Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heat production"" "subject:"meat production""
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Genetic studies of food intake and energy metabolism in miceMoruppa, Saidu M. January 1989 (has links)
No description available.
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The effects of diet utilization on metabolizable energy utilization and carcass composition in beef cattle and sheepKirkpatrick, Denise Elizabeth January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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The agricultural potential of the eland in the Rift Valley of KenyaHill, R. E. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of a quality assurance model for poultry meat productionManning, L. J. January 2008 (has links)
The study has defined the position with regard to existing and evolving United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) legislation, world trade agreements and institutions, global trade in chicken meat and market Quality Assurance (QA) standards in a series of peer-reviewed published papers and working papers. The development of global food supply chains can be a key driver in the harmonisation of international legislation, product and private assurance standards. Indeed compliance with legislation and retailer requirements has been a key market driver in the development of private assurance standards. The key objectives of the research were to examine current assurance schemes within the integrated poultry meat supply chain and the influence of regulation and external market drivers within the integrated poultry meat supply chain; develop and test a QA model for the poultry meat supply chain with a view to both baseline and higher level standards including the development of a business benchmarking system utilising a pre-requisite programme (PRP) and key performance indicators (KPI); and to assess the ability of the QA model to deliver regulatory and policy compliance whilst meeting varied business and market needs for an internationally traded product. This study has shown that a QA model is capable of providing a framework within which the poultry meat supply chain can operate. The legislative and performance requirements have been translated into quantifiable performance indicators which can be used to measure supply chain performance. This can assist differentiation of products at the point of consumption and give a quantifiable measure of the extrinsic value that has been added. This approach will therefore aid the communication of the benefits of differing methods of poultry meat production and afford the consumer the opportunity to make a more informed choice when purchasing meat products.
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The winner of the expanding meat industry : A study of the power structures within the production chain of beef meat produced in Brazil and consumed in SwedenLundström, Markus January 2007 (has links)
<p>The overall purpose of this study is to examine what consequences might be connected to Swedish meat consumption. To illustrate this, the production chain of beef meat, produced in Brazil and consumed in Sweden, has been mapped and investigated. The analytical focus of this study has been on power distribution within the chain, aiming to outline its socio-economic consequences in the Brazilian context. The empirical data was collected partly from secondary sources, but also from primary sources through interviews with key informants in the buyer-end of the production chain. The Global Value Chain approach served as a methodology for mapping the production chain and as a theoretical device for analysing the embedded power structures.</p><p>The main result, besides an overview of the beef production chain, was an identification of the chain as buyer-driven. Power is particularly concentrated around supermarket chains, which have very specific requirements on production and processing, implemented by the importing firms, thus also having a huge influence. Power concentration was also discovered in the levels of farming and processing, where the number of acting units declines frequently. The Swedish beef consumption thus seems to contribute, however small-scaled, to the process of power concentration along the chain of production, making market entrance a scarce asset. Potential socio-economic consequences of this process, besides unequal access to influence, might be longer travels or changed city of residence for workers, or even employment losses due to inadequate education. Low-income consumers might become vulnerable since cheap low-quality meat becomes inaccessible. Moreover, this thesis has also raised additional questions, suitable for further research, regarding the impacts of Swedish meat consumption.</p>
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The winner of the expanding meat industry : A study of the power structures within the production chain of beef meat produced in Brazil and consumed in SwedenLundström, Markus January 2007 (has links)
The overall purpose of this study is to examine what consequences might be connected to Swedish meat consumption. To illustrate this, the production chain of beef meat, produced in Brazil and consumed in Sweden, has been mapped and investigated. The analytical focus of this study has been on power distribution within the chain, aiming to outline its socio-economic consequences in the Brazilian context. The empirical data was collected partly from secondary sources, but also from primary sources through interviews with key informants in the buyer-end of the production chain. The Global Value Chain approach served as a methodology for mapping the production chain and as a theoretical device for analysing the embedded power structures. The main result, besides an overview of the beef production chain, was an identification of the chain as buyer-driven. Power is particularly concentrated around supermarket chains, which have very specific requirements on production and processing, implemented by the importing firms, thus also having a huge influence. Power concentration was also discovered in the levels of farming and processing, where the number of acting units declines frequently. The Swedish beef consumption thus seems to contribute, however small-scaled, to the process of power concentration along the chain of production, making market entrance a scarce asset. Potential socio-economic consequences of this process, besides unequal access to influence, might be longer travels or changed city of residence for workers, or even employment losses due to inadequate education. Low-income consumers might become vulnerable since cheap low-quality meat becomes inaccessible. Moreover, this thesis has also raised additional questions, suitable for further research, regarding the impacts of Swedish meat consumption.
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'Blood-Talk': A Language Network Analysis of English Speaking Heritage Butchers in the Southwestern United StatesStinnett, Angie Ashley January 2013 (has links)
Recently, network theory has been used to analyze the formal syntactic and semantic properties of written texts to explain the development of language (Solé et al. 2005). While foundational, this approach neglects the social and cultural pressures affecting language in interaction, a central focus of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology (Hymes 1974, Goffman 1981, Gumperz 1982, Goodwin 2006). The influential work of M.M. Bakhtin (1981) frames speech as an emergent social process inflected by shifting patterns of negotiated meanings. As Hill (1986) observed "the enormous impact of Bakhtin's work, already felt with earthquake strength in literary studies...[is] now beginning to appear with equal force in the anthropology of language" (1986: 89).The aim of this research is to test the conjecture that by expanding the frame of language network analysis to include the social context of speech, the emergent properties of heteroglossia predicted by Bakhtin will be clarified. This analysis builds on prior research on language in interaction, drawing from sociolinguistic analysis (Sacks et al. 1974, Atkinson & Heritage 1984), word frequency (Nelson et al. 1998, Mendoza-Denton 2003), and network analysis (Bearman & Stovel 2000, de Nooy et al. 2005, Solé et al. 2005, Mehler 2010).According to Bakhtin, heteroglossia emerges as speakers "appropriate the words of others and populate them with one's own intention" (1981:428). This multi-sited doctoral research investigates the speech of butchers through participant observation, work place interactions and interviews, with a focus on references to blood. Some of the semantic features that become affixed to blood are due to historical and popular culture understandings of this signifier, while other salient features derive from subject positionality and community of practice (Lave & Wenger 1991). This work provides a snapshot of all of these processes at work in the speech of an occupational community of American butchers. The results of this analysis show that including the social context has significant effects on the conceptualization of both semantic and social networks, in comparison with networks derived exclusively from written texts.
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Hållbar köttproduktion och köttkonsumtion i Dalarna / Sustainable meat production and meat consumption in the county of DalarnaNäslund, Erika January 2013 (has links)
The release of green house gases and the environmental impacts humans have on the environment are huge and might cause irreversible changes to our earth. Meat is considered to have large impacts on the environment, especially beef meat and therefore there have lately been considerable discussions on the sustainable level of meat consumption and production. The main goal with this thesis is to study sustainable meat production and meat consumption in the county of Dalarna in Sweden. Indicators for sustainable meat production and meat consumption were developed and applied on three cases. Interviews were carried out with a municipality in the region that represents the consumer and three beef farmers that represents the producers. The three farmers in this study got many positive remarks regarding sustainability. There are still things to improve but on the whole many positive things were observed, e.g. use of natural grazing areas, maintenance of biodiversity, minor use of fertilizers and pesticides, use of land (pasture/leys) that otherwise would not be used for production of human food for direct consumption (e.g. grain) since the land is not suitable for that. To sum up the results from the consumer group, what can be seen is that the municipality is trying to improve their consumption patterns and that they have good intentions. They try for example to decrease their portions of meat and reduce their waste, they further try to implement days with only vegetarian food. On the other hand are the emissions from each pupil still too large if IPPC’s climate goal of a total of 1-2 ton CO2e emissions per person per year is to be reached. The consumers in Dalarna have the possibility, looking at things from a sustainable point of view, to choose a fine beef meat product (depending on how it is produced) from the neighbourhood. This is due to the fact that the producers in the study got many positive remarks regarding the sustainable indicators. It can therefore be considered positive if the municipality would support this production a thereby procure beef meat from the neighbourhood. The municipality must however change their consumer patterns and buy an amount of beef meat that can be considered sustainable. / Dagens utsläpp av växthusgaser plus all övrig miljöpåverkan människor ger upphov till kan orsaka bestående förändringar på vår jord. Insikten om att vårt handlande kan komma att få ödesdigra konsekvenser har lett fram till att begreppet hållbar utveckling har skapats. Det är ett begrepp som innehåller de tre stödpelarna ekonomi, social och miljö och med det menas att alla tre aspekter måste tas hänsyn till och fungera för att någonting ska anses hållbart. Kött är en produkt som har stor påverkan på miljön, både i from av höga växthusgasutsläpp, men även i form av övergödning, försurning och stor markanvändning. Nötkött har extra hög klimatpåverkan på grund av att nötboskap, som är idisslande djur, släpper ut stora mängder metan då de bearbetar sin föda. På grund av den här vetskapen har diskussionen om hur mycket och vad för sorts kött som ska konsumeras blivit högaktuell. Vad som är viktigt då frågan angående kött diskuteras är att skilja på produktion och konsumtion av kött. Produktion är det lantbrukaren arbetar med och konsumtion är vad vi konsumenter utför. En stor konsument i Sverige är den offentliga sektorn. Kommuner som en del av den offentliga sektorn har möjligheter att ta en ledande roll och vara ett föredöme för hur konsumtionen av kött borde se ut. Det övergripande syftet med den här studien är att studera hållbar köttproduktion och den offentliga sektorns köttkonsumtion i Dalarnas län i Sverige. Indikatorer för att bedöma hållbarheten i köttproduktion respektive köttkonsumtion togs fram. Dessa indikatorer applicerades sedan på några få utvalda fall, belägna i Siljansbygden i Dalarnas län. Då Dalarna är en region som i huvudsak lämpar sig för vallodling valdes tre lantbrukare med nötköttsgårdar ut för att representera producentledet. Konsumenten representerades av en kommun i Dalarna. Deras upphandlingar av kött plus vad de serverar i kommunens skolor utvärderades. Tio sammanfattande indikatorer för köttproduktion och sju för köttkonsumtion togs fram och gårdarna och kommunen utvärderades genom att intervjuer genomfördes med de tre lantbrukarna samt kostchef och upphandlingsansvarig på kommunen. Köttproduktionen (de tre fallgårdarna) fick utifrån de framtagna indikatorerna många positiva anmärkningar gällande hållbarhet även om förbättringar fortfarande är önskvärda. Positiva aspekter som observerades var exempelvis användningen av naturbeten, vilket i sin tur leder till bevarande av biologisk mångfald, liten användning av mineralgödsel och växtskyddsmedel, användning av marker (betesmarker/vallar) som annars inte skulle användas för produktion av humanföda för direkt konsumtion (ex. spannmål) då markerna inte lämpar sig för det etc. Konsumenten, den offentliga sektorn, arbetade också för att bli mer hållbara, de försökte införa vegetariska dagar, liksom at minska portionsstorlekarna av kött. De arbetade även aktivt med att minska sitt svinn. Trots det var utsläppen av växthusgaser per elev högre än vad som krävs för att nå IPCC:s uppsatta klimatmål om 1-2 ton CO2e per person och år. Att minska köttintaget är önskvärt liksom att de väljer de kött de konsumerar med omsorg. Vad som kan konstateras är att konsumenterna i Dalarna har möjlighet att välja ett bra nötköttsalternativ ifrån närområdet sett ur hållbarhetssynpunkt (beroende på hur köttet är producerat). Detta baseras på fallgårdarnas positiva resultat avseende hållbarhet i studien. Det kan därför anses positivt om kommunen stödjer den här produktionsformen och därmed upphandlar nötkött ifrån närområdet. Kommunen har möjlighet att öka hållbarheten i sin köttkonsumtion genom att ändra sina matvanor och begränsa sina köttinköp till en hållbar mängd.
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Pašarų priedo Kaolinas E 559 įtaka kiaulių mėsos produkcijai / The influence of feed additive Kaolin E 559 for pig meat productionAmbrasūnas, Linas 26 April 2013 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu aktyviai ieškoma įvairių natūralių pašarinių priedų, kurie galėtų būti panaudoti gyvulių šėrimui gerinant jų sveikatingumą, didinant produktyvumą ir produkcijos kokybę.
Natūralus pašarinis priedas KAOLINAS ( E 559 ) tai aukštoje temperatūroje iškaitintas ir išvalytas molžemis, savo sudėtyje turintis anglies. Molis ir anglis nuo seno naudojama žmonių ir gyvulių virškinamojo trakto sutrikimų profilaktikai ir gydymui, virškinamojo trakto veiklai gerinti, toksinų virškinamajame trakte surišimui, esant viduriavimams ir t.t. Taip pat šis priedas savo sudėtyje turi mineralinių medžiagų, kurios yra organinėje formoje (biokompleksai) ir yra žymiai geriau įsisavinami negu neorganiniai junginiai. Mineralinės medžiagos yra labai svarbios gyvulio vystymuisi, sveikatingumui ir imuniteto formavimuisi.
Darbo tikslas: Ištirti pašarų priedo Kaolino E 559 įtaką kiaulių augimui ir mėsos produkcijai.
Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Surinkti ir išanalizuoti literatūros duomenis apie pašarinį priedą Kaoliną E 559, jo panaudojimą gyvūnų šėrime. 2. Nustatyti Kaolino E 559 įtaką kiaulių priesvoriui per parą ir pašarų sąnaudos priesvorio vienetui. 3. Nustatyti Kaolino E 559 įtaką kiaulių mėsos produkcijai. 4. Nustatyti Kaolino E 559 įtaką kiaulių mėsos kokybei.
Išvados: 1. Natūralus gamtinis priedas Kaolinas E 559 paršeliams laikotarpiu nuo 6 iki 190 dienų amžiaus, vidutiniškai padidino paršelių priesvorį 10,06 proc. (p<0,05), sumažino viduriavimo atvejus ir pagerino jų išsaugojimą. 2. Molžemio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A natural feed additives (E 559) – hight temperature calcined and purified clay, wich is containing a carbon.
The aim of labor: To investigate an influence of feed additives E 559 Kaolin to pig growth and pig meat production.
The tasks of labor: 1. To collect and analyze the literature data about feed additive E 559 Kaolin, its using in animal feeding. 2. To set the influence of Kaolin E 559 to pig overweight a day and to set the expenditure of feed additive to overweight unit. 3. To determine the influence of Kaolin E 559 to pig meat production. 4. To set the influence of Kaolin E 559 to quality of pig meat.
Research work was done in National pig feeding station. The quality researching of meat were made in Lithuania University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, Animal health and animal material quality Center, Animal meat characteristics and quality assessment laboratory at the Department of Animal Science.
The test were made by approved methodology.
Conclusion: 1. Natural feed additive Kaolin E 559 gave to piglets in time from 6 till 190 days, increased their overweight average about 10.06 %. (P<0.05), it reduced piglets diarrhea cases and improved their preservation. 2. Use of alumina resulted in better feed utilization. During the rearing period pigs in a control group were consumed 2.85 kg ( 30.78 MJ AE) to one kilogram their overweight, and trial group were consumed 2.6 kg ( 28,08 MJ AE) or 8.8 % less additives. 3. Control pig slaughter data showed, that the... [to full text]
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Immunosensor methods for drug residue control of food : assay design and sample matrix effects /Johansson, M. Annette, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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