducted using 2 week old horse manure (control) and aging horse manure (fresh to 5 week old) to evaluate the effect of manure age on stable fly oviposition. The results showed that fresh manure did not stimulate oviposition and that the attractiveness increased as manure aged but started to decline after 3 weeks. Stable fly eggs artificially placed on 1, 2, and 3 week old manure resulted in significantly higher survival and heavier adults comparing to those developing in fresh, 4, and 5 week old manure. Analysis of the bacterial community of aging horse manure by 454-pyrosequencing of 16S rDNA revealed a major shift from strict anaerobes (e.g. Clostridium, Eubacterium, Prevotella, Bacteroidales) in fresh manure to facultative anaerobes and strict aerobes (e.g. Rhizobium, Devosia, Brevundimonas, Sphingopyxis, Comamonas, Pseudomonas) in 1-5 week old manure. Identified volatile compounds emitted from 2 and 3 week old horse manure included phenol, indole, p-cresol, and m-cresol. However, none of them stimulated stable fly oviposition in two-choice assays. In conclusion, the microbial community of 2 and 3 week old horse manure stimulates stable fly oviposition and provides a suitable habitat for stable fly development. Manure at this stage should be the main target for disrupting the stable fly life cycle. Volatile compounds acting as oviposition stimulants/attractants and their specific bacterial origin remain to be determined. Better understanding of stable fly microbial ecology is critical for development of novel management strategies based on alteration of the microbial community of stable fly habitat to generate a substrate that is non-conducive to fly oviposition and/or larval development.

Óleo de citronela no controle de ectoparasitas de bovinos / Citronella oil in the control of cattle ectoparasites

Agnolin, Carlos Alberto 10 February 2009 (has links)
This research was aimed to evaluate in vivo effects of citronella oil on cattle ectoparasites. Two experiments with different levels of citronella oil (I) and the relationships with phytotherapic and the synthetic acaricide (II) were evaluated. In experiment I, twenty Holstein cows were allocated in four groups of five animals. The treatments were: negative control, amitraz at 0.025% and citronella oil at 3 and 4%. Engorged ticks and flies (horn fly, stably fly and domestic fly) were evaluated on animals before (mean of days -3, -2, -1) and at 3; 7 and 14 days after treatment. The efficacy of control ticks was 89.2; 36.5 and 35.8% for amitraz and citronella oil at 3 end 4% respectively, on 14th day post-treatment. Lower control of flies was observed for phytotherapic treatments. In experiment II, fifteen Holstein cows were allocated in three groups of five animals. The treatments were: negative control, amitraz at 0.025% and citronella oil at 4%. Engorged ticks and flies were evaluated on animals before (mean of days -3, -2, -1) and at 7; 14; 21 and 28 days after treatment. In 28 days there was need to reapply the amitraz to control engorged ticks. The relationship among the number of application was the 1:2.5 for amitraz and citronella oil, respectively. The efficacy in control ticks were 71.8 and 30.9% for amitraz and citronella oil at 4% respectively. Lower control of flies was observed for phytotherapic treatment. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar in vivo diferentes níveis de óleo de citronela em ectoparasitas de bovinos. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos com diferentes níveis de óleo de citronela (I) e a relação de banho entre o produto fitoterápico e um acaricida sintético (II). No experimento I, foram utilizadas 20 vacas da raça Holandês, distribuídas em quatro grupos de cinco animais cada um. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelo controle negativo, amitraz a 0,025%, óleo de citronela a 3 e 4%. Para avaliação foram contadas fêmeas ingurgitadas de carrapato e moscas (mosca-dos-chifres, mosca-dos-estábulos e mosca doméstica) antes (média dos dias -3, -2, -1) e após a aplicação dos produtos nos dias 3; 7 e 14. A eficácia no controle do carrapato foi de 89,2; 36,5 e 35,8% para o amitraz e óleo de citronela a 3 e 4%, respectivamente. Verificou-se baixo controle de moscas nos tratamentos constituídos pelo fitoterápico. No experimento II, foram utilizadas 15 vacas da raça Holandês, distribuídas em três grupos de cinco animais cada um. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelo controle negativo, amitraz a 0,025% e óleo de citronela a 4%. Para avaliação foram contadas fêmeas ingurgitadas de carrapato e moscas antes (média dos dias -3, -2, -1) e após a aplicação dos produtos nos dias 7; 14; 21 e 28. Aos 28 dias, houve necessidade de se reaplicar o amitraz para controlar a infestação com carrapato. A relação entre o número de aplicações foi de 1:2,5 para amitraz e citronela, respectivamente. A eficácia no controle do carrapato foi de 71,8 e 30,9% para o amitraz e óleo de citronela a 4%, respectivamente na média pós-tratamento. Verificou-se baixo controle de moscas no tratamento constituído pelo fitoterápico.


Massariol, Péricles Boechat 14 February 2008 (has links)
Sixteen lactating Holstein cows were used to evaluate the effect of suply of garlic in the feed on the alteration of load of tick, horn fly and stably fly and domestic fly. The treatments were garlic at 100g (A100) and 200g cow-1 (A200) for three days, Amitraz at 0.025% (Am) and negative control group. Engorged ticks were evaluated with lengh superior to 4.0 mm and flys before and at 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 14thday after treatment. In the 1st, 2nd, 3rd days after treatments, milk samples were taken for flavor evaluation on raw milk and soft cheese Minas-Frescal. The efficacy of treatments were 27.34; 12.31; e 97.05% for (A100), (A200) e (Am), respectively. Commercial ectoparasiticide was more efficacious in the control of ticks. Garlic show low efficacy on control tick and inefficacious in control of flies. In these treatments, no residual garlic flavor or taste was detected on milk and cheese. / Dezesseis vacas de raça Holandesa em lactação foram utilizadas para avaliar o efeito da administração de alho na alimentação sobre a alteração da carga de carrapato, mosca-doschifres, mosca dos estábulos e mosca doméstica. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por alho a 100g (A100) e 200g vaca-1 (A200), por três dias, o amitraz a 0,025% (Am) e pelo grupo controle negativo. Para avaliação foram contadas as fêmeas ingurgitadas de carrapato com comprimento superior a 4 mm e as moscas antes da aplicação e no 1o, 2o, 3o, 4o, 5o, 6o, 7o e 14o dia após a aplicação de cada tratamento. No 1o, 2o e 3o dia pós-tratamento foram coletadas amostras de leite para avaliação das propriedades organolépticas do leite cru e do queijo Minas-Frescal. A eficácia dos tratamentos foi de: 27,34; 12,31; e 97,05% para (A100), (A200) e (Am), respectivamente. O antiparasitário comercial (Am) foi o mais eficaz no controle de carrapatos. O alho apresentou baixa eficácia no controle do carrapato e ineficácia no controle das moscas. Nestes tratamentos, não foi detectado odor ou sabor de alho no leite e no queijo.

Stomoxys calcitrans: Estabelecimento de col?nia e efeito de Metarhizium anisopliae sobre seus est?gios imaturos / Stomoxys calcitrans: colony establishment and effect of Metarhizium anisopliae in their immatures stages

Moraes, Ana Paula Rodrigues 27 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:15:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007-Ana Paula Rodrigues Moraes.pdf: 1193160 bytes, checksum: 61d4adc426c0fdbeab75966756651ece (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Stomoxys calcitrans is a hematophagous fly that is related to reduction in animal production due to the stress and dissemination of pathogens. The knowledge in plague control, using entomopathogenic fungi, has been growing year by year, but few works have been done to control S. calcitrans. The aims of this study were rearing a colony of S. calcitrans to make a bioassay of microbial control, verify the pathogenic potential of Metarhizium anisopliae in eggs, larvae and pupae and access three methods of egg s exposition to the studied fungi. After methodologies adaptation of rearing S. calcitrans that are described in literature, the colony was maintained in the Laborat?rio de D?pteros Hemat?fagos - UFRRJ. The bioassays were done in the Laborat?rio de Controle Microbiano de Atr?podes de Import?ncia Veterin?ria - UFRRJ, using the strain 959 of M. anisopliae in a water suspension. In the first method, eggs were immersed in the suspension (2.2 ? 108 conidia /ml and dilutions) and transferred to Petri plates with hydrophilic cotton. In the second methods (2.3 ? 108 conidia/ml and dilutions), eggs were immersed and transferred to the larval rearding medium. In the third method (2.1 ? 108 conidia/ml and dilutions), eggs were put in the larval rearding medium surface and one aliquot of fungus suspension were added. Larvae with nine days of development were immersed in suspension (2.1 ? 108 conidia/ml and dilutions) and after that were transferred to the larval rearding medium while pupae with 16 days of development were immersed in suspension (2.3 ? 108 conidia/ml and dilutions) and were held in Petri plates. Experiments were carried out with 107, 106 and 105 concentrations of conidia/ml and positive and negative controls. The mortality was assessed on the 10th day after fungus exposure. It was verified high mortality in all treated and control groups in the first method of eggs exposure. In the other two methods the eggs exposed to 108 conidia/ml concentration were 100% unviable. In the second method the eggs was 92.5% unviable and the third method was 53.33% both in 107 conidia/ml concentration. The subsequent concentrations did not show significant difference when compared to controls, neither between two methods of fungi exposure. Larvae and pupae exposure did not show statistic difference between treated and controls groups. Metarhizium anisopliae suspensions in high concentrations were capable to make unfeasible eggs of S. calcitrans; however, it did not happen in larvae and pupae experiments, in which fungi did not prevent their development. The second method was the best one to control immature forms of S. calcitrans but the third one resembles the nature conditions, in which has significant result only in the highest fungi concentration. Experimental methodologies that simulate nature conditions may optimize the utilization of fungi in arthropods control, in a way that it does not modify its action when applied in the field. / Stomoxys calcitrans ? uma mosca hemat?faga associada ? redu??o da produtividade, devido ao estresse causado aos animais e a dissemina??o de pat?genos. O conhecimento do controle de pragas, utilizando fungos entomopatog?nicos, vem crescendo no decorrer dos anos, por?m poucos trabalhos t?m sido realizados visando o controle de S. calcitrans. O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer uma col?nia de S. calcitrans direcionada ao bioensaio de controle microbiano, verificar o potencial patog?nico de Metarhizium anisopliae sobre ovos, larvas e pupas, e ainda, avaliar tr?s m?todos de exposi??o dos ovos ao fungo estudado. Ap?s adapta??o das metodologias de cria??o de S. calcitrans descritas na literatura, a col?nia foi mantida no Laborat?rio de D?pteros Hemat?fagos UFRRJ. Os bioensaios foram realizados no Laborat?rio de Controle Microbiano de Artr?podes de Import?ncia Veterin?ria UFRRJ, onde foi utilizada a cepa 959 de M. anisopliae para elabora??o das suspens?es aquosas. No primeiro m?todo, os ovos foram imersos na suspens?o (2,2 x 108 con?dios/ml e dilui??es) e transferidos para placa de Petri contendo algod?o hidr?filo. No segundo m?todo (2,3 x 108 con?dios/ml e dilui??es) os ovos foram imersos e transferidos para o meio de desenvolvimento larval. No terceiro m?todo (2,1 x 108 con?dios/ml e dilui??es), os ovos foram depositados sobre a superf?cie do meio de desenvolvimento larval e uma al?quota da suspens?o f?ngica foi adicionada. As larvas com nove dias de desenvolvimento foram imersas na suspens?o (2,1 x 108 con?dios/ml e dilui??es) e transferidas para o meio de desenvolvimento larval, enquanto que as pupas de 16 dias de desenvolvimento foram imersas na suspens?o (2,3 x 108 con?dios/ml e dilui??es) e depositadas em placas de Petri. Foram utilizadas dilui??es na concentra??o de 107, 106 e 105 con?dios/ml e controle positivo e negativo. A mortalidade foi avaliada no d?cimo dia ap?s exposi??o, onde foi observado se ocorria mudan?a de est?gio. Foi verificada alta mortalidade em todos os grupos (tratados e controles) no primeiro m?todo de exposi??o de ovos. Nos outros dois m?todos, foram obtidos 100% de inviabilidade dos ovos expostos ? concentra??o de 108 con?dios/ml. No segundo m?todo, houve 92,5% de inviabilidade dos ovos, enquanto que no terceiro m?todo, a inviabilidade foi de 53,33%, ambos na concentra??o de 107 con?dios/ml. As concentra??es subseq?entes n?o apresentaram diferen?a significativa frente aos controles e nem entre os dois m?todos de exposi??o f?ngica. Nas exposi??es de larvas e pupas n?o ocorreu diferen?a estat?stica entre os tratamentos e os controles. Suspens?es de M. anisopliae em altas concentra??es s?o capazes de inviabilizar ovos de S. calcitrans, entretanto, isto n?o ocorreu em larvas e pupas, pois o fungo n?o impediu o desenvolvimento destes. O m?todo mais efetivo para o controle das formas imaturas de S.calcitrans foi o segundo m?todo, entretanto, o que mais se assemelha ?s condi??es naturais seria o terceiro, onde foi obtido resultado significativo apenas na maior concentra??o f?ngica. A ado??o de metodologias experimentais que simulem condi??es naturais pode otimizar a utiliza??o de fungos no controle de artr?podes, de forma que sua a??o n?o seja comprometida, quando aplicados no campo.

The temporal distribution and relative abundance of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) (Diptera: Muscidae) in a feedlot near Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa / Maria Magdalena Evert

Evert, Maria Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
The stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) is a haematophagous fly that feeds primarily on the forelegs of cattle stimulating a range of avoidance behaviours in confinement situations such as feedlots. From literature it is apparent that stable flies associated with feedlots have a significant impact on cattle especially with regard to economic parameters such as a decline in feed intake and thus a lower average daily gain resulting in less meat production due to irritation caused by painful bites. The abundance of the stable flies was studied in a large commercial feedlot near Heidelberg from October 2012 to September 2013. Two tsetse fly traps, namely the NZI and the Vavoua fly traps, were used and evaluated in determining the seasonal abundance of the stable flies. The tsetse traps proved to be most effective for sampling stable flies compared to other designs. The NZI and Vavoua tsetse type trap were compared and although there were no significant difference the NZI trap proved to be more reliable and user friendly for this study. Stable flies were more abundant from late December with a peak in numbers late in January through February and became less abundant from early March. Minimum to no fly abundance occurred in the winter months from May to June 2013. The data indicated a strong edge effect for the stable flies, the flies were more abundant in pens and corridors that were surrounded by vegetation, manure run off and holding ponds. The numbers collected in traps were correlated with stable fly counts on the cattle to be used in calculating a future threshold in chemical control. Preliminary observations on the influence of temperature, wind speed and rainfall were also made. This research will form part of a larger project to determine an integrated fly management program for the feedlot. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The temporal distribution and relative abundance of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) (Diptera: Muscidae) in a feedlot near Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa / Maria Magdalena Evert

Evert, Maria Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
The stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) is a haematophagous fly that feeds primarily on the forelegs of cattle stimulating a range of avoidance behaviours in confinement situations such as feedlots. From literature it is apparent that stable flies associated with feedlots have a significant impact on cattle especially with regard to economic parameters such as a decline in feed intake and thus a lower average daily gain resulting in less meat production due to irritation caused by painful bites. The abundance of the stable flies was studied in a large commercial feedlot near Heidelberg from October 2012 to September 2013. Two tsetse fly traps, namely the NZI and the Vavoua fly traps, were used and evaluated in determining the seasonal abundance of the stable flies. The tsetse traps proved to be most effective for sampling stable flies compared to other designs. The NZI and Vavoua tsetse type trap were compared and although there were no significant difference the NZI trap proved to be more reliable and user friendly for this study. Stable flies were more abundant from late December with a peak in numbers late in January through February and became less abundant from early March. Minimum to no fly abundance occurred in the winter months from May to June 2013. The data indicated a strong edge effect for the stable flies, the flies were more abundant in pens and corridors that were surrounded by vegetation, manure run off and holding ponds. The numbers collected in traps were correlated with stable fly counts on the cattle to be used in calculating a future threshold in chemical control. Preliminary observations on the influence of temperature, wind speed and rainfall were also made. This research will form part of a larger project to determine an integrated fly management program for the feedlot. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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