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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of hydrogeology and the Devensian glaciation on hyporheic communities of the UK

Dunscombe, Mark January 2012 (has links)
Ecologically, the hyporheic zone (HZ) performs numerous roles within stream ecosystems (e.g. habitat, refugia from floods and droughts, nutrient cycling, pollution attenuation) with the dominant control on these various roles sediment composition. Recently, the body of literature on the role of sediment in the HZ has grown, though these studies rarely extend beyond the reach scale with little regional scale research undertaken in England and Wales. In this thesis, meio- and macrofaunal hyporheic assemblages at two depths (20cm and 50cm) across four geological regions (chalk – fine sediment, sandstone - fine to medium sediment and limestone – coarse sediment) two seasons (summer (n = 396) and winter (n = 192)) are described. The influence of recent glaciations (Devensian) on the distribution of stygobite fauna (summer (n = 192) and winter (n = 98)) is also considered. A reach scale experimental manipulation of sediment composition in the HZ of a highly dynamic, species rich and diverse study site (limestone) was also undertaken. I found the influence of glaciation on stygobite fauna still apparent in the two limestone areas with macrofaunal sized stygobite species rare or absent in both limestone areas. Meiofaunal sized stygobite fauna Antrobathynella stammeri (Crustacea: Syncarida) were recorded from the glaciated limestone site. These results suggest large stygobite fauna are rare or absent in the limestone areas of Northern England with meiofaunal stygobites possibly surviving in sub-glacial refugia. Stygobite fauna were abundant in southern England with alternative migratory routes north discussed (e.g. River Severn catchment and chalk aquifers). Geological regions had characteristic fauna with species richness and abundance of meio- and macrofauna high in the HZ of both limestone areas. Conversely, species richness and abundance was low in the chalk and sandstone HZ. The chalk HZ had a high abundance of macrofaunal sized Crustacea (Gammarus pulex) and low abundance of meiofaunal sized Crustacea (Copepoda). This suggested mechanical properties (burrowing) rather than morphology (body size and shape) was important in fine sediments, whereas in the limestone HZ morphology rather than mechanical properties was important. In the experimental study results were more intuitive with meiofauna abundant across all sediment treatments (fine, mixed, coarse and natural) with macrofauna abundant in sediment treatments containing a high proportion of coarse material. These results suggest Copepoda assume a greater role in ecological processes in fine sediment patches within a dynamic HZ, whereas when fine sediment dominates a system (e.g. chalk HZ) then the role of Copepoda is reduced. One implication could be the use of Copepoda as indicators of colmation and hydrologic exchange in the assessment of ecosystem health and give an indication of the refugial capacity of the HZ from projected high and low flow events in light of UK climate change forecasts.

Selenium Dynamics in Headwater Streams of the Central Appalachian Coalfields: An Investigation of Enrichment and Bioaccumulation

Whitmore, Keridwen McLeyne 06 February 2017 (has links)
Surface coal-mining is a source of selenium (Se) contamination in streams of the Appalachian coalfields. Selenium dynamics in aquatic systems are complex and largely controlled by site-specific factors, but have been understudied in Appalachian headwater streams. In this study, we evaluated the degree and dynamics of Se enrichment and bioaccumulation in headwater streams influenced by coal-mining. Based on Se concentrations in macroinvertebrates collected from 23 headwater streams, nine sites were selected for further study: three reference streams with no history of coal-mining, and six streams influenced by coal mining. Mining-influenced streams were further separated into high-Se and low-Sestreams based on macroinvertebrate tissue Se concentrations. Water-column, sediment, biofilm, leaf detritus, and prey and predator macroinvertebrates were collected and analyzed for Se concentration during two sample periods, Sept. - Oct. 2015 and Feb.-March 2016. Selenium concentrations in all media were found to be elevated in mining-influenced over reference streams and in high-Se over low-Se streams. Selenium dynamics, enrichment in particulate media (sediment, biofilm and leaf detritus) and trophic transfer of Se to prey from particulate media and to predators from prey, did not exhibit major differences among streams of differing Se levels. Water column Se concentrations were predicative of Se concentrations in macroinvertebrate tissues. Findings from this study indicate headwater streams influenced by coal-mining are capable of a high degree of Se bioaccumulation in macroinvertebrate populations. / Master of Science / Surface coal-mining is a source of selenium (Se) contamination in streams of the Appalachian coalfields. Selenium dynamics in aquatic systems are complex and largely controlled by sitespecific factors, but have been understudied in Appalachian headwater streams. In this study, we evaluated the degree and dynamics of Se enrichment and bioaccumulation in headwater streams influenced by coal-mining. Based on Se concentrations in macroinvertebrates collected from 23 headwater streams, nine sites were selected for further study: three reference streams with no history of coal-mining, and six streams influenced by coal mining. Mining-influenced streams were further separated into “high-Se” and “low-Se” streams based on macroinvertebrate tissue Se concentrations. Water-column, sediment, biofilm, leaf detritus, and prey and predator macroinvertebrates were collected and analyzed for Se concentration during two sample periods, Sept. - Oct. 2015 and Feb.- March 2016. Selenium concentrations in all media were found to be elevated in mining-influenced over reference streams and in high-Se over low-Se streams. Selenium dynamics, enrichment in particulate media (sediment, biofilm and leaf detritus) and trophic transfer of Se to prey from particulate media and to predators from prey, did not exhibit major differences among streams of differing Se levels. Water column Se concentrations were predicative of Se concentrations in macroinvertebrate tissues. Findings from this study indicate headwater streams influenced by coal-mining are capable of a high degree of Se bioaccumulation in macroinvertebrate populations.


Durigon, Mariana 28 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The main aim of this study was to analyze the composition and structure of the diatom community (Bacillariophyceae) in the River Vacacaí hydrographic basin, Santa Maria municipal district, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and its relation to physical and chemical variables, related to water quality. Monthly field trips were carried out between June 2011 and July 2012 in six sampling stations along the river course, in order to collect epilithic diatoms in natural substrates as well as water samples. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the communities were performed on permanent glass slides under a light microscope. The relative abundance of diatom species was obtained from the count of at least 600 valves on each slide, as well as identification of taxa to species and variety levels. The following water quality variables were also measured: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, suspended solids (SS), conductivity, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen. The results were compared to the water use categories determined by the National Council for the Environment (CONAMA) in a resolution issued in 2005. Multivariate techniques (cluster, canonical correspondence and indicator species analyses) and community structure parameters (species richness, Shannon‟s Diversity Index, determination of abundant and dominant species in each sample) were used in order to describe environmental and biological patterns found. 171 species were identified in total. Multivariate analyses resulted in grouping of the sampling stations rather than sampling dates, with the upstream sections separated from the downstream zones. The latter were characterized by higher values of BOD, COD and conductivity, as well as the dominance of diatoms species typical of pollutes sites such as Sellaphora pupula, Nitzschia palea, Gomphonema parvulum and Cocconeis placentula. At the most polluted site, species richness and diversity indices were significantly lower than at the remaining sampling stations. Human activities, markedly sewage effluents are pointed as the main causes of water quality degradation. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a composição e estrutura das comunidades de algas diatomáceas (Bacillariophyceae) na Bacia hidrográfica do Vacacaí, município de Santa Maria RS, Brasil e sua relação com alguns parâmetros físicos e químicos, inferindo sobre a qualidade d‟água. Foram realizadas coletas mensais de diatomáceas epilíticas e de água no período de junho de 2011 a junho de 2012, em seis pontos de amostragem. Para estipular a percentagem relativa foram contadas 600 valvas em cada lâmina. Efetuou-se também análises da demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), pH, sólidos suspensos (SS), condutividade, turbidez e oxigênio dissolvido. Os parâmetros foram comparados com as classes de uso da água prevista na resolução do Conselho Nacional de Meio Ambiente (CONAMA 357/2005). No processamento da informação, empregou-se uma análise de componentes principais (PCA), análise de agrupamento, análise de correspondência canônica (CCA), análise de espécies indicadoras, análises de diversidade, riqueza e foram também determinadas as espécies abundantes e dominantes de acordo com o critériode Lobo & Leighton (1986). Ao todo 171 espécies foram identificadas. A análise estatística utilizada se complementa, podendo observar-se uma separação espacial, onde pontos a montante foram separados de pontos a jusante, sendo que os pontos a jusante foram correlacionados com maiores valores de DBO, DQO e condutividade e caracterizaram-se pela dominância de espécies de diatomáceas típicas de locais poluídos como Sellaphora pupula, Nitzschia palea, Gomphonema parvulum e Cocconeis placentula. No ponto considerado o mais poluído a riqueza específica e diversidade é significativamente menor que nos demais pontos. As atividades humanas, especialmente o lançamento de esgotos são responsáveis pela alteração da qualidade d‟água.

A microbacia do rio Jacupiranguinha como unidade de estudo para a sustentabilidade dos recursos hídricos no Baixo Ribeira de Iguape - SP / The Jacupiranguinha river micro basin as an ecological unit for the sustainability of water resources in Low Ribeira de Iguape Valley – São Paulo, Brazil

Moccellin, Juliana 03 April 2006 (has links)
Os recursos hídricos são considerados bem comum e, por isso, devem ser geridos de forma integrada; garantindo, assim, aproveitamento otimizado com mínimo de conflitos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento de variáveis limnológicas na microbacia do rio Jacupiranguinha (município de Cajati – SP, Baixo Ribeira de Iguape), em quatro períodos hidrológicos distintos, com base nas teorias ecológicas de ecossistemas fluviais. As coletas foram realizadas em janeiro (verão), abril (outono), julho (inverno) e setembro (primavera) em onze pontos, no eixo longitudinal do rio Jacupiranguinha, com alguns abrangendo locais após lançamentos de efluentes de indústrias e esgoto doméstico, um ponto no rio Guaraú e um ponto no rio Jacupiranga. Levando-se em conta a sazonalidade a maior precipitação ocorreu em janeiro (305 mm), como era esperado, seguida pelas de setembro (266 mm), julho (119 mm) e abril (115 mm). Vazão e velocidade de escoamento tiveram relação direta com a precipitação e a vazão aumentou de montante à jusante, devido à contribuição de efluentes. A devastação da mata ciliar ocasionou incidência uniforme de radiação solar em todo o eixo longitudinal do rio Jacupiranguinha, além de facilitar a entrada de sólidos suspensos para o rio, principalmente no período chuvoso. Este rio recebe efluentes domésticos e de uma indústria de fertilizantes, que gera uma descontinuidade de fluxo de seus nutrientes da cabeceira à foz. Altos valores de condutividade, e dos compostos de fósforo a partir da entrada do efluente da indústria de fertilizantes indicam que ele muda as características do rio nos pontos à jusante deste e, por isso, é possível dividir o eixo longitudinal do rio Jacupiranguinha em duas regiões. A análise do sedimento revelou maiores concentrações de nitrogênio total no mês de setembro, provavelmente devido à entrada de carga alóctone ocasionada pelas chuvas e maiores concentrações de fósforo total foram obtidas no período seco. A comunidade bentônica apresentou variação temporal, provavelmente, devido a fatores hidráulicos, como vazão e velocidade de escoamento. O aumento da riqueza e diversidade no período de chuvas, provavelmente ocorreram em função do revolvimento do substrato que, neste período era composto por partículas mais finas. A baixa riqueza e diversidade de espécies encontradas no rio Jacupiranguinha nos demais períodos indica comprometimento da qualidade da água neste sistema / Water resources are a well good, so they should be managed in an integrated form, guaranteeing their optimized use, with less conflict. The aim of this work was to study the behavior of limnological variables in the Jacupiranguinha river micro basin (Cajati city, São Paulo, Low Ribeira de Iguape Valley) in four different hydrological periods based on the conceptual structures of stream ecosystems. Samples were colleted in January (summer), April (autumn), July (winter) and September (spring) in 11 points throughout the river, in points with discharge of sewage and industrial effluents, 1 point on Jacupiranga river and 1 on Guaraú river. Considering seasonality the higher precipitation occurred on January (305 mm), like it was expected, followed by that on September (266 mm), July (119 mm) and April (115 mm). Drainage speed and discharge were positively related with precipitation and there were an increase from headwaters to mouth in discharge because of the entrance of effluents. The absence of the riparian vegetation caused uniform incidence of solar radiation throughout the entire river channel; besides, it had facilitated the entrance of suspended solids (allochthonous input) during rainy season. The fertilizing industry, located in Cajati city, causes a discontinuity flow of nutrients in the river. High conductivity values and phosphorus compounds from the industry effluents change the continuum of the river and allow its section in two regions: before and after the industry effluent entrance. The sediment analysis revealed higher nitrogen concentrations on September, probably because the allochthonous input occasioned by the rain and higher phosphorous concentration was found on dry season. The benthic community presented temporal variation probably due to hydraulic factors as discharge and speed drainage. The increase of richness and diversity on rainy season is due to the suspension of organic matter cumulated on sediment. The low species richness and diversity in the other seasons on Jacupiranguinha river indicate that the water quality is not so good

A microbacia do rio Jacupiranguinha como unidade de estudo para a sustentabilidade dos recursos hídricos no Baixo Ribeira de Iguape - SP / The Jacupiranguinha river micro basin as an ecological unit for the sustainability of water resources in Low Ribeira de Iguape Valley – São Paulo, Brazil

Juliana Moccellin 03 April 2006 (has links)
Os recursos hídricos são considerados bem comum e, por isso, devem ser geridos de forma integrada; garantindo, assim, aproveitamento otimizado com mínimo de conflitos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento de variáveis limnológicas na microbacia do rio Jacupiranguinha (município de Cajati – SP, Baixo Ribeira de Iguape), em quatro períodos hidrológicos distintos, com base nas teorias ecológicas de ecossistemas fluviais. As coletas foram realizadas em janeiro (verão), abril (outono), julho (inverno) e setembro (primavera) em onze pontos, no eixo longitudinal do rio Jacupiranguinha, com alguns abrangendo locais após lançamentos de efluentes de indústrias e esgoto doméstico, um ponto no rio Guaraú e um ponto no rio Jacupiranga. Levando-se em conta a sazonalidade a maior precipitação ocorreu em janeiro (305 mm), como era esperado, seguida pelas de setembro (266 mm), julho (119 mm) e abril (115 mm). Vazão e velocidade de escoamento tiveram relação direta com a precipitação e a vazão aumentou de montante à jusante, devido à contribuição de efluentes. A devastação da mata ciliar ocasionou incidência uniforme de radiação solar em todo o eixo longitudinal do rio Jacupiranguinha, além de facilitar a entrada de sólidos suspensos para o rio, principalmente no período chuvoso. Este rio recebe efluentes domésticos e de uma indústria de fertilizantes, que gera uma descontinuidade de fluxo de seus nutrientes da cabeceira à foz. Altos valores de condutividade, e dos compostos de fósforo a partir da entrada do efluente da indústria de fertilizantes indicam que ele muda as características do rio nos pontos à jusante deste e, por isso, é possível dividir o eixo longitudinal do rio Jacupiranguinha em duas regiões. A análise do sedimento revelou maiores concentrações de nitrogênio total no mês de setembro, provavelmente devido à entrada de carga alóctone ocasionada pelas chuvas e maiores concentrações de fósforo total foram obtidas no período seco. A comunidade bentônica apresentou variação temporal, provavelmente, devido a fatores hidráulicos, como vazão e velocidade de escoamento. O aumento da riqueza e diversidade no período de chuvas, provavelmente ocorreram em função do revolvimento do substrato que, neste período era composto por partículas mais finas. A baixa riqueza e diversidade de espécies encontradas no rio Jacupiranguinha nos demais períodos indica comprometimento da qualidade da água neste sistema / Water resources are a well good, so they should be managed in an integrated form, guaranteeing their optimized use, with less conflict. The aim of this work was to study the behavior of limnological variables in the Jacupiranguinha river micro basin (Cajati city, São Paulo, Low Ribeira de Iguape Valley) in four different hydrological periods based on the conceptual structures of stream ecosystems. Samples were colleted in January (summer), April (autumn), July (winter) and September (spring) in 11 points throughout the river, in points with discharge of sewage and industrial effluents, 1 point on Jacupiranga river and 1 on Guaraú river. Considering seasonality the higher precipitation occurred on January (305 mm), like it was expected, followed by that on September (266 mm), July (119 mm) and April (115 mm). Drainage speed and discharge were positively related with precipitation and there were an increase from headwaters to mouth in discharge because of the entrance of effluents. The absence of the riparian vegetation caused uniform incidence of solar radiation throughout the entire river channel; besides, it had facilitated the entrance of suspended solids (allochthonous input) during rainy season. The fertilizing industry, located in Cajati city, causes a discontinuity flow of nutrients in the river. High conductivity values and phosphorus compounds from the industry effluents change the continuum of the river and allow its section in two regions: before and after the industry effluent entrance. The sediment analysis revealed higher nitrogen concentrations on September, probably because the allochthonous input occasioned by the rain and higher phosphorous concentration was found on dry season. The benthic community presented temporal variation probably due to hydraulic factors as discharge and speed drainage. The increase of richness and diversity on rainy season is due to the suspension of organic matter cumulated on sediment. The low species richness and diversity in the other seasons on Jacupiranguinha river indicate that the water quality is not so good

Availability and use of organic matter in stream ecosystems: the role of biofilms

Ylla i Monfort, Irene 21 January 2011 (has links)
La comunitat bentònica dels ecosistemes fluvials processa una gran quantitat de la matèria orgànica que arriba als rius. L'origen de les entrades de material (autòctones o al·lòctones), la seva composició química i la seva quantitat (freqüència de les entrades i concentració assolida en el riu), determinen l'estructura de la comunitat bentònica autotròfica i heterotròfica, les seves relacions tròfiques i les seves interaccions potencials (competència, sinergisme). L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és posar de manifest la utilització de la matèria orgànica dissolta (MOD) per part dels biofilms bacterians bentònics fluvials i determinar l'eficiència del sistema fluvial en l'ús dels diferents materials que hi circulen. Amb aquesta finalitat s'han portat a terme diversos experiments, tant de camp com de laboratori, per tal de conèixer els efectes de la disponibilitat de la matèria orgànica (quantitat) i la seva qualitat (composició química i biodegradabilitat) i els efectes deguts a l'augment de temperatura de l'aigua del riu. / The benthic community in river ecosystems processes a large amount of organic matter entering the river. The input sources (autochthonous and allochthonous) as well as their chemical composition and amount (frequency of inputs and concentrations reaching the river), determine the structure of the autotrophic and heterotrophic benthic community, their trophic relationships and their potential interactions (competition, synergism). The aim of this thesis is to elucidate the use of dissolved organic matter (DOM) by the benthic stream microbial biofilms and determine the efficiency of the fluvial system in the use of the different materials that circulate through it. Different experiments were developed in the field and others in laboratory conditions to control the respective effects of organic matter availability (quantity) and quality (chemical composition and lability), as well as the effects of increasing river water temperature.

Consequences of terrestrial invaders for aquatic-riparian linkages

Diesburg, Kristen M. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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