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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Yogans effekt på stressrelaterade symtom / Yoga's effect on stress-related symptoms

Johansson, Anna, Ståhl, Linda January 2014 (has links)
Stress är ett växande problem i dagens samhälle.                                                        Människor som har en hög stressnivå kan få stressrelaterade symtom som t.ex. depression, kroniska smärttillstånd och sömnstörningar. Det ingår i distriktssköterskors arbete att hjälpa människor att genomföra olika typer av livsstils-förändringar, där en förändring är att minska stressnivån. Behovet av komplementära behandlingar till den traditionella medicinska behandlingen ökar. Yoga kan användas som komplement till annan behandling. Syftet med studien var att beskriva yogans effekt på stress-relaterade symtom utifrån ett psykologiskt, fysiskt och psykosocialt perspektiv. Metoden som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie. Detta resulterade i 16 artiklar. Litteraturstudiens resultat delades in i tre olika huvudkategorier: Psykologiska effekter, fysiska effekter och psykosociala effekter. Dessa kategorier är förenade med det holistiska synsättet där både kropp och själ ska ses som en helhet. Resultatet visade att yoga har effekt på stressrelaterade symtom. De psykologiska effekterna av yoga innefattar depression, ångest, medvetenhet och självkänsla. De fysiska effekterna av yoga innefattar ryggsmärta, huvudvärk, kortisolnivåer och adrenalinnivåer. De psykosociala effekterna av yoga innefattar upplevd stress, sömnstörningar, humörsvängningar, ilska, trötthet och spänningar samt upplevd livskvalitet. Ytterligare forskning krävs för att få större evidens för yogans effekter på stressrelaterade symtom. / Stress is a growing problem in today's society. People who have a high level of stress may have stress-related symptoms such as depression, chronic pain disorders and sleep disorders. It is part of district nurses work to help people to undertake various types of lifestyle changes , where a change is to reduce the stress level . The need for complementary treatments to traditional medical treatment is increasing. Yoga can be used as a complement to other treatment. The aim of the study was to describe yoga's effect on stress - related symptoms from a psychological , physical and psychosocial perspective . The method used was a systematic literature review . This resulted in 16 articles . Literature results of the study were divided into three main categories : Psychological effects , physical effects and psychosocial effects . These categories are associated with the holistic approach where both body and soul to be seen as a whole. The results showed that yoga has an effect on stress-related symptoms. The psychological effects of yoga include depression , anxiety , awareness and self-esteem. The physical effects of yoga include back pain, headaches, cortisol levels and adrenaline levels. The psychosocial effects of yoga include perceived stress , sleep disturbances , mood swings, anger , fatigue and tension , and perceived quality of life. Further research is needed to get more evidence for yoga's effects on stress-related symptoms.

Distriktssköterskans preventiva arbete för unga kvinnor med stressrelaterade symtom / District Nurse’s preventive work for young women with stress-related symptoms

Klein, Linda, Lindström, Emma January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stressrelaterade symtomen har ökat i samhället och framförallt bland yngre kvinnor. Grundstenarna i distriktssköterskans arbete är att främja hälsa och förebygga sjukdom. Ett preventivt arbetssätt har visats ha god effekt på stress. Syftet: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur distriktssköterskan skattar förekomsten av unga kvinnor som söker med stressrelaterade symtom, samt synliggöra distriktssköterskans preventiva arbete. Metod: Studien utfördes som en kvantitativ enkätundersökning. 52 distriktssköterskor som arbetade på 12 vårdcentraler i Halmstad inkluderades i studien. Dataanalysen genomfördes med deskriptiv och analytisk statistik. Resultat: 90,0% av distriktssköterskorna mötte 1-4 unga kvinnor per vecka med oro och ångest. 80,6% mötte 1-4 kvinnor med trötthet och sömnproblem. Patienterna hänvisades främst till läkare, därefter kurator och psykolog. Endast två av de 32 deltagande skulle hänvisa kvinnorna till en distriktssköterska. Konklusion: Majoriteten av distriktssköterskorna mötte flera unga kvinnor med stressrelaterade symtom varje vecka. De preventiva åtgärderna skiljdes åt beroende på symtom. I studien framkommer distriktssköterskornas önskemål om riktlinjer och utbildning i ämnet unga kvinnor och stress, vilket kan leda till möjligheter att utveckla preventionsarbetet i primärvården. / Background: Stress-related symptoms have increased in the community, especially among young women. The basics in the district nurse’s profession are to promote health and prevent sickness. Preventive strategies have shown good effects on stress. Aim: The aim of the study was to examine how the district nurse estimates the occurrence of young women contacting them because of stress-related symptoms, and to visible the district nurse’s preventive work. Method: The study was conducted as a quantitative survey. 52 district nurses who worked in 12 medical-centers in Halmstad were included in the study. Data was analyzed with descriptive and analytic statistics. Results: 90,0% of the district nurses met 1-4 young women/week with anxiety. 80,6% met 1-4 young women/week with tiredness or sleeping disorder. The patients were primarily referred to physicians, counselors or psychologists. Only two of the 32 participating would refer women to a district nurse.Conclusion: The majority of the district nurse’s met many young women with stress-related symptoms every week. The preventive work differed depending on the symptoms. The study shows the district nurses requests of guidelines and education on young women and stress, which could contribute to possibilities to advance the work with prevention in medical-centers.

Upplevelser och effekter av fysisk aktivitet på stressrelaterad ohälsa : En litteraturstudie

Lökholm, Elin, Nilsson, Emilia January 1900 (has links)
Stressrelaterad ohälsa är ett vanligt och ständigt ökande problem i dagens västerländska samhälle. I många fall leder denna typ av ohälsa till sjukskrivningar och stora kostnader för samhället. Det är inte alltid möjligt att undvika eller påverka de stressorer människan exponeras för i arbetslivet och på fritiden, utan människor får istället hitta sätt att minska stresspåverkan på kroppen. Arbetet med, och förebyggandet av, stressrelaterad ohälsa är ett högst aktuellt ämne, och är en central del inom hållbar utveckling. Syftet med detta arbete är att sammanställa och presentera en översikt av befintlig forskning gällande upplevelsen av fysisk aktivitet och dess effekt på stressrelaterad ohälsa. Denna litteraturstudie är baserad på 15 empiriska studier, och innefattar både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier för ett bredare perspektiv. Resultatet bygger på två huvudteman; Relationen mellan fysisk aktivitet och stressrelaterad ohälsa samt hinder och möjligheter för fysisk aktivitet. Resultatet visar att fysisk aktivitet är en viktig faktor för att främja hälsa och förebygga ohälsa. Socioekonomisk status påverkar mängden fysisk aktivitet som utförs och hur stor stresspåverkan är på kroppen. Många upplever att en stor del av stressen är arbetsrelaterad, och att de då använder fysisk aktivitet för att hantera sin stress. Det är viktigt att individanpassa den aktivitet som utförs för att få ett mer positivt resultat. Genom att vårdpersonal får en fördjupad kunskap och förståelse inom området kan det underlätta arbetet kring att främja fysisk aktivitet hos människor och på så vis förebygga stress och ge ett ökat välbefinnande.

Stressrelaterad ohälsa och utmattningssyndrom i en storstadsregion : En tvärsnittsstudie / Stress Related Illness and Exhaustion Syndrome in a Conurbation : A Cross-sectional Study

Hjalmarsson, Lina, Högström, Kristina January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stressrelaterad ohälsa och utmattningssyndrom ökar i Sverige vilket leder till fler långtidssjukskrivningar. Detta innebär ett stort lidande för de drabbade och höga kostnader för samhället. Stress som kvarstår under längre tid påverkar kroppen negativt och leder till kognitiv utmattning, sömnproblematik, utbredd trötthet, somatiska besvär, irritabilitet och negativ affekt. Utsatta personer är även i riskgrupper för allvarliga somatiska sjukdomar. Syfte: Att beskriva förekomsten av stressrelaterad ohälsa och utmattningssyndrom i en storstads-region. Metod: Data samlades in genom ett tvärsnittsurval bland kvinnor och män i arbetsför ålder boende i en storstadsregion. Mätinstrumentet som användes var Karolinska Exhaustion Scale (KES) (26). Korrelationsanalyser gjordes för att sedan jämföras med en tidigare studie där patienter diagnostiserade med utmattningssyndrom ingick i urvalet. Resultat: Respondenterna uppgav att symtom på fatigue och sömnsvårigheter var mest utbredda följt av irritabilitet. Ingen signifikant skillnad påvisades mellan kvinnor och män, ensam- eller sammanboende i urvalsgruppen. Studien påvisar en statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan studiens urvalsgrupp och en patientgrupp från en tidigare studie. Detta indikerar sämre stressrelaterad hälsa bland patientgruppen. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar fatigue och sömnsvårigheter var mest förekommande av symtomen på stressrelaterad ohälsa i urvalsgruppen. Någon slutsats om skillnader mellan kön, ensamboende och sammanboende inom urvalsgruppen har inte kunnat konstateras. Stor signifikant skillnad kunde påvisas mellan urvalsgruppen och patientgruppen från en tidigare studie. Klinisk betydelse: Sammanställd data från studien kommer att användas för vidare forskning. / Background: Stress related illness and burnout are increasing which contributes to further long term sick leaves in Sweden. This causes great suffer for the individual and high expenses to the society. Being a subject to long term stress will have a negative impact on the body and may lead to cognitive exhaustion, disturbed sleep, excessive fatigue, somatic symptoms, irritability and negative affectivity. Exposed people are also at risk for other severe somatic illness. Aim: To describe the presence of stress related illness and burnout in a conurbation. Method: Data was gathered from cross-sectional samples consisting of women and men in a working age living in a conurbation. The study’s instrument was the Karolinska Exhaustion Scale (KES) (26). Correlation analyses were employed to compare with a sample from a previous study with patients diagnosed with burnout. Result: The findings show that individuals in the study had most difficulties with symptoms referring to fatigue and disturbed sleep, followed by irritability. No conclusion was made referring to differences between men and women or between those living alone and the cohabitants as no significant difference could be proven. There was a significant difference between the sample of the study and the sample from patients of the previous study. Conclusion: The findings of the study shows that of all the symptoms of stress related illness fatigue and disturbed sleep had the highest prevalence among the sample. Conclusions referring to differences between gender, individuals living alone and the cohabitants could not be proven. High significance level was found when comparing the sample of the study with a sample from a previous study with patients diagnosed with burnout. Clinical implication: Gathered data from the study will be used for further research. / <p>Röda Korsets sjuksköterskeförening stipendium 2014</p>

Positive effects of stressful life events psychological growth following divorce /

Graff-Reed, Robin L. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Miami University, Dept. of Psychology, 2004. / Title from second page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 68-74).

Betydelsen av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för personer med stressrelaterad ohälsa : En litteraturstudie / The meaning of occupational therapy interventions for people with stress-related ill-health : A literature review

Kuukasjärvi, Teresa January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med den här litteraturstudien var att beskriva samt belysa betydelsen av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för personer med stressrelaterad ohälsa. Datainsamling har genomförts i databaser baserade på hälsa, medicin samt arbetsterapi. Efter artikelsökning valdes nio artiklar ut för att ingå i den här studien, fyra kvantitativa, tre kvalitativa och två med mixad metod. Vid dataanalys användes den arbetsterapeutiska processmodellen Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model-[OTIPM] för att kategorisera de olika interventionerna enligt OTIPM:s praxismodeller modell för kompensation, modell för aktivitetsträning, modell för förbättrande av personliga faktorer och kroppsfunktioner samt pedagogisk modell. Resultatet visar på att de arbetsterapeutiska interventionerna hamnade under alla fyra praxismodeller. Modell för kompensation behandlar de arbetsterapeutiska interventionerna i form av anpassade aktiviteter i en anpassad miljö. Modell för aktivitetsträningen beskriver de specifika aktiviteterna som personerna utförde för ökad aktivitetsförmåga eller bibehållande av aktuell aktivitetsförmåga. Modell för förbättrande av personliga faktorer och kroppsfunktioner behandlar de arbetsterapeutiska interventionerna i form av avslappningsövningar. Den pedagogiska modellen ges i form av individuella samt gruppfokuserade interventioner. Sammanfattningsvis så visar studien på att personerna med stressrelaterad ohälsa fick en ökad förmåga för återgång till arbete eller studier. De upplevde även ökad hälsa och välmående genom de arbetsterapeutiska interventionerna. / The purpose of this literature study was to describe and highlight the importance of occupational therapy interventions for people with stress-related ill health. Data collection was conducted in databases based on health, medicine and occupational therapy. After article search, nine articles were selected in this study, four quantitative, three qualitative and two with mixed method. In data analysis, the occupational therapy model Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model- [OTIPM] was used to categorize the various intervention forms performed and the result is categorized according to OTIPM's practice models compensatory model, model for occupational skills training, model for enhancement of person factors and body functions and model for education and teaching. The result shows that the occupational therapy interventions ended up under all four practice models. The occupational therapy intervention under compensatory model were in form of customized activities in a custom environment and the model for skills training describes the specific activities that people performed for increased activity capacity or retention current activity capacity. Model for enhancement of person factors and body functions describes the intervention in form of relaxation exercises. The model for teaching and education was in form of individual and group-focused interventions. In summary, the study shows that people with stress-related ill health gained an increased ability to return to work or study. They also experienced increased health and well-being through the occupational therapy interventions.

The positive and negative impact of permanent night duty on officials in the Department of Correctional Services

Smit, Maria Elizabeth Catharina (Marietjie) January 2014 (has links)
The Department of Correctional Services is the South African Government Department that is responsible for the smooth running of the South African correctional system. Correctional facilities have to be staffed twenty four hours a day and therefore correctional officials have to work fixed or rotating shifts to ensure that the needs of offenders are taken care of. The number of staff members in many South African correctional centres is not sufficient to ensure proper care and management of offenders, but staff shortages during the night is even more chronic compared to staff shortages experienced during the day. It is vital that correctional officials be alert and vigilant at all times and therefore these staff shortages contribute to high levels of stress, lack of motivation and feelings of being overwhelmed by the work load. Shift work is a phenomenon that is increasing worldwide. It is important to understand the impact of work schedules as more people seem to be working shifts that do not conform to the standard work week. Shift workers seem very healthy when their illnesses are compared to that of the general public. Many health problems have been detected in shift workers, including stress related conditions, as any work schedule can act as a stressor if the needs of the individual worker are not taken into consideration. Sleeping patterns during the day differ from sleeping patterns at night. Shift work disrupts a person’s circadian rhythms and therefore contributes to poorer physical and psychological health. It further causes poorer productivity and increases the possibility of becoming involved in accidents. Working night duty is very stressful to the night shift worker who has to cope with challenges at work and at home. There is a variety of common stressors at work that affect shift workers physiologically (cardiovascular, stroke, digestive problems, back pain and arthritis, headaches, increased blood pressure and hormonal), psychologically (burnout, depression, anxiety, family problems, sleep problems and job dissatisfaction) and behaviouraly (absence, tardiness, substance abuse, accidents, sabotage / violence, poor decision making, poor job performance and a high personnel turnover). This study focused on understanding the positive and negative impact of working permanent night duty on correctional officials. The findings of this study will be helpful to correctional officials who work permanent night duty in addressing employee workplace support. / Dissertation (MSW (Health Care))--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lk2014 / Social Work and Criminology / MSW (Health Care) / Unrestricted

Effects of Chronic Social Defeat on Expression of Dopamine β-Hydroxylase in Rat Brains

Fan, Yan, Chen, Ping, Li, Ying, Zhu, Meng Yang 01 June 2013 (has links)
It is documented that stress activates the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system. However, there are far few reports regarding effects of stress on the expression of dopamine β-hydroxylase, a hallmark enzyme of the noradrenergic neuron. In the present study, adult Fischer 344 rats were subjected to chronic social defeat for 4 weeks. Dopamine β-hydroxylase expressional levels in the locus coeruleus and its terminal regions were measured by in situ hybridization and western blotting. The results showed that immediately following chronic social defeat there are significantly increased mRNA and protein levels of dopamine β-hydroxylase in the locus coeruleus, and dopamine β-hydroxylase protein levels in the hippocampus, frontal cortex and amygdala, compared with those in the control. This chronic social defeat-induced upregulation of dopamine β-hydroxylase was completely abolished by adrenalectomy, and/or by treatment with corticosteroid receptor antagonists, mifepristone and spironolactone, either alone or in combination. Furthermore, treatment with desipramine, an antidepressant with specific inhibitory effects on norepinephrine transport, prevented an increased dopamine β-hydroxylase expression by chronic social defeat in the locus coeruleus and its main terminal regions such as the hippocampus, frontal cortex and amygdala. However, treatment with fluoxetine, an antidepressant with specific inhibition for serotonin transport, only selectively blocked increased dopamine β-hydroxylase protein levels in the hippocampus caused by CSD. The present findings indicate that chronic social defeat activates the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system by upregulating the expression of dopamine β-hydroxylase, which may increase norepinephrine synthesis. This chronic social defeat induced upregulation of DBH expression was mediated through corticosterone and corticosteroid receptors, with possible interference from antidepressants.

Effects of Chronic Social Defeat on Expression of Dopamine β-Hydroxylase in Rat Brains

Fan, Yan, Chen, Ping, Li, Ying, Zhu, Meng Yang 01 June 2013 (has links)
It is documented that stress activates the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system. However, there are far few reports regarding effects of stress on the expression of dopamine β-hydroxylase, a hallmark enzyme of the noradrenergic neuron. In the present study, adult Fischer 344 rats were subjected to chronic social defeat for 4 weeks. Dopamine β-hydroxylase expressional levels in the locus coeruleus and its terminal regions were measured by in situ hybridization and western blotting. The results showed that immediately following chronic social defeat there are significantly increased mRNA and protein levels of dopamine β-hydroxylase in the locus coeruleus, and dopamine β-hydroxylase protein levels in the hippocampus, frontal cortex and amygdala, compared with those in the control. This chronic social defeat-induced upregulation of dopamine β-hydroxylase was completely abolished by adrenalectomy, and/or by treatment with corticosteroid receptor antagonists, mifepristone and spironolactone, either alone or in combination. Furthermore, treatment with desipramine, an antidepressant with specific inhibitory effects on norepinephrine transport, prevented an increased dopamine β-hydroxylase expression by chronic social defeat in the locus coeruleus and its main terminal regions such as the hippocampus, frontal cortex and amygdala. However, treatment with fluoxetine, an antidepressant with specific inhibition for serotonin transport, only selectively blocked increased dopamine β-hydroxylase protein levels in the hippocampus caused by CSD. The present findings indicate that chronic social defeat activates the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system by upregulating the expression of dopamine β-hydroxylase, which may increase norepinephrine synthesis. This chronic social defeat induced upregulation of DBH expression was mediated through corticosterone and corticosteroid receptors, with possible interference from antidepressants.

Coming-Out Growth: Conceptualizing and Measuring Stress-Related Growth Associated with Coming Out to Others as Gay or Lesbian

Vaughan, Michelle D., M.A. 02 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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