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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

No longer a myth: A study of the happy and healthy marriages of African American male professional athletes

Dees, J.E.M.E.G. Vann 01 May 2007 (has links)
The marriages of professional athletes have been examined for years, but the positive factors in those marriages have rarely been examined. This study focuses on the factors that contribute to the strength and happiness in the marriages of professional athletes. Five professional athletes and their wives were interviewed in effort to determine the factors that contributed to the strength of their marriages. Open communication, shared values, religion/faith, and trust were consistently found to be important components contributing to the strength of these marriages. This study adds to the limited literature available discussing the positive aspects of professional athlete marriagess / Master of Science

Moksleivių rengimo santuokai galimybės bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / The possibility of student‘s preparation for marriage in secondary school

Utkienė, Aurelija 09 February 2010 (has links)
Lietuvoje vis dažniau tenka išgirsti grėsmingai augančius skyrybų skaičius, taip pat drauge gyvenančių bet nesituokiančių porų skaičių, aktyvų paauglių lytinį gyvenimą bei kitas problemas. Galima daryti prielaidą, kad tokią situaciją lemia menka žmonių moralę, gausiai paplitęs laisvamaniškas požiūris. Problema: Rengimas santuokai ir dorovinis – moralinis ugdymas šeimose bei visuomenėje nepakankamas. Pagrindiniai šio ugdymo trūkumo požymiai gausios skyrybos, kohabitacinės poros, anksti pradedamas paauglių lytinis gyvenimas, jaunuolių nesugebėjimas sukurti tvirtos santuokos. Darbo objektas. Rengimo santuokai galimybės. Darbo tikslas. Atskleisti mokinių rengimo santuokai galimybes bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Apibūdinti santuokos sampratą; 2. Išgryninti rengimo santuokai principus; 3. Aprašyti šeimos ir mokyklos vaidmenį ruošiant jaunimą santuokai; 4. Atskleisti rengimo santuokai galimybes bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Tyrimo metodologija. Darbe remtasi krikščioniškąja antropologija, grindžiančia žmogaus kūniškojo ir dvasinio pradų nedalomumą, taip pat S. Šalkauskio lytinio ugdymo teorija. Tyrimo metodai: literatūros analizė; kokybinis (individualaus interviu) tyrimas, anketinė apklausa; turinio (content) analizės metodas. Svarbiausios išvados. 1. Santuokos svarbumą pripažįsta valstybė ir Bažnyčia. Santuoką gali sudaryti tik brandūs asmenys, nes santuoka visų pirma yra įsipareigojimas. 2. Rengimo santuokai principas – brandžios asmenybės ugdymas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The rising number of divorcing and not married couples, active sexual life of teenagers, is the problems that Lithuania faces nowadays. We can make an assumption that these problems occur from low moral virtues. Problem: the preparation for marriage and moral education is not sufficient. The main prove of this problem is increasing number of divorces, incapability to create a strong family. The object of the research: the possibility of preparation for marriage. The aim of the research: to reveal the possibility of students’ preparation for marriage in secondary school. The objectives of the research: 1. To define the conception of marriage; 2. To clear the principles of marriage preparation; 3. To describe the role of family and school preparing teenagers to marriage; 4.To reveal the possibility of students’ preparation for marriage in secondary school. The methodology of research: the research is based on Christian anthropology that confirms the indivisibility of human’s spiritual and carnal sides, also the theory of sex education of S. Šalkauskas. The methods of the research: the analysis of literature, individual interview, request and content analysis. Conclusions: 1. The importance of marriage is acknowledge the government and the church; Marriage can be held only between matured persons, because it is a commitment first. 2. The principle of preparing marriage is educating a matured personality. 3. The role of family and school preparing young people for marriage is... [to full text]

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