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No description available.
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Modeling Techniques and Local Strategies of Green Infrastructure Capitals to Control Urban Stormwater Runoff and Combined Sewer OverflowsAbi Aad, Maya P. 15 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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The Efficiency of Vegetated Biofilters to Mitigate Highway Stormwater Runoff and the Fate of these Contaminants within the BedArmeni, Lauren E. 20 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Life-Cycle-Cost Analysis of using Low Impact Development Compared to Traditional Drainage Systems in Arizona: Using Value Engineering to Mitigate Urban RunoffJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: The rate of urbanization has been impacted by global economic growth. A strong economy results in more people moving to already crowded urban centers to take advantage of increased employment opportunities often resulting in sprawling of the urban area. More natural land resources are being exploited to accommodate these anthropogenic activities. Subsequently, numerous natural land resources such as green areas or porous soil, which are less flood-prone and more permeable are being converted into buildings, parking lots, roads and underground utilities that are less permeable to stormwater runoff from rain events. With the diminishing of the natural landscape that can drain stormwater during a rainfall event, urban underground drainage systems are being designed and built to tackle the excess runoff resulting from urbanization. However, the construction of a drainage system is expensive and usually involves massive land excavations and tremendous environmental disturbances. The option for constructing an underground drainage system is even more difficult in dense urban environments due to the complicated underground environments, creating a need for low footprint solutions. This need has led to emerging opportunities for low impact development (LID) methods or green infrastructures, which are viewed as an environmentally friendly alternative for dealing with stormwater runoff. LID mimics the pre-development environment to retain the stormwater runoff through infiltration, retention, detention and evaporation. Despite a significant amount of prior research having been conducted to analyze the performance of runoff volume reduction and peak flow decrement of various green infrastructures, little is known about the economic benefits of using LID practices.
This dissertation fills the gap in the knowledge regarding the life-cycle-cost effectiveness of green infrastructure in current urban developments. This study’s two research objectives are:
(1) Develop a life cycle cost calculation template to analyze the cost benefits of using LID compared to the traditional drainage system
(2) Quantify the cost benefits based on the real-world construction projects
A thorough literature review led to the data collection of the hydrological benefits of using LIDs in conjunction with overviewing three real-world construction projects to quantify the cost benefits of LIDs. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2019
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Wet Weather Performance of an Extensive Vegetated Roof in Waterloo, OntarioVander Linden, William Kyle 19 September 2008 (has links)
Vegetated roof technologies are increasingly being adopted as treatment measures to mitigate the effects of urban stormwater. A mass balance approach was used to assess the wet weather performance of a vegetated roof on the top of city hall in Waterloo, Ontario. Vegetated and control roof sections were instrumented to measure precipitation inputs, storage and outflow for 18 storm events from June to October, 2006. Concentrations of suspended solids (SS), total phosphorus (TP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr) and cadmium (Cd) in precipitation and roof (vegetated and control) runoff were measured. A total of 155.6 mm of rain fell during the study period. The vegetated roof retained 64.5 mm (41.5%) of the total rainfall while the control roof retained ~ 5.1 mm (3.3 %). For individual rain events, the vegetated roof retained an average of 3.5 mm (47.6 %) while the control roof retained ~ 0.3 mm (4.7 %). Water retention varied with storm size, season and was influenced by wetting history. The vegetated roof retained 80.6 % of precipitation for light storm events (≤ 3.5 mm) and 34.9 % for large storm events (> 3.5 mm). The control roof retained 7.6 % light storm events and 3.7 % for large storm events. Water quality from the vegetated roof did not show significant improvement as only Zn concentrations in runoff from the vegetated roof were significantly lower than that measured in runoff from the control roof. Concentrations of SS, Cu, Cr and Cd in vegetated roof runoff were relative to concentrations in rainfall and control roof runoff and TP and SRP concentrations were significantly higher than that in rainfall or control roof runoff. Results gained from this study may assist people in planning and stormwater management by providing insight into the monitoring, development and application of new stormwater controls.
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Wet Weather Performance of an Extensive Vegetated Roof in Waterloo, OntarioVander Linden, William Kyle 19 September 2008 (has links)
Vegetated roof technologies are increasingly being adopted as treatment measures to mitigate the effects of urban stormwater. A mass balance approach was used to assess the wet weather performance of a vegetated roof on the top of city hall in Waterloo, Ontario. Vegetated and control roof sections were instrumented to measure precipitation inputs, storage and outflow for 18 storm events from June to October, 2006. Concentrations of suspended solids (SS), total phosphorus (TP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr) and cadmium (Cd) in precipitation and roof (vegetated and control) runoff were measured. A total of 155.6 mm of rain fell during the study period. The vegetated roof retained 64.5 mm (41.5%) of the total rainfall while the control roof retained ~ 5.1 mm (3.3 %). For individual rain events, the vegetated roof retained an average of 3.5 mm (47.6 %) while the control roof retained ~ 0.3 mm (4.7 %). Water retention varied with storm size, season and was influenced by wetting history. The vegetated roof retained 80.6 % of precipitation for light storm events (≤ 3.5 mm) and 34.9 % for large storm events (> 3.5 mm). The control roof retained 7.6 % light storm events and 3.7 % for large storm events. Water quality from the vegetated roof did not show significant improvement as only Zn concentrations in runoff from the vegetated roof were significantly lower than that measured in runoff from the control roof. Concentrations of SS, Cu, Cr and Cd in vegetated roof runoff were relative to concentrations in rainfall and control roof runoff and TP and SRP concentrations were significantly higher than that in rainfall or control roof runoff. Results gained from this study may assist people in planning and stormwater management by providing insight into the monitoring, development and application of new stormwater controls.
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Runoff from livestock operations may contain a variety of pathogens and high levels of nutrients and other harmful contaminants, and is of particular concern in central Kentucky as watersheds are threatened by waste generated from a high concentration of equine activity. Rain gardens are a type of stormwater management tool used to capture and passively treat runoff. This project aimed to incorporate rain gardens into the horse muck storage structures at a thoroughbred facility in the Canr Run watershed in Lexington, Kentucky. Water quality data from soil water within two rain garden muck pads and two control pads, and grab samples from the stream were compared. No significant differences were observed, but trends revealed higher levels of nitrate and phosphate in rain gardens compared to controls, while total organic carbon and E. coli levels were lower in the rain gardens, suggesting that the rain gardens are trapping nutrients while reducing organic matter and killing bacteria. E. coli populations were lower in stream sample locations near rain garden muck pads compared to further downstream near controls. Management recommendations include further improvement of muck storage structures, replacing old muck pads, and changing management and housekeeping habits and attitudes towards environmental responsibility.
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Efficiency of sustainable urban drainage systems during flash floods / Effektivitet av hållbara dagvattensystem vid skyfallAxelsdóttir, Snærós January 2022 (has links)
As the world’s population is migrating more into urban areas, landcover changes follow. Natural pervious areas are being converted to impervious areas, which when subjected to rain generates more stormwater runoff. Stormwater management is a problem that cities today are challenged with, infrastructure is getting older and precipitation patterns are changing due to climate change. Due to climate change extreme precipitation events are likely to increase and therefore increase the probability of urban flooding. Urban flooding can be caused by extreme precipitation events with a short duration, or so-called flash floods. These flash floods can overwhelm the drainage system in place which therefore can cause flooding. This problem has inspired engineers to rethink stormwater management, moving from traditional grey drainage systems to more green and sustainable drainage systems. Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) are drainage systems that aim to regain the properties of non-urbanised areas, retain the natural hydrological cycle, and have recreational values for the surrounding societies. This study investigated how different SuDS behave when subjected to flash floods. A model of a synthetic case study was built in the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) and sustainable urban drainage systems implemented. The solutions investigated were bioretention cells, rain gardens, infiltration trenches, green roofs, and permeable pavements. Three different rain events were analysed, all with different precipitation depth but with the same duration of 1 hour. Results showed that bioretention cells could reduce runoff volumes to the highest extent while green roofs could reduce the peak runoff the most. Other results were analysed like efficiency and cost. Bioretention cell came out on top in efficiency but had the highest cost. Overall, all the solutions showed promise in reducing runoff during flash floods, but the reduction capacity goes down with increased precipitation. / När en större del av världens befolkning flyttar in till tätortsområden så medföljer en ändring av markytans beskaffenhet. Vanligtvis genomträngliga ytor omvandlas till hårdgjorda ytor vilket generar mer dagvattenavrinning när de utsätts för regn. Dagvattenhanteringen är en utmaning för många städer idag eftersom infrastrukturen blir äldre och nederbördsmönstren förändras på grund av klimatförändringar. Extrema nederbördshändelser väntas öka med anledning av dessa klimatförändringar och ökar därigenom sannolikheten för översvämningar i städer. Översvämningar i städer kan orsakas av korta nederbördshändelser med hög intensitet, så kallade Skyfall, vilket kan överbelasta dagvattensystemets kapacitet. Det har lett till att ingenjörer ändrat sitt tankesätt på hur dagvatten ska hanteras och börjat gå från konventionella till mer gröna och hållbara dräneringssystem. Hållbar dagvattenhantering är dräneringssystem som syftar till att använda egenskaperna hos naturliga områden, behålla det naturliga hydrologiska kretsloppet och skapa rekreationsvärden för de omkringliggande samhällena. Denna studie har undersökt hur olika hållbara dräneringssystem beter sig när de utsätts för översvämningar. En modell på en syntetisk fallstudie byggdes i Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) där hållbara dräneringssystem implementerades i en urban miljö. Lösningarna som undersöktes var biofilterbäddar, regnträdgårdar, infiltrationsbäddar, gröna tak och permeabla trottoarer. Tre olika nederbördshändelser analyserades, alla med olika nederbördsmängder men med samma varaktighet på en timme. Resultaten visade att biofilterbäddar kunde minska avrinningsvolymerna i största grad medan gröna tak minskade ytavrinningen mest. Effektivitet och kostnad analyserades också. Där visade biofilterbäddarna högst effektivitet men hade den högsta kostnaden. Sammantaget visade det sig att alla lösningar var lovande vad gäller minskning av avrinning under översvämningar, men reduktionskapaciteten minskar med ökad nederbörd.
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Performance Evaluation of Two Silt Fence Geosynthetic Fabrics During and After Rainfall EventDubinsky, Gregg 01 January 2014 (has links)
Silt fence is one of the most widely used perimeter control devices and is considered an industry standard for use in the control of sediment transport from construction sites. Numerous research studies have been conducted on the use of silt fence as a perimeter control, including a number of studies involving controlled laboratory flume tests and outdoor tests performed in the field on construction sites with actual monitored storm events. In field tests, due to the random and uncontrollable nature of real storm events and field conditions, studies have shown difficulty in evaluating silt fence performance. These field studies have shown the need for performance testing of silt fence in a more controlled environment, which can also simulate the actual use and performance in the field. This research, which is a continuation of ongoing research on silt fence fabrics at UCF Stormwater and Management Academy, was conducted in order to evaluate silt fence performance under simulated field conditions. Presented in this thesis are evaluation of two silt fence fabrics, a woven (ASR 1400) fabric and nonwoven (BSRF) fabric. Both fabrics were installed separately on a tilted test bed filled with a silty-sand soil and subjected to simulated rainfall. Previous field studies on the performance of silt fence fabrics have evaluated the turbidity and sediment removal efficiencies only after the rain event, with the assumption that the efficiency values represent the true overall performance of silt fence. The results of this study revealed that the turbidity and suspended sediment performance efficiencies of silt fence were significantly affected by the time of sampling. The performance efficiencies during rainfall remained less than 55 percent, however, after the rainfall event ended, the performance efficiencies increased over time, reaching performance efficiency upwards of 90 percent. The increase in efficiency after rainfall was due to the constant or decreasing ponding depth behind the silt fence, increased filtration due to fabric clogging, and sedimentation of suspended particles. The nonwoven fabric was found to achieve higher removal efficiencies and flow-through rates both during and after the rain event when compared with the woven fabric. However, over the entire test duration (during and after rainfall combined), the projected overall efficiencies of both fabrics were similar. The projected overall average turbidity performance efficiencies of the woven and nonwoven silt fence fabrics was 80 and 78 percent, respectively. Both fabric types also achieved comparable overall average suspended sediment concentration efficiencies of 79 percent. This result leads to the conclusion that silt fence performance in the field is dependent on three main processes: filtration efficiency occurring during the rain event, filtration and sedimentation efficiency occurring after the rainfall event, and flow-through rate of the silt fence fabrics. Decreases in the flow-through rate lead to increases in the overall efficiency. This thesis quantifies the different mechanisms by which these processes contribute to the overall efficiency of the silt fence system and shows how these processes are affected by different conditions such as the degree of embankment slope and rainfall intensity.
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The Effectiveness Of Specifically Designed Filter Media To Reduce Nitrate And Orthophosphate In Stormwater RunoffMoberg, Mikhal 01 January 2008 (has links)
Throughout Central Florida surface water and ground water are decreasing in quantity and quality in part because of excess Nitrate and Phosphorus nutrients. Stormwater runoff serves as a medium for transport of Nitrate and Phosphorus to surface water and ground water. The goal of this experiment is assess the Nitrate and Phosphorus removal in stormwater using select media. The results of a literature search, batch test experimentation and column test experimentation are used to determine an optimal media blend that may be implemented in detention ponds to reduce Nitrate and Phosphorus. The extensive literature search revealed 32 different media that may be used to remove Nitrate and Phosphorus. Each potential media was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated based on 5 criteria: 1) relevance, 2) permeability, 3) cost, 4) availability in Florida, and 5) additional environmental benefit. The top 7 performing media: Florida peat, sandy loam, woodchips, crushed oyster shell; crushed limestone, tire crumb and sawdust were selected for batch test experimentation. The aerobic conditions in batch test experimentation prohibited the growth of denitrifying bacteria, therefore media mixes were selected for column test experimentation based on Ammonia and Orthophosphate concentrations. Batch test experimentation showed the most effective media to be 50% sand, 30% tire crumb, 20% sawdust by weight (media mix 1) and 50% sand, 25% sawdust, 15% tire crumb, 10% limestone by weight (media mix 2). Media mix 1, media mix 2 and a control are tested in column test experimentation, where the control is site soil from Hunters Trace development in Ocala, Florida. Column test experimentation models a dry detention pond where water passes through a 48 inch unsaturated zone then a 48 inch saturated zone. To test Nitrate and Orthophosphate removal potential, pond water augmented with Nitrate (0.38, 1.26, 2.5 mg/L NO3-N) and Orthophosphate (0.125, 0.361, 0.785 mg/L PO4-P) was pumped into the columns. Media mix 1 and media mix 2 outperformed the control in both Nitrate and Orthophosphate removal. Media mix 1 and media mix 2 had Nitrate removal efficiencies ranging from 60% to 99% and the control had Nitrate removal efficiencies ranging from 38%-80%. Media mix 1 and media mix 2 averaged Orthophosphate removal efficiencies ranging from approximately 42% to 67%. For every run in every influent Orthophosphate concentration the saturated control added Orthophosphate to the water. The Nitrate and Orthophosphate removal performances for media mix 1 and media mix 2 could not be directly compared because of different influent saturated nutrient concentrations.
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