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Ondes et instabilités sur les tourbillons en milieu stratifié-tournantPark, Junho 16 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
En milieu stratifié-tournant, les ondes supportées par un tourbillon colonnaire vertical peuvent être instables en raison d'un rayonnement d'ondes, un phénomène connu sous le nom d'instabilité radiative. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, on étudie numériquement et analytiquement l'effet d'une rotation planétaire sur cette instabilité. En présence de rotation cyclonique, le rayonnement d'ondes diminue et le taux de croissance maximum de l'instabilité radiative décroît exponentiellement quand la rotation augmente. Il devient negligeable quand le nombre Rossby est inférieur à l'unité. En présence de rotation anticyclonique avec un nombre de Rossby supérieur à -1, l'instabilité centrifuge est stable mais on montre que l'instabilité radiative se produit également si le nombre d'onde azimutal est plus grand que 2 et le profil de vorticité est suffisamment raide. Le taux de croissance dans ce régime fortement anticyclonique est comparable à celui dans le régime cyclonique. La principale conclusion est donc qu'un tourbillon colonnaire en milieu stratifié-tournant peut être instable pour n'importe quel nombre de Rossby. Le mécanisme et les propriétés de l'instabilité radiative sont expliqués par une analyse WKBJ pour grands nombres d'ondes. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, la stabilité de l'écoulement de Taylor-Couette stratifié est analysée quand la vitesse angulaire augmente radialement, une régime encore jamais exploré. On montre que cet écoulement est instable vis à vis d'une instabilité stratorotationelle. Cette instabilité est similaire à l'instabilité radiative d'un tourbillon en régime fortement anticyclonique. Ces résultats révèlent que l'écoulement de Taylor-Couette stratifié est toujours instable sauf dans la limite d'une rotation solide.
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Tourism and Female Empowerment in 21st Century NepalTung, Ching 01 January 2011 (has links)
My thesis explores the effect of tourism and the opportunities it is providing for Nepalese women who are actively looking for waged, high skilled, high status employment. These jobs include but are not limited to trekking guides, hotel/guesthouse managers, and upper level management positions, both within and outside of the tourism sector. I am focusing on women whose education and skill levels enable them to seek jobs above low skill, low status employment, such as farm workers and low level clerical staff. I am studying the shifts in Nepalese society that enable a specific market to emerge for participation for educated and ambitious women, and if such a shift is happening, whether or not Nepalese women are taking advantage of this opportunity to lead the way toward gender equity.
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New Risk Markers in Atrial FibrillationHijazi, Ziad January 2013 (has links)
Atrial fibrillation (AF) confers an independent increased risk of stroke and death. The stroke risk is very heterogeneous and current risk stratification models based on clinical variables, such as the CHADS2 and CHA2DS2VASc score, only offer a modest discriminating value. The aims of this thesis were to study cardiac biomarkers, cardiac troponin and natriuretic peptides e.g. N-terminal prohormone-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), and describe levels in AF patients, investigate the association with stroke or systemic embolism, cardiovascular event, major bleeding and mortality, and to assess how levels of cardiac biomarkers change over time. Cardiac troponin was analyzed with contemporary assays and high sensitivity assays. The study populations consisted of patients with atrial fibrillation and one risk factor for stroke included in the RE-LY (n=6189) and the ARISTOTLE (n=14892) biomarker substudies. Median follow-up time was 2.2 years and 1.9 years, respectively. In a subset of participants (n=2514) data from repeated measurements was available at three months. Cardiac troponin was detectable in 57.0% with the contemporary assay and 99.4% with the high sensitivity assay. NT-proBNP was elevated in approximately three quarters of the participants. In Cox models adjusted for established risk factors the cardiac biomarkers levels was independently associated with stroke or systemic embolism, cardiovascular events, and mortality. Only cardiac troponin was associated with major bleeding. In ROC analyses the prediction of stroke or systemic embolism, cardiovascular events, and mortality increased significantly by addition of cardiac troponin or NT-proBNP to the models. Persistent detectable cardiac troponin (contemporary assay) and elevated NT-proBNP levels were found in a large number of participants. Persistent detectable or elevated levels conferred significantly higher risk for stroke or systemic embolism, cardiovascular events, and mortality. By using both cardiac biomarkers simultaneously the risk stratification improved even further for all outcomes. In conclusion the analyses for the first time display that elevation of troponin I and NT-proBNP are common in patients with AF and independently related to increased risks of stroke, cardiovascular events and mortality. Persistent elevation of troponin and NT-proBNP indicate a worse prognosis than transient elevations or no elevations of either marker. The cardiac biomarkers added substantial improvements to existing risk stratification models.
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Finances, Social Capital, and College Organizational MembershipPenick, Jalandra Michelle 01 May 2009 (has links)
There were three focal objectives of this research. The research aimed to determine whether an association exists between perception of financial strain and involvement in campus clubs and organizations, actual finances, and involvement in clubs and organizations, and the levels of social capital generated by involvement in campus clubs and organizations. Results indicate that the perception of financial strain has no significant effect on involvement in campus clubs and activities. The analysis also reveals that actual finances have an insignificant relationship with involvement in campus clubs and organizations. There were significant relationships revealed when social capital was measured. The research found a significant positive relationship between level of involvement and job connections, new acquaintances, dating relationships, close friends, trust other club members to listen, trust other club members to help in a crisis, reciprocity, and obligation to participate. The cross-tabulations between level of involvement and the variables general trust, influence on identity, and influence on tolerance produced no significant relationships.
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Separating Features from Noise with Persistence and StatisticsWang, Bei January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, we explore techniques in statistics and persistent homology, which detect features among data sets such as graphs, triangulations and point cloud. We accompany our theorems with algorithms and experiments, to demonstrate their effectiveness in practice.</p><p></p><p>We start with the derivation of graph scan statistics, a measure useful to assess the statistical significance of a subgraph in terms of edge density. We cluster graphs into densely-connected subgraphs based on this measure. We give algorithms for finding such clusterings and experiment on real-world data.</p><p></p><p>We next study statistics on persistence, for piecewise-linear functions defined on the triangulations of topological spaces. We derive persistence pairing probabilities among vertices in the triangulation. We also provide upper bounds for total persistence in expectation. </p><p></p><p>We continue by examining the elevation function defined on the triangulation of a surface. Its local maxima obtained by persistence pairing are useful in describing features of the triangulations of protein surfaces. We describe an algorithm to compute these local maxima, with a run-time ten-thousand times faster in practice than previous method. We connect such improvement with the total Gaussian curvature of the surfaces.</p><p></p><p>Finally, we study a stratification learning problem: given a point cloud sampled from a stratified space, which points belong to the same strata, at a given scale level? We assess the local structure of a point in relation to its neighbors using kernel and cokernel persistent homology. We prove the effectiveness of such assessment through several inference theorems, under the assumption of dense sample. The topological inference theorem relates the sample density with the homological feature size. The probabilistic inference theorem provides sample estimates to assess the local structure with confidence. We describe an algorithm that computes the kernel and cokernel persistence diagrams and prove its correctness. We further experiment on simple synthetic data.</p> / Dissertation
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"It's <italic>so</italic> <italic>Pura</italic> <italic>Vida</italic>": The Tourism Global Value Chain and Ethnoracial Stratification in Costa RicaChristian, Michelle Marie January 2011 (has links)
<p>Over the last thirty years successful national economic development is considered participation in global industries, particularly in global value chains. Frequently, however, inclusion in these chains brings forth varied socioeconomic benefits for chain actors, acutely different ethnic and racial groups. Costa Rican participation in the tourism global value chain while heralded as a success story shows varied impacts for ethnoracial groups who are incorporated, excluded, and stratified in various forms. By comparing two communities in Costa Rica, Tamarindo and Cahuita, three main practices are apparent in determining the position of foreigners from the global North, Costa Ricans from the Central Valley, Afro-Costa Ricans, and Guanacastecans in the industry as workers or entrepreneur suppliers: (1) the role of <italic>governance structures</italic>, i.e., power dynamics between firms along the value chain and the importance of standards, formal and subjective; (2) <italic>institutions</italic>, including global private travel fairs, national tourism boards, and specific development policies; and (3) the dominance of environmental imagery and rural democracy narratives to <italic>market</italic> Costa Rica. Concretely, the development of global tourism in Costa Rica and its impact upon different groups is nuanced and it is a testament to both opportunities for local economic and social empowerment and stratification and marginalization.</p> / Dissertation
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Vertical Profile and Correlation Analysis of Ozone and Its Precursors in Coastal Region of KaohsiungLiu, Yu-Fu 24 August 2010 (has links)
Metro Kaohsiung with high percentage (6-10 %) of poor air quality (PSI>100) has been announced officially by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) as the worst air quality region among seven Air Quality Zones (AQZ) in Taiwan. Ozone is one of two major air pollutants that are responsible for the poor air quality. In this study, the vertical concentration profiles of ozone and its precursors (NOX and VOCs) at eight sites were measured by tethered balloons with air pumps and tedlar sampling bags. This method was used to investigate the vertical profile and the tempospatial distribution of ozone and its precursors in offshore/inland regions. This study further investigated ozone formation mechanism and air mass trajectory via simultaneous air quality sampling around the coastal region of metro Kaohsiung.
This study sampled the vertical concentration profiles of ozone and its precursors at both inland and offshore sites during eight intensive sampling periods on August 16-17 and November 2-3, 2006, January 24-25, March 6-7 and May 2-3, 2007, October 30-31, 2008, and March 11-12 and July 15-16, 2009. Eight sampling periods were divided into the sea-land breeze period, the northeast monsoon period, and the mixing wind field period. During the sea-land breeze period, the wind direction changed 90˚ and more between daytime and nighttime, and the wind speeds of the sea breezes varied significantly than those of the land breezes. During the northeast monsoon period, prevailing wind blew from the north (300~60˚) with the average wind speeds of 1~4 m/s. During the mixing wind field period, the wind direction varied significantly from 270˚ to 90˚ with the average wind speeds of 1~3 m/s.
Results obtained from the vertical profiles showed that O3 concentration appeared stratification phenomenon at 40 out of 64 sampling sites, in which its precursors (NOX or VOCs) demonstrated stratification phenomenon at 30 sampling sites, accounting for 75 % of total O3 stratification. It suggested that ozone and its precursors had strong correlation with each other. The linear slope of the titration effect showed that the intensity of titration effect at night during the northeast monsoon period was larger and had higher correlation (R> 0.7), and followed by the mixing wind field period and the sea-land breeze period. This phenomenon correlated closely with meteorological conditions, the concentrations of O3 precursors, and solar radiation intensity. Therefore, O3 concentration at night during the northeast monsoon period was lower than those of the sea-land breeze period.
Results obtained from VOCs measurement indicated that the major species of VOCs was acetone which accounted for 16.25~64.05 % of total TVOCs-C2 in the offshore region. High concentration of TVOCs-C2 was affected by the usage of organic solvents. While, the major species of VOCs in the inland region was toluene which accounted for 6.41~43.77 % of total TVOCs-C2. Furthermore, results obtained from backward trajectory showed that air pollutants emited from land sources could transport to the offshore region, resulting in high concentration of oversea NOX and VOCs. Major species of VOCs for high O3 formation potential were aromatics and vinyls at the height of 0~500 m around the coastal region of metro Kaohsiung.
The control of O3 precursors concentration showed that the ratio of [TVOCs-C2]/[NOX] in the offshore region was higher, indicating that O3 formation was NOX-limited. Therefore, NOX must be controlled for reducing O3 formation. However, the ratio of [TVOCs-C2]/[NOX] in the inland region was lower, some cases even below 4, showing that O3 formation was VOCs-limited. Thus, VOCs must be controlled for reducing O3 formation.
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Vertical Distribution and Seasonal Variation of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Ambient Atmosphere of a Petrochemical Industrial ComplexYang, Jhih-Jhe 02 September 2011 (has links)
The emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors from petrochemical industrial complex, including China Petroleum company (CPC),Renwu and Dazher petrochemical industrial parks, causes poor air quality of northern Kaohsiung. The removal efficiencies of elevated stacks and flares might play
important roles on ambient air quality in metro Kaohsiung. Consequently, this study
applied a tethered balloon technology to measure the vertical profile of VOCs, and
ascertained their three dimensional dispersion in the atmosphere.
The vertical profile of VOCs in ambient atmosphere surrounding the
petrochemical industrial complex was measured during the intensive sampling periods
(September 17-18th and December 20-21st, 2009 and April 8-9th and July 7-8th, 2010).
Moreover, this study was designed to sample and analyze VOCs emitted from
elevated stacks and flares, and estimate their emission factors. Finally, the source
identification and ozone formation were further determined by principal component
analysis (PCA) and ozone formation potential (OFP).
This study found that some regions had relatively poorer air quality than other
regions surrounding the petrochemical industrial complex. Most sampling sites with
poor air quality were located at the downwind region of the petrochemical industrial
complex, particularly with the prevailing winds blown from the northwest. Moreover,
stratification phenomena were frequently observed at most sampling sites, indicating
that high-altitude VOCs pollution should be considered for ambient air quality.
This study revealed that the indicators of VOCs in northern Kaohsiung were
toluene, C2 (ethylene+acetylene+ethane), and acetone. Vertical sampling of VOCs
showed that the species of VOCs at the ground and high altitude were different,
suggesting that ambient air quality at high altitude might be affected by the emission
of VOCs from elevated stacks and flares at the petrochemical industrial complex.
Results obtained from PCA showed that the major sources of VOCs in the
ambient atmosphere of the petrochemical industrial complex were similar to the characteristics of VOCs emitted from the petrochemical industrial complex. The
characteristics of VOCs at high altitude had strong correlation with petrochemical
industry, indicating that the ambient air quality of northern Kaohsiung was highly
influenced by the emission of VOCs from high stacks and flares. In addition, major
VOCs for O3 formation potential at northern Kaohsiung were aromatics and vinyls,
with particular species of toluene and C2. Moreover, air pollution episodes resulting
from high O3 concentration was usually observed in early winter.
Flare sampling results indicated that major VOCs emitted from the ground flare
of CPC were alkanes and vinyls. The average removal efficiency of TVOCs was
98.2%. The average emission factor of VOCs was 0.0186 kg NMHC/kg flare gas. In
addition, stack sampling results indicated that the emission factors of crude oil
distillation process (P105), mixing process (P060), and rubber manufacturing process
(P408) were 0.105, 1.11, and 61.97 g/Kl, respectively. The emission factor of P105
was lower than AP-42, while that of P408 was higher than AP-42.
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Entrainment and mixing properties of multiphase plumes: Experimental studies on turbulence and scalar structure of a bubble plumeSeol, Dong Guan 15 May 2009 (has links)
This dissertation presents a series of laboratory experiments to study flow and mixing
properties of multiphase plumes. The particle image velocimetry (PIV) and laserinduced
fluorescence (LIF) techniques are developed to measure two-dimensional velocity
and concentration fields of multiphase plumes. The developed measurement
techniques are applied to bubble plumes in different ambient conditions.
The problems and errors in the two-phase PIV application to a bubble plume case
are addressed through a comparative study between the optical separation method
using fluorescent particles and a new phase separation method using vector postprocessing.
The study shows that the new algorithm predicts well the instantaneous
and time-averaged velocity profiles and has errors comparable to those for image
masking techniques.
The phase separation method developed in the previous section is applied to
study the mean flow characteristics of a bubble plume in quiescent and unstratified
condition. The entrainment coefficients representing the mixing properties of a bubble
plume are calculated to lie between 0.08 near the plume source and 0.05 in the upper
region, and to depend on the non-dimensional quantity us/(B/z)1/3, where us is the
bubble slip velocity, B is the initial buoyancy flux, and z is the height from the diffuser.
Further, the LIF technique is investigated to measure the scalar concentration
field around a bubble plume in quiescent, unstratified condition. This new application
to bubble plumes accounts for light scattering by bubbles using an attenuation coef-
ficient that is proportional to the local void fraction. Measured scalar concentration
fields show similar trend in concentration fluctuation to turbulent plume cases.
Finally, the velocity and concentration field measurements using the developed
two-phase PIV and LIF methods are applied for a bubble plume in a density-stratified
ambient. The turbulent flow characteristics induced by a bubble plume in a stratified
ambient water are studied. The plume fluctuation frequency is measured as about 0.1
Hz and compares well to plume wandering frequency measured in unstratified plume
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Sociospatial Inequality: A Multilevel and Geo-Spatial Analysis of Latino PovertySiordia, Carlos 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Sociology at its core has always been interested in understanding how society works. Previous studies on social stratification have sought to outline who gets what, when, and why. This project introduces the where element to advance our understanding of how resource distribution affects life chances.
The research question is: Does the percent of Latinos in the area of residence have an influence on Latino?s individual poverty over and above the influence on poverty of the person characteristics? The study ascertains how micro-level inequality is influenced by macro-level attributes and explores how spatial non-stationarity plays a role in these mechanics. This sociospatial inequality investigation will delineate how individual-level stratifying mechanisms are influenced by context-level structural attributes and how sociospatial non-stationary processes play a role in these mechanics.
The dissertation is conceptually driven by Hubert M. Blalock's 1970 theory on minority relationships. Blalock posited the testable hypothesis that discrimination against oppressed groups increases when their population rises. Using theoretical propositions inspired by Blalock leads to the testing of the following two formal hypothesis: the multilevel hypothesis (H1) focuses on macro-level effects, I hypothesize that as the percent of Latinos/as in the area of residence increases, the odds of being in poverty will increase for Latinas/os; on the spatial hypothesis (H2), I hypothesize that the statistical association between percent Latina/o and percent poverty is spatially nonstationary.
I find that H1 cannot be falsified. The models reveal, as Blalock predicted, that as the percent of Latinos/as in the area of residence increases, the odds of being in poverty increase for Latinas/os (even after controlling for various level-1, level-2, and GWR-level-2 factors). I also find that H2 could not be falsified. I find that the statistical association between percent Latina/o and percent poverty is spatially nonstationary.
My multilevel and spatial modeling investigation was unable to falsify Blalock's minority group threat theory. Hierarchical models indicate that as the percent of Latino/a increases, the likelihood of being in poverty for Latinas/os increases. This statically significant relationship holds constant even after spatial nonstationarity level-2 control factors are introduced.
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